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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização molecular e diversidade de fitoplasmas em pomares de citros no Estado de São Paulo / Molecular characterization and diversity of phytoplasmas in citrus orchards in the Sao Paulo state

Júlio César Barbosa 01 March 2011 (has links)
Recentemente, um fitoplasma do grupo 16SrIX foi associado a plantas de citros com sintomas de huanglongbing (HLB) no Estado de São Paulo. No entanto, em razão da ampla diversidade de fitoplasmas que tem se observado em várias culturas no Brasil, seria possível que além do fitoplasma do grupo16SrIX, outros fitoplasmas também pudessem estar associados a plantas de citros no Estado de São Paulo. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se outros fitoplasmas, além daquele do grupo 16SrIX, estão associados a plantas de citros no Estado de São Paulo. Amostras foliares de plantas de citros, plantas daninhas e cicadelídeos foram coletados entre os meses de Junho a Outubro de 2010, em pomares localizados em quatro municípios: Araraquara, Bebedouro, Piracicaba e Taquarituba. Análises de nested PCR evidenciaram a presença de fitoplasmas associados a plantas de citros (sintoma: clorose foliar); a plantas daninhas: Bidens pilosa (sintomas: filodia e virescência), Leonorus sibiricus (sintoma: deformação foliar), Solanum americanus (sintoma: superbrotamento foliar), Erigeron bonariensis (sintomas: avermelhamento e superbrotamento foliar) e Euphorbia heterophylla (sintoma: deformação foliar); e a cicadelídeos da espécie Agallia albidula (Uhler, 1895) (subfamília Agalliinae). A confirmação da presença e caracterização molecular dos fitoplasmas foi realizada através de análises de RFLP e seqüenciamento da região 16S rDNA. Uma ampla diversidade de fitoplasmas foi identificada. Fitoplasmas dos grupos 16SrIII e 16SrIX foram associados a plantas de citros em Piracicaba, enquanto um fitoplasma do grupo 16SrVII foi associado a plantas de citros em Bebedouro. Fitoplasmas do grupo 16SrIII foram associados a plantas daninhas das espécies B. pilosa, L. sibiricus e S. americanus em Piracicaba e fitoplasmas do grupo 16SrVII foram associados a plantas de E. bonariensis e E. heterophylla em Piracicaba e Taquarituba, respectivamente. Um fitoplasma do grupo 16SrIII foi associado a A. albidula em Taquarituba, sugerindo ser este um potencial inseto vetor de fitoplasmas em pomares de citros. Com base na análise da região 16S rDNA, muitos dos fitoplasmas encontrados apresentaram-se distintos dos fitoplasmas já relatados. Em virtude disto, estes fitoplasmas foram propostos como representantes de novos subgrupos pertencentes aos grupos 16SrIII, 16SrVII e 16SrIX. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo não nos permite a associação dos fitoplasmas encontrados com o HLB ou qualquer outra doença já descrita, sendo, portanto, necessários mais estudos visando confirmar o papel destes fitoplasmas como patógenos de citros e plantas daninhas. / Recently a phytoplasma of the 16SrIX group was associated with citrus trees exhibiting symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB) in Sao Paulo state. However, due to the wide diversity of phytoplasmas that have been observed in several crops in Brazil, it is possible that in addition to the phytoplasma of group 16SrIX other phytoplasmas could also be associated with citrus trees. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate if others phytoplasmas besides that of the 16SrIX group are associated with citrus plants in the São Paulo state. Leaf samples from citrus trees, weeds and cicadellids were collected between June and October of 2010 from citrus orchards of four municipalities of the Sao Paulo state: Araraquara, Bebedouro, Piracicaba and Taquarituba. Nested PCR analysis revealed the presence of phytoplasmas associated with citrus trees (symptom: leaf chlorosis), weeds: Bidens pilosa (symptoms: phyllody and virescence), Leonorus sibiricus (symptom: leaf distortion), Solanum americanus (symptom: witches broom), Erigeron bonariensis (symptoms: redning and witches broom) e Euphorbia heterophylla (symptom: leaf distortion); and cicadellids of specie Agallia albidula (Uhler, 1895) (subfamily Agalliinae). The confirmation of the phytoplasma presence and molecular characterization was carried out by RFLP analysis and sequencing of the 16S rDNA region. A wide diversity of phytoplasmas was verified. Phytoplasmas of the 16SrIII and 16SrIX groups were associated with citrus trees in Piracicaba, while a phytoplasma of the 16SrVII group was associated with citrus trees in Bebedouro. Phytoplasmas of the 16SrIII group were associated with weeds belonging to the species B. pilosa, S. americanus and L. sibiricus in Piracicaba and a phytoplasma of the 16SrVII group was identified associated with plants of E. bonariensis and E. heterophylla in Piracicaba and Taquarituba, respectively. A phytoplasma of the 16SrIII group was associated with A. albidula in Taquarituba, suggesting that this cicadelid is a potential vector of phytoplasmas in citrus orchards. Based on the analysis of the 16S rDNA region, many of the found phytoplasmas are distinct from those already reported. Due to this distinction, these phytoplasmas were proposed as representatives of new subgroups of the groups 16SrIII, 16SrVII and 16SrIX. The results of this study dont allow us associate the found phytoplasmas with HLB or any other described disease. Thus, more studies are needed to identify the role of theses phytoplasmas as pathogens of citrus trees and weeds.

