Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workshops."" "subject:"orkshops.""
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Illuminating a Tragic Miasma in Shepard’s A Particle of DreadThomas, Benjamin 07 January 2021 (has links)
Sam Shepard was a playwright who used a variety of stories and styles to explore and understand the country he called home, The United States of America. This thesis launches the process of understanding how Greek tragedy had influenced the work of Shepard in his explorations by looking at Shepard’s final play before his passing, A Particle of Dread (Oedipus Variations). Using the concept of miasma that has been established as important to Greek tragedy to analyze A Particle of Dread and its primary source work, Oedipus Rex, this thesis reveals the extent of the ancient tragic form’s presence in Shepard’s last play. To do so, I approach the work in a combination of theory and practice. I first use dramaturgical analysis of Oedipus Rex, to explain what tragic role miasma has in Sophocles’ play. This is followed by a mirrored dramaturgical analysis of A Particle of Dread to uncover and compare what place miasma (and therefore tragedy) has in Shepard’s play. Following this is the review and analysis of five performance workshops exploring scenes of Shepard’s play which used a combination of performance and lighting to physicalize that dramaturgical work so as to further it and hopefully reveal new aspects through their embodiment. This dramaturgical and practical work results in the discovery of how and to what end Shepard has chosen to use the Grecian content style to analyze and commentate on Western society. The work also offers the chance to compare how the engagement with pollution has changed from the characters of 5th Century BCE Greece to 2014 America, and what that might mean for 2020 onwards.
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Čtenářské dílny jako prostředek učení (se) němčině jako cizímu jazyku / Reading comprehesion workshop as a way of learning GermanŠtěpánová, Marta January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this work is reading workshops as a means of learning German as a foreign language. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether, and if so, what is the organizational and methodically inventive form of didactic potential in teaching German as a foreign language. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. It focuses on the literary text and its role in teaching, as well as the representation of literature in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and in the Supplement to the CEFR. Attention is paid to reading skills with an emphasis on literary reading, which is crucial for working with literary texts. The concept of reading workshops represents a bridge between the theoretical and practical part and brings four different adaptations of literary texts targeting literary, communicative, intercultural, and linguistic competence. The empirical survey contained in the fourth chapter presents the results of a questionnaire survey, which was conducted among German language teachers at the elementary faculty schools of PedF UK. The research was based on the confirmed hypothesis that teachers rarely work with literary texts, even though they consider working with literary texts to be beneficial. KEYWORDS Reading, literary reading, reading workshops, didactic adaptation...
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Från snack till verkstad : Om markverkstädernas dualistiska logikBergman, Marcus, Broström, Håkan January 2020 (has links)
Abstract In the year 2019 the vehicle workshops services returned to the Swedish Armed Forces. For six years they had been an integrated part of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and the business was set up in a corporate fashion. When returning to the Swedish Armed Forces the workshops will continue to use that corporate business model, and at the same time adjust to military setting and logic. Among other things, the workshops will be organized into military units, under the same conditions as all other parts of the Armed Forces. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and understand the meaning and consequences of the corporate and the military logic coexisting within the Vehicle Workshop Services units. A typology made specifically for this reason is used to depict the different configurations that occur when those two logic structures coexist. The study draws the conclusions that the dualistic relationship between the corporate and the military logic ends up in compromises that makes the goal and purpose of the organisation vague and the personnel involved experience a difference between how it is supposed to be functioning and how it actually does. Furthermore, the study states that the conditions for developing the Vehicle Workshop Services units into a strong and resilient organisation from a HR and symbolic perspective is less favourable. The Swedish Armed Forces need to address this actively to create a common understanding of the factors that are in play by all personnel involved in the matter. The study gives five hands on suggestions to mitigate those problems. Finally, some suggestions are given how to re-use the typology that was created for the study in other contexts.
