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Úspěšný tým - jak správně sestavit a efektivně vést tým nevládní neziskové organizace / The successful team - how to well compiling and effectively lead the NGO teamMorčuš, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Annotation: The dissertation "The successful team - how to well compiling and effectively lead the NGO team" is related to the personal management of NGO. The main goal of dissertation is to provide "the manual" to the team leader, how to well compile and lead effectively his or her team in the NGO. In the theoretical part of dissertation I firstly deal with the importance of NGOs in the society and their specifics. I'm interested consecutively in the phenomenas related to the personal management of NGOs. The second part of the work is written as an interrogatory survey. Due to this survey I'm focusing on providing the rewarding informations as - what are the important factors for the members of team and how to lead the team more effectively?
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Retence učitelů a asistentů v MŠ se speciální péčí / Retention of teachers and assistants in kindergarten with special careŠtěpančíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the retention of teachers and teaching assistants in a specific kindergarten with special care. It searches for the reasons the employees have for staying in their current position and the ones for leaving it. The thesis then continues to research what can be done by this schools management to hold onto quality teachers and teaching assistants. The work observes possible connections of individual aspects of the job with the employees satisfaction and their tendencies to stay in said organization. Among the aspects that influence the employees satisfaction, we can find for example the working conditions, workload, work organization, the ability of professional development, rewards, interpersonal relations in the workplace, communication, the managements leading style or care for employees. In the theoretical part, I've searched through the available literature for connections between job (dis)satisfaction, work behavior patterns and employees turnover. I based my work on literature mostly focusing on psychology and sociology of management, social psychology, social psychology in a workplace, human resources management, management and school management. In the research, I was looking for answers to the research questions, specifically for the links between the...
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Analýza procovního prostředí / Work environment analysisJančová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Due to economic crisis a lot of companies are facing financial difficulties and therefore they are saving costs in almost all areas. A large number of them first reduce investments into education, corporate benefits and overall costs of human resources department. At the same time these companies do not realize that their employees represent the most valuable asset, thus they represent the possibility of finding solutions of how to get out of the crisis. With regard to recency and marginalization of that topic in my thesis I deal with work environment issues that directly affect job satisfaction and ultimately productivity and efficiency of employees. In the technical part I grapple with work environment issues, working groups, management styles, communication, motivation and stimulation. In the practical part I have analysed the work environment of the company CMC Graduate School of Business o.p.s. in which I have applied achieved knowledge based on which I have proposed such measures and improvements toward the organization that will lead to increased willingness to work and hence to reduce the staff fluctuation.
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Att hålla isär arbete och privatliv : En kvalitativ studie om motivation på TrafikverketLämsä, Joonas January 2018 (has links)
Offentliga organisationer implementerar nya arbetssätt i allt högre utsträckning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att förstå hur individens inneboende motivation påverkas av företagets samhällsansvar, CSR (Corporate social responsibility). För att uppnå syftet studeras den statliga myndigheten Trafikverket. Examensarbetet utgår från en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn där en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi används för att tolka vilka faktorer som påverkar individens inneboende motivation inom organisationen. Två urvalsgrupper intervjuas där en av urvalsgrupperna har en starkare relation till CSR i form av CSR-verktyget SUNRA. Dataanalysen utförs med inslag från grundad teori. Examensarbetet kommer fram till att ett samband mellan inneboende motivation och CSR inte kan fastslås, vilket delvis motsäger den tidigare forskningen. Resultaten antas bero på att individernas internalisering av SUNRA som arbetssätt inte har fullbordats. Tolkningen görs att individerna använder SUNRA, eftersom det ingår i deras arbetsroll och som en följd av självpålagd press. Dessutom visar examensarbetets resultat att individerna tenderar att hålla isär sitt arbete och privatliv. Trots detta antyder examensarbetet att det finns utrymme för inneboende motivation på Trafikverket om förbättringsåtgärder vidtas för att höja individens upplevda kompetens och autonomi inom organisationen. / Public sector organizations increasingly implement working processes such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim of this study is to understand how intrinsic motivation is affected by this specific working process. To achieve this aim, this thesis studies Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). A hermeneutic approach is used to interpret which factors affect the intrinsic motivation of individuals. Two sample groups are interviewed, where one of the groups has a stronger connection to CSR through the use of the CSR-tool SUNRA. The data is analysed with elements from grounded theory. Previous literature states that intrinsic motivation and CSR are related, but the results of the thesis cannot confirm such a relation. The results are assumed to be affected by the individuals’ failed internalization of SUNRA. The results indicate that the individuals use SUNRA because it is a part of their work role and as a result of self-imposed pressure. Furthermore, the individuals seem to distinguish between work and personal life. It is shown that the possibilities to be driven by intrinsic motivation is decent at the Swedish Transport Administration. However, it is suggested that improvement actions are necessary in order to increase perceived autonomy and competence.
