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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fri rörlighet för arbetstagare inom Europeiska unionen - om omfattningen av diskrimineringsförbudet i artikel 39 EG

Nuut, Merli January 2006 (has links)
Den fria rörligheten för personer är en av de fyra grundläggande friheterna inom Europeiska unionen. Artikel 39 EG föreskriver att rätten till fri rörlighet för arbetstagare skall säkerställas inom gemenskapen. Denna rätt innebär att medborgare i en medlemsstat har rätt att förflytta sig fritt inom de andra medlemsstaternas territorium och att uppehålla sig där för att söka arbete samt rätt att anta faktiska erbjudanden om anställning. Den nämnda artikeln föreskriver även att fri rörlighet för arbetstagare skall innebära att all diskriminering av arbetstagare från medlemsstaterna på grund av nationalitet skall avskaffas vad gäller anställning, lön och övriga arbets- och anställningsvillkor. Den fria rörligheten är dock inte absolut utan den begränsas på olika sätt. Redan i fördragstexten finns det förbehåll för de begränsningar som grundas på hänsyn till allmän ordning, säkerhet och hälsa. Dessutom finns det undantag utanför fördraget, så kallade tvingande hänsyn i allmänintresset, som EG-domstolen har uttalat sig om och i vissa fall även godtagit. Denna uppsats utreder omfattningen av diskrimineringsförbudet respektive undantaget i artikel 39 EG. En analys sker av EG-domstolens praxis avseende vilka nationella regler som står i strid med artikel 39 EG. Huvudsyftet är att klargöra var gränsen går mellan nationella regler som är förbjudna och sådana regler som anses tillåtna. Uppsatsen utreder även frågan om vilka rättfärdigandegrunder, utöver de uttryckliga undantagen i fördraget, domstolen har använt sig av för att begränsa arbetstagares rätt till fri rörlighet.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Jeremejev, Jimmie January 2010 (has links)
Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force. It is therefore important that future case law, in a clear and precise way, determines how article 4.1(h) shall be used in order for it to be properly used within the sphere of international private law.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Jeremejev, Jimmie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force. It is therefore important that future case law, in a clear and precise way, determines how article 4.1(h) shall be used in order for it to be properly used within the sphere of international private law.</p>

Barnets rätt att komma till tals i familjebehandling. Familjebehandlarnas röster om Barnkonventionens artikel 12 i praktiken.

Gauthier Westergård, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur barnkonventionens artikel 12, barns rätt att komma till tals tillämpas i familjebehandling genom att göra en pilotstudie. Familjebehandlare inom kommunens öppenvård fick svara på hur de gjorde barn delaktiga, på vilket sätt barn kom till tals och ifall det fanns tillfällen när barn inte skulle delta i familjebehandlingen. För att få svar på dessa frågor gjordes en semistrukturerad telefonintervju. Den valda teorin var systemteori.  Studien innefattade även familjebehandling, barnkonventionen och BBIC. Resultatet visade att familjebehandlarna använde olika arbetsmetoder för att få barn att komma till tals. Det fanns en stor flexibilitet kring metoderna att göra barn delaktiga och kring att skapa möjlighet för att få barn att prata. Det fanns tillfällen då barn inte skulle delta i familjebehandlingen till exempel när föräldrarna hade egna svårigheter och när det är fanns övervägande vuxenproblem. / The purpose of the study was to investigate if the article 12 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child to be heard is applied in family treatment by making a pilot study. Family practitioners within the municipal outpatients care had to answer how they did involve the children, the manner in which children were heard and if there were times when children should not be participate in family treatment. To get answers to these questions a semi-structured survey was made. The selected theory was systems theory.  The study also included the Convention of the Rights of the Child, family treatment and BBIC. The results showed that family practitioners used various methods to get children to be heard. There was a lot of flexibility around these practices making children involved and creating the opportunity to get children to talk. There were times when children should not participate in family therapy for example when parents had their own difficulties and when it was a predominantly adult problem.