Fluxos de emergência, épocas de aplicação de herbicidas e sistemas de manejo de plantas daninhas em cana-de-açúcar / Emergence fluxes, herbicide application timings and weed management systems in sugarcane

Marcelo Nicolai 23 July 2009 (has links)
O conhecimento dos efeitos da dinâmica populacional e velocidade de estabelecimento das plantas daninhas sobre a eficácia dos sistemas de manejo de plantas daninhas na cultura da cana-de-açúcar é fundamental para a elaboração de um plano racional de manejo integrado de plantas daninhas na cultura. Sendo assim, os objetivos da presente pesquisa foram: (i) quantificar os fluxos mensais de emergência de plantas daninhas ao longo do ano, e modelar esta emergência em função das variações de temperatura e capacidade de armazenamento de água no solo, em duas regiões produtoras de cana-de-açúcar do Estado de São Paulo; (ii) avaliar a eficácia de herbicidas e doses utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar em função da época de aplicação e condições edafometeorológicas de duas regiões produtoras de cana-deaçúcar no estado de São Paulo; e (iii) analisar a influência do preparo de solo convencional ou reduzido, com e sem a presença de herbicidas de pré-plantio, sobre a eficácia de herbicidas residuais de pós-plantio de cana-planta, com ciclo de ano. Foi também objetivo nesta etapa da pesquisa avaliar o efeito somado de todas estas práticas de pré e pós-plantio sobre a eficácia da mistura dos herbicidas clomazone + (diuron + hexazinone) aplicados na primeira soqueira da cultura. Os resultados de emergência mensal das dez espécies de plantas daninhas, avaliadas entre agosto de 2005 e janeiro de 2007, nas duas regiões canavieiras do Estado de São Paulo, Piracicaba e Ribeirão Preto, foram correlacionados com as médias mensais de temperatura e armazenamento de água no solo, evidenciando que os meses mais quentes e úmidos apresentam maiores emergências totais. Com relação à época de aplicação de herbicidas, os resultados evidenciaram diferenças de controle entre as épocas do ano e herbicidas, indicando que as maiores intensidades de emergência das plantas daninhas que ocorreram durante o período de maior precipitação pluvial e temperatura interferiram sobre a eficácia e o residual dos diferentes tratamentos. Os resultados dos experimentos conduzidos para a avaliação do efeito de sistemas de preparo de solo sobre a eficácia de herbicidas aplicados na cana-planta e primeira soqueira, instalados em área previamente ocupada pela cultura do girassol ou pousio, indicaram que a infestação e controle das plantas daninhas Digitaria ciliaris, Amaranthus retroflexus e Bidens pilosa foram diferenciados nas combinações de tratamentos de controle mecânico e químico. A utilização de herbicidas residuais em pré-plantio, a manutenção de áreas em pousio e as altas suscetibilidades do complexo de plantas daninhas testados foram os principais fatores de interferência sobre a eficácia do controle final. / The knowledge of the effects of the population dynamics and establishment velocity of weeds on the efficacy of weed management in the sugarcane crop is fundamental for the development of a rational plan of integrated weed management in the crop. Therefore, the objectives of the present research were: (i) to quantify the monthly fluxes of weed emergence year around, and to model the emergence as function of variations in temperature and water storage in the soil, in two growing areas of sugarcane of Sao Paulo state, Brazil; (ii) to evaluate the sugarcane herbicides and rates with the variation of time of herbicide application in two sugarcane growing regions of São Paulo state, Brazil; (iii) to analyze the influence of the crop rotation with sunflower x fallow, followed by soil conventional or reduced tillage soil preparation, with or without the presence of pre-planting herbicides, on the efficacy of the residual herbicides of post planting of plant cane of 12 months cycle. It was also objective of this research to evaluate the summed effect of all these pre and post planting practices on the efficacy of the herbicide mixture clomazone + (diuron + hexazinone) applied in the first sugarcane ratoon. The results of monthly emergence of ten weed species, evaluated from august 2005 to January 2007, in the sugarcane production areas of São Paulo state, Piracicaba and Ribeirão Preto, were correlated to the average monthly temperature and water storage in the soil, showing that during hot and humid months presented higher total emergencies. With regard to herbicide application timing, the results showed differences in the control between timing during the year and herbicides, indicating that the higher weed emergence intensity that occurred during the period of higher rainfall and temperature interfered on the efficacy and residual of the different treatments. The results of the experiments conducted in order to evaluate the effect of the soil preparation systems on the efficacy the herbicides applied on plant cane and first ratoon, installed in areas previously occupied by sunflower crop or fallow, indicated the weed infestation and control of the weeds Digitaria ciliaris, Amaranthus retroflexus and Bidens pilosa were differentiated in the treatment combinations of mechanical and chemical control. The use of residual herbicides in pre planting, the maintenance of the areas in fallow and the high susceptibility of the weed complex tested were the main factors of interference on the efficacy of the final control.

Germinação, competitividade com a cultura da soja e resposta biológica a aplicações de glyphosate para plantas de trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis L.) / Germination, competitiveness with the soybean crop and biologic response to glyphosate applications of Bengal dayflower plants (Commelina benghalensis L.)

