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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CASE veiklos žinių bazės tvarkymo sistema / CASE activity knowledge basis management system

Budrevičius, Kęstutis 31 May 2004 (has links)
Now in most CASE tools the information collected during the stage of IS cycle analysis is not used to generate the models of the designing stage. Improving CASE systems it is offered to enlarge them with an activity knowledge basis, what becomes an additional source of information to generate project model. Activity knowledge model created in the department of data systems has been specified and activity setting system has been designed and realized during the work. System design has been conducted using programming appliances: Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 2002, Microsoft Visio Professional 2002. Use Case model generating algorithms has been created on the grounds of the activity basis. UCM models storage and software needed for its functioning have been worked out. CASE activity knowledge basis ordering system has been created on the grounds of the activity meta-model worked out in the department of data systems. Realized activity knowledge ordering system is used to extend traditional CASE systems functional possibilities. Realized CASE activity knowledge basis ordering system (Visual FoxPro 7.0) lets:  To input and adjust activity knowledge – activity elements described on the grounds of work model sequences activity procedures, activity functions, information flow, material flow and users;  To relate activity processes, activity functions, simulate their hierarchy structure;  To make accounts about the content of knowledge basis;  To generate users case... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių vaizdavimas duomenų bazių struktūrų schemomis / DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS RULES IN DATABASE STRUCTURING APPROACH

Drąsutavičiūtė, Giedrė 11 January 2005 (has links)
While information system is design it is very important to understand organization processes, their constrains in requirements level. The business rules structuring is one of the problem to design information system. In this article at large is analyzed business rules classification and description ways in database designing and planning methods, including presentation of their advantages and disadvantages. Basing on the analysis work, the model of the business rules structuring process is proposed and the possibilities for the further development of this models are described.

Mokyklų veiklos kokybės įsivertinimas siekiant mokyklos tobulėjimo / The importance of self-assessment for schools with the aim of improving school operations quality

Orlova, Aleksandra 07 June 2011 (has links)
Visos mokyklos rūpinasi savo darbo rezultatais, jaukios aplinkos kūrimu, veiklos tobulinimu. Atliktą pažangą mokykloje reikia įvertinti ir pagrįsti veiklos kokybės svarbą, siekiant tobulėjimo. Veiklos kokybės įsivertinimas yra neatsiejama kokybės valdymo dalis. Įsivertinimui kiekviena mokykla kartu su visa bendruomene turi atrasti geriausius tinkamiausius veiklos kokybės vertinimo būdus. Atsižvelgiant į šios temos aktualumą iškeltas tyrimo tikslas - Nustatyti mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarbą, siekiant mokyklos tobulėjimo. Tyrimo objektu laikoma - bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarba. Tyrimui iškelti uždaviniai: išanalizuoti mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo sampratą; pagrįsti mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarbą mokyklos tobulėjimui; nustatyti mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarbą, siekiant mokyklos tobulėjimo. Darbe naudojami metodai: mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų apžvalgos analizė; anketinė apklausa; statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo metodologija: kiekybinis, lyginamasis tyrimas. Nustatant mokyklos veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarbą, siekiant mokyklos tobulėjimo, atliktas kiekybinis lyginamasis tyrimas. Išsiaiškinta mokytojų nuomonė apie veiklos kokybės įsivertinimo svarbą, duomenys palyginti su su LR Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos ir Šiaulių universiteto socialinio tyrimų mokslinio centro atliktu 2008m tyrimo „Mokyklų vadovų ir mokytojų nuomonė bei nuostatos apie vidaus audito paskirtį ir organizavimą“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Each school strives to improve the results of their work, to create a comfortable environment, and to advance their operations. The achieved progress needs to be assessed, and the importance of the operations quality needs to be justified, when seeking improvement. Self-assessment of operations quality is an integral part of the quality management. Each school, in coordination with the entire community, has to find the best and most appropriate methods to carry out the said self-assessment. With regard to the relevance of the present topic, the objective of the research is defined as: determination of the importance of self-assessment for schools with the aim of improving school operations quality. The research object is: importance of the self-assessment in the aspect of a secondary school operations quality. Tasks of the research: to analyse the concept of the operations quality self-assessment for a secondary school; to justify the importance of the operations quality self-assessment for a secondary school in the context of the school improvement process; to determine the importance of the operations quality self-assessment for a secondary school for the school improvement commitment. Methods used in research: analysis of the scientific literature and documentation review; statistic data analysis. Research methodology: quantitative, comparative survey. A quantitative comparative survey was carried out in order to determine the importance of the school operations quality... [to full text]

