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Espaço público e cidadania : autoridade, confiança e compromissoKlein, Maria Isabel Pezzi January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese é uma reflexão sobre os arranjos institucionais que compõem as ordens jurídicas e políticas de nossas democracias ocidentais. Queremos mostrar a urgência de uma virada na perspectiva antropológica, como alternativa para superação da imensa crise pela qual passamos, e, para tanto, a filosofia política de Hannah Arendt foi a inspiração certa. Com a Filósofa, aprendemos que é somente na interação do “eu com os outros” que se concretiza a realidade do mundo humano, garantindo a vitalidade do espaço público, sede, por excelência, da ação política. Enquanto permanecermos presos ao individualismo solipsista, reproduzindo o padrão comportamental daquele a quem Hannah Arendt chama de animal laborans, não poderá existir uma esfera verdadeiramente pública, mas, tão-somente, atividades privadas exibidas em público. O que queremos demonstrar é que a possibilidade de superação dos atuais problemas passa pelo afastamento da violência que destrói o poder e esvazia a autoridade, pelo resgate da confiança dos cidadãos e pela afirmação do compromisso entre governantes e governados. Trata-se de uma concreta mudança na perspectiva antropológica subjacente às estruturas institucionais da comunidade política. Sai de cena o animal laborans, dando lugar ao amável zôon politikón, o ser humano, na sua condição plena, que sabe que a liberdade real só existe neste “estar um com o outro” no espaço público, onde há a necessária confiança e o essencial consentimento dos cidadãos para construir e fazer funcionar as ordens jurídicas e políticas. Voltamos os nossos olhos para o passado, examinando os contornos políticos, jurídicos e sociais dos respectivos espaços públicos, antigo, medieval e moderno, avaliando as consequencias no desenvolvimento de nossa compreensão sobre a cidadania. A alternativa de solução que propomos investe no valor da argumentação jurídica, pois acreditamos que a compreensão humana é o outro lado da nossa capacidade de agir. Sendo assim, defendemos, neste trabalho, a máxima importância da argumentação jurídica como um dos componentes da cidadania ativa capaz de recuperar as densidades éticas, jurídicas e políticas do espaço público, dando legitimidade democrática às suas regras de regência. / The thesis is a careful thought about the political, social and legal system of our western democracies. It shows how we need, as soon as possible, to make na anthropological overturn, like an alternative to get over the immeasurable crisis we are suffering now. In this task, we are supported by Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy. This wonderful thinker taught that we need to treat the others like equals. At least, if we want to build a human life in the world with a real public space where the political action can happen. If animal laborans keeps the control over the public arena, it will not be a truly public sphere, but only a place where private activities are showed. We will get over the problems if we realize that violence destroys the power and the authority. So, we need to rescue the citizen’s trust and the compromise between the Government and people. It is a real change in the anthropological perspective that deeply affects the political, legal and social orders. Aninal laborans gets out of the public scene. He is replaced by a lovely newcomer: zôon politikón, who lives a truly Human Condition. Actually, he lives in a democratic society in which citizens have access to political debate and can themselves be heard in it. He knows that only in this special place, where we are together, a sphere of open and free discussion is possible. The public space is the place where exists the much-needed trust and the common consent of citizens for build and do work the political and legal orders. We outline a historical retrospect scenery of the western political organizations and their public spheres in order to point out the evolution that happened in the societies in face of the several political, legal and social facts that permeated the last centuries. Especially, we emphasize the effects and consequences of that facts in the citizens’s behavior and citizen’s understanding. We consider that it is quite indispensable to enable and improve the legal reasoning, especially the pratical reasoning, because we believe that the human understanding is the other side of our capacity of action. In this way, we defend the great value of legal reasoning for active citizenship. Actually, we believe in this alternative to recover the ethical, legal and political density of public space, legitimating its rules.