Ana Carolina Ribeiro Dias 22 January 2009 (has links)
Em áreas onde o herbicida glyphosate é utilizado freqüentemente, populações da planta daninha trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis L.) têm sido selecionadas, devido à tolerância da espécie à ação deste herbicida. Neste sentido, há necessidade de utilização de alternativas de manejo, as quais, por sua vez, são dependentes de conhecimentos profundos sobre a biologia da espécie; e também do controle químico eficiente em condições de pós-emergência, cuja eficácia depende, sobretudo, do estádio de desenvolvimento da planta daninha no momento da aplicação. Desta forma, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar: a germinação e a emergência das plântulas de sementes aéreas pequenas de trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis L.) quando submetidas a diferentes temperaturas, condições de luz, superação de dormência e profundidade de semeadura; a competitividade com a cultura da soja; e avaliar a resposta biológica da C. benghalensis e da B. plantaginea a aplicações de diferentes doses do herbicida glyphosate em seis estádios fenológicos, ajustando-as aos modelos tradicionais e a funções de duas variáveis. Com relação à germinação, avaliouse o efeito da luz, temperatura, escarificação química e profundidade de semeadura no substrato. A temperatura ótima para germinação da trapoeraba foi de 25°C. Não houve efeito da luz na germinação das sementes. Não houve interferência positiva na germinação por conseqüência do tratamento das sementes com ácido sulfúrico, em diferentes períodos de exposição, indicando que o lote de sementes de trapoeraba testado não possuía impermeabilidade do tegumento à água. A emergência das plântulas de trapoeraba é influenciada negativamente e de forma linear, pela profundidade de semeadura dos propágulos no substrato. Não houve emergência das plântulas quando as sementes foram depositadas a 80 mm de profundidade. O substrato areia favorece a emergência das plântulas. Com relação à competitividade, a habilidade competitiva da trapoeraba foi semelhante à das plantas de soja, com evidências que a competição intraespecífica teve maior importância para as espécies que a competição interespecífica. Com relação ao controle químico com glyphosate, observou-se que o desenvolvimento das plantas de trapoeraba comprometeu o controle, ou seja, melhores controles foram obtidos com a aplicação de glyphosate sobre plantas jovens. Quando em análise conjunta, a trapoeraba foi mais tolerante ao herbicida que o capim-marmelada. Houve ajuste dos dados a modelos tridimensionais, correlacionando estádio fenológico, dose e controle, contudo novas estimativas devem ser realizadas, sobretudo com a inclusão de doses mais elevadas de glyphosate / In areas where the herbicide glyphosate is used frequently, populations of the weed Bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) have been selected, due to the species tolerance to the action of that herbicide. This way, the use of alternative management is necessary, which are dependent upon deep knowledge on species biology; as well as, the efficient chemical control in post emergence conditions, which efficacy depends on the growth development stage of the weed at the moment of herbicide application. Therefore, this work was carried out with the objective of evaluating: the germination and emergency of small aerial seeds of Bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L.) when exposed to different temperatures, light conditions, dormancy overcoming and seeding depth; the competitive ability with the soybean crop; to evaluate the biological rates of the C. benghalensis and the B. plantaginea the applications of different rates of the herbicide glyphosate in six phenologic stages, adjusting them the traditional models and the functions of two variable. Related to germination, light, temperature, chemical scarification and depth of seeding effects were evaluated. The optimal temperature for Bengal dayflower germination was 25°C. Light effects were not observed on seed germination. Positive consequences of seed treatment with sulfuric acid were not identified, considering different periods of exposition; that indicates that the portion of Bengal dayflower seeds tested did not have tegument water impermeability. Seedling emergence is negative and linearly influenced by seeding depth in the substrate. Seedling emergence was not figured out when seeds were 80 mm depth placed. Sand substrate favored seedling emergence. Related to competitiveness, Bengal dayflower competitive ability revealed similar to soybean plants, with evidences that intraspecific competition was more important for species than interespecific competition. Studying chemical control with glyphosate, it was observed that the development of Bengal dayflower plants compromised the control, i.e., better results were obtained with glyphosate applications on young plants. When in joint analysis, Bengal dayflower was more tolerant than alexandergrass to the herbicide. Data were adjusted to tridimensional models, correlating phenologic stage, rate and control, although new estimative must be achieved, mainly including higher doses of glyphosate.

Diversidade de ácaros em agroecossistemas e testes para controle alternativo do ácaro branco, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidade), na região de Manaus, Amazonas / Diversity of mites in agroecosystems and testing to alternative control of the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae), in the Manaus region, Amazonas

