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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agila Staber : En utveckling och utvärdering av ett agilitetsmätande verktyg för staber inom kärnkraftsdomänen / Agile Staffs : Development and evaluation of an agility measuring tool for the nuclear domain

El Ghoul, Fares January 2014 (has links)
Kärnkraftverk är högteknologiska system med hög komplexitet och utan att hantera den här komplexiteten kan små olyckor få katastrofala följder. Närvaron av komplexitet försämrar förmågan att förstå situationer, minskar kontroll samt ökar risken för incidenter. Stabsarbete inom kärnkraftsdomänen kräver ett agilt beteende för att hantera den höga närvaron av komplexitet. Agilitet är förmågan hos en enhet att framgångsrikt genomföra, hantera och/eller utnyttja förändrade omständigheter. Syftet med arbetet är att utveckla ett mätverktyg för att identifiera indikatorer på agilt beteende i stabsverksamhet inom kärnkraftsdomänen. Mätverktyget ska kunna tillämpas av individer utan djup teoretisk kunskap om agilitet och verktyget har testats och utvärderats i en iterativ process på ett kärnkraftverk i Sverige under ett flertal övningar. Utvecklingen av verktyget skedde i samråd med en expert inom stabsarbete. De största skillnaderna i det mätverktyget som utvecklats i den här rapporten gentemot dess föregångare är att det här mätverktyget har kärnkraftsdomänen som måldomän samt att det tillkom ett femte steg där resultatet får en visuell representation. Verktyget kan tillämpas inom andra kärnkraftverk än kärnkraftverket det användes på men om verktyget ska tillämpas inom andra domäner krävs det att det anpassas till den nya måldomänen.

An Innovation Approach for Sustainable Product and Product-Service System Development

Davis, Kara, Öncel, Pinar, Yang, Qingqing January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential of User-Centered Design (UCD) and Agile to support Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD) practice in product and product-service system (PSS) design. UCD tools and concepts are used to support stakeholder and needs research. Agile provides process support for collaboration and resilience. SSD tools and concepts are used to define and work within the system boundaries for sustainability. All three practices are combined in an innovation approach that supports collaborative and cross-functional design teams as they develop products and PSS. Design teams using this approach will work to satisfy the needs of customers while considering the needs of all non-customer stakeholders and the ecosphere. The full-systems context emphasized in the approach will support innovation and encourage design teams to consider services as complements to, or substitutes for, physical products.

XP ett stöd eller ett hinder?

Bengtsson, Sandra, Gnospelius, Sara January 2004 (has links)
Detta arbete är en reflektion över ett programvaruutvecklingsprojekt, WAIS, och den arbetsmetodik som användes för detta projekt. Arbetsmetodiken för utvecklings-projektet var Extreme Programming (XP) och vi ifrågasätter om detta val var lämpligt för ett projekt som WAIS. Projektet genomfördes vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola under våren 2004. Utvecklingsprojektet WAIS var en del av ett större projekt, AIS 42, som stöds av VINNOVA. Huvudprojektets bakgrund och syfte beskrivs för att läsaren skall förstå den roll projektet hade. Studenternas uppgift har varit att utveckla en prototyp för ett system som skall sprida information relaterad till logistik och transporter. Slutanvändarna till systemet är många och de tillhör olika organisationer som är spridda både fysiskt och verksamhetsmässigt. Arbetsmetodiken XP faller in under paraplybegreppet Agile manifesto vilkas principer beskrivs i detta arbete. Paralleller dras till arbetsprocessen och dess resultat som projektgruppen har utfört. Vi reflekterar över projektarbetet och arbetsmetodiken utifrån det perspektiv som växt fram under våra år på MDA-programmet. Synsättet bygger bland annat på particpatory design och människa-datorinteraktion där användarmedverkan har en central roll vid utvecklingsprocesser. Vår slutsats visar att utvecklingsprojektet gått miste om flera av de fördelar som arbetsmetodiken XP kan ge. De orsaker som identifierades var: tidsaspekter, tillgång till aktörer och avsaknaden av en tydlig gemensam målbild. / This thesis is a reflection over a software engineering project, WAIS, and the work methodology that has been used within the project. Extreme Programming (XP) was the work methodology used during the process of development. We question if the choice of work methodology is suitable for this kind of project. The project was running by student during spring 2004 at Blekinge Institute of technology (BTH). The project WAIS was a part of a larger project named AIS 42 that runs with funds from VINNOVA. The main projects background and purpose are described in thesis so that the reader can understand the students’ part in the projects as a whole. The students’ main task was to develop a prototype for a system that disseminates information about logistics and transports. The system has many different end users and they come from various organizations that are spread out both physical and organizational. XP is treated as a methodology with in Agile manifesto, which principles are being explained in the thesis. Parallels are being drawn between the work process and the result from the work done. We reflect over the process and the work methodology from a perspective that has been brought forth from our years of education at BTH. The approach is built up upon theories from participatory design and human computer interaction where the user has an essential part of the process of development. The conclusion shows that the project has missed some of the advantages that XP brings. The reasons that we identified were; timeaspects, access to users and the lack of a joint objectiv.

