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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anwendung von Marketingstrategien zur Optimierung der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation in Zoologischen Gärten

Kögler, Julia 24 February 2014 (has links)
Zoologische Gärten (Zoos) haben den Auftrag, zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) beizutragen. Allerdings ist umstritten, welche Wirkung die angebotenen Bildungsmaßnahmen bei Zoobesuchern erzielen. In Anlehnung an Vorgehensweisen aus dem Bereich der persuasiven Werbekommunikation ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie die weiterführende Beschreibung der Zielgruppe Zoobesucher anhand kommunikationsrelevanter psychologischer Merkmale ebenso wie die empirische Überprüfung der Wirkung gedruckter Nachhaltigkeitsbotschaften auf Zoobesucher. Dafür wurden 310 Besuchern des Zoologischen Garten Magdeburgs Nachhaltigkeitsbotschaften mit emotional positiv bzw. negativ gefärbten Inhalten, regionalen bzw. überregionalen thematischen Inhalten oder informativen bzw. lösungsorientierten Inhalten an einem Eye-Tracker präsentiert. Dabei wurden das Blickverhalten und die nachhaltige Verhaltensabsichten der Probanden registriert. Demografische und psychologische Merkmale sowie das Erinnerungsvermögen der Probanden an vorab betrachtete Inhalte wurden per Fragebogen erhoben. Im Ergebnis zeigten sich die Probanden als überwiegend erholungs- und freizeitmotiviert und als gegenüber Nachhaltigkeitsthemen gering involviert. Das Blickverhalten der Probanden war unabhängig von der emotionalen Färbung der Nachhaltigkeitsbotschaften. Auch die nachhaltigen Verhaltensabsichten standen nicht in Zusammenhang mit der emotionalen Färbung bzw. dem thematischen Inhalt der Botschaften. Im Vergleich zu lösungsorientierten Inhalten zeigten sich Probanden stärker an informativen Inhalten interessiert und betrachteten diese intensiver. Gleichwohl war ihre Erinnerungsleistung an lösungsorientierte Inhalte besser. Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund der interdisziplinären theoretischen Grundlagen diskutiert und münden in fünf anwendungsorientierten Vorschlägen zur Optimierung gedruckter Nachhaltigkeitsbotschaften in Zoos. / Zoological Gardens (zoos) are mandated to take active part in public conservation education. The true impact of those education efforts on zoo visitors, however, remains subject to discussion. Employing theories from the field of persuasive marketing communication the study aims at broadening the understanding of the target group’s characteristics relevant for successful communication and at empirically investigating the impact of printed conservation messages on zoo visitors. 310 visitors of Zoo Magdeburg were shown presentations containing either emotionally positive or negative content, regionally or globally related content or informative or solution-oriented content. During viewing the participants’ visual attention was recorded using eye tracking. At the end of the presentation participants were requested to indicate their intentions for sustainable behaviour by mouse-click. Their demographic and psychological characteristics as well as their recall ability for viewed content were investigated with a questionnaire. Findings suggest that zoo visitors regard zoos as locations for recreation rather than for education and that they should be considered a low involvement target group with regards to topics concerning sustainability. The visual attention of participants was independent of the contents’ emotional bias. Similarly, intentions for behaving in a sustainable way were neither influenced by the emotional bias nor by the topic portrayed. Participants indicated higher interest for informative content than for solution-oriented content and also looked at informative content more intensively. Nevertheless, the recall test revealed better memorization of solution-oriented content. The findings are discussed with regards to the interdisciplinary theoretical background. As a conclusion five suggestions are made on how to optimize the impact of printed conservation messages in zoos.

The diversity of actuarial senescence across mammals : demographic data from captive populations reveal the influence of sexual selection / Diversité des patrons de sénescence de survie chez les mammifères : influence de la sélection sexuelle révélée par l'utilisation de données démographiques issues de populations captives

