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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation économique de l'impact des politiques publiques liées à la mobilité : les cas de Paris, Londres, Bogotá et Santiago

Bocarejo, Juan Pablo 05 December 2008 (has links)
Bien que les caractéristiques économiques, de l´offre, de la demande et de l´implantation territoriale soient différentes dans chaque cas, les politiques liées à la mobilité à Paris, Londres, Bogotá et Santiago partent de la conviction commune d´ un excès de circulation automobile qui est à l´origine d´externalités intolérables ; nuisances environnementales dans le cas de Paris et Santiago et congestion dans les cas de Bogotá et Londres principalement. Les interventions mises en place montrent une forte décision de la part des pouvoirs publics de s´attaquer à ses nuisances. Dans le cas de Londres, l´analyse économique des politiques se centre sur les effets du péage de congestion dans le centre de Londres. Le suivi, très détaillé, de la part des autorités londoniennes permet de confirmer un succès technique et politique. Cependant, le coût de collecte du péage est supérieur aux bénéfices économiques. A Paris, la mise en place des couloirs bus comme mesure de diminution de l´espace de la voiture, supporté par un système de TC de qualité, permet de diminuer son utilisation. Cependant la circulation ralentit. Le bilan économique est négatif, ce qui ne semble pas nuire au succès politique. A Bogota, le bilan économique est mitigé. L´amélioration des TC avec la mise en place de Transmilenio apporte des bénéfices importants. Cependant, l´interdiction de circulation crée une désutilité pour une minorité. Finalement, pour Santiago, les informations disponibles ne permettent pas d´être concluant. Cependant, le succès des autoroutes à péage et les problèmes de Transantiago font que le report modal se soit accentué vers une forte croissance de l´automobile. Des questions sur la pertinence de l´évaluation économique comme instrument d´évaluation de politiques de développement durable et l´utilisation d´autres démarches sont aussi développées dans cette recherche. / Even though characteristics regarding economic development, offer and supply of transportation and urbanization are different in each case, the politics linked to mobility in Paris, London, Bogota and Santiago start from the common conviction that there is a surplus in car flow which is at the origin of unbearable externalities ; pollution in Paris and Santiago , congestion in Bogotá and London mainly. The actions taken show a decision from public authorities to fight these nuisances. In London’s case, the economic analysis of policy is based on the results of the Congestion Charge in the city centre. The monitoring, very detailed, from London Authorities confirms a technical and political success. However the cost of charge collection is superior to the economic benefits. In Paris the implementation of bus lanes as a way of taking away space to cars, supported by a good quality Public Transportation System, allows to diminish the use of the car. However traffic has been slowed. The economic outcome is negative. In Bogota, the economic outcome is mixed. The improvement of Public Transportation with the implementation of Transmilenio brings important benefits. However, the restriction for car circulation creates a disutility for a minority. Finally in Santiago’s case, the available information isn’t conclusive. However, success of urban highway tolls and Transantiago’s problems suppose an evolution of modal share towards a strong growth in the use of the car. Questions regarding the role of the economic appraisal as an evaluating instrument of policy based on sustainable development and the use of other approaches are also developed in this research.

美國聯邦政府施行功績俸制度之研究 / Merit Pay System in the Federal Government

劉寶珠, Liu, Pao Chu Unknown Date (has links)
薪俸制度的良窳,不僅影響優秀人才的延攬和保持,更與人員士氣和績效的提升有密切相關。因此,美國聯邦政府師法民營企業實施績效薪俸(Pay for Performance)制度之成效,於一九七八年文官改革法,針對一般俸表第十三至十五職等的管理人員與監督人員創設功績俸制度(MPS),摒棄過去自動晉俸的調整薪俸方式,改依工作績效決定加薪數額,期能激勵人員士氣與績效,進而提昇組織生產力。   本論文旨在探討美國聯邦政府施行功績俸制度之情形,採取文獻分析法,首先檢視支持與反對功績俸制度的相關理論,其次針對美國聯邦政府實施功績俸制度之過程和內容,作一有系統的介紹,並綜理其施行結果,檢討其成敗關鍵,進而說明有效實施該制的要件。   本研究結果發現,功績俸制度和其後在一九八四年改革之績效管理與獎賞制度(PMRS)所強調的「依功論酬」概念頗佳,也得到員工的支持,但是大部分的實際研究均指出,兩制並未能達成改進組織生產力的目標。績效評估的困難與基金不足的問題,乃是影響制度成敗的兩大關鍵因素。值得一提的是,儘管一連串的功績俸計畫成效不佳,但是聯邦政府仍不願放棄該一理念,反而積極檢討將該制擴大的可能性。   最後,除了對功績俸制度提出改進建議外,並探討該制在我國政府機關的適用性問題,以及歸納政府機關施行績效薪俸制度之原則以供參考。

