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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det digitala fotoalbumet

Cederbom, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sättet som vi använder fotografier på har utvecklats genom åren och sedan de första fotografierna uppstod har det hänt mycket. Det har inte bara blivit mycket lättare att kopiera och massproducera motiv utan också billigare. Detta har medfört att privatpersoner kan fotografera och kopiera sina bilder enklare och med mindre begränsningar.</p><p>Även möjligheten att publicera bilder har förändrats. Privata fotografier gick inte att sprida på samma sätt som det går idag, utan går nu att hitta utan någon som helst ansträngning på nätet. Bloggar och bilddagböcker har skapats där man lägger ut sina bilder utan att kanske tänka på att hela världen faktiskt kan se och ta del av dem. Det är viktigt att användare av internet är medvetna om hur de personliga bilderna sprids och arkiveras i de digitala bilddatabaserna.</p><p>Jag kommer i denna uppsats att diskutera digitala fotoalbum med utgångspunkt från Bilddagboken.se. Detta är dock det enda digitala fotoalbum som jag kommer att diskutera i min uppsats, men jag är medveten om att det finns andra typer av digitala fotoalbum som skiljer sig en hel del från Bilddagboken.se. Anledningen till att jag valde just denna sajt som utgångspunk är för att den i första hand är baserad på fotografier och bilder. Bilddagboken.se är också en av de största i Sverige just nu.</p><p>Bilddagboken.se går att använda på olika sätt beroende på medlemmens syfte och mål med publiceringen. Åldern på hemsidans besökare varierar, men uppskattningsvis ligger medelåldern på 14- 20 år. Det är en låg ålder och det är tydligt att ungdomarna inte är medvetna om riskerna de tar då de lägger ut sina bilder. Det är inte ovanligt att de visar upp sig både halvnakna och alkoholpåverkade, och de lägger inte bara ut bilder på sig själva utan också på sina vänner och bekanta.</p><p>Jag har valt att göra min uppsats hypermedial eftersom jag anser att det blir mer spännande att läsa en uppsats på detta vis. Mitt mål var att forma den som en traditionell uppsats, till skillnad från att länkar och rubriker är klickbara. På så vis kan man välja vilka delar och i vilken ordning man vill läsa uppsatsen.</p><p>Uppsatsen finns även som hypermedial version.</p>

Articulating Social Change in Puerto Rico: Environmental Education as a Model for Youth Socio-Political Development and Community-Led School Reform

Cintrón-Moscoso, Federico 07 April 2010 (has links)
Recent attempts at developing an environmental education agenda in public schools emphasize the need to foster greater public awareness about environmental rights, issues, and solutions, while producing citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to address the ecological challenges of contemporary society. However, some scholars have argued that the attempt to integrate environmental principles into the school curricula has created a conflict between the politically-oriented goals of environmental education and the more passive practices of uncritical assimilation and reproduction found in many schools today (Stevenson 2007). Moreover, although there is a need for public schools to take on the challenge of prioritizing environmental education, they may not be ready to do so. Ideological conflicts, structural constraints and perceptions about the urgency of the problem seem to affect the ways in which implementation of these new philosophies and practices take place. One approach that the environmental movement in Puerto Rico is utilizing to fulfill what they perceive as their responsibility to the new generations of Puerto Ricans and society at large is to partner with local elementary public schools in an effort to develop activities and knowledge relevant to local ecological issues and environmental principles. To better understand this complex articulation, I set out to conduct an ethnographic case study of Conuco, a youth-led activist group working in collaboration with four elementary schools in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. Utilizing an eco-critical approach, this study looks at the multiple-levels in which Conuco intersects as a public organization and a transformative space for its individual members. By caring for and working with elementary school children, the young people in the study learn to behave in ways that are ecologically conscious while, at the same time, fulfilling their perceived social responsibility as mentors and environmental activists. However, while these practices might improve the performance of individual teachers and the level of awareness and participation of particular groups of students, they raise questions about the ability of the school system to confront these new challenges systematically by transforming the system of instruction and improving its commitment to the environment. How effective these strategies are and what they mean for all involved-teachers, students, and activists-are the primary questions being explored in this study.

