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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifying Website Usability Solely from Gaze Data of Visual Search

Söderberg, Martin January 2017 (has links)
If researchers are able to derive usability simply by analysing gaze data it provides a quick, objective and potentially automatic way of measuring the usability of an interface. In order to do that it is essential to know which traits of the gaze data that have an impact on usability. This paper investigates these traits by analysing different eye tracking metrics in the data. The goal is to see which of these metrics have a general correlation with usability. Previous research provides a clue about which metrics are useful when analysing usability. However, much of the research is based on subjective analysis or lacks in general applicability. This research provides an objective analysis that is independent of characteristics of the interface. A user study is done on 20 participants. They complete tasks on nine different ecommerce websites while their eye movements are recorded. Correlation is measured between usability and eye tracking metrics in order to investigate which metrics that are sensitive to changes in usability. The results show that fixational backtracks and number of fixations have the strongest correlation with usability. Previous research did suggest that both of these eye tracking metrics have an impact on usability. / Om det är möjligt för forskare att härleda användbarhet endast genom att analysera ögondata så tillhandahålls ett snabbt, objektivt och potentiellt automatiserat sätt att mäta användbarheten hos ett gränssnitt. För att göra detta är det avgörande att veta vilka karakteristiska drag i ögondatan som påverkar användbarheten. Denna rapport utforskar dessa drag genom att analysera olika mått i ögondatan. Målet är att se vilka av dessa mått som uppvisar en generell korrelation med användbarhet. Tidigare forskning förser oss med ledtrådar om vilka mått som är lämpliga att analysera när användbarhet ska mätas. Dock så är mycket av denna forskning baserad på subjektiv analys eller saknar generell tillämpbarhet. Denna rapport tillhandahåller en objektiv analys som är oberoende av karakteristiken hos gränssnittet. En användarstudie utförs på 20 deltagare. De utför uppgifter på nio olika webbsidor för e-handel medan deras ögonrörelser spelas in. Korrelation mäts mellan användbarhet och mått i ögondatan för att undersöka vilka mått som är känsliga för förändringar i användbarhet. Resultatet visar att tillbakabildande sackader och antal fixeringar har starkast korrelation med användbarhet. Tidigare forskning visade att båda dessa mått påverkades av användbarheten.

Är ni med på banan? : En fördjupad intervjustudie kring användning av sociala medier i små idrottsföreningar / Are you on the track? : An in-depth interview study on the use of social media in small sports associations

Johansson, Mikaela, Svensnson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Sport associations is something almost everybody knows and maybe has experience of. Through associations many lessons and experiences are created that you carry with you throughout your life, this shows the relevance that it should remain. Today we live in adigitized society where social media plays a major role in everyday life in various ways. In order to be seen and show that you exist today, it is of great advantage to be actively present in social media. This includes companies as well as individuals but also sports associations. The purpose of this study is to make a deeper understanding of how small sports associations act and how they use their website and social media. To get an idea about the sports associations' activity and content in their media channels, how this is perceived by recipients and demonstrate the relevance of digital presence. The focus oft his study is on the associations' perspective. This qualitative study has collected data through in-depth interviews with four sports associations with one respondent as are presentative from each association. The selection for the study is based on a selected Swedish commuter municipality near big city and its existing sports associations that have a website, Facebook and Instagram. As a result of the interviews, a smaller focus group interview was conducted with respondents connected to the selected municipality as well as followers in social media of sports associations. The results of this study show that the sports associations act openly and have good communities and that the experience of them is positive. The use of the website and social media is difficult to compare and generalize as it is individually adapted based on the needs of each association. The associations considered it important to have an active presence, especially in social media, in order to reach out and spread their presence online. For the most part, the associations publish various forms of information that are perceived to be appreciated. The message in the content is considered to reach out and it is well received by recipients. / Idrottsföreningar är något de flesta känner till och möjligtvis har erfarenhet av. Genom föreningslivet skapas många lärdomar och upplevelser som man bär med sig genom hela livet, detta visar på relevansen av att det ska finnas kvar. Idag lever vi i ett digitaliserat samhälle där sociala medier tar stor plats i vardagen på olika sätt. För att synas och visa  på att man finns idag är det med stor fördel att vara aktivt närvarande i sociala medier. Detta omfattar såväl företag som individer men också idrottsföreningar. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur små idrottsföreningar agerar och hur de använder sig av sin hemsida och sina sociala medier. För att få en uppfattning kring idrottsföreningarnas aktivitet och innehåll i sina mediekanaler, hur detta upplevs av mottagare samt påvisa relevansen av digital närvaro. Tyngdpunkten i denna studie ligger på föreningarnas perspektiv. Denna kvalitativa studie har samlat in data genom djupgående intervjuer med fyra idrottsföreningar med en respondent som representant från varje förening. Urvalet till studien baseras på en utvald svensk pendlingskommun nära storstad samt dess befintliga idrottsföreningar som har en hemsida, Facebook och Instagram. Till följd av intervjuerna genomfördes en mindre fokusgruppintervju med respondenter i koppling till utvald kommun samt följare i sociala medier till idrottsföreningar. Resultatet i denna studie visar på att idrottsföreningarna agerar öppet och innehar goda gemenskaper samt att upplevelsen av dem är positiv. Användningen av hemsida samt sociala medier är svårt att jämföra och generalisera då det är individuellt anpassat utifrån respektive förenings behov. Föreningarna ansåg att det är betydelsefullt med en aktiv närvaro, framförallt i sociala medier, för att nå ut och sprida sin befintlighet online. Till största del publicerar föreningarna olika former av information som upplevs vara uppskattat. Budskapen i innehållen anses nå ut och tas emot väl av mottagare.


