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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suicidprevention : En innehållsanalys av kommunala handlingsplaner / Suicide prevention : A content analysis of municipal action plans

Valtersson, Emmy, Lönnberg, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Developing Human Service Leaders

Harley-McClaskey, Deborah 01 January 2016 (has links)
"...empowering text for human services students that covers the skills and behaviors essential for leaders to manage themselves, their teams, and the organization. Using a unique coaching voice, author Deborah Harley-McClaskey follows a Reflection–Diagnosis–Prescription approach for leadership development with exercises built into the dialogue. The final chapter, Prognosis, offers a workbook-style exercise to help students make a personal change." --Amazon / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1115/thumbnail.jpg


Maldonado, Raul Angel 01 June 2018 (has links)
Society’s current focus on the transgender community is complicated, and further heightened by the lack of protections for the transgender community. Current studies only assess the hardships transgender individuals face and the impact they have on their well-being. This study sought to explore what effects the lack of resources and support have on the transgender community in the Inland Empire. This study utilized a qualitative approach incorporating semi-structured interviews of participants. The author also sought to explore how the transgender community in this area are able to mitigate any negative experiences. The qualitative data provided rich grounding in understanding the process by which these two factors are linked. Such that, the lack of resources or access to available resources contributed to distress and delayed transgender identification and transitioning. The contribution of the study is important because of the stigmas associated with being a member of the transgender community. The author contends that this research contributes to providing a better understanding of why these stigmas exist and how social services can alleviate and provide equitable and competent resources for the transgender community in the Inland Empire. The major themes derived from the data were separated by access to resources, finding community, in-group discrimination, lack of competence, risking vulnerability, sense of self, social support, and visibility. Sub-themes included: asserting gender, dysphoria, machismo, and socio-economic climate.

Partnerships : an opportunity to restore meaning to the 'human' in human services

Harkness, Christopher January 2009 (has links)
This research study is about partnership working in the human services using community mental health as a context. The purpose of this type of research has relevance today as governments at all levels in Australia are adopting partnerships as social policy tools to address social problems. The rationale for these policies appears to be based on recognition that large social problems require holistic responses through the working together of multiple agencies. However despite the volumes of material about the programmatic means for enacting partnerships I found little which attended to the micro practices of partnership. The lack of guidelines on how to engage in partnership becomes problematic as partnerships in social service contexts have complexities and can be difficult to enact. Moreover actors may feel undermined when it is taken for granted that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to enact partnerships. A case study is conducted on how partnerships are enacted within Bethany Outreach Services, a pseudonym used to represent a psychosocial support service in the Perth metropolitan area. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are conducted with seven participants engaged in a partnership within community mental health. The literature is analysed for its contribution to the critical question of how to “do” partnership. Case examples are utilised to contextualise key principles of partnership. Key elements of theoretical perspectives are applied as a way to better understand how partnerships might work better. Narratives from the literature and the experiences of people as seen through this case study are examined to arrive at some key elements of partnership. Despite their complexities partnerships provide an opportunity for actors to engage their humanity and build relationships based on human qualities such as respect, communication and the sharing of resources. These qualities build social capital, which can be developed in new partnership contexts to address new problem domains. It is through these qualities that partnerships might give meaning to the 'Human' in Human Services.

For better or for worse ... : a case study analysis of social services partnerships in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Walker, Peter E, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Partnerships between organizations are seen as one of the building blocks of the �Third Way� approach to welfare provision both in Europe and in New Zealand. While there is much discussion of this emphasis on building social capital and working in partnerships these partnerships are usually perceived as being between government and community or private organizations as part of a new phase of neo-liberalism. Using qualitative research this thesis explores three partnership sites: Those within a Maori social service provider, Te Whanau Arohanui, and the local Hapu and State organisations; that between the Ngai Tahu Maori Law Centre (an indigenous organization) and the Dunedin Community Law Centre; and finally the State lead Strengthening Families partnership initiative. This thesis is concerned with the development of citizen participation in public policy decision-making through partnerships. While contemporary studies of policy change have identified stakeholder and actor-network forms as dominant these often seem even less democratic, participatory, accountable and transparent than those they have supposedly replaced. I draw on ideas of deliberative governance to explore options for both the theory and practice of sustainable, permanent and participatory policy change in an age of diversity. I suggest that the practice of Community Development is needed to supplement descriptive and post-facto accounts of policy change and so create a usable practice theory of effective mechanisms for participatory input. Using a series of case studies of partnerships, a tentative practice theory and strategy for change is proposed. This is set within an interactive framework that is able to confront levels of power to encourage diversity and participation in decision-making from bottom-up initiatives.

