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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem de ferramentas avaliativas de profissionais atuantes em pesquisa científica / Modeling of evaluation tools in scientific research professionals activity

Celso Huerta Gimenes 29 September 2015 (has links)
Várias metodologias buscam conhecer e medir o desempenho dos indivíduos na organização, estabelecendo uma comparação entre o comportamento esperado e o apresentado por esses indivíduos. Este trabalho tem o propósito de desenvolver um método que integre a avaliação de desempenho de modo objetivo, fatores motivacionais, o planejamento estratégico das instituições de P&D e os critérios de avaliação do CNPq. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, aplicações práticas, e indicadores de produtividade acadêmica, chegou-se ao modelo proposto, com o qual se almeja contribuir para a melhoria das instituições de P&D. O modelo é flexível, pois permite avaliar a produção acadêmica na área de serviço, ensino, produção e desenvolvimento, podendo ser aplicado/adaptado em qualquer área do conhecimento. Com base em uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados obtidos, conclui-se que a metodologia multidimensional de avaliação de desempenho pode por meio de indicadores, de forma objetiva, avaliar a produção acadêmica de pesquisadores e tecnologistas científicos. / Various methodologies seek to know and measure the performance of individuals in the organization, comparing the expected behavior and that presented by these individuals. This work aims at developing a method that integrates, objectively, the performance assessment, motivational factors, the strategic planning of R & D institutions and the CNPq evaluation criteria. From the literature review, practical applications and academic productivity indicators, the proposed model with the target of contributing to the improvement of R & D institutions, was achieved. The model is flexible because it allows the academic production in the service area, teaching, production and development to be evaluated and it may be applied / adapted to any area of knowledge. Based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis, it was concluded that the multidimensional methodology for performance evaluation may, by means of specific indicators, appraise, objectively, the academic production of scientific researchers and technologists.

Varför stannar traineer efter ett avslutat traineeprogram? : En studie med genusperspektiv om motiverande och påverkande faktorer i ett traineeprogram / Why do trainees stay after a completed trainee programme? : A study about motivational and influential factors in a trainee programme

Farías, Loretto, Jakobsson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Background: Trainee programmes have become more common in the recent years and companies invest both money and time in these trainee programmes. Companies should have knowledge about what motivates and influences the trainees' decision to stay after a completed trainee programme. Theories about motivation and needs rarely revolve about their influence on employees' decision to stay in a company and many of these theories have been developed without a gender perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the factors that are motivating and that influence female and male trainees to remain in a company after a completed trainee programme. In order to achieve this understanding, we will identify needs that may motivate and influence the decisions of women and male trainees to remain in a company. Completion: The study was conducted with a cross-sectional design with five companies and with a qualitative method with the support of quantitative method. Empirical data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Selection of respondents has been made through a targeted selection and snowball selection. Conclusion: We have been able to distinguish three needs among female and male trainees; affiliation needs, power needs and achievement needs. We have been able to see that these needs have had a clear impact on the types of factors that have motivated and influenced the trainees' decision to stay. Achievement needs have had an impact on the trainees' most motivating and influential factors, which are Education and development opportunities, Working abroad and Challenging (stimulating)/ interesting work. We have found a relationship between gender, motivation and influence as there have been more male trainees who have been motivated and influenced than female trainees. Both female and male trainees have been motivated most by intrinsic motivational factors. / Problemställning: Traineeprogram har blivit vanligare och företag investerar både pengar och tid i dessa traineeprogram. De bör därmed ha kunskap om vad det är som motiverar och påverkar traineers beslut att stanna kvar efter ett avslutat traineeprogram. Teorier om motivation och behov handlar sällan kring deras påverkan på anställdas beslut att vilja stanna kvar i ett företag och många av dem har utvecklats utan ett genusperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för de faktorer som är motiverande och som påverkar kvinnliga och manliga traineer till att stanna kvar i ett företag efter ett avslutat traineeprogram. För att uppnå denna förståelse kommer vi att identifiera behov som eventuellt kan motivera och påverka kvinnliga och manliga traineers beslut till att stanna kvar i ett företag. Genomförande: Studien har genomförts med en tvärsnittsdesign med fem fallföretag och med en kvalitativ metod med stöd av kvantitativ metod vid insamlingen av data. Empiri har samlats in med hjälp av frågeformulär och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urval av respondenter har skett genom ett målstyrt urval och snöbollsurval. Slutsats: Vi har kunnat urskilja tre olika behov bland kvinnliga och manliga traineer; samhörighets-, makt- och prestationsbehov. Vi har kunnat se att dessa har haft en tydlig inverkan på vilka typer av faktorer som har motiverat och påverkat traineers beslut att stanna kvar. Prestationsbehov har haft en påverkan på traineernas mest motiverande och påverkande faktorer vilket är Möjlighet till utbildning och utveckling, Arbeta utomlands och Utmanande (stimulerande)/intressant arbete. Vi har funnit en relation inom vissa faktorer mellan kön, motivation och påverkan i och med att det har varit fler manliga än kvinnliga traineer som har motiverats och påverkats. Både kvinnliga och manliga traineer har motiverats mest av inre motivationsfaktorer.

