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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La promotion sur Internet : analyse d’un discours sous l’angle du mythe. Le cas de labels indépendants de rap au Québec

Gaffuri, Flora 03 1900 (has links)
À l’heure où l’industrie de l’enregistrement sonore connait un certain nombre de bouleversements, Internet apparait à la fois comme un responsable d’une crise du disque et comme une plate-forme de diffusion et de promotion de la musique enregistrée. C’est dans ce contexte de mutations des industries culturelles que sont les industries de la musique que les labels indépendants voient les possibilités liées à la promotion se multiplier. Notamment par le biais des sites internet que j’envisage ici comme discours encodé et diffusé. Ce mémoire explore deux sites internet officiels de labels indépendants de rap québécois à l’aide de la proposition de la présence du mythe dans le discours de promotion. S’appuyant sur la théorie de Barthes, mon analyse s’articule autour de l’étude de la signification afin de mettre en lumière la façon dont le mythe fonctionne dans le discours. En m’intéressant principalement à l’image et au texte, je mets notamment en valeur le traitement de l’artiste, de la création musicale et du label dans le discours. / At a time when the music recording industry is going through some shake ups, Internet is seen both as a responsible for a disc crisis and as a plateform for diffusion and promotion of recorded music. This cultural industries' mutations context is now revealing multiple promotion opportunities for independant labels, as part of the music industries. This can be seen through websites which I consider to be a broadcasted, encoded and decoded discourse. This master thesis explore two independant record companys’ websites, both producing rap music in Québec, with the proposal of the presence of the myth in the promotionnal discourse. Based on Barthes' theory, my analysis is built around the study of the signification in order to outline the way the myth works in the discourse. While focusing on images and text, I mainly emphasize the treatment of the artist, the musical creation and the record label in the discourse.

A Shift In Perspective

Ilnicki, Andrew Patrick 01 January 2006 (has links)
Responsible design practice should include environmental advocacy and a focus on community — subjects often lacking in design education. My creative project is the result of investigations into how designers integrate nature into their design process. By increasing their awareness for communal and environmental advocacy at the undergraduate level, students can develop responsible design practices at the beginning of their career. The result is the student's accumulation of integrity.

Modèle économique de l'information écrite à l'ère numérique. Peut-on encore créer de la valeur ? / Economic model for print media in the digital age. Is it still possible to create value ?

Lablanche, Pascal 02 April 2012 (has links)
Alors que la création de valeur demeure un objectif légitime et naturel de l’évolution d’une firme, cette recherche a montré que les éditeurs de presse d’information se trouvent, depuis le début du XXIe siècle, d’une part, dans une situation financière dégradée et subséquemment dans une spirale de destruction massive de valeur au point de mettre en péril leur pérennité – certains étant d’ailleurs en faillite virtuelle – et, d’autre part, dans l’incapacité à l’horizon 2016, au-delà du simple équilibre opérationnel, d’inverser la tendance, dès lors que le raisonnement se conduit à périmètre structurel constant. Pour autant, en considérant une interdépendance systémique de plusieurs facteurs d’influence – des déterminants de la performance qui puisent leur origine dans l’histoire et la nature même du bien informationnel et qui s’enrichissent d’éléments structurels et environnementaux –, et en acceptant que chaque industrie ne soit plus que le maillon d’une chaîne de valeur globale dans laquelle l’éditeur n’a plus le monopole, il ressort, par une mise en scène de différents scenarii construits, entre prévision et prospective, sur une période allant de 2010 à 2020, que les différentes conditions requises pour une dynamique vertueuse, malgré les pierres d’achoppement possibles, s’articulent autour de trois axes majeurs – reconquête des marchés, recherche de marges de manoeuvre opérationnelles et financières, changement de référentiel. La dynamique se construit dans un enchaînement de circonstances contraint, ajusté et structuré en trois grandes étapes, qui permet finalement à quelques groupes de se réorganiser pour constituer des firmes de taille critique et ainsi dégager, grâce à une équation de valeur efficiente, simplement réajustée et différenciée, les moyens de migrer vers ce nouveau paradigme informationnel né de cet univers numérique. / Creating value is the natural aim of any private company. This study shows however that from the beginning of the 21st century print media publishers have been losing money and getting into a spiral of value-destruction so vicious as to jeopardise their very survival. Some are practically bankrupt. Nor is there any sign they will have turned the corner or even be breaking even by 2016 if the industry doesn’t restructure. There are three ways for print media firms to turn this round and regain positive momentum: recapturing market-share, improving their operational freedom and their margins and changing market perception. To do this however they will need to understand and take account of some big and interrelated themes – the ways in which the new uses of data, its ‘history’, its location and its very nature have enriched the value of information itself. They will also need to accept that publishers no longer have a monopoly of information and that they are only a link in a global value chain. To reach this conclusion the study runs a range of scenarios comparing confident short term forecasts and foresights for the longer term, from 2010 to 2020. We find that there will probably be three key stages of constraint, change and restructuring. A few publishers probably will manage to reorganise themselves, reach critical size and create value in this new world. To do so they will have a profoundly new and efficient value-creation ‘equation’, readjusted and differentiated from what has gone before. It is this that will allow them to migrate into and flourish in the new informational paradigm born from this digital universe.