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Políticas públicas e educação ambiental : o protagonismo social e a democratização das políticas públicas ambientaisCorrêa, Sergionei 27 March 2013 (has links)
A simetria existente entre o caminhar civilizatório e o constitucionalismo demostrou que os
direitos fundamentais não são estanques, pelo contrário, são construídos e agregam valores,
consoante os anseios que emergem do corpo social. O valor democrático rompeu os limites
adstritos aos direitos políticos, ganhou as ruas, tornou-se um poder-dever que os cidadãos
precisam exercitar diariamente e não apenas a cada dois anos. O ativismo contínuo da
sociedade na esfera política é fundamental para a construção de um verdadeiro Estado
democrático de direitos, todavia não prescinde de um processo cognitivo sólido. Nesse
cenário, políticas e programas públicos enraizados em metodologias pedagógicas modernas,
cientes da sistematicidade, complexidade e das interligações existentes entre as condutas dos
seres vivos que compõem a comunidade global são fundamentais. Diante da intrincada e rica
teia da vida é imprescindível ao homem aproximar-se do meio natural, conhecer seus
princípios e aplicá-los às comunidades humanas. Ainda, necessita-se de um processo
educacional enraizado em metodologias voltadas a formar cidadãos conscientes da facticidade
envolta à sociedade contemporânea. Enfim, é através da democratização e qualificação do
processo cognitivo que o cidadão terá as ferramentas para uma atuação ativa e qualitativa em
conjunto com o poder público, estimulando e consolidando a vertente democrática do
ativismo social e materializando a efetividade das normas e programas públicos sociais e
ecológicos. / The symmetry between the civilizing walk and constitutionalism demonstrated that
fundamental rights are not watertight, however, are built and aggregate values, depending on
the desires that emerge from the social structure. The democratic value crossed the limits
assigned to political rights, took to the streets, became a power and duty that citizens need to
exercise daily and not only every two years. The company's continued activism in politics is
key to building a truly democratic state of Rights, however, doesn’t prescinds from a solid
cognitive process. In this scenario, public policies and programs rooted in modern teaching
methodologies, aware of systematicity, complexity and interconnections between the behavior
of living things that make up the global community are fundamental. Given the intricate and
rich web of life is essential to man approaching the natural environment, know your principles
and apply them to human communities. Finally, environmental education rooted in
methodologies directed to form citizens aware of the facticity of contemporary society is an
essential step in the maturation process of man. It is through democratization and qualification
of the cognitive process that citizens have the tools for an active performance and qualitative
together with the government, stimulating and consolidating the democratic aspect of social
activism and materializing the effectiveness of standards and public social and ecological
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Assessing the state of public participation in the Western Cape: the case of Beaufort West MunicipalityPhendu, Sipho 12 1900 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / It is often argued that public participation is the cornerstone of constitutional democracy especially in countries such as South Africa with the history of segregation which was characterised by the exclusion of the majority of citizens from the decision-making processes of the state based on race, class and gender. As such, following the introduction of the various pieces of legislation in 1994, the dominant narrative was that the progressive laws that were passed would serve as a ‘panacea’ to the challenges of participatory governance in South Africa. It was inconceivable that 25 years into democracy, South Africa would still be grappling with the concept of public participation and the extent to which citizens could influence, direct and own decisions made by and with government especially at a local level.
This study assessed the state of public participation in the Western Cape focusing on Beaufort Municipality in the Central Karoo District. It argued that public participation is a prerequisite for democratic governance and that the state could be deemed illegitimate if it does not prioritize the involvement of communities in its affairs. In this context, a particular focus was placed on the effectiveness of the ward committee system (as state sponsored mechanisms of public participation) in enhancing participatory democracy in Beaufort West Municipality. It refuted assumptions on the institutional arrangements made in the legislative framework governing public participation and ward committees – identifying and outlining some of the unanticipated consequences of these pieces of legislation.
The study used qualitative research methods to collect data. Primary and secondary data was gathered to assess the state of public participation in the Western Cape with specific reference on the effectiveness of the ward committee system and the role of legislative and regulatory framework governing public participation, the institutional architecture and the roles of various stakeholders involved in public participation. The primary data was gathered through structured interviews and questionnaires while the secondary data was collected the analysis of the literature on public participation and ward committees including municipal reports, guidelines on public participation, legislation and policy frameworks.
The research found that it is precisely the state sanctioned ward committee system that has contributed to the collapse of public participation in South Africa. The ward committee system was identified as a ‘poisoned chalice’ - so compromised that it has become an instrument to legitimise predetermined decisions of the politically connected elite, a rubber stamp platform to comply with the policy and legislative framework. To address this problem, the study recommended a number of measures and interventions that could be introduced which entails the reconfiguration and overhaul of the legislative framework governing public participation and ward committees including the review of the role of politicians in public participation, training and capacity building, allocation of dedicated budget for public participation etc.
