Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser experience."" "subject:"user experience.""
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A Systems Engineering Analysis of Opportunities for Pharmacists on Diabetes Care TeamsMichelle A Jahn (6485252) 15 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Diabetes is one of the most significant global healthcare challenges of the 21st century: it is estimated that one in three adults will have diabetes in the United States in the year 2050. As a result, healthcare organizations are integrating systemic changes to address the needs of expanding chronic care patient population, including shifting towards a patient-centered medical home philosophy and introducing new health information technology tools to help share the workload for diabetes care activities. Advanced educational opportunities, collaborative-practice agreements, and a shifting model towards community-based care clinics affords opportunities for pharmacy professionals to participate in a more central role on the diabetes care team.</p><p><br></p>
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<p>This dissertation work explores the intersection of diabetes care coordination and health information technology (IT), with a specific focus on the potential for pharmacist involvement on the diabetes care team. Studies I and II aimed to define the existing diabetes care team as a system, with identifying the specific roles, information flows, tasks, and temporal and geospatial attributes for providing effective care. Study I used a questionnaire and social network analysis tools to identify the key members of the diabetes care team. The results indicated that these team members were the primary care provider, endocrinologist, nurse, pharmacist, dietitian, and social worker. Study II used semi-structured interviews and team task analysis for thirty (N=30) diabetes care team member participants (N=5 for each category indicated in Study I). The results from Study II led to the creation of a new systems engineering analytical framework, titled Diabetes care Roles Information Flows and Team Coordination (DRIFT). This framework expanded existing chronic care and healthcare systems engineering frameworks through the inclusion of granularity, temporal, and sociotechnical factors in a three-dimensional systems model. Study II also provided confirmatory support for the inclusion of pharmacists for sharing more care coordination activities on diabetes care teams.</p>
<p>The results from studies I and II were synthesized to identify potential engineering health IT solutions to gaps in diabetes care activities. The results synthesis was the foundation of a new health IT system prototype, eVincio, developed by the author for this dissertation work. eVincio is comprised of a patient-facing mobile application and a provider-facing desktop software that worked together to help healthcare professionals visualize patient care activities via the DRIFT analytical framework. Study III was a formative usability assessment of the eVincio prototypes with six (N=6) pharmacist participants. Results revealed that eVincio could be very beneficial for helping healthcare professionals visualize patient care activities and identify gaps in care coordination, particularly for professionals who work as case managers, population health analysts, or have some aspect of quality monitoring in their role. As the eVincio system is still in a prototype stage of development, additional studies need to be conducted to determine system requirements for interoperability, evidence-based guidelines, and fulfilling end-user requirements.</p>
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L’expérience de l’eau à travers l’artefact urbain : le cas de MontréalCandau, Noëmie 12 1900 (has links)
Comme de nombreuses métropoles, la ville de Montréal affronte les défis du réchauffement climatique et de l’urbanisation croissante. Conséquemment, les vagues de chaleur s’intensifient au point de devenir un grave enjeu de santé publique, causant malaises et décès parmi les citadins. Les mesures actuelles de lutte aux ilots de chaleur comprennent l’introduction de végétaux et la diffusion de l’eau. Cette dernière revêt une importance particulière dans le contexte local : Montréal est une île étanche qui s’est progressivement privée de l’accès à ses cours d’eau, constituant pourtant un précieux patrimoine. La conception d’artefacts d’eau (fontaines, bassins, jeux d’eau) pourrait ainsi s’arrimer aux objectifs gouvernementaux d’adaptation aux changements climatiques et d’amélioration des environnements piétons. Cependant, les aménagements actuellement offerts ne semblent pas tous répondre aux besoins actuels des citadins, notamment en matière d’accessibilité et d’inclusion.
Le but de cette étude est d’adopter le regard du design industriel centré sur l’humain afin de comprendre comment les artefacts d’eau peuvent offrir des conditions d’expériences positives et inclusives en milieu urbain. Nous nous attacherons d’abord à définir notre vision du design et de l’expérience en adoptant une posture phénoménologique et constructiviste axée sur l’expérience esthétique et l’habitabilité. Nous analyserons notre sujet d’étude selon le concept de la ville à échelle humaine développé par l’architecte Jan Gehl et repris par la ville de Montréal. Ce corpus théorique nous permettra d’explorer les caractéristiques contextuelles, sociales et sensorielles propres aux artefacts d’eau urbains. Une revue de littérature nous permettra d’abord de comprendre comment l’évolution historique des fonctions et des usages liés aux artefacts d’eau influence aujourd’hui leur conception et leur niveau de popularité auprès des citadins.