Geraldo José Nascimento de Vasconcelos 17 May 2011 (has links)
A Amazônia é tida como a região de maior biodiversidade do Planeta. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da diversidade de ácaros plantícolas nesta região. Dentre estes ácaros estão espécies fitófagas, generalistas e predadoras. Este último grupo é de grande interesse, pois pode haver espécies promissoras para uso em programas de controle biológico de pragas. Já os fitófagos são indesejados devido ao dano que algumas espécies podem causar como é o caso do ácaro-branco Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), o principal ácaro praga na região de Manaus, sobretudo em pimentão. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a diversidade de ácaros associados às frutíferas nativas da região Amazônica e testar formas alternativas e sustentáveis para o controle do ácaro-branco em pimentão nesta região. Foram realizadas coletas no campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), na fazenda Experimental da UFAM e no município de Anamã, Iranduba e Manacapurú. Os ácaros retirados de cada amostra foram montados, identificados e quantificados. Para o controle do ácaro-branco foram feitos testes com ácaros predadores nativos da região e com extratos aquoso de folha e inflorescência de Piper aduncum L. Foram coletadas 81 espécies de ácaros das famílias Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Phytoseiidae e Ascidae. Nenhum dos predadores estudados mostrou-se eficiente para o controle do ácaro-branco, apresentando baixa sobrevivência e taxa de oviposição, quando alimentados com esta praga. Extratos aquosos a base de P. aduncum em altas cocentrações mostraram-se promissores para o controle de P. latus, sendo seletivo ao ácaro predador Amblyseius largoensis (Muma). / The Amazon region is considered the most biodiverse on the planet. In however, little is known about the diversity of plants mites in this region. Among these mites are phytophagous species, generalist and predators. This latter group is of great interest because there may be promising species for use in biological control programs of pests. Since the phytophagous are unwanted because of the damage that some species can cause as is the case of broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), the main mite pest in the Manaus region, especially in pepper. Thus, the objective was to determine the diversity mites associated with fruit native to the Amazon region and test alternative and sustainable ways to control the mite in peppers in this region. Collections were made on the campus of Universidade Federal do Amazonas-UFAM (Federal University of Amazon), in the experimental farm of UFAM and at the municipality of Anamã, Iranduba and Manacapuru. Mites removed from each sample were mounted, identified and quantified. To the broad mite control, were tested native predatory mite and aqueous extracts of leaf and inflorescence of Piper aduncum L. We collected 81 species of mites of the families Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Phytoseiidae and Ascidae. None of the predators studied was efficient to control the mite, with low survival and oviposition rate when fed with this pest. Aqueous extracts the basis of P. aduncum in high cocentrações proved promising for the control of P. latus, being selective to predatory mite Amblyseius largoensis (Muma).

Ecofisiologia da regeneração de espécies espontâneas do banco de sementes do solo em campo nativo submetido a diferentes sistemas de cultivo / Ecophysiology of soil seed bank spontaneous species regeneration in native grassland submitted to different cultivation system

Ferreira, Otoniel Geter Lauz 08 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:38:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese _Otoniel_Geter_Lauz_Ferreira.pdf: 474070 bytes, checksum: bf38b7baf618a898f006008c5eaaaa44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-08 / Soil seed bank spontaneous species regeneration dynamics of a previously cultivated native grassland, under different systems, was evaluated in five cropping seasons (May/2002, 2003 and October/2002, 2003, 2004). Three soil cultivation systems were compared: no tillage, minimum tillage and conventional tillage along with three cropping rotation sequences: soybean/corn in Summer (alternating wheat and oats for grain in Winter), soybean/oats + common vetch/corn and soybean/corn, alternating with Winter fallow. Number of species and vegetation structure (Braun- Blanquet scale) were evaluated by uni and multivariate analyses. Cultivations with low soil mobilization and fallow in cropping sequences determined a greater number of regenerated species from soil seed bank. No tillage system favored the appearance of perennial species and greater probability of native grassland species regeneration. Regeneration of spontaneous species from seed bank of a previously cultivated native grassland, managed under different systems, showed seasonal pattern, with alterations upon increasing number of cultivations. Cropping sequences affected autumnal vegetation but they were not determinant in the occurrence of native grassland species. / A dinâmica de regeneração e desenvolvimento de espécies espontâneas do banco de sementes do solo de campo nativo cultivado em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, e os atributos químicos do solo associados, foi avaliada numa seqüência de cinco (maio/2002 e 2003 e, outubro/2002, 2003 e 2004) e quatro (maio/2002 e 2003 e, outubro/2002 e 2003) cultivos, respectivamente. Foram comparados: plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e cultivo convencional e as sucessões de culturas: soja/milho (alternando trigo e aveia-branca para grãos no inverno), soja/aveiapreta+ ervilhaca/milho e, soja/milho (com pousio hibernal). O número de espécies, a estrutura da vegetação (escala de Braun-Blanquet) e sua correlação com os atributos do solo foram avaliados por análises uni e multivariadas. Embora os diferentes sistemas de cultivo estejam diretamente associados à regeneração das espécies, sua ação é dependente da estação do ano e do tempo de cultivo da área considerada. O nível de mobilização do solo, proporcionado pelo sistema de cultivo, é chave na determinação da regeneração das espécies, atuando tanto sobre a quantidade como sobre o ciclo de vida das espécies regeneradas. Assim, o uso continuado de um mesmo sistema direciona a sucessão vegetal para a presença de espécies de um único ciclo de vida. Por sua vez, a sucessão de culturas, embora influencie a estrutura da vegetação, não interfere na ocorrência de espécies do campo nativo, sobre as quais o nível de mobilização do solo também está associado. A modificação de alguns atributos químicos do solo, como teor de cálcio e pH da camada superficial, influenciam o direcionamento da sucessão vegetal e a composição florística. O manejo do solo envolvendo cultivo sob plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e convencional afeta diferentemente a regeneração de espécies espontâneas de acordo com o ciclo das plantas. Espécies anuais estão associadas a solo mais ácido e teor mais baixo de cálcio na camada superficial nos sistemas de cultivo mínimo e convencional. As plantas de ciclo perene predominam em condições de menor acidez e teor mais elevado de cálcio na camada superficial do solo, associadas ao plantio direto.

Comportamento do amendoim forrageiro em vegetação campestre e em consorciação com Tifton 85 no litoral Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. / Performance of forage peanut in areas with vegetation in secondary campestre and intercropped tifton 85 and forage peanut submited to cutting autmnal period in south coast, Rio Grande do Sul.

