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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Från vrak till världsklass" : En studie om Vasamuseets marknadsföring

Beijerstam, Emma, Sköldefalk, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Sverige har ett stort utbud av besöksmål och kan erbjuda människor många och varierande upplevelser. Det medför att en hård konkurrens förekommer på marknaden om att locka besökare. En attraktion måste därför kunna erbjuda något unik som lockar till intresse och skapar en medvetenhet hos den potentiella besökaren. För att få en kund att besöka en specifik attraktion krävs även att kunden får ett värde vid besöket som resulterar i en minnesvärd upplevelse. Marknadsföring är ett viktigt verktyg för att på ett effektivt sätt kunna kommunicera det unika med en attraktion till den tänkta besökaren. Vasamuseet är ett unikt besöksmål som erhåller regalskeppet Vasa som deras primära sevärdhet. Museet har över en miljon besökare varje år och är ett av Sveriges attraktivaste besöksmål. Syftet med denna studie är att klargöra och diskutera hur Vasamuseets marknadsföring organiseras med tanke på deras unika attraktion. Uppsatsen riktar sig främst till potentiella besökare men likväl till människor som tidigare besökt Vasamuseet. Detta för att skapa en förståelse och förhoppningsvis ett intresse kring hur museets marknadsföring organiseras för att kunna nå ut till omvärlden som de i högsta grad är en del av. Uppsatsen utgick från en induktiv ansats med kvalitativa djupintervjuer. De respondenter som är förekommande i studien innefattar fem anställda på Vasamuseet som besitter betydande kunskap för vårt forskningsämne. Uppsatsens slutsats visar på att personlig försäljning är ett väl användbart marknadsföringsverktyg för Vasamuseet att nå ut till sina besökare. Personlig försäljning lämpar sig bäst då museet främst marknadsför sig genom workshops utomlands i och med att deras primära marknader finns utanför Sveriges gränser.

Functional studies of the RNA helicases Vasa and Tdrd9 in the piRNA pathway / Analyses fonctionnelles de les ARN hélicases Vasa et TDRD9 dans la voie des piRNA