Die Sportpalastrede von Joseph Goebbels aus schwedischer Perspektive : Eine Rezeptionsstudie acht schwedischer Zeitungen

Hultgren, Annie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Fyrkantiga klossar och runda hål : Doktrinen om essential facilities tillämpbarhet på digitala plattformars användning av big data / Square pegs and round holes : The doctrine of essential facilities’ applicability on digital platforms in relation to big data

Lindeberg, Adam January 2021 (has links)
As man moved out on the internet, so did the companies. One of the most successful business models in the digital era is the digital platform. A digital platform acts as an intermediary on multi-sided markets and enjoys, amongst others, lucrative network effects. One of the main factors behind the great success of digital platforms is the usage of big data combined with algorithms that are enhanced by machine learning. However, as big data is becoming more and more indispensable for any modern company, questions have been raised about whether digital platforms should be able to withhold the massive amount of big data exclusively, or whether they could be forced to share it. This paper investigates these questions through the lens of EU-competition law, especially under Article 102 TFEU and the doctrine of essential facilities.  To address the problem of digital platforms and big data, the business models of digital platforms, the economic forces behind them, and their usage of data are assessed to conclude whether an intervention by the Union could be motivated. It is concluded that the markets where digital platforms act are prone to tip and that the characteristics of big data in combination with sophisticated algorithms create a positive feedback loop, creating barriers to entry. Thus, there are severe risks of external market failures, making an intervention feasible. The paper secondly assesses the essential facility doctrine and evaluates the four elements that needs to be fulfilled for big data to be covered by the doctrine. Even though the business model of digital platforms challenges the traditional instruments of EU-competition law, the author argues that three out of four elements of the essential facilities doctrine are fulfilled. However, as data to its character is non-rivalrous and non-exclusive the data held by the incumbent cannot be considered indispensable, making the essential facilities doctrine inapplicable. Finally, alternative instruments under EU-competition law are assessed to find a solution to the problems attributable to a refusal to supply big data. The paper concludes that there are no optimal solutions, but the best of the potential instruments is to find a new form of abuse under article 102 TFEU or to add a modified version of the essential facilities doctrine to the newly proposed legislation DMA.

Hemlig dataavläsning och Europakonventionen : Den svenska lagen om hemlig dataavläsning i förhållande till rätten till privatlivenligt artikel 8 Europakonventionen

Delfin, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights prescribes that everyone has the right to respect for his or her private life. A restriction of this right presupposes that the law of the Contracting State achieves certain requirements which include the need for the restrictive measure to be necessary in a democratic society. This thesis examines the case law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding secret surveillance. The thesis concludes that the European Court has established further requirements regarding these particularly intrusive measures, which consist of various minimum safeguards concerning the substantive national law. Sweden introduced a new method of secret surveillance, hemlig dataavläsning, in April 2020. This new covert surveillance measure enables the authorities to breach the systems of different types of technical equipment, to retrieve stored personal information within. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse and determine if the Swedish law of secret data interception meets the requirement set out in the case law. The thesis concludes that the Swedish law does not meet all the requirements set out by the European Court of Human Rights. The Swedish law does not with sufficient clarity define the offences which justifies the application of the covert surveillance. The law also prescribes an authorization procedure which lack sufficient safeguards regarding the independence of the decision-making authority. Furthermore, the law does not regulate the technology and methods used for the action, and there is no legal requirement for the national court to take these into account in its decision-making. Lastly, the Swedish legislation stipulates that the individual does not need to be notified about the surveillance if there is any confidentiality regarding the information about the surveillance one year after the preliminary investigation. In these cases, the supervisory authority must safeguard the interests of the individual, which due to the lack of legally binding decisions, are not sufficient. Finally, the thesis outlines various solutions to address these problems, which consist of inter alia: that the Swedish law should set higher requirements for the severity of crimes that can justify the use of the secret coercive measure; the removal of the interim decisions of prosecutors; a legal requirement that the court in its assessment must consider and decide on the technology used to execute the surveillance; and lastly, a legal requirement that the individual should be notified about the surveillance as soon as this is possible, or alternatively, an increase of power to the supervisory authority.

