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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ontologie du rapport du maire avec l'immeuble privé abandonné. / Ontology of the mayor's report with the abandoned private building.

Lannoy, Eugénie 28 November 2015 (has links)
En droit, l’abandon de l’immeuble présente deux facettes toutes les deux attachées à l’exercice de la propriété. Un premier niveau consiste, pour le propriétaire d’un bien, à pouvoir en disposer et, dans ce cadre, décider valablement de renoncer unilatéralement à sa propriété. Le sort du bien abandonné est alors fixé par le législateur qui prévoit, à défaut de dispositions spéciales, leur attribution à la Commune sur le fondement de l’article 713 du Code civil. L’exercice du droit de propriété peut aussi consister pour son titulaire, libre d’user ou non de son bien, à s’en désintéresser, à ne pas l’entretenir et le réparer. Ce deuxième aspect de l’abandon de l’immeuble est alors entendu dans le sens usuel du terme.Comme la renonciation au droit de propriété, la renonciation à son usage n’a de bornes que le respect des droits d’autrui et de la collectivité. Le maintien de l’ordre public constitue une limite traditionnelle à l’exercice des attributs du droit de propriété immobilière. Or, un immeuble qui n’est pas entretenu finit, au fil du temps, par se délabrer, tomber en décrépitude et menacer de s’effondrer, risquant alors de porter atteinte à la sécurité des passants et de ses occupants. Ce constat fait et en érigeant la notion d’ordre public comme axiome de la recherche, il est alors possible de définir l’immeuble privé abandonné en droit administratif.Cet essai de définition entraîne inévitablement une deuxième question : celle du rapport existant entre l’immeuble délaissé et le maire, autorité de police municipale obligée d’intervenir en cas de trouble public suffisamment grave dans sa commune. C’est le manque de temps, l’imminence du péril, alliée à la proximité du maire avec le désordre, qui fonde un rapport naturel d’autorité entre eux ainsi que le caractère irréductible de la compétence du maire face à l’immeuble privé abandonné. / In law, the abandonment of the building has two facets both attached to the exercise of the property. A first level is for the owner of a good to be able to dispose of it and, in this context, decides validly to renounce unilaterally his property. The fate of the abandoned property is then fixed by the legislator, which, in the absence of special provisions, provides for their allocation to the Commune on the basis of Article 713 of the Civil Code. The exercise of the right of ownership may also consist of the owner, free to use or not to his property, to lose interest, not to maintain and repair it. This second aspect of the abandonment of the building is then understood in the usual sense of the term.Like the renunciation of the right of property, the renunciation of its use is limited only by the respect of the rights of others and of the community. The maintenance of public order constitutes a traditional limit to the exercise of the attributes of the right to real property. In the course of time, a building that is not being maintained eventually decays, falls into disrepair and threatens to collapse, threatening to undermine the safety of passers-by and its occupants. This finding, and by establishing the notion of public order as an axiom of research, makes it possible to define the abandoned private building in administrative law.This definitional test inevitably involves a second question: the relationship between the abandoned building and the mayor, a municipal police authority obliged to intervene in the event of a sufficiently serious public disturbance in its commune. It is the lack of time, the imminence of the danger, combined with the mayor's proximity to the disorder, which establishes a natural relationship of authority between them and the irreducible character of the mayor's competence in front of the private building abandoned.

Des vies en veille : géographies abandonnées des acteurs quotidiens de la sécurité à Nairobi / Lives on hold : the abandoned geographies of everyday security actors in Nairobi