Spinelli, Pietro 01 December 2015 (has links)
Les protéines Piwi sont exprimées dans les gonades (testicules et ovaires) des animaux où elles s'associent à des petits ARN nommés piRNAs (Piwi-interaction RNAs) et répriment les éléments transposables, défendant ainsi de l'intégrité du génome. En effet, les animaux knock-out pour les protéines Piwi montrent une perte de piRNAs et une activation des éléments transposables avec des conséquences catastrophiques: l'arrêt du développement des cellules germinales, due potentiellement à des dommages du génome qui entraîne l'infertilité. Le « Silencing » est réalisé soit par l'activité endonucléase guidée par les piRNAs de la protéine Piwi cytosolique ou par le recrutement de la machinerie de répression transcriptionelle sur les loci génomiques des cibles par Piwi nucléaire. La biogenèse des piRNAs peut être divisée en deux voies, une primaire et une secondaire. De longs ARN précurseurs simple-brin sont transformés en piRNAs matures de 25-30 nt qui sont chargés dans les protéines Piwi. Une fois chargée avec le piRNA, Piwi se lie aux transcrits de transposons ayant la séquence complémentaire et les clive en générant deux ARN, dont l'un peut être chargé dans une nouvelle protéine Piwi, produisant un piRNA secondaire. Des études génétiques ont identifié plusieurs facteurs protéiques essentiels à ce processus. Certain de ces facteurs sont des hélicases à ARN dont le rôle spécifique reste inconnu, principalement parce que ce sont des enzymes dynamiques et l'identification de leurs cibles et leurs partenaires protéiques avec des approches biochimiques standards est difficile.Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous décrivons comment l'introduction d'une mutation ponctuelle dans la boîte DEAD de l'hélicase à ARN Vasa (DEAD à DQAD) peut bloquer son activité in vivo et figer le complexe transitoire de biogenèse qui contient VASA et les deux protéines Piwi responsables de la biogenèse secondaire.La résolution de la structure de VASADQ en complexe avec l'ATP ou l'AMPPNP a révélé les détails moléculaires de cette inhibition et a expliqué le phénotype observé in vivo. VASADQ a un taux d'hydrolyse de l'ATP réduit, car après hydrolyse, le phosphate libre est bloqué à l'intérieur du site actif en raison d'une liaison hydrogène supplémentaire formée avec la Gln mutée. La réduction de l'hydrolyse de l'ATP se traduit par une faible liaison à l'ARN mesurée par des expériences biophysiques. L'introduction de la même mutation chez l'homologue murin de VASA (MVH) produit un phénotype de dominant négatif où MVHDQ est agglutinée sur le complexe RNP contenant les protéines Piwi et les piRNAs.Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons introduit la même mutation dans TDRD9, une autre hélicase à ARN impliquée dans la voie des piRNAs mais dont la fonction est inconnue. Nous avons d'abord exprimé, purifié TDRD9 et montré que la mutation dans son domaine hélicase DEVH à DQVH abolit complètement son activité ATPase sans impacter sur sa stabilité. Par la suite, nous avons généré une souris Knock-in et analysé son phénotype. Les souris Knock-in mâles sont stériles et présentent un blocage au début de la spermatogenèse qui est probablement une conséquence des dommages de l'ADN générés par l'activation des éléments transposables. Ces éléments, comme Line-1, présentent un défaut de méthylation à leur loci génomiques, mais qui ne semble pas être contrôlé par la voie piRNA dans le mutant, étant donné que les protéines Piwis sont correctement chargées avec les piRNAs dérivés de Line-1.Dans l'ensemble, nous avons étudié le rôle moléculaire de deux hélicases à ARN dans la voie des piRNAs, nous avons élucidé le rôle de VASA et nous montrons que l'activité ATPase de TDRD9 est essentielle pour la régulation des transposons au cours de la spermatogenèse de la souris. / PIWI proteins are expressed in the gonads (testis and ovary) of animals where they associate with PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and silence transposable elements, defending the integrity of the genome. Indeed, animal knock-outs of Piwi proteins display a loss of piRNAs and activation of transposon sequences with catastrophic consequences: block in germ cell development potentially due to genome damage, resulting in infertility. Silencing is achieved either by piRNA-guided endonuclease activity of cytosolic Piwi protein or by recruitment of transcriptional repression machinery on target genomic loci by nuclear Piwi. Biogenesis of piRNAs can be divided in primary and secondary pathway. Primary pathway describes how long single-stranded RNA precursors are processed into mature 25-30 nt piRNAs and loaded into Piwi proteins. Piwi-loaded piRNAs bind and cleave complementary transposon transcripts generating two RNA products, one of which can be loaded into a new Piwi protein, generating a secondary piRNA. Different protein factors are essential in this process as identified by genetic studies. Few of these factors are putative RNA helicases but their specific role is unknown, mainly because RNA helicase are dynamic enzymes and identification of their targets and protein partners with standard biochemical approaches is challenging.In the first part of this thesis I describe how the introduction of a point mutation in the DEAD box of the RNA helicase Vasa (DEAD to DQAD) can block its activity in vivo and freeze a transient biogenesis complex that contains Vasa and the two Piwi proteins responsible for secondary biogenesis.Crystal structure of VASADQ in complex with ATP or AMPPNP revealed the molecular details of this inhibition and explained the phenotype observed in vivo. VasaDQ has a reduced ATP hydrolysis rate because after hydrolysis the free phosphate is blocked inside the active site due to an additional hydrogen bond formed with the mutated Gln. The reduction in ATP hydrolysis is mirrored by an impaired RNA binding activity as measured with biophysical experiments. Introduction of the same mutation in the mouse homologue of Vasa (MVH) has a dominant-negative phenotype where MVHDQ is clump on an ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex containing piRNAs and mouse Piwi proteins.In the second part of this thesis I introduce the same mutation in TDRD9, another RNA helicase involved in piRNA pathway with an unknown function. First I expressed and purified TDRD9 and showed that DEVH to DQVH mutation in its helicase domain completely abolishes its ATPase activity but do not affects its stability. Next I created a knock-in mutation in the mouse genomic locus for Tdrd9 and analysed the resulting phenotype in the mutant. Knock-in mice are male sterile with an early block in spermatogenesis that is probably a consequence of uncontrolled DNA damages generated by de-repressed transposon elements. These elements, like Line-1, fail to be correctly methylated at their genomic loci in the Tdrd9 mutant. Although Tdrd9 is important for Line-1 transposon silencing, it is likely not via a role in piRNA biogenesis since Piwi proteins are correctly loaded with Line-1 derived piRNAs. Interestingly a drop in piRNAs that derives from SINE elements is observed in the mutant, probably reflecting a role for Tdrd9 in sorting primary transcripts into MILI and MIWI2 during DNA de novo methylation.Overall I investigated the molecular role of two RNA helicases in the piRNA pathway, elucidating the role of Vasa and show that the ATPase activity of Tdrd9 is essential for transposon regulation in mouse spermatogenesis.