臺灣省教育視導績效評估之研究 / A Study of the Performance Appraisal of Educational Supervision in Taiwan Province, R.O.C.

張清濱, Chang Ching Bin Unknown Date (has links)
在研究旨在探討教育視導績效評估的模式,據以評估教育視導的績效;進而比較分析視導制度、視導組織、視導人力、視導經費、視導角色及視導方式在視導效能、學生表現及工作漢足上的差異;並探求有效預測視導績效的變項,期能尋求教育視導革新的途徑,以改進視導工作,提升教育的品質。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編「臺灣省教育視導績效評估量表」,分視導人員及學校人員兩部分,進行施測。受試者包括台灣省及各縣市教育視導人員126人,問卷回收率達98.41%,高級中等學校406人,問卷回收率達95.07%,國民中學448人,問卷回收率83.92%,及國民小學896人,問卷回收率78.90%。回收問卷經統計分析,獲得以下結論: 一、不同視導制度在國民中學工作滿足上有極顯著差異。以駐區視導為主、分科視導為輔者比駐區視導為主、職合視導為輔者獲得更高的滿足。兩種不同的視導制度在視導人員及國民小學的視導績效上則未達顯著水準。 二、不同視導目標取向在國民小學的工作滿足上有顯著差異,亦即教育政策取向優於非教育政策取向。兩種不同的視導目標取向在視導人員及國民中學的視導績效上亦未達顯著水準。 三、不同視導組織結構在國民小學的視導績效上有顯著差異,亦即非正式化取向在視導效能、學生表現及工作滿足等方面,均優於正式化取向。兩種不同的視導組織結構在視導人員及國民中學的視導績效上未達顯著水準。 四、不同視導人員年齡在國民小學學生表現及教師工作滿足上有顯著差異,亦即視導人員年齡愈小,學生表現及教師工作滿足愈佳。其他視導人員的人口變項對於視導人員及國民中學的視導績效上沒有達到顯著水準。 五、不同視導旅費在視導人員工作滿足上有顯著差異。視導旅費愈充裕,視導人員的滿意度愈高。視導旅費充裕與否也會影響國民中學學生表現及教師的工作滿足。 六、不同視導角色在國民中學的工作滿足上有顯著差異,亦即溝通取向比領導角色在國民中學的工作滿足,但在視導人員及國民小學的視導績效上沒有達到顯著水準。 七、不同視導方式在視導人員、國民中學及國民小學的視導績效上沒有達到顯著水準,亦即不論民主式或權變式均不造成顯著差異。 八、不同公文效率在視導人員的工作滿足及國民小學的視導效能和工作漢足有顯著差異。公文效率高,工作滿足也愈高。 九、教育廳視導人員比縣市視導人員更有自信心,較能表現人性化的特質,工作滿意度也較高。 十、高級中學學校的視導績效優於國民小學,國民小學的視導績效也優於國民中學。 十一、各績學校人員的視導績效,主任優於教師,校長也優於教師。視導績效顯現於行政層面,惟教學層面則不甚顯著。 十二、視導的背景變項、輸入變項及歷程變項對於視導效能、學生表現及工作滿足有交互關係。在各類變項的因素中,視導旅費、視導組織結構、視導制度、視導人員素質及公文效率對於視導績效頗具影響。 綜觀本研究的發現與結論,研究者提出教育視導革新竹建議,俾供各級機關及學校斟採行: 一、對教育行政機關的建議:(一)塑造視導人員的新形象,(二)延攬優秀視導人員,(三)實施分科及分及視導制度,(四)運用臨床(診斷式)視導技術,(五)結合教學輔導網,(六)建立績效評估制度,(七)建立教育品質管理系統,(八)強化視導人員的培育與進修制度,(九)增加視導經費及(十)提高公文處理效率。 二、對學校的建議:(一)擴大校務參與的層面,(二)實施同儕輔導,(三)推展校內教師進修計畫,(四)貫徹「有教無類、因材施教」的辦學理念,(五)加強學生行為之輔導,(六)改進校務評鑑及(七)激勵教育工作熱忱。 三、對省政府的建議:(一)設置縣市政府教育局督學室,(二)調整縣市政府教育局視導人員編制,(三)訂定省、縣市視導人員的任用基準,(四)暢通視暢人員的升遷管道及(五)改善視導人員的工作環境。 四、對中央機關的建議:(一)修訂教育人員任用條例,(二)建立視導人員績效本位的考績制度,(三)建立視導人員的酬償制度,(四)提高視導人員的職等及權限及(五)舉辦視導人員高等考試。