Exploring the Association of Suicide Ideation and Risky Behaviors: Analyzing Trends in Guyana and Exploring Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America

Kuldip, Yogeeta January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of high-risk and social behaviors amongst adolescents in the low- and middle-income country (LMIC) of Guyana, in which suicide ideation is not well understood amongst the indicated population and is holds the second highest rate in the world. The analysis was completed alongside an analysis of these same behaviors among adolescents in the United States alongside with the country of Trinidad and Tobago, to identify possible differences in trends and contribute to an understanding of global best practices. The most recent data available from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS) for the LMICs stated and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey for the United States was used. Within the LMICs, there exists a lack of laws, policies, and plans to curb rates in poor high-risk and social behaviors noted. The lack of these action plans correlates to the rates notated. In comparison to the United States where more action plans exist; the correlated rates are not as prevalent. It is also important to note that there are limitations of this study, including differences in the datasets used for each country. In addition, the survey collection process itself might have introduced bias due to the sensitive nature of the questions. However even with these limitations, this study is only the second empirical effort to comprehensively understand suicidal behaviors amongst in-school adolescents in Guyana and the first empirical effort to understand suicidal behaviors amongst in-school adolescents in Trinidad and Tobago as data is limited in these countries are limited but especially amongst adolescents. Although it cannot be extrapolated that the lack of these action plans directly causes high rates of risky behaviors and poor social behaviors; it can be theorized that having more action plans might curb rates and therefore be a key protective factor for future implementation of prevention and intervention programs aimed for this population.

The design, implementation and evaluation of a peer group sexuality psycho-education programme for university students

