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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvyšování obchodní výkonnosti webu / Increasing business performance of website

Knopp, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the improving of website business performance through the optimization with a focus on user experience. Its concern is not how to accumulate more traffic to the website but rather how to motivate website users, persuade and help them achieve desired goals. The aim is to introduce the concept of User Experience (UX) and Conversion Optimization (CRO). Further on, to suggest a general process of the website optimization focused on user experience and to apply this procedure in a case study. The contribution of this thesis is to link the UX/CRO concepts that provide users with a positive brand experience and allow organizations a sustainable competitive advantage, differentiation and higher marketing ROI.

Designing a Shared Listening Experience for an Audiobook Streaming Service : A UX and UI Project

Eriksson, Mikaela, Reponen, Vilma January 2021 (has links)
This study, done in collaboration with Storytel, aimed to investigate whether a shared audiobook live listening experience would add value to users of the Storytel app and how such a feature could be designed in terms of User Experience and User Interface. The purpose was to determine the minimal viable product (MVP) and if live listening with others is interesting in itself or else, what is the most basic interaction type required in connection to the listening. The aim was also to design the optimal solution, beyond technical, time and/or prioritization constraints. The method used was a combination of the IDEO design process with three phases (Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation), and Holtzblatt and Beyer’s (2016) five steps of Contextual Design (Gathering User Data, Compiling User Data, Ideation with User Data, Defining the Product and Making it Real). To investigate user opinions and requirements, surveys were sent out to Storytel users and authors on the four markets Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and India, resulting in a total of 448 responses. Based on this data, an extensive design work in three phases was carried out to achieve the result of a final design prototype of a live listening feature inside the Storytel app. In order to validate the design choices continuously in each phase, 15 user tests were achieved, whereof 4 initial tests, 10 interactive user tests and 1 focus group interview. The results show that there is certainly an interest for such a feature among some users, and the interest is bigger if an author participates. In general, users on the Indian market are more interested in the feature than users on the European markets. Authors are more interested than the average user in live listening and interacting with its listeners. An important finding was that the feature must include an element of interaction to make it relevant and interesting to users, which is why a prototype including emoji reactions was proposed as an MVP. In this version, the possibility to discuss is linked to an outsourced forum such as Google Meet. For the optimal design, a chat was included inside the application as this was concluded highly desired by users.

El rol del user experience en la búsqueda del usuario dentro de una plataforma web para la efectividad del fin comercial de una pieza publicitaria / The role of the user experience in the user's search in a web platform for the effectiveness of the commercial purpose of the advertising (ad online)

Quintana Zaconetta, Nidia del Carmen 09 January 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo centra su estudio en la importancia del user experience, para el fin comercial que tiene la publicidad dentro de las plataformas web. De tal manera se evaluará la relevancia que el user experience debe tener para que el usuario acepte la venta o de la misma manera sea persuadido por el mensaje publicitario de la web. En otras palabras, demostrar cómo es que gracias al user experience un usuario puede completar una compra dentro de una web. Esto será analizado en base al caso “BCP”, y se usará su página principal viabcp.com, donde aparece publicidad de sus productos que pueden ser adquiridos en la misma página. Se plantea realizar una prueba de usuario, con un mínimo de 5 participantes y máximo de 8, que contenga tareas específicas, con una puntuación definida para cada resultado, con la finalidad de conocer cómo es que ellos interactúan con la plataforma web y si la publicidad está cumpliendo su fin comercial o no, acompañado de una guía de preguntas para obtener respuestas más detalladas. / This study focus on the importance of the UX, user experience, for the commercial purpose that advertisement has in the web. That will be the main reason to evaluate the relevance the UX must have so the user finish the purchase or is persuaded by the advertisement on the web. In other simple words, to show how is that thanks to the UX an user can make a purchase in the web. This will be studied with the case “BCP”, more exactly with the web “viabcp.com”, where the advertisement of the products can be purchased on the web. The objective is to make an user test, where the user has specifics tasks to complete, in order to know how is that the user interact with the web, and if the advertisement is achieving it´s commercial purpose or not, also with a question list to obtain por details of their answers. / Trabajo de investigación