En tävlingsorienterad organisationskultur – vad har det för betydelse för motivationen? : En studie om försäljare inom en specifik butikskedja

Ismail, Marina, Timurtas, Jennifer January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of organizational culture among salespeople at a specific workplace. The purpose was also to investigate what motivates these salespeople in their work and the impact culture has on their motivation. We have used a qualitative research method to collect the empirical material. With the help of seven interviews, including six salespeople from one of Sweden’s biggest electronic retailer and also one information interview with a sales consultant, we attempted to find the answer to how they perceive the organizational culture and how it affects their work motivation.  The following questions are used to fulfill this purpose:   How do the salespeople experience the organizational culture?   What motivates the salespeople in their daily work?   What effects does the organizational culture have on the salespersons motivation?  As analytical tools we have used are the concept of organizational culture, Schein's description of the three components of culture and Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory.  The results of the study indicate that the salespeople experience a positive organizational culture and that this culture promotes fellowship and unity between colleagues, which in turn contributes to an enhanced motivation. Our study also shows that there are other factors contributing to the salespeople’s motivation such as conscious efforts of the organization and the factors that are built in into their daily work. A strong contest culture is also shown in the organization, the colleagues compete amongst each other to become the best salesperson. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur försäljarna inom en specifik butikskedja upplever organisationskulturen på sin arbetsplats. Syftet var även att undersöka vad som motiverar försäljarna i deras dagliga arbete samt vilken betydelse organisationskulturen har på försäljarnas motivation.  Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Vi har tagit hjälp av sju intervjupersoner varav sex försäljare i en av Sveriges största elektronikkedjor och en informant som informationskälla till försäljaryrket. Med hjälp av dessa intervjupersoner har vi försökt få svar på hur de upplever organisationskulturen och vad i denna organisationskultur som påverkar deras motivation. Följande frågeställningar används för att uppfylla detta syfte:   Hur upplever försäljarna organisationskulturen?   Vad motiverar försäljarna i deras dagliga arbete?   Vilken betydelse har organisationskulturen på försäljarnas motivation?  Som analysverktyg har vi använt oss av begreppet organisationskultur, Scheins förklaring av organisationskulturens tre olika beståndsdelar samt Herzbergs Motivation-Hygien theory.  Resultatet av undersökningen påvisar att försäljarna upplever organisationskulturen positivt och att denna organisationskultur främjar gemenskapen och samhörigheten mellan kollegorna, vilket i sin tur bidrar till en ökad motivation bland försäljarna. Vår studie visar även att det finns ytterligare faktorer som bidrar till försäljarnas motivation, såsom medvetna insatser från ledningen och faktorer som är invävda i det dagliga arbetet. Även en stark tävlingskultur påvisas i organisationen, där försäljarna tävlar sinsemellan för att bli den bästa säljaren.

Visuomenės sveikatos specialistų, dirbančių visuomenės sveikatos biuruose, motyvaciniai veiksniai darbui / Motivational factors of work of public health specialists working at the public health bureaus