Veiklos diagramų modeliavimo sistemos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Analysis and design of modeling system for activity diagrams

Kartašov, Maksim 27 May 2006 (has links)
Making electronic business systems, products of information technologies or solving real time tasks more and more IT specialists their designing work connect to UML language. The usage of this language provides opportunities to arrange documentation more simply, allows to communicate different position employees more easily, guarantee IT systems compatibility with business needs and requirements. One of the diagrams types used is activity diagram, which could be used to describe business processes, firms or its unit, compose official, activity or users instructions, show systems behaviour. Any investigative, designed or management activity at some cases is connected to modelling. Commonly designing systems, where parallel events could take place or, if necessary, to give an opportunity gradually, taking in account the reality, show events or state proceeding with the help of Petri nets. It is both graphical and mathematical design method. Designing activity diagrams of IT systems UML editors are used. To research and show events proceeding Petri nets are used. So the problem area is to compose a design system, which could transfer the elements of activity diagrams into Petri nets and model the functionality of the project. The major purpose of this study paper is to compose UML language activity diagrams modelling system, examine the functionality and design opportunities of system’s activity diagrams into Petri nets.

N laboratorijos veiklos plėtra / Operational development of laboratory n

Skrickienė, Laima 16 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: Identification of operational development factors applicable to Laboratory N. Objectives: 1) identify the peculiarities of laboratory strategy development, 2) analyse the existing situation, assess current technological developments and utilisation of information technologies, 3) forecast the scope of services provided by Laboratory N. Key words: laboratory, operational development. Methods: The location of research is the Outpatient Clinic N and its subsidiary, i.e. Laboratory N. The object of research is the operational development opportunities of the laboratory. Scientific literature and legal documents were analysed. Statistical data for 2002-2005 on the scope of laboratory services for the whole of Lithuania and for the outpatient clinic (as at 31 December 2005) was collected. The existing structure of the subsidiary was analysed, operational processes were described, calculations were made and the scope of services by 2010 was forecasted. In January 2006, a structured interview was held with four heads of departments in order to broader depict the operational context of the object under research and to collect extensive information. Then doctors were surveyed. More than 200 questionnaires were distributed, however, only 187 doctors provided comprehensive answers to the questions included into the questionnaire, 2 questionnaires were only partially filled out and thus discarded in the process of data analysis, while 11 potential respondents never... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklėmis grindžiamos reikalavimų, kuriamai IS, specifikavimo saugojimo sistema / Business rules based user requirements for is specification repository

Gražulis, Darius 25 November 2010 (has links)
Viena iš problemų, su kuria susiduria informacinių sistemų kūrėjai, tai veiklos taisyklių atradimas. Tai procesas, kurio metu identifikuojamos veiklos taisyklės, įtakojančios kuriamą informacinę sistemą. Veiklos taisyklių atradimas gali trukti visą IS kūrimo laiką: daugelis jų atrandama specifikuojant vartotojų poreikius, taip pat projektuojant IS modelius. Derėtų nepamiršti, kad IS kūrimas – tai procesas, išsidėstęs laike, todėl tuo metu pati veikla, savaime aišku, nestovi vietoje ir gali generuoti naujas taisykles ar senų pakeitimus. Taigi taisyklės atrandamos viso proceso metu ir netgi po jo. Kurgi dėti, kaip dokumentuoti naujai atrastą taisyklę? Daugelis mokslininkų siūlo susikurti tam tikros formos blanką ir jame užrašyti veiklos taisyklės specifikaciją. Be abejo tai gali būti ir kompiuterinis failas. Šio darbo objektas veiklos taisyklėmis grindžiamas vartotojo reikalavimų kuriamai informacinei sistemai specifikavimas. Darbo tikslas yra pasiūlyti veiklos taisyklėmis grindžiamo vartotojo poreikių specifikavimo metodą ir CASE priemonę jam palengvinti. Iškelti uždaviniai yra tokie: • Apžvelgti veiklos taisyklių koncepciją; • Aptarti veiklos taisyklių struktūrizavimo metodus; • Apžvelgti veiklos taisyklių struktūrizavimo proceso eigą; • Realizuoti pasirinktą veiklos taisyklėmis grindžiamos vartotojo reikalavimų saugyklos modelį; • Pateikti išvadas ir pasiūlymus tolesniam sistemos vystymui. Laukiamas rezultatas veikianti vartotojo reikalavimų saugykla. / The success of requirements analysis often decides the quality of the finished information system (IS). Application of ideas behind the business rules approach for requirements analysis could help narrow the gap between business representatives and analysts thus paving the way to a better requirements specification. In this paper a framework for business rules driven IS requirements specification is presented. The proposed approach is based on discovery of functions, business decisions and underlying business rules. The management of captured requirements as well as the generation of relevant documentation is performed using the repository system, major implementation guidelines of which are also discussed. The prototype of the repository system has been implemented. The problems of the proposed approach that were discovered during the experimental implementation are also discussed.