Využití internetu pro získávání talentů / Use of Internet for Talent Acquisition

Bárta, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the current knowledge on the use of internet for the purpose of talent acquisition. Its main objective is to determine to what extent organizations emphasize this knowledge in practice. For this purpose the first chapter refers to the academic compilation of talent management concept. The aim is to define the term of talent within the talent management concept as well as within the personal management. The second charter presents the academic compilation in the field of recruitment focused on specifics in talented individuals acquiring. The third chapter presents current knowledge of internet recruitment. Next chapters focus on recruitment in practice by analyzing the online recruitment documentation of three specific organizations. Based on this analysis, it is apparent, that the surveyed organizations accentuate current trends to a large extent. Key words: talent management, talent acquisition, internet, e-recruitment, career website, job board site, social network, social recruiting.

Design av grafiskt material till ett indiespel: Processen att utveckla en logotypoch webbsida till spelet Heathen Quest. / Design of marketing material for an indie game: The process to develop a logo and a website for the game Heathen Quest.

Persson, Desirée January 2019 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att ta fram en logotyp och en webbsida till spelet Heathen Quest. Både webbsidan och logotypen skulle tilltala spelets målgrupp och förmedla spelets känsla: ”Rollspel med klassiska dungeon crawling och moderna inslag”. En visuell innehållsanalys gjordes för att undersöka hur liknande populära indiespel designat sina webbsidor och logotyper. En enkät utfördes med respondenter ur målgruppen för att utreda vad de upplevde som tilltalande. För att se om materialet skulle vara kommersiellt gångbart, utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med branschaktiva inom indiespelutveckling. Till sist utfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med Heavy Realm Games för att validera att materialet reflekterade den känsla som de ville förmedla. Baserat på den data som samlades in skapades designförslag som skulle både signalera att spelet var ett RPG-spel, vara tilltalande för målgruppen och visuellt representera spelets tema. Under undersökningen framgick det att det är viktigt att designa med ett tydligt mål. Författaren har också upptäckt vikten av att välja det material som ska marknadsföra ett spel baserat på den tid som finns tillgänglig till att skapa det och underhålla det. Det är möjligt att det finns andra typer av grafiskt material som skulle ha varit av högre relevans att fokusera på inför sin lansering av spelet. Resultatet av de skisser som skapades under arbetet visar att de i stor utsträckning tilltalar målgruppen, kommer vara kommersiellt gångbara och kommunicerar spelets tema väl. / The goal of this investigation was to create a logo and a website for the game Heathen Quest. Both the website and the logo would appeal to the game's target audience and convey the feeling of the game: "Role playing game with classic dungeon crawling and modern elements". A visual content analysis was used to investigate how popular indie games designed their web pages and logos. A survey was conducted with respondents from the target group to investigate what they experienced as appealing. To see if the material would be commercially viable, semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry active in indie game development. A semi-structured interview with Heavy Realm Games was performed to validate that the material reflected the feeling that the studio wanted to be conveyed. Based on the data collected, design suggestions were created that would signal that the game was an RPG game, be appealing to the target audience and visually represent the game's theme. During the investigation it became clear that it is important to design with a clear goal. The author has also discovered the importance of choosing the material to promote a game based on the time available to create and maintain it. It is possible that there are other types of marketing material that would have been more relevant to focus on before launching the game. The result of the sketches that were created during the work show that they, to a large extent, appeal to the target group, will be commercially viable and communicate the theme of the game well.