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An Investigation of Workplace Characteristics Influencing Knowledge Worker’s Sense of Belonging and Organizational OutcomesLu, Jing 16 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Workplace design practitioners and organizational managers are increasingly noticing all the various aspects in which the workplace affects organizations and their employees. The studies on the relationships between the workplace, organizations and their employees are more focused on psychology or facility management than the socio-spatial perspective. Workplace design, configuration and spatial features impact how well and how much a company can benefit from its human capital. Although the concept of the relation of workplace to an organization is not new, it is relatively unexamined.
This thesis introduces a new set of spatial variables to workplace studies, following the concept of personal control. The discussed spatial variables effectively describe the features of workplace floor plan and the characteristics of a workstation. Furthermore, this dissertation develops a method that creates the link between workplace spatial setting and a sense of belonging, organizational outcomes – organizational commitment, work motivation, job
satisfaction and work performance.
Based on the detailed statistical analyses of a field survey that included 336 participants from 16 organizations, a model of spatial features influence sense of belonging and organizational outcomes was identified within this study. The research findings provide evidence for creating a workplace with a sense of belonging and better organizational outcomes through spatial design.
This dissertation is comprised of six chapters. Chapter 1, an introduction, provides a general study background, discusses the problems to be solved in the study, and proposes an approach to deal with the target problems.
Chapter 2 firstly reviews the current workplace studies related to spatial features. Secondly, it discusses the influence of workstation design on the human muscle system. Thirdly, it discusses the most relevant psychological issues at a workplace as stated by previous researches. Finally, the chapter reveals how a workplace affects the work of an organization.
Chapter 3 specifies how workplace influences an employee’s sense of belonging and environmental control, and introduces the conceptual model. It also introduces the independent and dependent variables, generates research hypotheses.
Chapter 4 describes the field survey design, procedures and the participants. It also covers the initial data analysis of the field survey: how the survey instrument, the questionnaire, was developed, commenting on all the aspects it includes – spatial experiences, work motivation, commitment, sense of belonging, job satisfaction and work performance.
Chapter 5 is data analysis. This chapter discusses the research findings on workplace design features in relation to employees’ sense of belonging, satisfaction with ambient physical environment, and organizational outcomes – commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and individual work performance.
The final chapter summarizes the findings, comments on design implications of the research results, and draws conclusions. The dissertation ends in admitting the limitations of this research and discussing practical implications for future investigation.
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Arbetsmotivation vid komplexa och icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifterWyszynska, Ewelina, Norbäck, Christer, Pettersson, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att fastställa om och hur arbetsuppgifternas komplexitetsgrad påverkar vad de anställda motiveras utav. Vidare undersöktes vilka preferenser de anställda med arbetsuppgifter av olika komplexitetsgrad hade gällande icke-monetära belöningar. Det studerades även till vilken grad cheferna var medvetna om deras anställdas preferenser. Utifrån det teoretiska perspektivet ska de anställda med komplexa arbetsuppgifter motiveras utav inre faktorer såsom beröm, utveckling och ökad självständighet. Anställda med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter ska då påverkas utav yttre faktorer som lön och spontana materiella belöningar. Studien genomfördes på två fallföretag med en population utav 60 anställda med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter samt 30 anställda med komplexa arbetsuppgifter med en svarsfrekvensen på 57%. Resultatet bekräftar att personer med komplexa arbetsuppgifter upplever inre motivation samt att personer med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter upplever yttre motivation. Det är snarare tillgången till en viss typ av motivation än själva arbetsuppgiftens komplexitetsgrad som avgör vad anställda motiveras av. / The purpose of this thesis was to determine whether and how the level of complexity within work task affects what employees are motivated by. Moreover, was the purpose to investigate what preferences the employees with different level of complexity in their work task had regarding non-monetary rewards. The degree to which the executives were aware of their employees preferences regarding non-monetary rewards was also examined. Based on theoretical perspectives should the employees with complex work tasks be motivated by intrinsic factors such as praise, growth and increased autonomy. The employees with non-complex work task should be affected by extrinsic factors such as salary and spontaneous material rewards. The study was carried out on two case companies with a population of 60 employees with non-complex work tasks and 30 employees with complex work tasks with a response rate of 57%. The results of this study confirm that people with complex work tasks experience intrinsic motivation whereas those with non-complex work tasks experience extrinsic motivation. The result concludes that it is the access to a certain kind of motivation rather than the complexity of work task which determines what the employee is motivated by.