Hälsofrämjande genom medarbetarsamtal – : Fokusgruppsintervjuer i kommunal verksamhet

Bristell, Linn January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Den största delen av den vuxna befolkningen befinner sig i arbetslivet och därför är arbetsplatsen en viktig arena i arbetet med att förbättra folkets hälsa. I verksamheters systematiska arbetsmiljöarbete finns verktyget medarbetarsamtal som syftar till att öka förståelsen för organisationens uppgift samt att ge medarbetaren ett större handlingsutrymme. <strong>Syfte: </strong>Att studera chefers och medarbetares upplevelser av hur arbetsmiljö och livsstilsfrågor diskuteras och behandlas i medarbetarsamtalet. <strong>Metod: </strong>Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med chefer och medarbetare från proAros olika verksamheter. <strong>Resultat: </strong>Mål, strategier, utveckling samt en enad riktning av verksamheten diskuterades som viktiga delar i medarbetarsamtalet. Tydligt ledarskap, stöd och uppmuntran, delaktighet, det egna ansvaret samt hur mål och krav är anpassade för den rådande situationen var faktorer som upplevdes påverka medarbetarsamtalet. Gällande arbetsmiljö diskuterades främst hur trivseln i arbetslaget var och hur samarbetet fungerade. Gällande livsstilsfrågor diskuterades friskvård, det egna ansvaret för sin hälsa samt balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Den fysiska arbetsmiljön är fortfarande av betydelse för de anställdas hälsa då proAros verksamheter till större delen består av människobehandlande yrken med påfrestande arbetsbelastningar. Frågan om att hitta balans är viktig för den arbetsrelaterade hälsan och bör därför göras mer medveten. Det promotiva hälsoarbetet bör därför integreras även i medarbetarsamtal.</p> / <p><strong>Background: </strong>The majority of the adult population is present in working life and the workplace is therefore an important setting in the efforts to improve public health. In the organizations’ day-to-day work to improve the work environment it is possible to use performance appraisal that aims to increase the understanding for the organization’s commissions and to increase the employees’ participation. <strong>Aim: </strong>To study directors and coworkers experiences about how work environment and lifestyle are discussed and managed during performance appraisal. <strong>Method: </strong>Four focus groups where performed with directors and co-workers from different units at proAros. <strong>Result: </strong>Objectives, strategies, development, and a united direction in the organization were discussed as important for performance appraisals. Leadership, support and encouragement, participation, the own responsibility and how objectives, demands are adjusted to the existing situation were factors that were experienced to influence performance appraisal. Concerning the work environment was the comfort in the team and how the cooperation worked the foremost subjects that were discussed. Concerning lifestyle were the organisation’s health work, the responsibility for your own health and the balance between working life and leisure time discussed. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The physical work environment is still important for the employees’ health as the units of proAros to a great extent consist of human services with a high workload. The question of how to find a balance is important for the work related health and therefore should the awareness of it be enlarged. The health promoting work should therefore also be integrated in performance appraisals.</p>

Medarbetarsamtalets möjligheter till ökad hälsa, lärande och förändring : En intervjustudie bland medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus / Possibilities of staff appraisals to increase health, learning and change. : An interview study among co-workers and supervisors at a hospital

