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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dagger closure

Stäbler, Axel 17 January 2011 (has links)
We prove that solid closure and graded dagger closure agree for homogeneous ideals in two dimensional $\mathbb{N}$-graded domains of finite type over a field. We also prove that dagger closure is trivial for ideals in regular rings containing a field and that graded dagger closure is trivial for $\mathbb{N}$-graded regular rings of finite type over a field. Finally, we prove an inclusion result for graded dagger closure for homogeneous primary ideals in certain section rings of abelian varieties.

Enumerative formulas of de Jonquières type on algebraic curves

Ungureanu, Mara 14 January 2019 (has links)
Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung von zwei Problemen der abzählenden Geometrie im Zusammenhang mit linearen Systemen auf algebraischen Kurven. Das erste Problem besteht darin, die Frage der Gültigkeit der Jonquières-Formeln zu klären. Diese Formeln berechnen die Anzahl von Divisoren mit vorgeschriebener Multiplizität, genannt de Jonquières-Divisoren, die in einem linearen System auf einer glatten projektiven Kurve enthalten sind. Um dies zu tun, konstruieren wir den Raum der de Jonquières-Divisoren als einen Determinantenzyklus des symmetrischen Produkts der Kurve und beweisen, dass er für eine allgemeine Kurve die erwartete Dimension hat. Dabei beschreiben wir die Degenerationen der Jonquières-Divisoren zu den Knotenkurven sowohl mit linearen Systemen als auch mit kompaktifizierten Picard-Schemata. Das zweite Problem behandelt Zyklen von Untergeordneten-, oder allgemeiner, Sekanten-Divisoren zu einem gegebenen linearen System auf einer Kurve. Wir betrachten den Durchschnitt zweier solcher Zyklen, die Sekanten-Divisoren von zwei verschiedenen linearen Systemen auf der gleichen Kurve entsprechen, und untersuchen die Gültigkeit der enumerativen Formeln, die die Anzahl der Teiler im Durchschnitt zählen. Wir untersuchen einige interessante Fälle mit unerwarteten Transversalitätseigenschaften und etablieren eine allgemeine Methode, um zu überprüfen, wann dieser Durchschnitt leer ist. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of two enumerative geometry problems in the context of linear series on algebraic curves. The first problem is that of settling the issue of the validity of the de Jonquières formulas. These formulas compute the number of divisors with prescribed multiplicity, or de Jonquières divisors, contained in a linear series on a smooth projective curve. To do so, we construct the space of de Jonquières divisors as a determinantal cycle of the symmetric product of the curve and prove that, for a general curve with a general linear series, it is of expected dimension. In doing so, we describe the degenerations of de Jonquières divisors to nodal curves using both limit linear series and compactified Picard schemes. The second problem deals with cycles of subordinate or, more generally, secant divisors to a given linear series on a curve. We consider the intersection of two such cycles corresponding to secant divisors of two different linear series on the same curve and investigate the validity of the enumerative formulas counting the number of divisors in the intersection. We study some interesting cases, with unexpected transversality properties, and establish a general method to verify when this intersection is empty.

Wavelet-Konstruktion als Anwendung der algorithmischen reellen algebraischen Geometrie