Interdisciplinary Requirement Engineering for Hardware and Software Development - A Software Development Perspective

Sheikh, Bilal Tahir January 2018 (has links)
The software and hardware industries  are growing day by day, which makes their development environments more complex. This situation has a huge impact on the companies which have interdisciplinary development  environments. To handle this situation, a common platform is required which can be acted as a bridge between hardware and software development to ease their tasks in an organized way. The research questions of the thesis aim to get information about differences and similarities in requirements handling, and their integration in current and future prospectives. The future prospect of integration is considered as a focused area. Interviews were conducted to get feedback from four different companies having complex development environments.

Gestão para o processo de desenvolvimento de software científico utilizando uma abordagem ágil e adaptativa na microempresa / Management for the scientific software development process, using a agile and adaptive approach in small business

Berni, Jean Carlo Albiero 22 March 2010 (has links)
The scientific software development has particularities that, frequently, differ from usual rules in commercial software production. The emerging requirements that appear while the development process is running, needs for often communication between stakeholders (researchers) and developers, and necessary ways to customize the process, make this kind of software building activity more iterative than conventional. Agile methodologies for software development arise as alternatives for prescriptive methods and, as analyzed in this research, have the answer for how to build software in dynamics environments. In this work is proposed a management method for the scientific software development process. The agile methodologies Scrum and Extreme Programming were tailored to reach the peculiarity of scientific process, and the method definition. The model was applied in real projects in a small business company for validation and, through a qualitative analysis, the improvement of the development process could be checked. / O desenvolvimento de software científico possui particularidades que, frequentemente, diferem das regras comumente utilizadas na produção de softwares comerciais. Novos requisitos que surgem no decorrer do desenvolvimento, necessidades de comunicação constante com os stakeholders (pesquisadores) e adaptação nos processos fazem da produção desse tipo software uma atividade mais interativa do que o convencional. Metodologias ágeis para desenvolvimento de software surgem como alternativas aos métodos planejados ou prescritivos e, como analisado, atendem às carências decorrentes da elaboração de softwares em ambientes dinâmicos. Neste trabalho, é proposto um método de gestão para o processo de desenvolvimento de software científico. Na definição do método, combinaram-se as metodologias ágeis Scrum e Extreme Programming levando-se em consideração as características do processo científico. O método foi aplicado em projetos reais de uma microempresa de base tecnológica para sua validação e, através de uma análise qualitativa, pode-se verificar a melhoria dos processos de desenvolvimento da empresa.

Continuous software engineering in the development of software-intensive products:towards a reference model for continuous software engineering