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A Survey of Young Writers' Conferences in School Districts in the State of TexasGarrett, Sandra E. Renfro 05 1900 (has links)
This study describes young writers' conferences in school districts in the state of Texas. The study proposed: (a) to describe the characteristics of young writers' conferences; (b) to determine how young writers' conferences were created and implemented; (c) to identify the purpose of writing conferences; (d) to identify the population served; (e) to describe the unique contribution of conferences; (e) to determine the perceived value of conferences to school district personnel. A 26 item survey was developed and distributed to 133 Texas school districts. One hundred percent of the districts responded to the survey or telephone interview Data was collected from the ten districts that provided young writers' conferences for young writers during the 1994-95 school year. Eighty percent of the school administrators surveyed rated their program as very beneficial for young writers. Twenty percent rated their program at the second highest rating, or beneficial. All of the districts reported that as a result of the workshop, writing has become more important in the districts. In addition, the majority of the districts reported that parents are more aware of the importance of writing and that teacher attitudes toward writing have improved as a result of participation in the workshop Districts also reported that students have a more positive attitude toward writing and are more interested in writing after having attended the workshop. It can be concluded from the study that students in grades nine through twelve were largely undeserved by the districts in the sample. Therefore, the researcher suggests that districts serve this population in future conferences. The researcher also recommends that a democratic process be established that would maximize the number of participants attending young writers' conferences in each district. Information obtained from the study can inform educational policy makers, educators, parents and citizens about young writers' conferences and can also serve as a resource for conference planners and participants as similar programs for young writers are created, implemented and evaluated.
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Lidingö Vattenverk : Ett centrum för analogt fotografiEn hommage till fotografiet som konstform / Lidingö Waterwork : a hommage to analog photographySörman, Vidar January 2014 (has links)
Fotografi är i dag mycket attraktivt och lockar mängder av folk från konstsamlare till beundrare i alla åldrar. Internationellt sett är i dag skandinaviskt fotografi högt eftertraktat och intresset ser inte ut att avta, tvärt om. Här, vid väg ände, precis invid Kottlasjön på Lidingö ligger ett gamalt vackert vattenverk. omgivet av speciell natur och ett stilla landskap. Huset har stått oanvänt sedan många år och väntar på nya vindar. Med sparsam renovering, och nödvändiga åtgärder kan detta utgöra grunden för en ny mötesplats och verkstad för samtida konstfotografi. / An old waterwork is beeing transformed to a place for photography workshops with focus on creative photography. As the light creates a tension in the photography, it will do the same here with openings, reflections and light slots. A play with the daylight. After thrifty renovations and necessary actions the waterwork will become a meetingplace for workshops and contemporary art photography.
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Plataforma web y aplicativo móvil activarte 360Chambi Flores, José Aurelio, Marroquin Neyra, Karla Giovanna, Torpoco Pérez, Juan Carlos, Paredes Torres, Alicia Noemi, Valle Zavala, Suzanne Esther 01 December 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad nos encontramos atravesando por una pandemia tras el surgimiento del COVID-19, que ha ocasionado, en gran parte, que los estilos de vida de los consumidores se modifiquen y adapten a la nueva realidad temporal. Uno de los cambios de mayor relevancia es el trabajo y estudio de manera remota desde los hogares, razón por la cual el tiempo de conexión es mayor y uno de los sectores más favorecidos ha sido el del e-learning. Ante este panorama, nace la idea de la creación e implementación de una plataforma digital, tanto web como aplicativo móvil, que integre cursos y talleres con el objetivo de brindar bienestar, aprendizaje y entretenimiento a las familias, en el horario que tengan disponible.
ActivArte360 busca satisfacer necesidades no cubiertas de los niveles socioeconómicos B y C en cuanto a servicios virtuales, brindándoles variedad de opciones dentro de una misma plataforma, de manera que se ahorre el tiempo de búsqueda y la inversión para poder suscribirse a alguno.
Para validar este modelo de negocio se realizaron diversos experimentos mediante los MVPs diseñados, consiguiendo así el nivel de aceptación que tendrá la propuesta una vez puesta en marcha. Las validaciones fueron el soporte para la elaboración de planes y estrategias en la organización para lograr los objetivos deseados en cuanto a rentabilidad y escalabilidad.
Finalmente, se busca una adaptación constante frente a las diferentes tendencias y exigencias del consumidor en un entorno cambiante. / We are currently going through a pandemic after the emergence of COVID-19, which has caused, to a large extent, the lifestyles of consumers to modify and adapt to the new temporary reality. One of the most relevant changes is working and studying remotely from home, which is why connection time is longer and one of the most favored sectors has been e-learning. Against this background, the idea was born of the creation and implementation of a digital platform, both web and mobile application, that integrates courses and workshops with the aim of providing well-being, learning and entertainment to families, at the time available.
ActivArte360 seeks to satisfy unmet needs of socioeconomic levels B and C in terms of virtual services, offering them a variety of options within the same platform, in such a way as to save search time and investment to be able to subscribe to one.
To validate this business model, various experiments were carried out using the designed MVPs, thus achieving the level of acceptance that the proposal will have once it is launched. The validations were the support for the development of plans and strategies in the organization to achieve the desired objectives in terms of profitability and scalability.
