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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crossing the Strait from Morocco to the United States: the transnational gendering of the Atlantic World before 1830

Robinson, Marsha R. 14 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Vithetsnormer i Bildämnet : - och hur de reproduceras / Whiteness as a Norm within the Visual Arts Education : - and how it is being Reproduced

Nilsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This study examines what seems a lack of representation of non-white art and artists within the visual arts class in the Swedish secondary education, and what possible consequences that could have for people of color who do not fit the mold of being Swedish due to their non- white appearance. The empirical data have been obtained through a survey, former research of articles, and available literature from the critical race theoretical field. Results show that a reproduction of a canon of whiteness is being passed down through generations of art teachers with little to no sign of breaking its pattern. From the survey sent out to visual arts teacher students, findings show a hidden place [read the Arts/Science Class in Secondary Education] within the educational institutions where racism unremarked continues to strive through phenomenon ́s like; color-blindness and white hegemony.

Organometallic Synthesis Kinetics of CdSe Quantum Dots

Dickerson, Bryan Douglas 27 April 2005 (has links)
CdSe quantum dots produced by organometallic synthesis are useful as tunable emitters for photonic devices and as multi-colored protein markers for biomedical imaging, applications requiring bright and narrow emission. A diffusion-limited model helped monitor growth rates via photoluminescence and absorbance spectroscopy, in order to characterize synthesis kinetics in stearic acid, dodecylamine, and in trioctylphosphine oxide. The nucleation rate increased with Se concentration, while the growth rate followed the Cd concentration. Emission peak widths, emission redshift rates, nanocrystal growth rates, and reactant concentrations all decreased to a minimum when emission reached the critical wavelength, at a reaction completion time, tc. The temperature dependence of 1/tc and of redshift rates followed Arrhenius behavior governed by activation energies, which were tailored by the choice of solvent. Synthesis in solvents, such as stearic acid, with lower activation energies produced faster initial nanocrystal growth and longer critical wavelengths. The highest photoluminescence quantum yield was generally at wavelengths shorter than the critical wavelength, when moderate growth rates enabled surface reconstruction while precursors were still available. / Ph. D.

Le pouvoir de la parole dans la Chronique du religieux de Saint-Denis : éloquence et vie publique dans la France de Charles VI, (1380-1422) / Éloquence et vie publique dans la France de Charles VI, (1380-1422)

Côté, Vincent 24 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire est une contribution à l'étude critique de la chronique latine du règne de Charles VI (1380-1422) rédigée par Michel Pintoin, religieux de Saint-Denis. Nous examinons ce que son témoignage peut nous apprendre au sujet du rôle et de la pratique de l'art oratoire dans la société française du Moyen Âge tardif. Nous montrons d'abord comment le chroniqueur hisse l'éloquence au rang des qualités indispensables à tout homme public; cette valorisation appuyée de l'art de persuader apparaît comme un trait majeur de la transformation, au cours des XIVe et XVe siècles, de la conscience politique "médiévale" en conscience politique "moderne". Nous analysons ensuite les discours contenus dans la chronique: alors que certains sont des constructions rhétoriques de Michel Pintoin, dont ils reflètent la culture et les idées, d'autres offrent un écho des deux principaux genres oratoires pratiqués en France au tournant de 1400: Yarenga et le sermon "thématique", apparus tous deux au XIIIe siècle. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Studie- och yrkesvägledning i grundskolan - “De vet inte vad vi gör!” / Study- and career guidance in primary school –“They don´t know what we do!”