Cassal, Vivian Brusius 14 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:38:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Vivian_Brusius_Cassal.pdf: 1112596 bytes, checksum: 03070922896986823ec3a34e6322d0b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-14 / There were two experiments conducted in the field, area of at the Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (ETB) - Embrapa Clima Temperado, Capão do Leão- RS, during the period at , respectively October 2007 to November 2008 and december 2008 to january 2010. The objective of first study was to evaluate the practical application of herbicide, overseeded annual ryegrass and grazing for the introduction of peanut in natural pasture. The experiments were conducted from October 2007 to November 2008, at the Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (ETB) - Embrapa Clima Temperado, Capão do Leão - RS. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design in split plots with four replications. The plots were represented by the treatments with and without herbicide (commercial herbicide Glyphosate at a dosage of 3L ha-1). The subplots were defined by the absence of peanut, the presence of peanut, the presence of peanut overseeded with annual ryegrass. The sub sub-plots were made by with and without grazing in winter and early spring. The frequencies of species of native pasture were not influenced by grazing and overseeded ryegrass. The introduction of peanut is benefited by the herbicide. However, it is a practice that causes a significant reduction of forage species of forage interest. The overseeded of annual ryegrass as a practice in the introduction of peanuts provides a favorable environment for the difficulties of winter to the legume. The second study was objective was to evaluate the intercropping of forage peanut and Tifton 85 submitted to coutting in Autumn, through structural characteristics and dry matter yield. The experiment was conducted from December 2008 to January 2010, at the Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (ETB) - Embrapa Clima Temperado, Capão do Leão - RS.The area was fertilized with 60 kg ha-1 P2O5, 80 kg ha-1 K2O and 20 kg N ha-1 at December 15 ,2009. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete blocks in split plots with four replications. The plots of 20m2 each, consisted of three row spacings and seedlings of Tifton 85 (1m x 1m, 1m x 0.75m and 1m x 0.50m) and three spacings among of plants Tifton 85 (no forage peanuts, one line and two lines forage peanuts). April 17, 2009 these parcels were divided in half, getting cut autumnal management (with and cut) leaving a 11 residue of 5 cm of soil. From May to September, at intervals of 30 days, evaluations was made of structural characteristics of Tifton 85 and forage peanuts. After cutting autumnal in September 24, November 20,2009 and January 13, 2010 cuts were performed to evaluate the dry matter yield of Tifton 85 and peanuts. Intercropping with peanut and cutting autumnal change the structural characteristics of Tifton 85. The DM yield of Tifton 85 (spring and summer) is less cut-autumn when the temperature does not limit its growth. / Foram realizados dois experimentos em área da Embrapa Clima Temperado (ETB) no município do Capão do Leão, RS, durante os períodos de outubro de 2007 a novembro de 2008 e de dezembro de 2008 a janeiro de 2010. O objetivo do primeiro trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das práticas aplicação de herbicida, da sobressemeadura de azevém anual e do pastejo sobre a introdução de amendoim forrageiro e a dinâmica da vegetação em áreas de vegetação campestre secundária. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subsubdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas principais foram representadas pelos tratamentos com e sem herbicida (herbicida comercial a base de Glifosato, na dosagem de 3Lha-1). As subparcelas foram definidas pela ausência; presença de amendoim forrageiro e presença de amendoim sobressemeado com azevém anual. As subsubparcelas constituiram-se de sem e com pastejo no inverno e início da primavera. As freqüências das espécies forrageiras nativas não foram influenciadas pelo pastejo e sobressemadura de azevém. A introdução de amendoim forrageiro é beneficiada pela aplicação de herbicida. Entretanto, é uma prática que provoca redução significativa de espécies nativas de interesse forrageiro. A sobressemeadura de azevém anual como prática na introdução de amendoim proporcionando um ambiente favorável às dificuldades do inverno para a leguminosa. O segundo trabalho teve o objetivo avaliar as características estruturais e produção de matéria seca da consorciação de Tifton 85 e amendoim forrageiro submetida à corte no período outonal. A área foi adubada com 60 kg ha-1de P2O5, 80 kg ha-1 de K2O e 20 kg ha-1de N em 15/12/2008. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento de blocos completos ao acaso em parcelas divididas com quatro repetições. As parcelas de 20m2 cada, consistiram de três espaçamentos dentro das linhas de Tifton 85 (1m x 1m; 1m x 0,75m e 1m x 0,50m); e três consorciações nas entre mudas de Tifton 85 (sem amendoim, uma linha e duas linhas de amendoim). No dia 17/04/09 essas parcelas foram divididas ao meio, recebendo manejo de corte outonal (com e sem corte) deixando-se um resíduo de 5cm do solo. De maio a setembro, em intervalos de 30 dias, foram realizadas as avaliações das características estruturais do Tifton 85 e do amendoim. Após o corte outonal, em 9 24/09; 20/11/09 e 13/01/10 foram realizados cortes para avaliação da produção de matéria seca de Tifton 85 e amendoim. A consorciação com amendoim e o corte outonal modificam as características estruturais do Tifton 85. A produção de MS do Tifton 85 (primavera e verão) é menor com corte outonal quando a temperatura não limita seu crescimento.