Représenter et incarner une organisation internationale : analyse d’une prétention communicationnelle sur le site internet de l’UNESCO / Representing and embodying an international organization : analysis of a communicative claim on the UNESCO’s website

Rondot, Camille 28 September 2015 (has links)
Si le site internet de l’UNESCO est aujourd’hui considéré par l’organisation comme le média le plus adapté à sa communication, l’enjeu de cette thèse est bien la dénaturalisation de cette apparente évidence. Il s’agit de mettre au jour une prétention communicationnelle reposant à la fois sur la nature de l’organisation, le dispositif investi et la compétence particulière de l’UNESCO : la médiation des savoirs. Cette thèse s’intéresse ainsi aux enjeux symboliques de la représentation médiatique de l’UNESCO portée par son site internet. Pour ce faire, elle s’appuie sur une méthodologie techno-sémio-discursive, reposant sur l’analyse des signes, mobilisant celle des discours produits par l’organisation sur son site et considérant les spécificités techniques du dispositif investi. Cette thèse montre comment le site internet incarne une conception particulière de la médiation des savoirs résultant de la rencontre entre un média et une organisation. Elle amène aussi à considérer les liens étroits entre savoir et politique dans la définition de la posture de l’organisation, telle qu’elle est représentée et incarnée sur son site internet. / If the UNESCO’s website is now considered by the organization as the most suitable media for its communication, this thesis focuses on the denaturalization of this apparent evidence. It brings to light a communicational claim based both on the nature of the organization, invested devices and the particular competency of the UNESCO: the mediation of knowledge. This thesis also focuses on the symbolic issues of the media representation of the UNESCO’s promoted by its website. This thesis relies on a techno-semiotic-discursive methodology, based on the analysis of the signs, mobilizing the discourses produced by the organization on its website and considering the technical specifications of the invested devices. This thesis shows how the website embodies a particular concept of the mediation of knowledge resulting from the encounter between a media and an organization. It also leads us to consider the close relationship between knowledge and policy in the definition of the posture of the organization, represented and embodied by its website.

Uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação no estímulo ao interesse de estudantes pela Astronomia / Use of Information and Communication Technology to stimulate student interest in Astronomy

Winkler, Julio Cezar 17 October 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação discorre sobre a experiência de produção, desenvolvimento e aplicação de um programa que visa estimular o interesse do estudo da Astronomia em alunos de escolas particulares de Ensino Fundamental e Médio, utilizando as Novas Tecnologias de Comunicação e Informação (TICs), mais precisamente a Internet, no formato de Rede Social. Foi produzido inicialmente em ambiente profissional, tornando-se a base para a elaboração do Produto Final vinculado ao Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Astronomia. Esse programa, chamado de Rede Social Clube de Astronomia, foi aplicado ao longo do ano de 2015 em escolas particulares espalhadas por todo o Brasil e teve a adesão de 1.167 estudantes. Foi constituído de um rol de atividades observacionais simples, as quais os participantes deveriam realizar de maneira prática, produzindo uma série de materiais que posteriormente foram enviados para o Clube de Astronomia, sendo então publicados para a apreciação e troca de informações entre os estudantes participantes. Além das atividades observacionais, foi solicitado aos alunos participantes que desenvolvessem a ideia para a produção de um satélite artificial e que produzissem uma maquete do satélite idealizado. De maneira geral, pudemos perceber que os estudantes possuem grande interesse em participar de forma voluntária em um programa como esse, contudo, tanto a quantidade, quanto a qualidade dos materiais recebidos deixou a desejar, fato que nos fez refletir sobre melhorias que poderão ser introduzidas em experiências semelhantes a essa realizadas no futuro. / This Master Thesis is about the experience of production, development and applying of a program to stimulate the Astronomy interest in student from private elementary and high school, employing new information and communication technology (ICT) as the social network website. This work start as a professional activity that later was bring to University to be scientific evaluate in this Master Course. The program was called Astronomy Club, and was applying for the first time in 2015 in the website of private schools from all over Brazil territory and have been followed for 1,167 students. It was based in suggestion of simples naked eyes sky observation for the participants who was encouraged to observed and publish in the Astronomy Club website the description of their feelings and image of the activity to be discussed with other students. It was also asked to student the development of model of satellite. We observed that the students have a huge interest in willingly follow this program, but the quality and the quantity of the material published for them was not good enough. This fact suggest us that we need to improve some aspects of this program in the future to have better results.

