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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochrana spotřebitele a informační povinnost podnikatelů / Consumer protection and information duty of entrepreneurs

Švehlová, Magda January 2010 (has links)
Thesis in the first part deals with consumer protection on Czech and European legislative level, with emphasis on information duty of an entrepreneur. The practical part focuses on information obligations of supervisory authorities, which are further shown in the famous case of CTI and its fuel checks carried out at petrol stations.

Porovnání dvou typů smluv, na jejichž základě dochází k získání kontroly nad majetkem akciové společnosti / Comparison of two types of agreements based on which a control over assets of a joint stock company can be transferred

Valešová, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with comparison of different aspects of a transfer of a control over assets of a joint stock company based on an Agreement on Sale of Enterprise and Share Purchase Agreement. First, an enterprise and shares are defined and then the thesis is concerned with obligatory aspects of an Agreement on Sale of Enterprise and of Share Purchase Agreement. Afterwards, the thesis compare both legal regulations from pint of view of transfer of rights and obligations to the purchaser of the enterprise/shares, from the point of view of liability for defects, from the corporate point of view (consent of the general meeting of the respective joint stock company) and finally comparison from the point of view of competition law (necessary consent of the Anti-monopoly Office or at the European level necessary consent of the Commission).

Formação de espectadores: trajetos de resistência de uma professora-mediadora teatral na educação escolarizada / Formation of an audience: resistance trajectories of a theatrical teacher-mediator in regular education

Moraes, Martha Lemos de 17 June 2019 (has links)
Este estudo investiga a formação de espectadores teatrais na educação escolarizada, a partir da perspectiva de uma professora de Arte nas escolas públicas Centro de Ensino Fundamental 01 - CEF 01 do Núcleo Bandeirante e Centro de Ensino Médio Urso Branco - Distrito Federal, no período de 2014 a 2017. Busca provocar a potencialização do ato de leitura cênica em sala de aula, em prol da formação de espectadores e ampliação da leitura de mundo dos estudantes. A metodologia empregada foi de abordagem qualitativa, incluindo pesquisa de campo e participativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da observação participante e registros em diários itinerantes, refletindo a respeito da própria experiência por meio da escuta sensível. À luz de autores como Desgranges (2008, 2010, 2011, 2014), Rancière (2017a, 2017b), Bondia (2001, 2010, 2016), Medeiros (2005), Pupo (2015), Ferreira (2006), Machado (2012), Jauss (1995), Iser (1996), Aguiar e Bordini (1993), entre outros, as conquistas e dificuldades enfrentadas ao longo deste percurso no contexto escolarizado das duas escolas pesquisadas são analisadas e discutidas. Ao longo do trajeto investigativo, foram identificados/experienciados quatro eixos de mediação teatral distintos: a) ida dos estudantes ao teatro profissional; b) apresentação de espetáculos universitários dentro da escola; c) tensão produtiva entre ver e fazer teatro em sala de aula, tendo a leitura de poéticas como fio condutor do trabalho; d) tensão produtiva e estendida entre fazer e ver teatro, tendo o fazer teatral como eixo do trabalho. Consideram-se esses eixos como estratégias de resistência que transitam tanto entre proposições de debate e embate, pela organização do pensamento crítico através da argumentação, quanto por outras formas de reação política, dispositivos reativos que perpassam pela leitura inventiva, pela estética/política da alteridade, pelo corpo em estado alterado (de performance, ficção, jogo, inventividade, devir). Portanto, considera-se que a busca por um trabalho pedagógico teatral, voltado à formação de espectadores(as) na educação escolarizada, aponta caminhos profícuos para a ampliação da leitura de mundo dos(das) estudantes, apesar das adversidades, por meio da proposição de estados de encontro. / This study aims at exploring the formation of a theatrical audience in regular education in order to enhance students scenic reading and broaden their in-depth comprehension of the world. The research is underpinned by the theories of Desgranges (2008, 2010, 2011, 2014), Rancière (2017a, 2017b), Bondia (2001, 2010, 2016), Medeiros (2005), Pupo (2015), Ferreira (2006), Machado (2012), Jauss (1995), Iser (1996), Aguiar and Bordini (1993), among others, and follows a qualitative participatory fieldwork approach. Data was collected through participant observation and recorded in itinerant diaries through sensitive listening, reflecting on a teacher\'s experience, during the period - from 2014 to 2017- she was an Elementary School Arts Teacher in CEF 01 do Núcleo Bandeirante and Centro de Ensino Médio Urso Branco schools, both located in Federal District, Brazil. The results describe and analyse the achievements and challenges faced during this teaching period, in which were identified / experienced four different stages of theatrical mediation: a) students field trip to professional theater; b) presentation of theatrical shows in the school; c) productive tension between seeing and doing theater in the classroom, having poetic reading as guidelines of the work; d) productive and extension between doing and seeing theater, having the theatre as guidelines of the work. Those items are considered strategical axis of resistance that place between debate and struggle, also englobing: the organization of critical thinking and argumentation, other forms of political reaction, reactive dictions through the inventive reading, the aesthetic/politics of otherness, and the body in an altered state (performance, fiction, game, inventiveness, becoming). Therefore, this research considers that including theatrical pedagogical work in the formation of an audience on a scholar education context, despite the adversities, is a fruitful way to broaden the students\' world reading through the proposition of states of encounters.