Lanne, Jean-Baptiste 28 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la place dans la ville des acteurs quotidiens de la sécurité à Nairobi, au Kenya. Ces acteurs, appelés génériquement « les veilleurs » afin de signifier du même coup leur tâche professionnelle (surveiller la ville) et leur condition incertaine (« être en veille », vivre dans une forme de suspens), sont entrevus au prisme de deux groupes particuliers : les gardiens de sécurité privée aux portes des résidences de la ville planifiée et les jeunes recrues des youthgroups dans les quartiers de bidonvilles. Privilégiant une approche par les individus et le quotidien, je m’inscris dans le champ renouvelé de la sécurité, sensible depuis une dizaine d’années aux effets « micro » produits par les dispositifs sécuritaires, notamment sur les subjectivités particulières, les affects, les corps et les pratiques routinières. La capitale kenyane présente un double caractère me permettant de mettre en lumière l’acuité de la condition des veilleurs dans la ville : une fragmentation urbaine iconique, voire « cliché » en termes d’imaginaire et une atmosphère générale d’inquiétude, relative au contexte traumatique des violences politiques récentes et à l’émergence de la menace terroriste. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une méthode qualitative de type ethnographique, combinée à l’expérimentation d’une méthodologie de création poétique, afin de lever l’inhibition de la parole. Elle appréhende la condition des veilleurs à trois niveaux de lecture : la condition politique d’individus maintenus dans un registre d’ambiguïté vis-à-vis des communautés qu’ils protègent, la vie quotidienne dérivant de cette condition, enfin le sens que ces individus s’efforcent d’en extraire. Ces trois niveaux me permettent de développer une approche spatiale des concepts d’abandon, désignant cette puissance sécuritaire ambiguë qui assigne les veilleurs dans un « ni dedans, ni dehors » (sur la ligne de démarcation entre le Familier et l’Étranger) ; de vies en attente, pour souligner le poids de l’incertitude au sein de leur quotidien ; enfin de place complexe afin de signifier la puissance des imaginaires spatiaux et temporels par lesquels les veilleurs s’approprient leur condition. / This PhD thesis aims at analysing the place within the city of everyday security actors in Nairobi, Kenya. I call them “veilleurs” (sentinels of the city), playing on the double meaning of the word in French : referring both to their professional activity (watching over the city) and their feeling of living a passive life (watching all day long can be considered as a non-action). The study focuses on two groups in particular : private security guards at the gate of residential compounds in the planned city, and youthgroups members in slum areas. Adopting an individual and everyday-centred approach, this work fits in with the recent renewal of security studies. For the last ten years, those have been advocating a closer attention to “micro” effects produced by security assemblages, especially on subjectivities, affects, bodies, and everyday routines. The city of Nairobi displays a double feature that sheds new light on the sensitive question of the veilleurs. First, its urban fragmentation appears as particularly iconic in terms of imaginaries. Second, Nairobi can be qualified as an “anxious city” in light of the recent political violence (2007-2008) and the emerging terrorist threat. This study is based on both an ethnographic approach and a creative methodology using poetry as a way to free the speech of my interlocutors. It seeks to analyse the place of the veilleurs through three layered readings: their ambiguous political condition (being “on the line” between familiarity and otherness: neither inside nor outside the community they are supposed to watch over), the uncertain everyday life resulting from this condition, and the diverse imaginaries they produce to make sense of it. These three layers allow me to develop both a spatial and social reading of the key concepts of abandonment, lives on hold, and complex place to better understand this particular category of urban workers.

Avaliação da cobertura vacinal em menores de cinco anos em Bom Jesus, Província do Bengo, Angola / Evaluation of the vaccine covering in Minors of five years in Bom Jesus, Province of the Bengo Angola