CNViewer : aplicativo baseado em navegador web para análise de variações de número de cópias (CNV) do genoma humano / Cnviewer:Browser-Based AppicationFor The Analysis Of Dna Copy Number Variation In The Human Genome

Palu, Cintia Cristina 12 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T18:50:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cintia_Palu.pdf: 5829223 bytes, checksum: e1abfad4d5477f6f672541d62e31cdfe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-12 / Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior / O uso de ferramentas de análise e visualização de dados é essencial para a pesquisa de CNVs, porém nem sempre está ao alcance de todo o meio científico devido a restrições de acesso ou por requerer conhecimento avançado de informática. Portanto o desenvolvimento de interfaces amigáveis e acessíveis é essencial para a pesquisa. Esta dissertação visou explorar o ambiente dos navegadores Web para desenvolver soluções para os problemas de acessibilidade, portabilidade e visualização, comumente encontrados nas ferramentas de bioinformática. Foi desenvolvido um aplicativo para análise exploratória, denominado CNViewer, o qual oferece recursos para comparação de perfis moleculares, além de representar graficamente diversas amostras simultaneamente. Através de uma interface dinâmica, o usuário pode delimitar quaisquer regiões genômicas para a análise, e pode também exibir dados complementares às CNVs. Foi também disponibilizado acesso direto a anotações genômicas, tornando o CNViewer um ambiente para estudo de CNVs e dados correlacionados. Utilizando somente os recursos oferecidos pelos navegadores Web (JavaScript e HTML), o CNViewer é capaz de processar dados e executar tarefas rapidamente, com independência de servidor, pois mantêm os dados em memória durante seu uso, aperfeiçoando a interatividade com o usuário. Foi também criado um módulo de exportação, que permite ao usuário salvar e recuperar suas análises, servindo também para compartilhamento de dados. O CNViewer é um aplicativo que supera os limites dos programas baseados em Web clássicos, comportando-se como um aplicativo desktop, mas com a vantagem de ser acessado diretamente, sem requerer instalação ou atualização. O crescente uso dos navegadores Web como ambiente de trabalho, e mais recentemente até mesmo como sistema operativo, sugere que aplicativos nativos a esse ambiente poderão tornar-se a norma em informática biomédica.

Dando visibilidade à atuação do enfermeiro pela internet: um estudo de sua influência sobre as representações sociais do adolescente / Giving visibility to the work of nurses through the internet: a study on its influence on adolescents\' social representations

