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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VERSO IL COSMOPOLITISMO. UN'INDAGINE SUI GIOVANI DEL SERVIZIO VOLONTARIO EUROPEO / Towards the cosmopolitanism: an empirical research on young participants in the European Voluntary Service

RIZZO, CATERINA 15 February 2013 (has links)
In tempi recenti il concetto di cosmopolitismo riscuote una certa popolarità nel campo della ricerca sociologica. Dopo diversi anni di riflessione teoretica, gli studi sul cosmopolitismo si focalizzano oggi sulla ricerca empirica. In linea con questa tendenza, il presente lavoro intende osservare un cosmopolitismo “dal basso”, che si manifesta nelle vite delle persone come una forma di apertura globale, nonché come un processo di trasformazione del sé. In particolare, questa tesi si focalizza sul cosmopolitismo come una categoria interpretativa utile a leggere i giovani nell’ambito di un’esperienza interculturale di vita all’estero, quale il Servizio Volontario Europeo. Più nel dettaglio, la ricerca si concentra sul volontariato europeo come ambito d’indagine in cui è possibile osservare nuove forme di appartenenza e di identificazione, oltre all’emergere di nuove pratiche. Attraverso una serie di interviste biografiche realizzate con giovani volontari, infatti, si è potuto constatare come le diverse appartenenze si affianchino a diversi atteggiamenti e rappresentazioni della dimensione locale, nazionale ed europea, in vista di una più ampia apertura al mondo. La ricerca descrive queste appartenenze che formano la base di una cultura ambivalente e cosmopolita così come viene sperimentata dai giovani volontari durante l’esperienza di mobilità internazionale da essi vissuta. Il lavoro mira dunque a chiarire il concetto di cosmopolitismo e propone un percorso di ricerca attraverso cui studiare il fenomeno mettendo in luce la nascita di nuove relazioni sociali, pratiche solidali e processi di trasformazione e di comprensione del sé. / Recently the concept of cosmopolitanism raises a great popularity within the sociological research. After several years of theoretical reflections, nowadays, the cosmopolitanism studies focus on the empirical research. According to this trend, this work observes a cosmopolitanism “from below”, among ordinary people as a form of global openness as well as a process of self-transformation. In particular, this thesis focuses on cosmopolitanism as an interpretative category, useful to read young people within an intercultural experience to spend a certain period of time practicing and living abroad, such as the European Voluntary Service. More in detail, this research studies the European Voluntary Service like a field where it is possible to observe new forms of belonging and identification and new practices. By a number of biographical interviews to young volunteers it has been possible to discover that different belongings go together with different attitudes and representations of the local, the national and the European dimension, towards a global openness. The research describes these attachments, which forms the basis of an ambivalent cosmopolitanism culture as it is experienced by young volunteers during their international experiences. Finally, the work aims to clarify the concept of cosmopolitanism and suggest a way to study this fenomenous by documenting the raise of new social relations, practices, solidarities and process of self-transformation and self-understanding.

Engagement relationnel et bénévolat en milieu carcéral : du don et de la reconnaissance en institution totalisante / Relational commitment and voluntary service in prison area