Internal marketing through gamification : A qualitative study on the influence of game elements within an app on internal marketing activities

Grönvall, Alf, Holmner Härgestam, Axel January 2019 (has links)
AbstractThe subject of gamification is a relatively new and novel concept when it comes to stimulating behavior. Gamification is the use of game elements in a non-game context. Gamification is a tool that can motivate people to engage with activities related to health, education and personal productivity. Gamification can be used in a plethora of areas, and business and organizational contexts are no exception.This study investigates how gamification and the use of game elements in an organizational context influence internal marketing activities. Internal marketing is a management philosophy that explores how to treat employees as internal customers to increase the quality of service. This study investigates how gamification and game elements can help accomplishing this goal through influencing internal marketing activities. The study answers the following research question:The purpose of the study is to investigate how gamification and game elements of an app influence internal marketing activities. The app we are investigating was developed by Volvo Group for their employee ambassador program, called #WeAreVolvoGroup. The app is the context which is being investigated as it contains elements of gamification. A conceptual framework has been developed containing game elements as an influence on seven internal marketing activities, which are job product development, employee recruitment, training and education, motivation and reward, internal market research, internal communication, and retention of staff.A qualitative study was conducted by interviewing managers and users of the app, #WeAreVolvoGroup. By using the thematic analysis, the results were presented and combined into themes that were further analyzed and connected to the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework was revised by retracting internal marketing activities that the app did not contribute to, which were job product development, employee recruitment, training and education, and retention of staff, and adding additional factors that the app contributes to. The findings of this study demonstrate that gamification influences the internal marketing activities that were present in the app listed as motivation and reward, internal communication, and internal market research, as well as additional factors which was company culture and personal branding. Our findings showed that the gamification and game elements of the app influenced these activities

Rättvist trä : Livscykelanalys av träprodukter ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv

Erlandsson, Lars-Åke January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the present degree project was to investigate the possibilities of assessing social sustainability and, on this basis, to carry out an equality analysis of wood as a construction material. The latter part of the purpose was met by carrying out social life cycle assessments focusing on gender equality: one for wood as anengineering material and one for house with wooden frame. The result was presented as a gender index which indicated the proportion of the work carried out by women. To gain more knowledge about wood as an engineering material a complete social life cycle assessment is necessary. A complete social life cycle analysis should not be reduced to a single measurement number by merging different effect categories of social sustainability. The conclusion in the report was that such an analysis is better to present in so-called polar diagrams where each individual impact category can be distinguished, but not necessarily all indicators. The method used to assess gender equality can be used to assess other impact categories.