Karlsson, Maria, Sparf, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Arbetet utgör en stor del av våra liv och har stor betydelse för den personliga hälsan. Hälsofrämjande insatser som riktar sig mot arbetslivet kan på så sätt påverka den nationella folkhälsan. Ett sätt att skapa delaktighet och inflytande på arbetsplatsen är att årligen genomföra individuella samtal mellan chef och medarbetare. Frågan vi ställde oss inför studien var <em>Om medarbetarsamtal kan ses som hälsofrämjande? Syftet </em>var att undersöka hur medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus upplever hälsofrågor i medarbetarsamtal och utifrån detta studera vilka möjligheter till lärande och förändring som finns. <em>Metoden </em>för datainsamlingen var en intervjustudie med fyra medarbetare och fem chefer utifrån en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide. <em>Resultatet, </em>genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys, visade att både medarbetare och chefer var positiva till medarbetarsamtal men att cheferna upplevde brister i sin kompetens med hälsofrågorna och medarbetarna upplevde att hälsofrågorna tenderade till att vara bedömande. Ur folkhälsopedagogisk synvinkel dras <em>slutsatsen </em>att syften och gränser för hälsofrågorna bör klargöras för att åstadkomma en hälsofrämjande effekt. Det krävs ett öppnare klimat i medarbetarsamtalet där både medarbetares och chefers kunskaper accepteras och uppmärksammas i syfte att lära av varandra och utvecklas tillsammans.</p> / <p>Work means a lot to the human being in life and it has a huge importance on the individual health. Health promotion interventions directed towards the working life could in a way affect the national public health. One way to create involvement and influence at the workplace is to annually implement individual appraisals between supervisor and co-workers. The question we asked ourselves before the study was; <em>could staff appraisals be seen as health promoting?</em> The <em>aim </em>with the study was to investigate how co-workers and supervisors at a hospital feel about health questions in the staff appraisal and on the basis of that, study what possibilities for learning and change there is. <em>Method </em>for the collection of data was an interview study containing four co-workers and five supervisors on the basis of a half structured interview guide. The <em>Result, </em>based on qualitative content analysis, showed that both co-workers and supervisors where positive to the staff appraisal but the supervisors felt lack of competence with the health questions and co-workers experienced the health questions as tending to be to judging. Out of a health promotion and education perspective the <em>conclusion </em>is that proposals and boundaries for the health questions get explained and clear to achieve a health promoting effect. This requires a more open climate in the staff appraisal where both co-worker's and supervisor's knowledge is accepted and noticed, aiming to learn and develop by each other.</p><p> </p>

Living and Coping with Cancer : Specific Challenges and Adaptation

Wasteson, Elisabet January 2007 (has links)
<p>The overall aims of this thesis were to prospectively investigate how specific challenges among patients with commonly occurring cancers are related to adaptation and well-being, to predict later well-being using a range of psychosocial aspects and to compare two ways of measuring coping with cancer. This was studied at diagnosis in patients with gastrointestinal cancers and their spouses and at termination of cancer treatment and during follow-up in a heterogeneous group of cancers. At <i>diagnosis,</i> higher levels of psychological distress were accompanied both by more coping attempts and less perceived control over the stressful events. Somatic aspects and Everyday concerns were frequent stressful events. The most frequently used coping strategies were emotion-focused. The Daily Coping Assessment (DCA) rendered a varied picture of ways of handling the stressful events (Study I). When studying coping as a process, the DCA has advantages compared to the commonly used measure MAC, since DCA better separates coping from both the stressful event and outcome. A comparison of the DCA and the MAC rendered differences regarding the usage of coping strategies (Study II). Patients with higher levels of anxiety/depression also had higher discrepancies between attainment and importance for most life values compared to patients with less anxiety/depression. For the patients, but not for the spouses, the discrepancies for several life values along with anxiety and depression decreased over time (Study III). Anxiety/depression at<i> termination of treatment</i> are strong predictors for anxiety/depression and QoL at follow-up. However, other variables like psychiatric history, the bother an event caused, the coping strategy Acceptance, the stressful event Thoughts/affects and emotional and instrumental aspects of social support contributed to the prediction (Study IV). Thus, it is concluded that detailed information regarding specific and frequent situations among cancer patients is possible to reveal and necessary for a better understanding of what influences well-being.</p>

