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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motyvacinių faktorių įtakingumo vertinimas paslaugų ir gamybos organizacijose: Lietuvos, JAV ir Didžiosios Britanijos įmonių pavyzdžiu / The evaluation of influence of motivation factors in organizations of production and service: by model of Lithuania, USA and Great Britain

Daugėlaitė, Lina, Kaleckaitė, Jurgita 25 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atliekamas motyvacinių faktorių įtakingumo vertinimas Lietuvos, JAV ir Didžiosios Britanijos paslaugų ir gamybos organizacijose, analizuojami Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teoriniai teiginiai darbo motyvacijos bei motyvacinių faktorių klausimais, išryškinami motyvacinių faktorių įtakingumo ypatumai Lietuvos, JAV ir Didžiosios Britanijos paslaugų ir gamybos organizacijose. Darbe nustatyti motyvacinių faktorių ir demografinių veiksnių tarpusavio sąryšiai, identifikuoti pagrindiniai darbo motyvaciją įtakojantys veiksniai gamybos ir paslaugų organizacijose. Magistro darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos. / The master‘s paper is subjected to exercising motivation factors influence evaluation research in service and manufacture organizations in Lithuania, USA and Great Britain as well as analysis the works of Lithuanian and foreign authors on the subject of theoretical work motivation and factors of motivation, also there are exposed peculiarities of motivation factors influence in service and manufacture organizations in Lithuania, USA and Great Britain. Here is also detected correlation between motivation and demographical factors as well as identified the main factors making influence on job motivation in service and manufacture organizations in Lithuania, USA and Great Britain. At the end of master‘s paper outcomes and recommendations are submitted.

Motyvacija kūno kultūros pamokose: mokytojo ir mokinių panašumai ir skirtumai / Motivation in physical education lesson: differences and similarities between the teacher and pupils

Galijotaitė, Vita 06 September 2013 (has links)
Kūno kultūros pamokos metu ugdoma mokinių fizinės ypatybės ir gebėjimai, mokoma sporto technikos veiksmų, mokoma gražiai bendrauti bei bendradarbiauti. Kūno kultūros specialistas, suteikia motyvacijos mokinių asmenybės savybėms bei galioms tobulėti. Pedagogo tinkamas motyvavimas mokinius, gali pamoką padaryti malonesnę. Tyrimo objektas – mokytojų motyvavimas ir mokinių motyvacija kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbe buvo siekiama tikslo išanalizuoti mokytojų ir mokinių motyvacijas kūno kultūros pamokose, parašyti panašumus ir skirtumus. Siekiant atsakyti į tyrimo tikslą, buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti kūno kultūros mokytojų motyvaciją mokyti, nustatyti veiksnius įtakojančius mokinių motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose ir palyginti mokytojų ir mokinių motyvacijos veiksnių skirtumus kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo pagrindą sudarė kūno kultūros mokytojams skirta anketa ir 9 - 12 klasių mokinių anketa. Šios abi anketos buvo naudojamos, siekiant nustatyti 9 – 12 klasių moksleivių veiksnius, motyvuojančius dalyvauti kūno kultūros pamokose. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas taikant apklausos metodą, apklausiant 223 respondentus. 41 kūno kultūros mokytoją ir 182 mokinius. Anketa buvo parengta pagal A. C. Garn, D. J. Cothran, 2006 klausimyną. Tyrime dalyvavusių mokytojų ir 9 – 12 klasių mokinių apklausa atskleidė, kad motyvacija kūno kultūrai turi įtakos visapusiškam asmenybės ugdymui. Išaiškėjo, jog veiksmingiausia yra vidinė motyvacija, kuri susijusi su mokinio užtikrintumu, gebėjimu padaryti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During physical education lessons pupils develop their physical qualities and abilities. They are taught actions of sport technique as well as considerate communication and cooperation. The specialist of physical education motivates and helps improve pupils‘ personal features and potency. An appropriate motivation of an educator makes the lesson much more enjoyable. The object of the study – teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivation during the lesson of physical education. The aim of the work was to analyse teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivations during the lessons of physical education and present similarities and differences between the both. The following tasks were raised to respond to the purpose of the study: to analyse the teachers‘ of physical education motivation to teach, determine factors that influence pupils‘ motivation during the lessons of physical education and compare the differences of teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivational factors during the lessons. The foundation of the work constituted of the questionnaire for the teachers and a questionnaire for the pupils of 9 – 12 forms. The both questionnaires were used to determine the factors motivating the pupils of 9 – 12 forms to participate in physical education lessons. The study was carried out by applying the survey method and interviewing 223 respondents – 41 teachers of physical education and 182 pupils. The questions were prepared according to the questionnaire formed by A. C. Garn, D. J. Cothran, 2006. The survey of... [to full text]