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Play that funky musicHenningsson, Denise January 2014 (has links)
Musik är en väsentlig del i identitetsskapandet för barn och unga världen över. Genom globaliseringen har musik, klädstilar och dylika centrala delar i uppbyggandet av jaget spridits världen över och kombinerats och inspirerats av varandra (Sernhede, 2006). Identitetsskapandet är en betydande del i huruvida ett aktivt medborgarskap tar form eller inte hos olika individer och grupper. Därav är identitetsskapandet en väsentlig del att bejaka vid undervisningen av medborgerlig bildning. Medborgare refererar till en person som reagerar på sin omgivning med medvetenhet om de sociala och politiska funktionerna i samhället (Hartsmar et al, 2013). Vad en medborgerlig bildning specifikt består av beror på vilka system, traditioner och värden som är förekommande där bildningen genomförs. Likheten med all medborgerlig bildning är att det syftar till en bildning som har målet att stärka medborgarnas förmåga att påverka samhällsutvecklingen positivt (ibid.)Ovanstående resonemang har lett mig till frågeställningarna "Hur används musik i skolor i Tanzania?", "Hur uttrycker sig lärare och elever gällande betydelsen av musikutbildning utifrån ett individ- och ett kollektivt perspektiv?" samt "Hur kan läroplanen appliceras på medborgerlig bildning för demokrati?". Anledningen till att just tanzaniska skolor står i fokus är det faktum att Tanzanias läroplan har ett ämne kallat vocational skills, där 12 ämnen ingår. Musik är ett av ämnena inom vocational skills som till störst del står för den medborgerliga bildningen i skolan. Enligt den svenska läroplanen ska medborgerlig bildning vara en del av samtliga ämnen, men skillnaden är att den tanzaniska läroplanen beskriver något mer specifikt hur det ska gå till - i synnerhet när det gäller musikundervisningen. Jag ansåg därför att det kunde vara intressant att undersöka musikens koppling till medborgerlig bildning i skolor i Tanzania. Detta har jag gjort genom en kvalitativ studie innehållande 15 intervjuer, varav tre personer var lärare och resterande elever i åldrarna 12 -14 år. Det visade sig i mitt resultat att musik ansågs vara en viktig del av identitetsskapandet och det framtida medborgarskapet, men även att detta är en möjlig väg för medborgerlig bildning, bland många andra.
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Youth civic engagement in Bhutan: Obedient citizens or social activists?Suhonen, Riikka January 2014 (has links)
People’s participation in their own development is at the core of Communication forDevelopment. This study explores the potential and barriers for youth civic engagementespecially among the urban youth in Bhutan, a newly democratised country in theEastern Himalayas. Youth Initiative (YI), a project begun in the fall of 2013 by a groupof local youth and mentored by a local civil society organisation, the Bhutan Centre forMedia and Democracy, was chosen as the case study.The study analyses how and in which arenas youth enact their citizenship inBhutan; how young people themselves see their opportunities to participate indemocratic processes, analysing social, cultural and political factors influencing theirparticipation; whether their civic participation is critical or conforming to the existingsocial structures; how could Facebook foster democratic culture and youth civicengagement; and what is the link between youth civic engagement and social capital.Data were collected through three (3) focus group discussions with youth andnine (9) qualitative interviews with founders or steering committee members of the YI.The 19 young participants of the focus group discussions were between 17 to 28 yearsold, two of the groups consisting of YI representatives and one of unemployed youth.The interview data together with relevant textual sources were analysed through theconceptual framework of participatory democracy and social capital. Three distinctthemes could be identified through the qualitative thematic analysis: 1. Youth agency inthe public sphere; 2. Inequality and corruption; and 3. Cultural change. Particularlyinformal cultural barriers, such as respecting authorities and the lack of democraticculture to have an equal, critical dialogue in the public sphere were seen as mainobstacles for youth civic engagement in Bhutan.The findings indicate that youth civic engagement is a crucial component instrengthening social capital, particularly mutual trust across different groups andgenerations of people. The study argues that it is possible to create a space for intergenerational dialogue that encompasses and respects the diverse, but overlappingspheres of youth agency, democratic communication and social harmony.