Lehmann, Lutz 24 April 2007 (has links)
Im Rahmen des TERA-Projektes (Turbo Evaluation and Rapid Algorithms) wurde ein neuartiger, hochgradig effizienter probabilistischer Algorithmus zum Lösen polynomialer Gleichungssysteme entwickelt und für den komplexen Fall implementiert. Die Geometrie polarer Varietäten gestattet es, diesen Algorithmus zu einem Verfahren zur Charakterisierung der reellen Lösungsmengen polynomialer Gleichungssysteme zu erweitern. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Implementierung dieses Verfahrens zur Bestimmung reeller Lösungen auf eine Klasse von Beispielproblemen anzuwenden. Dabei wurde Wert darauf gelegt, dass diese Beispiele reale, praxisbezogene Anwendungen besitzen. Diese Anforderung ist z.B. für polynomiale Gleichungssysteme erfüllt, die sich aus dem Entwurf von schnellen Wavelet-Transformationen ergeben. Die hier betrachteten Wavelet-Transformationen sollen die praktisch wichtigen Eigenschaften der Orthogonalität und Symmetrie besitzen. Die Konstruktion einer solchen Wavelet-Transformation hängt von endlich vielen reellen Parametern ab. Diese Parameter müssen gewisse polynomiale Gleichungen erfüllen. In der veröffentlichten Literatur zu diesem Thema wurden bisher ausschließlich Beispiele mit endlichen Lösungsmengen behandelt. Zur Berechnung dieser Beispiele war es dabei ausreichend, quadratische Gleichungen in einer oder zwei Variablen zu lösen. Zur Charakterisierung der reellen Lösungsmenge eines polynomialen Gleichungssystems ist es ein erster Schritt, in jeder reellen Zusammenhangskomponente mindestens einen Punkt aufzufinden. Schon dies ist ein intrinsisch schweres Problem. Es stellt sich heraus, dass der Algorithmus des TERA-Projektes zur Lösung dieser Aufgabe bestens geeignet ist und daher eine größere Anzahl von Beispielproblemen lösen kann als die besten kommerziell erhältlichen Lösungsverfahren. / As a result of the TERA-project on Turbo Evaluation and Rapid Algorithms a new type, highly efficient probabilistic algorithm for the solution of systems of polynomial equations was developed and implemented for the complex case. The geometry of polar varieties allows to extend this algorithm to a method for the characterization of the real solution set of systems of polynomial equations. The aim of this work is to apply an implementation of this method for the determination of real solutions to a class of example problems. Special emphasis was placed on the fact that those example problems possess real-life, practical applications. This requirement is satisfied for the systems of polynomial equations that result from the design of fast wavelet transforms. The wavelet transforms considered here shall possess the practical important properties of symmetry and orthogonality. The specification of such a wavelet transform depends on a finite number of real parameters. Those parameters have to obey certain polynomial equations. In the literature published on this topic, only example problems with a finite solution set were presented. For the computation of those examples it was sufficient to solve quadratic equations in one or two variables. To characterize the set of real solutions of a system of polynomial equations it is a first step to find at least one point in each connected component. Already this is an intrinsically hard problem. It turns out that the algorithm of the TERA-project performes very well with this task and is able to solve a larger number of examples than the best known commercial polynomial solvers.

Varieties and Clones of Relational Structures / Varietäten und Klone relationaler Strukturen

Grabowski, Jens-Uwe 26 June 2002 (has links) (PDF)
We present an axiomatization of relational varieties, i.e., classes of relational structures closed under formation of products and retracts, by a certain class of first-order sentences. We apply this result to categorically equivalent algebras and primal algebras. We consider the relational varieties generated by structures with minimal clone, rigid structures and two-element structures.

Canonical forms for Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices and pencils

Mehrmann, Volker, Xu, Hongguo 09 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
We study canonical forms for Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices or pencils under equivalence transformations which keep the class invariant. In contrast to other canonical forms our forms are as close as possible to a triangular structure in the same class. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Hamiltonian and symplectic triangular Jordan, Kronecker and Schur forms. The presented results generalize results of Lin and Ho [17] and simplify the proofs presented there.

Algebraic decoder specification: coupling formal-language theory and statistical machine translation

Büchse, Matthias 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The specification of a decoder, i.e., a program that translates sentences from one natural language into another, is an intricate process, driven by the application and lacking a canonical methodology. The practical nature of decoder development inhibits the transfer of knowledge between theory and application, which is unfortunate because many contemporary decoders are in fact related to formal-language theory. This thesis proposes an algebraic framework where a decoder is specified by an expression built from a fixed set of operations. As yet, this framework accommodates contemporary syntax-based decoders, it spans two levels of abstraction, and, primarily, it encourages mutual stimulation between the theory of weighted tree automata and the application.