Jaselskytė, Ingrida 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti visuomenės sveikatos specialistų, dirbančių savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biuruose, darbui motyvuojančius veiksnius. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų ir vadovų nuomonę apie motyvavimo veiksnius, įtakojančius darbuotojų profesinę veiklą. 2. Išsiaiškinti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų motyvacijos veiksnių darbui ryšį su amžiumi, išsilavinimu, profesinėmis pareigomis bei darbo stažu. 3. Įvertinti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų bendrosios motyvacijos darbui ir motyvacinių veiksnių ryšį. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 55 visuomenės sveikatos specialistai ir įstaigų vadovai, dirbantys visuomenės sveikatos biuruose (VSB), be mokyklų visuomenės sveikatos specialistų. Bendras tyrimo atsako dažnis – 35,2 proc. Statistinėje analizėje naudoti šie kriterijai: Chi kvadrato (χ2), Pirsono tiesinės, Spirmeno ranginės koreliacijos koeficientai, Kruskal Wallis testas. Testo klausimų patikimumui nustatyti naudota Cronbach alfa. Rezultatai. VSB darbuotojų nuomone iš motyvacinių veiksnių, svarbių dirbant VSB, labiausiai buvo aktualūs: noras tobulėti, naudingumo jausmas ir atgalinis ryšys iš visuomenės, o biurų vadovams - vadybiniai veiksniai bei noras padėti. Noras padėti, atgalinis ryšys iš visuomenės ir psichologinė atmosfera darbe – veiksniai, dėl kurių vadovų ir specialistų nuomonė sutapo. Motyvacinių veiksnių svarba labiausiai išsiskyrė vertinant amžių ir pareigas. Karjeros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Identify motivational factors for work of public health specialists of public health bureaus of municipality. Objectives. 1. To analyse the opinion about motivational factors that may influence professional activity of managers and specialists of public health bureaus of municipality. 2. To identify relation between motivational factors for work and age, speciality, hierarchy of profession, and work experience of workers of public health bureaus of municipality. 3. To evaluate relation between motivational factors and general motivation of employees of public health bureaus of municipality. Methods. The questionnaire was filled by 55 public health specialists and managers working at the public health bureaus of municipality, excluding public health specialists working at schools. The response rate was – 35.2 %. Data analysis was performed using the following criteria: chi-square (χ2), the linear Pearson and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Kruskal Wallis test. Cronbach alpha was used to estimate the test reliability. Results. By the PHB employees’ opinion about motivational factors, important during work at the PHB, the most relevant for specialists were: a desire to improve the feeling of usefulness, feedback from the public, and for health managers: factors of management and willingness to help. Wish to help, feedback from the public and the psychological atmosphere at work – are factors which were important for managers as well as for specialists... [to full text]

Frivilligt ledaruppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om motivationsfaktorer till ideellt arbete i en idrottsförening

Ponturo, Isa January 2018 (has links)
Studien har för avsiktta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer som finns bakom ett ideellt ledarskap i en idrottsförening. Med ideellt arbete menas ett arbete som utförs utan ersättning, alternativt med en symbolisk summa på fritiden. Syftet är att i ljuset av den ökade individualiseringen, undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för vilka motivationsfaktorer som ligger till grund för ett ideellt engagemang.Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod och baseras på 10 djupintervjuer med personer som arbetar ideellt i en idrottsförening dvs på sin fritid och utan ersättning (alt. med en symbolisk summa). För att få en djupare förståelse till vad som driver människor att arbeta ideellt har uppsatsen använt inre-och yttre motivation, Self-Determination,samt sociologiska teorier om socialt kapital och oegennyttiga handlingar som teoretiska perspektiv. Gemensamt för teorierna är att de alla ryms inom området motivation. Resultatet visar att motiven till att individer börjar arbeta och engagera sig ideellt i en idrottsförening beror på ett flertal olika inre-och yttre motivationsfaktorer. I resultatet framkommer det dock främst att inre motivation såsom glädje i andras glädje och utveckling förekommer som motivation till det ideella engagemanget, trots att ett mindre antal egoistiska motiv också framkom.Studien visar även att individualiseringen har haft påverkan på de ideella idrottsföreningarna och individen motivation att engagera sig ideellt som ledare. Slutligen kan det konstateras att resultatet i denna studie i överlag har likartade resultat som tidigare studier och forskning som har gjorts om detta ämne.

