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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacinė sistema moksliosios organizacijos vystyme / Information system in development of learning organization

Pankova, Jelena 21 June 2006 (has links)
The thesis paper analyzes the role of information systems developing the learning organization concept in the higher educational institutions‘ environment. On a basis of scientific literature analysis, a detailed research on a learning organization and analysis of concepts of information system are carried out, close communication between development of the concept of the learning organization and uses of information systems is emphasized. In the paper the information infrastructure of Klaipėda University is investigated, the information and data flows between departments of the university are analyzed. The paper offers work ways of development of the concepts of the learning organization inducing organizational double loop learning, cooperation and knowledge dispersion at the Klaipėda University. The given methodology is applied to the information system of Klaipėda University. In the thesis paper there are also offered directions of the learning organization‘s concept developing in the environment of higher educational institutions.

Gimnazijos pasirengimas tapti besimokančia organizacija / Readiness of gymnasium to become a learning organization

Aleškevičius, Jonas 31 July 2009 (has links)
Mokykloms, kaip ir kitoms organizacijoms, būdinga organizacijos kaita, nors jų bendruomenė ir yra linkusi išlaikyti status quo, dėl dažnai suprantamo kultūros išsaugojimo, kaip konkrečios visuomenės stabilumo garanto, misijos supratimo. Taigi, mokytojo misija tampa būti tuo įžvalgiu liudininku tarp visuomenės suprastų pokyčių būtinumo ir mokyklos bendruomenės, besivadovaujančios tradicija. Vadinasi, mokyklos tapimas besimokančia organizacija įtakotų sėkmingesnį šios misijos atlikimą. Ši idėja remiasi daugelio mokslininkų darbais, kuriuose akcentuojama, kad mokymasis tampa esminiu individo sėkmingos karjeros ir organizacijos išlikimo veiksniu bei sėkmingo vystymosi ir prisitaikymo prie kintančios aplinkos garantu. Organizacijų gebėjimas aptikti žinias, asimiliuoti naujas idėjas, pritaikyti jas veikloje greičiau negu varžovai - turi tiesioginę įtaką konkurenciniam pranašumui, vystymuisi ir išlikimui rinkoje. Mokymasis integruojasi į organizacijos veiklą, yra šių dienų sampratoje nauja darbo forma, produktyvios veiklos sąlyga ir garantas. Vadinasi, gimnazijos tapimas besimokančia tampa viena iš išlikimo rinkoje ir jos įtakojimo, prielaidų, tačiau pirmiausia yra tikslinga išsiaiškinti, kiek organizacija yra pasirengusi ja tapti. Tai ir sudaro šio darbo mokslinę problemą. Tyrimo objektas - pasirengimas tapti besimokančia organizacija. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti gimnazijos pasirengimą tapti besimokančia organizacija. Tyrimo uždaviniai: - išryškinti gimnazijos, kaip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Schools have a tendency for a frequent organizational change, though the school community itself is more willing to maintain the status quo, due to its understanding of its mission – to maintain culture which guarantees stability of a particular society. So, schoolteacher’s mission is to be that insightful witness between the necessities for a change as the society sees it, and the tradition-oriented school community. Thus, school becoming a learning organization would facilitate successful implementation of this mission. This idea refers to the scientific works, which emphasize the fact that learning becomes the main factor in individual’s successful career and survival of an organization and guarantees ability to adapt to the constantly changing environment. Capability of organizations to discover knowledge, assimilate new ideas, to apply them in practice faster than the competitors, has a direct impact on their competitiveness, development and survival in the market. Learning becomes integral part of organizational activity. In modern-day understanding it is a new form of work; it also conditions and ensures productivity. This means that for gymnasium becoming a learning organization is one of prerequisites for survival and influence in the market, but first and foremost it is important to ascertain to what extent is the organization ready to become such. That constitutes the scientific problem of this study. Object of the research: readiness to become a learning... [to full text]

Pokyčių valdymas besimokančioje organizacijoje: Šiaulių apskrities ir Mažeikių rajono pavyzdžiu / The management of changes in learning organization: example by Siauliai district and Mazeikiai region

Bersėnaitė, Jurgita 06 June 2006 (has links)
This master’s final paper formulates the aim to explore the need and effectiveness of changes in learning organization. The conception of changes is analysed and founded on theoretical concepts. The conception of learning organization is determined in accordance with theoretical and empirical facts. Factors that influence the creation of learning organization’s model are established. The research can be employed as the source to organize seminars for members of organizations, to test the lacks of employees’ competence, to train managers and to make the management courses.

