Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workshops."" "subject:"orkshops.""
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Metamorfoses pedagógicas do sensível e suas possibilidades em "oficinas de criação coletiva"Meira, Mirela Ribeiro January 2007 (has links)
A tese problematiza experiências pedagógicas-existenciais que se singularizam na interface das áreas de Arte-Educação, Saúde Mental Coletiva, Arteterapia e Arte/Educação que se possibilitam em “Oficinas de Criação Coletiva”. Destaca as metamorfoses e as articulações entre diversos âmbitos de saberes, reflexões e práticas que se constituem sob o eixo ético-estético, opção que agrega potencialidades de interação referidas ao Cuidado, à Criação Coletiva e ao “Estar-juntos”. Desenvolve questões acerca do “Sensível em Pedagogia” a partir de análises de diversas fontes como a memória, relatos de participantes, trabalho realizado em eventos, cursos de especialização, congressos, jornadas e no Serviço Integral de Saúde Mental Coletiva da cidade de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Na tese, tais questões foram enriquecidas e aprofundadas a partir de nexos e conexões como: “Complexidade Sistêmica” de Edgar Morin, “Contorno Antropológico” de Georges Balandier, “Sociologia do Cotidiano” de Michel Maffesoli, “Amor e Convivência” de Humberto Maturana, “Cuidado”, de Martin Heidegger e “Emoção como Base do Racional” de Antonio Damásio. Configurados segundo um pensamento ético-estético, os âmbitos político e pedagógico foram interrogantes que perpassaram as buscas fabulatórias e epistemológicas que, complexamente, geram paradoxos em processos de metamorfose. “Metamorfose”, portanto, é a metáfora para aquilo que toca a vida e caracteriza o que se pode chamar de “Sensível em Pedagogia”, no sentido de dar valor e sentido a argumentos, obras, fatos, manifestações instantâneas e fragmentos, estados de ser intra, inter e transpessoais, para auscultar-lhes a intensidade, as reverberações misteriosas, e resguardar o respeito que se faz necessário para tratar tudo aquilo que nasce e se nutre de vida como ela se expõe, em seu maravilhamento, mas igualmente em sua imprescrutabilidade. / This work encompasses existential pedagogic experiences which are unique when observed through the interface described by the intersection of Art-Education, Mental Health and Art Therapy, often realized in “Collective Creation Workshops”. Thinking and praxis oriented by the ethics-esthetics axis when exercised through the optics of multidisciplinary fields promotes the articulation and metamorphose of knowledge. Under this paradigm, Collective Creation, the perception of the other and the sense of “staying-together” are potentially aggregated by collaborative interactions. The notion of “Sensibility” under pedagogical terms was explored and analyzed taking into account several source of information like memory, activity narration, and tasks execution, most of them realized at “Collective Mental Health Integral Service”, Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Questions were enriched in detail by the interrelations of nexus and connections definitions mainly developed in the following works: “System Complexity” from Edgar Morin; “Anthropologic Boundaries” from Georges Balandier; “Daily Sociology” from Michel Maffesoli; “Love and Relationship” from Humberto Maturana, “Care” from Martin Heidegger and “Emotion as Rational Foundation” from Antonio Damásio. Under the ethic-esthetic axis of thinking, the process of metamorphic knowledge generation reveals paradoxes often given by politics and pedagogy interrelation when epistemology is the object of speaking. Metamorphose it is then the means by which “Sensibility” in term of pedagogy can be defined and it is concerned to give sense to arguments, works and facts, instantaneous manifestation, states of being intra, inter and trans-personal and at the same time amplifies intensity, mysterious reverberations