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Governance of Career Guidance : an enquiry into European policyBengtsson, Anki January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to enquire into and problematize the governance of career guidance and how individuals’ career management is constructed within EU policy. The empirical material consists of European policy documents produced during 2000-2015. The two central research questions explore (1) how European career guidance is made governable, and (2) how individuals’ career management is constructed and governed. The Foucauldian governmentality perspective and the analytic method of problematization is utilized. The analysis focuses on the compositions of normative forms of reason, discursive practices and techniques by which governing is exercised and knowledge is produced. The thesis is based on four articles, three of which concern career guidance and career management. The fourth article concerns education of citizenship. The analysis shows that the formation of a policy space for comparison of national systems of career guidance is significant for making European career guidance amenable to governance. It is mobilized by governing practices for involvement of institutional actors and the construction of standards of performance. This form of governance becomes effective on the condition that institutional actors use and produce knowledge and practices about what works in career guidance, and this implies self-control and constant monitoring. It is a complex process of producing self-regulation of career guidance adjustable to change and innovation in which both standardization and modulation are inbuilt. Moreover, this is dependent on the interplay of governance and self-government. Knowledge and practices shape career management as an individual competence, which each individual is assumed to achieve. The use of guidance techniques supporting this design and self-regulating practices contributes to responsibilizing individuals to achieve this competence. Knowledge of individuals’ management of their careers includes civic competence. This led me to extend my use of the theoretical framework to investigate how knowledge of civic competence is constructed in European policy documents concerning teacher education from 2000 to 2012. My analysis shows that presumptions of teaching civic competence support the production of the active and learning subject.
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O ORÇAMENTO PARTICIPATIVO E A GESTÃO DEMOCRÁTICA DE GOIÂNIAFonseca, Jumária Fernandes Ribeiro 06 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:50:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-06 / This research will discuss the new forms of public administration inserted at the top of
the participative democracy dynamic, which has been, day after day, gaining
emphasis in the scope of the municipal public administrations. The research focuses
on the analysis of the Participative Budget program, as a space of a permanent
relationship of the local government with its citizens, through a process that
stimulates the participation, where the community proposes, discusses and decides
about the application of the installment of the public budget destined for the
investments. This ability to communicate with the local government strengths the
democratic principles while at the same time arousing a political culture in the
participating citizens, thus making them more participative and critical. On the other
hand, the administrations that adopt this program become targets of a higher control
by the society when it comes to the application of the public resources. The research
revealed that through methods applied in the direct participation of the citizens, this
program can become a tool that can avoid politics with populist and clientelist traits
that still are a reality at various municipal administrations. In order to focus the study
on both opportunities where the program was implemented in Goiânia, an interrelation
analysis between the State, Democracy and Power was used, and it worked
with the following problematization: Did the Participative Budget contribute to
democratize the municipal administration in Goiânia? Based on this objective, this
study looks to rescue the data of various stages associated with the review of the
specific literature, which contributed to validation of a few of the hypotheses raised,
especially in regards to the decisive power conceded to the participants in matters of
administrative order in the public administration of the city. / Disserta-se a respeito das novas formas de gestão pública inseridas no bojo da
dinâmica da democracia participativa que vem, dia após dia, ganhando ênfase no
âmbito das administrações públicas municipais. Esta pesquisa centra-se na análise
do programa Orçamento Participativo, como um espaço de relação permanente do
governo local com os munícipes, através de um processo que estimula a
participação, onde a comunidade propõe, discute e decide sobre a aplicação da
parcela do orçamento público destinada aos investimentos. Esta capacidade de
interlocução com o governo local reforça os princípios democráticos despertando
nos cidadãos participantes uma cultura política, de modo a torná-lo mais participante
e crítico. Por outro lado, as administrações que adotam esse programa tornam-se
alvo de maior controle da sociedade na aplicação dos recursos públicos. A pesquisa
revelou que, através das metodologias aplicadas de participação direta dos
cidadãos, esse programa torna-se um instrumento que pode evitar as políticas de
cunho clientelistas e populistas que ainda são realidade em várias administrações
municipais. Partiu-se da análise da inter relação entre o Estado, Democracia e Poder
para centrar o estudo nas duas oportunidades em que o programa foi implementado
em Goiânia, trabalhando com a seguinte problematização: O Orçamento
Participativo contribuiu para democratizar a gestão municipal de Goiânia? Com tal
propósito busca-se resgatar os dados das diversas etapas associado à revisão da
literatura especializada, o que contribui para a comprovação de algumas das
hipóteses levantadas, especialmente no que tange ao poder decisório concedido aos
participantes em questões de ordem administrativa na gestão pública da cidade.
