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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Disgusting pictures” : A study exploring webpages ́ experienced credibility based upon their visual design elements

Bernsland, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
An organization ́s website is often the first contact of a consumer and will therefore probably provide its first impression. Also, as people tend to easily jump from one webpage to the other, an instant judgment of credibility could be made in just a few seconds. Previous research has discovered a correlation between visual design and experienced credibility, but little investigation has further been made about certain elements and their design features. This study explores what elements on a webpage that is being assessed at an instant judgment of credibility. Further, visual design features are examined regarding the elements. The three most frequently mentioned elements involved in the credibility judgment were the logotype, hero image, and the main content section. Concerning their visual design, the findings indicate that colors and the choice of pictures have a major impact on how a webpage is perceived. Depending on what color or what kind of picture that was exposed, it could either help or harm the webpage ́s experienced credibility. The impression is also discussed to be influenced by cognitive aspects such as cognitive authority and presumed credibility.

I Egen Hög Person : Ett examensarbete om ångest

Dupouy, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
I Egen Hög Person är ett möte mellan illustration och ångesthantering; hur man på ett säkert sätt kan närma sig sina känslor medan man samtidigt håller en välbehövlig distans. Arbetet är resultatet av en idé som vuxit fram ur tanken att inte låta våra känslor begränsas till den mentala tillvaron; i det här examensar-betet får de ta plats i den fysiska världen. Frågeställningarna “Hur kan jag med hjälp av grafisk design skapa ett visuellt och taktilt verktyg för ångesthantering riktat mot vuxna?” och “Hur kan jag med hjälp av illustration humanisera och förkroppsli-ga känslorna som kommer med ångest?” undersöker hur man kan möjliggöra ett mer förstående och hälsosamt förhållande till sig själv och det man känner. För vad är det som händer när vi helt plötsligt sätter ett ansikte på vår ångest? Genom enkäter, workshops, bildanalys, mindmaps, moodboards, skisser och designsprint utforskas ångest och hur den bäst kan förmedlas visuellt. / I Egen Hög Person is a combination of illustration and anxiety management; how to safely approach your emotions while simultaneously maintaining a much-needed distance. It’s the result of an idea that came out of the thought of   not letting our emotions be limited to the mental state; in this thesis, they take a step out into the physical world. The questions “How can I use graphic design to create a visual and tactile tool for anxiety management aimed at adults?” and “With the help of illustration, how can I humanize and embody the emotions that come with anxiety?” explores how one can enable a more understanding and healthy rela-tionship to oneself and what one feels. Because what is it really that happens when we suddenly put a face to our anxiety? Through surveys, workshops, image analysis, mind maps, mood boards, sketches and design sprints, the subject of anxiety is explored, and how it is best conveyed visually.

What Designers Need to Know When Working in the Nonprofit Sector: 5 Design Principles for Developing Identities and Visual Materials for Nonprofit Organizations

Carpenter Fearing, Maren L. 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of Visual Design Appeal : An Investigation of Player Interest in Tools in Local Cooperative Videogames

Örn, Elias, Hofling, Oscar, Nilsson, Sofiya January 2024 (has links)
Players must often make choices in equipment when playing videogames. These choices can be informed by some level of interest shown by the players. This thesis explores the impact of visual design on the interest in game Mechanics, in the form of in-game equipment. This subject was explored by an iterative process, spanning over three iterations, in which groups of testers rated how interested they were in a selection of four visual representations of equipment in a local cooperative videogame. The iterative process was informed by using nudging as a lens to increase interest in the worst-rated visual representations. Results indicate that players' initial interest can be more affected by nudging, in contrast to the players' final thoughts after interacting with the game’s mechanics. More often than not, their final thoughts were unaffected by nudging after which the knowledge of a preferred mechanic took precedence. However, nudging through added Juiciness did increase the visual appeal and interest in previously unfavored mechanics.

