Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wang"" "subject:"yang""
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從《廣雅疏證》看王念孫的《方言》學. / 從廣雅疏證看王念孫的方言學 / Cong "Guang ya shu zheng" kan Wang Niansun de "Fang yan" xue. / Cong Guang ya shu zheng kan Wang Niansun de Fang yan xueJanuary 2002 (has links)
張錦少. / "2002年9月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (leaves 257-265) / 附中英文摘要. / "2002 nian 9 yue" / Zhang Jinshao. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 257-265) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.頁1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 王念孫和《廣雅疏證》 --- p.頁1-2 / Chapter 第二節 --- 王念孫治《方言》的情況 --- p.頁2-3 / Chapter 第三節 --- 硏究動機和方法 --- p.頁4-5 / Chapter 第四節 --- 本文內容 --- p.頁5-6 / Chapter 第二章 --- 王念孫《方言》校本硏究 --- p.頁7 / Chapter 第一節 --- 王念孫硏究《方言》的情況 --- p.頁7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《方言》校本介紹 --- p.頁 8-15 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《方言》校本和《廣雅疏證》 的關係 --- p.頁 15-25 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 --- p.頁26 / Chapter 附: --- 《方言》校本書影一至五 --- p.頁 27-31 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《方言疏證補》硏究 --- p.頁32 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.頁 32-35 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《方言疏證補》和《方言疏 證》、《重校方言》的關係 --- p.頁 35-40 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《方言》校本和《方言疏證補》 的關係 --- p.頁 40-42 / Chapter 第四節 --- 《方言疏證補》和《廣雅疏證》 的互補關係 --- p.頁 42-50 / Chapter 第五節 --- 《方言疏證補》校改《方言》異 於戴、盧二家硏究 --- p.頁 50-66 / Chapter 第六節 --- 結百吾 --- p.頁 67-68 / Chapter 附: --- 《方言》校本書影六至八 --- p.頁 69-71 / Chapter 附: --- 附表一 --- p.頁 72-80 / Chapter 附: --- 附表二 --- p.頁 81-82 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《方言疏證》、《廣雅疏證》以《方言》、《廣雅》互證硏究 --- p.頁83 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.頁 83-84 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《爾雅》、《方言》和《廣雅》 --- p.頁 85-86 / Chapter 第三節 --- 戴震、王念孫硏究《方言》和 《廣雅》的情況 --- p.頁 86-91 / Chapter 第四節 --- 《方言疏證》、《廣雅疏證》以 《方言》、《廣雅》互證分析 --- p.頁 91-110 / Chapter 第五節 --- 戴、王以《方言》、《廣雅》互 校之原則述評 --- p.頁 110-117 / Chapter 第六節 --- 《方言》與《廣雅》訓話材料編纂 的關係 --- p.頁 118-120 / Chapter 第七節 --- 結語 --- p.頁121 / Chapter 附: --- 附表一 --- p.頁 122-124 / Chapter 附: --- 附表二 --- p.頁125-126 / Chapter 附: --- 附表三 --- p.頁 127-132 / Chapter 附: --- 附表四 --- p.頁 133-134 / Chapter 第五章 --- 《廣雅疏證》引《方言》考 --- p.頁135 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.頁135 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《廣雅疏證》與《方言疏證》和 《重校方言》的關係 --- p.頁 135-144 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《廣雅疏證》所引《方言》與 《方言疏證》及《重校方言》比較 --- p.頁 144-182 / Chapter 第六章 --- 從校勘和訓詁看王念孫的《方言》學 --- p.頁183 / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.頁 183-184 / Chapter 第二章 --- 從校勘方面看王念孫的 《方言》學 --- p.頁 184-207 / Chapter 第三章 --- 從訓詁方面看王念孫的 《方言》學 --- p.頁 206-227 / Chapter 附: --- 附表一 --- p.頁 228-252 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總結 --- p.頁 253-256 / 參考書目 --- p.頁 257-265 / Chapter 附錄一 --- p.頁 1-261 / Chapter 附錄二 --- p.頁 262-324 / Chapter 附錄三 --- p.頁 325-425 / Chapter 附錄四 --- p.頁 426-450 / Chapter 附錄五 --- p.頁 451-459
