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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employer branding - What´s in it for me? : En studie om meningsfullhet på arbetsplatsen och hur organisationer kan attrahera Generation Y

Molin, Lucas, Lundell, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Today's labor market is experiencing a rapid change within the workforce. A new generation, generation Y, is entering the workforce and thus comes the slow and steady exit of generation X. The results lead to new preferences and values within work as generation Y brings new characteristics within the work environment. The present situation causes a problem for organizations, as well as for employees, because of the differences that develop, and organizations need to react to the transforming workforce. This study will chart and explain generation Y to give answers as to what preferences the generation possesses and what they seek within the workplace. This charting process is executed with the help of a global survey that was conducted by Universum in 2014 along with former theories within scientific areas. Moreover, to understand how organizations can react, we have contacted top workers within the Universum organization to help us understand the fundamentals of how organizations can counter this new generation. Results of the analysis and findings show us that generation Y is a cohort like no other before - looking for work within flexible environments, motivation from their superiors and the true meaning within work. Also, the study explains how organizations today need to tackle this emerging generation from a more datadriven method to truly understand the generation completely. Furthermore, how organizations also need to work with the term purpose and align it with the organization and potential future employee´s purpose. / Employer branding (EB) innebär att företag applicerar marknadsföringstekniker inom rekryteringsprocessen för att attrahera nuvarande och potentiella medarbetare. Företagets employer brand förmedlas genom deras employer value proposition (EVP), det centrala verktyget inom EB. Företagets EVP erbjuder organisationer en chans att differentiera sig från andra företag genom att ta fram unika attribut, det vill säga utmärkande egenskaper hos organisationen. I dagens läge ser vi hur en ny generation, generation Y, träder in på arbetsmarknaden. Detta för med sig en förändring i hur organisationer bör tänka kring sitt employer brand eftersom generation Y besitter nya förväntningar på företag och arbetsplatser. Generation Y skiljer sig åt från tidigare generationer. De har en annorlunda syn på work-life balance, möjligheter till att snabbt avancera inom karriären samt meningsfullhet. Uppsatsen har i syfte att kartlägga hur generationens preferenser ser ut inom arbetsmarknaden samt hur organisationer i sin tur kan bemöta generation Y vid användandet av sin EB. För att kunna svara på problemformuleringen använder sig studien av semistrukturerade intervjuer som berör ämnet EB och ställer frågor kring hur generation Y skiljer sig från generationer i vad de vill ha och hur organisationer kan arbeta för att bemöta dem. Studien använder sig av intervjuer och sekundärdata i form av en undersökning som metod. Studien besvarar frågor och myter kring generation Y och kommer även med tips kring hur organisationer kan bemöta denna generation. Studien landar i slutsatsen att generation Y söker efter snabba framsteg inom karriären, mentorskap, work-life balance och meningsfullhet inom arbetet. Paradoxalt nog vill generation Y arbeta hårt för att avancera inom karriären men samtidigt erhålla work-life balance, något som är utmärkande för denna heterogena generation. Studien har funnit att organisationer inte kan forma sin EB mot generation Y utifrån trender eller generalisering av generationen. Ett mer datadrivet sätt att arbeta för att förstå sin målgrupp är att rekommendera. Vidare är det viktigt för organisationer att arbeta med begreppet purpose, både sitt eget och sina framtida anställdas. Detta innebär att organisationen tydliggör vad dem själva anser är meningsfullt och försöker finna individer som ligger i linje med vad som är framtaget. Avslutningsvis är det även viktigt för organisationer att tänka på trovärdighet inom sitt employer brand och se över vilka attribut som de redan har. Attribut som anses självklara kring företaget bör inte tas med i företagets EVP.Företag bör istället fokusera på attribut som väcker meningsfullhet hos generation Y och som anses attraherande för företagets önskade målgrupp. Emellertid måste attributen som finns med i företagets EVP anses som sanna och trovärdiga av målgruppen.