Aveling, Mattias, Kristensson, Hugo January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utforska hur implementeringen av studie- och yrkesvägledning i tidigt skede på grundskolor främjar elevers framtida studie och yrkesval. Då studie- och yrkesvägledningen är ett ämne som ofta bortprioriteras på grund av diverse anledningar innebär det att det ofta implementeras i ett sent stadium. Studien bidrar med en förståelse för problemområdet. Undersökningen har genomförts utifrån kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därför har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sju utbildade studie- och yrkesvägledare som arbetar inom grundskolan.      Studiens frågeställningar är: -Hur arbetar SYV med studie- och yrkesvägledning i yngre årskurser? -Hur involverad är skolans ledning i studie- och yrkesvägledningen? -Vilken betydelse har tidig implementering av studie- och yrkesvägledning på elevers valkompetens? För att besvara dessa frågor utgår studien från informanternas svar. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av Gottfredsons teori om begräsningar och kompromisser där begreppen självuppfattning, yrkesstereotyper, mentala kartor över yrken, omskrift och kompromiss används. Hodkinson och Sparkes begrepp handlingshorisont varvas med dessa begrepp.      Studiens huvudresultat visar att implementeringen av studie- och yrkesvägledning i tidigt skede bidrar till en säkerhet hos eleverna samtidigt som deras valkompetens ökar. De informanter som integrerar studie- och yrkesvägledningen tidigt belyser resultatet av det och de informanter som inte integrerar det tidigt i dagsläget uttrycker en gemensam önskan kring att få göra det en dag. Tidsbrist och okunskap hos skolans ledning är återkommande faktorer som påverkar den tidiga implementeringen.

ALBINO LUCIANI PATRIARCA DI VENEZIA (1970-1978) / Albino Luciani Patriarch of Venice (1970-1978)

LUCIANI, PATRIZIA 04 April 2016 (has links)
L’obiettivo della tesi è di indagare gli anni trascorsi a Venezia da Albino Luciani, anni non esaurientemente approfonditi dalla storiografia e sui quali la memoria storica è ancora divisa. L’evidenza principale che ne scaturisce è la difficoltà non solo di Luciani, ma di tutte le personalità che avevano ruoli di guida e di responsabilità all’interno della Chiesa, nel misurarsi con l’attuazione del Concilio Vaticano II. L’ipotesi interpretativa proposta è che il filo conduttore di tutta l’opera pastorale del presule bellunese sia stato uno sforzo di fedeltà alla tradizione romana e all’autorità papale seppur attraverso l’ammodernamento dei metodi pastorali utilizzati. Il patriarca di Venezia è risultato particolarmente rappresentativo di tutto un episcopato nazionale montiniano che ha attuato in Italia le ricezione conciliare secondo l’ermeneutica di Paolo VI. L’indagine, avendo cura di confrontare sempre il piano dell’omiletica e il piano delle reali scelte pastorali attuate, analizza a tutto campo l’operato di Luciani, dalle attività diocesane al suo apporto alla vita ecclesiale a livello regionale, nazionale e internazionale; ha inoltre il pregio di aver utilizzato come fonte importante materiale inedito reperito nei nove archivi storici utilizzati e in vari archivi personali. Infine, è corredato di un’ampia e interessante appendice che racchiude le testimonianze orali di venti testimoni scelti. / The aim of the thesis is to investigate the years passed in Venice by Albino Luciani, years not exhaustively studied by historiography and on which historical memory is still divided. The main evidence is the difficulty not only of Luciani, but also of all personalities who had leadership roles and responsibilities within the Church, in measuring itself with the realization of the Second Vatican Council. The interpretative hypothesis is that the main theme of all the pastoral work of the patriarch of Venice was an effort of fidelity to the Roman tradition and papal authority even through the modernization of the pastoral methods. The patriarch of Venice was particularly representative of a whole national Montinian episcopate which carried out in Italy the Council reception according to the hermeneutic proposed by Paul VI. The survey, comparing the plan of homiletics and the plan of the real pastoral options implemented, examines entirely Luciani’s work, from the diocesan activities to his contribution to regional, national and international Catholic Church. The thesis uses as sources important unpublished material retrieved in nine historical archives and in various personal archives. Finally, the thesis is accompanied with a wide and interesting appendix that contains the interviews with twenty chosen witnesses.

