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Subjekvorming deur literatuuronderrig aan universiteite in Suid-Afrika sedert 1994 / Gerda DullaartDullaart, Anna Gertruida January 2002 (has links)
Hierdie studie ondersoek die beroepsgeleenthede vir literatuurgraduandi in postapartheid Suid-Afrika.
Die subjekvorming van literatuurstudente en -dosente word ondersoek deur
ideologie-kritiese analises van akademiese en politieke diskoers.
Uit die analises blyk 'n kloof tussen die wêreld van werk en die akademiese ivoortoring, tussen
brood en boeke. Dit blyk dat diskoers uit die beroepswêreld nie die ivoortoring deurdring en die
literêr-akademiese diskoers insemineer nie. Die kloof word toegeskryf aan akademiese
magsverhoudings wat subjekvorming reguleer, en aan die ideologiese prosesse waarmee
literatore gemarginaliseer word in die "regte wêreld".
As 'n eerste stap ondersoek die studie die akademie as 'n kerngesin en pas Luce lrigaray se
feministiese psigoanalise toe op die verhouding tussen dosente en studente. Die gevolgtrekking
is dat literatuurdosente die ekonomiese potensiaal van literatuurgraduandi uitsluit, om so hulle eie
subjek nisse as houers van simboliese kapitaal vol te staan.
Subjekvorming is 'n beweging vanaf die (akademiese) kerngesin in die wyer wêreld in. Daarom
ondersoek die studie in 'n tweede stap hoe literatuurgraduandi se subjekvorming plaasvind in die
drie ideologiese staatsapparate (ISA's) van Althusser (ekonomie, onderwys en politiek). Hieruit
spruit insigte oor identiteitsvorming in die spanningsvelde tussen kapitalisme, postkolonialisme,
neokolonialisasie en globalisasie.
Dit blyk dat literatuurgraduandi goed kan vaar in ruwe nuwe ekonomiese terreine soos
ontwikkelingswerk, omgewingsonderwys, kennisbestuur en elektroniese joernalistiek. Hulle is
egter nie bewus van hierdie beroepsgeleenthede nie, as gevolg van die kloof tussen brood en
boeke. Om die kloof te oorbrug, beveel die studie in 'n derde stap aan dat
literatuuronderrigdoelstellings eksplisiet vertaal moet word tot beroepsvaardighede.
Om literatuurdosente te help om doelstellings te formuleer wat begeerlik is op die arbeidsmark, is
'n interaktiewe rekenaarprogram ontwikkel as deel van die studie. Dit is beskikbaar op die internet
by http://www.smartt.co.za/wizz/wizz.htm
Literatuurdosente kan die kloof ook oorbrug deur studente te bemagtig deur middel van die
dialogiese onderrigmetode, soos ontwikkel deur bevrydinspedagoog Paulo Freire. Verder kan
dosente die magsverhoudings van die akademie dekonstrueer en as radikale dosent onderrig
bied in dissent en diskursiewe vaardighede.
Dissent en diskursiewe vaardighede is ook kosbaar op die arbeidsmark, en aktiveer
literatuurdosente en -studente se vryheid en verantwoordelikheid om hulle eie subjek nisse te
bepaal en etiese plekke in te neem as kritiese en revolusionêre intellektueles. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002
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Subjekvorming deur literatuuronderrig aan universiteite in Suid-Afrika sedert 1994 / Gerda DullaartDullaart, Anna Gertruida January 2002 (has links)
Hierdie studie ondersoek die beroepsgeleenthede vir literatuurgraduandi in postapartheid Suid-Afrika.
Die subjekvorming van literatuurstudente en -dosente word ondersoek deur
ideologie-kritiese analises van akademiese en politieke diskoers.
Uit die analises blyk 'n kloof tussen die wêreld van werk en die akademiese ivoortoring, tussen
brood en boeke. Dit blyk dat diskoers uit die beroepswêreld nie die ivoortoring deurdring en die
literêr-akademiese diskoers insemineer nie. Die kloof word toegeskryf aan akademiese
magsverhoudings wat subjekvorming reguleer, en aan die ideologiese prosesse waarmee
literatore gemarginaliseer word in die "regte wêreld".