Petitgas, Bernard 01 September 2017 (has links)
L’institution totalisante, en tant qu’institution close sur elle-même, hermétique au monde n’existe pas, ni dans l’absolu ni comme idéal type auquel serait comparé, par exemple, l’institution pénitentiaire. Il existe toujours des interfaces humaines, matérielles et temporelles entre les différents espaces sociaux fussent-elles délimitées par des murs et des barbelés. Il convient pour aborder l’univers carcéral, celui dans lequel nous portons notre étude tout en y étant détenu, de parler plutôt d’institution totalisante où se joue continuellement un conflit entre rationalité formelle et matérielle, mais aussi un conflit aux dimensions puissantes de socialisation, de reconfiguration des comportements et de subjectivation des vécus. Notre centre de détention présente un exemple de ce conflit entre un univers répressif normalisé et sécuritaire, et un autre empli de stratégies pragmatiques de survie ou de resocialisation. La complexité qui en résulte est à l’image de la société elle-même et du rapport permanent des individus à leurs institutions.Enrichi par nos précédentes recherches, notre présent travail tente d’aborder deux importants aspects que sont le paradigme du don et la théorie de la reconnaissance, et de les articuler avec l’engagement bénévole en détention. Avant tout, nous voulons démontrer que beaucoup d’aspects du paradigme du don et de la théorie de la reconnaissance sont aussi et déjà présents en contexte d’incarcération. Mais ces aspects présentent la particularité de maintenir la vie de l’institution totalisante en circuit fermé, c’est-à-dire sur elle-même.Le paradigme du don à travers le bénévolat amène à repenser l’espace carcéral comme un espace de socialisation à part entière et éminemment en interaction avec l’extérieur. C’est parce qu’elle est en constante relation avec la société que l’institution totalisante a besoin du bénévolat pour que cette relation, prise dans le paradigme du don, fasse des détenus les responsables mêmes de leurs échanges avec l’extérieur. Dès lors, en termes de rationalisation, entendue comme sens donné par les acteurs à leurs actions et à leurs recherches de liens, les visées sont à la fois pragmatiques, utilitaristes, et altruistes, les détenus s’y redéfinissant dans le cadre de la réciprocité, du rendu et de l’offre, plutôt que de la dette, la stigmatisation et la punition.Le lien social est la base du bénévolat/don. Il est bénéfique à tous en termes de réinsertion et de lutte contre le stigmate pour certains, de place dans le jeu du social pour d’autres. Dans un cadre « d’endettement mutuel positif », c’est bien la socialisation qui s’exprime. / The “Total Institution”, as a body closed in on itself, isolated from the outside world, does not exist, either as an absolute or as a standard ideal to which, for instance, the penal institution would be compared. There are always human, material and temporal interfaces between the different social spaces, even though they are delimited by walls and barbed wire. In order to understand the prison world, the one in which we are detained and on which we focus our research, the term “all-encompassing” institution is best suited insofar as permanent conflict takes place between formal and material rationalities, along with a powerful conflict of socialization and a reconfiguration of the behaviours and subjectivities of the actors. Our detention center provides an example of these conflicts between a normalized and repressive universe and another, filled with pragmatic strategies of survival or re-socialization. The complexity that results is the same as the one we can find in the entire society and in the permanent relation between individuals and their institutions.Enriched by ours previous research, this study endeavours to tackle two important questions: Gift Paradigm and the Theory of Recognition, and to link them up with the theme of voluntary work in prisons. First of all, we want to show that many aspects of the Gift Paradigm and of the Theory of Recognition are also to be found in jail. But these aspects have one particular consequence: they maintain the life of the institution closed on itself.The Gift Paradigm, through benevolent commitment, leads to the reconsideration of the prison space as a space of fully-fledged socialization and of eminent interaction with the outside world. It is precisely because it is in constant relation with society that the “all-encompassing” institution requires voluntary work and voluntary commitment. Within the benevolent relational act, as it is viewed in the Gift Paradigm framework, the convicts are in the situation of being responsible for their exchanges with the outside world. Then, in terms of rationalization, seen as a meaning given by the actors to their actions and to their needs of relationships, the aims are at the same time pragmatic, utilitarian, and altruistic. The convicts redefine themselves within the scope of reciprocity, return and offer, rather than that of debt, stigmatization and punishment.The social link is at the basis of the “voluntary/gift”. It is beneficial to all prisoners in terms of reinsertion, and in terms of struggle against stigma for some of their role in society (outside mercantile or professional roles) for others. In the same way it is beneficial to the volunteers. In a case of “positive mutual indebting”, it is socialization itself that is expressed.

