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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det första intrycket gör allt : Webbdesign på användarens villkor / The first impression is everything : Web Design on the user's terms

Bäck Karlander, Marie, Eriksson, Anders January 2013 (has links)
Konsumenters beteende har förändrats och i dag är det helt normalt att handla varor via Internet. Den totala e-handeln ökat för varje år som gått sedan försäljning via internet kom igång på allvar i början av förra decenniet. Användare bokar resor, köper hemelektronik, kläder, skor och böcker och tron på framtiden bland e-handlarna fortsätter att vara stark trots att ekonomin har försämrats under året och lågkonjunkturen påverkat detaljhandeln i stort.Det råder stor konkurrens bland alla e-handelsaktörer på internet och de etablerade kedjorna har genom sitt starka varumärke inga problem med att få kunder. Sämre är det för oetablerade e-handelsföretag och okända e-handelskedjor, vilket beror på den osäkerheten som kunder upplever när de besöker okända webbsidor utan ett välkänt varumärke. För att minska osäkerheten och öka förtroendet för webbsidan är den grafiska designen en av de viktigaste aspekterna, en webbsida som har bra grafisk design ökar förtroende för webbsidan. Det beror på att webbsidan ger besökaren ett bättre första intryck som påverkar hur webbsidan upplevs, men hur stor påverkan har det första intrycket? För att kunna besvara frågan kommer vi att använda oss av frågan "hur påverkar den grafiska designen användarens första intryck av okända e-handelsplatser?". Den empiriska studien gjordes för att kunna få med användarens åsikter och studien gjordes på flygsidor som förmedlar lågprisflyg i Asien. Studien använder sig av webbsidor från Asien då forskarna vill använda sig av webbsidor som är okända för respondenterna och undersökningen använder sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observation. Frågor ställdes till nio respondenter om hur de upplevde de olika webbsidorna utifrån det första intrycket samt även om den grafiska designen som användes av varje webbsida. Genom att observera såg vi respondenternas reaktioner angående de olika webbsidorna. Alla respondenter utom en var studenter mellan 20-30 år gamla och alla har e-handlat minst fem gånger, det gjordes då vi vill använda oss av respondenter med tidigare erfarenhet från e-handel. Det material som insamlats analyserades sedan med hjälp av en komparativ analys metod som användes för att jämföra teori och empiri. Det gjordes för att kunna se skillnader i hur en webbsida ska designas enligt teori mot hur de webbsidor som undersökt har utformats, skillnaderna användes sedan för att kunna se hur den grafiska designen påverkade det första intrycket. Analysen användes som grund för att kunna dra slutsatser om vilka grafiska design aspekter som är viktigast vid utformning av flyg webbsidor. Resultatet visar att de webbsidor som inte följer de webbdesignregler som finns, anses vara mindre trovärdiga och respondenterna är då mindre benägna att e-handla från webbsidan.

French luxury companies: Challenge to design E-Commerce without affecting their brand image

LASSALLE, Paul, LEMAIRE, Clément January 2010 (has links)
Title: French luxury companies: Challenge to do E-Commerce withoutaffecting their brand image Authors: Clément LEMAIRE and Paul LASSALLE Supervisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, Marketing Key words: Marketing, E-commerce, E-merchandising, E-CRM, Louis Vuitton, Luxury market, French market, Website, Brand and Reputation Purpose: How French luxury companies, in a context of changing demand, use the e-commerce without affecting the image of their brand? Method: In the method we explain that we decide to use a descriptive method of research. We collect secondary data from our University Library and primary data from our observation of Louis Vuitton website. We also explain why we choose this company and what the limits of our study are. Theoretical framework: In a first part, we have written all the definitions and information about definitions that we have used in the empirical part. It means E-Commerce, E-Merchandising, Marketing mix and ECRM. Then, we have given some information about website elements as the first page, the graphic website, buying process, electronic payment and website security. Finally, we have defined all the information about the brand and its different powers on the market: We start by a “brand awareness” explication, then we have defined “how is build a brand” to finish by the topic “band and reputation”. Conclusions: We present the answer of our purpose. French Luxury companies use marketing tools in order to protect the image of their brand when they do e-commerce. We also bring some suggestions to Louis Vuitton and give some critics concerning our study. Finally we open our reflexion to related studies that could be interesting to do.