Klimatsmart livsstil : Hur människor kan påverkas till att leva mer klimatsmart

Sandberg, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
One of the greatest challenges of our time is the ongoing climate change. Research suggests that it is us humans that through our greenhouse gas emissions are the greatest cause of globalwarming and the problems that comes with it. To reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas and meet the international goals, it is necessary for individuals to make changes in their behavior. Some people care a lot about the climate and tries to do everything in their power to lower theirown impact, others want to do something but do not know what and some people does not care at all. The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how to influence people to live in a more environmentally friendly way by identifying factors that determines environmentally friendly actions both positively and negatively. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study where the data collection was made through personal interviews with citizens in Luleå. The results of the study show that knowledge has a strong connection to individual behaviors. It is important to know that the environmental actions you take is of importance. Many people have the desire to do more than they do but are hindered by contextual factors like saving time. Except for the factors that was identified in the frame of reference the study also shows that there are other reasons for individuals to act in an environmentally friendly way: health, economy, ethics, frugality and care about future generations. By identifying these factors and get an explanation of how they impact individuals, the study can aid decision makers of a county with information that helps them adapt their conversion work to the citizens. The recommendations for counties are to provide citizens with clear information both regarding what goals they aim to reach as well as concrete actions to take in order to fulfil these, make it easier to choose environmentally friendly options, market the environmental benefits but also other reasons for certain behaviors since many people are more motivated byother things than environmental reasons, share their results in their environmental work to include citizens as well as spread motivation for further behavior changes. / En av vår tids största utmaningar är de pågående klimatförändringarna. Forskning visar att det till allra största del är vi människor som genom våra utsläpp av växthusgaser är ansvariga för den globala uppvärmningen och de problem som den för med sig. För att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och uppnå de internationella utsläppsmålen krävs delvis insatser på individnivå. Vissa människor bryr sig mycket om klimatet och försöker göra allt i sin makt för att minska sin egen klimatpåverkan, andra vill göra något men vet inte vad och vissa bryr sig inte alls. Denna studie syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse för hur man kan påverka människor att leva mer klimatsmart genom att identifiera faktorer som påverkar miljövänliga beteenden i både positiv och negativ riktning. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ fallstudie där datainsamlingen gjordes genom personliga intervjuer med invånare i Luleå kommun. Studiens resultat visar att kunskap har en stark koppling till en individs beteenden. Det är viktigt att de insatser man gör till förmån för klimatet känns betydelsefulla. Många har en vilja att göra mer för klimatet men hindras av kontextuella faktorer, till största del handlar det om tidsaspekten. Förutom de faktorer som identifierades i det teoretiska ramverket framkom även ytterligare orsaker till varför individer beter sig miljövänligt: hälsa, ekonomi, etik, sparsamhet samt att värna om framtida generationer. Genom att identifiera dessa faktorer samt få förklarat hur de påverkar individen kan studien bidra med information till beslutsfattare exempelvis inom kommuner för att de ska kunna anpassa sitt omställningsarbete till medborgarna i kommunen. Studiens rekommendationer för kommuner är att de bör bistå med tydlig information till invånarna, både när det gäller vilka mål de siktar till att uppnå samt vad som konkret krävs för att uppfylla dessa. Kommunen bör också göra det lättare att välja miljövänliga alternativ, marknadsföra såväl klimatnyttan men även andra skäl till ett visst beteende eftersom att många motiveras mer av andra fördelar än klimatnytta. Samt dela med sig av resultat i klimatarbetet för att göra medborgarna delaktiga samt sprida motivation att arbeta vidare.