Oliveira, Manuel Falcão Saturnino de 02 June 2011 (has links)
RESUMO OLIVEIRA, M. F. S. Avaliação da cobertura vacinal em Menores de cinco anos em Bom Jesus, Província do Bengo Angola, 2010. 111f. 2011. (Dissertação) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP, Ribeirão Preto, 2011. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a cobertura vacinal em crianças menores de cinco anos na comuna de Bom Jesus, Bengo, Angola e descrever as relações entre esse indicador com algumas características do contexto sócio econômico e demográfico local, do saneamento do meio, dos agregados familiares, das crianças e das mães ou responsáveis das mesmas. Material e Métodos: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, transversal e censitária, com 1205 crianças menores de cinco anos residentes em Bom Jesus no 1° semestre de 2010, razão pela qual não estabelecemos relações de associação entre as variáveis em estudo. As fontes de dados foram: 1) O inquérito domiciliar por entrevistas as mães ou responsáveis das crianças e aos chefes de família. 2) Cartão de saúde infantil e de saúde materna para os dados referentes ao estado vacinal das crianças e a vacinação antitetânica das mães ou responsáveis, respectivamente. 3) Registros sobre vacinações dos serviços de saúde de Bom Jesus e da província do Bengo. Para o processamento, analise e tratamento dos dados foi utilizado o software Epi-Info, versão 3.5.2. Resultados: Das 1205 crianças, 67,5 não possuíam cartão de vacina; a cobertura vacinal de Bom Jesus foi de 36,6%, sendo mais elevadas nos bairros Coxe e Matabuleiro com 65,2% e 65%, respectivamente e sem diferença entre os sexos; para a VOP, DTP e Hep B, 72,4%, 69,9% e 67,1% das crianças fizeram as doses com intervalos corretos; a maior cobertura vacinal ocorreu nos menores de 30 dias, com 67,9%, sendo esses valores muito menores que a meta de 90%, do PAV/Angola.A cobertura vacinal específica para a BCG, DTP, VOP, contra Hep B, Sarampo, Febre Amarela e antitetânica foi de 90,8%, 47,2 %, 51%, 14,2 %, 43%, 41,5% e 59%%, respectivamente e podem ser consideradas muito baixas com exceção para a BCG; a taxa de abandono para a DTP, VOP e Hep B foi de 32,2%, 32,8% e 25,4% respectivamente, valores muito superiores a meta que OMS/África recomenda é de até 10%; se constatou que aparentemente a cobertura vacinal aumentava conforme houvesse um incremento da escolaridade do chefe de família da e da mãe ou responsável pela criança, quando o chefe de família fosse o pai, mãe doméstica, com a presença da avó, os pais fossem de etnia kimbundo, melhores condições habitacionais, usuários dos serviços públicos de abastecimento de água e de coleta de lixo; os dados sugerem o decréscimo desse indicador conforme aumenta a idade da mãe ou responsável, o tamanho da família, o número de filhos vivos, a ordem de nascimento e a idade da criança. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam a importância dos inquéritos domiciliares como ferramentas indispensáveis na avaliação da cobertura vacinal real e a probabilidade de alguns fatores contextuais, individuais e familiares influenciarem a variabilidade desse indicador, para além de puderem subsidiar a decisão sobre o aperfeiçoamento de programas locais de imunização. Palavras Chaves: Avaliação, Determinantes sociais de Saúde, Vacinação, Programas de Imunização, Cobertura Vacinal e Taxa de Abandono. / ABSTRACT OLIVEIRA, M. F. S. Evaluation of the vaccine covering in Minors of five years in Bom Jesus, Province of the Bengo Angola, 2010. 111f. 2011. (Dissertation) College of Medicine of Brook Black Color, Ribeirão Preto, 2011. This study it has as objective to evaluate the vaccine covering in minors of five years in Good Jesus ,Bengo, Angola and to describe the relations between this pointer with some characteristics of the context economic partner and demographic place, of the sanitation of the way, the family units, the children, the mothers or responsible of the same ones. Methodology: one is about an evaluative, descriptive research and tax, with 1205 lesser children five year residents in Good Jesus in the first semester of 2010. The sources of data had been: 1) the domiciliary inquiry for interviews the responsible or mothers of the children e to the family heads, through the application of a form elaborated for the effect. 2) Card of infantile health and maternal health for the referring data to the vaccine state of the children and the against the tetanus vaccination of the responsible mothers or, respectively. 3) Registers on existing vaccinations in the local services of health of Good Jesus and the province of the Bengo. For the processing, it analyzes and treatment of the data was used software Epi-Info, version 3.5.2. RESULTS: Of the 1205 children, 67,5 do not passim vaccine card; the vaccine covering of Good Jesus was of 36,6%, being more raised in the quarters Coxe and Matabuleiro with 65,2% and 65%, respectively; it was observed that the children with less than 30 days had presented the biggest vaccine covering with 67,9%, without difference between the sexes. These values are placed very on this side of the 90% goal, established for the PAV/Angola. The specific vaccine covering for the BCG, DTP, Antipóliomielite, against Hepatitis B, Measles, Yellow Fever and antitectanic was of 90,8%, 47.2%, 51%, 14.2%, 43%, 41.5% and 59%, respectively and can be considered very low with exception for the BCG; the tax of abandonment for the DTP, Antipóliomielite and Hepatite B was of 32,2%, 32.8% and 25.4% respectively, very superior values the goal that OMS/Africa recommends is of even 10%; if it evidenced that apparently the vaccine covering increased as had an increment of the schooling of head of family, the schooling of the responsible mother or for the child, when the family head was the father, mother domesticates, with the presence of the grandmother, the parents was speakers of the local language (Kimbundo), with better house conditions and using conditions of the public services of supplying of water and basic sanitation of the environment; the data suggest the decrease of this in agreement pointer it increases the age of the responsible mother or, the size of the family, the number of children livings creature, the increment in the birth order and the age of the child. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate the importance of the inquiries domiciliary as indispensable tools in the evaluation of real the vaccine covering and the probability of some contextual, individual and familiar factors to influence the variability of this pointer, stops beyond will be able to subsidize the decision on the perfectioning of local programs of immunization. Key Words: Evaluation, Determinative social of Health, Vaccination, Programs of Immunization, Vaccine Covering and Tax of Abandonment.

Espera e abandono na fila M/M/n+G e variantes / Wait and abandonment on M/M/n+G queue and variants