User Interface Design for Promoting Wellness : An Application User Interface with a Focus on Usability and Encouragement of Physical Activity

Nyman, Ida, Norén, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Good health amongst employees is essential for an organization, and it is well known that exercise and daily movement have an enormous impact on our health. Physical activity can decrease sick leave and give the employees more energy for their work. At CGI in Karlstad, they have developed an exercise logger called CGIMoving to encourage an active lifestyle in the workplace. In this application, the logged exercises generate points that later are converted to different prizes depending on the amount of activity the user has logged. The vision is to extend the use of this application to more offices in the organization and sell it to other companies.  In this master thesis project, the current user interface of CGIMoving was examined and redesigned. The aim was to create a user-friendly interface and explore new features that can increase participation in wellness activities. The work was done during the fall term of 2020 within the degree of Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology.  The project was performed based on a design thinking process divided into three main phases; understand, explore, and materialize. These phases included methods such as user interviews, prototyping, and usability testing. The focus in this process was to understand user needs to improve the user experience of the application. Therefore, users were involved in multiple stages of the design process - from start to finish. In addition to this, relevant theories such as UX- and UI-design, visual design, information architecture, nudging and motivation were researched through a literature review.  This project resulted in a new user interface for the CGIMoving application compatible with computer- and smartphone screens. The redesign includes features for interaction between users, the possibility to set goals and see progress. Moreover, the redesigned user interface has an engaging visual design, and contains more feedback to the user than before. The changes in the design were made to create an improved user experience based on research and user testing and thereby increase the use. / En god hälsa bland anställda är avgörande för en organisation, och det är välkänt att motion och daglig rörelse har en enorm inverkan på vår hälsa. Fysisk aktivitet kan minska sjukfrånvaron och ge de anställda mer energi till sitt arbete. På CGI i Karlstad har de utvecklat en träningsloggare som heter CGIMoving för att uppmuntra till en aktiv livsstil på arbetsplatsen. I den här applikationen genererar de loggade övningarna poäng som senare omvandlas till olika priser beroende på hur mycket aktivitet användaren har loggat. Visionen är att utvidga användningen av denna applikation till fler kontor i organisationen och sälja den till andra företag.  I detta examensarbete undersöktes och omformades det nuvarande användargränssnittet för CGIMoving. Målet var att skapa ett användarvänligt gränssnitt och utforska nya funktioner som kan öka deltagandet i hälsoaktiviteter. Arbetet utfördes under höstterminen år 2020 på civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Design vid Luleå tekniska universitet.  Projektet genomfördes baserat på en Design thinking process uppdelad i tre huvudfaser; förstå, utforska och materialisera. Dessa faser inkluderade metoder som användarintervjuer, prototyper och användbarhetstestning. Fokus i denna process var att förstå användarnas behov för att förbättra användarupplevelsen av applikationen. Därför var användarna involverade i flera steg i designprocessen - från början till slut. Utöver detta, relevanta teorier som UX- och UI-design, visuell design, informationsarkitektur, nudging och motivation undersöktes genom en litteraturstudie.  Detta projekt resulterade i ett nytt användargränssnitt för CGIMoving som är kompatibel med dator- och smarttelefonskärmar. Omformningen innehåller funktioner för interaktion mellan användare, möjligheten att sätta mål och se framsteg. Dessutom har det omdesignade användargränssnittet en engagerande visuell design och innehåller mer feedback till användaren än tidigare. Ändringarna i designen gjordes för att skapa en förbättrad användarupplevelse baserad på forskning och användartester och därmed öka användningen.