Vliv Evropské unie na mobilitu dobrovolníků do České republiky / Influence of the European Union on the mobility of volunteers coming to the Czech Republic

Čápová, Alena January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Influence of the European Union on the mobility of volunteers coming to the Czech Republic" deals with the mobility of volunteers from partner countries of the EU who participate in the European Voluntary Service - the EU programme of. non -formal education in the Czech Republic. The thesis follows the existing development of mobility of people till 2004, when the Council of the EU used its increased competence in the area of freedom, security and justice and approved the Directive 2004/114/EC on the conditions of admission of third - country nationals for the purpose of studies, pupils exchange, unremunerated training or voluntary service. It is the first time ever when the Directive mentions the volunteers as a specific target group of the mobility for educational purpose. The paper evaluates if the directive reflects the present challenges of recognition of the non - formal education on the European level. Further on, it focuses specifically on the year 2007 when the influence of the European legislature entered into the immigration policy of the Czech Republic, particularly in the amendment of the act on residence of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic n. 326/1999 Sb. which among others allows the volunteers in the age of 18 till 25 years old to apply for the...


何秀娟 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是志願服務的新世紀,台灣地區的文化機構,早自民國70年開始,即陸續運用志工協助機構推動業務,本論文旨在了解國內公共圖書館與博物館本身特有的屬性、定位、發展歷史與功能等差異,導致其志工制度及運用志工資源之不同,來探討二者對於志工管理的政策、發展過程、現況、優缺點等異同。 本研究採用文獻文析法與深度訪談法,參考國內外相關志工管理的文獻,設計訪談大綱進行深入訪談與分析,訪談對象為台北市立圖書館、國立歷史博物館、國立台中圖書館、國立自然科學博物館、高雄市中正文化中心、高雄市立美術館志工業務承辦人與志工組織的幹部。 本研究發現,公共圖書館與博物館皆十分重視志工資源,各館均有訂定志工管理政策及志工組織章程,並不定期修訂其內容,以符合館方與志工的需求。公共圖書館與博物館之志工管理制度最大之不同為志工的專長與教育訓練課程,公共圖書館志工的專長以說故事、團康活動、資料整理、電腦操作為主;博物館志工的專長以美術、手工藝、導覽解說為主;二者依照工作屬性的需求,安排不同的專業教育訓練課程,圖書館的專業教育訓練課程,如說故事技巧、英語課程、電腦研習、服務禮儀等;博物館以導覽解說技巧、各個展覽前都有特訓、讀書會為主,還有相關藝術、科學、美術知識方面的課程,如素描、水彩、陶藝等。志工可以為館方節省經費與人力,增加與民眾互動,建立良好的形象、帶來活力、增加新的服務,提高圖書館的使用率及博物館參觀人數,提升服務品質等,達到行銷推廣的作用。 根據研究調查結果,提出下列十項建議:1.建立公共圖書館或博物館志工聯盟;2.固定專職的志工業務承辦人;3.開發多元化志工人力資源;4.具體的招募策略,主動出擊;5.建立完整的志工溝通與資料保存制度;6.設計線上教育訓練課程;7.提高誘因,留任人才;8.志工組織獨立自主;9.健全志工網站內容,以發揮其功能;10.志工成為有效資產,而不是負擔。 / The 21st century is the new century of voluntary service, the cultural organization of Taiwan, had begun since the 70th year of the Republic of China for a long time, namely used the will worker to help the organization to promote the business successively , this thesis aims at understanding differences , such as domestic public library and peculiar attribute , localization , developing history and function of the museum ,etc., the ones that cause its will worker's system and use the will salary source are different, to probe into similarities and differences , such as two policy , evolution , present situation , pluses and minuses to worker's management of the will ,etc.. This research adopts the methods of analyzing literatures and interviewing, consult documents of domestic and international relevant will worker's management, design the interview outline and carry on deep interview and analysis, visit and date it for the Taipei Public Library, National Museum of History, National Taichung Library, National Museum of National Science, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, and the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. This research shows that all attach great importance to the will salary source in the public library and museum, every hall stipulates worker's management policy of the will and worker's memorandum of association of will , and revise its content irregularly , the square and will worker's demand by according with the hall . the most different management systems between the volunteer workers of the public library and museum are educational training programs. The professional speciality of the volunteer workers in public libraries are telling stories, group's health activities ,data management, and the computer operation; The annals worker in the museums are at home in explaining in fine arts , handicraft ,and guide; The two arrange different specialized education training programs in accordance with the demand for working attribute . The specialized education training programs of the library are English courses , computer operation , serve the etiquette etc.; The museum mainly focus on the training courses such as the skill of the guide to the exhibition by holding the book clubs, and there are relevant art courses of science and fine arts knowledge such as instance sketch , water colour , pottery art ,etc..The volunteer workers can save the funds and manpower for the hall , increase the interaction with people, set up good images, bring vigor, broaden the service, improve the rate of utilization of the library and visitor number of museums, and make good progress in service quality ,etc., reach the function of market popularization. The research suggests that: 1. Set up the volunteer alliance in public libraries or museums; 2. Regular and full-time voluntary engineering business undertaker; 3. Develop pluralistic voluntary workers human resources; 4.The concrete tactics of recruiting voluntary workers; 5. Set up a complete voluntary workers communication system and the system of the keeping the materials well; 6. Design the on-line educational training program; 7. Improve the incentive to keep the workers from resignation; 8. The independence of the volunteer organization; 9. Perfect the content of volunteer website , and make it to play an important role; 10. Volunteer become the effective assets , but not the burden for annals.