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Motivace pracovníků DDM z hlediska motivačních teorií / Motivation teachers DDM of motivation techniquesDUTKOVÁ, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the motivation of teaching and external DDM personnel from the perspective of motivational theories. The theoretical part contains the definition of motivation and concepts related to it. It mainly deals with theories of motivation with an emphasis on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The practical part deals with the motivation of workers and DDM search needs that motivate workers to work DDM. Motivation in terms of motivating teachers rated the theory of free time and outside workers. DDM Prachatice, DDM Vimperk, DDM Netolice and DDM Volary. Needs have been identified (in terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs) that motivate employees to work free time teacher in the DDM. Among the major needs motivating to work in DDM include the need for certainty, the need for personal growth, the need for positive relations with DDM. For educators consider essential in responding to their needs fulfillment, ie, self-fulfillment, self-improvement, confidence and respect.
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Grundskollärares arbetsmotivation : Med inriktning på individuell lönesättning / Elementary school teachers’ work motivation : with focal point on individual wage settingFredriksson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
I övergripande kollektivavtal på svensk arbetsmarknad framgår en strävan efter ett positivt samband mellan lön, motivation och resultat som en följd av individuell lönesättning. Denna studie undersöker individuell lönesättnings eventuella påverkan på arbetsmotivation hos lärare, kort efter att en statligt finansierad lönesatsning hade höjt lönerna för många av dessa. Studien har i huvudsak kvalitativ ansats och har genomförts med hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av self determination theory, teorier om avund och rättviseteori. För att undersöka om individuell lönesättning påverkar grundskollärares arbetsmotivation genomfördes intervjuer med 8 respondenter på två skolor i en svensk kommun, som även fick besvara en enkät om arbetsmotivation. Studiens resultat tyder på att individuell lönesättning förvisso kan föranleda positiva arbetsmotivationseffekter hos personer som premieras med högre lön, men att de som missgynnas i den individuella lönesättningen riskerar att få mindre självdeterminerad arbetsmotivation och/eller minska sin arbetsinsats för att utjämna upplevd orättvisa. Utöver detta riskerar individuell lönesättning att försämra relationer mellan kollegor, vilket kan innebära att arbetsmotivation blir mindre självdeterminerad, både hos den som främjas av individuell lönesättning och den som missgynnas.