Removal and recovery of heavy metals from synthetic solutions and electroplating effluents using yeast and the water fern Azolla filiculoides

Zhao, Ming January 1998 (has links)
The aims of the project were twofold. The initial objective of the study, based on previous results, was to develop an economically viable methodology for immobilizing yeast cells for the treatment of heavy metal-laden waste water. The non-viable yeast cross-linked by 13% (w/v) formaldehyde/1N HNO₃ exhibited satisfactory mechanical strength and rigidity in a continuous-flow column operation. No apparent disruption of the biomass after repeated use was observed. The cost of immobilizing 1kg dry yeast pellets was estimated at less than US$I. Zn uptake capacity of FA-cross-linked pellets, on batch trials, remained similar to that of raw yeast, reflecting that the immobilizing procedure did not hinder its metal removing capacity. In column studies, cation metals were effectively removed by the yeast pellets from aqueous solution at natural pHs, and then recovered completely by washing the pellets in situ with O.1M HCl. The recovered metals were concentrated in such small volumes that recycling or precipitation of them was facilitated. The metal uptake capacity of the regenerated biomass remained constant in comparison with cycle 1, indicating that reuse of the yeast would be possible. In the case of Cr⁶⁺, a gradual breakthrough curve of Cr in the column profile was noted, with a simultaneous reduction of Cr⁶⁺ to Cr³⁺. However, Cr⁶⁺ in the effluent can be markedly minimised either by accumulation onto the biomass or reduction to its trivalent form. Desorption of bound Cr⁶⁺ with either alkali or salt could not accomplish the regeneration of the biomass. A combination of reduction and desorption with FA/HNO₃ appeared promising in regeneration of the saturated biomass at 4°C. The metal sorption capacities of the yeast pellets, on a batch or a fixed-bed system are relatively lower than that of documented sorbents. Apparently more of the yeast pellets would be required for treating a certain volume of waste effluent, than with other sorbents. Therefore Azolla filiculoides was examined as a suitable sorbent for this purpose. This constitutes the second part of the project. Azolla filiculoides, a naturally-abundant water fern, was screened for its metal sorption and recovering capacities, mechanical stability, flow-permeability and reusability. The azolla biomass appeared to have fulfilled the required mechanical criteria during the repeated sorption-desorption column operations. It is water-insoluble and appears flexible under pressure when rinsed with water. These characters are of crucial importance in a continuous-flow system since a column can be operated at high flow rates without apparent compact of the biomass and pressure loss. Therefore, immobilization of the biomass can be avoided. The sorption isotherm data, obtained from batch removal of Cr⁶⁺, showed that the sorption process was effective, endothermic and highly pH dependent. Considerable amounts of Cr⁶⁺ were accumulated at the optimum pHs of 2-2.5. Column sorption of Cr⁶⁺ at a low flow rate and pH of 2.5 showed optimum performance with a total Cr uptake of 50.4mg/g at 60% saturation of the biomass. Removal of Cr⁶⁺ from an electroplating effluent using an azolla column was deemed reasonably satisfactory, although the uptake declined slightly. Desorption of bound Cr⁶⁺ with various desorbents was incomplete, which resulted in a low regeneration efficiency of about 50%. However, removal and recovery of Cr³⁺ using the azolla column was than that of Cr⁶⁺. Desorption of Cr³⁺ from the spent biomass column was accomplished with the recovery of 80% using O.5N H₂SO₄, The regeneration efficiencies for Cr³⁺ removal were up to 90% and demonstrated that the biomass is reusable. Cation metal uptake capacities of azolla, obtained either from batch or column experiments, are reasonably high in comparison with other sorbents. The uptake of Ni or Zn ions from solution is pH dependent showing the optimum pH of around 6 to 6.5, under the current experimental conditions. The sorption kinetics for cation metals was rapid with about 80% of the bound Ni ions being taken up in the first 10 min. The character of rapid binding is extremely important in a column sorption process, especially on a large scale since it favours an optimum uptake of metals at high flow rates. The Ni or Zn uptakes in column sorption were not markedly affected when the flow rates were increased from 80mllh up to 800ml/h for the 5g biomass used. The cation heavy metals removed from waste effluents were recovered in a concentrated solution of small volume. The desorption of bound Ni and Zn ions from the saturated biomass was accomplished with either O.2N HCl or H₂SO₄ that resulted in recoveries of more than 95%. The metals recovered, in the case of Ni and Zn, are identical to that of plating agents ego nickel sulphate or chloride, so that recycling of the metals is possible. An effluent-free, closed loop of Ni or Zn treatment system was proposed, whereby the Ni or Zn ions can be recycled to the plating bath whilst the purified water is fed back to the rinse tanks. Ca and Mg ions, commonly present in the electroplating effluents, appeared to affect sorption of heavy metals by azolla when metal concentrations were relatively low, presumedly through its competitive binding for the shared sites on surfaces of azolla. The data obtained from column sorption of Ni and Zn follows the BDST model well, enabling the application of the model to predicting design parameters for scale-up of the biosorption column system. It is interesting that the values of metal uptake, expressed in molar quantities, obtained on respective single-metal solutions and the multiple metal system, are similar, implying that the mechanisms involved in the sorption of all metal cations are similar and that the binding sites on surfaces of azolla are probably shared by all cation metals. The surface of the biomass provides sites for metal binding estimated in the range of 0.45-0.57mmol/g, based on the current experiments. The biomass has a surface area of 429 m²/g and water retention of 14.3 ml/g. The functional groups on the surface of azolla were partially identified using chemical modification and metal binding comparison. Among the functional groups examined, carboxyl groups, provided by amino acids and polysaccharides, appeared to play an important role in metal cation binding. The infrared spectra of the samples support this conclusion.

