Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workshops."" "subject:"orkshops.""
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La littérature sur le métier : Étude comparée des pratiques créatives d’écriture littéraire dans les universités, en France, aux États-Unis et au Québec. / “Weaving one’s way into literature” : A comparative study of practices in creative writing at universities in France, the United States and Québec.Petitjean, Anne-Marie 13 November 2013 (has links)
L’ancrage universitaire de la tradition des ateliers d’écriture est souvent ignoré en France, alors qu’il est clairement établi pour les Etats-Unis. Les histoires des pratiques créatives d’écriture littéraire s’écrivent donc de manière différente, en mettant en jeu des conceptions de la littérature que cette étude cherche à comparer. La considération des sphères linguistiques et la question des dynamiques internationales d’expansion des pratiques exigent l’examen particulier des cursus québécois. Comment peut-on caractériser ces différentes formations ? Quelles représentations de l’auteur, du processus rédactionnel, de la créativité ou de l’œuvre véhiculent-elles ? Quelles forces de tension et de mutations se dessinent-elles ? Sur les plans diachronique et synchronique, et en étayant l’enquête bibliographique de questionnaires systématiques et recueil de données sur le terrain, la comparaison envisagera ses repères épistémologiques et l’état actuel des ressources, que les traductions des citations cherchent à rendre accessibles aux francophones. / The university grounding of the tradition of writing workshops is often ignored in France while it is clearly established in the United States. The stories of the creative practices of literary writing are thus handled differently and bring into play different views of literature which this study seeks to compare. The issue of the linguistic areas and the question of the process of the international extension of those practices particularly require to consider the Quebec courses. How can these different training courses be characterized? Which representations of the author, of the writing process, of creativity or of the work do they convey? Which tension and change currents emerge? On the diachronic and synchronic levels and by backing up the bibliographical survey with systematic questionnaires and collections of in-the-field data, the comparison will contemplate its own epistemological landmarks and the current state of resources which the translations intend to make accessible to French speakers.
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L’activité verrière dans le quart sud-ouest de la France du XIVe au XVIIe siècle : production, consommation, commercialisation / Glass activity in the South-West of France from the 14th to the 17th century : production, use and marketingHébrard-Salivas, Catherine 16 December 2014 (has links)
Si la présence d’une activité verrière ne semble être connue qu’à partir du XIVème siècle dans le quart sud ouest de la France, c’est véritablement au XVIème siècle qu’elle prend toute son ampleur et atteint son apogée, au vu des nombreux ateliers établis à cette période. En confrontant les archives écrites et les « archives du sol », cette étude vise à apporter un éclairage sur l’évolution de la production du verre entre la période médiévale et la période moderne, et sur les relations qui régissent les maitres verriers, les marchands et les producteurs de matières premières entrant dans la composition du verre. Les flux d’échanges issus de cette activité verrière mettent en relief l’activité économique importante générée au départ d’installations ancrées localement à proximité des ressources forestières indispensables au fonctionnement des fours des verriers, et qui pourtant irriguent l’économie régionale en favorisant les échanges commerciaux et en développant un écosystème autour du transport, de l’activité bancaire, et du troc de marchandises. L’une des caractéristiques fortes de ces échanges commerciaux est qu’ils allient deux espaces maritimes, mer méditerranée et océan atlantique, sur un axe reliant La Rochelle à Narbonne. L’étude des objets en verre fabriqués dans cette zone géographique tend plutôt à montrer que la fabrication est diversifiée, tant vis-à-vis des types d’objets que dans les formes réalisées. Seules quelques productions locales particulières semblent s’adresser à un marché local ou régional. / If the presence of a glass activity seems known only from the 14th century on in the South-West of France, it's truly in the 16th century that it spread and reached its peak, given the numerous workshops established at this time. Comparing the written archives and « ground archives », this study aims to shed light on the evolution of glass production between medieval times and modern times, and on the connections between glass-blowers, merchants and producers of raw materials necessary to the production of glass. The trade flows springing from this glass activity highlight the significant economic activity generated from local plants near forest ressources necessary for the working of glass ovens. These local plants supply regional economy favouring trade and developing an ecosystem based around transport, banking and bartering. One of the main characteristics of this trade is that it linked up two maritime areas, the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on an axis from La Rochelle to Narbonne. The study of the glass objects made in this geographical area tends to show that the production is varied, both in terms of the types of objects and of the shapes created. Only a few particular local productions seem to be destined to a local or regional market.