Os valores e as motivações no processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais no município de Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS

Andrade, Jeanice Jung de January 2010 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo identificar e entender o processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais de Sant’Ana do Livramento considerando os seus fatores motivacionais e critérios de escolhas. Para tanto, foi estudado a gênese histórico-social de ocupação da região pesquisada, a evolução das teorias de gestão organizacional, bem como o processo de tomada de decisão como elemento fundamental da gestão organizacional. Baseado nos fundamentos e princípios da Teoria da Decisão, na abordagem dos sistemas agrários e no estudo de Ruth Gasson (1973) sobre as orientações decisórias no âmbito dos produtores rurais elaborou-se o tripé para o desenvolvimento e compreensão da análise dos resultados obtidos junto aos produtores rurais de Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS/Brasil. Os dados evidenciaram uma estrutura agrária alicerçada em pequenos, médios e grandes produtores. A maior presença de pequenos produtores não alterou o sistema agrário pecuária de corte e ovinocultura como principal fonte de renda (56%). A pecuária de corte é a principal fonte de renda para 54,9% dos pequenos produtores, 94,3% para os médios produtores e 93,6% para os grandes produtores. A análise permitiu identificar o predomínio da pecuária de corte em áreas que as condições morfológicas dos solos impossibilitam a agricultura em larga escala, no entanto está presente em todos os distritos políticos do município. A informação é um elemento fundamental para o processo decisório e foi constatado que 67,86% dos produtores acessam algum meio de informação diariamente. Os meios de informação mais acessados são a televisão (28%) e o rádio (22,3%). A principal fonte de informação apontada foi os demais produtores rurais, (27,8%). As principais limitações para a expansão dos negócios residem nas estradas, crédito de custeio e comercialização. A análise permitiu identificar no processo de tomada de decisão que os fatores motivacionais não são somente de ordem econômica, mas também de ordem expressiva, social e intrínseca, conforme Gasson (1973). Os motivos que norteiam as decisões dos produtores são de ordem econômica (33,9%), entre estes predominando a motivação de transmitir os negócios para os filhos; contudo com valores próximos estão os motivos expressivos (32,7%), como o da satisfação em trabalhar na atividade rural; sequencialmente os motivos de ordem social (19%) e os de ordem intrínseca (13,7%), onde se ressalta como a quinta motivação mais relevante entre todos os produtores a qualidade de vida. Conclui-se que existe um processo cognitivo racional lógico que determinou uma racionalidade decisória dos produtores rurais, amparada no nível de conhecimento, valores e crenças e na capacidade e hábitos desenvolvidos. / This thesis aims to identify and understand the farmers’ decision-making process in Sant’Ana do Livramento, considering their motivational factors and selection criteria. Therefore, the social-historical genesis of the occupation of the researched region, the development of organizational management theories, and the decision-making, the latter as a crucial element for the organizational management, were studied. Based on the fundamentals and principles of the Decision Theory, in approaching agrarian systems, and on Ruth Gasson’s study (1973) about the decision-making guidelines of the farmers’ scope, the tripod for the development and understanding of the analysis of the results obtained with the farmers from Sant’Ana do Livramento, RS, Brazil, was, then, prepared. Data evidenced an agrarian structure grounded in small, medium and large farmers. The greater presence of small farmers did not change the agrarian, beef cattle and sheep husbandry system as the main income source (56%). Livestock farming is the main income source for 54.9% of the small producers, 94.3% for medium-sized producers, and 93.6% for large farmers. In addition, the analysis allowed identifying the predominance of beef cattle in areas that morphological soil conditions prevented large-scale farming, although being present in all political districts of the municipality. Moreover, information is a fundamental element for the decision-making process and it was found that 67.86% of the farmers access some media daily. The most accessed media are: television (28%) and radio (22.3%). The main source of information mentioned was other farmers, (27.8%). And the main constraints for business expansion occur on the roads, operating credit and marketing. The analysis also allowed identifying that in the decision-making process the motivational factors are not only from the economic order, but also from the expressive order, social and intrinsic, according to Gasson (1973). The reasons that guide the farmers’ decisions are from the economic order (33.9%), predominating, among them, the motivation of transmitting the business to their children; however, the expressive reasons demonstrate approximate values (32.7%), such as the satisfaction of working in the rural activity; subsequently, the social reasons (19%), and those from intrinsic nature (13.7%), where it emerges as the fifth most relevant motivation among all farmers, the quality of life. Finally, there is a logical-rational cognitive process that determined the interim rationality of the rural producers, sustained in the knowledge level, values and beliefs, and in the ability and habits developed.