Effet de l'hétérogénéité des paysages agricoles (composition et configuration) et de l'intensification des pratiques culturales sur la structure des communautés écologiques (oiseaux et adventices) en systèmes intensifs tempérés / Landscape heterogeneity (crop composition and configuration) and agricultural intensification effects on bird and weed communities in intensive temperate agro-ecosystems

Henckel, Laura 16 December 2015 (has links)
Les milieux agricoles constituent des habitats essentiels pour de nombreuses espèces mais l’intensification agricole des dernières décennies a provoqué un fort déclin de la biodiversité. Cette intensification a des conséquences tant à l’échelle locale de la parcelle (engrais, pesticides, labour, perte de diversité des espèces cultivées) qu’à l’échelle du paysage (homogénéisation, perte des éléments semi-naturels) et a des dimensions tant spatiales que temporelles (simplification des rotations culturales). L’objectif général de cette thèse est donc (i) d’identifier les processus structurant les communautés dans le temps et l’espace en milieu changeant et hétérogène ; (ii) de tester l’influence de l’hétérogénéité des cultures en terme de composition et de configuration, (iii) ainsi que l’influence des pratiques agricoles plus extensives (agriculture biologique) sur la diversité et la stabilité des communautés. Nous avons premièrement évalué la part relative de l’environnement vs de la dispersion dans les processus d’assemblage des communautés d’oiseaux. Nos résultats mettent en avant un fort effet de la dispersion dans les milieux agricoles ouverts, par opposition à un effet dominant de l’environnement dans les milieux plus bocagers. Nous concluons que les communautés seraient plus structurées par des processus de type « mass effect » en milieu changeant et par des processus de type « species sorting » en milieux stables. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié l’effet de la composition et de la configuration des cultures à travers une analyse inter-sites (comparaison entre 8 sites d’étude en Europe et Canada) nous permettant de vérifier la généralité des effets observés. Nous avons testé si l’effet de l’hétérogénéité était dépendant du niveau d’intensification global de la région ou de sa composition en éléments semi-naturels. Nos résultats montrent globalement un effet positif de la composition en culture agissant en interaction avec les éléments boisés du paysage et dépendant du niveau d’intensification (plus de diversité dans les paysages complexes, boisés et de faible niveau d’intensification).Troisièmement, nous avons cherché à évaluer l’importance relative des composantes spatiales et temporelles et à mettre en évidence d’éventuels facteurs stabilisant les communautés d’oiseaux face à l’instabilité et l’imprédictibilité des milieux agricoles. Notre hypothèse était que l’hétérogénéité des milieux agricoles pourrait jouer un rôle d’assurance en stabilisant les communautés localement. Nos résultats montrent un turnover important des espèces dans le temps et l’espace et mettent en évidence que les éléments pérennes du paysage (haies) ainsi qu’une configuration complexe contribuent à stabiliser les communautés locales dans le temps. Enfin nous avons testé l’effet de pratiques agricoles moins intensives (agriculture biologique) à l’échelle du paysage sur la diversité des communautés d’adventices. Nous avons cherché à vérifier l’hypothèse que les parcelles gérées en agriculture biologiques pouvaient constituer des zones refuges et maintenir la diversité des adventices au sein des paysages agricoles via des phénomènes de dispersion à l’échelle de la méta-communauté. Nos résultats montrent un effet positif de l’agriculture biologique à l’échelle du paysage sur la richesse spécifique des champs conventionnels et biologiques, et principalement prononcé en bordure de champs et sur les espèces rares. En conclusion nous montrons que des solutions existent pour concilier production et biodiversité dans les agro-ecosystèmes (selon l’hypothèse de « land sharing ») via un maintien ou un rétablissement de la diversité des cultures associé à la préservation de zones semi-naturelles, ainsi que par le maintien dans les paysages d’exploitations gérées de manière moins intensives pouvant constituer des zones source de biodiversité. / Agricultural areas represent essential habitats for many species, but the agricultural intensification of the last decades has caused a significant decline in biodiversity. This intensification has consequences both at the local level in fields (fertilizer, pesticides, ploughing, decrease in cultivated crop diversity) and at the landscape level (homogenization, decrease in semi-natural habitats) and impacts both the spatial and temporal levels (decrease in crop rotation complexity). The main objective of this PhD was (i) to identify the structuring processes of bird and weed communities in space and time in changing and heterogeneous landscapes; (ii) to assess crop heterogeneity effects (composition and configuration), (iii) and the impact of more extensive agricultural practices (organic farming) on the stability and diversity of bird communities. We first assessed the role of environment as it related to dispersal and structuring of bird communities. Our results show a strong dispersal effect in open agricultural landscapes, as opposed to a dominant structuring effect of environment in more wooded agricultural landscapes. We conclude that bird communities could be more structured by a « mass effect » process in changing landscapes and by a « species sorting » process in stable landscapes.Secondly, we analyzed crop composition and configuration effects in an inter-site study (comparison between eight study sites in Europe and Canada), enabling us to check the generality of the effects we observed. We studied whether or not landscape heterogeneity was dependent on the overall intensification level or on the proportion of semi-natural habitats of the region. Our results show a positive effect of crop composition complexity, interacting with the semi-natural habitats and intensification levels (more diversity in complex landscapes with wooded areas and low intensification levels).Thirdly, we compared the relative importance of spatial and temporal components, and we tried to identify potential stabilizing factors for bird communities in response to the instability and unpredictability of agricultural landscapes. Our hypothesis is that agricultural landscape heterogeneity can act to ensure the stabilization of the local communities. Our results show a significant species turnover in space and time, and highlight the fact that perennial landscape habitats (hedgerows) as well as complex landscape configurations contribute to the stabilization of local communities over time. Finally, we assessed the effects of less intensive agricultural practices (organic farming) on weed community diversity at the landscape level. We tested the hypothesis that organic fields can constitute refuge areas and maintain weed diversity in agricultural landscapes via the dispersal processes at the meta-community level. Our results show the positive effects of organic farming on the richness of weed species for both conventional and organic fields, but positive effects were more pronounced in field boundaries and for rare species.In conclusion, this thesis shows that potential solutions exist to conciliate production and biodiversity in agro-ecosystems (according to the « land sharing » hypothesis) by the preservation or the restoration of crop diversity associated with the conservation of semi-natural habitats, and by supporting less intensive farms which can constitute source areas of biodiversity.