Augmented Reality als intuitive Benutzungsschnittstelle für das Roboterprogrammieren

Horn, Carolin, Schreiber, Christoph-Philipp 06 September 2021 (has links)
Das Programmieren der Bewegungsbahnen von Robotern erfordert Fachwissen und ist ein zeitintensiver und aufwendiger Prozess. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Einsatz von Augmented Reality (AR) in Form eines AR Head Mounted Display (HMD) als intuitives Schnittstelle (engl. Interface) für die Roboterprogrammierung. Zunächst wird ein Überblick über aktuelle und relevante Forschung im Bereich AR Anwendungen in der Robotik gegeben. Aktuelle Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet widmet sich vorrangig der technischen Umsetzung einzelner Funktionalitäten. In diesem Beitrag aus der Praxis sollen die technischen Möglichkeiten den Problematiken potenzieller Anwender:innen angepasst werden. Der Fokus liegt damit auf dem Mehrwert für spezifische Nutzergruppen und der einfachen und intuitiven Bedienung des AR Interfaces selbst. Zunächst wird, einem nutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsprozess folgend, erhoben, welchen Herausforderungen Expert:innen und Laien bei der Roboterprogrammierung begegnen. Auf dieser Basis werden Anforderungen abgeleitet und ein erlebbarer Prototyp entwickelt und gestaltet, der eine weitere Untersuchungen ermöglicht. Ein geplantes Untersuchungskonzept hinsichtlich Aspekten der User Experience (UX) wird im Ausblick beleuchtet.

Äldre vuxnas användarupplevelse från WAI-AGE riktlinjer för navigation / Older adults user experience from WAI-AGE guidelines for navigation

Friman, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Äldre vuxna tillhör en målgrupp som har en bred inomgruppsvariation som framställs från en negativ stereotyp; en målgrupp i behov av hjälp. Samhället har förutfattade meningar att äldre vuxna är “resistenta” till teknologi med anledning av deras åldersrelaterade funktionsvariationer inom kognition och motorik. Detta resulterar till att de exkluderas från framtagning av ny teknologi. Att sträva efter tillgänglig design blir mer vanligt samtidigt som praktiker anser att tillgänglig design bidrar till tråkig och ointressant design, samt en begränsning i deras kreativitet. EU införde ett webbtillgänglighetsdirektiv som följer World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) etablerade designriktlinjer för tillgänglighet, mer känt som WCAG. Web Accessibility Initiative “WAI” plockade ut riktlinjer från WCAG som bidrar till bättre webbdesign för äldre; WAI-AGE. Fyra designriktlinjer för navigation valdes ut från WAI-AGE för att implementeras inom en prototyp som ska testas på äldre vuxna i ett användarupplevelsetest på distans med anledning av COVID-19. Inför testet sattes fem användarupplevelse- och användbarhetsmål för att bedöma upplevelsen från WAI-AGE riktlinjer. För studien rekryterades fyra testdeltagare i åldrarna 60-65 år. Deltagarna fick genomföra två scenarier och besvara tre enkäter. Studien tillämpade metodtriangulering för att stärka upp datainsamlingen med hjälp av tänka högt-metoden och observation. Data insamlad från testet genomgick en deduktiv analys som granskades från ett holistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet påvisade att WAI-AGE riktlinjer för navigation främjar en positiv användarupplevelse med majoriteten av satta mål uppnådda. Då rekryterade deltagare var snarlika varandra inom behov och vanor finns det fortfarande utrymme att testa på äldre vuxna från 65 år och uppåt. Detta examensarbete strävar efter att uppmärksamma äldre vuxnas behov att inkluderas vid framtagning av ny teknik. / Older adults belong to a target group that has a broad intra-group variation that is presented from a negative stereotype; a target group in need of help. Society has preconceived notions that older adults are "resistant" to technology due to their age-related declines in cognition and motor skills. This results in them being excluded from the development of new technology. Striving for accessible design is becoming more common at the same time as practitioners believe that accessibility contributes to boring and uninteresting design, as well as a limitation in their creativity. The EU introduced a Web Accessibility Directive that follows the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) established design guidelines for accessibility, better known as WCAG. Web Accessibility Initiative “WAI” picked out guidelines from WCAG that are said to contribute to better design for older adults; WAI-AGE. Four design guidelines for navigation were selected from WAI-AGE to be implemented within a prototype to be tested on older adults in a remote user experience test due to COVID-19. Prior to the test, five user experience goals were set to be able to assess whether WAI-AGE guidelines work. For the study, four test participants aged 60-65 years were recruited. The participants had to complete two scenarios and answer three questionnaires. The study applied method triangulation to enhance data collection using the think aloud-method and observation. Data collected from the test underwent a deductive analysis that was examined from a holistic perspective. The results showed that WAI-AGE guidelines for navigation promote a positive user experience with a majority of goals achieved. As the participants had similar needs, there is still room to test on older adults aged 65 and up. This thesis strives to draw attention to the need for older adults to be included in the development of new technology.

