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Hur upplever unga icke vita killar bemötandet från polisen? : En studie om upplevelser med Stockholmspolisen i ett segregerat bostadsområdeNyori, Denise Lydia, Alemayehu Habte, Bezza January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain an insight of which views young non-white males have of the Stockholm police and what sort of treatment they receive from the police in their residential areas. The study is based on a qualitative research method that was based on ten individual interviews with young non-white males between the ages of 16–19. All the participants in the study were of sub-saharan African and Middle Eastern descent and resided in the same socially segregated area in Stockholm. Four themes were identified during the study, namely: young non-white male’s views of the police, young non-white male’s experiences with the police, young non-white male’s trust in the police and lastly the impact of attire on police treatments. Furthermore, the results have been analyzed with the help of previous research, theoretical frameworks such as stamping theory and stigma, and concepts such as structural discrimination and racism. The results in these studies showed that young non-white males have a skewed view of the police and a low confidence in the police and the work they perform. The negative view of the police is based on the fact that the young non-white males have had previous experiences of negative police treatments and believe that their skin color, appearance, and residential areas are in fact the reason for the police stops. This result in connection with the descriptions of racial profiling has its similarities as the concept is about people getting treated differently due to their race/ethnicity.
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Ekonomiskt bistånd, socialsekreterare och klienter : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd ser på sina klienter / Financial assistance, social workers and clients : A qualitative study of how financial assistance social workers view their clients.Besterman, Emil, Arvidsson, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Socialsekreterare är den förmedlande gruppen mellan välfärdsstaten och klienter i Sverige, därför blev det viktigt att studera dessa miljöer. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare ser på vilka möjligheter de som erhåller ekonomiskt bistånd har för att kunna avstå/lämna biståndet och om möjligheterna skiljer sig åt mellan vita och icke-vita. För att besvara syftet genomfördes fem intervjuer med socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera det transkriberade materialet. Vi anlade ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv på begreppen vit och icke-vit. Klientskapande och rasism används för att analysera vår empiri. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreterarna konstruerade alla icke-vita till flyktingar och alla vita till svenskar. Utifrån detta, visade resultatet att icke-vita hade sämre förutsättningar att ta sig ur ekonomiskt bistånd på grund av att de inte kunde “rätt” språk och därför inte kunde etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Därav innehöll mycket av planeringen för icke-vita att gå på “Svenska För Invandrare”. Vita var främst dem som hade ett missbruk men planeringen för dem var däremot att få ut dem direkt på arbetsmarknaden. Resultatet visade även skillnader på vilka möjligheter som fanns för vita och icke-vita hade för att bli självförsörjande, där icke-vita anses ha sämre möjligheter. Det kunde visa sig i form av brist på information på andra språk vilket resulterade i att icke-vita hade svårare att förstå det svenska systemet.
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Representation i reklamfilm : en visuell analys av icke-vita karaktärer i GuldäggsfilmerJörfjord, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen ämnar att med sociosemiotiken som teoretisk utgångspunkt undersöka hur icke-vita karaktärer representeras i reklamfilm. De tre frågeställningarna lyder: Hur stor andel av reklamfilmerna i analysen inrymmer icke-vita karaktärer, inom vilka narrativa genrer förkommer icke-vita och hur porträtteras icke-vita karaktärer inom respektive narrativ. Materialet som analyseras avgränsas till filmer som tilldelats pris från reklamtävlingen Guldägget, med motiveringen att de kan agera föredöme för reklam i stort. Först granskades filmerna för att delas upp i filmer utan eller med icke-vita karaktärer, vilket resulterade i 29 filmer med icke-vita karaktärer. Dessa 29 filmer genomgick vidare en visuell analys för att utforska de icke-vita karaktärernas deltagande, både sett till vilken narrativ genre av reklamfilmer som de främst förekom i och till vilken grad de var specificerade individer. Resultatet påvisade att icke-vita karaktärer ytterst sällan agerar enskilda huvudkaraktärer: endast en karaktär i materialet spelade en sådan roll. Icke-vita karaktärer deltar snarare i kollektiv där alla medverkande delar samma egenskaper. De påträffas framförallt i narrativ som ska skildra världen, snarare än narrativ som fokuserar på individers handlingar. Avslutningsvis menar jag att utfallet beror på en allmän omedvetenhet eller obetänksamhet gällande framställningen av karaktärer med synlig minoritet, bland annat till följd av bristen på svensk forskning som belyser hudfärgsrepresentation.
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Vithetsnormer i Bildämnet : - och hur de reproduceras / Whiteness as a Norm within the Visual Arts Education : - and how it is being ReproducedNilsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This study examines what seems a lack of representation of non-white art and artists within the visual arts class in the Swedish secondary education, and what possible consequences that could have for people of color who do not fit the mold of being Swedish due to their non- white appearance. The empirical data have been obtained through a survey, former research of articles, and available literature from the critical race theoretical field. Results show that a reproduction of a canon of whiteness is being passed down through generations of art teachers with little to no sign of breaking its pattern. From the survey sent out to visual arts teacher students, findings show a hidden place [read the Arts/Science Class in Secondary Education] within the educational institutions where racism unremarked continues to strive through phenomenon ́s like; color-blindness and white hegemony.
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Ingrid eller Ibrahim - betydelsen av namn i SFI : En jämförande diskursanalys av två SFI-läromedel från år 2002 och 2021Aho, Athrin January 2021 (has links)
Textbooks within Swedish for Immigrants aims to teach immigrants the Swedish language and help them understand Swedish society. But one can ask: is there a representative picture of all people in Swedish society in these textbooks? This study aims to analyze which discourses are made visible regarding what kind of people are represented in textbooks for Swedish for Immigrants. Two textbooks from different times are chosen to make a comparison, and to see what and if there has been development in the way one talks about people with non-Swedish and non-white names. The questions asked are: Who is given space in two textbooks for Swedish for Immigrants? And what kind of development has been made within this area between the years 2002 and 2021? The method used is discourse analysis based on a social constructive perspective, which means that people adopt the discourses they read and learn about, which affects the way they see society and how they interact with others. The result shows that similar discourses are found in both textbooks, where three main discourses appear: us and them, Swedish/white is the norm, and immigrants only have lower-paid jobs in society. People with non-Swedish and non-white names are not given as much space in the textbooks as people with Swedish and white names. The older textbook contains of a majority Swedish names whereas the newer textbook contains more international names, but that are considered white names. This shows that there is an us and them-discourse occurring. The us and them-discourse appear in different ways throughout the textbooks and is more implicit in the newer textbook compared to the older. Another example of this discourse is that people with non-Swedish and non-white names are often presented with where they come from, which is not the case for people with Swedish names. This shows that there is a certain way of speaking of people with non-Swedish and non-white names in society. In conclusion, there are more Swedish and white people who are given space in these textbooks for Swedish for immigrants. Considering that immigrants are the target group for these textbooks, there should be a representation of all different people in Swedish society. Seen from a social constructive perspective, immigrants who read these textbooks will adopt these discourses, which will affect how they see Swedish society and how they interact with others. The development discovered between the two textbooks and their almost 20-year difference of release is shown in the discourse of immigrants only having lower-paid jobs. The newer textbook shows no evidence of this discourse whereas it appears in the older textbook. This shows that development has been made in how society thinks of immigrants and their ability to work within any profession.
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