EstratÃgias de referenciaÃÃo em infogrÃficos: contribuiÃÃes da imagem para a construÃÃo da referÃncia e progressÃo textual / Reference strategies in infographics: image contributions to textual progression

Jeannie Fontes Teixeira 16 December 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O infogrÃfico à um gÃnero textual multimodal que ganha expressÃo em avaliaÃÃes de larga escala da educaÃÃo bÃsica, como o PISA e o ENEM. Entretanto, verificamos a pouca participaÃÃo deste gÃnero na esfera escolar, especialmente nos materiais didÃticos, o que indica uma lacuna no tratamento deste gÃnero na escola. Outro indicativo da pouÂca familiaridade dos alunos da educaÃÃo bÃsica com o infogrÃfico à o baixo Ãndice de acertos â apontados pelo PISA, por exemplo â em questÃes que o envolvem. Tendo como norteadores os pressupostos da teoria da ReferenciaÃÃo, tomamos como tarefa a formulaÃÃo de uma proposta didÃtica para a abordagem desse gÃnero multimodal em turmas de Ensino Fundamental. Para esse intento, norteados por Mondada e Dubois (2014), Cavalcante & Brito (2015; 2016), Cavalcante, CustÃdio Filho e Brito (2014), Koch e Elias (2016), Kress e van Leeuwen (1997) investigamos as estratÃgias de construÃÃo referencial e de progressÃo temÃtica mobilizadas pelo infogrÃfico com foco em sua modalidade imagÃtica, a fim de verificarmos se hà regularidades que possam amparar essa proposta. Para a anÃlise do infogrÃfico enquanto gÃnero textual, aliamos aos estudos LinguÃsticos de gÃnero textual (BAKTHIN, 1997), (BAZERMAN, 2009; 2011), (PAIVA, 2008, 2011) estudos da Ãrea da ComunicaÃÃo Social (TEIXEIRA, 2010), (SOJO, 2002) que apontaram uma tipologia aplicÃvel ao ensino. Os aspectos multimodais do infogrÃfico foram verificados pela associaÃÃo dos pressupostos da ReferenciaÃÃo com os pressupostos da GramÃtica do Design Visual (KRESS E VAN LEUWEEN, 1996), como apontada por Cavalcante e Brito (2015; 2016), Cavalcante, CustÃdio Filho E Brito (2014), Oliveira-Nascimento (2014). Trata-se de pesquisa mista, uma vez que mapeou a ocorrÃncia de infogrÃficos dos livros didÃticos de L.P. do ensino fundamental, bem como indicou uma possÃvel categorizaÃÃo, bem como descreveu e interpretou as estratÃgias mobilizadas pelos textos. O exemplÃrio foi constituÃdo por 15 infogrÃficos coletados das coleÃÃes de livros didÃticos de LÃngua Portuguesa aprovados pelo PNLD â 2017 e 3 questÃes do exame PISA. Dentre as regularidades verificadas, (1) apontamos constituintes prototÃpicos fundamentais para o estabelecimento da coerÃncia no infogrÃfico, (2) descrevemos as estratÃgias mobilizadas pelo gÃnero em razÃo da sua multimodalidade, (3) descrevemos as metaestratÃgias que os enunciados referentes aos infogrÃficos no L.D. podem orientar e (4) verificamos a tipologia mais presente em livros didÃticos da disciplina de LÃngua Portuguesa do ensino. A partir desses elementos, elaboramos uma sequÃncia de atividades com vistas à aplicaÃÃo em turmas de fundamental, orientada pela Taxonomia de Bloom (1956). Ademais, sugerimos pesquisas posteriores com a finalidade de ampliar as perspectivas de anÃlise de textos multimodais pelos pressupostos da ReferenciaÃÃo e de formar o professor de ensino fundamental para tratamento didÃtico deste gÃnero. / The infographic is a multimodal textual genre that gains expression in large-scale assessments of basic education such as PISA and ENEM. However, we have found little participation in this genre in the school sphere, especially in didactic materials, which indicates a gap in the treatment of this genre in school. Another indication of low familiarity of elementary school students with infographic is the low hit rate - as pointed out by PISA, for example - in questions that involve it. Having as guiding the presuppositions of the Referencing theory, we took into account the formulation of a didactic proposal as a task for a multimodal gender approach in elementary school classes. For this purpose, guided by Mondada and Dubois (2014), Cavalcante and Brito (2015; 2016), Cavalcante, CustÃdio Filho and Brito (2014), Koch and Elias (2016), Kress and van Leeuwen (1997) we have investigated the strategies of referential construction and thematic progression mobilized by the infographic focusing on its imagetic modality, in order to verify whether there are regularities that can support this proposal. For the analysis of the infographic as a textual genre, we have allied to the linguistic studies of textual genre (BAKTHIN, 1997), (BAZERMAN, 2009; 2011), (PAIVA, 2008, 2011) studies in the Social Communication Area (TEIXEIRA, 2010), (SOJO, 2002) which pointed out a typology applicable to teaching. The multimodal aspects of the infographic were verified by the association of the Referencing and The grammar of visual design presuppositions (KRESS E VAN LEUWEEN, 1996), as pointed out by Cavalcante and Brito (2015; 2016), Cavalcante, CustÃdio Filho and Brito (2014), Oliveira-Nascimento (2014). It is a mixed research, since it has mapped the occurrence of infographic in the L.P. textbooks of the elementary school, as well as indicating a possible categorization, as well as described and interpreted the strategies mobilized by the texts. The sample was consisted of 15 infographics collected from Portuguese textbooks collections approved by PNLD â 2017 and 3 questions from PISA exam. Among the verified regularities, (1) we have pointed out fundamental prototypical constituents for the establishment of the coherence in the infographic, (2) we have described the strategies mobilized by the genre because of its multimodality, (3) we have described the meta-strategies that the statements related to infographics in L.D. can guide and (4) we have verified the most present typology in textbooks of the Portuguese discipline of the teaching. From these elements, we have elaborated a sequence of activities focusing the application in fundamental classes, oriented by Bloom Taxonomy (1956), Furthermore, we have suggested further research with the purpose of expanding the perspectives of multimodal texts analysis by the Referencing presuppositions and to train the teacher of elementary education for didactic treatment of this genre.