Finally, a constant adaptation is sought in the face of different trends and consumer demands in a changing environment. / Trabajo de investigación
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Synergizing Systems : Using SSM in prototypical system developmentZafar, Ali, Svensson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a research project conducted with a Swedish company to provide recommendations for developing a prototypical information system for the company. The system’s goal was to consolidate data regarding the company’s supply chain and packaging conditions in order to find improvements in packaging development. The thesis employed the use of Soft Systems Methodology to aid with the system development process. A qualitative explorative study was designed for this purpose. Soft Systems Methodology was used after exploring alternative methodologies. This was chosen as the researchers found it important to engage the case company in the system development process. Four semi-structured interviews and two workshops with the relevant officials were the main methods of collecting data. Models such as a rich picture, CATWOE and PQR formula were utilized during the research to visualize important aspects of the system development process. As a result of the research, the researchers were able to provide the company with recommendations for how to further proceed with the development process. Another result of the study was that Soft Systems Methodology was able to unlock tacit information. The methodology also allowed for a consideration of the implementation of an iterative process to support the development. The results of this research suggest that introducing and making use of Soft Systems Methodology is very stimulating in an environment not already using it. The research provided insights needed for progress towards a successful implementation of a new information system, and contributes a real-world SSM case in a corporate environment. The researchers also suggest future opportunities for research that could further build on the work presented in the thesis.
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Évolution des pratiques mises en place en contexte d’atelier d’écriture et leurs effets sur le développement de la compétence à écrire en français langue étrangèreHuynh Thi, Tram Sinh 04 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche collaborative vise à décrire (1) la mise en œuvre de pratiques en contexte d’atelier d’écriture de deux enseignantes vietnamiennes de français langue étrangère au deuxième cycle du secondaire bénéficiant d’une formation continue sur ce dispositif ; (2) les effets de leurs pratiques d’atelier d’écriture sur le développement de la compétence à écrire en français langue étrangère de leurs élèves ; et (3) les répercussions de leur participation à cette recherche collaborative sur le changement de leurs pratiques d’enseignement de l’écriture.
Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, nous avons observé chacune des enseignantes à deux reprises, l’une au début et l’autre, à la fin de l’expérimentation. Elles ont de plus décrit leur mise en œuvre de l’atelier d’écriture lors d’une entrevue téléphonique qui se déroulait toutes les deux semaines au cours de cinq mois. D’autre part, nous avons évalué la performance en écriture en français langue étrangère des élèves (n=33) de ces deux enseignantes au prétest et au post-test au moyen d’une épreuve de production écrite. Enfin, nous avons mené une entrevue semi-dirigée avec les enseignantes au début et à la fin de la recherche pour collecter les changements qu’elles ont apportés dans leurs pratiques d’enseignement de l’écriture et identifier les éléments du dispositif de recherche facilitant ces changements.
Nos résultats indiquent que durant la recherche, les enseignantes ont mis en place l’atelier d’écriture dans leur classe. Au moyen d’observations directes en classe à l’aide du modèle du multi-agenda de Bucheton et Soulé (2009), nous avons remarqué une amélioration dans la qualité de leurs pratiques de tissage, de pilotage, d’étayage et d’atmosphère à la fin de l’expérimentation. Les pratiques déclarées, quant à elles, permettent de constater que les enseignantes ont organisé l’atelier d’écriture sur une base régulière et ont respecté presque pleinement les principes de ce dispositif présentés lors de la formation.
Du côté des élèves, ils ont amélioré significativement la qualité de leurs productions écrites sur le plan du contenu, de l’organisation, de la structure des phrases, du choix des mots, de la voix d’auteur et des conventions linguistiques au post-test. De plus, leurs productions écrites étaient plus longues et meilleures en ce qui concerne la complexité lexicale ainsi que syntaxique.
Finalement, les enseignantes ont déclaré apporter des changements dans leurs pratiques d’enseignement de l’écriture, et ce, grâce à la formation que nous avions organisée pour elles, à notre soutien durant leur expérimentation et à leur observation mutuelle de la mise en œuvre de l’atelier d’écriture. / The purpose of this collaborative research is to describe (1) the implementation of writing workshop practices by two Vietnamese teachers of French as a foreign language at the upper secondary level who received in-service training on this device; (2) the impact of their writing workshop practices on the development of their students’ competence in writing French as a foreign language; and (3) the repercussions of their participation in the collaborative research on the change in their writing teaching practices.