Franciscanismo no Brasil: do turismo religioso ao turismo voluntário na Província da Imaculada Conceição do Brasil

Nascimento, Renê Corrêa do 22 December 2008 (has links)
Pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, de caráter qualitativo, sobre a presença do turismo na Província Franciscana de Imaculada Conceição no Brasil, que objetiva compreender a ocorrência do turismo voluntário nessa Província, como interstício emergente na integração entre diferentes motivações vigentes na conformação de um novo paradigma das viagens turísticas. Com base em observações assistemáticas, bibliografia e entrevista semi-estruturada com experts, discorre sobre a Hospitalidade, Turismo e Voluntariado, com destaque para as questões do trabalho voluntário e do turismo voluntário. Em seguida, trata da cultura franciscana e o franciscanismo no Brasil, a partir registros oficiais, matérias da imprensa, obras específicas, além da própria vivência do autor junto a essa comunidade. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre o turismo voluntário na Província, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a franciscanos e seus representantes diretamente envolvidos no planejamento e na operacionalização do turismo voluntário. Os resultados obtidos são analisados enfocando diversos aspectos como o conhecimento das ações e projetos, a aceitação de voluntários, as características das viagens, o perfil do turista voluntário e repercussões das mesmas. Dentre as conclusões destaca-se a falta de dados sistematizados sobre esse segmento no âmbito da Província, e a pouca atuação de turistas voluntários brasileiros na Província. / This is an exploratory-descriptive research of qualitative character, about the presence of the tourism in the Franciscan Province of Imaculada Conceição - Brazil -, and aims to comprehend the occurrence of the volunteer tourism in that Province, as an emergent interstice in the integration among different motivations that appears in the configuration of a new model of the touristic travels. Based upon unsystematic observations, bibliography, and semi-structured intervew with expert, it is about the Hospitality, Tourism and voluntary service, underlining the volunteer work and volunteer tourism questions. Going ahead it is about the franciscan culture and the \"franciscanism\' in Brazil from the official records, press matters, specific works, beyond the own author\'s experience next to that community. It is a developped research about the volunteer tourism in the Province, from the semi-structured intervews with the franciscans and their representatives straightly involved in the planning and in the execution of the volunteer tourism. The obtained results are analyzed focusing several aspects as the actions and projects knowledge, the acceptance of volunteers, the characteristics of the journeys, the profile of the volunteer tourist and therepercussions of the same. Among the conclusions we stress the absence of systematized data about that segment in the extent of the Province, and to the little action of Brazilian volunteer tourists in the Province.

