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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologías Inmersivas y medidas psicofisiológicas para la evaluación y entrenamiento de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista

Olmos Raya, Elena 03 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es una afección compleja que se encuentra dentro de los llamados Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo. Está caracterizada por la presencia de disfunciones en las interacciones sociales, en la capacidad comunicativa, pensamiento simbólico, así como, conductas estereotipadas y desregulación de carácter sensorial. Actualmente, dada su elevada prevalencia, ha despertado el interés científico para poder llevar a cabo diagnósticos más tempranos que repercutan en intervenciones más eficaces. Hasta el momento el diagnóstico del TEA se ha venido realizando mediante baterías diagnósticas estandarizadas basadas en criterios cualitativos, por lo cual, la respuesta puede distar de la obtenida en un contexto real. Es por ello que herramientas como la Realidad Virtual (RV), con la potencialidad de reproducir entornos con elevado grado de realismo, pueden ser un contexto válido tanto para la evaluación como para la intervención terapéutica. Se han aplicado entornos virtuales no inmersivos, dado el rechazo de la población TEA a utilizar visores RV, aunque con resultados observacionales. Dichas limitaciones pueden superarse con el uso de los llamados Entornos Virtuales Inmersivos (EVI), ya que suponen una solución tecnológica no invasiva, con mayor capacidad de inmersión y, por tanto, de generar respuestas con mayor similitud a las obtenidas en un contexto real. Las mediciones de carácter observacional pueden superarse con mediciones fisiológicas, tales como, la actividad electrodermal (EDA), que proporciona la respuesta de la excitación corporal en forma de sudoración ante un estímulo o el eye tracking, el cual muestra el comportamiento ocular. Ambas suponen respuestas implícitas, inconscientes y cuantificables, que pueden ayudar a definir la afección. Por todo ello, la presente Tesis Doctoral, compuesta de tres estudios, tiene como objetivo unir el uso de EVI, con capacidad de estimulación visual, auditiva y olfativa con medidas fisiológicas, focalizadas en la evaluación y entrenamiento del TEA, además de estudiar las relaciones entre las mismas y las baterías diagnósticas del TEA. El Estudio nº 1 valoró la adaptación de los participantes a los dispositivos y el EVI y los niveles EDA en un contexto de respuesta al saludo. Los resultados hallaron que los sujetos TEA mostraron una tolerancia similar en el uso del EVI y del dispositivo EDA. Aumentaron sus niveles de excitación con respecto al estado de reposo previo (Ratio), cuando intervino el sentido del olfato, no habiendo relaciones significativas con las baterías diagnósticas. El Estudio nº 2 profundizó en los niveles EDA en un contexto de imitación total o parcial. Los resultados mostraros que los sujetos TEA mostraron una menor activación (Ratio), ante procesos de imitación total, con estimulación olfativa, no encontrando relaciones significativas con las baterías diagnósticas. El Estudio nº 3 estudió el EDA y el comportamiento ocular en un EVI basado en un Centro Comercial. Los resultados EDA, no proporcionaron diferencias en la sesión de evaluación, pero descendieron en los sujetos TEA tras una sesión de entrenamiento. El comportamiento ocular en la sesión de evaluación discriminó entre los grupos, pero en el entrenamiento el comportamiento fue similar. Las relaciones entre dichas medidas y las baterías diagnósticas no mostraron relaciones significativas. Tecnologías inmersivas y medidas psicofisiológicas para la evaluación y entrenamiento de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista Como conclusión final cabe señalar que, la medida electrodermal que contó con mayor capacidad para identificar a la población TEA fue la medida Ratio. Mientras que el EDA, tras el entrenamiento, fue indicador de una mejora de la excitación ante situaciones de señalado, respuesta al nombre y atención conjunta, en el caso del comportamiento ocular, fue capaz de diferenciar entre los grupos únicamente en la / [CA] El Trastorn de l'Espectre Autista (TEA) és una afecció complexa que es troba dins dels anomenats Trastorns del Neurodesenvolupament. Està caracteritzada per la presència de disfuncions en les interaccions socials, en la capacitat comunicativa, pensament simbòlic, així com, conductes estereotipades i desregulació del caràcter sensorial. Actualment, donada la seua elevada prevalença, ha despertat l'interés científic per poder dur a terme diagnòstics més primerencs que deriven en intervencions més eficaces. Fins al moment el diagnòstic del TEA s'ha realitzat mitjançant bateries diagnòstiques estandarditzades basades en criteris qualitatius, és per això que la resposta pot ser diferent a l'obtinguda en un context real. Per tant, eines com la Realitat Virtual, amb la capacitat de reproduir entorns amb un elevat grau de realisme, poden ser un context vàlid tant per a l'avaluació com per a la intervenció terapèutica. S'han aplicat entorns virtuals no immersius, donat el rebuig de la població TEA a utilitzar visors RV, malgrat que amb resultats observacionals. Dites limitacions poden superar-se amb l'ús dels anomenats Entorns Virtuals Immersius (EVI), ja que suposen una solució tecnològica no invasiva, amb major capacitat d'immersió i per tant, de generar respostes amb major similitud a les obtingudes en un context real. Les mesures de caràcter observacional poden superar-se amb mesures fisiològiques, tals com, l'activitat electrodermal (EDA), que proporciona la resposta de l'excitació corporal en forma de sudoració enfront d'un estímul o l'eye tracking, el qual mostra el comportament ocular. Ambdues suposen respostes implícites, inconscients i quantificables, que poden ajudar a definir l'afecció. Per tot això, la present Tesi Doctoral, composta de tres