Investigação e implementação de ferramentas computacionais para otimização de websites com ênfase na descrição de conteúdo /

Garcia, Léo Manoel Lopes da Silva. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: Quando fala-se de evolução da Web, poderia realmente ser mais apropriado falar de design inteligente. Com a Web se tornando a principal opção para quem produz e dissemina conteúdo digital, cada vez mais, as pessoas tomam a atenção para esse valioso repositório de conhecimento. Neste ambiente, os mecanismos de busca configuram-se em aplicativos populares, tornando-se intermediários entre os usuários e a miríade de informações, serviços e recursos disponíveis na grande rede. Neste sentido, o Webdesigner pode atuar de forma decisiva, proporcionando uma melhor resposta na classificação dos mecanismos de busca. A correta representação do conhecimento é a chave para a recuperação e para a disseminação efetiva de dados, de informação e de conhecimentos. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo que pode trazer um progresso relevante aos usuários desta grande rede, buscando apresentar uma ferramenta de domínio público que apoie a aplicação de técnicas de descrição semântica de informação na Web. No decorrer da pesquisa investigamos técnicas e metodologias capazes de otimizar a indexação dos Websites pelos mecanismos de busca, enfatizando a descrição do conteúdo nele presente, melhorando sua classificação e consequentemente colaborando com a qualidade na recuperação de informações realizadas por meio de mecanismos de buscas. Tais técnicas foram testadas em alguns Websites, obtendo resultado satisfatório, a partir de então a ferramenta foi implementada e submetida a usuários para sua validação, o resultado desta validação é apresentado demonstrando a viabilidade da ferramenta e enumeração de novas funcionalidades para trabalhos futuros / Abstract: When we speak of evolution of the Web, it might actually be more appropriate to speak of intelligent design. With the Web becoming the primary choice for those who produce and disseminate digital content , more people take attention to this valuable repository of knowledge. In this environment , search engines are configured in popular, becoming an intermediary between users and the myriad of information, service and resources available on the World Wide Web. In this sense, the Web designer can act decisively, providing a better response in the ranking of search engines. The correct representation of knowledge is the key to recovery and effective dissemination of data, information and knowledge. This paper presents a study that significant progress can bring a large network of users, seeking to present a public domain tool that supports the application of techniques for semantic description of Web information in the course of the research investigated techniques and methodologies that can optimize Website indexing by search engines, emphasizing the description of the content in it, improving your ranking and thus contributing to quality in information retrieval conducted through search engines. These techniques were tested on some websites, obtaining satisfactory results, since then the tool was implemented and submitted to users validation, the result of the validation is present demonstrating the feasibility of the tool and list of new features for future work / Orientador: João Fernando Marar / Coorientador: Ivan Rizzo Guilherme / Banca: Edson Costa de Barros Carvalho Filho / Banca: Antonio Carlos Sementille / Mestre

Uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação no estímulo ao interesse de estudantes pela Astronomia / Use of Information and Communication Technology to stimulate student interest in Astronomy