Our results indicate that during the research, teachers implemented the writing workshop in their classrooms. Through direct classroom observations using Bucheton and Soulé’s (2009) multi-agenda model, we noted an improvement in the quality of weaving, piloting, scaffolding, and atmospheric practices implemented by the teachers at the end of the experiment. The reported practices show that the teachers implemented the writing workshop on a regular basis and complied almost fully with the principles of this device presented during the training.
On the students’ side, they significantly improved the quality of their written productions in terms of content, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, authorial voice and linguistic conventions on the post-test. In addition, their written productions were longer and better in terms of lexical and syntactic complexity.
Finally, the teachers reported making changes in their practices of teaching writing, thanks to the training we had organized for them, to our support during their experimentation, and to their mutual observation of the implementation of the writing workshop.
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Virtual Empowerment: The Exploration of Leadership Aspirations of Young Nepali Girls Using Virtual Participatory Action ResearchSafari, Sara 01 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Creatividad y estrategias didácticas para la práctica académica del ejercicio proyectualGranados Manjarrés, Maritza Beatriz 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Desde la aparición de la figura de taller a principios del siglo XX en Viena y el afianzamiento de las propuestas de la Bauhaus como modelo ideal de enseñanza, una variedad de estrategias para abordar el proyecto arquitectónico ha aparecido intentando responder a problemas contextuales, políticos y culturales. Sin embargo, muchas siguen apegadas a lógicas que demandan una actualización que incluya propuestas transdisciplinares centradas en los estudiantes.
Esta investigación, preocupada por la pedagogía del proyecto plantea que para proponer didácticas de proyecto más eficientes y actualizadas estas deben ser abordadas no solamente desde las lógicas de la investigación proyectual sino que además deben cruzarse con los estudios de la creatividad y los procesos cognitivos que la psicología ha encontrado como relevantes para detonarla, y con la voz de los estudiantes, sus preocupaciones y sus maneras de aprender, pues se considera que la enseñanza es un engranaje complejo que se construye en las relaciones entre actores y sus variables contextuales.
En consecuencia y para atender los frentes mencionados, la investigación se estructuró sobre tres pilares cuyas hipótesis surgieron a medida que era desarrollado tanto el Estado de la Cuestión como el Caso de Estudio. Primero, se hizo una exploración de los estudios de la creatividad para definir en dónde se enmarca la producción arquitectónica, llegando a la conclusión que esta se ciñe a un sistema interdependiente que la valida y resignifica, y que en Arquitectura es imperante la construcción de los problemas por parte del diseñador para garantizar propuestas originales y de calidad. Segundo, a la luz de la investigación proyectual se analizaron algunos modelos y tipologías de proceso, concluyendo que, por un lado, los modelos vinculados al Paradigma Científico están contraindicados para las disciplinas proyectuales y por el otro que la enseñanza del proyecto necesita un cambio fundamental y la figura de taller debe ser revaluada y rediseñada.
Para apoyar estos hallazgos, surge el tercer pilar de esta investigación que fue un Caso de Estudio que se desarrolló en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) en el que participaron cerca de 2000 estudiantes del Programa de Arquitectura, quienes fueron entrevistados, encuestados, testeados y observados por un período de dos semestres. Todas las fuentes documentales fueron analizadas según los lineamientos de la Teoría Fundamentada y después de tres ciclos de análisis y conceptualización se llega a la conclusión de que hay cinco factores que sugieren cambios relevantes en la pedagogía del proyecto y que, coherente a la propuesta inicial, responde tanto a la investigación proyectual, como a los procesos cognitivos asociados a la creatividad y la voz de los estudiantes. Estos factores sintetizan todos los hallazgos fruto del análisis y su interpretación, y sugieren cambios que promoverán aprendizajes más profundos y motivados desde: las dimensiones de planificación de la enseñanza, el clima escolar, los modelos Conjetura-Análisis, la construcción de problemas y la diferenciación de las estrategias didácticas por niveles de enseñanza. / [CA] Des de l'aparició de la figura de taller a principis del segle XX a Viena i el fiançament de les propostes de la Bauhaus com a model ideal d'ensenyament, una varietat d'estratègies per a abordar el projecte arquitectònic ha aparegut intentant respondre a problemes contextuals, polítics i culturals, no obstant això, moltes segueixen apegades a lògiques que demanden una actualització que incloga propostes transdisciplinars centrades en els estudiants.
