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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskoleklassen – en förberedande verksamhet inför skolan : en kvalitativ studie om uppfattningen av uppdraget i förskoleklassen och lärarnas arbetsätt och metoder som främjar barnens läs- och skrivutveckling.

Danho, Athra January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of my study is to investigate teacher’s perceptions of their mission in the preschool class, and how they work to promote children’s written language development. What methods and working methods they use to awaken curiosity and motivate children to read and write. I am using the qualitative research method to get answers to my questions. I have made four qualitative interviews with four teachers in preschool classes from different schools. My questions are: What conceptions does teachers have about their mission in a preschool class? What different methods and approaches does teachers use to stimulate and wake children’s curiosity for reading and writing development? The theoretical basis for my study is the socio-cultural perspective, where learning occurs in interaction. Reading and writing arises from a social-cultural perspective in which social relationships with adults and other children affect the children’s reading and writing. The results of the interviews showed that teachers use different methods to promote children’s literacy development. Teachers whom I have interviewed agree that the social interaction, play and reading aloud are important elements in children's learning and development. Teachers’ perceptions were different on how much to work with development. The reason may be is that the preschool did not have clear objectives for the teachers to work after.

I språkverktyget ingår också digitala verktyg : En kvalitativ studie om digitala verktyg som stöd i läs- och skrivutveckling i förskolan / The language tool also includes digital tools : A qualitative study about digital tools as a support for reading and writing development in kindergarten

Ali, Awaz January 2018 (has links)
I denna undersökning studeras, med utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, barnens användning av olika digitala verktyg i arbetet med läs- och skrivutveckling. Syftet med denna undersökning är att öka kompetensen att med hjälp av olika digitala medel förbättra undervisningen i läs- och skrivutveckling i förskolan. Ambitionen är att genom litteraturstudie och praktiskt arbete kunna indikera att genom intervenering med digitala verktyg i förskolans praktik går att förändra barnens läs- och skrivutveckling. Studiens överordnade syfte är att bidra till förändring vad gäller barns såväl som förskollärares förhållningssätt till digitala verktyg i läs- och skrivutveckling i förskolan. En kvalitativ ansats har använts med inspiration från hermeneutik och fenomonografi. I undersökningen intervjuas nio barn och genomförs trettiotre deltagande observationer under en månads tid. Resultatet visar att samtliga barn i undersökningen använder sig av olika digitala verktyg i arbetet med läs- och skrivutveckling. Att användandet av digitala verktyg förefaller att skapa mening för barnen. Några av de utvecklingsmöjligheter som går att uttala sig om genom användandet av dessa verktyg är; språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling, utveckling av motoriska färdigheter, utveckling av sociala färdigheter och reflektionsförmåga samt utveckling av digital kompetens. I diskussionen framhålls vikten av en medveten planering som utgår från läroplansmål där digitala verktyg används som komplement till den traditionella undervisningen i förskolan. / In this study, based on a socio-cultural perspective on learning, children’s use of different digital tools in the work with their development with reading and writing will be studied. The purpose of this research is to increase the capability to improve the reading and writing education in kindergarten with the help of different digital tools. The ambition is to, with the help of literature studies and practical work, be able to indicate that the children’s progress in the ability to read and write can be improved by introducing digital tools in the practical work in kindergarten. The overall aim of the study is to contribute to changing the children’s as well as the teachers’ approaches towards digital tools in the work with reading and writing development in kindergarten. A qualitative approach has been used with the help of inspiration from hermeneutics and phenomenography. In this research, nine children are interviewed, and thirty-three participatory observations are conducted during the period of one month. The result shows that every child who takes part in the research uses different kinds of digital tools in the work with reading and writing development. The result also shows that the use of digital tools is useful. Some of the opportunities that can be distinguished with the use of these tools are; language development, reading and writing development, development of motor skills, social skills and analytical skills as well as the development of digital skills. The discussion emphasizes the importance of conscious planning based on curricula, where digital tools are being used to complement the traditional education in kindergarten.