Par la suite, nous observerons et comparerons deux aménagements récents afin d’extraire les qualités pouvant favoriser leur succès. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons les résultats des observations selon trois échelles : 1) l’environnement contextuel et socioculturel du quartier, 2) l’intégration au cadre bâti, et 3) les usagers et leurs interactions avec l’artefact d’eau. Nous souhaitons ainsi étudier l’expérience citadine de l’eau et démontrer la pertinence de l’approche design face aux enjeux de la ville moderne. Nous désirons ainsi informer et sensibiliser les différents acteurs impliqués dans la création d’aménagements aquatiques urbains et, de manière plus générale, contribuer au corpus éclairant l’apport du design à l’espace public. / Like other cities, Montreal is facing global warming and increasing urbanization. As a result, heat waves intensify to the point of becoming a serious public health issue causing discomfort and death among city dwellers. Current measures to mitigate heat islands include greening and spraying water. The latter is particularly critical in the local context: Montreal has become an impervious island gradually disconnecting from its rivers and streams, losing a valuable heritage. The design of water features—like fountains, ponds, water games—could follow policies aimed at adapting to climate change and improving pedestrian environments. However, currently offered water features do not all meet the needs of users, notably in terms of universal accessibility criteria.
This study will adopt a user-centred industrial design perspective to better understand how water features can foster positive and inclusive experiences among urban dwellers. We will set our ideas of design and experience by adopting a phenomenological and constructivist approach, using concepts of aesthetic experience and habitability. We will analyze our main subject according to the concept of the Human Scale City developed by architect Jan Gehl and adopted by the city of Montreal. This theoretical corpus will help us understand the contextual, social and sensory characteristics of urban water features.
First, a literature review will reveal how the historical evolution of functions and uses related to water features influences their design and popularity nowadays. Then, we will observe and compare two modern fountains to induce which qualities foster their success. In this aim, we will analyze the results of the observations on three scales: 1) the contextual and socio-cultural environment of the neighborhood, 2) the integration to the surrounding built environment, and 3) the users and their interactions with the water feature.
Our main goal is to study the urban experience of water and demonstrate the relevance of the design approach to tackle the modern city challenges. Thus, we hope to sensitize the various actors involved in the implementation of urban water features, and more broadly contribute to the corpus on the impact of the design on the public space.
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Rediseño de la interfaz gráfca del aplicativo Rutas cortas de la marca Y tú qué planes en mejora de la experiencia del usuario / Redesign of the Rutas cortas application of the brand Y tú qué planes to improve the user experienceMilla Aguirre, Francesca Gianella 01 August 2021 (has links)
La pandemia de la Covid-19 ha afectado a la economía del Perú durante el año 2020, siendo el sector turismo uno de ellos. Las entidades encargadas como MINCETUR y Prom Perú han elaborado un plan de acción dentro del cual se centran principalmente en la reactivación del turismo interno, mediante estrategias de campañas expuestas en medios de comunicación y las principales plataformas digitales de la marca Y tú qué planes. Luego de un análisis realizado a dichas plataformas, se identifcó que el aplicativo móvil Y tú qué planes - Rutas cortas, presenta defciencias a nivel de experiencia de usuario, además de carecer de recursos visuales que componen la identidad de la marca.
En este sentido el presente trabajo de investigación hace uso de la metodología del Diseño centrado en el usuario el cual se enfoca en identifcar las necesidades del público al que se dirige el producto, en este caso la app. Finalmente como solución a la problemática se planteó la reestructuración de la plataforma con el objetivo de optimizar y mejorar la interacción del usuario con la plataforma, entregándoles un producto confable y de calidad lo que ayudará a fortalecer su relación con la marca / The pandemic of Covid-19 has affected Peru’s economy during the year 2020, being the tourism sector one of them. The entities in charge such as MINCETUR and Prom Perú have developed an action plan within which they focus mainly on the reactivation of domestic tourism, through campaign strategies exposed in the media and the main digital platforms of the brand Y tú qué planes. After an analysis of these platforms, it was identifed that the mobile application Y tú qué planes - Rutas cortas, presents defciencies in terms of user experience, in addition to lacking visual resources that make up the brand identity.