Greeff, Lise-Marie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Health and social problems associated with the high-risk sexual behaviour of young people worldwide gave rise to the priority status accorded to sex education in the past decade. Despite the attention focused on and the goals set for sexual health education, surveys indicate that the AIDS epidemic is still spreading, STD infections are increasing and a growing number of unwanted pregnancies are reported every year. It seems therefore that many young people are not yet able to manage their sexual health effectively and sex educators are confronted with the challenge to provide more effective sexl education interventions. This study attempted to address the need for effective sexuality education for young people by designing, implementing and evaluating a peer group sexuality psycho-education programme targeted at university students. The process of programme development was guided by the phases proposed by the Psycho-education model: Phase 1: Problem-identification. This phase entailed becoming aware of the problem through media attention, social awareness, discussions with members of the community and exploring problems around young people's sexual health through an extensive literature review. Phase 2: Situation Analysis. During this phase the researcher clarified the identified problem by conceptualizing and defining relevant concepts and identifying theoretical frameworks and principles that could be used to address the problem. as well as the Action Research model were identified as useful theories. Phase 3: Development of the programme. The Information-Motivation-Behavioural skills (1MB) model and the Guerney model were used to guide the design of the programme. Phases 4, 5 and 6: Implementation, evaluation and re-evaluation. These interdependent phases entailed three consecutive implementations of the sexuality psycho-education programme. The principles of Action Research were used to guide the implementation and evaluation processes. Evaluation of qualitative data obtained through participatory research after each implementation allowed for continuous adaptation and improvement of the programme. At the end of the third implementation quantitative data was supplemented by quantitative data obtained with a pen-and-paper test-retest method. Quantitative results indicated that the sexuality education programme significantly increased subjects' knowledge regarding sex en sexuality, but did not have a significant impact on attitudes and perceived behavioural skills. There was an indication that clarification of attitudes had been promoted, and that attitudes relating to the use of contraception had positively changed. Furthermore, a significant change in perceived behavioural skills regarding communication about and behaviour for the prevention of HIV/STDs had been achieved. Qualitative evaluation indicated that subjects felt more positive about using condoms and about communicating with their partners about the use of contraceptives. Step 6 and full circle back to step 1: Final Re-evaluation and problem-identification. During this phase the researcher reviewed the outcomes of the intervention. New problems were identified and recommendations made for future continuation. The researcher concluded that the deficits in research methodology, such as a lack of structured qualitative evaluation, hampered effective evaluation of the programme. Further research needs to be conducted to develop appropriate theoretical frameworks and measuringinstruments with which to inform and evaluate the effectiveness of sex education programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gesondheids- en maatskaplike probleme wat verband hou met die hoë-risiko seksuele gedrag van jongmense wêreldwyd het daartoe gelei dat seksonderrig gedurende die afgelope dekade voorrang geniet het. Ondanks die toespitsing op seksuele gesondheid, en die doelwitte daarvoor gestel, toon peilings dat die VIGS-epidemie steeds versprei, seksueel-oordraagbare siektes (STDs) toeneem, en 'n groeiende aantalongewenste swangerskappe jaarliks aangemeld word. Dit blyk dus dat 'n groot aantal jongmense nie in staat is om hulle seksuele gesondheid effektief te bestuur nie en seksopvoeders word gekonfronteer met die uitdaging om meer effektiewe seksopvoedingsintervensies te verskaf. Met hierdie studie is onderneem om die behoefte aan doeltreffende seksualiteitsopvoeding vir jongmense aan te spreek, deur die samestelling, toepassing en evaluering van 'n portuurgroep seksualiteit psigo-opleidingsprogram gemik op universiteitstudente. Die proses van programontwikkeling is gelei deur die fases wat voorgestel is deur die Psigo-onderrigmodel: Fase 1: Probleemidentifikasie: Dié fase het kennisname van die probleem behels as gevolg van die aandag daaraan gewy in die media en as gevolg van maatskaplike bewustheid, asook deur bespreking met lede van die gemeenskap en deur ondersoek van probleme in verband met die seksuele welstand van jongmense deur middel van 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie. Fase 2: Situasieanalise: Gedurende hierdie fase het die navorser die geïdentifiseerde probleem duideliker omskryf deur die relevante konsepte te konseptualiseer en omskryf, en teoretiese raamwerke en beginsels te identifiseer wat gebruik kon word om die probleem aan te pak. Fase 3: Ontwikkeling van die program: Die Informasie-Motivering-Gedragsvaardigheidsmodel (IMG) en die Guernymodel is gebruik as raamwerke vir die ontwerp van die program. Fases 4, 5 en 6: Implementering, evaluasie en her-evaluasie. Hierdie interafhanklike fases het drie opeenvolgende implementerings van die seksualiteit-psigo-opleidingsprogram behels. Die beginsels van Aksienavorsing is toegepas in die implementering- en evaluasieprosesse. Evaluasie van kwalitatiewe data, verkry deur deelnemende navorsing na elke implementering, het deurlopende aanpassing en verbetering van die program moontlik gemaak. Aan die einde van die derde implementering is kwantitatiewe data aangevul deur data wat verkry is deur 'n pen-en-papier toets-hertoets-metode. Stap 6 en terug tot by stap 1: Finale re-evaluasie en probleemidentifikasie. Gedurende hierdie fase het die navorser die resultate van die intervensie ontleed. Nuwe probleme is geïdentifiseer en aanbeveliings vir toekomstige voortsetting is gemaak. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die tekortkominge in die navorsingsmetodologie - byvoorbeeld, 'n gebrek aan gestruktureerde kwalitatiewe evaluering - verhinder het dat effektiewe evaluering van die program kon plaasvind. Verdere navorsing word benodig om toepaslike teoretiese raamwerke en meetinstrumente te ontwikkel wat aangewend kan word om die ontwerp van seksopvoedingsprogramme te rig en die effektief van programme te evalueer.