Visuellt berättande genom karaktärer

Holmlund, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
I mitt arbete har jag genom användandet av diffraktion analyserat spelkaraktärer för att se hurkaraktärerna använder estetik och visuella utryck för att beskriva karaktärsdrag och bakgrundsamt hur de kan användas i nya berättelser. Genom användandet av the good eye metoden harjag analyserat ett flertal spelkaraktärer genom att dela upp deras estetik i innehåll, färg,rumsligt innehåll, ljus och uttryck och sedan försökt applicera dessa på redan skrivnakaraktärer för ett digitalt spel och anpassa dem till spelvärldens visuella estetik. / In this thesis I have analysed game characters through the use of diffraction to see how thecharacters use aesthetics and visual expressions to describe characteristics, background andhow they can be used in new stories. I have analysed multiple game characters using the goodeye method and divided their aesthetics into content, color spatial organisation, light, andexpressive content and then tried to apply it on already written characters for a digital gameand adapt them to the aesthetics of the game world.

SH Karriär : Framtagning av designförslag till visningsvy för karriärforum / SH Karriär : The development of a design proposal for a career forum

Skripcevska, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör produktionsprocessen för en re- design av ett karriärforum vid namn SH Karriär som funnits sedan hösten 2011. I dagsläget upplever SH Karriär att studenterna på Södertörns högskola inte återkommer till karriärforumet, därför inleddes produktionsprocessen med en användarstudie för att tangera problemet. Målet var att producera ett designförslag som presenterar karriärforumet på ett representativt sätt. Re- designen ska möjliggöra att användarna får en klarare överblick kring de innehåll som presenteras på karriärforumet och även skapa ett intresse som får dem att återkomma efter att ha registrerat sig på SH Karriär. Rapporten beskriver mitt tillvägagångssätt genom en enkätundersökning och användartester. Metoderna har lett till att jag fått en grund för produktionen av designförslaget. Designförslaget skapades i programmet Adobe Photoshop CS5. Resultatet blev ett strukturerat karriärforum som visar användarna vad SH Karriär har att erbjuda på ett färggrannare sätt. / This report describes the implementation for re-designing a career forum called SH Karriär, that has been working since fall 2011.  SH Karriär has in the current state experienced that students at Södertörn University don’t return to the career forum, which initiated a user study to evaluate the issue. The goal was to produce a design proposal for the career forum that presents their range of services in a representative manner.  The re- design allows users to get a clearer view of the content presented on the career forum and creates an interest in revisiting after registering at SH Karriär. The report describes my methodology through a questionnaire survey and usability testing. These methods have given me a foundation for the production of the design proposal that was created in Adobe Photoshop CS5. The result of the design proposal presents a more structured career forum that elucidates SH Karriär’s services with a new colorful approach.