Julio Cezar Winkler 17 October 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação discorre sobre a experiência de produção, desenvolvimento e aplicação de um programa que visa estimular o interesse do estudo da Astronomia em alunos de escolas particulares de Ensino Fundamental e Médio, utilizando as Novas Tecnologias de Comunicação e Informação (TICs), mais precisamente a Internet, no formato de Rede Social. Foi produzido inicialmente em ambiente profissional, tornando-se a base para a elaboração do Produto Final vinculado ao Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Astronomia. Esse programa, chamado de Rede Social Clube de Astronomia, foi aplicado ao longo do ano de 2015 em escolas particulares espalhadas por todo o Brasil e teve a adesão de 1.167 estudantes. Foi constituído de um rol de atividades observacionais simples, as quais os participantes deveriam realizar de maneira prática, produzindo uma série de materiais que posteriormente foram enviados para o Clube de Astronomia, sendo então publicados para a apreciação e troca de informações entre os estudantes participantes. Além das atividades observacionais, foi solicitado aos alunos participantes que desenvolvessem a ideia para a produção de um satélite artificial e que produzissem uma maquete do satélite idealizado. De maneira geral, pudemos perceber que os estudantes possuem grande interesse em participar de forma voluntária em um programa como esse, contudo, tanto a quantidade, quanto a qualidade dos materiais recebidos deixou a desejar, fato que nos fez refletir sobre melhorias que poderão ser introduzidas em experiências semelhantes a essa realizadas no futuro. / This Master Thesis is about the experience of production, development and applying of a program to stimulate the Astronomy interest in student from private elementary and high school, employing new information and communication technology (ICT) as the social network website. This work start as a professional activity that later was bring to University to be scientific evaluate in this Master Course. The program was called Astronomy Club, and was applying for the first time in 2015 in the website of private schools from all over Brazil territory and have been followed for 1,167 students. It was based in suggestion of simples naked eyes sky observation for the participants who was encouraged to observed and publish in the Astronomy Club website the description of their feelings and image of the activity to be discussed with other students. It was also asked to student the development of model of satellite. We observed that the students have a huge interest in willingly follow this program, but the quality and the quantity of the material published for them was not good enough. This fact suggest us that we need to improve some aspects of this program in the future to have better results.

Dialogic Communication and Public Relations Websites: A Content Analysis of the Global Top 250 PR Agencies

Akwari, Charles C 01 May 2017 (has links)
Past research has shown that dialogic communication has essential characteristics that foster two-way communication between organizations and their stakeholders. This study investigates how public relations firms incorporate the principles of dialogic communication on their websites. The top and bottom 50 websites from the Holmes report on Top 250 Global PR agency rankings were content analyzed. Kent and Taylor’s (1998, 2003) five principles of dialogic communication were applied to find out if public relations firms incorporate the principle of dialogic communication effectively on their websites, provide relevant information for stakeholders and prospective clients, and if there are differences between PR rankings in terms of website usability and the dialogic loop. Findings reveal that bottom 50 PR websites are not as dialogic as the top 50 PR websites. In addition, the study revealed that both top and bottom to a considerable extent incorporated the principles of dialogic communication.

Holistic Model of Website Design Elements that Influence Trustworthiness

LaValley, Christopher Travis 01 January 2018 (has links)
Trustworthiness of a website relies foremost on a good first impression which includes the visitor’s perception of the user interface. The focus of this research is to investigate the effects of website design elements on user perception of trustworthiness of a site and provide a set of guidelines for website designers. The research design is based on Yosef Jabardeen’s (2009) “conceptual framework analysis”. In this research paper, a holistic model is developed to depict the relationships among website design elements and trustworthiness. The model was tested, validated and updated using the results of the repertory grid technique, a process that elicits perceptions about a topic from an individual. For this research, the topic was website trust, the objects were the website design elements, and the constructs were elicited perceptions regarding those website design elements. The repertory grid technique was applied in two stages to a set of participants made up of website users and website designers. Analysis yielded useful information regarding website design associations and correlations of perceptions. The research findings confirmed original suggestions regarding associations and produced an updated, validated model of website design elements. The research indicated that while all design elements had their importance regarding trust, those elements that provided for the function and security of the website rated the highest in importance and expectation. The validated model will aid website designers in understanding what elements are appealing to the visual senses and conjure credibility and trust. Most importantly, this new understanding may help designers to create websites that attract and retain new users and establishing a successful presence on the Internet.

Orthodontists’ and patients’ preferences in website design in the selection of an orthodontic practice: a comparative study

Brown, Taylor R 01 January 2018 (has links)
Objective: To determine which website characteristics are preferred by orthodontists, adult patients, and parents of patients. Materials and Methods: 1,000 active members of the American Association of Orthodontists and 750 active orthodontic patients/parents were sampled. Participants rated the importance of website characteristics, indicated presence of those characteristics on the current website, and ranked sample website images. Preferences were compared between orthodontist and the patient/parent group using t-tests and sample websites were compared using ANOVA models and Tukey’s adjusted post-hoc tests. Significance level was set at 0.05. Results: 11 of the 16 website features showed significant differences between patients/parents and orthodontists. Participants preferred sample websites with images of people, information at the top of the page, and an ‘about the doctor’ page with a greater amount of information. Conclusion: This study showed significant differences in preferences between orthodontists and patients/parents, by gender, and between adult patients and parents of adolescent patients.