Gruppen en del av individen : en studie om hur ungdomsgruppen påverkar och har betydelse för individen på HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Trägårdh, Kerstin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Ett samarbete sinsemellan : Ungdomsorganisationer

Vöcks, Hanna, Latifaj, Albina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det är ofta man får höra och läsa om att barn och ungdomar ses som ett problem i samhället utifrån deras handlingar och beteende.  Under de senaste åren har ungdomsorganisationer ökat i antal vilket har gjort att ungdomarna har fler ställen att gå till och tillbringa sin lediga tid på.</p><p>Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka några ungdomsorganisationer genom att intervjua anställda inom organisationerna och på så sätt få en uppfattning om deras syn på arbetet, filosofin och utvecklingen i organisationen.</p><p>De teorier vi har valt att använda oss av i vårt arbete är human resource management (organisations uppbyggnad), grupp processer samt samspel inom relationella perspektiv. För att på bästa sätt kunna undersöka det har vi valt att utgå från kvalitativa intervjuer på grund av vår undersökning präglas av de anställdas känslor och tankar som är svåra att beräkna i kvantitativa undersökningar.</p><p>Det vi fått fram under vår tid med uppsatsen är att samarbete mellan organisationer är något som uppskattas och visar en framgång i arbetet med barn och ungdomar. Där det brister i de organisationer vi varit ute på är i den ekonomiska delen som till exempel visar sig i för få anställda. Det positiva är att man ständigt ser en positiv utveckling inom ungdomsorganisationerna som i sin tur påverkar samhället</p> / <p>It is often we hear and read about the children and young people are seen as a problem in society based on their actions and behavior. In recent years youth organizations have increased in number which has led to that the young people have more places to go and spend their leisure time on.</p><p> The aim of this work is to investigate some youth organizations by interviewing employees in organizations and thus get an idea of their approach to work, philosophy and development of the organization.</p><p>The theories we have chosen to avail ourselves of our work is human resource management (organizational structure), group processes and interactions within the relational perspective. To best way to explore it, we have chosen to rely on qualitative interviews as a result of our investigation is marked by the employees' feelings and thoughts that are difficult to calculate in quantitative studies.</p><p>What we come up during our time with the essay is that collaboration between organizations is appreciated and shows a success in work with children and adolescents. There are weaknesses in the organizations we have been looking at, and it is the economic aspect such as is found in too few employees.  The good thing is that you always see a positive development in youth organizations, which in turn affects society.</p>

Hur ser skolkuratorer och skolsköterskor på självskadebeteende hos högstadieelever? : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och förståelseutifrån riktlinjer och policys

Dåverud, Lindha, Dellevåg, Annika January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

”Att tycka synd om de här barnen gagnar dom inte ett dugg” : en kvalitativ studie om barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet och deras särskilda behov av stöd / ”To feel sorry for these children will not benefit them at all” : A qualitative research about children who have witnessed domestic violence and their specific needs for support

Berisha, Sanije, Wittrin, Sara January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Gruppen en del av individen : en studie om hur ungdomsgruppen påverkar och har betydelse för individen på HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Trägårdh, Kerstin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis, när ett barn misstänks för ett brott : - En kvalitativ studie, ur ett myndighetsperspektiv / Cooperation between the police and the social service when a child is suspected of a crime : from the view of the authorities

Persson, Jonna, Svensson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of our study is to see how the interaction between the social services and police work when a child under 15 years is suspected of crimes. What happens to the child from an agency perspective? How is the experience for the child and how do they get their voices heard? How is the professional perspective for a child when a child is suspected of a crime? What do the various authorities for short-term and long-term measures for the child? We have chosen to do a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The study includes six interviews with two police officers, three field secretaries and a social worker in two different municipalities. A medium sized municipality, and a larger community. The people we interviewed think differently about collaboration. The municipality have different workforms. In the smaller municipality works a social worker at the police station once or twice a week. While in the larger municipality the police and social worker work separately but together nonetheless. The result shows that they are not completely satisfied with the interaction that is today, but it takes a lot of time to build it up and it can always be better. Furthermore, the study shows that the lack of time and resource issues control much of social service work. For the analyzes we have used a theory of interaction. The result shows that the professionals are using the children’s perspective a lot when they are working with children who are suspected of crime.

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