Organizacijos mokymosi poveikis konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu / Organizational learning effect on competitiveness: a sample of Vilnius sport clubs

Miakiševa, Justina 05 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – organizacijos mokymosi poveikis konkurencingumui. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti organizacijos mokymosi poveikį konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išskirti besimokančios organizacijos ir mokymosi lygių charakteristikas. 2. Išskirti konkurencinio pranašumo rodiklius ir konkurencingumą didinančius faktorius. 3. Įvertinti organizacijos mokymosi poveikį konkurencingumui: Vilniaus sporto klubų pavyzdžiu. 4. Sudaryti organizacijos mokymosi poveikio sporto klubų konkurencingumui schemą. Hipotezės: H1 – Sporto klubų konkurencinį pranašumą organizacijos mokymasis didina labiau nei kiti konkurencingumą didinantys veiksniai. H2 – Trikilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekę sporto klubai vidiniuose konkurencingumo faktoriuose yra pranašesni už dvikilpį ar vienkilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekusius sporto klubus. H3 – Kuo sporto klubas geriau mokosi, tuo didesnis jo konkurencingumas. Rezultatai/išvados: atlikus tyrimą, darbe iškeltos hipotezės pasitvirtino. Rezultatai parodė, kad: sporto klubų konkurencinį pranašumą organizacijos mokymasis didina labiau nei kiti konkurencingumą didinantys veiksniai, sporto klubai, pasiekę trikilpį organizacijos mokymosi lygį vidiniuose konkurencingumo faktoriuose yra pranašesni už dvikilpį ar vienkilpį mokymosi lygį pasiekusius sporto klubus, ir sporto klubų konkurencingumas tiesiogiai priklauso nuo organizacijos mokymosi poveikio. Rekomendacijos/pasiūlymai: sporto klubai, norėdami pakelti savo konkurencingumo lygį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – organizational learning effect on competitiveness. Research purpose – to estimate organizational learning effect on competitiveness, by a sample of Vilnius sport clubs. Research tasks: 1. To define learning organization and loop learning characteristics. 2. To define competitive advantage indexes and competitiveness augmentative factors. 3. To evaluate organizational learning effect on competitiveness, by a sample of Vilnius sport clubs. 4. To make a scheme of organizational learning effect on sport clubs competitiveness. Hypotheses: H1 – Organizational learning increases sport clubs competitiveness more than other competitiveness augmentative factors. H2 – Sport clubs that obtain triple-loop learning in internal competitive factors are superior than sport clubs that obtain single-loop or double-loop learning. H3 – As better sport club learns, as major its competitiveness is. Results/findings: when analysis was made, the hypotheses had been proven. Results establish that: organizational learning increases sport clubs competitiveness more than other competitiveness augmentative factors, sport clubs that obtain triple-loop learning in internal competitive factors are superior than sport clubs that obtain single-loop or double-loop learning, and sport clubs competitiveness is directly reliant on the effect of organizational learning. Recommendations/propositions: in order to increase competitiveness, sport clubs should focus on human resources and... [to full text]

Ledarskap och vision i skolan : En lärande organisation? En fallstudie från friskolevärlden / Leadership and vision in school : A learning organization