Camila Cardoso de Oliveira 08 June 2009 (has links)
O modelo de fila M/M/n+G pode ser usado para descrever o comportamento de uma Central de Atendimento. Nesse modelo as chegadas são Poisson com taxa lambda, o atendimento é exponencialmente distribuído com taxa mi, há n atendentes e os tempos de paciência dos clientes têm distribuição geral. A espera do usuário em fila não pode ultrapassar um tempo (paciência) que tem distribuição G e, se isto ocorrer, ele abandona o sistema. Mandelbaum e Zeltyn [2004] mostraram que existe uma relação linear entre o tempo médio de permanência na fila e a probabilidade de abandono nesses modelos quando a paciência é exponencialmente distribuída. No presente trabalho, estudamos essa relação no caso de distribuiçãao de paciência do tipo mista (com partes discreta e contínua), em que buscamos representar a reação dos usuários às mensagens gravadas reproduzidas periodicamente para aqueles que estão esperando atendimento. Utilizamos duas distribuições de paciência: Exponencial Mista e Uniforme Mista e percebemos que não há uma relação linear entre o tempo médio de espera na fila e a probabilidade de abandono. Observamos que para uma mesma taxa de chegada, o tempo médio de espera na fila é menor para a distribuição de paciência mista quando comparada com a Exponencial ou Uniforme de mesmos parâmetros. Analisamos o que ocorre com essa relação quando alteramos a distribuição do atendimento e percebemos que ela é mais afetada pela média e pelo coeficiente de variação do que pela particular distribuição escolhida para o tempo de serviço. / The M/M/n+G queueing model can be used to describe the behavior of a Call Center. This model has Poisson arrivals with rate lambda, service times are exponentially distributed with rate mi, n agents and the client´s patience time has general distribution. The waiting in line could not exceed a time (patience) which has distribution G, and if it occurs, the client leaves the system. In this models, Mandelbaum and Zeltyn [2004] showed that there is a linear relationship between average waiting time in queue and the probability of abandonment if the distribution of patience is Exponencial. In this work, we study this relationship in the case of patience with mixed distribution (which has discret and continuous parts). Through mixed distributions we try to represent the user´s reaction to recorded messages reproduced periodically when they are waiting for service. We have used Mixed Exponencial and Mixed Uniform distributions and, in both of them, there is not a linear relationship between average waiting time in queue and the probability of abandonment. We observe that for the same arrival rate, the average waiting time in line for mixed distribution is smaller than Exponencial or Uniform distributions with the same parameters. Also, we study the effect on waiting time and abandonment of different distributions of service and we observe that it is more affected by the coeficient of variation and average that by the particular distribution chosen for service.

Aproximações para a fila M/G/s/r+G. / Approximations for the M/G/s/r+G queue.

Gabriela Cantisano 03 July 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda medidas de desempenho aproximadas em centrais de atendimento, apresentadas pelo modelo M/G/s/r+G. As aproximações são calculadas a partir do modelo M/M/s/r+M(n). Os resultados foram extendidos para o caso de mais de um tipo de cliente, apresentado pelo modelo M/Mi/s/r+Mi(n). Para dois casos particulares com 2 tipos de clientes, as aproximações citadas foram avaliadas numericamente e comparadas com os resultados de referência obtidos através de simulação. Os resultados aproximados comprovam que a aproximação é bastante satisfatória. / We study approximations for performance measures of call centers, represented by M/G/s/r+G queueing model. We use the measures computed in the M/M/s/r+M(n) queueing model. The results were extended for more then one type of customer, represented by M/Mi/s/r+Mi(n) queueing model. For two particular cases with two types of customers, the mentioned approaches were numerically evaluated and compared with the results of reference obtained by simulation. The approximate results show that the approach is quite satisfactory.

Avaliação da cobertura vacinal em menores de cinco anos em Bom Jesus, Província do Bengo, Angola / Evaluation of the vaccine covering in Minors of five years in Bom Jesus, Province of the Bengo Angola