張惠萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲瞭解在資訊時代裡、超媒體的形式特性所中介出來的媒介經驗,即網站介面上的符號展演可能對使用者傳遞出怎樣的訊息?網站介面上的符號編排方式及超文本的結構內容會如何型塑出不同於其他媒介的使用經驗?由於隱喻運用於圖形使用者介面上已有二十多年歷史,且在傳播學門裡有著豐富的討論,因此本研究以介面上的隱喻運用作為探究超媒體經驗特性的問路石。 在回顧人機互動領域及傳播學門裡對隱喻的討論後,本研究以Fauconnier & Turner所提出的概念合成理論(conceptual blending theory)為理論工具,並選取數個網站介面的設計進行探究。透過個案分析發現,隱喻在網站介面的應用上,會透過介面媒材、超文本結構及互動功能設計綜合展現出來,而在作用層面上,介面隱喻為建構使用者瀏覽經驗的認知中介物,將真實世界概念與系統功能相互融合、構作出一組相對容易吸收與學習的經驗知識,在這之中並可能彰顯與網站定位相關的特定訊息。 本研究以為,概念合成理論能幫助我們解釋網際網路中的瀏覽經驗,是如何從媒介的物質基礎與人類的肢體與幻想中誘發出來。由介面隱喻所勾勒出的情境會激化了心智空間內豐富而複雜的互動過程,再加上電腦即時的互動性,使得使用者對該網站的概念結構與肢體動作皆會融合在一個整合的行動空間內。另外,在網站設計策略裡常見的場所隱喻及空間隱喻則是立基於「網站即空間」的概念隱喻裡,網路的空間性藉由隱喻語彙的描述、隱喻設計的增生而不斷地建構、累積、再建構,最後成為網路文化的一部份。

探討大學網站服務品質之研究—以政大資管系網站的建置與評估為例 / A Study of Website Service Quality in University - Take an Example of the Website of MIS Department, NCCU

陳純美, Chun Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)