Estudo comparativo sobre representações visuais em interfaces com base em ícones de dispositivos móveis da Apple

Lauzer, Marshal Becon January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve por objetivo verificar se existe um diferencial estético nas representações visuais nas interfaces gráficas dos dispositivos móveis da Apple e, se existir, se esse diferencial efetivamente influencia o vínculo do usuário com a marca e se o usuário tem consciência dele. Para tanto é apresentada uma breve análise diacrônica sobre as interfaces computacionais, bem como uma descrição de momentos chave na história da referida empresa. A partir disto, são abordadas questões que abrangem o posicionamento da marca Apple, pois desde a popularização das interfaces gráficas (GUI) a mesma tem sido associada tanto ao conceito de boas interfaces, quanto tem esta relação contestada. Existem ainda autores que consideram que o sucesso da marca Apple deve-se menos à qualidade de seus produtos (hardware e interfaces gráficas) que à força das ações de marketing da empresa. Para compreender de forma mais pontual as interfaces que eram objeto de estudo e as diretrizes que envolvem a construção de seu desenho, foram analisados os guias de desenvolvimento de interfaces da Apple para o iOS (iOS Human Interface Guidelines) e do Android (Android Developers), atualmente seu principal concorrente. A fim de tentar analisar a percepção que usuários têm das especificidades e dos diferenciais estéticos entre as referidas interfaces, foram construídas duas simulações, cada qual com características de um dos sistemas. Sessões experimentais com usuários, seguidas de entrevista, compuseram a fase empírica, de cunho qualitativo, em que se procurou verificar qual conjunto de ícones os participantes preferiam e por que. Os resultados encontrados apontam que questões estéticas são importantes na percepção que as pessoas têm das interfaces. Essa atenção às configurações estéticas parece contribuir para a percepção geral que se tem dos produtos onde os ícones se apresentam. A partir desses resultados é possível afirmar que a estética faz parte do conjunto de fatores, que constroem a percepção final – positiva ou negativa, de uma interface e, com ela, dos produtos de uma determinada marca. Por outro lado, embora o conjunto de ícones construído de acordo com os parâmetros do Guia de Desenvolvimento de Interfaces da Apple tenha sido preferido por dois terços dos participantes, não houve identificação daquele grupo de ícones com as interfaces da marca Apple. Isso sugere que a construção da marca é alicerçada na qualidade estética de suas interfaces, mas indica também a importância das ações de marketing na atribuição de maior qualidade estética às interfaces da Apple. / This work aimed to verify whether there is a differential in aesthetic visual representations in the graphical interfaces of Apple’s mobile devices. If a difference was found, a second objective was to verify whether this differential effectively influences the bond between user and brand and if the user is aware of it. To this end, it starts with a brief diachronic analysis of computer interfaces, as well as a description of key moments in Apple's history of. Discussed issues include brand positioning, as, since the popularization of graphical user interfaces (GUI), Apple has been associated to the concept of good interfaces. However, at the same time, this relationship has also been challenged, as there are authors who believe that the success of the brand Apple is not due to the quality of its products (hardware and graphical interfaces) but to the strength of the marketing activities of the company. To understand the specific interfaces that were the object of this study and to know the guidelines that drive their design, we analyzed Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines and its Android equivalent - Android Developers - (as Android is currently Apple's main competitor in the mobile market). In order to analyze users' perception of specific features and aesthetic differences between Apple and Android interfaces, two simulations were built, each with characteristics of either system. Experimental sessions with users were followed by interviews, comprising the empirical, qualitative study. These experiments aimed to verify which set of icons participants preferred and why. The results show that aesthetic considerations are important in the perception of interfaces. This attention to aesthetic settings seems to contribute to the general perception that people have of the digital products themselves. From these results we can say that aesthetics is part of the set of factors that build the final perception - positive or negative - of an interface, and with it, the products of a particular brand. However, although the icon set constructed in accordance with the parameters of iOS Human Interface Guidelines Apple has been preferred by two-thirds of the participants, the identification of that group of icons with Apple interfaces did not happen. This suggests that Apple's brand building can be founded on the aesthetic quality of its interfaces, but also indicates the importance of marketing actions in assigning greater aesthetic quality to Apple interfaces.