and a way to keep the necessary respect to handle all things that emerges and nourish from live, how it is exposed, in his splendor and equally in his inscrutability. / La tesis problematiza experiencias pedagógico-existenciales que se singularizan en la interfase de las áreas de Arte-Educación, Salud Mental Colectiva, Arte-terapia y Arte- Educación que se posibilitan en “Talleres de Creación Colectiva”. Destaca las metamorfosis y las articulaciones entre diversos ámbitos del saber, reflexiones y prácticas que se constituyen bajo el eje ético-estético, opción que agrega potencialidades de interacción referidas al Cuidado, a la Creación Colectiva y al “Estar-juntos”. Desarrolla cuestiones acerca de lo “sensible en Pedagogía” a partir de análisis de diversas fuentes como la memoria, relatos de participantes, trabajo realizado en eventos, cursos de especialización, congresos, jornadas y en el Servicio Integral de salud Mental Colectiva de la ciudad de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. En la tesis, tales cuestiones fueron enriquecidas y profundizadas a partir de nexos y conexiones como: “Complejidad Sistémica” de Edgar Morin, “Contorno Antropológico” de Georges Balandier, “Sociología de lo Cotidiano” de Michel Maffesoli, “Amor y Convivencia” de Humberto Maturana, “Cuidado”, de Martin Heidegger y “Emoción como Base de lo Racional” de Antonio Damásio. Configurados según un pensamiento ético-estético, los ámbitos político y pedagógico fueron interrogantes que sobrepasaron las búsquedas fabulatorias y epistemológicas que, complejamente, generan paradojas en procesos de metamorfosis. “Metamorfosis”, por lo tanto, es la metáfora para aquello que toca la vida y caracteriza lo que se puede llamar de “Sensible en Pedagogía”, en el sentido de dar valor y sentido a argumentos, obras, hechos, manifestaciones instantáneas y fragmentos, estados de ser intra, inter y transpersonales, para auscultarles la intensidad, las reverberaciones misteriosas, y resguardar el respeto que se hace necesario para tratar todo aquello que nace y se nutre de vida como ella se expone, en su deslumbramiento, mas igualmente en su inescrutabilidad.
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Att få en syn på datalagret : Visualisering som stöd för analytikers datalagerarbete / Getting a View of the Data Warehouse : supporting analysts through data warehouse visualizationPettersson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
Datalager används för att ge företag en samlad bild av sin verksamhet, en bild som byggs upp av analytikers statistiska beräkningar och modeller. Analytiker arbetar i datalager med hjälp av olika analysverktyg, och begränsas av dessa verktygs möjligheter att ge en förståelse av datalagrets uppbyggnad och funktion, och av möjligheterna att hitta rätt analysdata. Arbetet med att hitta och analysera data är en iterativ problemlösningsprocess för att få fram det önskade resultatet. Visualiseringar kan fungera som ett verktyg i arbetet och stödja användares beslutsfattande. Denna kvalitativa fallstudie syftar till att undersöka hur visualisering kan användas som ett stöd för marknads- och kreditanalytikers datalagerarbete. Studien använde användarcentrerade metoder för att undersöka analytikers arbete i ett datalager. Femton kunskapsuppgifter identifierades som mål för visualiseringsstöd i analytikers datalagerarbete. Ett analysorienterat och ett systemorienterat strukturförslag för visualiseringar värderades med dessa kunskapsuppgifter som viktade mål. Av kunskapsuppgifterna är den viktigaste att koppla analysuppgifter till systemstruktur. Det kräver att visualiseringsstödet erbjuder en analysorienterad struktur initialt och blir alltmer systemorienterat i takt med att den intressanta informationsmängden definieras. Användarcentrerade metoder användes för att identifiera kunskapsuppgifter. Studien visar att dessa kunskapsuppgifter kan användas som designmål för värdering av visualiseringsstöd.