De fem mångfaldsperspektiven : Kommunikation om kulturell mångfald inom hotellgrupper i Sverige / The five diversity perspectives : Communication on cultural diversity withinhotel groups in Sweden

Drazic, Dijana, Omarson, Arina January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige kommunicerar de välkända hotellgrupperna att de uppskattar medarbetare med olika kulturella bakgrunder. Forskning i Sverige inom kulturell mångfald är begränsad. Kulturell mångfald innefattar religion, etnicitet, kultur och språk. Studien undersöker vad hotellgrupper värderar kring kulturell mångfald. Genom användning av en mångfaldsmodell bestående av fem perspektiv har studien beskrivit hotellgruppers bakomliggande motivationer kring värderingar om kulturell mångfald. Studien är en en dokumentstudie och har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Med hjälp av olika subkategorier och perspektiv från teorin har studien undersökt organisationers kommunikation via deras webbplatser. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns skillnader i vad hotellgrupper kommunicerar inom kulturell mångfald. Med hjälp av de fem mångfaldsperspektiven går det att härleda mönster utifrån organisationers värderingar genom deras kommunikation. Studien visar att olika hotellgrupper värderar kulturell mångfald på olika sätt, vissa mer än andra. Flera hotellgrupper strävar efter att skapa personalgrupper som speglar samhällets invånare och kan därmed nå ut till en större kundgrupp. Resultatet visar också att samtliga hotellgrupper som ingått i undersökningen har som målsättning att skapa kompetenta och presterande medarbetare. / In Sweden, the well-known hotel groups communicate that they appreciate employees with different cultural backgrounds. Research in Sweden within cultural diversity is limited. Cultural diversity includes religion, ethnicity, culture and language. The study examines what hotel groups value about cultural diversity. Using a diversity model consisting of five perspectives, the study has described hotel groups' underlying motivations regarding values about cultural diversity. The study is a document study and has been based on a qualitative research method. With the help of different subcategories and perspectives from the theory, the study has examined the organizations' communication via their websites. The results of the study show that there are differences in what hotel groups communicate in cultural diversity. Using the five diversity perspectives, it is possible to derive patterns from organizations' values through their communication. The study shows that different hotel groups value cultural diversity in different ways, some more than others. Several hotel groups strive to create staff groups that reflect the inhabitants of the community and can thus reach out to a larger customer group. The result also shows that all hotel groups included in the survey have the goal of creating competent and performing employees.

ABC Online: Becoming the ABC

Burns, Maureen, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis combines histories of the implementation of ABC Online (the website of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia's largest national Public Service Broadcaster) with the political philosophies of Foucault, and of Deleuze and Guattari. Following the Deleuzian argument that institutions of enclosure are in crisis because they exist in between diagrams of the disciplinary and control societies, the thesis tests each of the Foucauldian diagrams of discipline, governmentality and control against the ABC as Public Service Broadcaster. It explores issues such as which ABC strategies belong to which diagram, and the ways in which changes in communications technologies altered governing rationales of these diagrams at the ABC. The thesis uses the implementation of ABC Online to explore the idea of the ABC in the late 1990s as operating in between social diagrams. One way of examining this 'in between-ness' is to use the Public Service Broadcasting idea as an instance of arboreal thinking and the internet idea as rhizomic. The thesis employs that model to argue that Public Service Broadcasting as it is practised is not merely an arboreal assemblage, and that actual implementations of the internet are more than merely rhizomic assemblages. The thesis details some of the earliest relations between broadcasting and the internet at the ABC, and describes the relations between rhizomic and arboreal images of the ABC at particular sites and in various discourses. This examination concludes that both ways of imagining the ABC - the arboreal and the rhizomic - have been essential to the success of ABC Online. While the position of the ABC in between social diagrams caused a sense of crisis, ABC Online was in fact successful largely because of its position in between social diagrams. Not only was ABC Online remarkably successful in its first five years, but it was successful in ways which could not be accommodated in such documents as the ABC Charter. The public silences of ABC Online both allowed it to thrive, and conversely supported arboreal stratified ways of defending the ABC. Defences of the ABC that used arboreal thinking as a rhetorical strategy continued to dominate public discussion of the ABC, despite the successes of contrary examples in practice. One such example was the successful implementation of Radio Australia Online at a time when the Mansfield Review sought to limit the scope of the ABC to domestic free-to-air broadcasting. When some ABC Online practices were publicised in relation to the proposed Telstra deal, the resultant controversy concentrated on the non-commercial/commercial boundary at the ABC. The controversy also highlighted fears that the Online environment may alter the ethical relations between the ABC and its publics. In particular, the ethical goals of independence and integrity were perceived as being under threat in the World Wide Web environment. These goals were further problematised within the organisation by the demands of interactive subsites. These subsites demonstrated an altered ethical relation between the ABC and its user in the online environment of the control society.