Tidière, Morgane 07 December 2016 (has links)
La sénescence de survie est un processus défini comme le déclin progressif des probabilités de survivre en fonction de l'âge, et caractérisé par deux paramètres clés : l'âge de début de sénescence et le taux de sénescence. En dépit de son caractère délétère sur la fitness, la sénescence est observée chez la plupart des êtres vivants et plusieurs théories évolutives de la sénescence ont été proposées pour expliquer ce paradoxe. Chez les mammifères, il existe une grande diversité de patrons de sénescence de survie entre les espèces, mais aussi entre les sexes. En général, les males sénescent plus tôt et plus vite que les femelles, et vivent donc moins longtemps. Un des objectifs de ma thèse fut d'identifier un (des) facteur(s), qui pourraient expliquer cette diversité aussi bien au niveau inter- que intra-spécifique chez les mammifères. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé une approche comparative qui corrige pour la phylogénie, et des données démographiques issues de populations captives (base de données Species360). Ma thèse confirme tout d'abord l'idée commune que les mammifères vivent généralement plus longtemps en captivité qu'en milieu sauvage, mais ce bénéfice est plus important pour les espèces ayant un cycle de vie rapide que pour celles ayant un cycle de vie très lent. De plus, l'intensité de la sélection sexuelle explique en partie les différences de patron de sénescence avec, chez les ruminants, les mâles des espèces polygynes commençant leur sénescence plus tôt et vivant moins longtemps que les mâles des espèces monogames. Cette thèse démontre également l'importance de définir précisément la forme et la force des relations allométriques pour éviter toute erreur d'interprétation. Enfin, mes résultats montrent que les pratiques managériales en zoo, plus que l'allocation à la reproduction, influencent le patron de sénescence de deux espèces de Varis. En conclusion, ma thèse a permis de mettre en évidence l'importance d'inclure les concepts de la sélection sexuelle dans le contexte des théories évolutives actuelles. Enfin, l'étude des facteurs ayant une influence sur le patron de sénescence de survie des espèces menacées, que cela soit en captivité ou dans leur milieu naturel, devrait permettre d'obtenir des informations clés pour aider à la conservation de ces espèces / The process of actuarial senescence is defined as the progressive decline of survival per time unit with increasing age and can be characterized by two keys metrics corresponding to the age at the onset of senescence and the rate of senescence. Despite its detrimental effect in terms of fitness, senescence is a nearly ubiquitous process across the tree of life and several evolutionary theories of senescence have been proposed to solve this apparent paradox. Across mammals, a large diversity of actuarial senescence patterns is observed among species, but also between sexes, with males often living shorter than females. One objective of my Ph.D. was to identify factor(s) influencing survival and actuarial senescence at inter- and intra-specific levels using a phylogenetic comparative approach based on demographic data obtained from captive populations (Species360 database). My thesis first confirms the common belief that mammals in zoos generally outlive their wild counterparts, but fast-living species benefit more of captive condition than slow-living species. In addition, I found that sexual selection intensity partly account for the diversity of actuarial senescence patterns with males of polygynous ruminant senescing earlier and living shorter than males of monogamous ruminants. Moreover, I highlight that evolutionary allometry of sexually selected traits need to be determined accurately to avoid any misinterpretation. Finally, my results confirm that management practices in zoos influence actuarial senescence pattern at intra-specific level in two species of Varecia but not the allocation in reproduction. In conclusion, my Ph.D. highlights the importance to include the concept of sexual selection within the evolutionary framework of current theories of senescence. Finally, the study of factors influencing the actuarial senescence patterns of threatened species is likely to provide key information in conservation projects of these species

Må era själar ruttna i helvetet!!! : En fallstudie om aktiva publics på Facebook

Rudvall, Jennie, Westin, Jessica January 2013 (has links)
Att som organisation existera på sociala medier är inte alltid lätt. Enorma möjligheter finns att interagera med sina publics och intressenter, men vad händer dagen när något går snett? Människor rasar över en händelse och skriver tusentals inlägg på organisationens sida som helt förlorat kontrollen över innehållet. Mordhot haglar i takt med ironiseringar och förtvivlan från människor. En organisation som vet hur det känns är Parken Zoo. 17 oktober 2012 sände tv-programmet Kalla Fakta en granskning av Parken Zoos hantering av djur som fick stora konsekvenser för parken. Enligt Kalla Fakta avlivades utrotningshotade djur utan tecken på sjukdom. Djurparkschefen hävdade att djuren flyttats till andra djurparker eller dött av ålder, något som Kalla Fakta motbevisade genom en lång filmfrekvens av döda djur i en frys. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att beskriva de publics som skrev inlägg på Parken Zoos Facebooksida, hur de tog sig i uttryck och varför de skrev inlägg efter Kalla Faktas avslöjande. För att kunna besvara syftet användes innehållsanalys av Facebookinlägg med en kompletterande frågeundersökning till utvalda personer.