Hamrén, Tommy January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna fallstudie har varit att undersöka hur ledarskapet hos rektorer inom en utvald gymnasieskola påverkat visionsarbetet och möjligheten att skapa en lärande organisation. För att undersöka detta har tre forskningsfrågor ställts: Vilket ledarskap har rektorerna använt? Har rektorerna arbetat med en tydlig vision? Kan man utifrån rektorernas svar prata om en lärande organisation? Fallstudien har använt sig av intervjuer för att få svar på de tre forskningsfrågorna. Frågorna har ställts till sex rektorer som vid olika tillfällen under perioden 2003-2014 arbetat på den undersökta friskolan. Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och en blandning av ett induktivt och deduktivt angreppssätt, det som kallas för abduktion. Resultatet har visat brister i det visionära ledarskapet hos rektorerna. Rektorerna har i intervjuerna beskrivit ett ledarskap som pekade mot ett transaktionellt ledarskap, även om deras vilja var att leda skolan utifrån ett transformellt ledarskap. Det fanns inslag av det som kännetecknar en lärande organisation, men de processer som tydde på organisatoriskt lärande var svåra att få till, eftersom organisationen och medarbetarna inte tydligt blivit styrda i att detta har varit viktigt. Rektorernas styrning av organisationen har i viss mån skett via medarbetare, men det har saknats en tydlig koppling till det som kännetecknar en lärande organisation där medarbetare samtalar med varandra och drivs av visioner som pekar på en tydlig riktning. Studien har framför allt visat att rektorerna inte prioriterat visionen och möjligheten att tillsammans med medarbetarna diskutera sitt eget lärande. En annan del som fallstudien visat var att olika krav uppifrån chefer och även nerifrån medarbetarna bidragit till att det visionära arbetet förbisetts till förmån för ett mer transaktionellt ledarskap, där budgetverktyget kommit fram som viktigt, framför allt hos de senare rektorerna. Fallstudien har visat att när rektorerna försökt styra skedde det oftast utifrån ett nutidsperspektiv, där akuta händelser och strukturproblem var det som behövdes lösas. Studien kan också ses i ett större sammanhang än den enskilda fallstudien. Rektorernas svårigheter att leda visionärt kan härledas till en alltför hög arbetsbelastning och ett alltför stort fokus på budget och målstyrning, istället för att tänka på vilken skola som de vill ha i framtiden. Bristen på vision till förmån för budget är det som denna studie har visat / The purpose of this case study was to examine how the leadership of principals within a selected secondary school affected the vision process and the ability to create a learning organization. To investigate this, three research questions were asked: Which type of leadership that was used by the principals? Have the principals worked with a clear vision? Can one, based on the principals' responses, talk about a learning organization? In the case study, interviews have been used to obtain answers to the three research questions. The questions were put to six principals who, at various times during the period 2003-2014, worked at the examined independent school. The survey was conducted using a qualitative approach and a mixture of an inductive and deductive approach - called abduction. The results have shown deficiencies in the visionary leadership of principals. The principals have in the interviews described a leadership that pointed towards a transactional leadership, although their desire was to lead the school from a transformational leadership. There were hints of a learning organization, but the processes that suggested organizational learning was difficult to get to, since the organization and employees have not clearly been guided in that this has been important. The principals' management of the organization has to some extent been made through employees, but there has been no clear connection to the characteristics of a learning organization where employees are talking to each other and are driven by visions that points to a clear direction. The study has mainly shown that the vision and the ability to discuss their own learning has not been prioritized. Furthermore, the case study showed that various demands from top managers but also from the employees contributed to the visionary work has been overlooked in favour of a more transactional leadership, where the budgetary tool emerged as important, especially by later principals. The case study has shown that when the principals tried to steer, usually it happened from a contemporary perspective, where acute events and structural problems needed to be resolved. The study can also be seen in a wider context than this single case study. Principals difficulties in leading visionary can be traced to an excessive workload and an excessive focus on the financial and performance management instead of thinking about which school they want to create in the future. The lack of vision in favour of the budget is what this study has shown

Perceptions of quality teaching at a business school : implications for management / Claus Kempen

Kempen, Claus January 2014 (has links)
The general purpose this study has been to determine the perception of MBA students on quality lecturing. Business schools are concerned about how learners evaluate the lecturing experiences in order to monitor the quality of the lecturing. Student evaluations are assumed to mirror relative stable views which hold implications for how tertiary institutions act upon and reward the educational practices of lecturers. It is evident from prior research that broad reaching claims concerning student satisfaction cover large alternatives in terms of a construct being evaluated. Links between what is measured, and how this information should be utilised, are not always well-defined. Previous studies suggest that student satisfaction and perception is a multifaceted concept consisting of several complex dimensions. The true muscle of lecturing is crucial leadership ability. It is not just a lecture or a presentation. Lecturing is a set of skills. It is not just about a gift. It is a set of practices that should be rehearsed, mastered and delivered. A lecturer will certainly not deliver a faultless lecture, but might bring an influential and current lecture. The skill set of lecturing is both a skill and a discipline. A lecturer should learn and practices the discipline; then the skill will be conquered. Everyone can be a powerful and skillful presenter, but it will take time, rehearsal and vigor to overcome mediocrity. The management of business schools should comprehend the importance of quality lecturing. Without emphasis on lecturing, the perceived quality of a business school could be misconceived by students. Quality lecturing should always be a focus point and the emphasis on improved effectiveness by management. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Perceptions of a Learning Organization and Factors Within the Work Environment That Influence Transfer of Training in Law Enforcement