In this sense, this research work makes use of the user-centered design methodology, which focuses on identifying the needs of the target audience of the product, in this case the app. Finally, as a solution to the problem, the restructuring of the platform was proposed in order to optimize and improve user interaction with the platform, providing them with a reliable and quality product that will help strengthen their relationship with the brand. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Hur vår sinnesstämningen påverkas av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap : En konceptdriven undersökning av hur en användarupplevelse skulle kunna designas för att öka kontakten med vår nära omgivning / How our senses and mood are affected by an augmented soundscape : A concept driven study of how a user experience could be designed to enhance our engagement with our everyday surroundingsNyström, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Nyfikenhet och känsla av att kontakt med vår omgivning är viktigt för vårt välbefinnande. Däremot bidrar kombinationen av att vara hemmablind och mobiltelefonens tjuvande av vår uppmärksamhet till att vi distanserar än mer från den. Genom att engagera människor genom ljud för att rikta vår uppmärksamhet mot omgivningen och bort från mobiltelefonen kan man väcka nyfikenheten till liv, och på så sätt få ökad kontakt med omgivningen. En konceptdriven designstudie ligger till grund för ett designkoncept som den här kandidatuppsatsen presenterar. Syftet är att studien skall skall bidra med insikter och lärdomar för framtida forskning inom området. Arbetet undersöker hur användarupplevelsen av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap potentiellt kan designas för att människor ska få ökad kontakt med sin omgivning. I en empiriskt studie får deltagarna jämföra hur deras sinnesstämning påverkas av ett förstärkt ljudlandskap med det naturliga ljudlandskapet i en, för dem, känd miljö. Resultatet visar att det går att påverka användarens sinnesstämning, men att det råder delade meningar om den ger ökad kontakt med omgivningen. Slutsatsen blir att; sinnesstämningen påverkas olika, vilket kan bero på vilka personliga preferenser användaren redan har med sig. / Curiosity and a sense of connection with our everyday environment is important for our well-being. However, the combination of not being able to appreciate what is close to us and smartphones stealing our attention just makes a larger gap between us and everyday environments. By engaging people through sound to direct our focus towards our surroundings and away from the smartphone, you can bring your curiosity to life, and in that way get an enhanced connection to the everyday environment. This paper presents a design concept based on a study made with a Concept-Driven Design method. The purpose of the suggested design concept is that the insights and knowledge that is drawn from it can be used to help future research within the field. This paper examines how a user experience of an augmented soundscape could be designed for people to enhance their connection to their surroundings. In an empirical study, participants get to compare how their mood is affected by a natural soundscape compared to an augmented soundscape in an everyday environment. The result shows that all of the participants' mood was affected by the soundscape, however when it comes to enhanced connection to their surroundings only 40% of the participants said it did. A conclusion was made that the mood is affected differently depending on personal preferences and previous experience.
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Användarens attityd i förhållande till onlineshopping tjänster : Vilka aspekter är viktiga för användaren hos en onlineshopping tjänst? / The users’ attitude towards online shopping services.Ågren, Daniel, Bengtsson, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Vid användning av en onlineshopping tjänst finns det många aspekter av tjänsten som har en påverkan på användarens attityder i förhållande till tjänsten. Men vilka aspekter är det som har störst påverkan för användarens attityd? Handlar det om att följa designregler? Att det ska vara lätt att använda? Eller att slutprodukten är exakt det som användaren vill ha? I nuläget finns det flera olika teoretiska områden som hanterar hur en användares attityd påverkas. Alla dessa olika områden har många olika aspekter och många olika idéer om vad som är viktigt men vad anser egentligen användarna? I denna studie är målet att kartlägga vilka aspekter som av användarna uppfattas ha störst betydelse för deras attityd i förhållande till online shopping tjänster. Detta kommer att göras genom litteratursökning samt en kvantitativ undersökning. Empiriinsamlingen för undersökningen sker i form av en enkät som skickas ut till flertalet respondenter via olika kommunikationskanaler så som Facebook och Discord i förhoppningar om att kunna avspegla Sveriges befolkning så väl som möjligt. Undersökningens fokus ligger på onlineshopping hemsidor och applikationer då detta är en växande industri och med åren 2020 och 2021 och deras svårigheter med hela världens befolkning i karantän på grund av den rådande pandemin, så har online shopping ökat avsevärt under denna tid. Detta innebär att företag behöver bli mer konkurrenskraftiga för att bibehålla kunder. Något som har potentialen att bibehålla kunder är då att se till så att onlineshopping tjänsterna bidrar till en positiv attityd hos sina användare. I slutet på denna rapport kommer de aspekt som har funnits vara mest attitydpåverkande att tas upp och även exemplifieras i hur det är möjligt att applicera dem. / When using an online shopping service there are a lot of aspects that can affect the attitude of the user towards the service. A service might have a great design, look very appealing and follow all the design rules which makes the users attitude more positive towards the service, but the system might be hard to use and extremely complicated which makes the users attitude more negative. How can you find out what aspects affect the users’ attitude the most? Is it only the design and the interaction with the system? Does the end product also affect the perception of the system as a whole? Is it possible that the users’ attitude towards the system also can affect their attitude towards the end product? This study aims to see what different aspects affect the users’ attitude towards an online shopping service the most. Because of the year 2020 and 2021 and their hardships, the entire world has been in quarantine because of the global pandemic. This has increased the amount of online shopping and if companies want to stay competitive they have to adjust. And what better ways to adjust than to try and make the users attitude towards their online services more positive? The way this study collects empirical data is through a google forms survey that is sent out through multiple media channels such as Facebook and Discord with hopes to try to emulate the population of Sweden as closely as possible. At the end of this paper the aspects that have been shown to be most important for the users' attitudes towards online shopping services are shown and exemplified in what they mean and how to apply them to an online shopping service.