estudis, té com a objectiu unir l'ús d'EVI, amb capacitat d'estimulació visual, auditiva i olfactiva amb mesures fisiològiques, focalitzades en l'avaluació i entrenament del TEA, a més d'estudiar les relacions entre les mateixes i les bateries diagnòstiques del TEA. L'Estudi nº 1 va valorar l'adaptació dels participants als dispositius i l'EVI i els nivells EDA en un context de resposta salutació. Els resultats van trobar que els subjectes TEA van mostrar una tolerància similar en l'ús d'EVI i del dispositiu EDA. Van augmentar els seus nivells d'excitació pel que fa a l'estat de repòs prEVI (Ràtio), quan va intervenir el sentit de l'olfacte, no havent-hi relacions significatives amb les bateries diagnòstiques. L'Estudi nº 2 va aprofundir en els nivells EDA en un context d'imitació total o parcial. Els resultats mostraren que els subjectes TEA mostraren una menor activació (Ràtio), davant de processos d'imitació total, amb estimulació olfactiva, no trobant relacions significatives amb les bateries diagnòstiques. L'Estudi nº 3 va estudiar l'EDA i el comportament ocular a un EVI basat en un Centre Comercial. Els resultats EDA, no van proporcionar diferències en la sessió d'avaluació, però van baixar en els subjectes TEA després d'una sessió d'entrenament. El comportament ocular en la sessió d'avaluació va discriminar entre els grups, però en l'entrenament el comportament va ser similar. Les relacions entre aquestes mesures i les bateries diagnòstiques no van mostrar relacions significatives. Com a conclusió final es pot assenyalar que, la mesura electrodermal que va comptar amb major capacitat per a identificar a la població TEA fou la mesura Ràtio. Pel quefa a l'EDA, després de l'entrenament, va ser un indicador d'una millora de l'excitació enfront de situacions d'assenyalament, resposta al nom i atenció conjunta, en el cas del comportament ocular, va ser capaç de diferenciar entre els grups únicament en la sessió d'avaluació. Finalment, l'EDA i el comportament ocular, no van ser mesures amb capacitat correlacional amb les bateries diagnòstiques. / [EN] Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition that falls under the category of so-called Neurodevelopmental Disorders. It is characterized by the presence of dysfunctions in social interactions, in the communicative capacity, symbolic thinking, as well as, stereotypical behaviours and deregulation of sensorial character. Currently, given its high prevalence, it has awakened scientific interest in order to carry out earlier diagnoses that will have an impact on more effective interventions. Until now, the diagnosis of ASD has been carried out by means of standardized diagnostic batteries based on qualitative criteria, so that the response may be far from that obtained in a real context. Therefore, tools such as Virtual Reality (VR), with the potential to reproduce highly realistic environments, can be a valid context for both assessment and therapeutic intervention. Non-immersive virtual environments have been applied, given the refusal of the ASD population to use VR viewers, although with bservational results. These limitations can be overcome with the use of so-called Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs), since they represent a non-invasive technological solution, with a greater capacity for immersion and, therefore, for generating responses that are more similar to those obtained in a real context. Observational measurements can be overcome with physiological measurements, such as electrodermal activity (EDA), which provides the body's response in the form of sweating to a stimulus, or eye tracking, which shows the behaviour of the eye. Both involve implicit, unconscious and quantifiable responses, which can help define the condition. Consequently, the present Doctoral Thesis, composed of three studies, aims to unite the use of IVE, with the capacity of visual, auditory and olfactory stimulation with physiological measures, focused on the evaluation and training of ASD, as well as studying the relationships between them and the diagnostic batteries of ASD. The Study nº1 evaluated the adaptation of the participants to the deviIces and the IVE and the EDA levels in a context of response to the greeting. The results found that ASD subjects showed similar tolerance in the use of the IVE and EDA dEVIce. They increased their levels of arousal with respect to the prEVIous resting state (Ratio), when the sense of smell was involved, with no significant relationship with the diagnostic batteries. Study nº2 studied in depth the EDA levels in a context of total or partial imitation. The results show that the ASD subjects showed a lower activation (Ratio), when facing total imitation processes, with olfactory stimulation, finding no significant relations with the diagnostic batteries. The Study nº3 studied the EDA and the ocular behaviour in an IVE based in a Shopping Centre. The EDA results, did not provide differences in the evaluation session, but they decreased in the ASD subjects after a training session. Eye behaviour in the assessment session discriminated between the groups, but in the training the behaviour was similar. The relationships between these measures and the diagnostic batteries did not show significant relationships. As a final conclusion, it should be pointed out that the electrodermal measure that had more capacity to identify the ASD population was the Ratio measure. While the EDA, after the training, was an indicator of an improvement of the excitement in front of situations of signalling, response to the name and joint attention, in the case of the ocular behaviour, it was one able to differentiate between the groups only in the evaluation session. Finally, the EDA and the ocular behaviour, were not measured with correlational capacity with the diagnostic batteries. / Olmos Raya, E. (2021). Tecnologías Inmersivas y medidas psicofisiológicas para la evaluación y entrenamiento de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165871