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Os formadores e o desenvolvimento profissional de professores de inglês: diferentes olhares, diferentes práticas / Trainers and professional development for teachers of English: different looks, different practicesLindiane Viviane Moretti 24 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender de que maneira o olhar do formador influencia nas práticas e contribui para as aprendizagens de professores de inglês dentro de um contexto de formação em que o diálogo entre esses agentes é parte das premissas do programa de formação. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória (COHEN, MANION, 2002). Utiliza-se dos procedimentos delineados pela metodologia de análise de conteúdo (MORAES, 1999) para encontrar e compreender as mudanças e permanências de ações dos professores após a participação em Oficinas de Formação e durante as sessões de Acompanhamento (Feedback). Apoia-se, principalmente, nos conceitos de desenvolvimento profissional (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009), nos saberes docentes (TARDIF, 2012) e nos modelos de formação de professores com perspectiva crítico-reflexiva (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). Reflete sobre a formação inicial do professor de inglês e a valorização das línguas estrangeiras nas escolas públicas brasileiras (FERRO,1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010) e consequentemente sobre os desafios para a formação contínua de professores de inglês para crianças (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). Conclui que um olhar que integra os conhecimentos dos agentes da formação (professor e formador) aos conhecimentos da formação promove mais aprendizagens, contudo, não é determinante, há mais o que se considerar. Finalmente, aponta para a necessidade de valorização dos saberes da prática e das concepções de ensino-aprendizagem, não só dos saberes disciplinares, para a criação de programas de formação de formadores. / This dissertation aims to understand how the vision of the education influences and contributes to teacher development in a context where dialogue between them is part of the premise of the teacher educator program. It is a qualitative research of exploratory and descriptive nature (COHEN, MANION, 2002). It relies on procedures from content analysis (MORAES, 1999) to search and comprehend changes or stagnation of teachers action after the course of workshops and during feedback meetings. The text is mainly grounded in the concepts of professional development (OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, 2009) and teacher knowledge (TARDIF, 2012) as well as model for teacher development based on a critical-reflective perspective (NUNES e NUNES, 2013). It discusses under-graduation courses for English teachers and the value or not - of foreign languages in Brazilian public schools (FERRO, 1998; DINIZ-PEREIRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2001; PAIVA, 1997, 2003; BUSNARDI e FERNANDES, 2010); therefore, it brings out the challenges for English teachers when they attend in-service courses for teaching children (ROCHA, 2007; IALAOGA e DURAN, 2008; SEGANFREDO e BENEDETTTI, 2009). It concludes that if the trainer looks at the teacher and his/her knowledge in an integrative way, the teacher is more likely to gain new knowledge. However, the look is not determining, there is more to it. Finally, this dissertation suggests the need to value not only teacher educators academic knowledge, but experience and learning and teaching concepts as principles for being a teacher educator, among other criteria.
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Metamorfoses pedagógicas do sensível e suas possibilidades em "oficinas de criação coletiva"Meira, Mirela Ribeiro January 2007 (has links)
A tese problematiza experiências pedagógicas-existenciais que se singularizam na interface das áreas de Arte-Educação, Saúde Mental Coletiva, Arteterapia e Arte/Educação que se possibilitam em “Oficinas de Criação Coletiva”. Destaca as metamorfoses e as articulações entre diversos âmbitos de saberes, reflexões e práticas que se constituem sob o eixo ético-estético, opção que agrega potencialidades de interação referidas ao Cuidado, à Criação Coletiva e ao “Estar-juntos”. Desenvolve questões acerca do “Sensível em Pedagogia” a partir de análises de diversas fontes como a memória, relatos de participantes, trabalho realizado em eventos, cursos de especialização, congressos, jornadas e no Serviço Integral de Saúde Mental Coletiva da cidade de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Na tese, tais questões foram enriquecidas e aprofundadas a partir de nexos e conexões como: “Complexidade Sistêmica” de Edgar Morin, “Contorno Antropológico” de Georges Balandier, “Sociologia do Cotidiano” de