民意代表網站瀏覽者行為之實證研究 / An empirical study of visitors' behavior on a political website

楊堯燦, Yang, Yao-Tsan Unknown Date (has links)
全球上網人數不斷增加,沒有電腦、沒有網路的生活對現今的許多人,尤其是資訊相關產業的工作者來說,實在難以想像。就像以前的人應也很難想像現在電腦網路所帶來的便利,這樣巨大的改變已完全形成現代人生活上的改變。許多企業因此不得不E化,即使E化所能帶來的好處尚難以估計,為了不輸在起跑點,投注大筆資金E化的企業並不在少數。 民意代表雖屬非營利組織,但其表現需接受選民定期的檢驗,用投票來反應,不是零就是一百的績效衡量方式,比一般企業所面臨的損益來得殘酷。為了拉近與選民的距離,以網際網路做為媒介是個不錯的選擇。究竟民意代表經營網站能為其帶來多少支持的選民,甚而轉化為支持的選票,值得探討。上民意代表網站的瀏覽者行為特性如何,網站經營者可如何發揮以吸引瀏覽者,增加瀏覽人次? 本研究以Howard的消費者決策模式(CDM)為基礎,配合本研究題目的特定範圍加以修正,利用路徑分析(Path Analysis)探討瀏覽者行為在數個構面上的影響關係,再以單因子變異數分析(1-way ANOVA)界定各構面在年齡、職業及區域上的差異,最後形成策略意涵。 根據研究結果,做成以下建議:以長期來看,民意代表經營專屬網站有助於爭取更多支持的選民;爭取學生族群的認同;台北市南區的候選人,目前適合搭配專屬網站作為整體的競選文宣。 / Nowadays there are more and more people going online. It’s unimaginable how people could live without Internet, especially for those who do their job using computer frequently through Internet. Just as we could not imagine what utilities Internet bring hundreds of years ago. It goes without saying that Internet has changed our lives. That’s why lots of business go online to be an E-business. Though the benefit brought by going on line can’t be clearly estimated, lots of corporate spend much money constructing their E-business because of avoiding lost in the beginning. Political websites are all nonprofit organizations. The way their performances are evaluated is election. It’s cruel that you are a survivor or getting nothing but crash otherwise. The Candidates want to be more closer to ’customers’, so they choose to setup a website and provide service. But How can they be sure that they are more possible to win the final campaign? The answer is in this paper. It is going to find out the behavior of those who visit the websites and make some suggestion about the strategies to promote the websites. The structure of this research is based on the CDM(Consumer Decision-Making) Model with some specific modification. The related dimensions are connected using Path Analysis, then the interactive relationship of these dimensions are clear. Accompanied by 1-way ANOVA, we can find the characteristics of the visitors’ on these dimensions, say age, occupation and where they live. According to the outcome, our suggestions are : it’s helpful for the candidates to win the campaign in the long run by providing services on websites ; ‘Student’ is apparently the group which is worth targeting when you want to promote yourself ; it’s now appropriate to concentrate on website if you are a candidate in the south area of Taipei.

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