NPS AUV workbench: collaborative environment for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) mission planning and 3D visualization

Lee, Chin Siong 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / alities. The extensible Markup Language (XML) is used for data storage and message exchange, Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics for visualization and XML Schema-based Binary Compression (XSBC) for data compression. The AUV Workbench provides an intuitive cross-platform-capable tool with extensibility to provide for future enhancements such as agent-based control, asynchronous reporting and communication, loss-free message compression and built-in support for mission data archiving. This thesis also investigates the Jabber instant messaging protocol, showing its suitability for text and file messaging in a tactical environment. Exemplars show that the XML backbone of this open-source technology can be leveraged to enable both human and agent messaging with improvements over current systems. Integrated Jabber instant messaging support makes the NPS AUV Workbench the first custom application supporting XML Tactical Chat (XTC). Results demonstrate that the AUV Workbench provides a capable testbed for diverse AUV technologies, assisting in the development of traditional single-vehicle operations and agent-based multiple-vehicle methodologies. The flexible design of the Workbench further encourages integration of new extensions to serve operational needs. Exemplars demonstrate how in-mission and post-mission event monitoring by human operators can be achieved via simple web page, standard clients or custom instant messaging client. Finally, the AUV Workbench's potential as a tool in the development of multiple-AUV tactics and doctrine is discussed. / Civilian, Singapore Defence Science and Technology Agency