Construção de corpos: análise de capas das revistas dirigidas aos homoeróticos masculinos / Construction of bodies: analysis of the covers of magazines directed at male homoerotic

Silva, Lilian Arruda 03 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:44:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3876542 bytes, checksum: 64bd0db8bf4a16f4f774b009e84ef3de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-03 / The image has become one of the major persuasive elements. Kress (1997) says that the society is seeing the significative changing of valorization in the semiotic modes, specially, one changing of the verbal form to the visual of the representation and comunication. In this way, studying images is necessary, because it is related to the propagation of values and social identity constitution as well. Relegated the importance of the images in the postmodern world, we will discuss, in this assignment, the relation between image-genre social-body, based in the Visual Semiotic and in the researches in the Multimodality, once we try to analyse the Body constrution, through the covers of the magazines: G Magazine, Junior, Dom and Aimé addressed to a particular public: the homoerotic male. To do it so, we will have as theoretical support a Grammar of Visual Design written by kress and van Leeuwen (1996) which is based in the Systemic-Functional Linguistic written by Halliday (1994). We will also base this assignment studies about the social genre (FOUCAULT, 1985; SCOTT, 1990; LOURO, 1997, 2005, 2007; LAQUEUR, 2001; WEEKS, 2007; BUTLER, 2008, among others). In the perspective poststructuralist, the identities and differences are defined from the culture and history, they are social and cultural creations, therefore, they are not innate to the human being, but are actively produced and built through the power relation and through the language. Therefore, the category body, is also understood and assumed as the historical reality, so the body becomes a space of debate and reflection regarding the construction related to the genre and sex. The analysis points to a promotion of a virile body that is, consequentelly, refute a female image, therefore, the social acceptance of the homoerotics. Therefore, we can to postulate that these bodies are constantly submitted to the thuth from an hemogenic representation, with fitted, young, white bodies, with no hair or even beard, which, overestimating the male, dissolving the speech of the heteronormativity as rule or reference of behavior. / A imagem tem se tornado um dos principais elementos persuasivos. Kress (1997) argumenta que a sociedade assiste a uma mudança significativa da relativa valoração dos modos semióticos, principalmente, uma mudança da forma verbal para a visual de representação e comunicação. Nesse sentido, estudar imagens faz-se necessário, pois está relacionada não só à veiculação de valores, mas também à constituição de identidades sociais. Relegada a importância das imagens no mundo pósmoderno, discutiremos neste trabalho a relação entre imagem-gênero social-corpo, à luz dos estudos que tratam da Semiótica Visual e das pesquisas em Multimodalidade, uma vez que procuramos analisar a construção do Corpo, através das imagens das Capas das Revistas: G Magazine, Junior, Dom e Aimé dirigidas a um público particular: os homoeróticos masculinos. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte teórico a Gramática do Design Visual cunhada por Kress e van Leeuwen (1996) que tem por premissa básica a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday (1994). Utilizaremos também estudos acerca do gênero social como categoria de analítica (FOUCAULT, 1985; SCOTT, 1990; LOURO, 1997, 2005, 2007; LAQUEUR, 2001; WEEKS, 2007; BUTLER, 2008, dentre outros). Na perspectiva pós-estruturalista, as identidades e as diferenças se definem a partir da cultura e da história, são criações sociais e culturais, portanto, não são inatas aos seres humanos, mas são ativamente produzidas e construídas através das relações de poder e através da/na linguagem. Nessa vertente, a categoria corpo também é entendida e assumida como uma realidade histórica, sendo assim, o corpo torna-se um espaço de debates e reflexões a respeito da sua construção em relação ao gênero e sexo. A análise aponta para uma promoção/fortalecimento de um corpo viril que, consequentemente, refuta uma imagem afeminada facilitando, portanto, a aceitação social dos homoeróticos, já que sua aparência exterior está dentro dos padrões tidos como modelos de masculinidade. Sendo assim, podemos postular que estes corpos são submetidos constantemente a regimes de verdade normalizadores regulados a partir de uma representação hegemônica, com corpos malhados, jovem, branco, sem pelos e sem barba, que, invariavelmente, supervalorizam a masculinidade, dissipando o discurso da heteronormatividade como norma e referência de comportamento.