Relevanta attraktiva karaktärsdrag hos en arbetsgivare i en svensk kontext utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvantitativ och delvis kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie / Relevant attractive characteristics of an employer in a Swedish context from an employee perspective : A quantitative and partly qualitative cross-sectional study

Essén, Jennifer, Gustavsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Ett företagsekonomiskt problem är att kompetenta medarbetare är en begränsad tillgång som organisationer måste konkurrera om. Employer Brandings trestegsprocess och framförallt det första steget i processen, så kallat “Employee Value Proposition”, kan hjälpa organisationer att skapa ett arbetsgivarvarumärke med attraktiva karaktärsdrag som medarbetare attraheras av. Studiens fenomendrivna forskningsgap är att beskriva vilka attraktiva karaktärsdrag som är relevanta i en svensk kontext utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. Studien grundade den empiriska insamlingen på teoretiska beskrivningar av tre karaktärsdrag: ansvarstagande, inkluderande samt anpassningsbar och lyhörd. En till största del kvantitativ enkät med tre kvalitativa inslag i form av fritextfrågor användes. Empirin tolkades med en tematisk analys och de på förhand bestämda teman var studiens teoretiska karaktärsdrag. Resultatet blev att karaktärsdragen hade en relevans men att det fanns skillnader mellan den teoretiska och empiriska beskrivningen. Tre nya empiriska beskrivningar utvecklades som är överensstämmande med de nuvarande och potentiella medarbetarnas bild av en attraktiv arbetsgivare i en svensk kontext. / A business administration problem is that qualified employees is a limited asset that organizations must compete for. Employer Branding's three-step process and, above all, the first step in the process "Employee Value Proposition" can help organizations to create an employer brand with attractive characteristics that employees are attracted to. The study's phenomenal driven research gap is to describe which attractive characteristics are relevant in a Swedish context from an employee perspective. The study based the empirical collection on theoretical descriptions of three characteristics: 1) accountability, 2) inclusion and 3) adaptability and responsive. A largely quantitative survey with three qualitative elements in the form of free text questions was used. The data was interpreted with a thematic analysis and the themes where the theoretical characteristics of the study. The result was that the characteristics had a relevance but that there were differences between the theoretical and the empirical descriptions. Three new empirical descriptions were developed that are consistent with the current and potential employees' image of an attractive employer in a Swedish context.

Grönt värdeskapande : En kvalitativ studie om att skapa och förmedla gröna värden inom e-handeln

Broström, Viktor, Martinez, Elena January 2021 (has links)
The impending climate crisis has raised expectations of companies green marketing, at the same time the digital development and the corona pandemic have shifted consumers buying behavior more towards companies’ e-commerce platforms. The underlying problem behind the study is that companies need to create green value that is perceived as real by their consumers and does not generate a negative effect or is misinterpreted for greenwash. Thus, it is important for companies to create real green value ​​for their consumers via their e-commerce platform that in the long run will contribute to profitability, competitiveness and a more environmentally friendly planet. The purpose of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how companies in the Swedish retail business can create and convey green value ​​for consumers via their e-commerce platform. The study uses a qualitative multi-case study where data is collected through interviews from five Swedish retail companies. The empirical data was analyzed through a theoretical framework based on the theories of Customer Value Proposition (CVP) and E-commerce Marketing Mix. The study finds that green value ​​should be combined with other more basic values ​​that are crucial for a purchasing decision, where the green value is then perceived as more real. It could also be stated that green value creation differs between companies because it is based on their customer group and the product categories they offer. Thereby, companies start from the consumer's subjective perception in order to understand how they should act in their value creation. Regarding the conveying of green value, it could be stated that companies' messages are perceived as more credible if they are transparent in their communication. Finally, the study presents three elements that companies should consider in their green value creation; (1) that green value ​​can become more autonomous and offer a direct effect that fills the consumer’s needs, (2) to educate and inform consumers to influence their subjective perception of the green value ​​and, (3) to be transparent to show how green value is created as well as what needs to be improved, thereby reducing greenwash.

Customer involvement in the creation of a value proposition for a start-up / Kundinvolvering vid skapandet av ett värdeerbjudande för ett nystartat företag