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A contribuição do PIBID para o desenvolvimento da interdisciplinaridade no ensino médio na perspectiva de licenciandos e professores bolsistas do ProgramaSilva, Andréia Carvalho da January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação constitui-se de um Estudo de Caso qualitativo, cujo contexto de investigação foi o trabalho denominado como “Oficinas Interdisciplinares”, desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). A pesquisa contou com a cooperação dos licenciandos, supervisores e coordenadores dos subprojetos das Licenciaturas de Ciências Biológicas, Física, Letras e Química, participantes das oficinas. Apesar de ainda restritos os projetos interdisciplinares implantados no âmbito do Ensino Médio, a interdisciplinaridade está fortemente presente nas atuais diretrizes curriculares nacionais. Entretanto, romper com a lógica disciplinar ainda é um grande desafio, com muitas “pedras pelo caminho”, obstáculos relacionados, principalmente, à mudança de paradigma. Logo, as oficinas, desenvolvidas desde o ano de 2013, passaram a ser percebidas como oportunidade de cultivo da interdisciplinaridade. Partindo da reflexão a respeito da importância da formação docente na jornada ao encontro da interdisciplinaridade, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo investigar se, na perspectiva dos bolsistas, o PIBID, por meio de atividades interdisciplinares, estaria contribuindo significativamente como rota alternativa para a transposição dos obstáculos que impedem a efetivação da interdisciplinaridade no âmbito do Ensino Médio. A investigação foi realizada em três fases. A primeira fase, exploratória, consistiu na observação das etapas de planejamento, criação e aplicação de três oficinas – “Ciência Forense”, “Química Forense” e “Sustentabilidade”. Os resultados iniciais indicaram que os obstáculos mais significativos se localizam no âmbito das relações interpessoais e do corporativismo e ratificaram a necessidade de investir no cultivo da interdisciplinaridade por meio da formação docente. Na segunda fase, uma “prosa sistematizada com esses aventureiros que nos acolheram como parceiros nessa jornada”, realizou-se uma coleta sistemática de dados por meio da aplicação de um survey, utilizando como ferramenta um questionário misto autoaplicável, enviado eletronicamente. Na última fase, as respostas foram analisadas por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD). Nesta, identificou-se a concepção dos respondentes acerca de interdisciplinaridade e de aprendizagem, suas percepções das dificuldades, das superações e da viabilidade do trabalho interdisciplinar desenvolvido, bem como suas contribuições para a formação e atuação docentes. Os resultados indicam que, apesar das dificuldades, a prática interdisciplinar oportunizada pelo PIBID tem instrumentado os docentes para romper a lógica disciplinar, que persiste na organização dos tempos e dos espaços pedagógicos do Ensino Médio. Conclui-se que o PIBID contribui para mobilizar conhecimentos, produzindo saberes e subjetividades por meio das práticas interdisciplinares. / The present dissertation is a qualitative Case Study, which research context was the work denominated as "Interdisciplinary Workshops", developed within the framework of the Institutional Teaching Scholarship Program (PIBID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The research had the cooperation of the undergraduates, supervisors and coordinators of the subprojects of the Biological Sciences, Physics, Languages and Chemistry courses involved in the workshops. Although interdisciplinary projects implemented in the scope of secondary education are still restricted, interdisciplinarity is strongly present in the current national curricular guidelines. However, breaking with the disciplinary logic is still a great challenge, with many obstacles related mainly to the paradigm shift. Therefore, the workshops developed since 2013 have come to be perceived as an opportunity to cultivate interdisciplinarity. Based on the reflection about the importance of teacher training in the journey towards interdisciplinarity, this research’s main objective is to investigate if, in the scholarship holder’s perspective, the PIBID, through interdisciplinary activities, contributes significantly as an alternative route for overcoming the obstacles impeding the achievement of interdisciplinarity in High School. The investigation was done in three phases. The first one, the exploratory phase, consisted in observing the stages of planning, creation and application of three workshops - "Forensic Science", "Forensic Chemistry" and "Sustainability". The initial results indicated that the most significant obstacles are located within the scope of interpersonal relations and corporatism and have ratified the need to invest in cultivating interdisciplinarity through teacher training. In the second phase, “a systematized prose with these adventurers who welcomed us as partners in this journey”, a systematic collection of data was carried out through the application of a survey, using a self-administered mixed questionnaire, sent electronically. In the last phase, the answers were analyzed through Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). The respondents' conception of interdisciplinarity and of learning, their perceptions of the difficulties, overcomes and feasibility of the interdisciplinary work developed, as well as their contributions to the formation and performance of teachers were identified through ATD. The results indicate that, even with all the difficulties, the interdisciplinary practice promoted by PIBID has been instrumental for teachers to break the disciplinary logic that persists in the organization of times and pedagogical spaces of High School. It is concluded that the PIBID contributes to mobilize learning, producing knowledge and subjectivities through interdisciplinary practices.