A tradição discursiva e a gramática do design visual no anúncio publicitário

Bonifácio, Carla Alecsandra de Melo 27 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4191210 bytes, checksum: cc70801bcf7cc0684a968bfe7def5a1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / From the publicity texts, which are presented in several supports both in printing and electronic press, the aim of this work is describe the change and permanence traces in the composition of the advertising Discoursive tradition mainly, those of products to the female public, which circulated in Brazil in the magazine O Cruzeiro from the twentieth century (1950-1965), comparing them with the advertisings published by the magazine Claudia in the first decade of the twenty-first century (2000-2010). In order to achieve this aim, it was used: the theoretical framework of the Discoursive traditions that takes into consideration the relation a text can have with another one and the degree of repetition, not being a simple linguistic reproduction, but the discoursive use of the language in a concrete situation; Bakhtin`s transformation/ transmutation proposal (2003) of the discoursive gender, which studies the gender as a set relatively stable of conventions that are connected to social accepted activities, as well as the studies developed about the Grammar of Visual Design by Kress and Theo van Leeuwen (2000) to the analysis of the elements related to the non verbal language. Taking into consideration that the genders are changeable, once they are result of social practices reflecting into the language, it is justified the importance of this research due to the essential role the press has developed in the society from the nineteenth century to the present. The analysis revealed that although the advertising discoursive tradition has kept in its composition structure elements that allow its recognition as advertisements, as the name of the product and the trend, this gender has passed through an intern innovating transmutation, once the recognized changes occur inside the gender without incorporating other. / A partir dos textos publicitários, que se fazem presentes em inúmeros suportes tanto na mídia impressa quanto na mídia eletrônica, o objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os traços de mudança e de permanência na composição da Tradição Discursiva anúncio, especificamente os de produtos para o público feminino, que circularam no Brasil na revista O Cruzeiro do século XX (1950-1965), comparando-os com os anúncios da revista Claudia do século XXI (2000-2010). Para tanto, foram utilizados: o arcabouço teórico das Tradições Discursivas, que leva em consideração a relação que um texto pode ter com outro texto e o grau de repetição, não sendo uma simples reprodução linguística, mas o uso discursivo da língua em uma situação concreta; a proposta de Bakhtin (2003) de transformação/ transmutação do gênero discursivo, que estuda o gênero como um conjunto relativamente estável de convenções unidas a atividades aceitas socialmente; bem como os estudos desenvolvidos acerca da Gramática do Design Visual de Kress e Theo van Leeuwen (2000) para a análise dos elementos concernentes à linguagem não verbal. Considerando que os gêneros são mutáveis, pois são resultados das práticas sociais com reflexo na linguagem, justifica-se a importância dessa pesquisa pelo papel primordial que a imprensa tem desempenhado na sociedade desde o século XX até os dias atuais. A análise revelou que, embora a Tradição Discursiva gênero publicitário tenha mantido, em sua estrutura de composição, elementos que permitem o seu reconhecimento enquanto anúncio publicitário, como o nome do produto e a marca, esse gênero passou por uma transmutação inovadora interna, já que as mudanças percebidas aconteceram no interior do gênero, sem que, para isso, ele incorporasse outro gênero.

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