Motivation i en arbetsmiljö präglad av säkerhet : En kvalitativ studie om varför kriminalvårdare väljer att arbeta innanför murarna

Almrin, Josefine, Hampshire, Heather January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga motivationsfaktorer bland anställda inom Kriminalvårdens anstaltsverksamhet. För att undersöka detta utformades en huvudfrågeställning som besvarades med hjälp av tre delfrågor om vad som motiverar individer att ta anställning hos Kriminalvården, om denna motivation förändras över tid samt hur kriminalvårdarna reflekterar kring arbetsmiljön utifrån ett motivationsperspektiv. För att samla in det empiriska materialet genomfördes sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kriminalvårdare på anstalter med säkerhetsklass ett. Det resultatet genererade var att motivationen förändras över tid. Vid början av anställningen är det faktorer som inkomst och framtida karriärmöjligheter samt viljan att testa något nytt som motiverade. Efter en tid inom yrket hade motivationen skiftat till att klienterna och sina arbetslaget som utgör den främsta motivationsfaktorn, arbetsmiljön väger in på så vis att kriminalvårdarna behöver utföra sitt arbete på ett säkert sätt då detta skapar en god sammanhållning. I slutsatsen framkommer även att en motivation till att ta anställning som kriminalvårdare är att det kan vara en språngbräda för framtida yrken. Arbetsmotivation grundar sig i en avvägning och kombination av flera olika faktorer. / The purpose of this study is to identify the motivational factors among Prison Officers working in a high security prison. To investigate this purpose, a key issue was formulated and answered with the help of three sub-questions regarding why Prison Officers choose to take employment in the prison service, if their motivation changes over time and which views they have towards the working environment from a motivation perspective. In order to collect data, six semi-structured interviews were carried out with Prison Officers in a high security prison. The results of these interview showed that motivation among Prison Officers changes over time. Initially it was the need to have an income, the possibility of future career opportunities as well as wanting to test new career paths that drove their motivation. Later, motivation shifted to it being their colleagues and the clients who contribute to their work motivation. The work environment also has an impact on Prison Officers’ motivation as safety at work it is an important factor in creating good cohesion. The study also shows that one reason for becoming a Prison Officer can be that it provides a springboard for future work opportunities. Also, work motivation is based on a balance and a combination of several factors.

” Why is it important to learn English?” : A study of attitudes and motivation towards English and English language learning in Swedish upper secondary school

Pethman Estliden, Karin January 2017 (has links)
The study of motivation in language learning and language teaching has a long history. The present study investigates what attitudes students in upper secondary school have towards the English language and what motivates them to learn it. The study is based on a questionnaire regarding motivation and sixty students have participated. The study shows that the students have acknowledged the status of the English language in the world and its function as an international language as well as its function as a tool for communicative purposes. A conclusion is that they have positive attitudes in general towards the English language as well as learning English.

Social e-shopping : motivation och värde vid interaktion online / Social e-shopping : motivation and value in online interaction