Smith Jonasson, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Background                   The single most important thing for a start-up is to define how they will satisfy their customers’ needs, as it is the key to survival. This can be done by creating a value proposition that presents the benefits of the product and/or service being sold.  Customer involvement have been proven to contribute to both higher customer satisfaction and productivity. It can also make value propositions more accurate and make a start-up gain new customers. A successful value proposition often leads to a higher perceived value for customers, making them willing to pay a higher price.  Despite the benefits, start-ups rarely involve their customers in the creation of value propositions, and there is little research on how this affects the value propositions. Therefore, these research questions were formulated:      Research questions         RQ1: How does customer involvement influence customer value propositions?  RQ2: How can customer involvement be facilitated for start-ups in the creation of value propositions?      Method                           The study consisted of a literature review and a case study. In the literature review, success factors were investigated for value propositions and customer involvement along with answers to how customer involvement could be facilitated for start-ups. The case study was performed at a start-up company in the EdTech sector where a value proposition created solely by the case company (without customer involvement) was compared to a new value proposition with customer involvement, created in this study. Both were placed in the framework of the value proposition canvas. The value proposition with customer involvement was based on ten interviews with both customers and potential customers in the customer segment.       Findings                         The findings show that the value proposition with customer involvement was broader, more extensive and included more important customer needs. There is also a low risk of missing latent needs.  To facilitate customer involvement for start-ups, the findings suggest that the customer involvement must cost little time and money. Social media can be used as a platform for gaining generic information about customers while a few deep relationships with customers can generate deeper understandings about customer needs. Findings also suggest that a third party can generate objective information about key customers with low time and money costs. / Bakgrund                       Det viktigaste för ett nystartat företag är att definiera hur de ska tillgodose sina kunders behov eftersom det är nyckeln till överlevnad. Detta kan göras genom att skapa ett värdeerbjudande som presenterar fördelarna med den produkt och/eller tjänst som säljs.  Kundinvolvering har visat sig bidra till både högre kundnöjdhet och högre produktivitet. Det kan även göra värdeerbjudanden mer exakta samt genererar nya kunder till nystartade företag. Ett framgångsrikt värdeerbjudande leder ofta i sin tur till ett högre upplevt värde för kunderna vilket gör dem villiga att betala ett högre pris.   Trots fördelarna involverar sällan nystartade företag sina kunder vid skapandet av värdeerbjudanden, och det finns bristfällig forskning på hur detta påverkar värdeerbjudandena. Därför formulerades dessa forskningsfrågor:       Forskningsfrågor           FF1: Hur påverkar kundinvolvering värdeerbjudanden? FF2: Hur kan kundinvolvering underlättas för nystartade företag vid skapandet av värdeerbjudanden?      Metod                             I studien utfördes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie. I litteraturstudien undersöktes framgångsfaktorer för värdeerbjudanden och kundinvolvering samt svar på hur kundinvolvering kan underlättas för nystartade företag.  Fallstudien utfördes på ett nystartat företag inom EdTech-sektorn där ett värdeerbjudande som skapats enbart av företaget (utan kundinvolvering) jämfördes med ett nytt värdeerbjudande som skapats under fallstudien, med kundinvolvering. Båda placerades i en värdeerbjudande-canvas. Det kundinvolverade värdeerbjudandet baserades på tio intervjuer med kunder och potentiella kunder i målgruppen.       Resultat                         Resultatet visar att det kundinvolverade värdeerbjudandet var bredare, mer omfattande och inkluderade fler viktiga kundbehov. Dessutom så är risken för att missa latenta behov låg. För att underlätta kundinvolvering i nystartade företag tyder resultaten på att kundinvolveringen inte får kosta mycket tid och pengar. Sociala medier kan användas som en plattform för att utvinna generisk och bred information om kunder medan några få djupa relationer med kunder kan generera djupare förståelser kring kundens behov. Resultaten tyder också på att en tredje part kan genera objektiv information om nyckelkunder på ett tids och kostnadseffektivt sätt.

Meet the needs of tomorrow's employees : How potential employees perceive the Swedish banking industry / Möt kraven från morgondagens anställda

Danielsson, Isabelle, Hellqvist, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
The banking industry is experiencing a transformation where traditional actors are being challenged by newcomers with digital and innovative solutions. This transformation is affecting both customers, employees as well as potential employees. Therefore, banks have to focus on and innovate the employee experience to stay competitive on the employer market. This study intends to deepen the understanding of how students as potential employees perceive the Swedish banking industry and the attractiveness of different employers within it. The analysis is built on previous research within employer branding, employer value propositions, and transformations such as innovation and digitalization. A quantitative research method was used and a survey was conducted in order to collect data from the sample group, consisting of students in the last year at universities in Sweden heading for the working market. The main result of this study shows that potential employees prefer two value propositions when considering a future workplace. The first one is development value, which relates to the possibility to advance and grow professionally, and the second one is interest value, which relates to having interesting and challenging tasks. It also indicates that digital banks, compared to traditional banks, are more associated with these top two ranked value propositions, which entails that they communicate a more attractive employer brand towards potential employees. Conclusively, this research demonstrates that there is a significant difference between how traditional banks and digital banks employer brands are perceived by potential employees. This is important knowledge for the different actors within the banking industry to both possess as well as take into consideration. / Bankindustrin genomgår en förändring där traditionella aktörer utmanas av nya bolag med digitala och innovativa lösningar. Transformationen påverkar både bankernas kunder och anställda. Därför måste banker fokusera på och innovera de anställdas upplevelse för att fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftiga på arbetsmarknaden. Den här studien ämnar fördjupa förståelsen för hur studenter som potentiella anställda uppfattar den svenska bankindustrin och hur attraktiva de uppfattar dess aktörer som arbetsgivare. Uppsatsen bygger på tidigare forskning inom employer branding, employer value proposition och transformation så som innovation och digitalisering. En kvantitativ metod användes för att genomföra studien och en enkät togs fram för att samla in data från urvalet. Det huvudsakliga resultatet från studien visar att potentiella anställda värderar det som kallas development value, som är kopplat till möjligheten att avancera och utvecklas professionellt, och interest value, som är kopplat till att ha intressanta och utmanande arbetsuppgifter, högst. Studien visar även på att digitala banker associeras med dessa value propositions i högre grad än vad traditionella banker gör. Detta tyder på att digitala banker kommunicerar ett mer attraktivt employer brand till potentiella anställda. Avslutningsvis, visar denna studien att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan hur traditionella och digitala bankers employer brand uppfattas av potentiella anställda. Vilket är en viktig lärdom för olika aktörer i banksektorn att både få kunskap om och förhålla sig till.