近代臺灣動物文化史:以臺北圓山動物園為主的探討 / A Cultural History of Animals in Modern Taiwan: a case study of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan

鄭麗榕, Cheng, Li Jung Unknown Date (has links)
公共動物園被引入臺灣的歷史才僅一世紀之久,但在這短短的百年之間,它的樣貌已歷經多重改變。1910年代起臺北動物園本是總督府博物館下的一支,後移入圓山成為都市公園的一角,再後是遊樂園與動物表演的娛樂場,到1980年代下半加入學校校外教學輔助場域的功能,並利用物種的保存基地(「方舟」)口號建構自我的存在意義。而在經營主體上,臺灣的公共動物園多以市級公立機構的形式經營, 20世紀初是作為帝國(國家)或地區城市的文明設施,園中動物成為市民的共同寵物;而在1970年代起受全球環境政治影響,動物園組織集團化,知識交流頻繁,動物的飼養、登錄、繁殖、交換等各項管理更具有國際視野,園內動物在全球生態系中的自然資產價值也被強調。 在探究動物園急欲與過去的娛樂歷史劃清界限的原因的同時,本文擬在探討國家、社會對圈養野生動物的利用面向之外,也思考被圈養的野生動物在不同時期的處境,牠們(或牠們的血統來源者)如何從棲地被帶到城市?在動物園這個空間如何被安排融入人類社會,成為人類社會生活的一部分?因此本文的書寫方式並不是一部單純的動物園園史或動物園經營史,而是期望從動物文化史的角度談動物園的歷史。 無論是前述各種對動物的資源化運用,或基於環境主義對瀕臨絕種動物的保育以及環境教育的新目標,動物園內的動物作為生命個體的意義在何時開始被注意到、甚至受到重視,都是值得關切的動物園歷史問題。動物園中的動物在人們眼中並不等值,受重視者生前、死後在園中都經過特意的文化儀式處理,包括命名、婚配、標本化與在展示中意欲喚起人們對該動物在人類社會扮演的角色的記憶。本文除思考圓山動物園自開園以還,園內動物被施行肉體虐待的問題,並提及戰爭結束前,幾位名人遊客描寫圓山動物園內人氣動物在圈養中身心困頓的處境,也探討動物園經營者自1970年代開始承認空間規劃等管理與動物福祉的直接關聯。雖然戰後1950年代臺北動物園的職員已創組愛護動物協會,但是其對愛護的觀念,是侷限在購買更多的珍奇動物、訓練動物表演、作動物展覽等娛樂人們的活動,與考量動物本身需求的關愛仍有相當的距離。更多探索動物與人類社會相遇的歷史,必有助於吾人思考真正的人與自然關係和諧之道,這也是本文撰寫的主要動機。 / The concept of public zoo was first introduced into Taiwan about one hundred years ago in 1910s. Although the zoo history in Taiwan was short, its role and function was still vital and changed many times. The Taipei Zoo was originally established as an adjunct to the Taiwan Governor Museum; however, it was later made accessible to the public as a park in Yuan-shan and transformed to be a playground and a place for animal performances as well. In the late 1980s, zoos in Taiwan, taking the responsibility for educating visitors especially young students, became a spot for field trip and started to be aware of the need to engage in species conservation (like the ark) so as to construct its meaning and importance. Most of public zoos in Taiwan were governmental institutions. At the beginning of 20th century, a zoo was a facility which represented civilization of a progressive empire, country or city. Animals in zoos were like “pets” for all citizens. In the 1970s, global environmental and political situations influenced ways to manage zoos. The collectivization of zoos became popular. Many of them cooperated and shared zoological researches with others more frequently. Besides, there showed a more international vision in nursing, registering, breeding or exchanging animals in zoos. Their values and positions in the global ecosystem were eventually emphasized. In addition to exploring the reason why zoos strived to make a clean break from their past, this thesis intends to discuss how the country or the society utilized captive wild animals and to examine situations of captive wild animals in different periods as well. How were they (or their ancestors) brought from their habitats in the wild to cities? How were they arranged to integrate into human society and became a part of people’s social life? Therefore, this study is not a history of a particular zoo or about zoo management. Instead, this thesis attempts to demonstrate the zoo history from a viewpoint of a cultural history of animals. In the field of the zoo history, it is worth considering when animals in zoos were treated or respected as individual subjects since they were often used as resources to meet people’s needs. The development of environmentalism strengthened the idea of conserving and breeding endangered species and also evolved new thinking for environmental education. In fact, there still existed a hierarchy to classify animals in zoos. Those who were carefully chosen and raised would experience specific cultural rituals such as naming or pairing during their lifetime. After they died, they would be preserved as biological specimen and displayed to the public to intentionally recall people’s memory of their roles in human society. This thesis not only examines issues like animal abuse from the opening of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan but also refers to some celebrities’ descriptions of popular animal stars’ physical and mental illness due to being confined within enclosures before the end of World War II. Moreover, it reveals that from the 1970s managers of zoos began to pay attention to animal welfare when making spatial planning or managing the zoo. Even though in the 1950s staff in Taipei Zoo founded a society for animals’ care and protection, they still strictly focused on buying precious animals, training them to perform tricks for visitors or exhibiting them in order to entertain human beings. These behaviors could be scarcely comparable to those caring actions designed to meet animals’ real needs. To explore history of human-animal interaction more fully can surely help us to think about how to live more harmoniously with nature. This is indeed the main goal for this thesis.