Intersecções entre a leitura, tradução e avaliação: desdobramentos para o ensino / Intersections between reading, translation and assessment: developments in teaching

Teixeira, Lucília Souza Lima 22 October 2010 (has links)
Percorremos nessa pesquisa caminhos entre a leitura, tradução e avaliação que muitas vezes se cruzam, como na didática de línguas e nos estudos cognitivos. Os processos e estratégias de tradução, forçosamente, demandam variados tipos de leitura em língua estrangeira que, por sua vez, ativam outras estratégias em diferentes momentos, como a leitura do texto traduzido feita em comparação ao texto original, denominada leitura crítica da tradução. A prática da tradução exercita a leitura, ao mesmo tempo em que faz com que o leitor-tradutor reflita sobre suas próprias atividades e percursos. A avaliação da compreensão escrita de um texto em língua estrangeira é a finalidade dos exames universitários de proficiência que representam uma das etapas exigidas durante processo seletivo para o mestrado e doutorado nos programas de pósgraduação. Esses exames podem ter diferentes modalidades dentro de um mesmo centro aplicador ou universidade, como acontece na USP. Em alguns casos, exige-se a tradução, se não integral, de um trecho do texto para o qual também são feitas outras questões: dissertativas, múltipla escolha ou opção por verdadeiro ou falso. Nessa pesquisa, analisamos as traduções de trechos de textos de exames de proficiência em francês feitas por candidatos aos programas de pós-graduação para o mestrado e doutorado na ECA, nos anos 2002, 2004, 2005 e 2006, e na Faculdade de Letras, nos anos 2004, 2006 e 2007. Os trechos de tradução foram inseridos no programa WordSmith Tools, que ajuda a visualizar um corpus para que seja analisado, por isso muito usual nas pesquisas em Linguística de Corpus. Confrontamos nossas postulações de erros com as soluções, dificuldades, problemas e procedimentos encontrados no corpus. Considerando o objetivo do exame de proficiência e como não há indícios de um método de correção da tradução no corpus, procuramos distinguir os erros de leitura dos de expressão escrita e compreender as estratégias utilizadas pelos candidatos. Essa distinção deveria estar presente nos critérios de correção que deveriam ser explicitados pelos elaboradores para que pudessem ser conhecidos de antemão pelos candidatos. Dentro da USP, é crescente a busca por preparo aos exames de proficiência nos cursos instrumentais, entre eles o de francês, que têm como principal foco a compreensão de textos em língua estrangeira. Para que os atuais alunos leiam suas bibliografias e sendo, alguns desses também futuros candidatos a essas provas, devese atentar para os exercícios de tradução, já que esses trabalham e revelam a compreensão do leitor-tradutor. Nosso objetivo é refletir sobre os critérios de avaliação dos exames e contribuir para o ensino da leitura em FLE, auxiliando os cursos instrumentais a incorporarem a prática da tradução, apresentando seus benefícios para a leitura. / In this research we go through the paths between reading, translation and assessment that often intersect, like in language teaching and cognitive studies. The processes and strategies of translation strongly require different kinds of reading in a foreign language, which, in their turn, activate other strategies at different times, like reading the translated text and comparing it to the original text, which is called critical reading of translation. The practice of translating exercises the reading process, at the same time that it makes the reader-translator reflect on their own activities and pathways. The assessment of reading comprehension of a text in a foreign language is the purpose of the university proficiency exams that represent one of the steps required during the selection process for masters and doctorate programs in graduate school. These exams may have different modalities within a single applying centre or university, as it occurs at USP. In some cases it is required the translation of a texts extract, if not the whole text, and questions about it are made, which can be in form of essay, multiple choice or true or false options. In this research, we analyse the translation of excerpts from texts of French proficiency exams taken by candidates for postgraduate programs for master\'s and doctorate at ECA, in the years 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006, and at the Faculty of Arts, University of Sao Paulo, in the years 2004, 2006 and 2007. The excerpts were entered into the translation program WordSmith Tools, which helps to visualise a corpus that will be analysed, being very used in Corpus Linguistics polls. We confronted our supposed mistakes with the solutions, difficulties, problems and procedures found in the corpus and verified whether the exercise of translation reveals (in) comprehension by the candidates. Inside USP there is an increase of search for reading courses that prepare to the proficiency exams, and that includes the Reading in French course, which focuses on reading comprehension in a foreign language. For the current students to read their bibliographies, and being some of them future candidates to the proficiency exams, it is important that the reading courses give special attention to the translation exercises, since they show and work on the comprehension of the reader-translator. Our aim is to reflect on the assessment criteria of the exams and contribute to the teaching of reading in FFL, assisting reading courses to incorporate the practice of translation, by presenting its benefits for reading.