Living and Coping with Cancer : Specific Challenges and Adaptation

Wasteson, Elisabet January 2007 (has links)
The overall aims of this thesis were to prospectively investigate how specific challenges among patients with commonly occurring cancers are related to adaptation and well-being, to predict later well-being using a range of psychosocial aspects and to compare two ways of measuring coping with cancer. This was studied at diagnosis in patients with gastrointestinal cancers and their spouses and at termination of cancer treatment and during follow-up in a heterogeneous group of cancers. At diagnosis, higher levels of psychological distress were accompanied both by more coping attempts and less perceived control over the stressful events. Somatic aspects and Everyday concerns were frequent stressful events. The most frequently used coping strategies were emotion-focused. The Daily Coping Assessment (DCA) rendered a varied picture of ways of handling the stressful events (Study I). When studying coping as a process, the DCA has advantages compared to the commonly used measure MAC, since DCA better separates coping from both the stressful event and outcome. A comparison of the DCA and the MAC rendered differences regarding the usage of coping strategies (Study II). Patients with higher levels of anxiety/depression also had higher discrepancies between attainment and importance for most life values compared to patients with less anxiety/depression. For the patients, but not for the spouses, the discrepancies for several life values along with anxiety and depression decreased over time (Study III). Anxiety/depression at termination of treatment are strong predictors for anxiety/depression and QoL at follow-up. However, other variables like psychiatric history, the bother an event caused, the coping strategy Acceptance, the stressful event Thoughts/affects and emotional and instrumental aspects of social support contributed to the prediction (Study IV). Thus, it is concluded that detailed information regarding specific and frequent situations among cancer patients is possible to reveal and necessary for a better understanding of what influences well-being.

Wild vegetables and micronutrient nutrition : Studies on the significance of wild vegetables in women's diets in Vietnam

Ogle, Britta M. January 2001 (has links)
The principal aim has been to investigate the contemporary role and importance of edible wild plants in the diets of women in different agro-ecological regions of Vietnam. Field studies were undertaken in four villages in the Mekong Delta (MD) and the Central Highlands (CH) in 1995-1999. Data collection included rapid appraisal techniques, botanical identification, dietary assessments (7-day food frequency recall), anthropometry, blood sampling (haemoglobin, serum ferritin, serum retinol and C-reactive protein) and analysis of vegetable samples (dry matter, selected minerals and vitamins, tannins and phytic acid). A food variety analysis was used to test the adequacy of diets. The uses of over 90 wild plant species were documented, many with multiple functions as foods, medicines and livestock feeds. In the dietary assessment 29 species were reported. Most women used a combination of home produced, commercial and wild vegetables. A high 72 and 43% respectively of the vegetables consumed in the MD and CH sites were gathered (rainy season). They contributed significantly to micronutrient intakes, especially vitamin A, calcium, vitamin C and folate. They added considerably to food diversity and women with the most diverse diets had relatively adequate nutrient intakes. The species used and importance of wild plants varied considerably with region, season and ethnicity. The main conclusions are that edible wild plants continue to make important contributions to the nutrient intakes of women. If this is neglected in diet assessments our understanding of the overall dietary adequacy may be misinterpreted and much valuable knowledge of traditional food diversification may be lost. A food variety analysis can be a useful tool in identifying groups with inadequate diets. The dual role of many species as dietary components and in preventive health care deserves greater attention.

Medarbetarsamtalets möjligheter till ökad hälsa, lärande och förändring : En intervjustudie bland medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus / Possibilities of staff appraisals to increase health, learning and change. : An interview study among co-workers and supervisors at a hospital