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Samhälleligt ansvarstagande : En komparativ fallstudie av det samhälleliga ansvarstagandets mening och betydelse för medarbetaren / Social Responsibility : A comparative case study of Social Responsibility, its meaning and significance for the employeeNyström, Robin, Öhman, Mathias January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund I dagens samhälle är CSR, samhälleligt ansvarstagande, en viktig fråga för företag. De studier som undersökt medarbetare i företag som arbetar med CSR har visat på ett positivt samband mellan detta arbete och medarbetarnas motivation. Däremot har få kvalitativa studier fokuserat på medarbetaren och ingen studie har tidigare använt meningsskapande som perspektiv för att skapa förståelse om detta fenomen. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att med en komparativ utgångspunkt belysa vilken mening medarbetare skapat i deras arbetsgivares samhälleliga ansvarstagande för att skapa förståelse för betydelsen av arbetsgivares förhållningssätt till samhälleligt ansvarstagande för medarbetares självbild, motivation och organisatoriska engagemang. Metod Studien har antagit en komparativ fallstudiedesign. En kvalitativ metod och en iterativ ansats med deduktiva inslag har använts. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på respektive fallföretag. Slutsatser Medarbetare ser att arbetsgivarens samhälleliga ansvarstagande finns till för att tillgodose medarbetarnas behov av att vara en del av något som gör gott för andra intressenter. Medarbetares motivation och organisatoriska engagemang kan härledas ur deras arbetsgivares samhälleliga ansvarstagande såvida medarbetarna själva tycker att den typen av arbete är viktigt. Detta förklaras av att individens självbild och arbetsgivarens organisatoriska identitet och båda parters underliggande värderingar överensstämmer. / Background In our society, the question of social responsibility is of importance for most companies and it has long been a subject for scholars. Studies of employees in social responsible companies indicate a positive correlation between CSR activities and motivation. However, only a few have focused on the employee and none of the previous studies have used sensemaking as a theoretical perspective to deepen our knowledge and understanding of employees’ behavior within a socially responsible company. Aim The aim of this study is to illustrate, with a comparative approach, what meaning employees have given to their employer’s social responsibility to provide an understanding of the significance of employers’ various approaches to social responsibility for the social identity, organizational engagement and motivation of employees. Methodology The research design is a comparative case study. A qualitative methodology was used with an iterative approach, although the initial approach was deductive. The empirical data was gathered through three semi-structured interviews with employees on each company. Conclusions Employees consider that the purpose of their employer’s social responsibility is to fulfill their need to belong to a company that does good for other stakeholders. Employees’ motivation and organizational commitment may be derived from their employer’s social responsibility if the employees themselves consider these activities important. This is explained by congruence between the individual’s social identity, the employer’s organizational identity and the underlying values of these identities.
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Los efectos de los estilos de liderazgo en el marco del cambio organizacional / The Effects of Leadership Styles in the Organizational Change FrameworkArrieta Chacón, Juan Luis, Lazo Vargas, Carla Priscilla 12 January 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el Perú se ha visto afectado de manera significativa por la pandemia del COVID-19, lo que representa un riesgo para la sostenibilidad empresarial en actividades de servicio, comercio y fabricación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general, contrastar los efectos que produce un estilo de liderazgo transformacional o transaccional en el marco del cambio organizacional. Se realiza una breve descripción sobre el liderazgo transformacional y transaccional, así como del rol del líder en el cambio organizacional y el rol de la motivación que surge a raíz de la aplicación de los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y del liderazgo transaccional. Asimismo, se analiza la relación entre la eficacia y la satisfacción de los trabajadores frente a un liderazgo transformacional y transaccional y se evalúa la conducta de compartir conocimiento que afrontan los trabajadores y los líderes frente a los dos estilos de liderazgo. Igualmente, se presenta de manera sintetizada, las diferentes posturas que indican que los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y transaccional influyen en la motivación, eficacia, satisfacción y conducta de compartir conocimiento, como aquellas que señalan que son variables independientes. Del análisis realizado se puede afirmar que el liderazgo transformacional tiene mejores resultados en el cambio organizacional a través de la mejora de la motivación de los trabajadores, mientras que los efectos del liderazgo transaccional se dan en menor medida a través de la generación de la conducta de compartir conocimiento. Existe un acuerdo sobre los factores que contribuyen al cambio organizacional para ambos liderazgos. / In the past year, Peru has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, representing a risk for the business’ sustainability of the companies from services, commerce and manufacturing activities. The general objective of this study is to contrast the effects produced by the transformational and transactional styles of leadership in the framework of organizational change. A brief description will be made of both, transformational and transactional leadership, as well as the role of the leader in the organizational change and the changes in motivation after applying transformational and transactional leadership. Likewise, there will be an analysis of the relationship between the effectiveness and satisfaction of workers when experiencing the transformational and transactional leadership, as the sharing of knowledge that workers and leaders faced in both leadership styles. Furthermore, it will be shown the different positions indicating that transformational and transactional leadership styles influence motivation, effectiveness, satisfaction and the share of knowledge in individuals, as well as those indicating they are independent variables, From them, it can be affirmed that transformational leadership has better results in organizational change through the improvement of worker motivation, while the effects of transactional leadership occur to a lesser extent and through the generation of share knowledge. There is an agreement on the factors that contribute to organizational change for both leaderships. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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