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Church attendance of adults with developmental disabilitiesSmith, Heather Kathleen 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Plan de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma online de venta de cursos de gestión empresarial para la pequeña y mediana empresa / Business Plan for the implementation for an online platform for sale of business management courses for small and medium companies.Delgado Saavedra, Ivan Gustavo, Pantoja Cabello, Danilo Fidel, Gusukuma Lozano, Yuky Ysabel, Atoche Arévalo, Mildred Yannina 24 May 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa basada en una plataforma de venta de cursos online. Inicialmente, el público objetivo serán los líderes de la pequeña y mediana empresa local y a largo plazo la comunidad empresarial de habla hispana.
En la actualidad el uso intensivo del Internet ha generado una revolución en diversas áreas, como el entretenimiento, la productividad, las transacciones comerciales, las capacitaciones entre muchas más.
En nuestro caso las capacitaciones, o cursos en línea, han creado una verdadera democratización de la educación, cada día los precios bajan y la calidad mejora. En cualquier parte del mundo, una persona con un Smartphone y acceso a internet puede recibir un entrenamiento de calidad con muy baja inversión o gratis. Todas las instituciones educativas tradicionales de primer nivel, han iniciado en la última década sus procesos de transformación digital hacia esta tendencia.
La investigación de la competencia, nos ayudó a desarrollar una estrategia de diferenciación para ingresar al mercado. Empresas exitosas orientadas a la capacitación como CREHANA y PLATZI buscaron en sus primeras etapas la especialización como diferenciación. CREHANA inició orientada al diseño digital y web, migrando al mediano plazo a todos los temas creativos. PLATZI inició especializándose en programación, diversificando su cartera a mediano plazo con temas como la tecnología en general, el emprendimiento, el marketing digital y el desarrollo personal.
En nuestro caso, gracias a los estudios de mercado, entrevistas de profundidad e investigando las tendencias, la especialización será orientada a temas de habilidades blandas, mejora de clima laboral y la empatía, todo orientado a crear culturas organizacionales FELICES para que logren ser más PRODUCTIVAS. Por tal razón el nombre tentativo de esta plataforma seria PRODUCTIVIDADFELIZ.ORG / The main objective of this thesis is to develop a business plan for the creation of a company based on a platform for selling online courses. Initially, the target audience will be the leaders of the small and medium-sized local business and in the long term the Spanish-speaking business community.
At present, the intensive use of the Internet has generated a revolution in several areas, such as entertainment, productivity, commercial transactions, training among others.
In our case, the trainings, or online courses, have created a true democratization of education, every day, prices fall and quality improves. Anywhere in the world, a person with a Smartphone and Internet access can receive quality training with very low investment or free. All the traditional educational institutions of first level, have initiated in the last decade their processes of digital transformation towards this tendency.
The competition research helped us to develop a differentiation strategy to enter the market. Successful companies oriented to training, such as CREHANA and PLATZI, sought in their early stages the specialization for differentiation. CREHANA started with digital and web design, migrating in the medium term to all creative themes. PLATZI started specializing in programming, diversifying its portfolio in the medium term with topics such as general technology, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and personal development.