Kvalitetsarbete med värdeskapande i fokus : En kvalitativ studie av socialpsykiatriska boendet Pilbacken

Nyström Bertholdsson, Hannes, Striem, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong> </strong></p><p>There is a lack of research in the field of quality improvement efforts based on profound knowledge in social services. The current situation is therefore a significant knowledge gap in terms of studies of this type of systematic quality work and how it is applied in practice. This study therefore intends to describe Pilbackens quality work and further examine if the profound knowledge is consistent with quality work in microsystems by an analysis of Pilbackens work. The present study has been performed by a qualitative method and the material is collected through semi-structured interviews. In order to analyze the study’s result have profound knowledge and the model microsystems been used. The results show that Pilbackens in quality improvement efforts have made numerous changes in its organization. They have via a clear purpose and objective of working with quality in microsystems achieved a number of perceived and documented results. The analysis of Pilbackens quality work shows a compliance with profound knowledge and the ability incorporate microsystems in practice.</p>

På vems villkor? : en studie om hur personer utan hem upplever socialtjänsten

Sagrén, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to study how people without home experience social services and how they experience their space of action when they meet social services. In order to answer these questions, a qualitative approach has been used. The empirical material consists of five interviews with people who have contact with social services because they are homeless. To support my analysis of the space of action for the persons being interviewed, I’ve used two theoretical perspectives, power analysis by Michel Foucault and Rational Choice. The result shows that the interviewed often feel insulted when they meet social services, that they have little or no involvement and that their space of action is small. According to Michel Foucault, the normalising power of the social services oppresses the clients and the clients in their turn are doing different forms of resistance. According to Rational Choice, interaction between people is based on power, exchange and interest. From the clients point of view the only thing they can exchange to get a place to live is to be submissive. Therefore they don’t have many resources to widen their space of action.</p>

Dubbel problematik kräver dubbel kunskap. : En kvalitativ studie i hur samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin sker kring personer med dubbeldiagnos, med fokus på hur deras respektive kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller påverkar samverkan.

Tovesson, Maria, Tove, Gabriella January 2010 (has links)
<p>People with severe mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse are an especially vulnerable group in society as health care for those is shared between municipality and county council. There is an associated health need of this target group so the interaction of the social services and the psychiatric care is of great importance. However, there are shortcomings in this interaction with results in that people with dual diagnosis do not always receive adequate care. Diverse knowledge and explanatory models may create problems for the interaction as they include different ways to define, understand, explain and deal with a problem. The purpose of this study was to examine how the interaction between the social service addiction treatment and the psychiatric care is, concerning people with dual diagnosis, focusing on how their respective knowledge and explanatory models affect the interaction. The study was conducted in a county where we interviewed seven people in the social services addiction treatment and the psychiatric care. We used qualitative interviews conducted with the help of a semi-structured variant. The theoretical perspectives that were applied in the study were the theories of; interaction, science- and knowledge-based controversies, and some concepts from the new institutionalism. We concluded that interactions occur in various forms and at a high level of ambition between the social services addiction treatment and the psychiatric care in regards to people with dual diagnosis. We also concluded that the diverse professional knowledge and explanatory models affects the interoperability through the creation of theoretical controversies.</p> / <p>Personer med en allvarlig psykisk sjukdom och ett samtidigt missbruk är en extra utsatt grupp i samhället då vården för dessa delas mellan kommun och landsting. Det föreligger ett kombinerat vårdbehov för denna målgrupp vilket medför att en samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin är av stor vikt. Dock föreligger brister i denna samverkan vilket medför att personer med dubbla diagnoser inte alltid erhåller adekvat vård. Skilda kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller kan skapa problem för samverkan då de inkluderar olika sätt att definiera, förstå, förklara och hantera ett problem. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin sker kring personer med dubbeldiagnos, med fokus på hur deras respektive kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller påverkar samverkan. Studien utfördes i ett län där vi intervjuade sju personer inom socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin. Vi använde oss av kvalitativa intervjuer som utfördes med hjälp av den semistrukturerade varianten. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som tillämpades i studien var teorier om; samverkan, vetenskaps- och kunskapsbaserade kontroverser samt vissa begrepp ur nyinstitutionalismen. Vi drog slutsatsen att samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin kring personer med dubbeldiagnos sker i olika former och på en hög ambitionsnivå. Vi drog även slutsatsen att verksamheternas skilda kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller påverkar samverkan genom att det uppstår teoretiska kontroverser.</p>

Vård och straff : en kvalitativ studie om överlämnande till vård inom socialtjänsten