Jag tänker bara på vad jag gillar, och sen skriver jag bara : en kvalitativ studie om elevers skrivande i årskurs 2 och 3 / I just think about what I like, and then I just write : a qualitative study about pupils' writing in the first and second grades of the Swedish Compulsory school

Lundquist Utsi, Marilla January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att genom en kvalitativ metod undersöka elevers skrivande och därmed bidra till befintlig forskning om elevers skrivande och vad som kan motivera dem att skriva. Tre frågeställningar har formulerats: Vilka tankar har elever om de egna texternas innehåll? Vad motiverar elever till att skriva? Hur tar lärare tillvara innehållet i elevers texter i sin undervisning enligt dem själva? För att besvara dessa frågor har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med en grupp elever i årskurs 2 och 3 och deras lärare. Databearbetningen har skett med hjälp av en fenomenografisk metod och det sociokulturella perspektivet har fungerat som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultatet visar, i enlighet med tidigare forskning, att elevers skrivande framförallt sker med utgångspunkt i deras egna erfarenheter och intressen, samt att det skrivande de säger sig tycka allra bäst om och därmed även uppfattar som mest motiverande är det där de själva får bestämma över innehållet. Av resultatet framkommer det även att läraren har betydelse för elevernas motivation, till exempel genom sin förmåga att motivera eleverna att skriva utifrån elevernas specifika intressen eller erfarenheter. / The purpose of this study is to, through a qualitative method, examine pupils’ writing, and in doing so contribute to the existing research regarding pupils’ writing and what might motivate their writing. Three research questions are formulated: What thoughts do the pupils have regarding the content of their own texts? What motivate the pupils to write? In what way do teachers, in their own opinion, utilize the contents of the pupils’ texts in their practice? To answer these questions semi-structured interviews were conducted with a group of pupils in grades 2 and 3 and their teachers. Data was processed with a phenomenographic method, and the sociocultural perspective was used as a theoretical framework. In accordance with previous research, the result shows that the pupils’ writing begin with their own experiences and interests. The type of writing they prefer, and regard to be most motivating, is when they themselves can decide the content. From the result it also emerges that the teacher has importance for the pupils’ motivation, for instance in their ability to motivate the pupils to write using their own experiences and specific interests.

Approximations of disciplinary literacy in English Language Arts: an analysis of high school students' developing understanding of literary analysis

Rabold, Jennifer 03 June 2019 (has links)
This study investigated the approximations of disciplinary literacy in high school English Language Arts students’ writing. To study the development of these disciplinary conventions, the portfolios of written literary analyses were examined from fourteen twelfth-grade students over their last two years in high school. The conceptual framework for analysis of data was informed by a developmental approach. Intermediate forms, approximations, or incremental moves students made as they progressed toward the more expert or conventional forms of literary discourse were identified. Analysis focused on macro-characteristics of literary analysis, adapted from the literature on literary studies, rhetoric and composition, and systemic functional linguistics, including Appreciation, Interpretation, Textual Evidence, Warrant, and Response to Literature Genres. Analysis included a cross-case descriptive analysis of macro-characteristic scores on a rubric designed for the study and a cross-case analysis of literary discourse approximations as seen in students’ writing portfolios. Analysis of scores on midterms and finals found that students’ scores increased from Year 1 to Year 2, with Appreciation scores increasing the most. Analysis of literary discourse approximations resulted in several findings: 1) Development in Interpretation was characterized by increasing accuracy of comprehension, logical consistency, and depth of interpretative meaning; 2) Development in Appreciation was characterized by a growing awareness of the role of the author in a literary text; and 3) Response to Literature Genres demonstrated a range of genres, including Character Analysis, Thematic Interpretation, Thematic Analysis, Critical Response, and alternative or hybrid genres. Thematic Analysis is a proposed new genre that differed from the Thematic Interpretation on the elements of subject, audience, and purpose. Additional analysis of student writing portfolios found a growing awareness in many students of the values and beliefs of the academic literary community, or habits of mind of literary disciplinary literacy, including 1) Increased level of familiarity with the audience’s common knowledge in the field, as demonstrated in use of definitions; 2) Understanding of the value of multiple interpretations of literature, as demonstrated in use of graduation resources, such as epistemic hedges or epistemic boosters; and 3) Ability to engage with multiple voices, as demonstrated in instances of intertextuality.