Franciscanismo no Brasil: do turismo religioso ao turismo voluntário na Província da Imaculada Conceição do Brasil

Renê Corrêa do Nascimento 22 December 2008 (has links)
Pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, de caráter qualitativo, sobre a presença do turismo na Província Franciscana de Imaculada Conceição no Brasil, que objetiva compreender a ocorrência do turismo voluntário nessa Província, como interstício emergente na integração entre diferentes motivações vigentes na conformação de um novo paradigma das viagens turísticas. Com base em observações assistemáticas, bibliografia e entrevista semi-estruturada com experts, discorre sobre a Hospitalidade, Turismo e Voluntariado, com destaque para as questões do trabalho voluntário e do turismo voluntário. Em seguida, trata da cultura franciscana e o franciscanismo no Brasil, a partir registros oficiais, matérias da imprensa, obras específicas, além da própria vivência do autor junto a essa comunidade. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre o turismo voluntário na Província, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a franciscanos e seus representantes diretamente envolvidos no planejamento e na operacionalização do turismo voluntário. Os resultados obtidos são analisados enfocando diversos aspectos como o conhecimento das ações e projetos, a aceitação de voluntários, as características das viagens, o perfil do turista voluntário e repercussões das mesmas. Dentre as conclusões destaca-se a falta de dados sistematizados sobre esse segmento no âmbito da Província, e a pouca atuação de turistas voluntários brasileiros na Província. / This is an exploratory-descriptive research of qualitative character, about the presence of the tourism in the Franciscan Province of Imaculada Conceição - Brazil -, and aims to comprehend the occurrence of the volunteer tourism in that Province, as an emergent interstice in the integration among different motivations that appears in the configuration of a new model of the touristic travels. Based upon unsystematic observations, bibliography, and semi-structured intervew with expert, it is about the Hospitality, Tourism and voluntary service, underlining the volunteer work and volunteer tourism questions. Going ahead it is about the franciscan culture and the \"franciscanism\' in Brazil from the official records, press matters, specific works, beyond the own author\'s experience next to that community. It is a developped research about the volunteer tourism in the Province, from the semi-structured intervews with the franciscans and their representatives straightly involved in the planning and in the execution of the volunteer tourism. The obtained results are analyzed focusing several aspects as the actions and projects knowledge, the acceptance of volunteers, the characteristics of the journeys, the profile of the volunteer tourist and therepercussions of the same. Among the conclusions we stress the absence of systematized data about that segment in the extent of the Province, and to the little action of Brazilian volunteer tourists in the Province.

Dobrovolnictví jako součást občanské společnosti / Volunteering as part of civil society

Siglová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the impact of European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme on civic competences of its participants and their active participation within civil society, both Czech and European. The text is structured into three chapters. The first chapter deals with a definition of the concept of civil society and its historical development, historical development and present situation of Czech civil society and definition of European civil society. The second chapter first explains the phenomenon of volunteering in general and then continues with explaining of functioning and principles of EVS. The third chapter is a result of qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with six former participants of EVS. At first, the personal story of each participant is written. According to the stories, the cumulative analysis and conclusions of the thesis are formulated.

Entre travail et engagement, les acteurs expatriés et nationaux de solidarité internationale au Maroc : volontaires, salariés, bénévoles et stagiaires. Le cosmopolitisme à l'épreuve ? / Between work and commitment, the international solidarity NGOs staff in Morocco : testing cosmopolitism / Entre trabajo y compromiso, los actores expatriados y locales de la solidaridad internacional que intervienen en Marruecos : los voluntarios, asalariados, voluntarios no retribuidos y pasantes. ¿El cosmopolitismo puesto a prueba? / Tra lavoro e impegno, gli agenti espatriati e nazionali operanti nella solidarietà internazionale in Marocco : volontari, lavoratori, stagisti. Il cosmopolitismo alla prova? / بين العمل الميداني والالتزام، الفاعلون المغتربون والوطنيون في مجال التضامن الدولي بالمغرب. الكونية في المحك.