Laestadius, Jörgen January 2006 (has links)
<p>Studien syftar till att undersöka hur kuratorerna som verkställer vård inom socialtjänsten ser på denna påföljd och på sin roll i verkställandet av densamma, samt hur ungdomar som genomfört vård inom socialtjänsten upplever samma påföljd. Syftet avgränsas genom följande frågeställningar: (i) Hur ser kuratorerna på Ungdoms- och familjeteamet i Örebro kommun på vård inom socialtjänsten och på sin egen roll i verkställandet av denna påföljd utifrån den lagstiftning som reglerar vård inom socialtjänsten, samt den lagstiftning som reglerar socialtjänstens insatser för unga? (ii) Hur har ungdomar som genomfört vård inom socialtjänsten på Ungdoms- och familjeteamet i Örebro upplevt påföljden utifrån samma lagstiftning, och finns det någon skillnad i upplevelsen före och efter genomförandet av denna? En vidare angränsning är att jag har valt att fokusera studien på ungdomar som har blivit dömda för misshandel. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har jag genomfört kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med personalen på Ungdoms- och familjeteamet, samt med ungdomar som har genomfört vård inom socialtjänsten där. Intervjuerna gjordes utifrån på förhand sammanställda intervjuguider och utgick ifrån uppsatsens syfte, frågeställningar samt den lagstiftning som utgör uppsatsens teoriavsnitt. Resultatet visar att kuratorerna inte ser någon konflikt i verkställandet av påföljden vård inom socialtjänsten, främst beroende på arbetsfördelningen mellan dem och socialkontoren. Vidare upplevde inte ungdomarna, i stort, påföljden som ett straff. De skillnader som ändå fanns mellan upplevelsen före och efter påföljden, tycks i mycket handla om en dålig information i samband med rättegången. Slutligen upplevde de flesta ungdomar i studien att påföljden hade gjort skillnad; ett fåtal menade att rättegången och böter hade haft en avskräckande effekt, men de flesta pekade på vårdprogrammet som det som hade gjort skillnad.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine how the social welfare officers, who enforce the sentence Treatment within the Social Services, look at this form of sentence and their own role when it comes to enforcing the sentence, and how juveniles who have carried out this penalty look at the same. The purpose is defined by the following questions: (i) How do the social welfare officers at the Youth and Family Team in Örebro look at Treatment within the Social Services and their own role in enforcing this sentence, regulated by law within the social services treatment and within the social services programme for juveniles? (ii) How do the juveniles who have carried out the sentence Treatment within the Social Services at the Youth and Family Team in Örebro experience the treatment, and do they feel that it has made a difference? Another definition I have made is a choice to focus my study on juveniles sentenced for assault and battery. In order to answer the purpose and questions I have performed qualitative research interviews with social welfare officers at the Youth and Family Team and juveniles who had carried out Treatment within the Social Services with them. The interviews were performed according to guides based on the purpose and questions, and the legislation presented in the theoretical section of this paper. The result shows that the social welfare officers notice no conflict within enforcing the sentence Treatment within the Social Services, mainly due to the division of labour between them and the social services offices. Further, most of the juveniles did not find the sentence a punishment. Nevertheless, the difference in the experiences before and after serving the sentence seems to be lack of information about the meaning of the sentence by the time of the legal proceedings. Finally, most of the juveniles in the study find that the sentence has mad a difference; a few of them find that the trial and fine had an intimidating effect, but most om them point out the treatment programme as the factor that has made the difference.</p>

Heteronormativitet i Socialtjänsten : Homo- och bisexuellas upplevelser av bemötandet

Olsson, Malin, Palhamn, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the essay is to examine Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual person’s experiences of the Social Services treatment. Our question is: How do Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual person’s experience the treatment in a relief seeking situation at Social Services? We have a social constructive point of view. Our theoretical foundation is heteronormativity, heterosexism, homophobia, coming out/disclosure, intersectionality, master suppression techniques and we discuss Social Services as a system. We used a qualitative research method and have done five semi-structured interviews, with three men and two women aged 17- 31 years. The empirical material has been analysed by using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) model, where we used the interviewees own words through which we composed three major themes; Starting point in the meeting with Social Services, Sexual orientation and the treatment of the Social Service. What kind of contact our interviewees had with the Social Services and how they perceive their sexual orientation and their experiences of how it is to be gay, lesbian or bisexual is of relevance in their contact with the Social Services. It will affect their ability to act and to what extent they will feel able to be open about their sexuality. Our interviewees tell of a treatment by the Social Services which in various ways makes their sexual orientation invisible, ridicules or puts blame and shame on them. We also have a few examples of neutral treatment from the Social Services concerning sexual orientation. In the essay we have divided the care relationship into a systematic level and a personal level. Our interpretation is that Social Services on a systematic level have a heteronormative culture in the organization. This leads to a heterosexistic treatment. The personal level gives the individual social worker a certain amount of flexibility and sometimes it leads to a homophobic treatment but it can also lead to a treatment that makes it possible to break with the heteronorm. We seek a Social Services that actively works towards breaking down the heteronormativity inside the organization.</p>

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