Karvonen, T. (Teemu) 24 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Continuous software engineering (CSE) has instigated academic debate regarding the rapid, parallel cycles of releasing software and customer experimentation. This approach, originating from Web 2.0 and the software-as-a-service domain, is widely recognised among software-intensive companies today. Earlier studies have indicated some challenges in the use of CSE, especially in the context of business-to-business and product-oriented, embedded systems development. Consequently, research must address more explicit definitions and theoretical models for analysing the prerequisites and organisational capabilities related to the use of CSE. This dissertation investigates various approaches to conducting empirical evaluations related to CSE. The study aims to improve existing models of CSE and to empirically validate them in the context of software companies. The study also aims to accumulate knowledge regarding the use of CSE, as well as its impacts. The case study method is applied for the collection and analysis of empirical data. Twenty-seven interviews are conducted at five companies. In addition, a systematic literature review is used to synthesise the empirical research on agile release engineering practices. Design science research is used to portray the model design and the evaluation process of this dissertation. Three approaches for evaluating CSE are constructed: (1) LESAT for software focuses on enterprise transformation using an organisational self-assessment approach, (2) STH+ extends the “Stairway to Heaven” model and evaluates company practices with respect to evolutionary steps towards continuous experimentation-driven development, and (3) CRUSOE defines 7 key areas and 14 diagnostic questions related to the product-intensive software development ecosystem, strategy, architecture, and organisation, as well as their continuous interdependencies. This dissertation states the relevance of CSE in the context of product-intensive software development. However, more adaptations are anticipated in practices that involve business and product development stakeholders, as well as company external stakeholders. / Tiivistelmä Jatkuva ohjelmistotuotanto on herättänyt keskustelua nopeasta, samanaikaisesta ohjelmistojulkaisemisesta ja asiakaskokeiluista. Toimintatapa on peräisin Web 2.0 ja software-as-a-service yhteydestä, mutta se tunnetaan nykyään yleisesti ohjelmistoja kehittävissä yrityksissä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet haasteita jatkuvan ohjelmistotuotannon käytössä. Erityisesti haasteita on havaittu yritykseltä yritykselle liiketoiminnassa ja tuotepainotteisten sulautettujen järjestelmien yhteydessä. Näin ollen on havaittu tarve tutkimuksen avulla kehittää täsmällisempiä määritelmiä ja teoreettisia malleja, joilla voidaan analysoida jatkuvan ohjelmistotuotannon käyttöön liittyviä edellytyksiä ja organisaatioiden kyvykkyyksiä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan malleja, joilla voidaan empiirisesti arvioida jatkuvaa ohjelmistotuotantoa. Tutkimuksella pyritään parantamaan nykyisiä malleja ja arvioimaan niiden käyttöä ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Lisäksi tutkimuksella pyritään kasvattamaan tietoa jatkuvasta ohjelmistotuotannosta ja sen vaikutuksista. Tiedon keräämiseen ja analysointiin käytettiin tapaustutkimus menetelmää. Kaksikymmentäseitsemän haastattelua tehtiin viidessä yrityksessä. Lisäksi tehtiin ketterään ohjelmistojulkaisuun keskittyvä systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Väitöskirjassa käytetään Design Science Research menetelmää kuvaamaan tutkimuksen eri vaiheita, joissa malleja suunniteltiin ja arvioitiin. Tutkimuksessa rakennettiin kolme tapaa jatkuvan ohjelmistotuotannon arvioimista varten: (1) LESAT for Software keskittyy organisaation muutoskyvykkyyden arviointiin käyttäen itsearviointimenetelmää, (2) STH+, laajentaa ”Stairway to Heaven” mallia ja arvioi yrityksen käytäntöjä eri evoluutioaskelmilla matkalla kohti kokeilupainotteista tuotekehitystä, (3) CRUSOE määrittelee seitsemän pääaluetta ja 14 kysymystä liittyen tuotekehityksen ekosysteemiin, strategiaan, arkkitehtuuriin, organisointiin sekä näiden välisiin jatkuviin riippuvuuksiin. Väitöskirja osoittaa jatkuvan ohjelmistokehityksen olevan merkityksellinen myös tuotepainotteisessa ohjelmistokehityksessä. Nähtävissä kuitenkin on, että useita nykykäytäntöjä on tarvetta muokata. Erityisesti muokkaustarvetta on tuotekehityksen ja liiketoiminnan sidosryhmiin ja yrityksen ulkoisiin sidosryhmiin liittyvissä käytännöissä.

Challenges when making extensive changes to software processes : A case study on a software development department at Scania CV AB