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王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》研究. / 王時敏杜陵詩意圖冊研究 / Wang Shimin "Du Ling shi yi tu ce" yan jiu. / Wang Shimin Du Ling shi yi tu ce yan jiuJanuary 2010 (has links)
陳冠男. / "2010年7月". / "2010 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-140). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Guannan. / 謝辭 --- p.3 / 論文摘要 --- p.4-6 / 序言 --- p.7-10 / Chapter 第一章 --- 王時敏及其《杜陵詩意圖冊》 --- p.11-37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 生平簡述 --- p.11-15 / Chapter 第二節 --- 畫冊名稱與主人 --- p.15-18 / Chapter 第三節 --- 作品內容與表現 --- p.18-36 / 小結 --- p.36-37 / Chapter 第二章 --- 詩意圓的定義、流變與分類 --- p.38-66 / Chapter 第一節 --- 何謂詩意圖? --- p.38-44 / Chapter 第二節 --- 詩畫關係發展與詩意圖流變 --- p.45-58 / Chapter 第三節 --- 詩意圖之分類 --- p.58-64 / 小結 --- p.64-66 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《杜陵詩意圖冊》的背後 --- p.67-101 / Chapter 第一節 --- 對杜詩之推崇 --- p.68-71 / Chapter 第二節 --- 正統的喻示 --- p.71-79 / Chapter 第三節 --- 遺民生活 --- p.79-88 / Chapter 第四節 --- 藝術展示 --- p.88-102 / 結語 --- p.103-106 / 附件一王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》內容一覽表 --- p.107-110 / 附件二王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》資料統計表 --- p.111 / 附件三詩意圖之分類示意表 --- p.112 / 參考資料 --- p.113-124 / 圖錄 --- p.125-214 / 圖片資料表 --- p.125-140 / 圖版 --- p.141-214
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北伐時期國民政府外交政策與對外關係 / The foreign policy and external relationship of national govern- ment during 1921-1931陳湘芬, Chen, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)
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就明清穆斯林之漢文著述探討當時之中國伊斯蘭思潮 / Islamic Thought in China during Ming and Ching: Discussion on the Islamic Literature in chinese李琅毓, Lee, Lang Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,中國穆斯林中的有識之士便試圖以著作的方式來振興伊斯蘭在中國的地位。明清時期的伊斯蘭漢文著述為數不少,本文擇其中較具代表性的幾本加以分析討論:王岱輿的 <正教真詮>、馬注的 <清真指南>、劉智的 <天方典禮>、 <天方性理>、馬德新的 <四典要會>。這些兼通伊斯蘭經典與儒家學說的穆斯林學者著書闡述伊斯蘭教義,除了希望能讓中國的穆斯林正確地了解伊斯蘭教義,也希望能得到儒者的認同與支持,因此除了以漢文著作外,在詮釋上試圖以儒家學說輔為解釋,如孔子「天」的概念、宋明理學無極、太極、理氣之說等等。一方面強調伊斯蘭與儒家思想的一致性,一方面又不離認主獨一的信念。這樣闡述伊斯蘭教義的方式成為明清伊斯蘭漢文著作的特色,也逐漸形成具有中國特色的伊斯蘭。這些著作一方面顯現出儒家思想對伊斯蘭教義中國化的影響力,一方面也表示出穆斯林對中國大環境的適應之道。
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王白淵的文化活動與精神歷程 / The cultural activities and mental world of Wang, Bai-yuan蘇雅楨, Su,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖結合兩個層次的精神史(History of Mentalities)研究取徑-傾向個體層次的與傾向集體層次的精神史研究-來理解並建構王白淵的精神世界所體現的雙重結構:藝術心態與啟蒙心態。
一九二三年,王白淵因為藝術心態的茁壯而前往東京留學,在二O年代中期,受到影響而轉變,主要是產生啟蒙心態,並開始創作小說與詩文。啟蒙心態與藝術心態的並存,使他開始思考臺灣的問題。啟蒙的心態促使他走上文學之途。表現在他的散文與小說之中,是追求殖民地解放與自由;愛好藝術的心態令他始終未把畫筆拋去,表現在他的藝術理念上,是追求臺灣文藝的更上一層樓。而就在他意識到臺灣文藝的貧困之時,他出版詩文集《蕀の道》並開始與留學東京的學生與文化人共創「臺灣藝術研究會」,為臺灣的文藝而奮鬥。而王白淵的啟蒙心態在戰後初期的重現,使他投入媒體政治,創辦並參與多種左翼報刊,理性地提出對政府的建言與熱切的批評。戰後二.二八事件的影響下使他逐漸消音,然而卻仍持續關注臺灣文藝的發展。作為一個知識份子,王白淵始終關切臺灣的問題,並以文藝作為一條道路,他是日治時期朝向臺灣藝術文學發展的先驅,與為臺灣社會自由的目標而努力的一個典型。藉由他的例子,得以窺見日治時期文藝創作者在殖民情境下創作的「共同困境」,與理解其受到歷史事件影響下的身份抉擇與心態結構的多樣化與變遷。 / The thesis attempts to reconstruct the mental world of Wang Bai-yuan, represented as a dual artistic/enlightening mental structure, through the approach of the history of mentalities of both individual and collective levels.