Michel Maffesoli, “Amor e Convivência” de Humberto Maturana, “Cuidado”, de Martin Heidegger e “Emoção como Base do Racional” de Antonio Damásio. Configurados segundo um pensamento ético-estético, os âmbitos político e pedagógico foram interrogantes que perpassaram as buscas fabulatórias e epistemológicas que, complexamente, geram paradoxos em processos de metamorfose. “Metamorfose”, portanto, é a metáfora para aquilo que toca a vida e caracteriza o que se pode chamar de “Sensível em Pedagogia”, no sentido de dar valor e sentido a argumentos, obras, fatos, manifestações instantâneas e fragmentos, estados de ser intra, inter e transpessoais, para auscultar-lhes a intensidade, as reverberações misteriosas, e resguardar o respeito que se faz necessário para tratar tudo aquilo que nasce e se nutre de vida como ela se expõe, em seu maravilhamento, mas igualmente em sua imprescrutabilidade. / This work encompasses existential pedagogic experiences which are unique when observed through the interface described by the intersection of Art-Education, Mental Health and Art Therapy, often realized in “Collective Creation Workshops”. Thinking and praxis oriented by the ethics-esthetics axis when exercised through the optics of multidisciplinary fields promotes the articulation and metamorphose of knowledge. Under this paradigm, Collective Creation, the perception of the other and the sense of “staying-together” are potentially aggregated by collaborative interactions. The notion of “Sensibility” under pedagogical terms was explored and analyzed taking into account several source of information like memory, activity narration, and tasks execution, most of them realized at “Collective Mental Health Integral Service”, Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Questions were enriched in detail by the interrelations of nexus and connections definitions mainly developed in the following works: “System Complexity” from Edgar Morin; “Anthropologic Boundaries” from Georges Balandier; “Daily Sociology” from Michel Maffesoli; “Love and Relationship” from Humberto Maturana, “Care” from Martin Heidegger and “Emotion as Rational Foundation” from Antonio Damásio. Under the ethic-esthetic axis of thinking, the process of metamorphic knowledge generation reveals paradoxes often given by politics and pedagogy interrelation when epistemology is the object of speaking. Metamorphose it is then the means by which “Sensibility” in term of pedagogy can be defined and it is concerned to give sense to arguments, works and facts, instantaneous manifestation, states of being intra, inter and trans-personal and at the same time amplifies intensity, mysterious reverberations and a way to keep the necessary respect to handle all things that emerges and nourish from live, how it is exposed, in his splendor and equally in his inscrutability. / La tesis problematiza experiencias pedagógico-existenciales que se singularizan en la interfase de las áreas de Arte-Educación, Salud Mental Colectiva, Arte-terapia y Arte- Educación que se posibilitan en “Talleres de Creación Colectiva”. Destaca las metamorfosis y las articulaciones entre diversos ámbitos del saber, reflexiones y prácticas que se constituyen bajo el eje ético-estético, opción que agrega potencialidades de interacción referidas al Cuidado, a la Creación Colectiva y al “Estar-juntos”. Desarrolla cuestiones acerca de lo “sensible en Pedagogía” a partir de análisis de diversas fuentes como la memoria, relatos de participantes, trabajo realizado en eventos, cursos de especialización, congresos, jornadas y en el Servicio Integral de salud Mental Colectiva de la ciudad de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. En la tesis, tales cuestiones fueron enriquecidas y profundizadas a partir de nexos y conexiones como: “Complejidad Sistémica” de Edgar Morin, “Contorno Antropológico” de Georges Balandier, “Sociología de lo Cotidiano” de Michel Maffesoli, “Amor y Convivencia” de Humberto Maturana, “Cuidado”, de Martin Heidegger y “Emoción como Base de lo Racional” de Antonio Damásio. Configurados según un pensamiento ético-estético, los ámbitos político y pedagógico fueron interrogantes que sobrepasaron las búsquedas fabulatorias y epistemológicas que, complejamente, generan paradojas en procesos de metamorfosis. “Metamorfosis”, por lo tanto, es la metáfora para aquello que toca la vida y caracteriza lo que se puede llamar de “Sensible en Pedagogía”, en el sentido de dar valor y sentido a argumentos, obras, hechos, manifestaciones instantáneas y fragmentos, estados de ser intra, inter y transpersonales, para auscultarles la intensidad, las reverberaciones misteriosas, y resguardar el respeto que se hace necesario para tratar todo aquello que nace y se nutre de vida como ella se expone, en su deslumbramiento, mas igualmente en su inescrutabilidad.