La gestion de la motivation dans les entreprises chinoises - Etat des lieux et déterminants des pratiques / The motivation management in the chinese companies - current situation and

Qi, Yue 06 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, une grande évolution socio-économique apporte dans les entreprises chinoises des changements profonds sur les pratiques de la gestion. Face aux défis successifs de la concurrence, comment motiver efficacement les employés afin d’obtenir plus de performance devient une question majeure. Néanmoins, la motivation au travail est un phénomène complexe. Notre recherche mobilise une démarche qualitative et une analyse quantitative sur les pratiques de gestion de la motivation dans trois types d’entreprises chinoises, étatique, privée, et sino-étrangères, dans la perspective d’identifier les facteurs qui influencent effectivement la motivation des employés chinois dans leur travail. Noussouhaitons que notre recherche puisse être utile pour les managers chinois et les managers étrangers en Chine qui cherchent à améliorer la gestion de la motivation de leurs employés. / Since last 20 years, with the ongoing social and economic development, Chinese companies have profoundly changed their management practices. Facing the enormous challenges of the competition, how to motivate employees in a productive way and realize more performance has become a crucial issue for each enterprise. However, the motivation of Chinese employees in the workplace is a complex phenomenon. Our research adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches to study the motivation practices in three kinds of Chinese companies: state-owned, private and Sino-foreign companies. Our research goal is to find out the factors that can effectively influence Chinese employees’ motivation in their workplace. This research can be useful for either Chinese managers or foreign managers that are working in China to improve their efficiency in motivating their employees.

Identifikace a srovnání motivačních faktorů u vedoucích sester a směnných sester. / Identification and comparison of motivational factors in senior nurses and nurses working in shifts.

FIALOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Motivation to work is understood as an individual´s approach to work, his/her willingness to work. People are motivated when they expect to achieve goals or get rewards satisfying their needs. Currently health care facilities are facing the shortage and turnover of nursing staff. Therefore, hospitals are commissioned to create such an environment in which nurses become motivated, because only motivated nurses can provide a quality nursing care, which is expressed in patients´ satisfaction and rewarding feelings in nurses. The aim of the thesis was to identify and compare motivational factors of senior nurses and nurses working in shifts. The aim was fulfilled. Three hypotheses were set. First hypothesis: The most important motivating factor in nurses in senior positions is professional development was not confirmed. Second hypothesis: The most important motivating factor in nurses working in shifts is a financial reward was not confirmed. Third hypothesis: Motivational factors in nurses vary depending on the job assignment was confirmed. Results of the survey will be provided to medical officers to give them an overview of the most important motivational factors in nurses and the outcomes could also be a source of information for the hospital management how to effectively motivate the personnel. Senior nurses may focus on non-financial forms of rewards such as acknowledgements, thanks, appreciations, and good interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

Os valores e as motivações no processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais no município de Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS

Andrade, Jeanice Jung de January 2010 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo identificar e entender o processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais de Sant’Ana do Livramento considerando os seus fatores motivacionais e critérios de escolhas. Para tanto, foi estudado a gênese histórico-social de ocupação da região pesquisada, a evolução das teorias de gestão organizacional, bem como o processo de tomada de decisão como elemento fundamental da gestão organizacional. Baseado nos fundamentos e princípios da Teoria da Decisão, na abordagem dos sistemas agrários e no estudo de Ruth Gasson (1973) sobre as orientações decisórias no âmbito dos produtores rurais elaborou-se o tripé para o desenvolvimento e compreensão da análise dos resultados obtidos junto aos produtores rurais de Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS/Brasil. Os dados evidenciaram uma estrutura agrária alicerçada em pequenos, médios e grandes produtores. A maior presença de pequenos produtores não alterou o sistema agrário pecuária de corte e ovinocultura como principal fonte de renda (56%). A pecuária de corte é a principal fonte de renda para 54,9% dos pequenos produtores, 94,3% para os médios produtores e 93,6% para os grandes produtores. A análise permitiu identificar o predomínio da pecuária de corte em áreas que as condições morfológicas dos solos impossibilitam a agricultura em larga escala, no entanto está presente em todos os distritos políticos do município. A informação é um elemento fundamental para o processo decisório e foi constatado que 67,86% dos produtores acessam algum meio de informação diariamente. Os meios de informação mais acessados são a televisão (28%) e o rádio (22,3%). A principal fonte de informação apontada foi os demais produtores rurais, (27,8%). As principais limitações para a expansão dos negócios residem nas estradas, crédito de custeio e comercialização. A análise permitiu identificar no processo de tomada de decisão que os fatores motivacionais não são somente de ordem econômica, mas também de ordem expressiva, social e intrínseca, conforme Gasson (1973). Os motivos que norteiam as decisões dos produtores são de ordem econômica (33,9%), entre estes predominando a motivação de transmitir os negócios para os filhos; contudo com valores próximos estão os motivos expressivos (32,7%), como o da satisfação em trabalhar na atividade rural; sequencialmente os motivos de ordem social (19%) e os de ordem intrínseca (13,7%), onde se ressalta como a quinta motivação mais relevante entre todos os produtores a qualidade de vida. Conclui-se que existe um processo cognitivo racional lógico que determinou uma racionalidade decisória dos produtores rurais, amparada no nível de conhecimento, valores e crenças e na capacidade e hábitos desenvolvidos. / This thesis aims to identify and understand the farmers’ decision-making process in Sant’Ana do Livramento, considering their motivational factors and selection criteria. Therefore, the social-historical genesis of the occupation of the researched region, the development of organizational management theories, and the decision-making, the latter as a crucial element for the organizational management, were studied. Based on the fundamentals and principles of the Decision Theory, in approaching agrarian systems, and on Ruth Gasson’s study (1973) about the decision-making guidelines of the farmers’ scope, the tripod for the development and understanding of the analysis of the results obtained with the farmers from Sant’Ana do Livramento, RS, Brazil, was, then, prepared. Data evidenced an agrarian structure grounded in small, medium and large farmers. The greater presence of small farmers did not change the agrarian, beef cattle and sheep husbandry system as the main income source (56%). Livestock farming is the main income source for 54.9% of the small producers, 94.3% for medium-sized producers, and 93.6% for large farmers. In addition, the analysis allowed identifying the predominance of beef cattle in areas that morphological soil conditions prevented large-scale farming, although being present in all political districts of the municipality. Moreover, information is a fundamental element for the decision-making process and it was found that 67.86% of the farmers access some media daily. The most accessed media are: television (28%) and radio (22.3%). The main source of information mentioned was other farmers, (27.8%). And the main constraints for business expansion occur on the roads, operating credit and marketing. The analysis also allowed identifying that in the decision-making process the motivational factors are not only from the economic order, but also from the expressive order, social and intrinsic, according to Gasson (1973). The reasons that guide the farmers’ decisions are from the economic order (33.9%), predominating, among them, the motivation of transmitting the business to their children; however, the expressive reasons demonstrate approximate values (32.7%), such as the satisfaction of working in the rural activity; subsequently, the social reasons (19%), and those from intrinsic nature (13.7%), where it emerges as the fifth most relevant motivation among all farmers, the quality of life. Finally, there is a logical-rational cognitive process that determined the interim rationality of the rural producers, sustained in the knowledge level, values and beliefs, and in the ability and habits developed.

GovernanÃa corporativa nas empresas cearenses: motivaÃÃes e praticas adotadas. / Corporate governance in the companies of CearÃ: motivations and practices