Karlsson, Maria, Sparf, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Arbetet utgör en stor del av våra liv och har stor betydelse för den personliga hälsan. Hälsofrämjande insatser som riktar sig mot arbetslivet kan på så sätt påverka den nationella folkhälsan. Ett sätt att skapa delaktighet och inflytande på arbetsplatsen är att årligen genomföra individuella samtal mellan chef och medarbetare. Frågan vi ställde oss inför studien var Om medarbetarsamtal kan ses som hälsofrämjande? Syftet var att undersöka hur medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus upplever hälsofrågor i medarbetarsamtal och utifrån detta studera vilka möjligheter till lärande och förändring som finns. Metoden för datainsamlingen var en intervjustudie med fyra medarbetare och fem chefer utifrån en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide. Resultatet, genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys, visade att både medarbetare och chefer var positiva till medarbetarsamtal men att cheferna upplevde brister i sin kompetens med hälsofrågorna och medarbetarna upplevde att hälsofrågorna tenderade till att vara bedömande. Ur folkhälsopedagogisk synvinkel dras slutsatsen att syften och gränser för hälsofrågorna bör klargöras för att åstadkomma en hälsofrämjande effekt. Det krävs ett öppnare klimat i medarbetarsamtalet där både medarbetares och chefers kunskaper accepteras och uppmärksammas i syfte att lära av varandra och utvecklas tillsammans. / Work means a lot to the human being in life and it has a huge importance on the individual health. Health promotion interventions directed towards the working life could in a way affect the national public health. One way to create involvement and influence at the workplace is to annually implement individual appraisals between supervisor and co-workers. The question we asked ourselves before the study was; could staff appraisals be seen as health promoting? The aim with the study was to investigate how co-workers and supervisors at a hospital feel about health questions in the staff appraisal and on the basis of that, study what possibilities for learning and change there is. Method for the collection of data was an interview study containing four co-workers and five supervisors on the basis of a half structured interview guide. The Result, based on qualitative content analysis, showed that both co-workers and supervisors where positive to the staff appraisal but the supervisors felt lack of competence with the health questions and co-workers experienced the health questions as tending to be to judging. Out of a health promotion and education perspective the conclusion is that proposals and boundaries for the health questions get explained and clear to achieve a health promoting effect. This requires a more open climate in the staff appraisal where both co-worker's and supervisor's knowledge is accepted and noticed, aiming to learn and develop by each other.

Hälsofrämjande genom medarbetarsamtal – : Fokusgruppsintervjuer i kommunal verksamhet

Bristell, Linn January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den största delen av den vuxna befolkningen befinner sig i arbetslivet och därför är arbetsplatsen en viktig arena i arbetet med att förbättra folkets hälsa. I verksamheters systematiska arbetsmiljöarbete finns verktyget medarbetarsamtal som syftar till att öka förståelsen för organisationens uppgift samt att ge medarbetaren ett större handlingsutrymme. Syfte: Att studera chefers och medarbetares upplevelser av hur arbetsmiljö och livsstilsfrågor diskuteras och behandlas i medarbetarsamtalet. Metod: Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med chefer och medarbetare från proAros olika verksamheter. Resultat: Mål, strategier, utveckling samt en enad riktning av verksamheten diskuterades som viktiga delar i medarbetarsamtalet. Tydligt ledarskap, stöd och uppmuntran, delaktighet, det egna ansvaret samt hur mål och krav är anpassade för den rådande situationen var faktorer som upplevdes påverka medarbetarsamtalet. Gällande arbetsmiljö diskuterades främst hur trivseln i arbetslaget var och hur samarbetet fungerade. Gällande livsstilsfrågor diskuterades friskvård, det egna ansvaret för sin hälsa samt balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Slutsats: Den fysiska arbetsmiljön är fortfarande av betydelse för de anställdas hälsa då proAros verksamheter till större delen består av människobehandlande yrken med påfrestande arbetsbelastningar. Frågan om att hitta balans är viktig för den arbetsrelaterade hälsan och bör därför göras mer medveten. Det promotiva hälsoarbetet bör därför integreras även i medarbetarsamtal. / Background: The majority of the adult population is present in working life and the workplace is therefore an important setting in the efforts to improve public health. In the organizations’ day-to-day work to improve the work environment it is possible to use performance appraisal that aims to increase the understanding for the organization’s commissions and to increase the employees’ participation. Aim: To study directors and coworkers experiences about how work environment and lifestyle are discussed and managed during performance appraisal. Method: Four focus groups where performed with directors and co-workers from different units at proAros. Result: Objectives, strategies, development, and a united direction in the organization were discussed as important for performance appraisals. Leadership, support and encouragement, participation, the own responsibility and how objectives, demands are adjusted to the existing situation were factors that were experienced to influence performance appraisal. Concerning the work environment was the comfort in the team and how the cooperation worked the foremost subjects that were discussed. Concerning lifestyle were the organisation’s health work, the responsibility for your own health and the balance between working life and leisure time discussed. Conclusion: The physical work environment is still important for the employees’ health as the units of proAros to a great extent consist of human services with a high workload. The question of how to find a balance is important for the work related health and therefore should the awareness of it be enlarged. The health promoting work should therefore also be integrated in performance appraisals.

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