Manuel Falcão Saturnino de Oliveira 02 June 2011 (has links)
RESUMO OLIVEIRA, M. F. S. Avaliação da cobertura vacinal em Menores de cinco anos em Bom Jesus, Província do Bengo Angola, 2010. 111f. 2011. (Dissertação) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP, Ribeirão Preto, 2011. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a cobertura vacinal em crianças menores de cinco anos na comuna de Bom Jesus, Bengo, Angola e descrever as relações entre esse indicador com algumas características do contexto sócio econômico e demográfico local, do saneamento do meio, dos agregados familiares, das crianças e das mães ou responsáveis das mesmas. Material e Métodos: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, transversal e censitária, com 1205 crianças menores de cinco anos residentes em Bom Jesus no 1° semestre de 2010, razão pela qual não estabelecemos relações de associação entre as variáveis em estudo. As fontes de dados foram: 1) O inquérito domiciliar por entrevistas as mães ou responsáveis das crianças e aos chefes de família. 2) Cartão de saúde infantil e de saúde materna para os dados referentes ao estado vacinal das crianças e a vacinação antitetânica das mães ou responsáveis, respectivamente. 3) Registros sobre vacinações dos serviços de saúde de Bom Jesus e da província do Bengo. Para o processamento, analise e tratamento dos dados foi utilizado o software Epi-Info, versão 3.5.2. Resultados: Das 1205 crianças, 67,5 não possuíam cartão de vacina; a cobertura vacinal de Bom Jesus foi de 36,6%, sendo mais elevadas nos bairros Coxe e Matabuleiro com 65,2% e 65%, respectivamente e sem diferença entre os sexos; para a VOP, DTP e Hep B, 72,4%, 69,9% e 67,1% das crianças fizeram as doses com intervalos corretos; a maior cobertura vacinal ocorreu nos menores de 30 dias, com 67,9%, sendo esses valores muito menores que a meta de 90%, do PAV/Angola.A cobertura vacinal específica para a BCG, DTP, VOP, contra Hep B, Sarampo, Febre Amarela e antitetânica foi de 90,8%, 47,2 %, 51%, 14,2 %, 43%, 41,5% e 59%%, respectivamente e podem ser consideradas muito baixas com exceção para a BCG; a taxa de abandono para a DTP, VOP e Hep B foi de 32,2%, 32,8% e 25,4% respectivamente, valores muito superiores a meta que OMS/África recomenda é de até 10%; se constatou que aparentemente a cobertura vacinal aumentava conforme houvesse um incremento da escolaridade do chefe de família da e da mãe ou responsável pela criança, quando o chefe de família fosse o pai, mãe doméstica, com a presença da avó, os pais fossem de etnia kimbundo, melhores condições habitacionais, usuários dos serviços públicos de abastecimento de água e de coleta de lixo; os dados sugerem o decréscimo desse indicador conforme aumenta a idade da mãe ou responsável, o tamanho da família, o número de filhos vivos, a ordem de nascimento e a idade da criança. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam a importância dos inquéritos domiciliares como ferramentas indispensáveis na avaliação da cobertura vacinal real e a probabilidade de alguns fatores contextuais, individuais e familiares influenciarem a variabilidade desse indicador, para além de puderem subsidiar a decisão sobre o aperfeiçoamento de programas locais de imunização. Palavras Chaves: Avaliação, Determinantes sociais de Saúde, Vacinação, Programas de Imunização, Cobertura Vacinal e Taxa de Abandono. / ABSTRACT OLIVEIRA, M. F. S. Evaluation of the vaccine covering in Minors of five years in Bom Jesus, Province of the Bengo Angola, 2010. 111f. 2011. (Dissertation) College of Medicine of Brook Black Color, Ribeirão Preto, 2011. This study it has as objective to evaluate the vaccine covering in minors of five years in Good Jesus ,Bengo, Angola and to describe the relations between this pointer with some characteristics of the context economic partner and demographic place, of the sanitation of the way, the family units, the children, the mothers or responsible of the same ones. Methodology: one is about an evaluative, descriptive research and tax, with 1205 lesser children five year residents in Good Jesus in the first semester of 2010. The sources of data had been: 1) the domiciliary inquiry for interviews the responsible or mothers of the children e to the family heads, through the application of a form elaborated for the effect. 2) Card of infantile health and maternal health for the referring data to the vaccine state of the children and the against the tetanus vaccination of the responsible mothers or, respectively. 3) Registers on existing vaccinations in the local services of health of Good Jesus and the province of the Bengo. For the processing, it analyzes and treatment of the data was used software Epi-Info, version 3.5.2. RESULTS: Of the 1205 children, 67,5 do not passim vaccine card; the vaccine covering of Good Jesus was of 36,6%, being more raised in the quarters Coxe and Matabuleiro with 65,2% and 65%, respectively; it was observed that the children with less than 30 days had presented the biggest vaccine covering with 67,9%, without difference between the sexes. These values are placed very on this side of the 90% goal, established for the PAV/Angola. The specific vaccine covering for the BCG, DTP, Antipóliomielite, against Hepatitis B, Measles, Yellow Fever and antitectanic was of 90,8%, 47.2%, 51%, 14.2%, 43%, 41.5% and 59%, respectively and can be considered very low with exception for the BCG; the tax of abandonment for the DTP, Antipóliomielite and Hepatite B was of 32,2%, 32.8% and 25.4% respectively, very superior values the goal that OMS/Africa recommends is of even 10%; if it evidenced that apparently the vaccine covering increased as had an increment of the schooling of head of family, the schooling of the responsible mother or for the child, when the family head was the father, mother domesticates, with the presence of the grandmother, the parents was speakers of the local language (Kimbundo), with better house conditions and using conditions of the public services of supplying of water and basic sanitation of the environment; the data suggest the decrease of this in agreement pointer it increases the age of the responsible mother or, the size of the family, the number of children livings creature, the increment in the birth order and the age of the child. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate the importance of the inquiries domiciliary as indispensable tools in the evaluation of real the vaccine covering and the probability of some contextual, individual and familiar factors to influence the variability of this pointer, stops beyond will be able to subsidize the decision on the perfectioning of local programs of immunization. Key Words: Evaluation, Determinative social of Health, Vaccination, Programs of Immunization, Vaccine Covering and Tax of Abandonment.