As 'n eerste stap ondersoek die studie die akademie as 'n kerngesin en pas Luce lrigaray se
feministiese psigoanalise toe op die verhouding tussen dosente en studente. Die gevolgtrekking
is dat literatuurdosente die ekonomiese potensiaal van literatuurgraduandi uitsluit, om so hulle eie
subjek nisse as houers van simboliese kapitaal vol te staan.
Subjekvorming is 'n beweging vanaf die (akademiese) kerngesin in die wyer wêreld in. Daarom
ondersoek die studie in 'n tweede stap hoe literatuurgraduandi se subjekvorming plaasvind in die
drie ideologiese staatsapparate (ISA's) van Althusser (ekonomie, onderwys en politiek). Hieruit
spruit insigte oor identiteitsvorming in die spanningsvelde tussen kapitalisme, postkolonialisme,
neokolonialisasie en globalisasie.
Dit blyk dat literatuurgraduandi goed kan vaar in ruwe nuwe ekonomiese terreine soos
ontwikkelingswerk, omgewingsonderwys, kennisbestuur en elektroniese joernalistiek. Hulle is
egter nie bewus van hierdie beroepsgeleenthede nie, as gevolg van die kloof tussen brood en
boeke. Om die kloof te oorbrug, beveel die studie in 'n derde stap aan dat
literatuuronderrigdoelstellings eksplisiet vertaal moet word tot beroepsvaardighede.
Om literatuurdosente te help om doelstellings te formuleer wat begeerlik is op die arbeidsmark, is
'n interaktiewe rekenaarprogram ontwikkel as deel van die studie. Dit is beskikbaar op die internet
by http://www.smartt.co.za/wizz/wizz.htm
Literatuurdosente kan die kloof ook oorbrug deur studente te bemagtig deur middel van die
dialogiese onderrigmetode, soos ontwikkel deur bevrydinspedagoog Paulo Freire. Verder kan
dosente die magsverhoudings van die akademie dekonstrueer en as radikale dosent onderrig
bied in dissent en diskursiewe vaardighede.
Dissent en diskursiewe vaardighede is ook kosbaar op die arbeidsmark, en aktiveer
literatuurdosente en -studente se vryheid en verantwoordelikheid om hulle eie subjek nisse te
bepaal en etiese plekke in te neem as kritiese en revolusionêre intellektueles. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002
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L'intelligibilité de la pratique : entre Foucault et Sartre / The intelligibility of practice : between Foucault and SartreOulc'hen, Hervé 20 November 2013 (has links)
Partant d'un questionnement sur la logique de la pratique comme enjeu central de la vie intellectuelle française des années 1960, ce travail propose d'articuler une rencontre entre les pensées de Foucault et de Sartre. Sans minimiser leurs divergences, par quoi on a coutume de les opposer dans le cadre de la querelle de l'humanisme, il s'agit de faire apparaître un enjeu commun aux deux auteurs : la proposition d'une mise en intelligibilité de la pratique, entée sur un matériau historique dûment circonscrit. Cette rencontre permet de revisiter les notions de praxis, de généalogie, de politique de la vérité. Cela implique tout un renouvellement du geste théorique du côté d'une pensée en situation commune à l'intellectuel universel et à l'intellectuel spécifique, d'une pratique « historico-philosophique » soucieuse de saisir à bonne distance son objet – les « ensembles pratiques » – sans le déréaliser ni le surplomber, dans un rapport complexe entre passé et présent. L'espace théorique ainsi ouvert entre Foucault et Sartre sur cette question de l'intelligibilité de la pratique est également l'occasion d'une confrontation avec Marx et les marxismes (Althusser principalement), ainsi qu'avec les sciences sociales (Bourdieu surtout). / By questioning the logic of practice as the main topic of intellectual life in France in the 1960s, we shall undertake a confrontation between the ideas of Foucault and Sartre. Without playing down their differences of opinion, which have often been emphasized by the humanist dispute, we shall endeavor to bring forward a topic these two authors share: the proposal of an attempt at the intelligibility of practice, based on a duly defined historic material. Such a confrontation will enable us to examine thoroughly the notions of praxis, genealogy, and the politics of truth. This will entail radically new theories about a “situated thought” shared by both the universal intellectual and the specific intellectual, about a “historic and philosophical” practice which will not hold its object – the “practical ensembles” too close and will not derealize or overhang it, in a complex relation between past and present. The theoretical space which is open in this manner between Foucault and Sartre on the question of the intelligibility of practice also permits a confrontation with Marx and marxisms (Althusser mainly), as well as with social sciences (Bourdieu mostly).