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Tintas da terra tintas do reino: arquitetura e arte nas Missões Jesuíticas do Grão-Pará (1653-1759) / Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino: Art and Architecture in the Grão-Pará Jesuit Missions (1653-1759)Renata Maria de Almeida Martins 01 October 2009 (has links)
A presente tese estuda a produção arquitetônica e artística nas Missões Jesuíticas situadas no território do antigo Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará (criado em 1621), com particular destaque à região da Capitania do Grão-Pará. O arco temporal compreende os anos de 1653 (estabelecimento da Companhia de Jesus em Belém) a 1759 (expulsão dos jesuítas das colônias portuguesas). A tese enfoca, em particular, o trabalho artístico de jesuítas e índios nas oficinas que funcionaram no Colégio Jesuítico de Santo Alexandre em Belém a partir do século XVIII; procurando identificar a irradiação de modelos criados nas mesmas em direção às igrejas e capelas implantadas pelos jesuítas ao longo do Rio Amazonas e seus afluentes; sobretudo, àquelas que estavam localizadas em vilas, aldeias ou fazendas jesuíticas mais próximas a Belém (Vila de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré da Vigia, Vila Souza do Caeté, Mortigura, Gibirié, Mamaiacú, Jaguarari, entre outras). É colocada a hipótese de que Belém, como um pólo criador de modelos (também pólo econômico e comercial), alimentou toda a produção artística dos jesuítas no Grão-Pará, ao difundir seus métodos de trabalho e suas experiências técnicas. O título Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino sintetiza a idéia central da tese, de que o legado dos jesuítas na arquitetura e na arte nas missões do Grão-Pará é resultado do trabalho de europeus e de índios, e do emprego de suas tradições culturais. / This thesis is a study of the artistic and architectural production of the Jesuit Missions in the former State of Maranhão and Grão Pará, which was established in 1621, with a special emphasis on the Captaincy of Grão Pará. The period under study spans the time from 1653, when the Society of Jesus settled in the city of Belém, to 1759, when the Jesuits were expelled from Portuguese colonies. This thesis focuses in particular on the artistic work of both jesuits and indians carried out in the workshops at the Jesuit School of Santo Alexandre in Belém in the 18th century. The thesis seeks to trace the dissemination of the models created in such workshops throughout the Jesuit churches and chapels that were built along the borders of the River Amazon and its tributaries, especially those located in the Jesuit aldeias, vilas and fazendas closer to Belém (Vila de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré da Vigia, Vila Souza do Caeté, Mortigura, Gibirié, Mamaiacú, Jaguarari, among others). The hypothesis under investigation in this study is that Belém, in addition to being an economic and commercial hub, was also an artistic center providing models, working methods and technical expertise for the entire Jesuit artistic community in the Grão Pará. The title Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino summarizes the core idea underlying this thesis, namely that the Jesuit legacy in the art and architecture of the Grão Pará missions is the result of the work of europeans and indians, who in doing so resorted to their respective cultural traditions.
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Um guia informativo dos cursos e oficinas artísticas e culturais da Lapa - Rio de JaneiroSouza, Roberto Fernandes Dutra de 31 July 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Roberto Fernandes Dutra de Souza (turismo@predialnet.com.br) on 2012-08-21T00:07:54Z
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FUNDAÇÃO GETULIO VARGAS.pdf: 2380100 bytes, checksum: 73e8048f7bb7794b672269c9661842ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafael Aguiar (rafael.aguiar@fgv.br) on 2012-10-17T14:54:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
FUNDAÇÃO GETULIO VARGAS.pdf: 2380100 bytes, checksum: 73e8048f7bb7794b672269c9661842ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-10-18T12:07:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
FUNDAÇÃO GETULIO VARGAS.pdf: 2380100 bytes, checksum: 73e8048f7bb7794b672269c9661842ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T12:07:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FUNDAÇÃO GETULIO VARGAS.pdf: 2380100 bytes, checksum: 73e8048f7bb7794b672269c9661842ba (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-07-31 / The purpose of this dissertation is to present a Project for the production of an information guide of artistic and cultural courses and practices workshops in Lapa, Rio de Janeiro. In methodological terms, besides the historical recovering of the place’s memory, the urban intervention and transformation, the artistes, groups and cultural institutions inventory and their many daytime activities in Lapa, interviews were made with application of questionnaire in order to the collection of data for subsidize the instituting texts for the guide. Since the late twenty century has been undertaken a process of revitalization by transforming the forms-contents of buildings. The dynamics of the gentrification process mix from the row homes recovery and how they are used by artistes, groups and cultural institutions, to the public policies and projects lately implemented are targeted to the private interests linked to tourism, to real estate capital and commercial enterprises. Now days, it’s possible to verify a strong business performance by urban marketing of nightlife Lapa as a bohemian place. In detriment of dozens of daytime artistic and cultural activities that have contributed so much to the process of revitalization of the Lapa neighborhood. / O objetivo dessa dissertação é apresentar um projeto para produção de um guia informativo dos cursos e oficinas artísticas e culturais da Lapa, Rio de Janeiro. Em termos metodológicos, além da recuperação histórica acerca da memória do lugar, dos planos de intervenção e transformação urbana, do levantamento dos artistas, grupos e instituições culturais e suas diversas atividades diurnas, foram realizadas entrevistas com aplicação de questionários com a finalidade de coletar dados para subsidiar a elaboração dos textos para o guia. Desde o final do século XX vem sendo empreendido um processo de revitalização do bairro através de transformação das formas-conteúdos das edificações. A dinâmica do processo de gentrificação mescla da recuperação dos casarios e sua utilização por artistas, grupos e instituições culturais, a políticas públicas e projetos implementados mais recentemente direcionados a interesses privados vinculados ao turismo, ao capital imobiliário e a empreendimentos comerciais. É possível verificar atualmente uma forte atuação empresarial através do marketing urbano da Lapa noturna como lugar de boemia. Em detrimento das dezenas de atividades artísticas e culturais diurnas que muito contribuíram no processo de revitalização da Lapa.