Segurança e tolerabilidade do tratamento medicamentoso do transtorno de déficit da atenção com hiperatividade em adultos: revisão sistemática e meta-análise / Safety and tolerability of the drug treatment of attention deficit hyperactivy disorder in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis

Oliveira , Danielly Chierrito de 25 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-31T13:02:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Danielly Chierrito de Oliveira.pdf: 1654466 bytes, checksum: 1e641a0f50b2b80f1b9a9250eaeb58a2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T13:02:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Danielly Chierrito de Oliveira.pdf: 1654466 bytes, checksum: 1e641a0f50b2b80f1b9a9250eaeb58a2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Introduction: The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is considered a neurobiological disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, disorganization, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, and is diagnosed in about 2.5% to 3.4% in adults individuals. The choice of appropriate medical treatment should be based on reliable and quality evidences. Objectives: Gather evidences of safety and tolerability of the drugs used in the treatment of ADHD in adult patients without comorbidities associated. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted in the databases Medline, Scopus, Science Direct, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scielo, Psyc Info and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts and updated in June 2016. We included randomized, double-blind and parallel trials, which evaluated the safety and tolerability of the drugs used in the treatment for ADHD. The adverse events reported with the use of atomoxetine were grouped by systems, according to the changes induced in individuals in accordance with MedDRA® dictionary. For traditional meta-analysis of dichotomous outcomes were calculated effect of measures such as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals, using the Mantel-Haenszel statistical method. Continuous outcomes were analyzed using standardized mean difference ± standard deviation, considering the statistical method Mean difference. Regarding the network meta-analysis, we used the Bayesian statistical model, adjusted chain Monte Carlo Markov. We considered effect of measures as OR with 95% credibility intervals and statistically significant p <0.05. Statistical analyzes were conducted with the assistance of Review Manager software, version 5.3 and Addis software, version 1.16.5. Results: In the first chapter, we evaluated safety and tolerability outcomes of treatment of ADHD with atomoxetine compared to placebo, from traditional meta-analysis, and chapter 2 safety outcomes related to five drugs through network meta-analysis. It was identified a total of 7487 articles and, from these, 6 (n = 2481) and 10 (n = 3006) were included for analysis in chapters 1 and 2, respectively. Considering the outcomes of the first chapter, which were grouped by system, most meta-analyzes of adverse events related to the nervous system, psychiatric, gastrointestinal, sexual, metabolic and general, as well as security considering vital signs showed difference statistically significant in favor of placebo. The tolerability outcomes showed that the highest number of abandonment of treatment by adverse events, statistically significant, occurred in the treated group (OR 0.37 [95% CI 0.23, 0.59]) and lack of efficacy in the placebo group (OR 1.86 [95% CI 1.26, 2.75]). Through the network meta-analysis, outcomes analyzed in chapter 2, statistically significant differences were observed in comparisons: Appetite decreased between atomoxetine and placebo (OR 0.15 [95% ICr 0.05; 0.38]) and mixed amphetamine salts extended-release and placebo (OR 0.06 [95% ICr 0.00; 0.51]); insomnia between atomoxetine and placebo (OR 0.48 [95% ICr 0.27; 0.88]) and mixed amphetamine salts extended-release and placebo (OR 0.23 [95% ICr 0.06, 0.76] ); somnolence between atomoxetine and methylphenidate OROS (OR 0.24 [95% ICr 0.06; 0.97]) and libido decreased between atomoxetine and placebo (OR 0.28 [95% ICr 0.08, 0.90]). Conclusions: It was possible to generate evidence on the safety and tolerability profile of drugs for ADHD, pointing out that atomoxetine compared to placebo is more associated with adverse events and therefore higher abandonment of treatment. Another aspect that evaluated the tolerability of these drugs was the abandonment for lack of efficacy, where the placebo group presents this outcome more often statistically confirmed. From meta-analysis network (chapter 2), it became clear that atomoxetine and mixed amphetamines salts extended-release are more involved with adverse events of appetite decreased and insomnia, and atomoxetine with somnolence and libido decreased. There are still some gaps to be filled and further studies involving these drugs and pharmacoeconomic analysis should be conducted to support health decision-making, directing for choosing the best treatment option. / Introdução: O Transtorno de Déficit da Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) é considerado um distúrbio neurobiológico, caracterizado por sintomas de desatenção, desorganização, hiperatividade e/ou impulsividade, diagnosticado em torno de 2,5% a 3,4% dos indivíduos adultos. A escolha do tratamento medicamentoso adequado deve se basear em evidências seguras e de qualidade. Objetivos: Reunir evidências de segurança e tolerabilidade dos medicamentos utilizados no tratamento do TDAH em pacientes adultos sem comorbidades associadas. Metodologia: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada nas bases de dados Medline, Scopus, Science Direct, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scielo, Psyc Info e International Pharmaceutical Abstracts e atualizada em junho de 2016. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados, duplo-cegos, paralelos, que avaliaram a segurança e tolerabilidade de medicamentos utilizados para o tratamento do TDAH. Os eventos adversos relatados com o uso da atomoxetina foram agrupados por sistemas, de acordo com alterações provocadas nos indivíduos conforme dicionário MedDRA®. Para as meta-análises tradicionais de desfechos dicotômicos, foram calculadas medidas de efeito como odds ratio (OR), com intervalos de confiança de 95%, usando o método estatístico Mantel-Haenszel. Os desfechos contínuos foram analisados por diferença de média padronizada ± desvio padrão, considerando o método estatístico Mean difference. Em relação às meta-análises em rede, foi utilizado o modelo estatístico Bayesiano, ajustado com cadeia de Monte Carlo Markov. Foram consideradas medidas de efeito, como OR, com intervalos de credibilidade de 95%, e estatisticamente significativo p < 0,05. As análises estatísticas foram conduzidas com auxílio do software Review Manager, versão 5.3 e do software Addis, versão 1.16.5. Resultados: No primeiro capítulo, foram avaliados desfechos de segurança e tolerabilidade do tratamento do TDAH com atomoxetina comparado ao placebo, a partir de meta-análises tradicionais, e, no capítulo 2, desfechos de segurança relacionados a cinco medicamentos por meio de meta-análises em rede. Foi identificado um total de 7487 artigos e, destes, 6 (n = 2481) e 10 (n = 3006) foram incluídos para análises nos capítulos 1 e 2, respectivamente. Considerando os desfechos do primeiro capítulo, os quais foram agrupados por sistemas, a maioria das meta-análises de eventos adversos relacionados ao sistema nervoso, psiquiátrico, gastrointestinal, sexual, metabólico e gerais, assim como a de segurança considerando sinais vitais, apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa a favor do placebo. Os desfechos de tolerabilidade apontaram que o maior número de abandono por eventos adversos, estatisticamente significativo, ocorreu no grupo tratado (OR 0,37 [IC 95% 0,23; 0,59]) e por falta de eficácia no grupo placebo (OR 1,86 [IC 95% 1,26; 2,75]). Através das meta-análises em rede, desfechos analisados no capítulo 2, foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas comparações: Apetite diminuído entre atomoxetina e placebo (OR 0,15 [ICr 95% 0,05; 0,38]) e sais mistos de anfetaminas de liberação prolongada e placebo (OR 0,06 [ICr 95% 0,00; 0,51]); insônia entre atomoxetina e placebo (OR 0,48 [ICr 95% 0,27; 0,88]) e sais mistos de anfetaminas de liberação prolongada e placebo (OR 0,23 [ICr 95% 0,06; 0,76]); sonolência entre atomoxetina e metilfenidato OROS (OR 0,24 [ICr 95% 0,06; 0,97]) e libido diminuída entre atomoxetina e placebo (OR 0,28 [ICr 95% 0,08; 0,90]). Conclusões: Foi possível gerar evidências sobre o perfil de segurança e tolerabilidade de medicamentos para TDAH, apontando que a atomoxetina, quando comparada ao placebo, está mais associada a eventos adversos e, por isso, há maior abandono do tratamento. Outro aspecto que avaliou a tolerabilidade do mesmo foi o abandono por falta de eficácia, em que o grupo placebo apresentou este desfecho com maior frequência, comprovado estatisticamente. A partir de meta-análise em rede (capítulo 2), foi possível evidenciar que a atomoxetina e sais mistos de anfetaminas de liberação prolongada estão mais envolvidos com os eventos adversos apetite diminuído e insônia, e atomoxetina com sonolência e libido diminuída. Ainda há algumas lacunas a serem preenchidas e mais estudos envolvendo esses medicamentos e análises farmacoeconômicas devem ser conduzidas para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em saúde, direcionando para a escolha da melhor opção terapêutica.