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Narrating the "nation" : cultural production, political community and young Afrikaans readersDu Plessis, Irma 20 October 2004 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between literature and society against the background of the emergence in the 1930s and 1940s in South Africa of a form of Afrikaner nationalism that was spearheaded by members of the Afrikaner petty bourgeoisie and intelligentsia and a subsequent expansion in Afrikaans literary production. It addresses problems of explanation in Afrikaner nationalism by focusing attention on the question of culture, the field of imagination and the domain of everyday life. In particular, the study examines the Keurboslaan series - a series of schoolboy stories aimed at juvenile readers - by Stella Blakemore, and traces the production, circulation and critical reception of the twenty titles in the series. The first title in this series was published in 1941 and the series has been reprinted several times over a number of decades and as recently as 1997. Drawing on the work of Benedict Anderson, this study illuminates the link between the emergence of print capitalism and the production of popular fiction on the one hand and nationalism on the other. Whilst this is a link that is not often explored, an analysis of the Keurboslaan series illustrates that the study of popular fiction can illuminate the practices through which nationalism gains popular support. It is argued that the Keurboslaan series produced a narrative of the Afrikaner ‘nation’ in popular fiction, but that this narrative was not authenticated by the intelligentsia and petty bourgeoisie who were the driving forces behind Afrikaner nationalism and its contents. It is further argued that this ‘narrative of nation’ circulated alongside more official narratives of the ‘nation’ espoused in discourses of religion, science and literature published in Afrikaans. The narrative of ‘nation’ in Keurboslaan – whilst sharing many similarities with official narratives in other discourses – but also differs from those discourses in important respects. It is argued that the popular series was influential precisely because it imagined the Afrikaner ‘nation’ in very different ways and on different terms from those discourses. Moreover, the form in which this narrative was produced, that is popular youth literature, appealed to readers of Afrikaans who were in search of escapist fiction. For these readers, the Keurboslaan series helped to give shape to and created new possibilities for interpreting the world that they inhabited. Reading the school as a corollary of the ‘nation’, it is argued that the narrative of the nation in Keurboslaan series explores the boundaries between the self and the other and posits the self as a danger to the self, resulting in an emphasis on the need to discipline the self. This kind of analysis also creates the space for examining in what ways ideas and identities about ‘race’, gender, sexuality, class and ‘nation’ are constructed in the texts. Yet, the study maintains that whilst the Keurboslaan series contributed to creating a space in which a particular understanding of the self and the world becomes possible, and whereas the reader is not conceived of as a completely free agent that can derive simply any meaning from the text, the study and its theoretical underpinnings do not fully account for individual readers’ engagement with popular texts and the ways in which reading strategies and habits can generate different, ambiguous or inconclusive meanings for readers. It is suggested that a study of popular texts and Afrikaner nationalism employing theories of reading and the reader will complement this analysis. / Thesis (DLitt (Literary Theory))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Afrikaans / unrestricted
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Filosofie Louise Althussera v "teoreticistním" období / Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' periodKužel, Petr January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: The Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' period AUTHOR: Petr Kužel DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences and Philosophy, Department SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Michael Hauser Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis focuses on a philosophy of Louis Althusser in his "teoreticist" period, i.e. 1960-1967. The work is divided to four essentials sections: epistemology, ontology, psychoanalyse and ideology. We put accent on epistemological problematic, which is in this period of a development of Althusser's philosophy unequivocally dominant. In introduction of this text is explained historical and political context, in which Althusser realized his "theoretical intervention". The thesis treat on Althusser's conviction, that inadequate theory leads to deformed political practice and that Marxist theory exists till now in his "applied form", notably in The Capital. According to Althusser this Marxist theory wasn't adequately theoretically formed. Our work characterises Althusser's tentative to create and theoretically formulate this theory. This Althusser's tentative is connected with an effort to draw a "line of demarcation" between the Marxism and the pre-Marxist idealist notions, which are foreign to authentic Marxism. Althusser's critique focuses on Stalinism, "theoretical humanism", empiricism and Hegelianism. In present...