Inte bara en kommentar : En studie om krishantering på sociala medier

Pettersson, Malin, White, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Title: It’s not just a comment – a study about Crisis Management on Social Media Author: Malin Pettersson 910624 and Amanda White 920310 Year: Spring 2014 Level: Bachelor degree Department: School of Business and Economics Supervisor: Carina Holmgren Examiner: Frederic Bill   Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a theoretical model for Crisis Management on social media.   Method: The overall literature that was found consisted of traditional Crisis Management and the communication that goes with it, and it was mainly written for traditional channels such as newspapers. The theories could not concretely describe how organizations should handle crisis in Social Media. Therefore, this study focuses on if and how organizations can use the traditional theories when working with crisis management in social media. Through a qualitative method the study has examined and tested the model on three crises, and subsequently improved the model based on the empirical material and  the analysis that was made.   Conclusion: The conclusion found that organizations need to adjust their crisis management after following guidelines for it to work on social media: -    Strategies should be limited to only one, and be either a rebuilding strategy or a bolstering strategy. -    The focus should be on emotional communication, and regarding the rational aspects the focus should be on actual actions and plans for the future. -    Clear guidelines for what type of questions and critics that should be answered should be set. Due to time restrictions questions and critics that communicate direct attacks and/or has playful undertones should be filtered out. -    Spokespersons can be many, which amplifies the need of clear guidelines and a coherent choice of strategy. Further, the messages should all be signed the same regardless of its creator. A good choice is therefore to sign it with the organizations name. -    Social media demands constant presence as the organizations must answer comments quickly, preferably within the hour of their publication. They must also quickly share information to make sure they are first with defining the crisis events. Furthermore, organizations should be active on all the social media channels where they have an account to avoid creating a forum for only speculations, rumors and discussions between stakeholders. -    Authorities should not stand alone in the spotlight, and they should not act alone on the organizations social media channels. Keywords: Crisis Management, Crisis Communication, Crisis Response, Response stage, Social Media, Preventable Crisis, Findus, Max, Parken Zoo.

Från tropisk hetta till arktisk kyla : En kvalitativ studie av Parken Zoos kriskommunikation på Facebook

Ottosson, Emily, Persson, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Parken Zoo använde sig av Facebook för att kommunicera med sina intressenter under en kris som drabbade organisationen hösten 2012. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys studerade vi de Facebookinlägg som Parken Zoo hade publicerat under krisen. Därefter genomförde vi en kvalitativ intervju med marknadschefen på Parken Zoo, som var ansvarig för kommunikationen på Facebook under krisen. Med hjälp av ett analysverktyg baserat på situational crisis communication theory och image restoration theory kunde vi avgöra vilka försvarsstrategier Parken Zoo hade använt i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade att Parken Zoo omedvetet hade använt många olika försvarsstrategier, men att tre tydliga budskap förmedlades i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade också att Parken Zoos syfte var att använda Facebook som ett dialogverktyg, men att de i själva verket använde Facebook för att sprida enkelriktad kommunikation. En slutsats vi kunde dra från studen var att det är viktigt för organisationer att vårda sina kundrelationer genom att bemöta intressenternas frågor och kommentarer på sin Facebooksida under en kris. En annan slutsats var att det är viktigt för organisationer att ha en god krisberedskap och att inkludera Facebook i den. / The purpose of this study was to examine how Parken Zoo used Facebook to communicatate with their stakeholders during a crisis 2012. Using a qualitative textual analysis, we examined Parken Zoo’s Face- book posts during the crisis. Next, we conducted a qualitative interview with the marketing manager at Parken Zoo, who was responsible for the organization’s communication on Facebook during the crisis. Using an analysis tool based on situational crisis communication theory and image restoration theory, we assessed which crisis response strategies Parken Zoo had used in their Facebook posts. The results showed that Parken Zoo subconsciously had used many different crisis response strategies, but that three clear messages were conveyed in the Facebook posts. The results also showed that Parken Zoo’s aim was to use Facebook as a dialogue tool, but in fact they used it for one-way communication. One conclusion from this study was that it is important for organizations to care for their relationship with the stakeholders by responding to their questions and comments on their Facebook page during a crisis. Another conclusion was that it is important for organizations to develop a proactive crisis management portfolio and to include Facebook in it.