Övergivande av fartyg i isfarvatten : En kvalitativ studie över svenska rederiers beredskap inför nödsituationer i isfarvatten.

Granlund, Andreas, Torvaldsson, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Trots att isen lagt sig på Bottenhavet avstannar inte handeln med de norrländska hamnarna. Många av de fartyg som anlöper dessa hamnar har som primär överlevnadsfarkost en frifallslivbåt, en typ av livbåt som av experter har blivit utdömda som värdelösa i samband med is. Även fartygens sekundära överlevnadssystem, som består av uppblåsbara flottar, har blivit kritiserat. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka vad svenska rederier med fartyg som bär denna typ av livbåt har för beredskap inför en eventuell nödsituation i isen.   Undersökningen har grundats på en kvalitativ intervjustudie med representanter från tre svenska rederier som bedriver vintersjöfart. Studien har visat på stora skillnader mellan de olika rederierna gällande rutiner för att operera i is. Inget av rederierna som intervjuats har haft en speciell plan för övergivandet av fartyg i isförhållanden, trots att de har en säkerhetsorganisation som blivit godkänd av den svenska Transportstyrelsen. / Even though the ice has formed on the Gulf of Bothnia the trade with the northern ports of Sweden and Finland does not cease. Many of the ships calling these ports have their primary survival craft in form the of a freefall lifeboat, a survival craft that experts have condemned as useless in ice. Even the ship's secondary survival system consisting of inflatable rafts has been criticized. The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of plan Swedish shipping companies, who operate vessels that carry this type of lifeboat, have to deal with a possible emergency situation in the ice. The study was based on qualitative interviews with representatives from three Swedish shipping companies operating in winter conditions. The study revealed great differences between the various companies in routine procedures when operating in ice. None of the interviewed companies had a special plan for the abandonment of ships in ice conditions, although they have a safety organization approved by the Swedish Transport Agency.