Distribuição da atenção visual em áreas não adjacentes do campo visual / The distribution of visual attention on non-adjacent areas of the visual field

Cavallet, Mikael 19 November 2010 (has links)
A atenção visual é um conjunto de processos que permite processar preferencialmente uma informação visual em um dado momento. Muitos modelos de atenção visual propõem que a atenção pode ser destinada e focalizada a uma única localização no espaço por vez quando dicas espaciais são usadas para orientar esse deslocamento. Porém, diferentes estudos têm encontrado evidências de que em circunstâncias apropriadas, a atenção pode ser destinada a áreas não adjacentes do campo visual. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a distribuição da atenção por estas áreas quando o tamanho e a localização de dicas espaciais periféricas foram manipulados. Os resultados sugerem que a atenção visual pode ser destinada a mais de uma localização ao mesmo tempo como um gradiente com picos de processamento, mas que o tamanho das áreas indicadas não deve ser determinante para isso ocorrer. Os resultados indicam também que a habilidade para dividir a atenção pode depender da localização em que os eventos ocorrem em relação aos lados do campo visual. Eventos que ocorrem em lados opostos têm uma chance maior de serem beneficiados por focos independentes de atenção, enquanto eventos que ocorrem do mesmo lado do campo visual parecem ter mais chance de serem processados por um foco único de atenção, mas essa diferença parece ser relativa do que absoluta. Este estudo traz também contribuições para o entendimento do processo de focalização quando diferentes tarefas são solicitadas, revelando que o ajuste da atenção ao tamanho de uma área indicada é mais facilmente verificado em tarefas que requerem a detecção rápida de um alvo do que quando julgamentos de ordem temporal são solicitados. / Visual attention is a set of processes which permits a preferential processing of visual information in a given moment. Several models of visual attention propose that attention might be allocated and focused in only one location by time when spatial cues are used to orient this displacement. However, different studies have been finding evidences that in appropriate circumstances, attention can be deployed to non-adjacent areas of the visual field. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the distribution of attention on these areas when the size and the localization of peripheral spatial cues were manipulated. The results suggest that visual attention can be deployed to more than one location simultaneously as a gradient with peaks in processing quality. The results also indicate that the ability to divide attention might depend on the localization in which the events occur in relation to each hemifield. Events that occur in different hemifields have more chance to take advantage of independent focus of attention while events that happen on the same hemifield have more chance to be processed by a single attentional focus but that this difference seems to be relative than absolute. This study have also contributions for the understanding of the focalization process when different tasks are requested revealing that the adjustment of the attentional focus to the size of a cued area is more easily verified in tasks that require fast detection of an target than when temporal order judgments are requested.