Tamanho dos clubes, funções de congestionamento e economias de escala na provisão de bens públicos locais no Brasil

Silva, Laércio Damiane Cerqueira da 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-04-13T13:50:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 2010347 bytes, checksum: 3a95a7a08d68f7438a013ab7bc0d2bc3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-13T13:50:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 2010347 bytes, checksum: 3a95a7a08d68f7438a013ab7bc0d2bc3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / The thesis studies, in three chapters, on the provision of public goods in municipalities. The first chapter puts in competition two alternative specifications, one on the demand side and another on the supply side, to a set of 5285 municipalities data for 2010 in order to test the hypothesis that the relevance of the models that explain the behavior local government spending can depend on the size of the population of the jurisdictions. The econometric methodology uses a combination of Test J proposed by Davidson and MacKinnon (1981), with the threshold suggested by Hansen (2000), as a data screening method to test whether the response of local governments to their constituents is stable between small and large municipalities. Results show that the median voter model applies to smaller cities, with great population size ranging between 13604 and 13661 inhabitants, depending on the congestion function used. Nevertheless, it rejected in 2293 municipalities, for which the model-oriented supply fits better. In the second chapter, these alternative models of determination of public provision in order to measure the impact of the size of cities on the quality of public services applies - via analysis of advertising and rivalry of goods - in 5268 Brazilian municipalities based on the Theory of Clubs. For both models, the results point to the existence of spatial correlation between municipalities, suggesting that spending patterns in a given locality influence on the fiscal decisions of neighbors. Proves the hypothesis that the size of the clubs, and the cost of utilities differentiate the results of the provision of action, supporting the literature on the subject which argues that in smaller jurisdictions proximity of voters with its public officials exerts more pressure and control over their political acts, and that aggregate individual preferences have less heterogeneity and can represent the community as a whole. This result yields a larger congestion effect to the larger cities, which goes against the international literature. Finally, using a set of data that make up Brazilian localities Public Consortia Inter-municipal public services, the third chapter aims to establish empirical evidence for a phenomenon called by Oates (1988) as "zoo-effect." According to this effect, the lowest level of expenditure in smaller towns should not be explained by the smaller clusters, but simply by the fact that certain categories of spending - like a zoo - they need a minimum population size to be provided. Thus, the positive relationship between population size and local spending on public services does not take into account the fact that in the most populous cities, the basket of services offered is broader and more diverse, and for this reason, estimates of existing congestion tend to be overestimated. By spatial statistics confirmed the hypothesis of the zoo effect on municipalities, and that the more diversified the range of services expands the range of services in neighboring areas, which explains the interaction between the municipalities as a way to get better and higher level of public services to its citizens. Evidence shows that the intensity of the effect depends on the urban-rural gradient, with the biggest phenomenon in urban areas due to more substantial economies of scale in these locations. / A tese versa, em três capítulos, sobre a provisão de bens públicos nos municípios brasileiros. O primeiro capítulo coloca em competição duas especificações alternativas, uma do lado da demanda e outra do lado da oferta, para um conjunto de dados de 5285 municípios brasileiros para 2010, a fim de testar a hipótese de que a relevância dos modelos que explicam o comportamento das despesas públicas locais pode depender do tamanho da população das jurisdições. A metodologia econométrica usa a combinação do Teste J, proposto por Davidson e MacKinnon (1981), com o Threshold, sugerido por Hansen (2000), como um método de triagem de dados capaz de testar se a resposta dos governos locais aos seus eleitores é estável entre os municípios de pequeno e de grande porte. Os resultados permitem inferir que o modelo do eleitor mediano aplica-se às cidades menores, com tamanho ótimo populacional variando entre 13604 e 13661 habitantes, dependendo da função de congestionamento utilizada. Não obstante, é rejeitado em 2293 municípios, para os quais o modelo orientado para a oferta apresenta melhor ajuste. No segundo capítulo, aplica-se os referidos modelos alternativos de determinação da provisão pública a fim de mensurar o impacto do tamanho das cidades sobre a qualidade dos serviços públicos - via análise da publicidade e da rivalidade dos bens – em 5268 municípios brasileiros baseado na Teoria dos Clubes. Para os dois modelos, os resultados apontam a existência da correlação espacial entre os municípios, sugerindo que os padrões de gastos em determinada localidade influencia nas decisões fiscais de vizinhos. Comprova-se a hipótese de que o tamanho dos clubes e o custo dos serviços públicos diferenciam os resultados da ação de provisão, corroborando com a literatura sobre o tema a qual defende que em jurisdições menores a proximidade dos eleitores com seus agentes públicos exerce maior pressão e controle sobre seus atos políticos, e que preferências individuais agregadas apresentam menor heterogeneidade e podem representar a comunidade como um todo. Este resultado gera um efeito congestionamento maior para as maiores cidades, o que vai de encontro à literatura internacional. Por fim, usando um conjunto de dados de localidades brasileiras que formam Consórcios Públicos Intermunicipais de serviços públicos, o terceiro capítulo visa estabelecer evidências empíricas para um fenômeno denominado por Oates (1988) como “efeito-zoo”. De acordo com esse efeito, o nível mais baixo de despesas em cidades menores não deve ser explicado pela menor aglomeração, mas simplesmente pelo fato de que certas categorias de gastos - como um zoológico - precisam de um tamanho mínimo populacional para serem fornecidos. Destarte, a relação positiva entre o tamanho da população e o gasto local em serviços públicos não leva em conta o fato de que nos municípios mais populosos, a cesta de serviços ofertados é mais ampla e mais diversificada, e por essa razão as estimativas de congestionamento existentes tendem a ser superestimadas. Através da estatística espacial confirmou-se a hipótese do efeito zoo nos municípios brasileiros, e que a maior diversificação na gama de serviços expande a oferta de serviços em áreas vizinhas, justificando a interação entre os municípios como forma de se obter melhor e maior nível de serviços públicos para seus cidadãos. As evidências apontam que a intensidade do efeito depende do gradiente urbano-rural, sendo o fenômeno maior em áreas urbanizadas, devido às economias de escala mais substanciais nessas localidades.

