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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalisering och hållbarhet - Hjälp eller stjälp? : Hur social hållbarhet och digitalisering, i relation till digital vård, är sammankopplade / Digitalization and sustainability - Help or harm? : How social sustainability and digitalization, in relation to digital healthcare, are connected

Rebelo, Antoine, Sijaric, Maida January 2021 (has links)
Den ökade användningen av E-Hälsa i Sverige, delvis driven av den rådande Coronaviruspandemin, illustreras tydligt av det digitala vårdmötet - “nätdoktorn”. Lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service (DOS-lagen) trädde i kraft 2019. Den bestämmer krav för att statliga, regionala, och kommunala aktörer ska säkerställa att tjänsterna de erbjuder är tillgängliga för alla. Om de inte är det ska en redogörelse finnas som förklarar varför, och hur de planerar att åtgärda bristerna. Lagen inkluderar privata aktörer som finansieras med offentliga medel. Den träder först i kraft för mobilapplikationer i slutet av juni 2021. Målet med denna studien var att ta reda på hur tillgängliga dessa privata aktörer faktiskt är, och till vilken grad de riskerar att exkludera människor. Detta målet uppnåddes genom att jämföra de tre mest populära mobila applikationer som erbjuder digitala vårdmöten, emot kriterierna i WCAG 2.1 till nivå AA. Kriterierna testades med två mobiltelefoner: en med operativsystemet Android, och en med iOS. Samtliga applikationer visade sig till stor del inte följa riktlinjerna. En fullständig redogörelse gjordes för vilka applikationer som bröt mot vilka riktlinjer, med relevanta skärmdumpar inkluderade. Resultaten analyserades efter hur detta kan påverka användaren, och diskuterades utefter hur detta kan påverka samhället i stort. Tidigare forskning kring den digitala klyftan, samt tillgång till digital sjukvård, jämfördes med resultaten för att forma studiens slutsatser. Undersökningen visar tydligt att avvikelser från riktlinjerna skapar problem för funktionsvarierade användare, och att endast en av applikationerna erbjuder stöd för fler språk utöver svenska och engelska. Studien instämmer även med tidigare forskare om att framtida forskning och utveckling av E-Hälsa och digital tillgänglighet måste vara användardriven - specifikt driven av funktionsvarierade användare. / The sharp increase in E-Health usage driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has in Sweden most notably been observed in the rise of mobile applications offering remote health care-consultations. The law of accessible digital public service has been in effect since 2019. It compels governmental, regional, and municipal bodies to ensure that their services are accessible for everyone and, if not, to produce a full accounting of how and why. This includes private agents who provide a publicly funded service. This law only starts applying to mobile applications from June in 2021. The aim of the study was to find out how accessible the services these agents provide are, and to what degree they may risk excluding people. The aim was achieved by comparing the three most popular mobile applications that provide remote consultations, against the success criterions of the WCAG 2.1 to level AA. One phone running Android and one running iOS were used in testing. All three applications were found to be largely non-conforming to the guidelines. A full accounting was made of how the tested success criterions were met by each application, with included screenshot examples. The results were analysed in view of the direct implication on the user, and discussed concerning what implications they may have on a societal level. Corollaries were drawn to past research of access to digital healthcare and the digital divide to form conclusions. A lack of accessibility in these applications was concluded to threaten work towards social sustainability. Breaching the guidelines directly creates problems for disabled users, and only one of the applications supports a great range of languages. In agreement with past researchers, future accessibility research and WCAG-analysis is strongly suggested to be user-centered - specifically centered around disabled users.

Tillgänglighetsanalys av MSB:s webbplats / Accessibility analysis of MSB’s website

Gunnarsson, Isac January 2024 (has links)
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) stärker samhället i att förebygga och hantera olyckor, kriser och konsekvenser av krig. MSB:s webbplats (www.msb.se) tillhandahåller omfattande information och riktlinjer om hur individer kan förbereda sig inför krig samt aktuell information om pågående händelser, varningar och rekommendationer från myndigheten. För att alla människor ska kunna ta del av informationen och resurserna på MSB:s webbplats krävs det att sidan är tillgänglig för alla användare. Digital tillgänglighet kan vara helt avgörande för att personer med funktionsnedsättningar (exempelvis nedsatt syn, hörsel eller rörelseförmåga) ska kunna ta del av information eller utföra ärenden på offentliga webbplatser. Syftet med studien är att bidra till att förbättra tillgängligheten på MSB:s webbplats genom att identifiera tillgänglighetsbrister och ge rekommendationer. Detta uppnås genom att undersöka och beskriva de upplevelser och utmaningar som personer med funktionsnedsättningar möter när de interagerar med webbplatsen. Resultaten från studien kan användas som grund för att utforma andra webbplatser med särskilt fokus att öka tillgängligheten för alla användare. I denna studie används en blandning av kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning för att bilda en djupare förståelse om tillgänglighetsbristerna på MSB:s webbplats. Genom att kombinera kvantitativa metoder, såsom automatiserade testverktyg och manuell granskning, med kvalitativa metoder, såsom användartester och intervjuer, strävar studien efter att skapa en holistisk bild av tillgängligheten på webbplatsen samt hur den kan förbättras. Slutsatserna i denna studie visar på att MSB:s webbplats har flera tillgänglighetsbrister som innebär hinder och utmaningar för användare med funktionsnedsättningar. Bland dessa brister ingår bland annat otydliga och missvisande länktexter, interaktiva element som är svåra att upptäcka och förstå att man kan integrera med, utmaningar med navigation och att hitta specifik information, kontrastbrister mellan inputfält och omgivande yta samt bristande överensstämmelse mellan rubriker och innehåll. Det rekommenderas att åtgärda samtliga identifierade tillgänglighetsbrister i resultaten från granskningen och användartesterna för att säkerställa att MSB:s webbplats blir tillgänglig för alla användare.