In our case, thanks to market studies, in-depth interviews and trends analysis. The specialization will be oriented to soft skills, work climate improvement and empathy, all aimed at creating HAPPY organizational cultures so that they can be MORE PRODUCTIVE. For this reason the tentative name of this platform would be PRODUCTIVIDADFELIZ.ORG / Tesis
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Uso de las presentaciones multimedia para niños de 8 a 10 años en talleres del Museo de Historia Natural / Use of multimedia in presentations for children from 8 to 10 years old in workshops of the Museum of Natural HistoryDiaz Miranda, Fiorella Mia 12 August 2021 (has links)
Debido a la actual crisis sanitaria, COVID- 19, actividades en espacios abiertos y cerrados como
restaurantes, bibliotecas, museos, clubes, centros culturales, templos, bancos, artes escenitas, entre otros
se han visto restringidas y afectados. Uno de ellos es el Museo de Historia Natural UNMSM, que exploró
soluciones para continuar brindando sus servicios y seguir teniendo contacto con su público. Este
comenzó a enfocarse en Facebook, lo cual le permitió desarrollar talleres infantiles en donde exponen
una gran cantidad de contenido sobre las divisiones del museo. En ellos, se observó que, para los niños
de 8 a 10 años, existe el problema de no terminar de entender la información expuesta y lo poco atractiva
que es la presentación. Esto se debe a que el recurso actual utilizado no está dirigido específicamente
para esta edad. A ello se suma que la cantidad de información expuesta emplea un tono de comunicación
formal utilizando palabras complejas, contrario al que debería emplearse para comunicarse con un niño.
La presente investigación busca desarrollar la mejora del recurso educativo actual segmentando
al público y utilizando un lenguaje adecuado por medio de la multimedia y lo interactivo para que el
mensaje transmitido por el taller pueda ser comprendido. De esta manera, la propuesta gráfica evidenció
ser una solución factible al lograr la acogida del público infantil en donde los niños mostraron interés
por continuar ampliando sus conocimientos a través de la educación no formal, creando un aprendizaje
lúdico, directo y sencillo de comprender. / Due to the actual health crisis with the pandemic Covid -19, activities in open and closed spaces
such as restaurants, libraries, museums, clubs, cultural centers, churches, banks, Scenic arts, among
others have been affected and restricted. One example is the Museum Of Natural History UNMSM,
which explored solutions to be able to provide access to their facilities and keeping in contact with their
customers. They explored solutions to keep in contact with people. In the beginning they used Facebook,
which allowed them to contact with children to communicate and develop children classes in which we
have observed from them their reactions to the diverse attractions of the museum. On children between
the ages of 8 thru 10 we observed the problematic that children don’t understand the information given,
as the was unattractive in respect to the presentation. This in fact was due in part for the resources being
utilized that was addressed not for that age standard. In addition to that the language tone used was not
appropriate for the age in question, utilizing a complicated language and confusing for them and as a
result not being able to communicate with the children of such age.
The following study is guided to reach using an adequate language thru multimedia and interactive
messaging that could be transmitted can be simply understood. This proposal is designed to find a viable
solution by means of using graphics and proposes to find a solution that evidences the comprehension
and results desired, reaching the age segment desired, the younger children. This method would bring
a good understanding, attract their attention and entertainment, this way it also will give them ample
learning and knowledge. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Little BrainsBeltran Espinoza, Bruno Pablo, Carrasco Hayakawa, Claudia Patricia, Luna Cruzado, Paula Noemí, Ramirez Romero, Melanie Alexandra Lidia, Sánchez Acosta, Diego 06 June 2021 (has links)
En el siguiente trabajo de investigación se han identificado los factores para el funcionamiento de una start up digital, basado en el servicio de talleres virtuales a niños entre 6 y 12 años. En la actualidad, el mundo entero y nuestro país, Perú, están atravesando una crisis sanitaria, debido a la propagación del COVID-19, lo cual desencadenó que como medida de seguridad se establezca la prohibición de algunas actividades, como las clases presenciales.
De acuerdo con la coyuntura se origina Little Brains, plataforma virtual que brinda siete talleres individuales y familiares, para niños de 6 a 12 años, quienes dentro de su tiempo libre busquen nuevas opciones para disfrutar de este y puedan disminuir con los niveles de sedentarismo. El proyecto se realizará mediante talleres personalizados, donde se ofrecerá que el usuario aprenda a un ritmo adecuado y disfrute de su tiempo libre.
Para poder identificar a los clientes potenciales, se realizaron cuatro experimentos en sus redes sociales y Landing Page, a través de publicaciones y campañas publicitarias donde se brindó información referente a los talleres, precios y métodos de pago para poder obtener posibles clientes, y completar el proceso de compra.