Optimización de la experiencia de usuario en las plataformas digitalesdel SIS para afiliados de 18 a 29 años / Optimization of the user experience on digital platforms of the SISfor affiliates from 18 to 29 years old

Yactayo Rodriguez, Josselyn Patricia 10 August 2021 (has links)
En el marco de la pandemia el Sistema Integral de Salud (SIS) ha implementado canalesdigitales de atención y consulta para informar acerca del aseguramiento universal de salud.En este sentido, se analiza la experiencia de usuario y usabilidad de las dos plataformasdigitales: consulta en línea y afiliación virtual; debido a que son las principales fuentes deinformación para los afiliados. Tras analizar las plataformas con los usuarios, se identificaron deficiencias de usabilidad dela plataforma “consulta en línea”. Los encuestados califican como mala experiencia de uso, debido a que no satisfacen sus necesidad de información y el diseño web no hace sencilla la búsqueda. Así mismo, no les transmite confianza e impacta en la sensación de satisfacción del servicio de salud final.Es pertinente proponer alternativas de solución desde el diseño gráfico, puesto que debereestructurarse la arquitectura de información y optimizar el diseño de las interfaces paraasegurar una buena experiencia de uso a los afiliados.Luego de evaluar el perfil de usuario y contexto de uso, se desarrolla como solución, el diseño web responsive de la plataforma “Consulta en línea”. Además, se aplica la metodología del Diseño centrado en el usuario (DCU) para identificar las necesidades de información yexpectativas de los usuarios.Finalmente, se realizaron testeos de la propuesta y se identificó que los principales logrosdel proyecto fue reducir el tiempo de búsqueda, simplificar el flujo de interacción y contribuira la percepción de confianza hacia el servicio del SIS. / In the framework of the pandemic, the Sistema Integral de Salud (SIS) has implemented digital channels of attention and consultation to inform about universal health insurance. In this sense, it analyzes the user experience and usability of the two digital platforms: online consultation and virtual affiliation; because they are the main sources of information for affiliates.After analyzing the platforms with the users, usability deficiencies of the “online consultation” platform were identified. Respondents like a bad user experience, because they do not satisfy their need for information and the web design does not make the search easy. Likewise, it does not convey confidence and impacts on the feeling of satisfaction of the final health service.It is pertinent to propose alternative solutions from graphic design, since it must restructurethe information architecture and optimize the design of the interfaces to ensure a good user experience for the affiliates.After evaluating the user profile and context of use, the responsive web design of the “Online Consultation” platform is developed as a solution. In addition, the User Centered Design(UCD) methodology is applied to identify the information needs and expectations of users.Finally, tests of the proposal were carried out and it was identified that the main achievements of the project were to reduce the search time, simplify the flow of interaction and contributeto the perception of trust towards the SIS service. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Estrategiade comunicación visual para optimizar la experiencia de los visitantes al Parque Zonal Cahuide / Visual communication strategy to optimize the experience of visitors at the Parque Zonal Cahuide