Produção de material didático para ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem na educação a distância para o ensino superior

Silva, Leonardo Florencio da 11 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-07T12:23:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Florêncio da Silva.pdf: 35190693 bytes, checksum: e417a59f537fe58b1978aa8931e59920 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T12:23:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Florêncio da Silva.pdf: 35190693 bytes, checksum: e417a59f537fe58b1978aa8931e59920 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-11 / The dissertation has no abstract / Esta pesquisa visa apresentar o processo de produção de material didático para ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA), na educação a distância (EaD), em uma instituição de ensino superior (IES). Reflete-se em torno de questões como: Quais são os elementos norteadores na elaboração de material didático digital para a EaD? Quais são as metodologias e processos dessa IES? Qual a contribuição que tais processos propiciam para além da realidade dessa IES? São apresentados elementos norteadores, tais como os instrumentos avaliativos e os referenciais de qualidade, que respaldam a prática da educação a distância no Brasil, no ensino superior, com reflexo no material didático. Com o avanço da pesquisa, foi possível perceber a presença e importância de teorias instrucionais e teoria multimídia, principalmente aplicadas aos objetos virtuais de aprendizagem, principal conteúdo do material didático

Constru??o, uso e dissemina??o da informa??o em grupos de pesquisa por meio de ambientes virtuais de colabora??o

Ramos, Amauri Pereira 05 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Amauri Ramos1.pdf: 5520924 bytes, checksum: e26630274b4a50c9e7f79aa8dc49de04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-05 / The computers and the Internet in the universities and organisms of research have been shown as an element with potential for the dynamization of the construction, use and dissemination of the information for the collaborative work of the research groups. However, it is not evident the use of specialized information systems for support this modality of work. In this context , the present research has as objective analyze which is the effective use of information systems, appropriated to support to the collaborative work, by research groups for the accomplishment of its works in a collaborative way. As foundation to above-mentioned analysis, firstly attempts to present the concepts of collaborative work, research groups and Computer Supported Collaborative Work, that show basic for the best understanding of the virtues, deficiencies and implications that result of the use of such systems. As second stage of this work, attempting to collect enough information for the construction of the inferences that constructed its conclusions, questionnaires to the leaders of the registered research groups in the Directory of Groups of Research in Brazil of the Lattes Platform of CNPq were applied. / Os computadores e a Internet nas universidades e organismos de pesquisa t?m se mostrado um elemento com potencial para a dinamiza??o da constru??o, uso e dissemina??o da informa??o para o trabalho colaborativo dos grupos de pesquisa. Por?m, n?o ? evidente o uso de sistemas de informa??o especializados para apoiar essa modalidade de trabalho. Nesse cen?rio, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar qual ? a efetiva utiliza??o de sistemas de informa??o, pr?prios para o apoio ao trabalho colaborativo, por grupos de pesquisa para a realiza??o de seus trabalhos de forma colaborativa. Como alicerce ? analise supracitada, busca-se primeiramente apresentar os conceitos de trabalho colaborativo, grupos de pesquisa e Computer Supported Collaborative Work, que se mostram fundamentais para a melhor compreens?o das virtudes, defici?ncias e implica??es que resultam do uso de tais sistemas. Como segunda etapa deste trabalho, buscando coletar informa??es suficientes para a constru??o das infer?ncias que fomentaram suas conclus?es, foram aplicados question?rios aos l?deres dos grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no Diret?rio de Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil da Plataforma Lattes do CNPq.