Sandvikens Fotbollsstadion, Vasa, Finland : Fotbollsstadion som ett stadsdelscentrum. Tillbyggnad av skyddad stadion från 1937.

Rossi, Ruusa January 2013 (has links)
Sandvikens stadsdel i Vasa är under utveckling. Stadsdelen präglas av stora kontraster mellan det natursköna havsnära läget och den genomklyvande motorvägen. Strukturen är storskalig, dels på grund av trafiklösningarna, dels till följd av att det är här som stadens idrottsanläggningar samlats. Bostadsbebyggelsen är begränsad. Nu smider flera aktörer planer för omvandling och exploatering. Hästfolket vill flytta ut travbanan ur staden, vilket skulle frigöra 0,15kvm mark för bostadsbyggande och nästintill fördubbla stadsdelens bostadsyta. Vasa stad bygger t Sandvikens fotbollsstadion för att leva upp till de krav som via UEFA ställs på prestationsplatser inom den nationella ligafotbollen. För att Vasa stolthet VPS skall kunna behålla sina ligalicenser krävs täckta sittplatser för en publik som till sin storlek motsvarar 1:10 av stadens befolkning, det vill säga 6000 platser. Motorvägen från 1968 som klyver rakt in i stadens hjärta genomkorsar Sandvikens stadsdel och delar den aggressivt i två delar: stranden med badmöjligheter, gammal parkmiljö och trivsamma rekreationsplatser på ena sidan, på andra sidan idrottsanläggningarna och bostadsområdet. Tvärkopplingarna sidorna emellan är svaga och bullerproblemen höga. Längs med motorvägen har det skapats stora svårutnyttjade och otrivsamma ytor. I detta förslag till utbyggnad av Sandvikens fotbollsstadion har jag försökt svara på denna situation. Ett stadionbygge är en stor kommunal investering och bör ge maximal social återbäring till betalarna. Genom att angripa stadion som en kollektiv möjlighet för den växande stadsdelen kan man skapa en anläggning som bjuder in till aktivitet bortom fotbollens intresseområde. / How do you expand a listed football-stadium so that it supports social activity and generates life in the street? In this project, an expansion of the Sandviken football-stadium in Vasa, I have tried to respond to a complex situation. Building a stadium is a large municipal investment and should give back maximal social refund to its payers. Defining the stadium as a collective possibility for the growing town district may lead to a sports facility that invites to activity beyond the domain of football. My proposal for a football-stadium builds upon the idea of an urban generator. The stadium should not be introvert and closed towards the street, as traditionally is the case with the typology. It should contribute in different ways to the cultural context and the life in the block and in the street. It should feel activated and alive also outside those few hours of match per week. By placing the football-related functions, like dressing rooms, on level one, I have freed the street level for complementing program. The old stadium is from 1937 and has seats only on the south long side of the pitch and it includes also a so called marathon-tower by the original entrance. It is listed and preserved due to its strong heritage values. The antiquarian aspects of the project have been a part of my task. How do you design an infill project within a historic context? How should contributions to this environment be made so that its values are preserved or even strengthened?