Examining Usability, Accessibility, and Cognitive Load in a Higher Education Website: A Usability Study

Measles, Sylena Marie 05 1900 (has links)
This qualitative, exploratory dissertation aimed to describe how accessibility, usability, and cognitive load experts explained and experienced the usability and accessibility aspects of the LT department's website pages, information, and digital links. A usability, accessibility, and cognitive load manual examination was conducted with four experts. The usability, accessibility, and cognitive load examination comprised WCAG 2.1 four standards and Nielsen's 10 usability heuristics. Transcripts and observational field notes were coded through an iterative process in the analysis tool Dedoose. Two groups and four main categories were discovered using emic and etic coding. The two groups were macro challenges and page with most codes. The four main categories included macro, usability, accessibility, and cognitive load. The findings for accessibility, usability, and cognitive load are discussed. Website recommendations for creating an accessible and usable site and suggestions for future research are provided.

Patient Empowerment and Accessibilityin e-Health Services : Accessibility Evaluation of a Mobile WebSite for Medical Records Online

Johansson, Axel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis evaluates a DEMO version of the mobile web site for medical recordsonline, m.minavardkontakter.se, from a web accessibility point of view. The evaluationis an expert evaluation based on the ISO standard for web accessibility, Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 that is complemented with an evaluation basedon fictitious characters, so called personas. The personas were used to representthree groups of people with different kinds of disabilities; perceptual impairment(aniridia), physical impairment (rheumatism) and cognitive impairment (aphasia). Bycombining and comparing these two methods of evaluation, the thesis also evaluatesthe methods themselves. It was seen from both evaluations that the mobile web sitedoes not entirely fulfill the requirements (success criteria) for web accessibility.WCAG 2.0 found more problems in accessibility than did the personas. However, thepersonas found some problems that were overseen by WCAG 2.0, especially whenthe mobile web site was explored using voice synthesis. The results from the twoevaluations were combined in a set of recommendations for improvement, ranked inorder of importance according to the author. The results conclude that WCAG 2.0 isa good tool for evaluating web accessibility but it is recommended to continue to usethe personas in the future development of the mobile web site.

Kognitiv tillgänglighet på webben / Cognitive accessibility online

Jensen, Martin, Ross, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Since the start of 2019 a new law has been introduced in Sweden, it serves to regulate web accessibility conformity for all publicly funded organisations. At the same time, many services and businesses move their physical fronts to the web. With more digitalization comes a greater need for web accessibility and there might be a risk that users with cognitive disabilities are neglected or forgotten when new and advanced tools and technologies are developed. Accessibility often receives low or no priority in the private sector due to the lack of time and resources. Cognitive disabilities do not always show and there is a risk that the difficulties are not taken into account when services or webpages are developed. These disabilities can affect areas such as the ability to learn new things, memory and the ability to plan one's actions. The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any knowledge and experience among Swedish developers concerning accessibility, cognitive disabilities and the needs those individuals might have. To perform this study the needs had to be identified and connected to the standard that acts as a base for the new Swedish law. For this purpose, theory was gathered through a literature study as a foundation for a qualitative study consisting of a series of interviews with developers from six different organisations in the Swedish private sector. The interview subjects were selected from different organisations so that their views and opinions would not be affected by one and other for the purpose of increasing the studies generalizability. The interviews were held at locations selected by the interviewees by two different interviewers. The result from the literature study showed that there was no direct support for cognitive disabilities in the standard, but there are guidelines that could be applied to some of the needs identified in the study. Furthermore, the results of the interviews showed that the general knowledge and experience concerning accessibility and specifically cognitive accessibility is very low among Swedish developers. This study is aimed towards people working with development but is also suitable for students and teachers who wish to know more about accessibility and cognitive accessibility.