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Développement et validation des ateliers d’éducation culinaire et nutritionnelle du projet VIE : Valorisation, Implication, ÉducationChaput, Cynthia 02 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Non seulement le cancer est toujours la principale cause de décès par maladie chez les enfants, mais les deux tiers des survivants présenteront, à l’âge adulte, des séquelles liées aux traitements reçus. Tel qu’il sera décrit dans le présent mémoire, le programme VIE (Valorisation, Implication, Éducation) au Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine propose d’implanter un programme d’interventions pour sensibiliser les patients en cours de traitement et leur famille aux bienfaits d’adopter de saines habitudes de vie et les supporter dans le changement de comportements attendus. Un volet de ce programme comprend des ateliers d’éducation culinaire et nutritionnelle.
Objectifs. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de développer et de valider un curriculum d’ateliers d’éducation culinaire et nutritionnelle qui permettra de répondre aux particularités d’une clientèle en oncologie pédiatrique en cours de traitements et de prévenir les complications cardiométaboliques à long terme. Un second objectif consiste au développement d’un outil d’évaluation des ateliers.
Méthode. Les thèmes, les objectifs d’apprentissages et le contenu des ateliers ont fait l’objet d’un processus de développement et de validation en huit étapes, incluant la consultation d’un comité d’experts. Les recettes en démonstration ont été développées et standardisées par deux nutritionnistes de l’équipe de recherche et leur valeur nutritive analysée à l’aide d’un logiciel d’analyse nutritionnelle. Les outils d’évaluation ont été développés en fonction des objectifs d’apprentissages des ateliers en s’inspirant d’outils de mesure existants et révisés par un expert.
Résultats. Six ateliers d’éducation culinaire et nutritionnelle basés sur les données probantes et l’expérience clinique de trois nutritionnistes en oncologie pédiatrique ont été développés et validés. Douze recettes en lien avec les thèmes des ateliers, deux pour chaque atelier, ont été développées, standardisées et leur valeur nutritive validée. Six questionnaires ont été développés pour mesurer la perception de l’acquisition de connaissances, l’intention d’appliquer les apprentissages et la satisfaction des participants pour chacun des ateliers.
Conclusion. À notre connaissance, il s’agit du premier programme d’éducation culinaire et nutritionnelle élaboré spécifiquement pour les familles d’une clientèle d’oncologie pédiatrique en cours de traitement. Nous pensons que ce programme répondra aux besoins spécifiques des patients en oncologie pédiatrique et de leur famille et contribuera à les sensibiliser à l’importance d’instaurer ou de maintenir de saines habitudes alimentaires pendant et après les traitements du cancer. / Context. Cancer is still the main cause of death by illness in children. Furthermore, two third of the survivors will present treatment-related late effects in adulthood. As it will be described in this thesis, the VIE program (Valorisation, Implication, Education) at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center aims to implement an intervention program to raise awareness of patients ongoing cancer treatments and their family to the benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle and to support them with expected behavior change. One component of this program consists in nutrition and cooking education workshops.