Simulation, Erfassung und Analyse direkter Objektmanipulationen in Virtuellen Umgebungen

Heumer, Guido 19 July 2010 (has links)
Mit der Interaktionstechnik der "direkten Objektmanipulation" für virtuelle Umgebungen wird angestrebt, virtuelle Objekte genauso realistisch und flexibel handhaben zu können, wie das bei realen Objekten der Fall ist. Das bedeutet, virtuelle Objekte können mittels eines Handmodells direkt berührt, ergriffen, getragen, gedrückt und gezogen werden. Diese Interaktionstechnik findet vor allem dort Anwendung, wo Objektmanipulationen möglichst realistisch simuliert und erfasst werden sollen, z.B. bei Ergonomieuntersuchungen, virtuellem Prototyping, Trainingssimulationen usw. Neben einigen Ansätzen zur technischen Umsetzung von direkten Objektmanipulationen werden in dieser Arbeit vor allem Konzepte und Verfahren entwickelt und vorgestellt, die eine Erfassung und Analyse von Benutzerinteraktionen unter Verwendung dieser Interaktionstechnik ermöglichen. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei die Untersuchung von Greifvorgängen, insbesondere die automatische Erkennung von Greifarten. Dazu wurden mehrere ausführliche empirische Studien mit einer neuartigen systematischen Methodik durchgeführt, woraus sich Empfehlungen für die Wahl von Klassifikationsverfahren und die Zusammensetzung der Merkmale ergeben. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist eine neue Taxonomie von Greifarten, die speziell auf den Einsatz in virtueller Realität zugeschnitten ist und sich durch die Integration nicht-prehensiler Greifarten auszeichnet. Als weiterer wesentlicher Beitrag wird ein Analyseverfahren vorgestellt, mit dem der kontinuierliche Strom von Bewegungs- und Interaktionsdaten in Sequenzen von diskreten sinntragenden Basisinteraktionen zerlegt werden kann. Diese Sequenzen können anschließend manuell ausgewertet oder im Rahmen des "Action Capture"-Verfahrens in eine abstrakte Aktionsrepräsentation überführt und durch unterschiedliche virtuelle Figuren wiedergegeben werden.:Abbildungsverzeichnis ix Tabellenverzeichnis xiii Verzeichnis der Listings xv 1. Einleitung 1 1.1. Wissenschaftlicher Kontext und Abgrenzung 2 1.2. Zielsetzung und Beitrag 3 1.3. Aufbau der Arbeit 5 2. Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen 7 2.1. Grundbegriffe 7 2.2. Techniken der Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen 10 2.2.1. Zeigerbasierte Interaktion 10 2.2.2. Multimodale Interaktion 11 2.2.3. Direkte Objektmanipulation 12 2.3. Eingabegeräte 14 2.3.1. Positionstracker 14 2.3.2. Datenhandschuh (Cyberglove) 15 2.3.3. Fingertracker 18 2.4. Virtuelle Objekte 20 2.4.1. Funktionale Komponenten virtueller Umgebungen 20 2.4.2. Artikulierte Objekte und Stellteile 21 2.4.3. Die Industrienorm EN 894-3 für Stellteile 23 2.5. Zusammenfassung 24 3. Direkte Objektmanipulation in der Realität 25 3.1. Menschliches Greifen 25 3.1.1. Anatomische Grundbegriffe der menschlichen Hand 26 3.1.2. Eigenschaften von Greifvorgängen 28 3.2. Taxonomien von Greifarten 31 3.2.1. Greifarten nach Schlesinger 32 3.2.2. Griffkategorien nach Napier 34 3.2.3. Taxonomie von Greifarten nach Cutkosky 37 3.2.4. Taxonomie von Greifarten nach Kamakura 38 3.3. Eine spezielle Grifftaxonomie für Objektmanipulationen in VR 41 3.3.1. Anforderungen an eine Grifftaxonomie 41 3.3.2. Erfüllung dieser Anforderungen durch bestehende Taxonomien 43 3.3.3. Entwurfsprozess der Taxonomie 44 3.3.4. Detailbeschreibung