Scientometric study of patent literature in MEDLINE & SCI

Biglu, Mohammad Hossein 28 February 2008 (has links)
Die Studie wird in fünf Teile unterteilt: Das erste Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit Patentanmeldungen und geförderten Patenten im USPTO, WIPO, und EPO. In diesem Kapitel wird die Korrelation zwischen dem BIP und der länderspezifischen Patentanzahl analysiert. Das zweite Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über die Literatur über Patente in MEDLINE. In diesem Kapitel wird eine szientometrische Analyse durchgeführt, damit die Entwicklung der Patentliteratur in MEDLINE über den Zeitraum von 1965 bis 2005 quantitativ gemessen werden kann. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit der Literatur über Patente im SCI. In diesem Kapitel werden alle Dokumente, die vom SCI über den Zeitraum 1965 bis 2005 als “Patents“ indexiert wurden, unter die Lupe genommen. Das vierte Kapitel analysiert die Patenten, die im SCI zitiert werden. Das fünfte Kapitel analysiert die Anzahl der Literaturhinweise (Referenzen) pro Veröffentlichung im SCI über den Zeitraum 1970-2005. In diesem Hinblick wurde eine Gesamtzahl von 10,000 Dokumenten pro Jahr ausgesucht sowie der Bedeutungswert von Nennungen pro Zeitschrift berechnet. Die Analyse der Daten ergab: Die USA sind das führende Land bezüglich der Erstellung und der Zulassung von Patenten, gleichermaßen gefolgt von Japan und Deutschland. Die Halbwertszeit der Zitierung von Patenten beträgt seit 1994 konstant 8,1 Jahre. Das ist eine 41% längere Zitierungsrate gegenüber den allgemeinen wissenschaftlichen Dokumenten im SCI. Es gibt eine lineare Korrelation zwischen der Zahl von Literaturhinweisen (Referenzen) in einem Journal, wie sie im SCI erfasst sind, und der Wahrscheinlichkeit zitiert zu werden. Die Anzahl der Literaturhinweise (Referenzen) pro Veröffentlichung zwischen 1970 und 2005 im SCI ist ständig angestiegen. Die Selbstzitation von Zeitschriften bei einer steigenden Zahl von Verweisen beeinflusst die Steigerung des Impact Factor im SCI. Die Leitartikelpolitik der Sprachen wurde in der MEDLINE und im SCI geändert. / This study is divided into five sections. The first section consists of patent applications and granted patents issued by USPTO, WIPO), and EPO. In this section the relationship between the GDP and country’s patent quantity is analysed. The second section analysis the patent literature in MEDLINE. In this section a scientometric analysis is performed to assess the quantitative trend of patent literature in MEDLINE throughout 1965-2005. The third section analysis the patent literature in the SCI. In this section all documents indexed as a topic of “patents” in the SCI throughout 1965-2005 are analysed. The fourth section analysis the citations to the patent documents indexed in the SCI, and illustrate the average number of cited references per paper for patent citing documents. The fifth section analysis the references per paper in the SCI through 1970-2005. The Analyses of data showed: The USA is the leading country filing and granting patents followed by Japan and Germany respectively. The half-life of citations to the patent-documents is 41% higher than the half-life of citations to the general scientific documents in the SCI. The number of references per paper from 1970 to 2005 has steadily increased. The rough constant percentage of self-citation of journals and the growing increase of references per paper led to the absolute growing number of self-citations and to the increase of the Impact Factor of the citing journals in the SCI. The editorial policy of languages is being changed in MEDLINE and in the SCI. The consideration of policy makers in these databases have been focused on the literature of science in English. There was a tendency in the last decades towards collaboration in scientific publishing with American authors that can be observed in the SCI with authors from different countries.

Die polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze - eine Analyse ihrer Bedeutung für das polnische Bibliothekswesen