Scandinavia After the Fall of the Kalmar Union: A Study in Scandinavian Relations, 1523-1536

Steffensen, Kenneth 10 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
As the Kalmar Union came to an end in 1523 the balance of control and power shifted in Scandinavia. Due to the tyranny of Christian II, Sweden rebelled and broke away under the leadership of Gustav Vasa while Norway remained in union with Denmark. Although Danes and Norwegians shared common traits and identifiers; including religion, language and cultural aspects, they had a stronger sense of identity to their own country rather to the union. Because of their political and economic influence in Norway prior to 1523, Danish nobles had increased Norwegian's sense of being Norwegians rather then Danish. Frederik I, who ruled from 1523 to 1533, did all in his power to increase his own and Denmark's control of Norway in this period. In clear violation of his Norwegian Coronation Charter of 1524, Frederik placed prominent Danish nobles in central political and military positions in Norway. Frederik also by-passed the Norwegian National Council in many matters that rightfully should have been handled by the council rather then the King. After Frederik I's death in 1533 the Danish-Norwegian throne remained vacant until 1536. Within this interregnum a civil war broke out in Denmark, followed by the Count's War, instigated by the Hanseatic town of Lübeck, which sought to place Christian II back on the throne. This war, which ended in 1536, brought an end to Lübeck’s Baltic dominion and placed Christian III, son of Frederik I, as king of Denmark-Norway. Once in power, Christian III obliterated the Norwegian Council, thus removing Norway's political influence in the union permanently. Although Sweden officially broke away, it maintained a diplomatic relations with Denmark-Norway. In fact, Gustav Vasa made efforts to strengthen their diplomatic during Frederik I's reign. The outbreak of the Count's War in 1534 rallied the former members of the Kalmar Union to cooperate militarily. Together they defeated Lübeck and secured a peaceful relationship between Sweden and Denmark-Norway which lasted until 1563.

The Heraldry of the Vasa Dynasty : Coats of arms as propaganda tools in conflicts with the outside world and within the family

Fridén, Björn January 2023 (has links)
During the rule of the house of Vasa 1523-1654, Sweden saw a vastly increased output of new government heraldry and official symbols. This thesis investigates the political motives behind the creation of these symbols and their use as propaganda tools as part of the formation of the Swedish state.  Heraldry is a well-covered topic in academia in many European countries, but in Sweden it has yet to be properly integrated into historical research. This thesis covers the bigger picture by investigating the Vasa dynasty’s heraldry in its entirety in order to follow its use over time.  The thesis analyses all grants of arms to cities and nobles, as well as new royal and provincial arms. It carries out an analysis of the arms’ composition and motif, as well as charting the political context in which they were created and their role in the formation of the modern state.  The question the thesis seeks to answer is if the Vasa dynasty used heraldry as a political propaganda tool, and if so — for what purpose. The thesis uses Jaques Ellul’s categories of propaganda as a theoretical framework.  Among the key findings is the discovery that the Vasa monarchs did treat official heraldry as an integrated part of their propaganda efforts, both in conflicts with the outside world and with each other. However, the heraldic motifs of most cities and nobles, making up the vast majority of new coats of arms, were not part of those efforts.  There was also a clear shift from the agitation propaganda during the early Vasa era, to propaganda of integration as the institutions of state took form and Sweden became a regional power.

Germline Development of Genetically Female Nile Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) Reared under Different Temperature Regimes

Habibah, Aulidya N., Pfennig, Frank, Wilting, Jörg, Holtz, Wolfgang, Hoerstgen-Schwark, Gabriele, Wessels, Stephan 26 May 2020 (has links)
In teleosts, elevated temperature during embryogenesis can act on germline cell development, which in turn plays a role for sexual fate. In Nile tilapia, a species with high-temperature-induced masculinization, little is known about the effects of increased temperature on gonadal development in non-masculinized females. The aim of the present work was to investigate persistent effects on the germline of genetically female (XX) Nile tilapia reared at normal (28 ° C) or elevated temperature (36°C) during the critical time of gonadal sex differentiation at 10 to 20 days post fertilization. Nonsex-reversed females were compared to control females to determine persistent effects of temperature on subsequent ovarian development using histological approaches. Germline stem cells were identified using the germline marker Vasa in combination with the proliferation marker PCNA. Vasa- and PCNA-positive germline stem cells were found in ovaries of both high-temperature-treated and control females. In both groups, ovarian germline stem cells were located at the germinal epithelium of the ovigerous lamellae. Although no detrimental effects of high temperature on gonadal development in female Nile tilapia were observed, implications on the reproductive fitness caused by elevated temperature need to be investigated in greater depth.