The thesis mainly examines Wang Bai-yuan’s mobile traces of identity among three cities in East Asia and related issues between two generations that he belonged, the rise and fall of his dual structure of mental world from prewar to postwar periods. In addition, the thesis explores his writing aesthetics through examining his works.
Wang’s artistic-dimension mental structure was under forming around 1923 at a time when he went to Tokyo for the study of painting. In the mid-1920s, however, the enlightening-dimension of his mental world became dominant, which led him to start his writings of poetry and novel. The formation of the dual structure of his mental world around then led him to think over issues of colonized Taiwan, while his enlightening mind in particular led him to the road of literature. After 6-year in jail during wartime, the enlightening-dimension of his mental world reemerged in early postwar Taiwan, represented as his participations in left-wing presses where he voiced his criticisms and advices toward Chinese authorities newly arrived in the island.
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聽見「中國風」──華語流行音樂之論述分析2000-2010 / Hearing chinoiserie -- the discourse analysis of Chinese pop music during 2000-2010鍾墉, Chung, Yung Unknown Date (has links)
過去十年的「中國風」歌曲,在華語流行音樂雖不至稱作過去十載的標竿類型,但至少引起「一陣風潮」,歌頌者有之、看衰者有之、仿效者有之、鄙夷者有之。無論如何,「中國風」替流行音樂的視覺化聽覺時代做了註腳,「中國風」仍會繼續吹拂,拂過這個世代的每對耳朵。 / In 2000, the intersection of two centuries, the globalization has been pacing merrily; “China Fever” was burning in the fashion circle; the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” surprised the Western world; the industrial productive methods of pop music responded to the globalized cultural transmission, and the appearance of MTV Channel in the 1980s has extended the music from auditory to vision. In Taiwan, pop music has been played for decades; the freedom in inventiveness and the aroused cultural standards after the martial law being lifted in 1987 enhanced strong vitality in creations, and Taiwan has become the major distribution center of Chinese pop music. In PRC, the booming economic development after the Chinese economic reform in 1978 has brought up populations’ living standards and consumption, and the enormous market has drawn the worldwide attention.
As a new type in Chinese pop music, “Chinoiserie” has emerged since 2000, and the Chinoiserie songs could string together the above narrations that seemed to be weakly related. The essence of pop music is to strive after conformity and consumption from maximum people, and undoubtedly PRC has the market that everyone eagerly fights for. Whereas “China Fever” dominates, the themes related to “China” integrate into Chinese pop music in which Western pop music takes the lead. Moreover, seeing that vision is equally important as auditory, and the image era of pop music becomes popular with music video as the perfect tool for marketing, the song themes related to “China” would absolutely contain elements that can be identified as “Chinoiserie.” Therefore, these songs have created a “Chinese” atmosphere, a “China” in music that is constructed brick by brick through lyrics, melody, arrangement, and aria.
However, “China” is a sensitive term that is considered quite differently in PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan though the civilizing roots are all from “Chinese culture.” Seeking themes and elements for creativity in the intersections of this “Greatest Common Divisor” becomes the operating practice of “China” in music, in which the identical elements of “China” are the samplings and put-together from the “database of ancient Chinese culture.” Thus “China” here is absolutely not a clearly distinguishable object, but a “virtual China” with codes of “Chineseness” that can be obviously recognized; a “China Charm” built in auditory and vision through de-contextualized elements picking and re-contextualized collage constructing; yet a cultural merchandise of mimicry and bricolage with slightly familiar nostalgia.