The Growing Desert: Nihilism And Metaphysics In Martin Heidegger&#039 / s Thought

Duman, Musa 01 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT THE GROWING DESERT: NIHILISM AND METAPHYSICS IN HEIDEGGER&rsquo / S THOUGHT Duman, Musa Ph. D., Department of Philosophy Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ahmet inam March 2009, 209 pages In this study, we explore Heidegger&rsquo / s understanding of nihilism as the essential dimension of metaphysics, of metaphysical experience of Being, and in the following, we address his responses to it. Heidegger takes nihilism as rooted in the metaphysical way of thinking, hence metaphysics and nihilism standing in a primordial identity. Such metaphysical way of thinking as a framework in which Being is experinced and articulated, explicitly or implicitly in all areas of Western culture, from art to science, gives us the deep history or movement of Western tradition. Heidegger considers such movement to be presenting an ever growing threat, indeed as something to be consummated in the eeriest possibility of world history, that is, total destruction of human essence as an openness for the disclosure of Being. He points out to this underlying phenomenon with various designations: forgetfullnesss of Being, abandonment of Being, darkening of the world, Gestell and devestation are some of them. In this tradition, Being, from Plato and Aristotle onwards, becomes nothing at all, that is, excluded from any thoughtful consideration, reduced to a mere abstraction. Anything nihilistic, if fully delved into, would prove to conceal at its heart an alienation to the true sense of Being. Therefore, we need to develop a way of thinking outside the dominion of metaphysics, which should not only discover No-thing as the concealment dimension of Being, thus be deeply open to our finitude, but also learn to respond thoughtfully and thankfully to the gift of Being in, through and towards which we ex-sist as human beings. Vis-a-vis the futural potentials of nihilism in this long end of Western history, the futural character of Heidegger&rsquo / s thinking, his search for a new way of thinking that would incipate the other beginning, harbours a strange Tension that is characteristic of his whole philosophy.

Many-server queues with customer abandonment

He, Shuangchi 05 July 2011 (has links)
Customer call centers with hundreds of agents working in parallel are ubiquitous in many industries. These systems have a large amount of daily traffic that is stochastic in nature. It becomes more and more difficult to manage a call center because of its increasingly large scale and the stochastic variability in arrival and service processes. In call center operations, customer abandonment is a key factor and may significantly impact the system performance. It must be modeled explicitly in order for an operational model to be relevant for decision making. In this thesis, a large-scale call center is modeled as a queue with many parallel servers. To model the customer abandonment, each customer is assigned a patience time. When his waiting time for service exceeds his patience time, a customer abandons the system without service. We develop analytical and numerical tools for analyzing such a queue. We first study a sequence of G/G/n+GI queues, where the customer patience times are independent and identically distributed (iid) following a general distribution. The focus is the abandonment and the queue length processes. We prove that under certain conditions, a deterministic relationship holds asymptotically in diffusion scaling between these two stochastic processes, as the number of servers goes to infinity. Next, we restrict the service time distribution to be a phase-type distribution with d phases. Using the aforementioned asymptotic relationship, we prove limit theorems for G/Ph/n+GI queues in the quality- and efficiency-driven (QED) regime. In particular, the limit process for the customer number in each phase is a d-dimensional piecewise Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process. Motivated by the diffusion limit process, we propose two approximate models for a GI/Ph/n+GI queue. In each model, a d-dimensional diffusion process is used to approximate the dynamics of the queue. These two models differ in how the patience time distribution is built into them. The first diffusion model uses the patience time density at zero and the second one uses the entire patience time distribution. We also develop a numerical algorithm to analyze these diffusion models. The algorithm solves the stationary distribution of each model. The computed stationary distribution is used to estimate the queue's performance. A crucial part of this algorithm is to choose an appropriate reference density that controls the convergence of the algorithm. We develop a systematic approach to constructing a reference density. With the proposed reference density, the algorithm is shown to converge quickly in numerical experiments. These experiments also show that the diffusion models are good approximations of queues with a moderate to large number of servers.

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