Barns skrivande med digitala verktyg : En enkätstudie om förskollärares perspektiv på skrivutveckling i förskolan / Children's writing with digital tools : A survey study of preschool teachers' perspectives on writing development in preschool

Eliasson, Mathea, Lindgren, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Tidigare forskning belyser att digitala verktyg fått en allt större plats i förskolan vilket innebär både för-och nackdelar med införandet (Forsling, 2020; Kervin, 2016; Marklund och Dunkels, 2016). Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om barns möjligheter till skrivutveckling med hjälp av digitala verktyg utifrån ett förskollärarperspektiv. Olika aspekter av skrivutveckling digitalt eller analogt presenteras i samband med förskollärarnas viktiga roll kring reflektion och närvaro. Det teoretiska perspektiv som genomsyrar detta arbete är det pragmatiska perspektivet och den metodologiska teorin är positivismen. Som datainsamlingsmetod valdes en webbaserad enkät. Resultatet presenteras utifrån de två forskningsfrågorna som studien utgår från för att stödja studien att svara till syftet. Resultatet presenterar olika påverkande faktorer som påverkar barns tillgång till skrivutveckling genom digitala verktyg. Det främst framträdande faktorer är förskollärarnas ämneskunskaper, tillgängligheten av digitala verktyg och förskollärares inställning till digitala verktyg. Barns erfarenheter som grund till utbildningen framställs som en betydande faktor för förskollärarna i resultatet. Utmaningar med skrivutvecklingen genom digitala verktyg är tillgängligheten. Om tillgängligheten inte finns är det svårt att arbeta med. Studiens resultat och diskussion bidrar med kunskap om barns möjligheter till skrivutveckling med hjälp av digitala verktyg utifrån ett förskollärarperspektiv och ger avslutningsvis förslag på vidare forskning.

Skrivundervisning på mellanstadiet : Lärares uppfattningar om analogt och digitalt producerade texter / Writing education in middle school : Teachers' perceptions of analogue and digitally produced texts.

Plantin Ewe, Tilda, Johannesson, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är ett faktum samtidigt som elever uppvisar en viss skrivproblematik sett utifrån de nationella proven i årskurs 6. Delade meningar råder om hur stor plats digitalt skrivande bör få i undervisningen. Föreliggande studies syfte är därför att undersöka sex mellanstadielärares uppfattningar om elevers skrivande utifrån analogt respektive digitalt skrivande i ämnet svenska. För att besvara studiens syfte samlades material in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med behöriga mellanstadielärare som undervisar eller har undervisat i ämnet svenska. Det insamlade materialet analyseras efter innehållsanalys och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt grundar sig i The Simple View of Writing. Resultatet visar att såväl analogt som digitalt skrivande används i undervisningen. Lärarna kan se både likheter och skillnader i elevtexter som skrivs analogt och digitalt. Framförallt karaktäriseras den digitala texten av att vara mer utvecklad, beskrivande och längre. Rättstavningsprogram kan dock medföra en viss problematik då elever begränsas av felmarkeringar eller förhastar sig genom arbetet utan vidare reflektion. Utifrån det analyserade empiriska materialet konstateras att lärares didaktiska kompetens är avgörande och att varken det ena eller andra skrivsättet bör uteslutas i undervisningen. Lärare behöver reflektera kring vilket skrivsätt som fungerar bäst i sammanhanget för att främja elevers skrivutveckling.

Skriva med digitala hjälpmedel eller för hand? : En studie om elevers skrivutveckling

Swärd Willman, Johanna, Netzel, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Traditional writing instruction is disappearing increasingly and digital aids are taking over writing instruction. Research highlights the benefits of having students write by hand because it promotes learning. Unlike having students write with digital tools that are not as favorable. Research has shown that there are many benefits to students 'writing development when they write by hand, the study therefore aims to examine how teachers motivate the use of digital writing tools to promote students' writing development. The study has undergone a qualitative research method where teachers active in year F-3 have been interviewed. The teachers in the study have been interviewed about how they use digital tools in the classroom when it comes to writing lessons and teachers' attitude towards using digital writing tools. The study showed that teachers are positive about using digital tools when teaching writing because the tools contribute to students' motivation to write. Digital aids benefit students' writing development where they develop writing skills. Teachers see digital writing tools as a complement to traditional writing instruction. Based on the study, the authors also conclude that digital tools in teaching are directly decisive for students who for various reasons are in need of support for their continued development in writing teaching. Keywords: writing development analog writing tools, digital tools, traditional writing instruction.