Fahl, Ligia Gomes 18 December 2007 (has links)
Alunos do ensino médio são influenciados pela imagem e pelo conhecimento que têm de determinada profissão ao fazerem sua escolha profissional. Este estudo objetivou avaliar se a exposição a uma mediação pela internet que explorasse papéis e campos de atuação do enfermeiro no Brasil hoje poderia influenciar na construção da representação social que estudantes do ensino médio têm do enfermeiro e da Enfermagem. Metodologia: Estudo tipo survey exploratório com abordagem qualitativa utilizando referencial teórico das Representações Sociais de Moscovici, tendo como sujeitos alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio, desenvolvido em três etapas principais: 1- Análise da representação social de 19 alunos quanto à imagem do enfermeiro e da Enfermagem; 2- Elaboração e construção de um site explorando os campos de atuação do enfermeiro hoje no Brasil; 3- Análise das representações de 10 alunos após a navegação no site, utilizando o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo como referencial metodológico nas Fases I e III. Resultados da Fase I: Identificaram-se duas grandes categorias: Atributos do Enfermeiro e Atributos da Profissão de Enfermagem. O enfermeiro é associado a pessoa com qualidades valorosas, que faz vigilância diuturna, faz procedimentos. Possui características de sacrifício, humildade, \"pouco ego\" e não pode ter o dinheiro como motivação para o trabalho. A profissão de Enfermagem é bonita porque ajuda e salva vidas e ao mesmo tempo é um trabalho difícil, pesado, não valorizado. O enfermeiro é identificado como auxiliar do médico, subalterno e obediente ao médico. A Enfermagem é associada a profissão do gênero feminino, delicada e complemento para outras áreas da saúde, sem opção de remuneração. Seu campo de atuação é primário e centralmente hospital e clínicas. Na Fase II, foram mapeados, identificados e registrados através de depoimentos e fotos o campo de atuação, abrangência das ações, trajeto e dificuldades de 89 profissionais didaticamente distribuídos nos campos Saúde Coletiva, Áreas em Expansão, Hospitalar, Educação, Alta Gestão, Empresarial e Clínicas e Ambulatórios, expostos em um site denominado DESCUBRAENFERMAGEM! http://www.ee.usp.br/pos/descubraenfermagem/ e www.expertu.com.br/ligia. Resultados da Fase III: surgem duas categorias de representações: o \"ANTES\" e o \"AGORA\". \"ANTES\", viam o enfermeiro como auxiliar de médico, sem importância, subalterno; desconheciam que o enfermeiro tivesse conhecimentos aprofundados. Consideravam que a atuação era somente hospitalar, auxiliando paciente e médico, fazendo atividades \"mais sujas\" e árduas. \"AGORA\" associam o enfermeiro à imagem de um médico, \"fazem o papel de médico\", prescrevem, coordenam, e que esta profissão pode ser autônoma. Identificam que o enfermeiro pode ser especialista em diferentes campos e especialidades, até \"chefes de médico\". Associam as ações de decisão, coordenação, avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e intervenção de Enfermagem como atributos de independência e conhecimento cristalizados no imaginário social como do médico. Percebem a ação do enfermeiro na educação e pesquisa em diversos níveis de atuação. Surpreendem-se que o enfermeiro realize consultas de enfermagem de forma independente. Conclusões: a introdução de uma nova imagem do enfermeiro pautada em descrições reais de sua atuação incidiu sobre a opinião dos adolescentes, influenciando suas representações sociais particularmente relacionadas com os aspectos cognitivos / High school students are influenced by the knowledge they possess and the image they perceive of a particular profession when choosing a career. This study aimed to evaluate whether the construction of social representations of high school students on Nursing and nurses would be influenced by being exposed to a mediation in the internet exploring nurses roles and career venues in Brazil today. Methods: This was a survey exploratory study with a qualitative approach employing Moscovici\'s Social Representation Theory as a conceptual framework, and having as subjects high school senior students. It was undertaken in three phases: 1- Social representation analysis of nurses and Nursing by 19 students; 2- Elaboration and construction of a website exploring nurses´ career venues in Brazil today; 3- Social representation analysis of 10 students after exploring the site, employing the Collective Subject Discourse Method for data analysis on phases I and III. Phase I Results: Two major categories were identified: Nurses attributes and Nursing attributes. The nurse is associated with a person of invaluable qualities who grants diuturnal vigilance to the patient and who performs technical procedures. The trademarks of a nurse are sacrifice, humility, \"small ego\", and a willingness to work without money as a motivation. The nursing profession is perceived as beautiful because it helps people and save lives and at the same time, it is hard, heavy work. The nurse is identified as the doctor\'s aid, subordinate and obedient to the physician. Nursing is associated with a feminine gendered profession, delicate and a complement to other health care areas, with no options for financial reward. Nursing work places are primarily and centrally the hospital and clinics. During Phase II, the work venues, scope of actions, educational and professional backgrounds and difficulties of 89 nurses were mapped, identified and registered through depositions and photos, divided into the working fields called Public Health, Expansion Areas, Hospital, Education, Top Management, Entrepreneurism and Clinics and Ambulatories, and displayed on a website called DESCUBRAENFERMAGEM! http:/www.ee.usp.br/pos/descubraenfermagem/ and www.expertu.com.br/ligia. Results Phase III: two representational categories are were elicited: \"Before\" and \"Now\". \"Before\" they saw nurses as doctor\'s aids, without relevance, subordinates; they did not know nurses portrayed deep knowledge on issues. They considered the hospital was the nurses´ only area of work, where they aided doctors and patients, performing \"dirtier\" and harder activities. \"Now\" they associate nurses with the image of a physician, \"performing doctor\'s roles\", prescribing and coordinating. Adolescents acknowledge that Nursing can be an autonomous profession. They identify that the nurse can be a specialist in different fields and specialties, and even be the \"doctor\'s boss\". They associate actions such as decision-making, coordination, clinical assessment, diagnosis and nursing interventions as attributes of independence and knowledge crystallized in the social imaginary as pertaining to the doctor. They identify nurse\'s actions in education and research in various levels. They demonstrate surprise in acknowledging nurses do consultations and work without a physician\'s intermediation. Conclusions: The introduction of a new image of nurses based on real descriptions of their work affected adolescents\' social representations particularly those related to cognitive aspects