Osvícenství a jeho vliv na duchovní a národní formování lidí v českých zemích 18. a 19. století / The Enlightenment and its Impact on the National and Spiritual Formation of People in the Czech Lands during 18th and 19th Century

Karasová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the spiritual progress pointing to a national self-awareness in the Enlightenment era from the beginning until 1848. The Enlightenment is an European phenomenon, which is characterized by a change of thinking, and self-awareness. This idea of tolerance and human emancipation contributed to the reforms of fundamental social, political and ecclesiastical changes. These changes result not only from a philosophical influences, but also from royal reforms during the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II in particular. The Teresian enlightened Catholicism and Josephinian reformism fully started the journey from the Enlightenment to liberalism. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

A imunidade tributária do art.150, VI, b e c da Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988

Barrueco, Fernando Mauro 08 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Mauro Barrueco.pdf: 3487734 bytes, checksum: f40560da5811074e7d23e3bcdb912fb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-08 / This study seeks to bring the understanding of tax immunity system according to article 150, VI, "b" and "c" of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Each type of immunity from the constitutional law is analyzed. It is also brought to light the controversy regarding the taxation of the activities of each associative type embraced by the constituent present in the Federal Constitution. Tax exemption is only possible to be dealt with before the mandatory tax jurisdiction that limits the powers of the Federal Government, the Municipalities, the States and the Federal District to create taxes. The tax treatment given to commercial exploitation and to the properties owned by the Church ("b" of article 150, VI of the Constitution of 1988), that is, revenue originating from atypical activities, has always raised doubts in jurisprudence and caused doctrine to have different views, today. It is no different the tax treatment given to production and circulation of goods from entities mentioned in article 150, VI, "c" of 1988 Federal Constitution, since the atypical activities are regarded by many as taxable. Typical activities, in turn, when related to temples of any cult, must be qualified for full immunity while entities of article 150, VI, "c" of the 1988 Federal Constitution, have to face the immunity rules of limited discretionary accountability which depends on the supplementary law. The present investigation discusses the controversy on the adoption of either ordinary or supplementary law. Courts major position is towards ratification of article 14 of the National Tax Code, as a requirement to qualify which entities should be entitled to immunity. Finally, in order no to stay only in theoretical level, this study will analyze the application of immunity to associative types of article 150 , VI, "b" and "c of the Federal Constitution 1988, from the perspective of Brazilian courts / Trata-se o presente trabalho do instituto da imunidade tributária referente ao disposto no art.150, VI, b e c da Constituição Federal de 1988. É analisada cada forma de imunidade das entidades do elenco da norma constitucional, bem como traz a lume as polêmicas quanto à tributação das atividades de cada tipo associativo homenageado pelo constituinte originário na Carta Maior. A imunidade tributária somente é possível de ser tratada diante da Competência Tributária Impositiva ao limitar os poderes da União Federal, dos Municípios, dos Estados e do Distrito Federal em criar tributos. O tratamento tributário dado à exploração comercial e às propriedades pertencentes à Igreja (alínea "b" do art. 150, VI da Constituição Federal de 1988), ou seja, àquelas receitas que são provenientes de atividades atípicas, sempre causaram dúvidas na jurisprudência e dividem a doutrina até hoje. Não diferente é o tratamento tributário dado à produção e circulação de bens das entidades do elenco da alínea "c" do art. 150, VI da Constituição Federal de 1988, cujas atividades atípicas, por muitos são entendidas como tributáveis. As atividades típicas, por sua vez, quando inerentes aos templos de qualquer culto, devem ser qualificadas pela imunidade plena, enquanto as entidades da alínea "c" do art. 150, VI da Constituição Federal de 1988, são deparadas com a norma de imunidade de eficácia contida, da qual depende de lei complementar, cuja discussão no presente trabalho traz a polêmica acerca da aplicação da lei ordinária ou da lei complementar; a posição maciça dos tribunais é no sentido da ratificação do art.14 do Código Tributário Nacional, como requisito para qualificar quais entidades devem ser brindadas com a imunidade. Por fim, para não ficar somente no campo teórico, o presente trabalho analisa a aplicação da imunidade aos tipos associativos do elenco das alíneas "b" e "c" do art.150, VI da Constituição Federal de 1988 sob a ótica dos Tribunais pátrios

Mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la formation de biofilm à l’interface eau-composés organiques hydrophobes / Molecular mecanisms involved in the bacterial biofilm formation at the water-hydrophobic organic compound interface

Arantxa, Camus Etchecopar 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les composés organiques hydrophobes (HOC), une grande famille de molécules naturelles ou d’origine anthropique incluant les lipides et les hydrocarbures, constituent une part significative de la matière organique dans les écosystèmes marins. Du fait de leur faible solubilité dans l’eau, les bactéries qui les dégradent requièrent la mise en place de fonctions cellulaires spécifiques permettant d’augmenter la fraction assimilable de ces HOC. La formation de biofilms à l’interface eau-HOC est une de ces stratégies adaptatives. C’est le cas pour Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, modèle d’étude utilisé au laboratoire, qui est capable de former des biofilms sur un large spectre de HOC métabolisables tels que les alcanes, les triglycérides et les alcools gras. Le but de mes recherches consistait à améliorer la compréhension du processus d’adhésion et de développement des biofilms sur les HOC, à travers la caractérisation fonctionnelle de 10 gènes candidats mis en évidence lors d’analyses d’expression en protéomique et en transcriptomique. Pour mener à bien ce projet, des outils génétiques et une caractérisation fonctionnelle propre à chaque gène ont dû être développés. L’étude fonctionnelle du gène MARHY2686 a relevé son implication dans la formation de biofilm sur les alcanes. La co-expression de MARHY2686 et des gènes adjacents MARHY2687 et MARHY2685 en transcriptomique, leur distribution phylogénétique et leur conservation de la synthénie suggèreraient que ces trois gènes soient impliqués dans le même processus biologique. D’après l’identité forte de 36 % qui existe entre la protéine MARHY2686 et une protéine périplasmique AdeT d’un système de pompe d’efflux tripartite d’Acinetobacter baumanii, cette protéine, en association avec MARHY2687 et MARHY2685, pourrait faire partie d’un système de ce type. Par ailleurs, des observations ont permis d’envisager une implication potentielle de ce gène dans l’assimilation des HOC ou dans l’accumulation des réserves lipidiques intracellulaires. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 utilise les pili de type IV lors de la formation de biofilm sur les HOC. Ces appendices interviennent lors de l’adhésion de cette souche à des HOC ainsi que dans un processus de détachement d’un support hydrophobe. Les pili pourraient soit intervenir directement pour permettre à la bactérie de se détacher de la surface à laquelle elle s’est adhérée, soit indirectement par l’action de bactériophages. La présence d’une mobilité de type twitching sur les HOC a pu être également envisagée. Enfin, le rôle du système de sécrétion de type VI (T6SS), connu pour permettre à la bactérie d’interagir avec une cellule hôte, lors de la formation de biofilm mono-spécifique sur HOC, où aucun autre microorganisme que M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 n’est présent, a été étudié. / Hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC), a large family of naturally-produced or anthropogenic molecules including lipids and hydrocarbons, represent a significant part of organic matter in marine ecosystems. Because of their low solubility in water, bacteria that degrade those compounds require the establishment of specific cell functions to increase their biodisponibility. Biofilm formation in water-HOC interface is one of these adaptations. The model of bacteria used in our laboratory, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, is able to form a biofilm on a wide range of HOC, such as alkanes, fatty alcohols and triglycerides, in order to use them as a carbon and energy source. The main purpose of my work was to broaden the knowledge of how bacteria adhere to and from biofilms on HOC, through the functional characterization of 10 candidate genes highlighted during proteomic and transcriptomic studies. Genetic tools and a gene-specific functional characterization have been developed in order to carry out this project. Functional study conducted on MARHY2686 revealed its involvement in the formation of biofilm on alkanes. Co-expression of MARHY2686 and the adjacent genes MARHY2687 and MARHY2685 durnig transcriptomic analysis together with their phylogenetic distribution and synteny conservation suggest that these three genes are involved in the same biological process. According to the high peptide sequence identity between MARHY2686 and AdeT, a periplasmic protein of a tripartite efflux pump system of Acinetobacter baumanii, MARHY2686 in combination with MARHY2687 and MARHY2685 could be the components of such a system. Other phenotypic observations would consider the involvement of MARHY2686 either in the assimilation of HOC or in the accumulation of intracellular lipid reserves. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 uses type IV pili during biofilm formation on HOC. These appendages are involved in the adhesion of this strain to and in a detachment process from HOC. Type IV pili could either act directly to allow bacteria to detach from the surface to which it is adhered, or indirectly through the action of bacteriophages. The presence of twitching motility on HOC has also been suggested. Finally, the role of the type VI secretion system (T6SS), a well-known protein system which allows interactions between bacteria and host cells, during the formation of a mono-species biofilm on HOC where no other microorganism than M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 is present, has been studied.