der neuen Taxonomie 46 3.4. Zusammenfassung 51 4. Umsetzung direkter Objektmanipulation in virtuellen Umgebungen 53 4.1. Annotierte Objekte 53 4.1.1. Deklaration annotierter Objekte 55 4.1.2. Szenende?nitionen 58 4.1.3. Implementierung annotierter Objekte 60 4.2. Virtuelle Stellteile 62 4.2.1. Implementierung virtueller Stellteile 62 4.2.2. Stellteilereignisse 66 4.3. Virtuelles Handmodell 67 4.3.1. Deklaration des Handmodells 69 4.3.2. Implementierung des Handmodells 70 4.3.3. Physikalisches Handmodell 72 4.4. Simulation des Greifens 72 4.4.1. Implementierung der Geometrie-basierten Simulation 74 4.4.2. Implementierung der Sensor-Kräfte-basierten Simulation 75 4.4.3. Implementierung der Dynamik-basierten Simulation 76 4.5. Zusammenfassung 77 5. Automatische Erkennung von Greifarten 79 5.1. Verwandte Arbeiten 80 5.2. Methodik 81 5.3. Erkennung basierend auf Rohdaten des Cyberglove 82 5.3.1. Erste Studie (CG-S-R): Cyberglove-Rohdaten, Schlesinger-Taxonomie, reale Objekte 83 5.3.2. Anschlussstudie zur Verbesserung der Generalisierungsfähigkeit 97 5.3.3. Zweite Studie (CG-H-R): Cyberglove-Rohdaten, neue Taxonomie, reale Objekte 108 5.4. Erkennung basierend auf Gelenkwinkeln des Fingertrackings 119 5.4.1. Dritte Studie (FT3-S-R): Fingertracking, Schlesinger-Taxonomie, reale Objekte 119 5.4.2. Vierte Studie (FT5-S-V): Fingertracking, Schlesinger-Taxonomie, virtuelle Objekte 130 5.5. Vergleichende Diskussion aller Studien 143 5.6. Zusammenfassung 146 6. Erfassung und Analyse von direkten Objektmanipulationen in virtuellen Umgebungen 149 6.1. Erfassung und Aufzeichnung von Interaktionen 149 6.1.1. Ebene 0 - Rohdaten der Eingabegeräte 150 6.1.2. Ebene 1 - Bewegungsdaten der Körpermodells 151 6.1.3. Ebene 2 - Interaktionsdaten 152 6.2. Basisinteraktionen 153 6.2.1. Taxonomie von Basisinteraktionen 153 6.2.2. Detailbeschreibung der Basisinteraktionen 154 6.3. Erkennung von Basisinteraktionen 157 6.3.1. Segmentierung der Bewegungen 158 6.3.2. Verarbeitung von Kontaktinformationen 160 6.3.3. Verarbeitung von Stellteilereignissen 161 6.3.4. Weiterverarbeitung von Basisinteraktionen 162 6.4. Interaktionsereignisse 162 6.4.1. Typen von Interaktionsereignissen 163 6.4.2. XML-Format 164 6.4.3. Typabhängige Inhalte 166 6.4.4. Sequenzen von Interaktionsereignissen 171 6.4.5. Visualisierung von Interaktionsereignissen 171 6.5. Interaktionsdatenbank 172 6.5.1. Interaktionskanäle 173 6.5.2. Aufzeichnungssitzungen 174 6.6. Zusammenfassung 176 7. Beispielszenarien 179 7.1. Objekt an andere Position tragen (pick and place) 180 7.1.1. Die Werkbank-Szene 180 7.1.2. Interaktionssequenz im Detail 181 7.2. Stellteilbedienung 191 7.2.1. Die Pult-Szene 191 7.2.2. Die Interaktionssequenz mit dem Stellteil im Detail 192 7.3. Beispiel eines virtuellen Prototyps 200 7.3.1. Die Autocockpit-Szene 200 7.3.2. Aufgezeichnete Aktionssequenz 201 7.4. Zusammenfassung 203 8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 205 8.1. Ergebnisse 205 8.2. Einbettung der Arbeit in das „Action Capture“-Verfahren 209 8.2.1. Automatische Generierung von Aktionsbeschreibungen 209 8.2.2. Erzeugung von Animationen 211 8.3. Diskussion: Limitierungen und Anwendbarkeit des vorgestellten Ansatzes 213 8.4. Ausblick 215 A. Schemata der XML-Formate 219 A.1. Interaktionsereignisse 219 A.2. Handsensoren 223 A.3. Annotierte Objekte 224 A.4. Szenenbeschreibung 226 B. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 227 Literaturverzeichnis 229