Cervera Loncán , Andrea Isabel 13 August 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación se realizó en el Parque Zonal Cahuide en el distrito de Ate Vitarte, con el apoyo del administrador quien manifestó que la señalética con laque cuenta el parque actualmente no se encuentraen una ubicación adecuada e incluso en ciertas áreas del parque no existe señalización alguna por no contar con presupuesto asignado por SERPAR ni por la Municipalidad de Lima, todo debe de salir de los propios recursos económicos que genera el parque a razón del cobro para el ingreso de los usuarios, alquiler de los campos deportivos, entre otros ingresos que se generan.El diseño gráfico permite aplicar todos los conocimientos en el campo dela comunicación visual transmitiendo la información a través de imágenes o símbolos.Esta propuesta gráfica consiste en la realización de una aplicación de realidad virtual colocado en la web de SERPAR que mediante el recorrido de tomas fotográficas el usuario conozca los distintos atractivos con los que cuenta el parque y persuadir a más usuarios a visitarlo, de tal manera cuando las personas acudan de manera presencial no llegue a perderse ni desorientarse. A través de la página web de SERPAR en la sección noticias se publicará un post para generar mayor difusión y concurrencia, por ende, mayores ingresos para el mantenimiento colocación o reubicación de la señalética.Concluyendo que esta aplicación tiene viabilidad para ser aplicada en un futuro. / This investigation was carried out in the “Parque Zonal Cahuide”, located in the district of Ate Vitarte. With the support of the administration, who stated that the signage that the park currently has, is not in a suitable location, and even it doesn’t exist in certain areas. This happens for nothaving a budget assigned by SERPAR or the Municipality of Lima. Everything must come from the own economic resources, usually generated by the entrance ticket that user of the park must pay, the rent of the sports fields, among other incomes.Graphic design allows to apply all the knowledge in the field of visual communication, transmitting information through images or symbols.This graphic proposal consists of the realization of a virtual reality application placed on the SERPAR website that, through the tour of photographic shots, the users will know the many attractions that the park has and persuades more new users to visit it. In such a way, when people attend in person the won’t get lost or disoriented.Through the SERPAR website, in the news section, a post will be published to generate greater dissemination and attendance, therefore, higher income for the maintenance, placement or relocation of the signage.Concluding that this application is viable to be applied in the future. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil para la gestión de información de la Asociación de Cerveceros Caseros del Perú (ACECAS) / Development of a mobile application for information management of the Association of Homebrewers of Peru (ACECAS)

Heredia Sánchez, Magaly Isabel 09 July 2021 (has links)
En la presente investigación se pretende conocer a la Asociación de Cerveceros Caseros del Perú (ACECAS), analizar la situación actual que viven a partir de la pandemia y descubrir el problema de comunicación visual que ha hecho que no fortalezcan s u visión d e llevar l a cultura cervecera a una comunidad de interesados e n el r ubro de l a cerveza a rtesanal. Asimismo, se p ropone una solución basado en el campo del diseño gráfico, creando un aplicativo móvil que será como herramienta informativa para los miembros activos, nuevos y aficionados con e l propósito d e darles mayor a lcance y accesibilidad a l a información. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta gráfica, fue de gran importancia conocer el contexto y el usuario de ACECAS, mediante entrevistas y testeos. Así como los conocimientos aprendidos a l os l argo d e la carrera universitaria y experiencia laboral. / This research a ims to get t o know t he A ssociation of H omebrewers o f Peru (ACECAS), analyze the current situation they live from the pandemic and discover the visual communication problem that has made them not strengthen their vision of bringing culture brewery to a community interested in the craft beer business. Likewise, a solution based on the field of graphic design is proposed, creating a mobile application that will serve as an informative tool for active members, new and fans w ith the purpose o f giving t hem g reater scope and accessibility to t he information. For t he development o f this g raphic proposal, it w as o f great importance to know the context and the user of ACECAS, through interviews and tests. As well as the knowledge learned throughout the university career and work experience. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

House Configurator Interface : User Experience Design for the Interface of a House Configurator