JESSICA SILVA BARCELLOS 19 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese analisa o processo de escrita de alunos do terceiro e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental, com foco nas ações de revisão realizadas. Investigamos em que medida as ações de revisão dos alunos dos dois grupos se diferenciam em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, em tarefas de revisão do próprio texto e em tarefas de revisão de textos escritos por seus pares. O referencial teórico adotado abarca estudos em Psicolinguística, Psicologia Cognitiva e Linguística textual. Foi realizado um conjunto de três atividades experimentais, que abordaram tanto a revisão de aspectos formais quanto de aspectos de conteúdo do texto. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a quantidade e o tipo de ação de revisão variam de acordo com o nível de escolaridade, o tipo de tarefa de escrita (enredo livre e reprodução de histórias conhecidas) e a familiaridade com texto (se o aluno revisa o próprio texto ou um texto produzido por um colega). Nas categorias estabelecidas para as ações de revisão, há diferenças expressivas tanto na comparação da frequência de revisão em cada categoria e também diferenças entre o grau de complexidade das ações propostas na mesma categoria. Quatro aspectos da revisão foram analisados de forma mais minuciosa neste trabalho, buscando examinar grau de refinamento entre ações de revisão: ortografia, pontuação, correferência e incoerências semânticas. Os resultados contribuíram para a elaboração de possíveis marcos de desenvolvimento associados ao expertise em escrita. Além da contribuição teórica relacionada aos estudos sobre desenvolvimento da escrita, esta tese possui um potencial aplicado, por meio da elaboração de uma matriz com habilidades associadas a aspectos linguísticos-textuais relevantes para o ensino da escrita ao longo do Ensino Fundamental, considerando as demandas cognitivas e linguísticas envolvidas na produção textual. / [en] This work analyzes the writing process of 3rd and 5th grade students, focusing on the revision actions they produce. We investigate if the revision actions of both groups differ in quantitative and qualitative terms, in tasks where they revise the text they have written and also in tasks where the text was written by another person. Our theoretical framework includes studies in Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and textual Linguistics. A set of three experimental activities was carried out, which addressed both revision of formal aspects and aspects related to the textual content. The results indicate that the amount and the type of revision actions vary according to schooling, the type of writing task (free plot and reproduction of known stories) and familiarity with the text (if the student revises his own text or a text written by another person). Concerning the categories established for revision actions, there were significant differences both in the comparison of categories and also differences between the degree of complexity in the same category. Four revision aspects were analyzed in a more detailed way: orthography, punctuation, coreference and semantic inconsistences. The results contributed to set possible development stages related to writing expertise. Besides the theoretical contribution to writing development studies, this thesis has also an applied potential: a grade of linguistic-textual abilities which are relevant to teaching writing in Elementary school and that considers the cognitive and linguistic demand involved in textual production.

Att göra det ena eller det andra? : En kvalitativ undersökning av SFI-lärares läs- och skrivutvecklande arbetssätt på studieväg 1

Mohamadali, Mohamad January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine the teachers’ working methods for reading and writing development among adult learners who are at the beginning of their literacy development, as the methods for reading and writing development can vary depending on research, activities and teachers. Semi-structured interviews and observations are used to answer the research questions, and the data that emerges is processed with a thematic analysis method. The results show that repetition and support, both by teachers as well as students, are integrated parts of study path 1. According to the findings, study part 1’s primary goal is to help students become functionally literate, which calls for a basic understanding of reading and writing. At the same time, methods for reading and writing development such as the sound method, the Witting method, the whole word method and visual support (which is compared to the Bornholm model in this study) are useful for the study path’s goal. Following this, the results based on the research methodologies are compared to the theoretical foundations and the prior research before being further analyzed from a critical perspective. In conclusion, it is possible to notice a degree of agreement amongst the interviewed teachers and how their methods and strategies are practiced during the observations with the aim of enhancing the reading and writing development among adult learners who are at the beginning of their literacy development. Song and imagery are employed as a tool to contextualize the sounds and the new words, whereas the sound method, the Witting method and the whole word method are recurring and more well-established techniques.

Change Over TIme in Children's Co-Constructed Writing

Harmey, Sinead J. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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