Development of ovarian germline stem cells in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared under different temperature regimes

Habibah, Aulidya Nurul 05 July 2016 (has links)
Keimzellen entwickeln sich aus den sogenannten Urkeimzellen, die auch als primordiale Keimzellen (PGC) bezeichnet werden. PGC entwickeln sich während der Embryonalentwicklung und wandern dann in die Gonadenanlagen, wo sie sich vermehren und bei getrenntgeschlechtlichen Arten in Spermien in Männchen und Oozyten bei Weibchen differenzieren. Während der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung sind die Gonaden anfällig für den Einfluss externer Faktoren, wie z. B. der Wassertemperatur. Eine Erhöhung der Wassertemperatur von 28°C auf 36°C während der kritischen Phase der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung, vom 10. bis zum 20. Tag nach der Befruchtung kann zu einer Vermännlichung genetisch-weiblicher Tilapien führen. In der ersten Studie führte eine entsprechende Temperaturbehandlung bei genetisch weiblichen Tilapien zu einem Anteil funktioneller Männchen von 37%. Makromorphologisch konnten die Gonaden 90 Tage alter Weibchen aus Kontroll- und Behandlungsgruppen als unreife Ovarien klassifiziert werden. Erste Reifungsprozesse bis hin zur Oogenese begannen 120 Tage nach der Befruchtung. Die Oogenese konnte mikro-morphologisch weiterhin in folgende Stadien eingeteilt werden: Chromatin Nukleolus, Peri-Nukleolus, kortikale Alveolus, Vitellogenese und reife Eizelle. Oozyten in den Phasen des Chromatin Nukleolus und des Peri-Nukleolus, welche auch die primäre Wachstumsphase darstellen, wurden bei weiblichen Fischen aller Altersgruppen festgestellt. Während weiter fortgeschrittenen Oozytenstadien erst ab einem Alter von 120 Tagen festgestellt werden konnten. Oozyten in der Phase des kortikalen Alveolus wurden demnach frühestens am 120. Lebenstag gefunden. In der Vitellogenese befindliche Oozyten traten erst nach 150 Tagen auf. Reife Eizellen wurden ab einem Alter von 180 dpf festgestellt. Es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Eizellentwicklungsstadien zwischen Kontroll- und Behandlungstieren festgestellt werden. Das Ziel der zweiten Studie war die Identifikation von Keimbahn-Stammzellen bei Tilapien, die während der Geschlechtsdifferenzierung verschiedenen Aufzuchttemperaturen ausgesetzt waren. Die Identifizierung der Keimbahn-Stammzellen erfolgte anhand von Immunohistochemie mittels Vasa und PCNA (Proliferierendes Cell Nuclear Antigen) Antikörperfärbung. Es wurden zunächst histologische Schnitte von in Paraffin eingebettetem Ovargewebe hergestellt. Keimbahn-Stammzellen wurden im Keimepithel der Ovarien identifiziert, wobei diese in einzelner, isolierter oder in Clusterform vorlagen. Keimbahn-Stammzellen wurden sowohl bei weiblichen Tieren aus Kontroll- als auch Behandlungsgruppen identifiziert. Zusammenfassend, konnten erstmalig Keimbahn-Stammzellen und ihre Lage in den Gonaden genetisch weiblicher Tilapien, aus Kontroll- und Behandlungsgruppen, mittels Vasa und PCNA Antikörperfärbung charakterisiert werden.