李俊磊, Li , Chun-Lei Unknown Date (has links)
個人資料的資料流(Data Flows)在網路上的擴散,造成對個人隱私權的威脅,逐漸已經成為社會大眾所關注的議題。在過去幾年中,網站逐漸被要求制定相關的規範以符合大眾的期待。然而,隨著網際網路環境的快速變遷,網站的規範是否提供適當的個人隱私權保護,將會成為社會大眾持續討論的問題。 部分的網站已經滿足隱私權到某種程度。這些網站開始採用一些普遍性的實作。在某些程度上,這些實作依循由隱私權規範創立者所推動的公平資訊實施原則(Fair Information Practice Principle)(FTC,1998a)。 本研究根據文獻探討提及的公平資訊實施原則:告知(notice)、選擇(choice)、存取(access)、與安全(security),對個人使用者感興趣的台灣地區網站進行網站隱私權政策分析與調查研究,探討其對個人隱私揭露的程度。 研究結果指出,樣本中84.1%的網站收集至少一種形式的個人識別資訊(例如:姓名,e-mail address,郵政地址),72.3%收集至少一種形式的人口統計學資訊(例如:性別,喜好,郵遞區號),71.8%的網站兩者接收集,而15.4%的網站兩者皆不收集。隱私揭露方面,67.7%(390個樣本中的264個)刊載至少一種形式的隱私揭露(一個隱私權政策的告示或是一個資訊實施聲明),50.5%這兩種形式的隱私揭露都刊載,有32.3%個網站這兩種形式的隱私揭露皆不刊載。觀察隱私揭露反映公平資訊實施的程度,在264個有收集個人資訊與刊載隱私揭露的網站中,92.8%包含至少一種關於(告知)的調查項目,70.8%包含至少一種關於(選擇)的調查項目,80.7%包含至少一種關於(存取)的調查項目,43.9%包含至少一種關於(安全)的調查項目,以及26.9%包含關於(聯絡資訊)的調查項目。 在本研究中,看待這些網站樣本所得出的結果,應特別注意那些較不滿足公平資訊實施原則的部分,包括對Cookies使用的告知、告知關於外界第三者的相關資訊、選擇、安全以及聯絡資訊等部份所表現出來的結果,而實際上所有台灣網站所表現出的結果,很可能比本研究所得出的結果來得更為不理想,網站若要更能滿足使用者對隱私權保護的期待,就必須更正視這些部份的隱私揭露保護。 資料的收集與使用對網路環境的發展影響甚鉅,網站營運者在思考如何使資料的利用最大化時,必須兼顧使用者的隱私權。唯有在合理,相互尊重的架構下,才能替彼此創造出長遠的利益。本研究的結果希望能對台灣在檢討、發展、建立符合台灣環境及與世界接軌的網路隱私權保護環境上,作出些許的貢獻。 / The spreading of personal data flows over the Internet has threatened many online individuals’ privacy, which also becomes a noticeable topic among the society. For the past few years, there were norms applied to websites in order to protect online users’ privacy. However, could norms provide proper protections along with the rapid improvement of Internet technology? This topic will remain among society’s discussion. Some websites provide certain amount of protections by using popular practices. On a certain level, these practices follow the Fair Information Practice Principle that was supported by the Privacy Norm Entrepreneurs (FTC, 1998). This research is based on the four main elements of Fair Information Practice Principle: Notice, Choice, Access, and Security. The thesis concentrates on analyzing and researching the privacy policy about privacy disclosure provided by websites that were directed and interested to individual user within Taiwan. Based on the result of this research, 84.1% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of personal identifying information (e.g. name, e-mail address, postal address). 72.3% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of demographic information (e.g. gender, preferences, Zip code). 71.8% of the websites collected both types of personal information, and 15.4% collected neither type of personal information. As for privacy disclosure, 67.7% of the websites (264 out of 390 sampled websites) provided at least one type of privacy disclosures (a privacy policy notice or an information practice statement). 50.5% of the websites provided both types of disclosures; and 32.3% of the websites provided none of the above. By studying the researched websites along with the Fair Information Practice Principle, Of the 264 websites that collected personal information and posted a privacy disclosure, 92.8% included at least one survey item for notice, 70.8% contained at least one survey item for choice, 80.7% contained at least one survey item for access, 43.9% contained at least one survey item for security, and 26.9% contained at least one survey item for contact information. While studying the research result, it is important to concentrate on the websites that did not follow the Fair Information Practice Principle. The result includes websites’ notice of Cookies usage, and providing third party related information, choice, security, and contact information, etc. However, the result in reality could be a lot worse than the research result. In order to fulfill online users’ anticipation, websites should pay more attention on privacy policy of these parts. Colleting and using users’data influence the development of online environment greatly. Web owners should consider their customers’ privacy rights while trying to capitalize customers’ information. The only way to generate long and stable benefit for both provider and user is with respect. Hopefully the result of this research will contribute some amount of consideration and development of privacy protection that works for websites and users in Taiwan.