Hunter-Johnson, Yvonne Olive 01 January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine law enforcement officers' perception of factors within the workplace that influence transfer of training and their perception of the organization being a learning organization. The study actually had three parts. First, it intended to investigate the perception of law enforcement officers regarding factors within their work environment that influence or impede the transfer of training process (specifically, organizational support and transfer climate/culture). Second, it intended to determine the perception of law enforcement officers concerning the promotion of their organization's learning practices, learning culture, and the continuous learning environment at an individual, team, and organizational level (a learning organization). Lastly, it intended to determine if there was a difference in the perception of law enforcement officers related to transfer of training and a learning organization utilizing the variables of rank, posting, gender, years of service, and age. The participants included law enforcement officers within a Caribbean police department. The two theories employed as the theoretical framework for this study are the training transfer process model by Baldwin and Ford (1988) and the Watkins and Marsick's (1997) framework of learning organization, the dimensions of learning organization. Data was collected using qualitative and quantitative methods (focus groups and a paper and pencil version of the Dimension of Learning Organization - A). A pilot study was conducted to establish the integrity of the data collection methods and evaluate the viability of the focus groups. The conclusions that emerged from this research indicated that subordinates and management did not perceive the organization as one that provided support for transfer of training within the work environment. As it relates to the officers' perception of their organization as one that promotes a learning practices and culture, the law enforcement officers had a neutral perception of the organization as one that promoted learning practices, learning culture, and continuous learning at an individual level (group mean = 3.26 with a standard deviation of 0.91). As it relates to the team or group level, the law enforcement officers had a neutral perception of the organization as one that promoted learning practices, learning culture, and continuous learning (group mean = 3.10 with a standard deviation of 1.12). As it relates to the organizational level, the law enforcement officers had a neutral perception of the organization as one that promoted learning practices, learning culture, and continuous learning at an organizational level (group mean = 3.40 with a standard deviation of 1.07). However, this does not mean that the officer's individual scores were in this range.

Exploring the Relationship between Organizational Learning Capability, Trust, and Politics: An Empirical Study

Tirelli, Andrew 19 July 2011 (has links)
A lack of research surrounding the contextual factors that either facilitate or impede the progress of developing learning capabilities in organizations suggests that researchers have yet to examine such issues. Indeed, despite a plethora of information on the trust, politics, and learning constructs, researchers have yet to explore these variables in conjunction with one another. While literature regarding organizational learning has grown substantially over the last decade, studies continue to investigate a common set of established factors that support the development of this practise. This study will explore the complex relationships between trust, politics, and learning, as well as the influence on building employee commitment and reducing turnover intentions. Results from the study provide the basis for the development of an integrative framework that illustrates how contextual factors influence organizational learning capability and in turn, the effects that developing learning capability can have on other organizational processes.

Talent management: art or science? : The invisible mechanism between talent and talent factory

Li, Fang Fang, Devos, Pierre January 2008 (has links)
<p>Talent management has been a heating-up topic in recent years. It has a positive effect on the ability to create a compelling, productive, and valued enterprise for all stakeholders — employees, customers, business partners and investors. Moreover, talent management facilitated talent flexibility and enables the rapid growth of the business, ensuring rapid alignment with the requirements established by business leaders as the company evolved. Meanwhile, the importance for a company to attract and retain a high-quality workforce is moving into the boardroom agenda, more and more attention is pain on this acute topic.</p><p>In this thesis, we are doing the research on how to build up a talent factory within the company – how to recruit the most outstanding people to meet the business needs, how to maximize the potential of employees, how to put the right people in the right position and finally how to keep the best people in the company. In order to achieve it, we conducted our research from different methodologies (literatures, case studies, interviews) to find the answer our research question: is talent management a science or an art in order to build up a talent factory? At the end, we came out of our own understanding about the talent management and the accommodations of building up a talent factory.</p>

Vliv tvorby učící se organizace na zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti podnikatelského subjektu / Influence of creation the learning organization to improvement the competitions ability of organization

RUSO, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The work is devoted to the problem of learning organization. The objective of the work is to evaluate if the chosen company actually is learning organization and to identify the areas in which the company is close to this concept and what action should be taken to become a learning organization. A questionnaire survey was mainly used for this evaluation. In the end strong and weak sides of the chosen company are introduced and a recommendation is proposed which should lead to creating a learning organization.

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