SÃvio Roberto Rodrigues Maia 28 April 2014 (has links)
MAIA, SÃvio Roberto Rodrigues. GovernanÃa corporativa nas empresas cearenses: motivaÃÃes e prÃticas adotadas. 2014. 84 f. DissertaÃÃo (Mestrado Profissional em AdministraÃÃo e Controladoria) â Programa de PÃs-graduaÃÃo em AdministraÃÃo e Controladoria, da Faculdade de Economia, AdministraÃÃo, AtuÃria e Contabilidade, da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, Fortaleza, 2014. A reconfiguraÃÃo da economia do paÃs possibilitou a reconstruÃÃo do mercado de capitais, que, por conseguinte, alavancou o desenvolvimento da governanÃa corporativa. Esse ambiente propÃcio atualmente alcanÃa regiÃes como o Nordeste brasileiro, cujo PIB cresceu nos Ãltimos 10 anos acima da mÃdia nacional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar os fatores motivacionais para adoÃÃo da governanÃa corporativa e as prÃticas implementadas nas empresas cearenses, considerando-se suas caracterÃsticas institucionais. No sentido de facilitar o alcance do objetivo geral, foram delineados os seguintes objetivos especÃficos: (i) identificar os principais fatores motivacionais, (ii) investigar as prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa e sua aderÃncia Ãs melhores prÃticas preconizadas no CÃdigo do IBGC (2009) e (iii) verificar semelhanÃas e diferenÃas nas motivaÃÃes e nas prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa, considerando-se caracterÃsticas institucionais como setor econÃmico, porte econÃmico-financeiro, faixa etÃria, tipo de controle e tipo de capital. A metodologia da pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa dos dados, realizada por meio de pesquisa de campo. A populaÃÃo do estudo compreende as 62 empresas cearenses vencedoras do PrÃmio Delmiro Gouveia nos anos 2007 a 2012, optando-se por um censo com o intuito de oportunizar o mÃximo de participantes, 30 dos quais responderam ao questionÃrio enviado. Quanto à motivaÃÃo, replicou-se o questionÃrio de AragÃo et al. (2009), estruturado com 25 quesitos, em escala likert. No que tange Ãs prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa, consideraram-se no questionÃrio as prÃticas emanadas do CÃdigo do IBGC (2009), estruturado com 28 quesitos, focando osseguintes aspectos: propriedade, conselho de administraÃÃo, gestÃo, auditoria independente, conselho fiscal e conduta e conflito de interesses. Os resultados revelaram que os fatores motivacionais mais importantes para os respondentes foram: profissionalizar a empresa, perpetuar a empresa, melhorar a imagem institucional, garantir mais transparÃncia e relacionamento com o mercado de capitais, melhorar o relacionamento entre os acionistas componentes do bloco de controle, melhorar o processo sucessÃrio, viabilizar a abertura de capital e aumentar a captaÃÃo de recursos junto a credores e acionistas, nessa ordem decrescente de importÃncia. Quanto Ãs prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa, embora 83,3% dos participantes da pesquisa tenham respondido que implantaram a governanÃa, os resultados apontaram que apenas 46,7% das melhores prÃticas do IBGC (2009) sÃo observadas pelas empresas, denotando que ainda hà muito espaÃo para se avanÃar nesse tema. Foi possÃvel constatar ainda que para os principais fatores motivacionais, hà uma convergÃncia de importÃncia para as empresas de grande porte, com mais de 40 anos de existÃncia, de controle familiar e com governanÃa corporativa em estÃgio inicial ou em desenvolvimento. / The reconfiguration of the Brazilian economy allowed a reconstruction of capital market which, therefore, leveraged the development of corporate governance market. This current enabling environment reaches regions such as northeastern Brazil, which showed GDP growth above the national average in the last 10 years. The present study aimed to analyze the motivational factors for adopting the corporate governance and practices in the companies of CearÃ, considering business characteristics. In order to achieve the main goal, specific objectives were outlined as (i) identifying the main motivational factors, (ii) investigating the corporate governance practices and its adherence to best practices advocated in the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance - IBGC (2009) code and ( iii) determine similarities and differences in the motivations and practices of corporate governance, considering their business characteristics. For this purpose, the following corporate characteristics were verified: economic sector, size, age, type of control and capital. The methodology of the research is characterized as descriptive, with predominantly qualitative data analysis, conducted through field research. The study population has included 62 GouveiaDelmiro award winning Cearà companies in the years 2007 to 2012, choosing a census in order to provide the opportunity for most participants, of which 30 had answered the questionnaire. As for motivation, it has been replied the questionnaire Aragon et al. (2009) structured with 25 questions, in Likert scale. Regarding the corporate governance practices, it was considered in the questionnaire issued by the practices of IBGC Code (2009), 28 structured questions focusing on the following aspects: ownership, board of directors, management, independent auditing, tax advice and conduct, and conflict of interest. The results have revealed that the most important motivational factors to the respondents were: professionalizing the company, perpetuating the company, improving the corporate image, ensuring greater transparency and relationship with the capital markets, improving the relationship between the components of the control block shareholders, the succession process improvement, enabling the IPO and increase fundraising to creditors and shareholders, in that order. Regarding corporate governance practices, although 83% of respondents had answered that they had implemented governance, the results have indicated that, on average, only 47% of best IBGC (2009) practices have been observed by firms, indicating that there is much room for progress on this issue. It was also possible to observe that for the main motivational factors there is a convergence of importance for large companies, with over 40 years of existence, of family control and corporate governance at an early stage or in development.

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