Dibo, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
Organizations go through a variety of different change processes during their life time, and many of these are necessary for the organizations to maintain their competitiveness. However, a large part of change efforts never achieve their goals and about 70 percent of all change efforts are considered to be unsuccessful. A reason for the high percentage of failures is the inability to deal with the challenges that often arises in connection with the change process. In order for the change effort to be successful it is therefore crucial to be prepared and knowing how to identify and handle the challenges and resistance that may arise during the change process. The aim of the study has been to identify the challenges with extensive change efforts in software development organizations. Two extensive changes, (1) changing the software itself by making the software structure modular and (2) changing the software development process by adapting agile methods, at a software development department at Scania CV AB has been used as a case study. An overall fear and resistance towards extensive changes was identified. In addition, four main challenges were identified with the first change; difficulties with the software development process, lack of vision and communication from management, fear and uncertainty, and lack of resources and tools. Two challenges were identified with the second change; that it was time consuming and lack of resources and tools. The difficulties with the software development process showed that the major challenge with the modular software structure was maintaining it. However, the remaining challenges have previously been identified in several studies and could all be related to being causes of resistance. Also, a comparison between the two changes were made to identify similarities and differences between them. This was made to further understand if the difference between the changes could be related to the challenges. The comparison indicates that a change effort with a clear vision, good communication and management involvement is less likely to encounter challenges. / Organisationer genomgår en rad olika förändringsprocesser under sin livstid och många av dessa är nödvändiga för att organisationerna ska behålla sin konkurrenskraft på marknaden. En stor del av förändringsinsatser uppnår dock aldrig sina mål och cirka 70 procent av alla anses vara misslyckade. En orsak till den höga andelen misslyckanden är oförmågan att hantera de utmaningar som ofta uppstår i samband med förändringsprocesser. För att förändringsarbetet ska lyckas är det därför viktigt att vara förberedd och veta hur man identifierar och hanterar de utmaningar och den resistans som kan uppstå under förändringsprocesser. Syftet med studien har varit att identifiera utmaningar med omfattande förändringsinsatser i mjukvaruprocesser. Två omfattande förändringar, (1) modularisering av mjukvarustrukturen och (2) införandet av agil metodik vid en mjukvaruutvecklingsavdelning på Scania CV AB har använts som fallstudie. En övergripande rädsla och resistans mot omfattande förändringar identifierades. Dessutom identifierades fyra huvudutmaningar med den första förändringen; svårigheter med mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen, brist på vision och kommunikation från ledning, rädsla och osäkerhet samt brist på resurser och verktyg. Två utmaningar identifierades med den andra förändringen; att det var tidskrävande samt brist på resurser och verktyg. Svårigheterna med mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen visade att den stora utmaningen med den modulära mjukvarustrukturen var att underhålla den. De återstående utmaningarna har emellertid tidigare identifierats i flera studier och kan alla relateras till att vara orsaker till resistans. En jämförelse mellan de två förändringarna gjordes också för att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan dem. Detta gjordes för att förstå om skillnaderna kunde relateras till utmaningarna. Jämförelsen indikerar att en förändringsinsats med tydlig vision, bra kommunikation och ledarskapsengagemang är mindre benägen att möta utmaningar.

Development of a health management information system using agile software-engineering methods

Shahidzay, Amir Kror January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the development of a web application from scratch. It serves to build a health management information system from basic principles and covers all the software engineering activities starting from the gathering of requirements, evaluating these and eventually implementing a health management information system by applying several iterations of the Agile-extreme-programming-software-engineering approach to develop a Health Management System for the Kabul University Poly-clinic located at Kabul University campus in order to computerize clerical activities at the hospital. Questionnaires were used to uncover the clerical problems experienced by the hospital sta . Attempts to address these problems by designing and im- plementing software and re ne the software after some iterations of feedback- redesign-and-implementation following the guidelines of Agile extreme pro- gramming. The previous Health management systems at the hospital were paper based. The new computerized system has eased the burdens of tracking the les of patients at the hospital, leading to easier and more e cient access to information by the health-care professionals at the hospital. An assessment of the impact this has had on the medical and clerical sta and the smoother administration of the hospital by repeated user acceptance testing by means of questionnaires con rms the success of the project.

Towards a philosophical understanding of agile software methodologies : the case of Kuhn versus Popper