ZOO Park Dvůr Králové - generel / ZOO Park Dvůr Králové - Generel

Havlík, Darina January 2011 (has links)
The proposal project is designing the development plan of the ZOO in Dvur Kralove nad Labem, as has designed a new exhibition of new lions, hyenas, birds of prey, the African desert and the object of refreshments for visitors. Architectural study addresses the design of objects - pavilions exposure for lions, hyenas, a pavilion with an aviary for birds of prey - bird world, the African pavilion terrarium desert and finally building with a cafe and toilets for the visitors of the ZOO. The proposed approach also runs the individual pavilions, then runs for the lions and hyenas and near runs in the African desert ungulates and seasonal runs. The proposed solution recognizes the zoo premises as a place for keeping large animal species composition, education of visitors, as the meeting place of rest and relaxation. The solution takes into account the complex relationships and interactions between exposures in a given area, not only in terms of architectural and aesthetic approach to the complex, but also in terms of operating and zoological.The zoo is a park with specific exposure to live with a balanced human rights - a visitor to one side and kept the animal on the other.  The proposed solution to the Zoo is sensitive to the surrounding landscape, the existing urban and architectural design and space requirements for any award.  From an operational point of view, the proposal accepted by all the requirements of the future. Areas and facilities for public service facilities, paddocks and animal quarters are each precisely defined and strictly separated geographically and operationally. Are the optimal conditions for the movement of animals between quarters and corral. The proposed solution is very rich in variety of areas, which in addition to the versatility of targeted animals, reflected in the richness of flora and fauna and thus contributing to environmentally high value sites. All spaces is a common need a sufficient level of daylight and direct sunlight. The entire area surrounding the exposure and access roads are designed to completely wheelchair accessible and accessible for persons with reduced mobility. The proposed solution to a sensitive development of existing space is achieved by a better, easier and easier availability. Term solutions proposed pavilions, yards and access roads is based on the themes of African villages. Small scale architectural and mutual spatial composition of individual materials of the new pavilions interconnected units reflects the typical mass breakdown of urban structures in the original locations of breeding species. Pavilions and animal quarters, and appropriately use the added space in the area of ??the zoo and complete the overall character of the place in the context of the current solution to urban zoo.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen / A study of the Parken Zoo incident in media : A quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the Parken Zoo incident in the media