Objectives. The main objective of this project is to develop and validate a nutrition and cooking education workshop curriculum which will address concerns specific to on-treatment pediatric oncology patients and help prevent cardiometabolic late effects. A second objective is to develop an evaluation tool for the workshops.
Methodology. The workshops’ themes, specific objectives and content have been subject to an eight-steps development and validation process, including steering committee consultation. The recipes in demonstration have been developed and standardized by two research staff registered dietitians and their nutritional value analyzed with a nutritional analysis software. Evaluation tools have been developed in accordance with the workshops learning objectives, inspired by existing tools and reviewed by expert.
Results. Six nutrition and cooking education workshops based on scientific evidence and clinical experience of three pediatric oncology registered dietitians have been developed and validated. Twelve recipes related to the workshops themes, two for each workshop, have been developed, standardized and their nutritional value validated. Six questionnaires have been developed for each workshop to measure participants’ perception of knowledge acquisition, behavioral intention and satisfaction.
Conclusion. It is, to our knowledge, the first nutrition and cooking education workshop curriculum elaborated specifically for families of an on-treatment pediatric oncology population. We think that this program will address the needs specific to pediatric oncology patients and their family, while contributing to raise awareness to the importance of adopting and maintaining healthy eating habits during and after cancer treatments.
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Cartographie et participation : vers une pluralisation des sources de connaissance : application à la Trame Verte et Bleue dans le bocage bressuirais / Cartography and participation : Towards pluralizing knowledge sources : Application to the “Green and Blue network” in the Bressuire hedgerowBousquet, Aurélie 11 April 2016 (has links)
En 2007, lors du Grenelle de l’environnement, la France décide de mettre en place la Trame Verte et Bleue (TVB). L’approche réticulaire retenue pour cette politique environnementale d’un genre nouveau doit faciliter la lutte contre « l’érosion de la biodiversité » (loi n°2009-967 août 2009). Le déploiement de la TVB sur le territoire français passe par l’identification des continuités écologiques dans les documents d’urbanismes. Leur intégration dans les documents d’urbanisme suscite de nombreuses interrogations et nous permet de renouveler les questionnements dialectiques associant cartographie et participation. Alors que ces deux termes peuvent a priori sembler inconciliables, nous proposons dans cette étude un cheminement qui permet de les articuler. Nous formulons une proposition méthodologique permettant de pluraliser les sources de connaissance au sein d’une démarche de conception participative. Cette dernière se caractérise par une démarche qualitative, exploratoire et inductive qui s’appuie sur le cadre méthodologique de la théorie ancrée. L’itinéraire méthodologique emprunté amène progressivement les participants aux ateliers à produire et à travailler à partir de photographies et de cartes, décontextualisées ou classiques. Ces changements de support traduisent une bascule de la vue tangentielle à la vue zénithale. Le travail en groupe ne constitue pas de fait un collectif. Alors pour faciliter le passage de l’individuel au collectif, nous avons permis aux participants d’élaborer et de tester leur argumentaire avant leur entrée dans l’arène publique. Le terrain d’étude mobilisé est la région Poitou-Charentes, où nous avons observé la mise en place du Schéma Régional de Cohérence Écologique (SRCE). Nos observations nous ont permis de proposer et de mettre en application une démarche participative innovante associant une pluralisation des sources de connaissance pour l’identification des continuités écologiques dans le bocage bressuirais. Les différents ateliers de conception participative nous ont permis, non pas la production d’une carte de synthèse, mais la production d’une série de cartes qui viennent enrichir les représentations spatiales des continuités écologiques. / In the wake of 2007’s “Environment conference of Grenelle”,French authorities decided to instate the Green and Blue Ecological Framework (Trame Verte et Bleue - TVB). This new type of environmental policy is design like a network and aims at reducing “biodiversity erosion” (law nr 2009-967, aug 2009). Deploying such frameworks on the national French territory requir to identify ecological continuities within urban planning documents. Integrating such new operational concepts inside urbanism documents triggers plenty of interrogations. Specifically, it calls into question the unlikely couple cartography and participation. While these terms may seem incompatible on a first sight, we argue that the two practices can be articulated, following a set methodology. By being rooted in a participative approach, our methodological proposal allows to pluralize knowledge sources. It is characterized by a scientific posture that is qualitative, exploratory and inductive. The methodological setting is based on the grounded theory. Through implementing our methodology, workshop participants were progressively led to produce and work on the basis of photograph and maps, both decontextualized and regular. Changing media implied a shift from a “tangential” point of view to a “zenithal” perspective. We understood a qualitative difference between “group work” on the one hand and “collective work” on the other hand. In order to facilitate the shift from individual- to collective–grade work, we allowed the participants to conceive and test their argumentative narrative prior to entering the public arena. Our field of study was the region “Poitou-Charentes”, where we observed the deployment of the Regional Ecological Coherence Framework (SRCE in French - Schéma Régional de Cohérence Écologique). Our observations led us to conceive an innovative and participative approach merging plurality of knowledge sources, to identify the ecological continuities in the Bressuire hedgerow. Hinging on participative conception, the various workshops organized resulted in producing a series of maps that expand the scope of spatial representations of ecological continuities, instead of producing a single synthetic map.