Comparing Web Accessibility between Major Retailers and Novelties for E-Commerce

Xu, Jinmeng January 2020 (has links)
Purpose –Comparing the accessibility of e-commerce for General Merchandise, between major retailers and novelties, in the conformance of web accessibility guidelines, and the implementation of rich internet applications specifications. So that to figure out whether the differences exist between them, if so, what are the differences, and analyzing upcoming e-commerce and established e-commerce.  Method – The descriptive and quantitative case studies were used to evaluated 45 websites respectively from major retailers and novelties in General Merchandise of e-commerce, where sample websites were selected from Alexa’s rank lists. Then the WAVE tool, Accessibility Quantitative Metric (WAQM), and Fona assessment were applied for analyzing cases for representing the accessibilities and answering the research questions of purpose.  Findings – ARIA specifications as a kind of technological solution really had positive functions on web accessibility when only focusing on accessibility guidelines, because the novelty websites with less ARIA attributes resulting in lower accessibility levels generally, even though there were also many other elements that can affect accessibility.  Implications – In the main branch of General Merchandise, the degree of web accessibility in major retailer websites was better than that in novelties, which means as far as e-commerce is concerned, the accessibility of mature websites that had been established for a long time was contemporarily stronger than that of new websites with creative products.  Limitations – From the perspective of the sample, there were limitations in sample sources, size, websites languages, while in the technical aspect, the evaluation of dynamic contents just aims at keyboard navigation, and the tool of Fona assessment also had restrictions.

The municipal challenges of the accessibility act : A study of the challenges in compliance with the Swedish act on accessibility to digital public service within Swedish municipalities

Westin, Mia January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization in society is going fast and was accelerated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. By this, many people's everyday tasks were transferred to digital environments. This meant in Sweden that most new internet users in 2020 were people over the age of 75 and people with different types of disabilities. Due to this increase in digitalization and all these new internet users, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance. Since September 2020, all Swedish municipalities' websites must be accessible by law. Municipalities have a great responsibility to make information and necessary services available to the public. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well municipalities succeed with their work with web accessibility as a consequence of the legislation in Sweden and identify where the municipalities meet concrete obstacles in order to comply with the law. The purpose was also to investigate how the work with web accessibility on municipal websites can be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities. To fulfill the purpose, two research question was formed for the study: 1.     In the process of making municipalities’ websites accessible, which are the concrete obstacles that make the work difficult for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?   2.     How can the work with the accessibility of municipal websites be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities? To answer the research questions, two methods were chosen, a web survey and in-depth interviews, which corresponds to a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. The web survey was sent out to all municipalities in Sweden with the focus to answer RQ1 and the in-depth interviews were conducted with two accessibility experts with the focus to answer RQ2. Several obstacles were identified relating to lack of resources, lack of competence, lack of understanding of the law and the interpretation of it, attitudes, and old technology. Solutions on how the work can be simplified for those who work with web accessibility were identified relating to attitudes, resources, competence, legislation, and consumer demands. The main conclusions were that even though a municipality comply fully with the law, it does not mean that the website is accessible for all users, hence the law is not comprehensive enough. It also shows that there are several aspects that makes it hard for the municipalities to comply with the law and that most of these aspects also are the areas that needs improvement for the work to be simplified for the municipalities.

The World Wide Web, an enabler or a disabler? : An evaluation of media agencies relation to web accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Moström, Amanda, Sågby, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Enabling access for people with disabilities, brings benefits to everyone, notonly people with disabilities. Therefore, accessibility is an important aspect to consider when designing a website. The purpose with this research paper is to explore how media agencies within the private sector that provides this service to others, work with web accessibility towards their customers and on their own websites. This report aims to examine media agencies’ level of knowledge  about web accessibility as well as their attitude and perception towards it. Furthermore, possible improvements of media agency’s websites will be investigated and suggested.   To answer our research questions, we have chosen a qualitative research approach. The method chosen is semi-structured interviews, these were conducted with three media agencies in Sweden. Additionally, an accessibility evaluation was performed of the media agencies websites with the accessibility tools AChecker and WAVE.  How much each media agency worked with web accessibility and WCAG differed, one of them did stand out among the others. The media agencies knowledge was broad, and their perception was comparable to the result from the accessibility evaluation of their website. The accessibility was high according to the accessibility tools, but there's room for improvements mainly when it comes to contrast issues, naming and labeling. In conclusion all media agencies are aware of web accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines which could be  seen on the results from the accessibility evaluation.

Digital offentlig service för alla : En intervjustudie om prioriteringar och utmaningar i tillgänglighetsarbetet inom kommunal verksamhet

Jonsson, Marielle, Brömster, Sam January 2021 (has links)
The number of people living with disability is increasing according to the World Health Organization. Due to this increase, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance as technology develops further. The United Nations has additionally declared digital accessibility to be a human right. The public sector shoulders the responsibility of making the necessary services and information available to the public and counties play an important role in this work. This study focuses on how Swedish counties accommodate for accessibility on their official websites and the challenges they might face while doing so. A few counties were selected to describe their work with accessibility design in a qualitative semi-structured interview format. The data collected was analysed with the help of literature regarding Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and how it affects accessibility accommodations. Several challenges relating to guidelines, competence, support, external agencies and resources was discovered. From these results, suggestions regarding areas of priority were developed to potentially help public sector agencies in their decision-making processes.

An Abstraction for the Development of Accessible Web Forms

Fredriksson Eklund, Lowe January 2021 (has links)
Web forms are one of the main points of user interaction on the internet. It is important that these forms are developed to be accessible to as many people as possible. The project aims to reduce the complexity for application developers when developing accessible web forms that conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) using HTML and React. The result is a prototype library that creates an abstraction that application developers can use to build accessible web forms that conform to the WCAG.

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