Personalo valdymo veiklų tobulinimas UAB „Mantera“ / Development of personnel management activities in JSC “Mantera”

Valiukevičiūtė, Ramunė 02 December 2008 (has links)
Magistro tiriamajame darbe nagrinėjamos UAB "Mantera" - personalo valdymo veiklos. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti šios įmonės personalo valdymo veiklų problemas ir pateikti jų sprendimo būdus. Tiriamojo darbo pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjami personalo valdymo teoriniai aspektai, personalo valdymo veiklų samprata, aptariamas bendras požiūris į personalo valdymą Lietuvos organizacijose. Antroje dalyje pateikiami UAB „Mantera“ personalo valdymo veiklų situacijos analizės bei apibendrinti anketinės apklausos rezultatai. Trečioje darbo dalyje įvardijamos pagrindinės UAB „Mantera“ personalo valdymo probleminės sritys ir jų sprendimo būdai. Jie apima verbavimo, adaptacijos, kvalifikacijos kėlimo, skatinimo, karjeros planavimo veiklas. Taip pat aptariamos sprendimų įgyvendinimo subjektų alternatyvos, įvertinant jų naudą ir organizacijos išlaidas. / Personnel management activities in JSC “Mantera” are analyzed in the following Master research work. The target of the Master research work – to make the analysis of personnel management problems in JSC “Mantera” and to provide methods of solution. Theoretical aspects of personnel management, conception of personnel management activities, general viewpoint consideration of personnel management in Lithuanian companies, are analyzed in the first part of this research work. JSC „Mantera“personnel management activities situation analysis and the generalized results of inquiries are given in the second part of this work. In the third part of this work are named the main problematical ranges of personnel management activities in JSC „Mantera“and solution methods. These solution methods are including: recruitment, adaptation, improvement of qualification, inducement, and career planning activities. Also the consideration of subject alternatives solutions implementation by assessing profit and costs for the company.

Marketingo veiklos efektyvumo vertinimas / Measuring marketing performance

Stankūnas, Andrius 06 June 2013 (has links)
Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama marketingo įtaka įmonės veiklai, jos vertinimo poreikis ir problemos bei išanalizuojama subalansuotų rodiklių sistema ir jos naudojimas įmonės veiklos vertinimui. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiama ir analizuojama antrinių informacijos šaltinių - tyrimų, atskleidžiančių subalansuotų rodiklių sistemos galimą pritaikomumą finansines paslaugas teikiančių institucijų Lietuvoje marketingo veiklai vertinti bei tokio vertinimo naudą, apžvalga. Šioje dalyje taip pat pateikiami ir analizuojami atlikto kokybinio tyrimo – giluminio ekspertų interviu rezultatai, kuomet siekiant išsiaiškinti egzistuojančią marketingo veiklos efektyvumo praktiką finansines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose Lietuvoje, buvo kalbinti keturi tokias organizacijas atstovaujantys specialistai. Projektinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamas subalansuotų rodiklių sistemos pagrindu sukurtas marketingo veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo modelis skirtas finansines paslaugas teikiančioms organizacijoms Lietuvoje, aprašomi jo įgyvendinimo etapai, pateikiamas konkrečių rodiklių sąvadas, o pabaigoje įvardinamos galimos modelio pritaikomumo problemos. / The theoretical part analyzes how marketing actions influences proceeding of the enterprise, the need of evaluating marketing performance and there’s an analysis of the balanced scorecard and it’s usage for firm performance measuring given. Analytical part of this paper represents and analyzes the secondary repository – researches that reveal posible balanced scorecard adaptability for marketing performance measuring ir the financial services enterprises of Lithuania and what‘s the benefit of doing that. This part of the paper also presents and analyzes the results of the qualitative research that was accomplished by the author - in-depth interviews with the experts, when seeking to find out the existing practise ir todays finanacial services enterprises ir Lithuania four professionals that represents this kind of organizations were interviewed. In the project part of this paper a model for marketing performance measuring is offered. Proposed model is created on the ground of balanced scorecard and designed for financial services enterprises in Lithuania. The steps of implementing the model are described in detail with a given set of particular measures and there are possible application problems named in the end.