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Les ateliers locaux de sarcophages sculptés en Méditerranée occidentale : les cas d'Arles, Carthage et Tarragone (IIe-Ve) / Local Workshops of sarcophagi of three Western Towns of the Roman Empire : Arles, Carthage, Tarragona (IIe-Ve)Berraho, Sarah 13 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’examiner la production de sarcophage à décor sculpté, à travers l’étude comparative de trois grands pôles occidentaux de l’Empire romain, puissances économiques et productives, et symboles d’un lien privilégié avec Rome. Si ce procédé funéraire a toujours été utilisé dans ces régions, la généralisation de l’inhumation vers le milieu du IIe siècle implique la mobilisation d’importantes forces productives et techniques afin de répondre à la demande nouvelle sans cesse croissante. Ce serait trois grands centres situés à Rome, en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, qui assureraient les fonctions essentielles : décision des décors et des motifs, prise en charge de la majorité de la production et de son exportation, signification et portée de ce procédé funéraire. Notre étude ville par ville a pour ambition de montrer que le développement de la production des sarcophages à décor sculpté ne peut s’expliquer dans un tel schéma traditionnel où les provinces se laisseraient passivement imposer toutes les décisions de sièges plus importants. Au-delà de l’indispensable analyse technique, stylistique et iconographique du corpus, c’est la prise en compte pratique d’un contexte local d’ateliers décentralisés qui doit permettre de saisir la réalité de production et son évolution : comment cet objet s’intègre dans une production déjà existante qu’il investit en retour. Cela nous conduira à ne plus l’envisager sous le seul rapport de la copie à son original, passant ainsi d’un modèle de rayonnement unilatéral du centre vers la périphérie, à une structure d’échange dynamique entre influences centrales et ateliers locaux. / This dissertation explores the production of sarcophagi with sculpted decorations, through the comparative study of three Western towns of the Roman Empire that are economic and production centers as well as closely connected to Rome.Although in these regions, such funeral process was always in use, the generalisation of burials in the middle of the 2nd century required the mobilization of production and technical forces in order to meet the increasing new demand.We argue that three main centers located in Rome, Greece and Asia Minor were responsible for the development of this funeral technique: they decided on the decorations and designs, were in charge of the majority of the production and exportations, and gave this process its characteristics and meaning. Considering each city consecutively, we aim to show that the development of sarcophagi production goes beyond a traditional context where provinces would passively let more important cities be in charge of all the decisions. In addition to the technical, stylistic and iconographic analysis of the corpus, if we want to grasp the specificity of this funeral technique, we also need to replace its production and evolution in a local context of decentralized workshops. How do sarcophagi with sculpted decorations fit in an already existing production, and how do they transform such production? This will lead us to consider this technique from another point of view than the mere copy of an original model, thus moving from the unilateral model of a central influence on the peripheries to a structure of dynamic exchanges between main cities and local workshops.
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Implantation et faisabilité d’ateliers d’éducation nutritionnelle et culinaire en oncologie pédiatriqueBeaulieu-Gagnon, Sabrina 04 1900 (has links)
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