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Olhares e perspectivas sobre a educação ambiental, a democracia participativa e o empowerment de crianças e adolescentes em escolas da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo / The views about environmental education, participative democracy and the children and adolescents empowerment in schools of the public system of education of São Paulo CitySilva, Mirtes Moreira 27 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A sociedade atual tem sofrido com o agravamento dos problemas ambientais e da crise ecológica. Enfrentar essas questões impõe à Educação um grande desafio. A educação ambiental escolar pode proporcionar o empowerment dos educandos, por meio da reflexão, da tomada de consciência e da formação de valores compatíveis com a construção de uma sociedade sustentável. Objetivos: Verificar se a educação ambiental é praticada nas escolas investigadas, suas estratégias, os atores envolvidos e as dificuldades enfrentadas; conhecer a opinião e o envolvimento de educadores, pais e alunos com a democracia participativa e o protagonismo dos estudantes; identificar os impactos do trabalho pedagógico na saúde ambiental e na qualidade de vida de suas comunidades educativas. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa do tipo pesquisa-ação. Instrumentos de investigação: grupo focal com professores, entrevistas com alunos e pais e questionários com as equipes técnicas de dez escolas públicas municipais de São Paulo. Resultados: A Educação Ambiental, a democracia participativa e o empowerment dos alunos ainda é uma realidade distante na maioria das escolas. As estratégias carecem de planejamento, são pontuais e individualizadas. Os educadores necessitam de formação e condições de trabalho adequadas. A forte cultura hierárquica e a acomodação dos educadores dificultam a democracia participativa nas escolas, mas há exemplos bem sucedidos de protagonismo dos alunos e participação da comunidade. Há divergências sobre a saúde ambiental da escola, a influência governamental e o papel de cada membro da comunidade educativa sobre o sucesso ou fracasso dos projetos pedagógicos. Conclusões: Prevalecem os currículos, práticas e concepções típicas de uma educação conservadora na maioria das escolas, apesar do consenso geral sobre a necessidade de formar alunos cidadãos críticos, participativos, éticos e felizes para uma sociedade melhor e sustentável / Introduction: Nowadays the ecological crisis and the environmental problems around the world have been an important preoccupation. To the education it means a great challenge. So, the environmental education in school could provide the empowerment of the students by making them conscious about the values and acts necessary to get a sustainable society. Objectives: To verify if the environmental education had been practiced in the schools; the strategies adopted, the actors, and difficulties of them; to know the opinions and the involvement of teachers, students and parents with participative democracy and protagonist acts of the students; to identify the effects of the education projects in the environmental health and quality of life of the schools. Method: Thats a qualitative method with three investigation instruments: focal groups (teachers), interviews (students and parents) and questionnaires (technical groups members) of ten public schools of São Paulo City. Results: A few number of the school developed environmental education, democratic participation and empowerment of their students. Most of them explained that they developed their work by the use of punctual and disconnected actions. In general, teachers showed that they need to be better prepared to this task. Also their work conditions need to be improved. The strong power structure of the schools is a great problem to install the democratic participation of their members. There were different opinions about health environmental conditions of the schools, the educations projects and the governments or members of the schools papers over them. Conclusions: Traditional curriculums and practices based on old conceptions of education were presented by the most of schools, although they had the aim to make conscious, ethics, participative and happy citizens for a healthy and sustainable society
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Olhares e perspectivas sobre a educação ambiental, a democracia participativa e o empowerment de crianças e adolescentes em escolas da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo / The views about environmental education, participative democracy and the children and adolescents empowerment in schools of the public system of education of São Paulo CityMirtes Moreira Silva 27 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A sociedade atual tem sofrido com o agravamento dos problemas ambientais e da crise ecológica. Enfrentar essas questões impõe à Educação um grande desafio. A educação ambiental escolar pode proporcionar o empowerment dos educandos, por meio da reflexão, da tomada de consciência e da formação de valores compatíveis com a construção de uma sociedade sustentável. Objetivos: Verificar se a educação ambiental é praticada nas escolas investigadas, suas estratégias, os atores envolvidos e as dificuldades enfrentadas; conhecer a opinião e o envolvimento de educadores, pais e alunos com a democracia participativa e o protagonismo dos estudantes; identificar os impactos do trabalho pedagógico na saúde ambiental e na qualidade de vida de suas comunidades educativas. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa do tipo pesquisa-ação. Instrumentos de investigação: grupo focal com professores, entrevistas com alunos e pais e questionários com as equipes técnicas de dez escolas públicas municipais de São Paulo. Resultados: A Educação Ambiental, a democracia participativa e o empowerment dos alunos ainda é uma realidade distante na maioria das escolas. As estratégias carecem de planejamento, são pontuais e individualizadas. Os educadores necessitam de formação e condições de trabalho adequadas. A forte cultura hierárquica e a acomodação dos educadores dificultam a democracia participativa nas escolas, mas há exemplos bem sucedidos de protagonismo dos alunos e participação da comunidade. Há divergências sobre a saúde ambiental da escola, a influência governamental e o papel de cada membro da comunidade educativa sobre o sucesso ou fracasso dos projetos pedagógicos. Conclusões: Prevalecem os currículos, práticas e concepções típicas de uma educação conservadora na maioria das escolas, apesar do consenso geral sobre a necessidade de formar alunos cidadãos críticos, participativos, éticos e felizes para uma sociedade melhor e sustentável / Introduction: Nowadays the ecological crisis and the environmental problems around the world have been an important preoccupation. To the education it means a great challenge. So, the environmental education in school could provide the empowerment of the students by making them conscious about the values and acts necessary to get a sustainable society. Objectives: To verify if the environmental education had been practiced in the schools; the strategies adopted, the actors, and difficulties of them; to know the opinions and the involvement of teachers, students and parents with participative democracy and protagonist acts of the students; to identify the effects of the education projects in the environmental health and quality of life of the schools. Method: Thats a qualitative method with three investigation instruments: focal groups (teachers), interviews (students and parents) and questionnaires (technical groups members) of ten public schools of São Paulo City. Results: A few number of the school developed environmental education, democratic participation and empowerment of their students. Most of them explained that they developed their work by the use of punctual and disconnected actions. In general, teachers showed that they need to be better prepared to this task. Also their work conditions need to be improved. The strong power structure of the schools is a great problem to install the democratic participation of their members. There were different opinions about health environmental conditions of the schools, the educations projects and the governments or members of the schools papers over them. Conclusions: Traditional curriculums and practices based on old conceptions of education were presented by the most of schools, although they had the aim to make conscious, ethics, participative and happy citizens for a healthy and sustainable society
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Frontlinjebyråkraternas handlingsutrymme vid övergången till Etableringsreformen / Frontline bureaucrats discretion in the transition to Establishment ReformRizvic, Arnela January 2013 (has links)
Title: [Frontline bureaucrats discretion in the transition to Establishment Reform]This essay aims to study discretion among frontline bureaucrats as an important factor in the integration of immigrants. In contrast to other studies of discretion this essays has its focus on a new establishment reform that has been recently legislated. The theoretical frame is based on the concept of frontline bureaucracy developed by M. Lipsky (2010). In the analysis of the discretion in this specific area I have been inspired by I. Schierenbecks (2003) comparative study based on three different relationships a frontline bureaucrat has to take into account: regulations, the dual role and a relationship to the immigrant client. I have used a qualitative approach where I interviewed workers in two different employment exchange offices in the country. The results show that there is an opportunity to adapt the law to individual needs which meets the criteria for an extensible and flexible framework. All frontline bureaucrats find the dual role as debilitating where they feel torn between the organization's goals and the applicant's needs. When these needs conflict, the majority chooses to follow the employment services directives. Frontline bureaucrats in the study are sharing a disposal, problem- solving approach towards the immigrant clients. There is a perception among frontline bureaucrats on new immigrant clients as carriers of specific cultural characteristics, however, there is nothing saying that these perceptions affect the exercise of authority. This study expands further through the dimension of newcomers' opportunities in achieving active citizenship. In the essay I discuss the usage of discretion among workers at the employment exchange office and the new establishment reform as two factors playing a significant role in the activation of active citizenship for the new immigrants as well as in the integration of the same.
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