Effets de l’introduction du pois dans une succession de cultures sur certaines communautés végétales et bactériennes et leurs fonctions écosystémiques associées / Impacts of pea introduction in a crop succession on specific plant and bacterial communities and their ecosystem functions

Romillac, Nicolas 09 December 2015 (has links)
Les plantes cultivées peuvent modifier la disponibilité en ressources et les perturbations perçues par les communautés d’organismes présentes dans les agroécosystèmes et en conséquence, influencer les fonctions écosystémiques utiles à la production agricole telles que la minéralisation de N et de S ou la compétition culture-adventices. Notre objectif était d’évaluer l’effet du pois (Pisum sativum L.), introduit dans une succession de cultures, sur les communautés d’adventices et les communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené des expérimentations en conditions contrôlées et utilisé les données d’une expérimentation au champ conduite pendant 5 ans. En conditions contrôlées, nous avons montré que le pois influence via ses traits racinaires certaines activités enzymatiques liées à la minéralisation de N. En revanche au champ, les variables climatiques influencent principalement le fonctionnement des communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S. Par ailleurs, nous avons observé que le pois sélectionnait des communautés d’adventices fonctionnellement différentes de celles d’autres cultures, comme le colza, mais cet effet du pois ne persistait pas sous la culture suivante. En conclusion, les effets du pois sur les communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S sont faibles comparés à ceux d’autres facteurs comme les conditions climatiques. En revanche l’effet du pois sur les communautés d’adventices est fort mais limité dans le temps. Ces résultats montrent la nécessité de mener les expérimentations au champ sur plusieurs années afin de prendre en compte la variabilité climatique. / Crops species modify resources availability and perturbation regimes perceived by the communities of organisms residing in the agroecosystems and, as a consequence, can lead to alteration of ecosystem functions useful to crop production, such as nitrogen and sulfur mineralization or crop-weeds competition, realized by weeds or microorganisms. Our objective was to study the effect of a legume, pea, when introduced in a crop succession, on weed communities and microbial communities involved in protein decomposition and sulfate ester mineralization, which are the main forms of N and S, respectively, in agricultural soils. To do so, we performed experiments in controlled conditions used data from a 5-years field experiment. In controlled conditions, we showed that pea during its development modify through its root functional traits several enzymatic activities involved in N decomposition/mineralization. However, in the field experiment, climatic factors were the main drivers of the microbial communities involved in N and S decomposition/mineralization. Moreover, pea selected weed communities that were functionally different from weed communities growing in other crops such as oilseed rape. However, this effect did not persist under the following crop. As a conclusion, our results suggest that pea modifications of microbial communities are weak compared to other factors such as climatic factors. However, pea effects on weed communities are strong but short lived. Those results highlight the complementarity of microcosm and field experiments, and the necessity of long term field experiments to take into account climate variability.

Waybread’s Charm: Re-Enchantment and Vitality Through an Apprenticeship in Traditional Western Herbalism

Slaney Gose, Emma 29 September 2021 (has links)
This thesis comprises an exploration of the plant commonly known as plantain, or Plantago major, through participant observation of an apprenticeship in traditional western herbalism in the Ottawa region of Ontario, Canada. The first section delves into ideas and manifestations of “weediness” and “invasion”, while offering medicinal/ herbalist views of such plants as a kind of counterpoint. This touches on learning to garden, soil, lawns, plantations, invasive species, protests, and extrajudicial police killings among other topics. The following section, “horror in the hedge”, takes us first on an “herb walk” in Ottawa’s Experimental farm before moving on to a discussion of medicinal understory plants and Plantain alongside hedgerows, witch trials, plagues of Covid-19 and vibration in healing. From here the final section discusses medicine, delving first into the darker side of things as they manifest in the realm of medicinal mushrooms, again touching on the over-harvesting of medicinals, and the discoveries of supposed messiahs. Following is an exploration of how herbalists see continuity between the terrain of the human body and the land, returning again to the “herb walk” as a pedagogic mode utilized by herbalists. Finally, this work is summed up by an exploration of herbal formulation and medicine making, of the Anglo-Saxon Nine Herb’s Charm and the potent power of the triad. Drawing on Plantain as a kind of talisman, and structured after the Lacnunga’s Nine Herb’s charm, this work is an anthropological invocation of animist traditions emerging from Europe. To these ends, the works of Anna Tsing, Tim Ingold, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guatarri, Donna Haraway, Michael Taussig, Silvia Federici, David Abram, and Victor Turner, among many others, underpin the theoretical framework of this project.

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