Conduits in coronary artery bypass grafting surgery : Saphenous vein, radial and internal thoracic arteries

Dreifaldt, Mats January 2013 (has links)
A novel technique for saphenous vein (SV) graft harvesting, the No-touch technique (NT), has been developed at the Dept. of Cardiovascular surgery, Örebro University hospital. With NT the SV is harvested with a pedicle of surrounding tissue. This avoids graft spasm and eliminates the need for distension. The surrounding tissue acts as a structural support and is a rich source of vaso-dilating agents. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) has shown a significantly higher patency rate for NT SV grafts compared to SV grafts harvested with conventional technique (CT). This thesis evaluates some of the properties of the surrounding tissue and compares patency rates between NT SV and radial artery (RA) grafts and patency rates for internal thoracic artery (ITA) grafts harvested with and without surrounding tissue. Paper I investigated vasa vasorum (VV) in SV grafts and showed that the NT preserves an intact VV whereas CT does not. This could be one of the mechanisms underlying the improved patency for NT SV grafts. Paper II evaluated VV and associated nitric oxide (NO) in SV and arterial grafts. SV grafts showed a higher number and larger VV, which correlated with NO production, compared to arterial grafts. NT SV grafts showed higher activity for e-NOS compared to CT SV grafts. Paper III is a RCT comparing patency rates between NT SV and RA grafts, three years after surgery, showing a significantly higher patency rate for NT SV grafts. Paper IV is a RCT comparing patency rates for ITA graft harvested with and without surrounding tissue and did not show any difference between graft preparations. In conclusion, the NT for SV graft harvesting preserves an intact vasa vasorum and associated NO production. NT SV grafts show a higher patency rate than RA grafts. Harvesting of ITA with or without surrounding tissue does not affect patency rate.

Reformationen i Hanebo och Segersta : en historiografisk undersökning

Nordquist, Olle January 2003 (has links)
<p>Ämnet för denna uppsats är reformationen och Gustav Vasas maktövertagande i Sverige, under första delen av 1500-talet. Framförallt i Segersta och Hanebo socknar, i södra Hälsingland.</p><p>Med hjälp av en historiografiskt komparativ metod försöker uppsatsen besvara hur tidigare historiska verk förklarat det faktum att det inte, i södra Hälsingland, uppstod några oroligheter till följd av de religiösa och samhälleliga förändringarna.</p><p>Efter att ha redovisat den historiografiska bilden av hur historiesynen förändrats görs en studie av fyra historieberättande texter. Först två lokalhistoriska verk av äldre datum, där fokuseringen ligger på just det område, Segersta och Hanebo, som undersökningen begränsar sig till. Därefter följer två nyare verk som, även om de fokuserar sig på landet som helhet, i alla fall presenterar nya teorier och metoder inom forskningen.</p><p>Det visar sig att de äldre lokalhistoriska verken inte alls är amatörmässiga, men företräder en omodern historiesyn. Efter att ha tagit del av de modernare verken blir det uppenbart att ny tolkning av gamla källor, tillsammans med nya källor, förändrat synen på reformationens verkningar på befolkningen, Gustav Vasas roll för reformationen, samt de befintliga oroligheternas dignitet. Samtidigt klarnar bilden av sockenprästernas betydelse för såväl Gustav Vasas som reformatorernas kommunikation med befolkningen.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen blir att det är hög tid för en ny kvalitativ studie av Segersta och Hanebo socknar och samtidigt väcks några nya frågeställningar som förhoppningsvis kan vara fruktbara för en sådan studie.</p>

"Dock benådades de till svärdet" : En glömd historia om det legaliserade blodbadet i Kalmar 1525.

Holst, Oscar January 2009 (has links)
<p>The study examines the massacre of the garrison of the castle of Kalmar in 1525 and its causes. The goal of the investigation has been on the one hand to elucidate the most probable sequence of events, and on the other to identify as many different plausible explanations to the massacre as possible. For this end, four contemporary sources have been examined and compared in their details. To enable a broad basis for interpretation, the author has consulted various works on the themes of warfare, soldiers and violence in the late middle ages and the sixteenth century. Apart from political aspects, the study highlights social and cultural conditions as important factors in explaining how the massacre could be carried out without provoking any single part of society. Among these are found the idea of the perceived natural ferocity of siege warfare, the exposed position of soldiers in general and the low status of lansquenets in particular, as well as the increasing general acceptance of executions and retributional violence.The paper finishes with a discussion on the importance of the event under investigation as part of a greater whole, and asks whether or not it is worthy of the sparsely used label of ”blood bath”. In relation to this, the author inquires for an expanded historical debate on the relationship between cultural and social values and conditions, and the use of violence in society.</p>

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