Boudarssa, Chadia 10 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette enquête ethno-sociologique sur la solidarité internationale au Maroc auprès de 24 ONG (de nationalités française, espagnole, italienne, canadienne et marocaine), nous avons pris le parti de focaliser notre recherche sur les expatriés et le personnel national (de 9 nationalités différentes) en tenant compte du sens que donnent les acteurs à cet engagement et ces pratiques de solidarité internationale tout en restituant les parcours et les conditions sociales de l’entrée dans la solidarité internationale.La première partie sera consacrée à la description du cadre d’intervention des ONG internationales au Maroc et les catégories objectives du personnel humanitaire : volontaire, stagiaire, bénévole et salarié. Puis, nous présenterons les processus de recrutement et les activités menées dans les ONG internationales tels qu’ils sont décrits par les acteurs. En définitive, nous questionnerons la tension entre travail et engagement, l’enchantement et le désenchantement.Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous attacherons à décrire les caractéristiques sociologiques des 68 acteurs humanitaires rencontrés en mettant en exergue les déterminants objectifs et subjectifs de l’engagement et du travail dans ce domaine d’activité. Nous finirons par établir une typologie des pratiques de la solidarité internationale donnant à voir un éthos commun d’une communauté partageant des affinités et des expériences culturelles d’autre part nous envisagerons les acteurs de la solidarité internationale comme un groupe professionnel.Enfin, la troisième section sera consacrée à questionner d’une part la pratique migratoire que constitue la mission de solidarité internationale et d’autre part les capitaux et pré-dispositions nécessaires pour la concrétiser. Nous montrerons que l’analyse du travail et de l’engagement via le cosmopolitisme permet de comprendre le sens à la fois objectif et subjectif que revêt ce type d’activité expatriée. Finalement, le travail en ONG est un moyen pour se réaliser et s’émanciper entre filiation et désaffiliation. Alors que cette action transnationale, orientée en valeurs et vers les autres, suppose une rencontre cosmopolite réussie, nous examinerons, à l’aune de la vie quotidienne, les décalages entre la rencontre attendue et la rencontre réalisée. / This dissertation contributes to the work of international solidarity NGOs in Morocco through examining the motivations and commitments of their personals. The research focuses on expatriates and national staff, by analysing their career paths and social background, as well as taking into account the sense given to their personal commitments and professional practices while involving in the international solidarity work. The first part devoted to describe the intervention framework of international NGOs in Morocco and the objective of different categories of their humanitarian personals: trainee, volunteer and employee. It examines the processes of recruitment and activities / projects implemented by these international NGOs. Hence, it sought to understand the tensions between job requirements and personal commitments that produced both enchantment and disenchantment among the international solidarity staff. The second part intended to study the sociological characteristics of 68 humanitarian personals that are interviewed from French, Canadian, Spanish, Italian and Moroccan organizations. It highlights the objective and subjective factors that determine their personal commitments and professional performance in this field of work. Therefore, a typology of practices for international solidarity work was set to identify the common ethos within a shared community of different affinities and cultural backgrounds. In addition, it considered the international solidarity actors as professional group. The third part was questioning the migratory practice of the international solidarity mission on the one hand and the