Aquesta investigació, preocupada per la pedagogia del projecte planteja que per a proposar didàctiques de projecte més eficients i actualitzades aquestes han de ser abordades no solament des de les lògiques de la investigació projectual sinó que a més han de creuar-se amb els estudis de la creativitat i els processos cognitius que la psicologia ha trobat com a rellevants per a detonar-la, i amb la veu dels estudiants, les seues preocupacions i les seues maneres d'aprendre, perquè es considera que l'ensenyament és un engranatge complex que es construeix en les relacions entre actors i les seues variables contextuals.
En conseqüència i per a atendre els fronts esmentats, la investigació es va estructurar sobre tres pilars les hipòtesis dels quals van sorgir a mesura que era desenvolupat tant l'Estat de la Qüestió com el Cas d'Estudi. Primer, es va fer una exploració dels estudis de la creativitat per a definir on s'emmarca la producció arquitectònica, arribant a la conclusió que aquesta se cenyeix a un sistema interdependent que la valguda i resignifica, i que en Arquitectura és imperant la construcció dels problemes per part del dissenyador per a garantir propostes originals i de qualitat. Segon, a la llum de la investigació projectual es van analitzar alguns models i tipologies de procés, concloent que, d'una banda, els models vinculats al Paradigma Científic estan contraindicats per a les disciplines projectuals i per l'altre que l'ensenyament del projecte necessita un canvi fonamental i la figura de taller ha de ser revaluada i redissenyada.
Per a donar suport a aquestes troballes, sorgeix el tercer pilar d'aquesta investigació que va ser un Cas d'Estudi que es va desenvolupar en la Pontifícia Universitat Javeriana (Bogotà) en la qual van participar prop de 2000 estudiants del Programa d'Arquitectura, els qui van ser entrevistats, enquestats, testats i observats per un període de dos semestres. Totes les fonts documentals van ser analitzades segons els lineamientos de la Teoria Fonamentada i després de tres cicles d'anàlisis i conceptualització s'arriba a la conclusió que hi ha cinc factors que suggereixen canvis rellevants en la pedagogia del projecte i que, coherent a la proposta inicial, respon tant a la investigació projectual, com als processos cognitius associats a la creativitat i la veu dels estudiants.
Aquests factors sintetitzen totes les troballes fruit de l'anàlisi i la seua interpretació, i suggereixen canvis que promouran aprenentatges més profunds i motivats des de les dimensions de planificació de l'ensenyament, el clima escolar, els models Conjectura-Anàlisi, la construcció de problemes i la diferenciació de les estratègies didàctiques per nivells d'ensenyament. / [EN] Since the appearance of the studio figure at the beginning of the 20th century in Vienna and the consolidation of the Bauhaus proposals as the ideal teaching model, a variety of strategies to approach the architectural project have appeared trying to respond to contextual, political, and cultural problems. However, many strategies remain attached to logics that demand an update that includes transdisciplinary proposals focused on students.
This research, concerned with the pedagogy of the project, suggests that to propose more efficient and up-to-date project didactics, these must be approached not only from the logics of project research but also must intersect with the studies of creativity, and the voice of the students, their concerns and their ways of learning, since it is considered that teaching is a complex gear that is built in the relationships between actors and their contextual variables.
Consequently, and to address the aforementioned fronts, the research was structured on three pillars whose hypotheses emerged as both the State of the Art and the Study Case were developed. First, an exploration of creativity studies was made to define where the architectural production is framed concluding that it lyes on an interdependent system, and that problem construction is needed to guarantee original and quality proposals. Second, in the light of project research, some models and process typologies were analyzed, concluding that the models linked to the Scientific Paradigm are contraindicated for project disciplines and, that the studio teaching needs a fundamental change.
Third and to support these findings, a Stuy Case was developed at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota) with the participation of about 2000 students of the Architecture Program. They were interviewed, surveyed, tested, and observed for a year. All sources were analyzed according to the Grounded Theory guidelines and after three cycles of analysis and conceptualization, it is concluded that there are five factors that suggest relevant changes in the pedagogy of the project and that, consistent with the initial proposal. These factors synthesize all the findings resulting from the analysis and their interpretation and suggest changes that will promote deeper and motivated learning from: the dimensions of teaching planning, the school climate, the Conjecture-Analysis models, the construction of problems, and the differentiation of teaching strategies. / Granados Manjarrés, MB. (2021). Creatividad y estrategias didácticas para la práctica académica del ejercicio proyectual [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172233
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