Troive, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Building a house is a demanding process with a lot to learn, and many expensive decisions that have to be made. One of them is to choose which house to buy and what it should look like. Many house companies offer via the website a house configurator where the house buyer can test different combinations of choices and see what it would look like. Neava Studios is a company that offers such a tool, Design Studio, which they sell to house companies. The unique thing about this house configurator is that instead of showing fixed example views for each configurable part of the house, it presents photorealistic 360-degree renderings from several different positions in the house. When the house configurator Design Studio is sold to a house company, it is presented through a demo version of the product. The user interface that belongs to the demo was created temporarily and needs to be redesigned with a focus on the end-user experience. In this master thesis, the aim has been to create a better experience for house buyers in the situation of building a house. With the goal of developing a concept for a user interface that is visualized and tested through an interactive prototype. The work has followed an iterative user-centered Design thinking process with five different phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. In the first phase, empathy was created with house buyers through interviews and surveys and by analysing that information. In the second phase, the primary needs were defined to be used as a basis in the third phase, where ideas for solutions were developed. Two prototypes were created and tested to result in a winning concept that was improved and visualized in an interactive prototype. The final result is a standard user interface for the demo version of Design Studio where the house buyers’ experience has been in focus. This has been done by working with the house buyers’ needs combined with research on user experience and user interface, among other things. The features in the product are combined and clustered to a few, placed in intuitive locations, resulting in an intuitive layout where the user has a good overview. The same applies with the menu that is given a large space for the user to have an overview of the choices, without taking up too much space on the screen. The explorer mode is integrated into the configurating mode for the user to access it, creating control and freedom while making choices. The price is extended to present the price for every room, giving the user more control to stick to their budget. / Att bygga hus är en krävande process med mycket att sätta sig in i, och många och dyra beslut som måste tas. Ett av dem är att välja vilket hus man ska köpa och hur det ska se ut. Många husföretag erbjuder via hemsidan en huskonfigurator där husköparen kan testa olika kombinationer av val och se hur det skulle se ut. Neava Studios är ett företag som erbjuder ett sådant verktyg, Design Studio, som de säljer till husföretag. Det unika med den här huskonfiguratorn är att den i stället för att visa fasta exempelvyer för varje konfigurerbar del av huset, presenterar fotorealistiska 360-gradersrendreringar från flera olika positioner i huset. När huskonfiguratorn Design Studio säljs till ett husföretag presenteras den genom en demoversion av produkten. Användargränssnittet som hör till demon skapades provisoriskt och behöver designas om med fokus på slutanvändarens upplevelse.  I det här examensarbetet har syftet varit att skapa en bättre upplevelse för husköparna i situationen av att bygga hus. Med målet att ta fram ett koncept för ett användargränssnitt som visualiseras och testas genom en interaktiv prototyp. Arbetet har följt en iterativ användarcentrerad Design thinking-process med fem olika faser: empatisera, definiera, idégenerera, prototypa och testa. I den första fasen skapades empati med husköpare genom intervjuer och enkät och genom att analysera den informationen. I den andra fasen togs de primära behoven fram för att användas som grund i tredje fasen där idéer på lösningar togs fram. Två prototyper skapades och testades för att till slut resultera i ett vinnande koncept som förbättrades och visualiserades i en interaktiv prototyp. Det slutliga resultatet är ett standardanvändargränssnitt för demoversionen av Design Studio där husköparnas upplevelse har varit i fokus. Det har gjorts genom att utgå från husköparnas behov och forskning inom bland annat användarupplevelse och användargränssnitt. Funktionerna i produkten har kombinerats och grupperas till ett fåtal, placeras på intuitiva platser, vilket resulterar i en intuitiv layout där användaren har en bra överblick. Detsamma gäller menyn som ger ett stort utrymme för användaren att ha en översikt över valen, utan att ta upp för mycket utrymme på skärmen. Utforskarläget är integrerat i konfigureringsläget för användaren att få åtkomst till det, vilket skapar kontroll och frihet samtidigt som man gör val. Priset utökas för att presentera priset för varje rum, vilket ger användaren mer kontroll för att hålla sig till sin budget.

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