賴居正 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣整體網路購物市場在2008年達到2430億新台幣的市場規模,但整體上而言,已獲利的業者仍未超過3成。從消費者的角度來看,5000多家的電子商店固然提供了更多的選擇,但是由於網際網路的匿名性,對於網路彼端看不到、摸不著的商家是否值得信任,往往是消費者決定是否進行購物行為的重要依據。 本研究探討資訊科技服務管理與網站信任管理之關係,以個案研究的方法進行研究,歸納出電子商務業者如何透過資訊科技服務管理的架構,達成管理消費者對電子商務網站信任的目標。 研究結果顯示,資訊科技服務管理架構的服務策略對於電子商務網站信任建立程序的企業層次信任有直接的影響,企業電子商務網站的服務策略初期與企業品牌越相關,越能加強消費者對網站之信任,且企業電子商務網站的服務策略中後期跨出企業原本產業,深化網站會員價值才能加強消費者對網站之信任;而資訊科技服務管理架構的服務設計、服務移轉與服務維運,則會影響電子商務網站信任建立程序的網站層次信任,其客服中心的設計能增加消費者的體驗信任,電子商務網站的交易安全性與系統穩定性,能維持消費者的信任,而電子商務網站危機處理流程的妥善與否,影響消費者的信任;最後,資訊科技服務管理架構的服務策略對於電子商務網站信任建立程序的認證信任方面,電子商務網站業者持續改善本身的服務,可透過第三公正單位的認證,在特定領域取得消費者的信任。

Flickr網站上世界商務城市之情感輪廓 / Emotional Contours of the Commerce Cities on the Website Flickr

馮成發, Fong, Chen Fa Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電腦科學的進步只能以一日千里來形容,不管在軟體或是硬體方面都有驚人的發展,軟體方面有網際網路Web 2.0技術的興盛及普及,使得人們在分享及交流資訊更加快速且便利,硬體方面則有數位相機和有照相功能智慧型手機的發明,造就了分享資訊很快的從文字模式演變成影音、相片等多媒體模式。Flickr社群網站為目前網路世界裡最重要的相片分享平台,每個人都可以將生活中擁有喜、怒、哀、樂情緒的相片上傳至該網站上與他人分享,而且此網站平台也提供下標籤功能,讓上傳者可以更正確的傳達要分享的情感。如當相片被加註上快樂的標籤,也就代表上傳者對這張相片當時的環境情緒反應為愉快、或甚至於興奮,相反地;當相片被加註上生氣的標籤,就表示該相片給上傳者的情緒反應是不愉快的、或甚至於憤怒。當同一區域(如城市)透過大量情感標籤的累積,自然而然就會呈現出該區域的情感輪廓。   情緒議題的研究近年來在各知識領域中已被廣泛的討論著,但針對區域性的情緒表現之研究探討似乎還不多。本研究藉由Flickr社群網站的全球性特質,結合Derudder and Taylor兩位學者於2005年提出的「The cliquishness of world cities」研究報告,定義出41個商務活動頻繁城市作為本研究的研究範圍,並應用Flickr社群網站上強大又完整的API介面功能,撰寫Client端程式擷取這些城市在Flickr網站上有加註情緒標籤的相片數共761,854張、其相關的標籤數有21,569,593個,再經由本研究提出的研究方法及步驟,逐一處理這些各城市相片上傳者所加註的大量標籤,就可以找出每個城市各情感象限數量最多的前30個標籤當作顯著標籤。   最後本研究綜合分析從Flickr網站上取得的大量城市、相片、及顯著標籤相關資料,分別計算出每個城市正負向情感象限的強度百分比,再以正向情感象限強度百分比為基準,定義出這些商務活動頻繁城市的「快樂指數」數值;並利用社會網絡分析軟體NodeXL來觀察各城市、情感性標籤與顯著標籤所呈現的網絡關係。 / In recent years, the computer science progress is extremely fast, whether in software or hardware has an alarming growth. The software aspect has the Internet Web 2.0 technology prosperity and popular, causes the people in share and exchange information are faster and convenient. The hardware aspect has the digital cameras and the smartphones invention, causes the share information from the writing pattern to the multimedia patterns very quickly. The Flickr social website is the most important of shared photograph in the network world for currently,everyone can shared the joy, anger, sadness, happy mood photograph by uploading to this website. This website platform also provides the tagging function, lets the uploader can more correct transmission their emotion. When the identical region (such as a city) through a large number of emotional labels cumulatively, naturally will be showing the emotional contours of the region. Emotional issues have been widespread discussion in various area of knowledge in recent years, but research the performance of emotion for region seems not much. This research because of Flickr social website global special characteristic, combined Derudder and Taylor two scholars to propose "The cliquishness of world cities" research reports in 2005, Defines 41 economics and trade activity frequent city to take this research the study scope. Finally, this research made a comprehensive analysis by a large number of cities, photos, and significant label information from the Flickr website, and calculates the percentage of each city to the strength of positive and negative emotions quadrant.Then the percentage of positive emotional intensity as a benchmark quadrant, Defines these economics and trade activity frequent city's "happiness index".