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Využití UX principů ve městě: Případová studie UX a UI při nákupu jízdného na MHD / UX Principles and the City: Case Study of UX and UI in Public Transit Fare TransactionsZdeňková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The text of the thesis deals with the purchase of public transport fares in terms of user- friendliness and usability. The aim is to map the area of fare purchase theoretically and practically, including the user perspective. The theoretical ground is the concepts of User Experience, User Interface, Human-computer Interaction, smart city, the theory of the city as an interface. Important parts are also the theoretical aspects of the User Experience in the city environment. Literature review of current research in public transport ticketing systems with user-friendliness perspective presents current topics in the field of public transport ticketing. The practical part of the thesis describes the public transport ticketing systems in Prague and Copenhagen in detail, their possibilities, rules, and specifics. Primary research in the form of semi-structured interviews provides insight into the User Experience and reveals the perceived advantages and disadvantages of local systems.
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Elektronický nástroj pro správu inovativních studijních materiálů / Electronic Tool for Managing Innovative Study MaterialsHlipala, Ľuboš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a mobile application that provides the users with structured, well-arranged and at the same time effective platform to share, present and practice the knowledge of various kinds. The work analyzes several existing applications and systems for education and sharing information and describes different approaches of mobile app development with the focus on multiplatformity. The main part of the work describes the gradual development of the application and documents the created format for the presentation and sharing of study materials, with the possibility of practical practice of the acquired knowledge. The result of this diploma thesis is a mobile application, which is available on the Google Play Store.
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E-lärande för kompetensutveckling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om psykologers ochpsykoterapeuters upplevelser kring e-lärandeFredriksson, Charlie January 2021 (has links)
Background/objective: Many studies report positivelearning results for e-learning for skill development in anumber of different settings, whereas one of these settings isin the work with mental health. However, mental healthissues are a globally increasing problem, not least in Sweden,and the need for effective and easily accessible skilldevelopment alternatives is therefore very high. This studytherefore aims to examine and deliver an insight into theuser experience of e-learning for skill development forpsychologists and psychotherapists.Method: A qualitative approach has been adopted wheresemi structured interviews with three psychologists and onepsychotherapist make up the empirical material. Theempirical material is analyzed through a developed modelbased on previous literature in the field.Results/analysis: The user experience for e-learning for skilldevelopment is generally positive. E-learning is perceived aseasily accessible, globalizing and the environmentallyfriendly option for skill development. Limitations are in theform of lacking learning dynamics, pedagogy and quality incomparison to traditional learning. E-learning, however,makes for a very good complement to traditional learning.Conclusions: E-learning is a valued learning method and isperceived to facilitate and help psychologists andpsychotherapists in their professions. However, successfactors such as cost-effectiveness, availability, interactivity,environmentally friendly and facilitating doesn’t compensatefor limitations in the form of lacking learning dynamics.Therefore, e-learning is best used as a complement totraditional learning rather than an independent learningmethod. / Bakgrund/syfte: Flertalet studier visar på positiva lärresultatför e-lärande för kompetensutveckling inom flera olikakontexter, varpå en av dessa kontexter är i arbetet medmental ohälsa. Mentala ohälsan ökar dock världen över, inteminst i Sverige, och behovet av effektiva och lättillgängligakompetensutvecklingsalternativ är därför större ännågonsin. Denna studie ämnar därmed undersöka och bidramed en inblick i hur användningsupplevelsen av e-lärandeför kompetensutveckling ser ut hos psykologer ochpsykoterapeuter.Metod: Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har anammats därsemistrukturerade intervjuer med tre psykologer och enpsykoterapeut utgör det empiriska materialet. Det empiriska materialet analyseras utifrån en framtagen analysmodellbaserad på tidigare litteratur på området.Resultat/analys: Användningsupplevelsen för e-lärande förkompetensutveckling är överlag positiv. E-lärande upplevssom bland annat lättillgängligt, globaliserande och ettmiljövänligt alternativ för kompetensutveckling.Begränsningar upplevs i form av bland annat bristandelärandedynamik, pedagogik och kvalitét i jämförelse medtraditionellt lärande. E-lärande utgör dock ett väldigt brakomplement till traditionellt lärande.Slutsatser: E-lärande är ett uppskattat lärandesätt somupplevs underlätta och hjälpa psykologer ochpsykoterapeuter i deras yrken. Framgångsfaktorer somkostnadseffektivt, tillgängliggörande, interaktivt,miljövänligt och underlättande väger dock inte upp förbegränsningar i form av bristande lärandedynamik. Därförgör sig e-lärande bäst som ett komplement till traditionelltlärande snarare än ett fristående lärandesätt.
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Digital Brand Identity Design from a User Experience PerspectiveHarwood, Isaiah 01 December 2021 (has links)
As a graphic designer and as a creative in general, my interest has always been in the conceptualization and execution of brand identities. I am most comfortable as a designer when I am working in the realm of art direction, and most of my design heroes and inspirations are legendary art directors and designers like Paula Scher, Paul Rand, and Michael Bierut. Logo and wordmark design in particular are among my favorite aspects of design, and finding ways to creatively apply these foundational aspects of a brand to each stage of the user experience is exciting to me. The stages of the user experience which I designed and art directed for my honors thesis included a logo symbol, a wordmark, a set of packaging designs, a storefront, a landing page, and an engaging ad campaign. Designing a brand identity across digital and physical mediums while maintaining a high level of cohesion and story is a rigorous process, and my progress was far from linear. The most important thing I learned was to trust the process; wherever it took me. I am excited to bring what I’ve come to realize during the execution of this project to the industry and to help brands, big and small, design for the digital age across every level of their user experience.
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Designing an Interactive Micro-Learning Application : A New Way to Learn ThermographyNilsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Micro-learning is a concept of small units of focused and condensed learning activities that can be performed on various devices. Micro-learning has turned out to be an effective approach to strengthen the long-term memory. This master’s thesis project explores the concept of micro-learning, how thermography can be taught using micro-learning, and how a micro-learning application can be designed to encourage learning of thermography. This project was done in collaboration with FLIR Systems AB that wants to develop their current training offer and investigate micro-learning as an alternative. The goal of this master’s thesis project was to design and test an interactive prototype of a micro-learning application to learn thermography. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to define the target group for the application, and the prototype was tested and evaluated by test participants from the target group. The user testing and evaluation showed that all test participants would use a micro-learning application for learning thermography if it was available on the market. Three out of four test participants would feel more motivated to learn thermography using a micro-learning application compared with other ways of learning. / Mikroinlärning är ett koncept bestående av små delar av fokuserade och komprimerade lärandeaktiviteter som kan utföras på olika enheter. Mikroinlärning har visats sig vara ett effektivt sätt för att stärka långtidsminnet. Detta examensarbete utforskar mikroinlärning som koncept, hur termografi kan läras ut med hjälp av mikroinlärning samt hur en mikroinlärningsapplikation kan designas för att främja lärandet av termografi. Detta projekt genomfördes i samarbete med FLIR Systems AB som vill utveckla deras nuvarande utbildningserbjudande och undersöka mikroinlärning som ett alternativ. Målet med detta examensarbete var att designa och testa en interaktiv prototyp av en mikroinlärningsapplikation för att lära sig termografi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes för att definiera målgruppen för applikationen och prototypen testades och utvärderades av testpersoner från målgruppen. Användartestet och utvärderingen visade att alla testdeltagare skulle använda en mikroinlärningsapplikation för att lära sig termografi om det fanns tillgängligt på marknaden. Tre av fyra testdeltagare skulle känna sig mer motiverade att lära sig termografi med hjälp av en mikroinlärningsapplikation jämfört med andra sätt att lära sig.
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