Beiträge und Beispiele zur Bures-Geometrie

Peltri, Gregor 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Bures-Geometrie auf Zustandsräumen über von-Neumann-Algebren. Diese basiert auf jenem Abstandsbegriff für normale Zustände, der von Bures im Jahre 1969 eingeführt wurde. Eng damit verbunden ist der Begriff der algebraischen Übergangswahrscheinlichkeit, der von Uhlmann 1976 vorgeschlagen wurde. An einem Beispiel wird gezeigt, dass man den Bures-Abstand unter Umständen nicht implementieren kann, wenn man einen der implementierenden Vektoren vorgeben will. Im weiteren wird der vom Bures-Abstand induzierte Paralleltransport von Vektoren entlang Loops von normalen Zuständen untersucht. Um die Holonomiegruppe im unendlichdimensionalen Fall zu untersuchen, werden Sätze über Produkte positiver Operatoren hergeleitet. Diese Sätze, die durchaus auch von eigenständigem Interesse sein könnten, werden mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur verglichen. Schließlich wird der Bures-Abstand unter infinitesimalem Blickwinkel betrachtet. Die so entstehenden Bures-geodätischen Bögen werden untersucht. Speziell wird gefragt, ob gewisse Strata stets geodätisch konvex sind, also als Beispiel für Umgebungen dienen können. Um diese Frage am Ende negativ zu beantworten, werden mehrere Sätze über Sakaische Radon-Nikodym-Operatoren hergeleitet, die auch ohne Bezug zur Bures-Geometrie interessant sein könnten. Das entscheidende Gegenbeispiel nutzt Gohbergs Ergebnis zum Spektrum bestimmter Toeplitzoperatoren aus. Ein Nebeneffekt des beschriebenen Verfahrens ist, dass es auch zur Konstruktion von Operatoren mit hinreichend nichttrivialem Spektrum benutzt werden kann. / The present paper deals with Bures' geometry in the state space over von-Neumann algebras. This geometry is based on the distance introduced by Bures in 1969. Closely related with it is the concept of algebraic transition probability as proposed by Uhlmann in 1976. It is shown by an example that there are cases where one can not implement Bures' distance if one of the implementing vectors is given. In the following, the parallel transport of vectors along loops of normal states, which is induced by Bures' distance, is examined. In order to investigate the holonomy group in the infinite-dimensional case, theorems on products of positive operators are derived. These theorems, which could be of interest on their own, are compared with the literature. Finally, Bures' distance is examined infinitesimally. The thus arising Bures-geodesic arcs are investigated. Especially, it is asked whether certain strata are geodesically convex and can therefore serve as examples of neighbourhoods. In order to finally give a negative answer, several theorems on Sakai's Radon-Nikodym operators, which could also be of interest without a connection to Bures' geometry, are derived. The critical counterexample exploits Gohberg's result on the spectrum of certain Toeplitz operators. A by-product of the described procedure is that it can be used to construct operators which have a sufficiently non-trivial spectrum.

On Boundaries of Statistical Models / Randeigenschaften statistischer Modelle

Kahle, Thomas 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the thesis "On Boundaries of Statistical Models" problems related to a description of probability distributions with zeros, lying in the boundary of a statistical model, are treated. The distributions considered are joint distributions of finite collections of finite discrete random variables. Owing to this restriction, statistical models are subsets of finite dimensional real vector spaces. The support set problem for exponential families, the main class of models considered in the thesis, is to characterize the possible supports of distributions in the boundaries of these statistical models. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to a characterization of the face lattice of a convex polytope, called the convex support. The main tool for treating questions related to the boundary are implicit representations. Exponential families are shown to be sets of solutions of binomial equations, connected to an underlying combinatorial structure, called oriented matroid. Under an additional assumption these equations are polynomial and one is placed in the setting of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. In this case one recovers results from algebraic statistics. The combinatorial theory of exponential families using oriented matroids makes the established connection between an exponential family and its convex support completely natural: Both are derived from the same oriented matroid. The second part of the thesis deals with hierarchical models, which are a special class of exponential families constructed from simplicial complexes. The main technical tool for their treatment in this thesis are so called elementary circuits. After their introduction, they are used to derive properties of the implicit representations of hierarchical models. Each elementary circuit gives an equation holding on the hierarchical model, and these equations are shown to be the "simplest", in the sense that the smallest degree among the equations corresponding to elementary circuits gives a lower bound on the degree of all equations characterizing the model. Translating this result back to polyhedral geometry yields a neighborliness property of marginal polytopes, the convex supports of hierarchical models. Elementary circuits of small support are related to independence statements holding between the random variables whose joint distributions the hierarchical model describes. Models for which the complete set of circuits consists of elementary circuits are shown to be described by totally unimodular matrices. The thesis also contains an analysis of the case of binary random variables. In this special situation, marginal polytopes can be represented as the convex hulls of linear codes. Among the results here is a classification of full-dimensional linear code polytopes in terms of their subgroups. If represented by polynomial equations, exponential families are the varieties of binomial prime ideals. The third part of the thesis describes tools to treat models defined by not necessarily prime binomial ideals. It follows from Eisenbud and Sturmfels' results on binomial ideals that these models are unions of exponential families, and apart from solving the support set problem for each of these, one is faced with finding the decomposition. The thesis discusses algorithms for specialized treatment of binomial ideals, exploiting their combinatorial nature. The provided software package Binomials.m2 is shown to be able to compute very large primary decompositions, yielding a counterexample to a recent conjecture in algebraic statistics.

Algebraic foundations of the Unifying Theories of Programming

Guttmann, Walter, January 2007 (has links)
Ulm, Univ., Diss., 2007.

Ideal Closures and Sheaf Stability

Steinbuch, Jonathan 20 January 2021 (has links)
The two main parts of this doctoral thesis are a theorem that tight closure is contained in continuous closure via axes closure on the one hand and an algorithm to decide semistability of sheaves (or geometric vector bundles) via reduction to a linear algebra problem on the other hand. The sheaf stability algorithm was explicitly implemented by the author.

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