Evaluating value differentiation in the South African polymer market / Joao Gabriel Fernandes Neri

Neri, Joao Gabriel Fernandes January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value differentiation in the polymer industry in South Africa by rating the polymer customers’ experience in this regard. This study is important in the light of increasing polymer competition worldwide. No records of similar studies in this industry in South Africa have been found. As such this study could make a contribution that could spur polymer manufacturers and suppliers in improving their competitive advantage by offering value-added services to enhance the customer experience and, as a result increase customer satisfaction levels. The type of research conducted was a descriptive research applying the quantitative research methodology. The non-probability quota sampling method was employed. The study population consisted of a select group of customers from a South African polymer manufacturer and supplier. A questionnaire was e-mailed to the select group of polymer customers, many of whom purchase polymer locally and abroad. A response rate of 74% was obtained from a sample of 68 customers approached. The survey results show statistically that a positive satisfaction level was attained, but also highlighted some areas where certain value drivers such as company image, supply and distribution, and information lack attention. Polymer suppliers could gain the competitive advantage by focusing on the drivers that many customers value to ensure that customer satisfaction levels are sustained or improved on. More importantly, polymer suppliers should focus on the low scoring satisfaction levels recorded from the survey, from which they could build by enhancing the total value proposition. Limitations of the study were identified. Recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evaluating value differentiation in the South African polymer market / Joao Gabriel Fernandes Neri

Neri, Joao Gabriel Fernandes January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value differentiation in the polymer industry in South Africa by rating the polymer customers’ experience in this regard. This study is important in the light of increasing polymer competition worldwide. No records of similar studies in this industry in South Africa have been found. As such this study could make a contribution that could spur polymer manufacturers and suppliers in improving their competitive advantage by offering value-added services to enhance the customer experience and, as a result increase customer satisfaction levels. The type of research conducted was a descriptive research applying the quantitative research methodology. The non-probability quota sampling method was employed. The study population consisted of a select group of customers from a South African polymer manufacturer and supplier. A questionnaire was e-mailed to the select group of polymer customers, many of whom purchase polymer locally and abroad. A response rate of 74% was obtained from a sample of 68 customers approached. The survey results show statistically that a positive satisfaction level was attained, but also highlighted some areas where certain value drivers such as company image, supply and distribution, and information lack attention. Polymer suppliers could gain the competitive advantage by focusing on the drivers that many customers value to ensure that customer satisfaction levels are sustained or improved on. More importantly, polymer suppliers should focus on the low scoring satisfaction levels recorded from the survey, from which they could build by enhancing the total value proposition. Limitations of the study were identified. Recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Employer Branding - "Kriget om talangerna" : En studie om ett IT-konsultföretags Employer Brand gentemot dess rekryteringsmålgrupp