Bödecker, Ursula 05 March 2018 (has links)
Die polnische Bibliotheksgesetzgebung hat eine gefestigte Tradition. Seit der Wiedererrichtung des polnischen Staates im Jahr 1918 streben polnische Bibliothekare eine rechtliche Grundlage für das Bibliothekswesen im Land an. Ihre Bestrebungen münden letztlich im Dekret über Bibliotheken und die Betreuung von Bibliotheksbeständen vom 17. April 1946, das später durch das Gesetz über Bibliotheken von 1968 ersetzt wird. Im Zuge der Transformation nach 1989 tritt am 27. Juni 1997 ein neues Bibliotheksgesetz in Kraft. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetzgebung auseinander. Sie macht den deutschen Leser mit dem polnischen Verständnis der Begriffe „Bibliotheksrecht“ und „Bibliotheksgesetz“ vertraut, gibt einen Überblick über den Verlauf der Entstehungsgeschichte der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze, beschreibt ihren Inhalt und beleuchtet ihre Realisierung. Auf der Basis der theoretischen Erkenntnisse setzt der anschließende empirische Teil der Studie auf, in dem die Bedeutung der polnischen Gesetze für das polnische Bibliothekswesen ermittelt wird. Dabei wird die Eignung dieser rechtlichen Grundlage als ein Instrument zur Gestaltung des polnischen Bibliothekswesens fokussiert. Die Bedeutung der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze für das polnische Bibliothekswesen wird mithilfe von Experteninterviews untersucht. Als Akteure wurden fünf Bibliothekare, welche die polnische Bibliotheksgesetzgebung in besonderem Maße kennen, in polnischer Sprache befragt. Ihre Aussagen dienen der Bewertung der polnischen Bibliotheksgesetze in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutsamkeit. / Polish library legislation has a strong tradition. Ever since the re-establishment of the Polish state in 1918, Polish librarians have been striving towards a legal basis for the library system in the country. Their efforts ultimately led to the Decree of April 17, 1946 on libraries and on the protection of library collections, which was then replaced by the law on libraries in 1968. As part of the transformation after 1989, a new library law came into effect on 27 June 1997. This thesis will deal with the law-making for libraries in Poland. It will introduce the German reader to the Polish understanding of the terms 'library law' and 'library legislation', provide an overview of how the history of Polish library laws unfolded, describe their content and shed some light on how they are implemented. Based on the theoretical findings, the subsequent empirical part of the study will demonstrate the significance of the Polish laws for the Polish library system. In doing so, it will focus on the suitability of this legal basis as an instrument for shaping and re-shaping the Polish library system. The significance of the Polish library laws for the Polish library system is examined with the help of expert interviews. Surveys were held in Polish with five librarians who know the ins and outs of library legislation in Poland. Their comments serve to the evaluation of Polish library laws in regard to their significance.

A avia??o no jornal O estado de S?o Paulo : um discurso em tempo e paz e de guerra

Pimenta, Renata Waleska de Sousa 27 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:46:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 404683.pdf: 361314 bytes, checksum: cc908e4feda780cd194cacf34102d5d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-27 / A inten??o deste trabalho ? verificar o discurso do jornal O Estado de S?o Paulo a respeito dos assuntos referentes ao contexto da avia??o brasileira levando em considera??o a transforma??o deste discurso mediante as altera??es conjunturais no cen?rio internacional. Emprega-se como marco temporal, os anos de 1937 ? 1945, per?odo em que o presidente Get?lio Vargas estabeleceu no Brasil um governo ditatorial denominado Estado Novo. O objetivo geral deste trabalho ? compreender como a aeron?utica brasileira foi utilizada, nas p?ginas do OESP, como um instrumento adaptado a servir ao projeto de constru??o do nacionalismo. Procura-se assinalar, entre outros aspectos, a forma com que o discurso da imprensa em rela??o a este instrumento foi sendo moldado de acordo com as propostas pol?ticas defendidas por Vargas, onde se destaca a id?ia de integra??o nacional e plano desenvolvimentista do Brasil. Al?m disso, busca-se uma an?lise da ruptura do discurso empregado pela imprensa, sendo esta porta-voz do governo ditatorial, ap?s o rompimento das rela??es diplom?ticas e a declara??o de guerra aos pa?ses do Eixo. Muitos s?o os trabalhos existentes sobre o per?odo escolhido para exame na presente disserta??o, sem haver, contudo um aprofundamento da an?lise de um meio de comunica??o da ?poca que contemplasse a avia??o nacional como um instrumento de propaganda.

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