Le sentiment de présence en réalité virtuelle, rôle modérateur des facteurs humains sur la performance

Maneuvrier, Arthur 09 1900 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle internationale avec l'Université de Caen Normandie en France / La réalité virtuelle s’est imposée comme un nouveau paradigme de la recherche et des applica-tions scientifiques. La capacité de cette technologie à simuler des situations complexes sur me-sure offre aux chercheurs la possibilité d’étudier des comportements possédant contrôle méthodo-logique et dimension écologique. Cette dernière est rendue possible par l’émergence du sentiment de présence, la sensation « d’être là », phénomène au cœur des études in virtuo. Le présent tra-vail s’inscrit dans un cadre méthodologique et fondamental visant à faire avancer l’émergence d’un corps de connaissances sur la réalité virtuelle et son sentiment de présence. En effet, la compréhension globale de ce dernier demeure très limitée, notamment au regard de ses liens avec la performance en réalité virtuelle. Que ce soit dans un but de diagnostic ou d’investigation du comportement humain, la question de la relation entre sentiment de présence et performance est pourtant cruciale : si la présence favorise la performance, par exemple la performance à un test neuropsychologique, celle-ci devient un biais systématique inhérent à l’outil qu’il est néces-saire de contrôler pour toute expérimentation rigoureuse. Si cette question demeure peu étudiée dans la littérature c’est parce qu’elle est largement complexifiée par les interactions entre tout un ensemble de variables adjacentes – genre, cybermalaises, style cognitif, expérience des jeux vi-déo –, mais aussi parce que la performance peut prendre des myriades de formes différentes et qu’il est ainsi particulièrement ardu d’inférer une causalité directionnelle. Afin d’explorer cette question, le présent travail propose trois expérimentations sur trois différents types d’évaluation : fonctions exécutives, cognition spatiale, apprentissage sémantique. Les données ainsi recueillies font également l’objet d’analyses transversales destinées à comparer les expérimentations. En-semble, ces résultats semblent distinguer l’existence de deux composants de la réalité virtuelle. Le premier, le profil cognitif, est constitué par les facteurs humains individuels interagissant avec les facteurs systèmes – notamment le degré d’intégration de la tâche – pour moduler le deu-xième, l’expérience utilisateur. De cette expérience utilisateur dépendent le sentiment de pré-sence, la performance, mais aussi leur relation. Ce modèle, présenté en conclusion, est discuté au regard d’approches théoriques différentes de la cognition et permet de dresser une liste de recommandations et de perspectives pour les utilisateurs de la réalité virtuelle, notamment les possibilités d’estimer a priori l’expérience utilisateur d’un individu. / Virtual reality has emerged as a new paradigm for research and scientific applications. The ability of this technology to simulate complex custom-made situations offers researchers the opportunity to study behaviours with a laboratory methodological control and an ecological dimensions. The latter is made possible by the emergence of the feeling (or “sense”) of presence, the sensation of "being there", a phenomenon at the heart of in virtuo studies. The present work is part of a meth-odological and fundamental framework aimed at advancing the emergence of a body of knowledge on virtual reality and its sense of presence. The global understanding of the sense of presence remains very limited, especially with regard to its links with performance in virtual reality. Whether it is for diagnostic purposes or for the investigation of human behaviour, the question of the relationship between the sense of presence and performance is crucial: if presence promotes performance, for example by increasing scores during a neuropsychological test, it becomes a systematic bias inherent to the tool that must be controlled in any rigorous experiment. This ques-tion remains little studied in the literature, mostly because it is complexified by the interactions between a whole set of adjacent variables – gender, cybersickness, cognitive style, video game experience – but also because performance can take many different forms, making it particularly difficult to infer directional causality. In order to explore this question, the present work proposes three experiments on three different types of evaluation: executive functions, spatial cognition, semantic learning. The data collected in this way is also the object of transversal analyses de-signed to compare the experiments. Together, these results seem to suggest the existence of two components of virtual reality. The first, the cognitive profile, is made up of individual human factors interacting with system factors – notably the degree of integration of the task into the virtual envi-ronment – to build the second, the user experience. The sense of presence and performance, but also their relationship depends on the user experience. This model, presented in conclusion, is discussed with regard to different theoretical approaches to cognition, notably the ecological and computational theories. This discussion makes it possible to draw up a list of recommendations and perspectives for virtual reality users, including the possibilities of estimating a priori the user experience of an individual immersed in virtual reality.