Į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipta kompetencija, jos turinys ir pripažinimas Europos aukščiausiose audito institucijose / Performance audit specialists competence, its content which is pointed to their activity and appreciation by Europe’s supreme audit institutions

Keblytė, Roberta 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipta kompetencija, jos turinys ir pripažinimas Europos AAI, įvertintas Europos AAI atstovų požiūris į veiklos audito specialistų sertifikavimo galimybę. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atskleista veiklos audito samprata, vieta ir reikšmė audito sistemoje, Europos AAI veiklos audito raida bei esminiai veiklos audito bruožai. Antroje dalyje atskleista veiklos audito specialistų samprata, kompetencija ir strateginiai individo kompetencijos tobulinimo būdai. Trečioje dalyje nustatomi į veiklos audito specialistus nukreiptos kompetencijos elementai: asmeninės savybės, žinios ir įgūdžiai, išsilavinimas, darbo patirtis, audito patirtis, auditorių mokymai. Ketvirtoje dalyje įvertinami į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipti kompetencijos elementai bei palyginamas šių kompetencijos elementų pripažinimas Europos AAI, nustatomi Europos AAI atstovų požiūriai į veiklos audito specialistų sertifikavimo galimybę. / The goal of master’s thesis is to analyse performance audit specialists competence, its content which is pointed to their activity, appreciation by Europe’s SAI and evaluate Europe’s SAI representatives attitude towards the possibility to certificate the performance audit specialists. In the first part of master’s thesis performance audit conception, its place and significance in the audit system, Europe’s SAI evolution of performance audit and fundamental performance audit features are revealed. In the second part of master’s thesis author unclosed the conception of performance audit specialists, competence and strategic individual competence development methods. In the third part of master’s thesis it is determined the performance audit specialists competence elements of content: personal features, knowledge, skills, background, work experience, audit work experience, auditor’s education. In the fourth part of master’s thesis the author evaluated performance audit specialists elements of competence and compared appreciation of these competence elements by different Europe’s SAI, defined Europe’s SAI attitudes towards the possibility to certificate performance audit specialists.

Įmonių procesų efektyvumo vertinimas / Enterprise processes efficiency estimation

Žukauskaitė, Jurgita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Sparti ekonominės erdvės kaita ir globalizacijos spaudimas verčia įmones atsisakyti veiklos principo „čia ir dabar“. Naudojami darbo metodai tampa neefektyvūs, todėl įmonės turi keistis. Egzistuoja daug įmonių valdymo metodų, kurių tikslas – veiklos efektyvumo gerinimas. Efektyvumo vertinimo metodai veiklą vertina įvairiais rodikliais: rodikliai, pavyzdžiui, finansinė analizė, rodiklių sistema, pavyzdžiui, subalansuotų rodiklių metodas, vertinimo metodikos, veiksmų seka, pavyzdžiui, šešių sigmų metodas. Tačiau efektyvumo vertinimo metodai dažniausiai neatitinka esamos situacijos. Įvedus naują rizikos ir laiko lygmenį procesus būtų galima ne tik palyginti, bet ir iš anksto numatyti galimus finansinių rodiklių pokyčius. Šį naują įvestą lygmenį galima įdiegti informacinėse sistemose, skirtose procesams vertinti pagal subalansuotų rodiklių metodą. Naujasis procesų efektyvumo vertinimo modelis gali kompleksiškai ir efektyviai įvertinti procesų efektyvumą. / Rapid economic change and globalization processes forces companies to refuse the attitude “now and here”. Enterprise performance methods are becoming inefficient, therefore enterprises have to change. Routine activities and processes efficiency estimation methods often do not present the real situation. Enterprise business processes are very different - some processes may be sufficient to assess the financial analysis, for other processes can be adapted balanced scorecard approach. However, there are some processes that are strictly regulated and are associated with various risk and time management. For that reason, usually used processes and enterprise performance assessment methods can not reveal the efficiency of enterprise processes, so it is seek for other, more effective performance management - assessment methods, which could help business leaders properly evaluate process efficiency. An analysis of performance management - assessment methods showed their strengths and weaknesses. It can be argued that business processes can be assessed by balanced scorecard approach. However, this approach’s four prospects are insufficient for business processes evaluation. In the process dimension it is lack of risk and time management. And other methods currently used in processes efficiency estimation do not give integrated performance index. For this reason process estimation is subjective. The experimental study showed that the introduction of new risk and time management into... [to full text]

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