Norrmyr, Paula, Björk, Melanie January 2016 (has links)
The internal marketing concept speciefies that an organization's employees is its first market. The demands on companies to meet employee needs increases with the skills and knowledge employees possess, which acts as a competitive advantage. The internal marketing terms "Employer Branding" and "Employer Attractiveness" are still considered to be underdeveloped. Employer Branding refers to the process of marketing that companies use to target desired employees and retain current employees. To find and attract the right work force effectively, companies are required to have a strong Employer Brand. The IT consulting industry shows that job seekers have more power than employers, which creates a intense competition for labor. The aim of this study is to examine how employees at an IT consulting firm perceive the organization's Employer Brand along with what the company's recruitment target market is seeking in a potential employer. Based on a theoretical model; Employer Brand Predictive Model and with the help of two empirical studies, research can demonstrate whether or not the IT consulting firm’s existing Employer Brand is considered to be compatible against recruitment target market’s conditions. The study shows empirical indications that the IT consulting firm’s lacks external brand awareness and absence of a clear strategic aim for selecting the appropriate recruitment target market. / Det interna marknadsföringskonceptet anger att en organisations anställda är deras första marknad. Kraven på företag att uppfylla anställdas behov ökar i och med den kompetens och kunskap de besitter vilket utgör en konkurrensfördel. Inom intern marknadsföring är begreppen ”Employer Branding" och "arbetsgivarens attraktionskraft" fortfarande underutvecklade. Employer Branding hänvisar till den process av marknadsföring som företag använder sig av för att attrahera en önskad målgrupp och behålla personal. För att hitta och attrahera rätt personal krävs det att företagen har ett starkt Employer Brand. IT-konsultbranschen visar på att arbetssökande har mer makt än arbetsgivare, vilket skapar en tydlig konkurrens om arbetskraft. Denna studie undersöker hur medarbetarna på ett IT-konsultföretag uppfattar organisationens Employer Brand samt vad företagets rekryteringsmålgrupp söker hos en potentiell arbetsgivare. Utifrån en teoretisk modell; Employer Brand Predictive Model och med hjälp av två empiriska undersökningar kan studien påvisa om IT-konsultföretagets existerande Employer Brand anses vara homogen gentemot rekryteringsmålgruppens villkor. Studien visar empiriska bevis på IT-konsultföretagets brist av extern varumärkeskännedom samt avsaknad av en tydlig strategisk avgränsning för val av rekryteringsmålgrupp.

How relationship marketing tactics affect customer satisfaction : Evidence of supermarket industry

Huang, Weiyang, Zhu, Hongyu, Pan, Yuxin January 2017 (has links)
Within the competitive marketing environment, companies are faced with many challenges to stay competitive. Companies are consistently trying to establish the longterm relationship with customers by satisfying them as much as possible. Since relationship marketing has highly-discussed concerns building the long-term relationship and improve customer satisfaction, the study aims to describe how different relationship marketing tactics affect customer satisfaction. According to previous scholars, four different major relationship marketing tactics were selected to investigate and described in the study, which are the quality of service, price perception, brand perception and value proposition. The authors developed a theoretical framework by reviewing previous works of literature to see how companies use relationship marketing tactics as a business strategy to develop customer satisfaction. The method of quantitative research was applied to this study and a online questionnaire was used to collect data. In results chapter, the authors tested descriptive analysis, reliability, validity, regression analysis by analyzing the empirical findings. There are three hypotheses accepted and one rejected. In the end of this paper, the authors analyzed and described the data in detail and revealed the effect of each relationship marketing tactics on customer satisfaction. Limitation of this study and further research are also presented.

平台企業價值主張管理機制探討:以IPXI及臺灣新大陸咖啡館媒合平台為例 / A Case Study on the Value Propositions of Platform Business

林冠儀 Unknown Date (has links)
面對日益競爭的產業環境,企業一般容易落入提供自身認為最佳商品的思考窠臼中,事實上面對市場的檢驗除了須對於自身能力及優勢有一定的掌握外,所提供的服務及商品是否真能協助顧客解決問題、提升獲益將是關鍵,而價值主張便是企業確認與顧客需求一致的核心要素。 另外,隨著科技汰換演化,經營模式也隨之持續推陳出新,而若論二十世紀以來最為企業所熟知並採用者非平台模式莫屬。透過不同的使用者於平台上活動,以迅速、廣泛地資訊交換傳遞為特色,並媒介各方使用者所擁有的資源,企業除了免除負擔提供商品服務的任務,更能藉由網路病毒式的傳播短期內快速吸引顧客加入,故成為許多企業思考轉型時使用的經營模式。 綜上,平台策略並非保證成功的萬靈丹,當企業紛紛轉為平台經營的同時對自身核心的價值主張,即其對顧客的承諾事項、所凸顯企業與眾不同之處的掌握度如何?便是本文的研究重點。本文將以來自不同產業別的平台企業為研究對象,進行經營模式及價值主張內涵等兩部分的檢視,並將分析的結果與該個案後續經營的階段性成果進行對比。

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