Northover, Mandy 24 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is original in using the contrasting ideas of two leading 20th century philosophers of science, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, to provide a philosophical understanding, firstly, of the shift from traditional software methodologies to the so-called Agile methodologies, and, secondly, of the values, principles and practices underlying the most prominent of the Agile methodologies, Extreme Programming (XP). This dissertation will take a revisionist approach, following Fuller—the founder of social epistemology—in reading Popper against Kuhn's epistemological hegemony. The investigations in this dissertation relate to two main branches of philosophy— epistemology and ethics. The epistemological part of this dissertation compares both Kuhn and Popper's alternative ideas of the development of scientific knowledge to the Agile methodologists' ideas of the development of software, in order to assess the extent to which Agile software development resembles a scientific discipline. The investigations relating to ethics in this dissertation transfer concepts from social engineering—in particular, Popper's distinction between piecemeal and utopian social engineering—to software engineering, in order to assess both the democratic and authoritarian aspects of Agile software development and management. The use of Kuhn's ideas of scientific revolutions and paradigm shift by several leading figures of the Agile software methodologies—most notably, Kent Beck, the leader of the most prominent Agile software methodology, Extreme Programming (XP)—to predict a fundamental shift from traditional to Agile software methodologies, is critically assessed in this dissertation. A systematic investigation into whether Kuhn's theory as a whole, can provide an adequate account of the day-to-day practice of Agile software development is also provided. As an alternative to the use of Kuhn's ideas, the critical rationalist philosophy of Karl Popper is investigated. On the one hand, this dissertation assesses whether the epistemological aspects of Popper's philosophy—especially his notions of falsificationism, evolutionary epistemology, and three worlds metaphysics—provide a suitable framework for understanding the philosophical basis of everyday Agile software development. On the other hand, the aspects of Popper's philosophy relating to ethics, which provide an ideal for scientific practice in an open society, are investigated in order to determine whether they coincide with the avowedly democratic values of Agile software methodologies. The investigations in this dissertation led to the following conclusions. Firstly, Kuhn's ideas are useful in predicting the effects of the full-scale adoption of Agile methodologies, and they describe the way in which several leaders of the Agile methodologies promote their methodologies; they do not, however, account for the detailed methodological practice of Agile software development. Secondly, several aspects of Popper's philosophy, were found to be aligned with several aspects of Agile software development. In relation to epistemology, Popper's principle of falsificationism provides a criterion for understanding the rational and scientific basis of several Agile principles and practices, his evolutionary epistemology resembles the iterative-incremental design approach of Agile methodologies, and his three worlds metaphysical model provides an understanding of both the nature of software, and the approach advocated by the Agile methodologists' of creating and sharing knowledge. In relation to ethics, Popper's notion of an open society provides an understanding of the rational and ethical basis of the values underlying Agile software development and management, as well as the piecemeal adoption of Agile software methodologies. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Design of GaN-based microwave components and application to novel high power reconfigurable antennas / Conception et réalisation de composants microondes en technologie GaN : application aux antennes reconfigurables de puissance

Hamdoun, Abdelaziz 19 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse démontre la faisabilité de l'utilisation de la technologie Nitrure de Gallium (GaN) dans les systèmes RF / micro-ondes reconfigurables. Les principales caractéristiques de ce type de technologie des semi-conducteurs se résident dans ses capacités de supporter des puissances élevées avec un rendement aussi élevé. En outre, la technologie GaN est un candidat très prometteur pour la réalisation des applications haute puissance/haute fréquence. Le travail de cette thèse est divisé en deux parties principales. La première est consacrée au développement, à l’analyse et à la caractérisation en DC et en RF jusqu'à 20 GHz des circuits actifs réalisés à base de la technologie GaN, tels que les diodes varicap et les commutateurs. Les diodes varicap fabriquées ont été modélisées en petit et grand signal par des équations analytiques contenant des coefficients empiriques ainsi un modèle en circuit a été développé, tandis aux commutateurs, un modèle de circuit en petit signal a été proposé. Ces composants actifs ont été réalisés en utilisant les processus GaN HEMTs de fabrication offerts par le Conseil National de Recherches du Canada (CNRC). La deuxième partie aborde les aspects de l'intégration de ces dispositif actifs GaN et de la conception des circuits reconfigurables proposés, tels que déphaseur reconfigurable, -3dB 90° coupleur hybride reconfigurable, oscillateur accordable en fréquence, commutation de faisceau et accordabilité en fréquence d’un réseau d'antennes patch tout en utilisant ces diodes varicap et commutateur GaN développées au fil de cette thèse. A travers cette thèse, l'utilisation de la technologie GaN pour la conception des designs RF reconfigurables en fréquence pour les applications fonctionnant au-dessous de 10 GHz a été démontrée. / This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of using the Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology in reconfigurable RF/microwave systems. The main features of this type of semiconductor technology being its high power with high efficiency. In addition, GaN technology is a very promising candidate for realizing high power/high frequency applications. The thesis work is divided in two main parts. The first one is devoted to active GaN devices, such as varactor diodes and switches, development, analyze and characterization via DC and RF up to 20 GHz. The fabricated varactor were modeled by analytic equations containing empirical coefficients and also a physic circuit model was developed, while for the switches only a small signal physic circuit model was proposed. These GaN devices was manufactured by using the Canadian National Research Council (NRC) GaN HEMTs processes. The second part addresses the integration and design aspects of the reconfigurable proposed circuits, such as tunable phase shifter, reconfigurable 3-dB 90° hybrid coupler, tunable frequency oscillator, beam switching antenna array and matching reconfigurable patch antenna based on these developed GaN varactors and switches devices. The use of GaN on highly efficient reconfigurable designs for broadband RF/microwave applications operating below 10 GHz was demonstrated.

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