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Dissonance in Gaskell’s Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life and Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and LondonJeremic, Kristian January 2022 (has links)
This essay identifies a type of narrative dissonance in the depictions of working-class conditions within Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life and George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London. In this thesis, the dissonance is argued in part to be the effect created when an author belonging to one social class attempts to portray a class separate from their own. According to Marxist views, class constructs are well-defined and exist in opposition to one another. As such, there is a distinction between describing circumstances while viewing from outside and portraying conditions from within a class consciousness one does not share. The contrast between these perspectives introduces a discordant element into the narrative which interferes with a reader’s immersion. Furthermore, instances of both intranarrational and extratextual unreliability exacerbate the peculiar sense of dissonance when those elements conflict with the experiences of the reader. Understanding and sympathizing with the experiences of the Other, while beneficial in many regards, should not be conflated with knowledge of their lived experience. In order to establish this distinction, a close reading of the books, highlighting examples, is utilized. Additionally, by way of further explanation, Althusser’s concept of “internal distantiation” is used to define conflicting class viewpoints as a contributing factor to the dissonance perceived.
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Anställningsbara humanister : En kvalitativ studie om studenternas syn på anställningsbarhetKornilova Phersson, Alice January 2012 (has links)
Employable humanists. A qualitative study on humanist students' views on employability. The crisis of the humanities is a controversial debate in the media and within academic settings. Because of lack of request for humanists in the labor market, the question of humanistic skills and employability is becoming increasingly important. The concept of employability importance not only echoes within the economic discussions, but also on everyday agenda in the academic world and takes a large part in the communication between the university and the students. It is therefore important to get answers to the question whether there is conformity in the interpretation of this concept between the university and the students. The aim of this desk study is to examine how the concept of employability has its significance in the academic communication and how the responsibility for employability is portrayed. This is done by studying how the concept of employability is formed and how the responsibilities outlined in texts from Career Center at the University of Umeå, and by comparing study results with the students' perceptions of the concept of employability and responsibility. The study has a qualitative disposition and consists of two main methods: qualitative interviews with focus groups to explore students' views, and critical linguistic analysis of texts with a focus on metaphor analysis and syntax analysis which are also supplemented by the multimodal text analysis. Results of this study indicate that the concept of employability takes a central part of the university’s communication. There are many common starting points in the interpretation of the concept and the responsibility between the university and students. Both the Career Center at Umeå University and students believe that actual knowledge, skills, experience as well as network forms the meaning of the concept of employability, and has a big importance in the student’s position on the job market. However, because the students look at the use of the concept of employability in the texts as acceptance to the social ideological perception of the individual as objects, there is some criticism of the use of the term employability in the university’s communications.
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Citizenship, culture and ideology in Roman GreeceNay, Jamie P. 30 August 2007 (has links)
A study of the cultural and ideological effects of Roman citizenship on Greeks living in the first three centuries AD. The ramifications of the extension of citizenship to these Greeks illustrates that ideas such as 'culture' and 'identity' are not static terms, but constructions of a particular social milieu at any given point in time. Roman citizenship functioned as a kind of ideological apparatus that, when given to a non-Roman, questioned that individual's native identity. This thesis addresses, via an examination of four sources, all of whom were Greeks with Roman citizenship - Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, Ulpian, the minters of eastern civic coins - the extent to which one could remain 'Greek' while participating in one of the most Roman institutions of the Empire. Utilizing these sources with the aid of a number of theoretical bases (notably Louis Althusser and Pierre Bourdieu), this study attempts to come to a conclusion about the nature of 'Romanness' in the ancient world.
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Citizenship, culture and ideology in Roman GreeceNay, Jamie P. 30 August 2007 (has links)
A study of the cultural and ideological effects of Roman citizenship on Greeks living in the first three centuries AD. The ramifications of the extension of citizenship to these Greeks illustrates that ideas such as 'culture' and 'identity' are not static terms, but constructions of a particular social milieu at any given point in time. Roman citizenship functioned as a kind of ideological apparatus that, when given to a non-Roman, questioned that individual's native identity. This thesis addresses, via an examination of four sources, all of whom were Greeks with Roman citizenship - Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, Ulpian, the minters of eastern civic coins - the extent to which one could remain 'Greek' while participating in one of the most Roman institutions of the Empire. Utilizing these sources with the aid of a number of theoretical bases (notably Louis Althusser and Pierre Bourdieu), this study attempts to come to a conclusion about the nature of 'Romanness' in the ancient world.
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