This “China” in music, named as “Chinoiserie,” can be considered as a reverse embezzlement claimed by Chinese. While exchanging ideas and cultures, Chinese entitle the Western style pop music merged with “Chinese taste” to be “Chinoiserie,” and thus turn the term from the Western point of view to the Eastern one. In the context of globalization, “Chinoiserie” has also become the statement that the Eastern seeks to stand firmly in the tide of globalization and to avoid losing oneself at the same time.
In this study, the author broadly collected information related to “Chinoiserie” songs from 2000 to June 2010 in order to describe their developments in the past decade. In addition, the researcher has not only spent two years to collect, analysis, listen to, and observe the past and present of Chinese pop music, but also interviewed 18 key roles in different professions, including Vincent Fang, Hsing-Ming Chung, and Kevin Lin.
Even though the “Chinoiserie” songs in the past decade can’t be viewed as the benchmark of the decade in Chinese pop music, at least they have caused “a vogue,” which some people praise, some are not optimistic, some imitate, and some disdain. In any case, “Chinoiserie” has made a statement for the visualized auditory era of pop music, and it would continue playing to deeply impress everyone of the time.
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Structure et dynamique de protéines isolées : approches statistiquesPoulain, Pierre 03 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse est une étude théorique des propriétés thermodynamiques de polypeptides en phase gazeuse avec comme objectif une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes fondamentaux impliqués dans le repliement des protéines. Une approche statistique basée sur des algorithmes Monte Carlo dans les ensembles généralisés, comme le Monte Carlo d'échange ou la méthode Wang-Landau, a été utilisée pour échantillonner le paysage énergétique complexe de ces systèmes. Les peptides étudiés comprenant de 2 à 20 acides aminés ont été modélisés par le champ de force AMBER 96. Les simulations ont été réalisées en étroite interaction avec les avancées expérimentales du groupe. Nous avons ainsi tenté de comprendre l'influence de la structure secondaire sur les mécanismes de photofragmentation, le rôle de l'entropie dans la stabilisation des feuillets beta à température ambiante et l'effet d'un champ électrique intense sur la conformation de peptides.
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Colonizing Heart and Mind: The Sociopolitical Implications of the Growth of China's Underground ChurchTien, Joanne 24 April 2009 (has links)
Introduction, the history of Christianity in China. Chapter 1, like rain falling and grass growing: the growth of China’s underground church. Chapter 2, a comparison of the theologies of K.H. Ting and Wang Mingdao. Chapter 3, marching back towards Jerusalem. Conclusion, the spread of the American kingdom.
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王安石《詩經新義》研究 / The Study of Wang An-Shih's "the New Meaning of Shi-Jing"廖育菁 Unknown Date (has links)
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A study of Li¡VTsai thoughtLi, Ning-yu 17 August 2012 (has links)
Li¡VTsai, is a important person of the rationalism in the Middle and late Ming Dynasty. After middle Ming Dynasty, conscience lost the practice of the early aims. People to save the drawback of the Wang's descendants, have filed a new theory to correct the decadent atmosphere, one of the governance drawback of the descendants is the Substance of Nature to be raised. They not only integrate of both Chu's and Wang's though, also according to personal thinking of moral theories to breakthrough the new and review Wang's criterion, also to breakthrough Chu's doctrine system of limitations. Transfer of the Substance of Nature ideologue on the moral principles to chien¡V lo establishing leave Wang's category, appear to the moral theories by the Substance of Mind were turned to Substance of Nature of the rationalism in the late Ming Dynasty, and reflect the complex intertwined politics and society of the current situation and academic thought depravity seeking new response of Late Ming Dynasty. chien¡V lo according to Great Learning propose the doctrine of chih ¡V hsiu, mind¡Bconscience of Wang's though are classified as acquired,and classified the mind as Substance of Nature headed by the system. Unlike Wang's study of mind, is the ontological basis and cause Tong¡VLin resonance for the rescue Wang's correction movement in the positive direction of the late Ming Dynasty.The scholar of Substance of Nature headed are integrate of both Chu's and Wang's though , relies their own thinking of the founding the current situation and academic atmosphere to a new way, and, indirectly, reflect the pulse of the academic atmosphere of the Late Ming Dynasty. Li chien¡V lo stand in it , the chih¡Vhsiu theory has its leading role in the academic trend
of the late Ming.
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