Ek, Emelie, Viding, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Social media and e-commerce has become a part of every day life for many people.Recommendations and opinions about different products play a big part in the buying process. This is something that is hard to satisfy in e-commerce, therefore conversations and discussions about buying in social media have become more common. This phenomenon is called social e-shopping. Usually, social e-shopping occurs in online-forums, where individuals have the ability to voice their opinions regarding the potential purchasing decision. The purpose of this paper is to further deepen the discussion about social e-shopping by researching motivational factors and values. Through a netnographic study in a Facebook forum, essential empiricism could be gathered. With the help of Self Determination Theory, Social support and Values in a virtual community, the empiricism could be processed and refined. With the support of these theories it could be established that the biggest motivational factors for engaging in social e-shopping are to gain self-affirmation and affection, but also toease the decision making. The pursuit of perpetual confirmation was perceived as  alarming as it indicates that external factors have a bigger influence on the individual than its own will. At the same time, the desire to find solidarity also showed positive consequences through support and a sense of cultural unification. In conclusion it could also be determined that companies fail to satisfy the customer’s need of social interaction when shopping online. The paper is written in Swedish. / För många människor idag är sociala medier och e-handeln ett naturligt inslag i vardagen. För åtskilliga individer är rekommendationer och åsikter om produkter från omgivningen en betydelsefull faktor i köpprocessen. Det är något som har varit svårt att tillgodose vid ehandel, därför har diskussioner om köp via sociala medier blivit allt vanligare. Fenomenet definieras som social e-shopping. Vanligtvis sker social e-shopping i online-forum där det är möjligt att yttra åsikter individer mellan om eventuella köpbeslut. Uppsatsens syfte är att fördjupa diskussionen om social e-shopping genom att undersöka motivationsfaktorer och värden. Genom att utföra en netnografisk studie i ett Facebook-forum kunde väsentligt empiri samlas in. Empirin har sedan bearbetats med hjälp av Self Determination Theory, Socialt stöd och Värden i en virtuell gemenskap. Med hjälp av teorierna kunde det fastställas att de största motivationsfaktorerna till att ägna sig åt social e-shopping var en drivkraft mot självbekräftelse, samhörighet och hjälp till beslutsfattande. En strävan efter ständigbekräftelse upplevdes oroväckande då det tyder på att yttre faktorer har en mer inflytelserik påverkan än individens egen vilja. Samtidigt visade strävan efter samhörighet positiva konsekvenser i form av stöttning och en känsla av kulturell gemenskap i Facebook-forumet. Vidare har slutsatsen också kunnat dras till att e-handels företag brister i att kunna tillgodose kundens behov av social interaktion vid shopping online.

Management of volunteers in faith-based organisations

Claassens, Elmien 12 January 2005 (has links)
In South Africa, government cannot take sole responsibility for meeting people’s basic physical, economic and psycho-social needs as well as addressing social issues. Collective responsibility and co-operation with organisations in civil society is strongly promoted by the South African government. In a media release from the Department of Social Development, it was said that Minister Skweyiya had been meeting with the religious sector since the year 2000, to discuss government's efforts at fighting poverty and exploring the partnership between government and the religious sector (Minister and Catholic Development and Welfare Agency work together to assist orphans and other vulnerable children, 2003). Government has committed itself to partnerships with various religious organisations of which the Catholic Development and Welfare Agency and the Dutch Reformed Church are examples. This study was an exploration of the management of volunteers within Lewende Woord Ministries Trust , a faith-based organisation (FBO) situated in Pretoria. The focus of the study was on current volunteers involved in Lewende Woord Ministries Trust. The organisation was established in February 1986. At first it functioned as a church organisation, looking only after the church members’ spiritual and physical needs, but later changed its operational structures to function as an FBO. Today the organisation greatly relies on volunteers for a variety of services, both in the congregation and the surrounding communities. The objectives of the study were to determine the dynamics of volunteerism in FBOs within a broader theoretical framework of volunteerism; to investigate volunteerism within the context of Lewende Woord Ministries Trust, with specific reference to the structure, functioning, activities, motivation, and the management of volunteers; and to provide guidelines for the management of volunteers in an FBO in order to achieve the goal of the study, namely to provide guidelines for the management of volunteers in an FBO. From the research findings, it became clear that to effectively manage volunteers in FBOs, there are key aspects that need to be taken into consideration, namely motivational factors, needs, recruitment, effective training and retainment of volunteers. The main recommendation of the study is that FBOs implement the proposed guidelines for the effective management of volunteers, in order to make the utilisation of volunteers more efficient. / Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Motivace a spokojenost pracovníků organizace / Motivation and satisfaction of employees in organization

Novotná, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis theme is motivation and satisfaction of employees in organization. Theoretical part focuses especially on motivation in relation to work motivation and performance. Its task is to define the theories and tools of motivation and factors that influence it. In the practical part there is summary and analysis of survey that has been done on the premises of specific company in Prague. This parts task is to find out whether employees are satisfied with the selected motivational factors and how are these factors important to them.