Websites de museus de arte: uma abordagem da gestão cultural

Padula, Roberto Sanches 28 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberto Sanches Padula.pdf: 982916 bytes, checksum: f42753eef78240e2db4f8b7967e19445 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-28 / The Internet has been growing in importance both to individuals and to organizations. For the companies, a website on the Internet represents a possibility of new business, and for the not-forprofit organizations it represents greater amplitude to its social actions. The cultural sector, that normally is also not-for-profit, is using this channel to services, communication and to spread the public access to its cultural actions, according to its mission. This work analyses the implementation of art museums websites as a question of management of culture. Some aspects are considered, like virtualization of museums, visitor experience, works of art aura, services, and communication. The necessaries conditions and functions to be accomplished by the website are also verified. In order to better understand these topics, some selected art museums websites are analyzed on its functionalities, usability, and mission adherence. As a conclusion, the work makes some considerations about the future of websites towards interactivity and how easy it is to use the website to maximize funding opportunities / A Internet vem ocupando, cada vez mais, um importante papel tanto para indivíduos como para as organizações. Se, para as empresas, ter um website no ar representa possibilidades de negócios, para entidades sem fins lucrativos ela representa a possibilidade de maior amplitude das suas ações sociais. O setor cultural, que via de regra não tem fins lucrativos, vem cada vez mais utilizando esse canal para prestação de serviços, para comunicação e para aumentar o acesso do público às suas ações culturais, o que vem de encontro à sua missão. O trabalho analisa a implementação de um website na Internet sob a ótica da gestão cultural, e particulariza o estudo em museus de arte. São relacionados os diversos aspectos que têm que ser levados em consideração, como a virtualização do museu, a experiência da visita presencial e virtual, a aura das obras de arte, a prestação de serviços, a ação comunicativa. Também são verificadas as condições e funções necessárias para que o website cumpra seus objetivos. Para um melhor entendimento dos assuntos na prática, são analisados alguns websites selecionados de museus de arte, quanto a suas funcionalidades, usabilidade e aderência à missão. O trabalho é concluído com algumas considerações sobre a direção que os websites vêm tomando em relação à interatividade, e a sobre a facilidade do website ser um instrumento efetivo na captação de recursos

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