The Role of the Quality of a Website in Consumer Perception

Khalil, Hibah 01 January 2017 (has links)
The wide spread of the Internet has allowed businesses to present information, sell products, and provide relevant services through websites. Many researchers argue that websites are an imperative channel for communication and online shopping. However, businesses struggle to retain customers due to low switching cost and lack of face-to-face communication. Customers who do not appreciate the user interface and information presented in the website may choose a competitor’s site to achieve their goals. Therefore, e-loyalty, which is about attracting and retaining customers in an online environment, is crucial to remaining a successful business. In the context of e-loyalty, the website serves as a gateway to access loyal customers. Many studies have found that website quality affects customer’s perceived risk. Perceived risk is the extent to which a customer believes there is a potential for an uncertain or negative outcome with an online transaction. Several studies have found an inverse relationship between perceived risk and purchase intention, which is the likelihood that a customer will purchase from the website. Studies have also shown that an increase in purchase intentions positively affects e-loyalty. In this thesis, the effect of perceived risk on purchase intentions is studied. Purchase intentions can be further categorized as initial or continued purchase intention. Initial purchase intention refers to the likelihood that a customer will purchase from the website for the first time. Continued purchase intention refers to the likelihood that a customer will return to the website to purchase again in the future. Although purchase intentions have been recognized as a major factor affected by website quality and subsequently impacting e-loyalty, few studies have examined how initial purchase intention affects continued purchase intention. To fill the aforementioned research gaps, the purpose of this study is to examine whether: a) perceived risk moderates the relationships between website quality and initial/continued purchase intention, and b) perception of initial purchase intention influences continued purchase intention in an online context. Survey methodology was used to investigate the relationships between the above factors. The study population was a sample set of University of North Florida students. Multiple regression technique was employed for analyzing data collected from a questionnaire. This research contributes to the understanding of the moderator that could impact website quality in the business environment. Such an understanding would allow researchers to explore a wide range of variables that could affect the relationship between website quality and purchase intention to increase customer retentions.

Using the S-o-r Model to Understand the Impact of Website Attributes on the Online Shopping Experience

Zimmerman, Jonelle 08 1900 (has links)
Using Mehrabian and Russell’s (1974) stimulus (S) - organism (O) - response (R) model, this study developed online shopping experience framework that explains consumer behavioral responses toward online and offline stores. The results of the examined hypothesized relationships in this study reveal website attributes that create positive affective and attitudinal states and behavioral responses toward the retailers and retailers’ websites. Among website attributes, interface design is the strongest predictor of all behavioral responses, while website attributes relating to shopping services and security/privacy affect long term behavioral responses, such as purchase intention and brand loyalty. This study is imperative to practitioners and researchers, as they will help further develop online store environments and online shopping experience.

La promotion sur Internet : analyse d’un discours sous l’angle du mythe. Le cas de labels indépendants de rap au Québec

Gaffuri, Flora 03 1900 (has links)
À l’heure où l’industrie de l’enregistrement sonore connait un certain nombre de bouleversements, Internet apparait à la fois comme un responsable d’une crise du disque et comme une plate-forme de diffusion et de promotion de la musique enregistrée. C’est dans ce contexte de mutations des industries culturelles que sont les industries de la musique que les labels indépendants voient les possibilités liées à la promotion se multiplier. Notamment par le biais des sites internet que j’envisage ici comme discours encodé et diffusé. Ce mémoire explore deux sites internet officiels de labels indépendants de rap québécois à l’aide de la proposition de la présence du mythe dans le discours de promotion. S’appuyant sur la théorie de Barthes, mon analyse s’articule autour de l’étude de la signification afin de mettre en lumière la façon dont le mythe fonctionne dans le discours. En m’intéressant principalement à l’image et au texte, je mets notamment en valeur le traitement de l’artiste, de la création musicale et du label dans le discours. / At a time when the music recording industry is going through some shake ups, Internet is seen both as a responsible for a disc crisis and as a plateform for diffusion and promotion of recorded music. This cultural industries' mutations context is now revealing multiple promotion opportunities for independant labels, as part of the music industries. This can be seen through websites which I consider to be a broadcasted, encoded and decoded discourse. This master thesis explore two independant record companys’ websites, both producing rap music in Québec, with the proposal of the presence of the myth in the promotionnal discourse. Based on Barthes' theory, my analysis is built around the study of the signification in order to outline the way the myth works in the discourse. While focusing on images and text, I mainly emphasize the treatment of the artist, the musical creation and the record label in the discourse.

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