Ashley S Dale (8771429) 07 January 2021 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>An RGBZ synthetic dataset consisting of five object classes in a variety of virtual environments and orientations was combined with a small sample of real-world image data and used to train the Mask R-CNN (MR-CNN) architecture in a variety of configurations. When the MR-CNN architecture was initialized with MS COCO weights and the heads were trained with a mix of synthetic data and real world data, F1 scores improved in four of the five classes: The average maximum F1-score of all classes and all epochs for the networks trained with synthetic data is F1∗ = 0.91, compared to F1 = 0.89 for the networks trained exclusively with real data, and the standard deviation of the maximum mean F1-score for synthetically trained networks is σ∗ <sub>F1 </sub>= 0.015, compared to σF 1 = 0.020 for the networks trained exclusively with real data. Various backgrounds in synthetic data were shown to have negligible impact on F1 scores, opening the door to abstract backgrounds and minimizing the need for intensive synthetic data fabrication. When the MR-CNN architecture was initialized with MS COCO weights and depth data was included in the training data, the net- work was shown to rely heavily on the initial convolutional input to feed features into the network, the image depth channel was shown to influence mask generation, and the image color channels were shown to influence object classification. A set of latent variables for a subset of the synthetic datatset was generated with a Variational Autoencoder then analyzed using Principle Component Analysis and Uniform Manifold Projection and Approximation (UMAP). The UMAP analysis showed no meaningful distinction between real-world and synthetic data, and a small bias towards clustering based on image background. </p></div></div></div>

Implementation and Analysis of Co-Located Virtual Reality for Scientific Data Visualization

Jordan M McGraw (8803076) 07 May 2020 (has links)
<div>Advancements in virtual reality (VR) technologies have led to overwhelming critique and acclaim in recent years. Academic researchers have already begun to take advantage of these immersive technologies across all manner of settings. Using immersive technologies, educators are able to more easily interpret complex information with students and colleagues. Despite the advantages these technologies bring, some drawbacks still remain. One particular drawback is the difficulty of engaging in immersive environments with others in a shared physical space (i.e., with a shared virtual environment). A common strategy for improving collaborative data exploration has been to use technological substitutions to make distant users feel they are collaborating in the same space. This research, however, is focused on how virtual reality can be used to build upon real-world interactions which take place in the same physical space (i.e., collaborative, co-located, multi-user virtual reality).</div><div><br></div><div>In this study we address two primary dimensions of collaborative data visualization and analysis as follows: [1] we detail the implementation of a novel co-located VR hardware and software system, [2] we conduct a formal user experience study of the novel system using the NASA Task Load Index (Hart, 1986) and introduce the Modified User Experience Inventory, a new user study inventory based upon the Unified User Experience Inventory, (Tcha-Tokey, Christmann, Loup-Escande, Richir, 2016) to empirically observe the dependent measures of Workload, Presence, Engagement, Consequence, and Immersion. A total of 77 participants volunteered to join a demonstration of this technology at Purdue University. In groups ranging from two to four, participants shared a co-located virtual environment built to visualize point cloud measurements of exploded supernovae. This study is not experimental but observational. We found there to be moderately high levels of user experience and moderate levels of workload demand in our results. We describe the implementation of the software platform and present user reactions to the technology that was created. These are described in detail within this manuscript.</div>

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