financial and pre-arrangements necessary to realize it on the other hand. Furthermore, cosmopolitanism analysis of job requirements and personal commitments was conducted in order to understand the meaning of both objective and subjective in this type of work for the expatriates. Finally, working with international solidarity NGOs becomes a way of achieving and emancipating between affiliation and disaffiliation. While this transnational action is based on values toward others and supposed to develop a successful cosmopolitan encounter, findings from this study reveal the gaps between the expectations and the achievements. / En esta investigación etno-sociológica sobre la solidaridad en Marruecos (24 ONG de nacionalidad francesa, española, italiana, marroquí, canadiense), hemos centrado el estudio sobre los empleados expatriados y locales (de 9 nacionalidades diferentes) considerando a la vez el significado que los actores dan a este compromiso y a las prácticas de solidaridad restituyendo las carreras y las condiciones sociales de la entrada en la ONG. La primera parte está dedicada a la descripción del marco de intervención de las ONG internacionales en Marruecos y las categorías objetivas de los empleados humanitarios: voluntarios, asalariados, voluntarios no retribuidos y pasantes. Después, expondremos los procedimientos de selección y las actividades cumplidas. Finalmente, preguntaremos la tensión entre el trabajo y el compromiso, el encanto y el desencanto que produce el trabajo humanitario. Luego en la segunda parte, realizaremos la descripción de las características sociales de los 68 empleados destacando los determinantes objetivos y subjetivos del compromiso y del trabajo en este sector profesional. Acabaremos estableciendo una tipología de las prácticas de la solidaridad internacional dando a ver un ethos común de una comunidad compartiendo experiencias culturales considerándola como un grupo profesional. Por fin, la tercera parte será centrada por una vez preguntando la práctica migratoria que constituye la misión de solidaridad internacional y por otra vez las predisposiciones necesarias para su realización. Vamos a demostrar que el análisis del compromiso y del trabajo humanitario vía el cosmopolitismo permite entender el sentido objetivo y subjetivo que lleva este tipo de actividad. Finalmente, el trabajo humanitario es un medio para realizarse y emanciparse entre filiación y desafiliación. Mientras esta actividad internacional de valor y dirigida hacia los otros, supone un encuentro cosmopolita exitoso, examinaremos la vida cotidiana de los actores para destacar las disparidades entre un encuentro tan esperado y el encuentro cumplido. / In questa inchiesta etnico-sociologica sulla solidarietà internazionale in Marocco – che prende in esame 24 ONG (di nazionalità francese, spagnola, italiana, canadese e marocchina) – abbiamo scelto di focalizzare la nostra ricerca sugli espatriati e sul personale nazionale (di 9 nazionalità diverse) tenendo conto del senso che gli agenti hanno dato a questo impegno e a queste pratiche di solidarietà internazionale e ricostruendo i percorsi e le condizioni sociali dalla loro entrata nella solidarietà internazionale. La prima parte sarà dedicata alla descrizione dell’intervento delle ONG internazionali in Marocco e alle categorie oggettive del personale umanitario: volontari, stagisti, impiegati. Successivamente, presenteremo in cosa consiste il processo di selezione e assunzione del personale e parleremo delle attività svolte nelle ONG internazionali, esattamente come vengono descritte dagli agenti stessi. In ultima analisi, ci interrogheremo sulla tensione tra lavoro e impegno, ciò a cui aspiriamo e ciò che effettivamente realizziamo. In un secondo momento, descriveremo le caratteristiche sociologiche dei 68 agenti umanitari che abbiamo incontrato, valorizzando le caratteristiche oggettive e soggettive dell’impegno e del lavoro in questo campo di attività. Finiremo per stabilire l’esistenza di un modello di