Engaging in circular economy : A case study of motivational factors to participate in a non-commercial network

Forget, Laetitia, Pujol, Jordi January 2020 (has links)
Circular economy addresses the environmental crisis and its urge to adapt and reshape economic models towards more sustainability. Recent literature has provided rich knowledge on the concept and important conceptual research. Moreover, consequent existing research about drivers to engage in circular economy focuses on consumers and businesses but it is almost always limited to a commercial context. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore motivational factors to involve in a non-commercial context in circular economy. Through a qualitative approach, the single case study of a leisure bank network was conducted in Sweden. The concept of leisure bank is to lend sport and leisure equipment like a library would lend books for free. The findings show that some motivational factors previously identified in a commercial circular economy context also apply to a non-commercial circular economy context. However, this study contributes with the improvement of welfare as one additional driver for non-commercial circular economy engagement. Additionally, the findings revealed unexpectedly positive effects regarding commercial actors who are substantively affected by the network.    In line with this, circular economy has gained widespread interest among scholars and practitioners. This initiative to improve upon business models to cater the contemporary challenging social, economic, and environmental paradigm. Following a lead to expand research in this discipline, an empirical case study of a circular economy network is undertaken. A network based on exchange is identified as an important basis for the case and the study was undertaken following qualitative research in the form of interviews to those involved in the network. By gathering and analysing their insight, the importance of a network structure based on the exchange of resources was identified, finding that the interaction between the participants as a process which creates value in forms that contribute to an increase of welfare.

Personalomsättning inom revisionsbranschen : hur arbetar revisionsbyråerna för att minska hög personalomsättning?

Kirchhoff, Felicia, Lund, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Att revisionsbranschen har en hög personalomsättning är välkänt. Många nyanställda väljer att lämna revisionsbyråerna redan efter tre år. Den höga personalomsättningen är väldigt kostsam för byråerna. När anställda väljer att sluta går byrån miste om kunskap samt att en hög kostnad tillkommer då det är dyrt att lära upp och utbilda ny personal. Tidigare forskning fokuserar på vad byråerna bör göra för att minska personalomsättningen men visar inte vad byråerna faktiskt gör.   Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur revisionsbyråerna hanterar den stora personalomsättningen som råder inom branschen. Genom att studera hur byråerna arbetar med att minska personalomsättningen bidrar denna studie med ny forskning inom det upptäckta forskningsgapet.   Genom att studera tidigare forskning har sex motivationsfaktorer identifierats, vilka är överbelastning, uppfattning om yrket, balans mellan arbete och fritid, karriärmöjligheter, delaktighet och arbetsglädje. Revisionsbyråerna behöver motivera sina anställda genom motivationsfaktorerna för att få dem att stanna kvar på byrån. Den tidigare forskningen samt studiens insamlade empiri har kopplats till de tre teorierna Personal-organization fit, professionsteori och motivationsteori. Studiens forskningsområde illustreras i en modell.   Trots de rådande omständigheterna med COVID-19 och de restriktioner som därmed uppstått valdes ett genomförande av en kvalitativ studie. Detta gjordes för att få en mer djupgående förståelse och kunskap omkring området. Empirin samlades in genom mailintervjuer och Skype-möten. Studiens slutsats är att byråerna arbetar med samtliga motivationsfaktorer och trots detta är personalomsättningen hög. Detta beror på att byrån inte lyckas motivera sina anställda alternativt att de anställda väljer att sluta trots att byråerna lyckas motivera dem. / That the auditing branch has a high employee turnover is well known. Many new employees leave work already within the first three years. The high turnover comes with high costs for the firms. The firm will lose the employee´s knowledge and have to train new employees. Existing research only focuses on what the firms should do to reduce the high turnover but does not show what the firms actually do.   The purpose of this study is to understand how accounting firms are dealing with high employee turnover. By studying how the firms work with reducing the turnover this study will contribute with new research within the found research gap.   Six motivational factors have been identified by studying existing research. The accounting firms need to motivate their employees through the motivational factors to make them stay. The existing research and the collected empiricism have been connected with the three theories Personal-organization fit, Theory of professions and Motivation theory. The studies´ research area is illustrated in a model.     A qualitative study was chosen to get a deeper understanding of the research area. Due to COVID-19 the empiricism was collected through interviews by mail and Skype. The conclusion of this study is that even if the accounting firms work with all motivational factors the employee turnover remains high. That can depend on the fact that the firms do not motivate the employees enough or that the employees chose to quit even if the firms do work with the factors.

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