Ebraismo e Stato di Israele nelle riviste cattoliche italiane (1963-1978) / Judaism and State of Israel in Italian Catholic Reviews (1963-1978)

PALUMBO, ENRICO 26 March 2010 (has links)
I percorsi che hanno portato i cattolici a ripensare il proprio rapporto con gli ebrei sono molti e investono aspetti molteplici del problema. A questo tema, approdato infine al Concilio Vaticano II con la dichiarazione Nostra Aetate (1965), si è aggiunta la questione della posizione dei cristiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato di Israele. Le riviste cattoliche italiane (di cui si sono qui prese in esame quelle d’opinione di diverso orientamento), luogo di discussione e di formazione di un’opinione pubblica consapevole, rispettarono tale pluralismo e, grazie all’impulso conciliare, affrontarono con crescente competenza la questione dei rapporti ebraico-cristiani, diventando fucina di un confronto fecondo con l’ebraismo. La vicenda dello Stato di Israele si è certamente intrecciata con il dialogo ebraico-cristiano, ma la maggior parte delle riviste cattoliche riuscì a non confondere i due piani e a compiere valutazioni distinte. La solida difesa del dialogo ebraico-cristiano si accompagnò nelle riviste della sinistra cattolica, soprattutto dopo il 1967, a una visione sempre più critica del ruolo che Israele stava svolgendo in Medio Oriente e a un avvicinamento alle posizioni palestinesi. Nella destra cattolica, in alcuni casi lontana dallo spirito conciliare sul tema dei rapporti tra le due fedi abramitiche, furono maggiori le voci in favore dello Stato di Israele, il cui ruolo era inserito nel quadro della guerra fredda. / Paths bringing Catholics to reconsider their relationship with the Jewish are various and touch manyfold aspects of the issue, which finally was brought up during the Second Vatican Council in the declaration Nostra Aetate (1965). Meanwhile Christians were further confronted by the foundation of Israel. Italian Catholic reviews, in the pluralism of the Council, faced with increased competence the issue of Christian-Jewish relationship and became the place for internal debates, opinion making, but also fruitful confrontation with Hebraism; those holding different views are specifically taken into account in this work. The course of Israel as state is certainly interwoven with the Christian-Jewish dialogue, but most Catholic reviews managed to keep the discussion and their evaluations on two different levels. The support of Christian-Jewish dialogue did not prevent left-wing Catholics from a critical vision of the role played by Israel in the Middle East, particularly in 1967, when positions came close to Palestinians. On the other hand within the Catholic right-wing, sometimes far from the spirit of the Council about the two religions with same roots, voices rose in favour of Israel and its role in the frame of the cold war.

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