pratica di solidarietà internazionale, mostrando che esiste un ethos comune in una comunità che condivide delle affinità e delle esperienze culturali simili, e dall’altra parte prenderemo in considerazione gli agenti della solidarietà internazionale come gruppo professionale. Infine, la terza sezione sarà dedicata ad approfondire da una parte la pratica migratoria che la missione di solidarietà internazionale costituisce e dall’altra parte i capitali e le predisposizioni necessari per concretizzarla. Mostreremo, poi, che l’analisi del lavoro e dell’impegno permette di comprendere, attraverso il cosmopolitismo, il senso alla volta oggettivo e soggettivo che questo tipo di attività riveste. In ultimo possiamo dire che il lavoro in un’ONG è un mezzo per realizzarsi ed emanciparsi al di là dell’affiliazione e della disaffiliazione alle società. Poiché questa azione trans-nazionale, orientata ne dare valore agli altri, presuppone un incontro cosmopolita funzionante, esamineremo nella vita quotidiana, la differenza tra l’incontro atteso e quello che effettivamente abbiamo realizzato. / تعالج هذه الأطروحة القضايا المتصلة بالتضامن الدولي في المغ رب، وقد تم التركيز فيه على المغتربين والموظفينالوطنيين أخذا بعين الاعتبار المعنى الذي يعطوه هؤلاء الفاعلون لهذا الالتزام ولممارسات التضامن الدولي، مع استحضارالمسارات والشروط الاجتماعية التي أدت إلى دخولهم هذا العالم.وقد خصص الجزء الأول من هذه الأطروحة ل وصف إطار عمل المنظمات غير الحكومية الدولية في المغرب وأنواع أهدافهذه الفئة من الموظفين المشتغلين في المجال الإنساني: المتطوع وذا العالمن والمتدربون والموظفون. وكذا وصف مسلسلات انتقاءالمتعاقد معهم في كل واحدة من هذه الفئات والأنشطة التي تنظمها المنظمات غير الحكومية الدولية كما جاء وصفها علىلسان الفاعلين أنفسهم. حيث درسنا التوترات القائمة بين العمل المهني والالتزام الجمعوي، بين الرغبة الجامحة والإحباط.وقمنا في مرحلة ثانية بوصف الخاصيات والسمات الاجتماعية للفاعلين 68 الذين تم اللقاء بهم بمناسبة إعداد الأطر وحة،وكذا إماطة اللثام عن المحددات الموضوعية والذاتية للالتزام والعمل في هذا المجال. حيث انتهى بنا المطاف بتحديد نوعيةممارسات التضامن الدولي، القائمة على فكر مشترك تتقاسمه مجموعة لها قواسم وتجارب ثقافية مشتركة، على اعتبار العاملينفي هذا المجال مجموعة مهنية قائمة الذات.وعالج الجزء الثالث من الأطروحة ممارسة الهجرة المرتبطة بمهام التضامن الدولي وكذا الرساميل والمؤهلات المستبقة الضروريةلتجسيدها. وسنظهر أن تحليل هذه الجهود وهذا الالتزام عبر منظور الكونية كفيل بتوضيح الصورة وفهم المعاني الموضوعيةوالذاتية المتصلة بهذا النشاط. هذا ويعتبر العمل داخل المنظمات غير الحكومية أخيرا وسيلة لتحقيق الذات والتحرر ما بينالارتباط وفك الارتباط. حيث يقتضي هذا العمل العابر للحدود الوطنية، الموجه من حيث القيم والمستهدف للآخرين،نجاح اللقاء الكوني، وهو ما قمنا بفحصه انطلاقا من الحياة اليومية والتفاوت بين اللقاء المنتظر واللقاء الحقيقي.

CONSCRIPTION WITH CONSEQUENCES? Exploring the Effects of Military Personnel Supply Method Choice on Civil War Onset

Hasslöf, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Positing that the characteristics of a state’s military has an effect on civil war outbreak likelihood, this thesis examines a hitherto unexplored relationship —that between military personnel supply method and civil war onset. Based on earlier research on the two phenomena separate from each other, a theory linking conscription to an increased probability of civil war onset compared to voluntary service was developed and an hypothesis derived. A test was then performed by means of several large-n multivariate logistic regression analyses on two sets of country-year level data from 1945 – 1999. Ultimately, the null hypothesis could not be rejected. Results instead indicate that voluntary service might result in a higher probability of civil war onset. This finding is however not statistically significant at the standard level. These findings are of importance for the shaping of military policy, especially in at-risk-of-civil-war countries, and it is strongly suggested that the examined relationship be further investigated in future research.

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