Pörhölä, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?    The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck’s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning’s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis. The material that has been observed in this study is newspaper articles, television news reports and television programs.   The results of the quantitative analysis showed that articles of Eskiltuna Kuriren, news reports of SVT1 and the program Debatt had most objectivity in there reporting. The news reports of TV4 and program Kalla Fakta had most biased reporting of the incident. The qualitative analysis showed that SVT1 news broadcast was more objective and TV4 news broadcast was more biased. The mainly sources in the media that has been used was the other media, the president to Parken Zoo and veterinaries. The newspapers used sources from other media, like the program Kalla Fakta, then also former employees from Parken Zoo and veterinaries. SVT1 and program Debatt used more other sources, more sources from Parken Zoo. In the qualitative analysis the result showed that the news broadcast from TV4 had the focus on how the Parken Zoo takes care of the animals, that they have put to death pumas and that Helena Olsson had lied to TV4. The broadcast from SVT1 focused on the mistakes Parken Zoo had done but also how they are going to fix the problems that they have. The news broadcasts gave different kind of framing effects to the viewers.

Achieving conservation: new cognitive based zoo design guidelines

Ploutz, Russell January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning / Eric A. Bernard / Typical aspects of a zoo’s mission are conservation of wildlife and habitats. As part of conservation efforts zoos provide opportunities for visitors to learn about animals and their environments. Ultimately their goal is visitor understanding leading to conservation behavior. While documented zoo design methods such as landscape immersion, cultural resonance and interpretation elements provide opportunities to learn, current literature stops short of explaining how visitors learn. This research intends to bridge this gap through an innovative mixed methods approach under the hypothesis: if designers understand how visitors learn, their design approach will change to integrate learning and cognitive process theories, resulting in exhibit designs which engage visitor’s cognitive processes increasing learning, thereby increasing the potential for conservation behavior. A thorough literature review revealed cognitive psychology and learning theories vital to exhibit design. Cognitive processes are the mental processes visitors use to learn, think and act (Leonard, 2002). To design for visitor’s cognitive processes designers need to be concerned with visitor’s attention, perception, recall, understanding and memory (Koran, 1983). A personal design exercise testing novel approaches for incorporating cognitive processes into theoretical exhibits yielded potential new guidelines and typologies for exhibit design. To test these personal insights, integrated survey and participatory methods were envisioned to engage zoo design professionals. Professional zoo exhibit designers attended two workshops where they learned about cognitive processes and learning theories, discussed and sketched ideas for learning in zoos, and focused on how to integrate theories in design. The interactive charrette engaged zoo design professional’s cognitive processes to uncover new approaches and typologies for zoo exhibit design. Participants completed pre and post-surveys to measure design approach changes. Chan’s (Chan, 2001) five components of an individual’s design style are used as a framework for the survey questions. Results from the workshop suggest participants augmented their design approach by increasing the influence of cognitive processes in their design approach and concepts. Participants also showed an increased ability to create goals for learning and an increased ability to form constraints along with improvements in existing mental imagery. Additionally, participants demonstrated increases in their search pattern and order in typical design stages of research, site analysis and design development. From the workshop analysis of the surveys, discussions, and sketches, new design strategies emerged to guide the design of exhibits in engaging and facilitating visitor’s cognitive processes. A triangulation analysis methodology validated the design strategies creating 53 design guidelines for learning by comparing design strategies in the workshop, personal charrette and literature. The design guidelines are compiled into an interactive PDF for other zoo designers and professionals use. To assist the reader in employing the design guidelines most effectively learning principles explain the fundamental learning concepts grounding the guideline. Also, seven example projects illustrate the use of the guidelines. The guidelines, learning principles and example projects are hyperlinked to facilitate learning and application.

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