Finalmente, se evaluaron los presupuestos asignados como inversión para que la empresa pueda entrar en funcionamiento y datos estimados de ingresos, de manera que con esta información se logre evaluar si la empresa en los próximos tres años sería rentable. También, los métodos de financiamiento que serán tomados por nosotros para poner el negocio en marcha. / In the following research work, the factors for the operation of a digital start-up have been identified, based on the service of virtual workshops for children between 6 and 12 years old. Currently, the whole world and our country, Peru, are going through a health crisis, due to the spread of COVID-19, which triggered the prohibition of some activities, such as face-to-face classes, as a security measure.
According to the situation, Little Brains originates, a virtual platform that offers seven individual and family workshops, for children from 6 to 12 years old, who, in their free time, seek new options to enjoy this and may decrease with the levels of sedentary lifestyle. The project will be carried out through personalized workshops, where the user will be offered to learn at an appropriate pace and enjoy their free time.
To identify potential customers, four experiments were carried out on their social networks and Landing Page, through publications and advertising campaigns where information regarding the workshops, prices and payment methods was provided to obtain potential customers and complete the purchasing process.
Finally, the budgets assigned as investment were evaluated so that the company can start operating and estimated income data, so that with this information it is possible to evaluate whether the company in the next three years would be profitable. Also, the financing methods that will be taken by us to start the business. / Trabajo de investigación
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Návrh na realizaci chráněné dílny / The Proposal for the Implementation of Sheltered WorkshopVávrů, Jaromír January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal for the implementation of the sheltered workshop in Jihlava. The thesis is a response to the current state of unemployment of people with physical disabilities, who have very little chance of getting full employment in the labour market. This thesis creates a precondition for the successful establishment of a sheltered workshop, as competitively capable business in the region of Vysocina.
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Realizace laserové technologie / Implementation of laser technologyUrban, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the replacement of wire cutting laser cutting for cutting inserts made of hard material. Description of current situation in the company Vydona, tender and choice of laser and the need for post-laser workshop. The next section deals with the cutting of a particular sample. The last part of the technical economic assessment are calculated hourly rates of machines and the time and cost loads of different cutting inserts.
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Centro de Bienestar Psicológico Integral AyudArte / AyudArte Psychological Wellbeing CenterHuancas Palacios, Roberto Carlos, Luna Gallo, Suzete, Nazario Sierra, Jeny Milagros, Quispe Gonzales, Sonia Elena, Sánchez Vite , Pedro Leonardo 09 December 2020 (has links)
El mundo y el Perú viene pasando un momento crítico contra la pandemia Covid-19, ocasionando muchos cambios en el día a día de las personas debido al cambio de trabajo presencial hacia el trabajo remoto, así como también, el hecho que la economía se vio afectada en muchas familias por una la baja del salario o simplemente porque la empresa donde laboraban suspendió sus actividades. Este comportamiento incrementó un problema en la salud mental de jóvenes y adultos en el Perú.
Para determinar si era factible seguir con el modelo de negocio se realizó una entrevista de profundidad a 20 personas de los distritos de San Isidro, Santiago de Surco, Miraflores, Chorrillos, Barranco, La Molina entre las edades de 25 a 55 años de los niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C.
Es por ello que, se crea Centro de Bienestar Psicológico AyudArte, la cual cuenta con psicólogos especialistas en la materia para dar un servicio las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana, a través de consultas presencial, virtual y a domicilio.
El Centro de Bienestar Psicológico AyudArte, tiene un plan de expansión de mercado a todo el Perú y a nivel Latinoamérica. / The world and Peru has been going through a critical moment against the Covid-19 pandemic, causing many changes in people's daily lives due to the change from face-to-face work to remote work, as well as the fact that the economy was seen affected in many families by a drop in wages or simply because the company where they worked suspended its activities. This behavior increased a problem in the mental health of youth and adults in Peru.
To determine if it was feasible to continue with the business model, an in-depth interview was conducted with 20 people from the districts of San Isidro, Santiago de Surco, Miraflores, Chorrillos, Barranco, La Molina between the ages of 25 to 55 years of the levels socioeconomic A, B and C.
AyudArte Psychological Wellbeing Center was created, which has psychologists specializing in the matter to provide a service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through face-to-face, virtual and home consultations.
AyudArte Psychological Wellbeing Center has a market expansion plan to all of Peru and Latin America / Trabajo de investigación
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