Hemlig dataavläsning och Europakonventionen : Den svenska lagen om hemlig dataavläsning i förhållande till rätten till privatliv enligt artikel 8 Europakonventionen / Secret data interception and The European Convention on Human Rights : The Swedish law of secret data interception in relation to the protectionof privacy in Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Delfin, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Effektiv brottsbekämpning – på bekostnad av vad? En rättsvetenskaplig studie av de utökade möjligheterna att använda hemliga tvångsmedel i preventivt syfte och dess förenlighet med art. 8 Europakonventionen. / Effective law enforcement – at the expense of what? A jurisprudential study of the expanded possibilities to use covert means of coercion for preventive purposes and its compatibility with article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Öhman, Max January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Riding the wave : En tematisk textanalys av framställningen av sydkoreansk populärkultur inom svensk journalistik

Ghoreishi, Sara, Brunzell, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study has chosen to examine how South Korea and its popular culture isbeing portrayed in Swedish journalistic and how it may come to play a role in theportrayal of South Korea as a society. Our aim with the research was to see how SouthKorean popular culture is portrayed in Swedish journalism and to investigate whetherthe Swedish presentation of South Korean popular culture also can be used to shareperspectives regarding societal standards, and how popular culture is used engagediscussions about South Korea as a society. The chosen method was a qualitativetextual as well as a thematic analysis when analysing our empirical material. We haveused theories of framing, cultural globalization, semiotics, news value and culturaljournalism.Our analysis shows how South Korea and the Korean wave, also known as Hallyu, hasbeen on a rise to fame during the last two decades. From mega pop bands to Oscaraward winning movies such as Parasite, South Korea has come to be one of the mostrecognized countries in terms of movie, TV, and music. Parallel to this an interest hasgrown around the world and Sweden for the Swedish media to report on differentinstances regarding the South Korean popular culture. The majority of our discussionrevolves around how the articles are offering us as researchers an interpretation as wellas where and if there is a difference in reporting on various subjects regarding bothSouth Korea's perceived image as a country and how their popular culture andcelebrities have come to have played a role in this.The result from this study suggests that there is a difference in where the focus of SouthKoreas popular culture lies depending on the subject of the article and that there is notonly one type of portrayal. The results also show that celebrities make out a huge part ofthe subjects that are being published regardless of aim.Keywords: text, culture, globalization, hallyu, article, society, media / Denna kvalitativa studie har valt att undersöka hur Sydkorea och dess populärkulturskildras i svensk journalistik. Vårt syfte med forskningen var att se hur sydkoreanskpopulärkultur skildras inom svensk journalistik och undersöka om den svenskaframställningen av den Sydkoreanska populärkulturen även har ett samhälleligtperspektiv, samt om och hur populärkulturen används för att kunna föra en diskussionangående Sydkorea som samhälle. Den valda metoden var en kvalitativ text- samttematisk analys och vid analysen av vårt empiriska material använde vi teorier omgestaltning; kulturell globalisering, semiotik, nyhetsvärde samt kulturjournalistik.Vår analys visar hur Sydkorea och den koreanska vågen, även känd som Hallyu, harvuxit i framgång under de senaste två decennierna. Från megapopband tillOscarsbelönta filmer som Parasite, har Sydkorea kommit att bli ett av de mest erkändaländerna när det gäller film, TV och musik. Parallellt med detta har intresset vuxit runtom i världen och Sverige för att svenska medier ska rapportera om olika inslag kringden sydkoreanska populärkulturen. Den största delen av vår diskussion kretsar kringvilken tolkning artiklarna erbjuder oss som forskare samt var och om det är skillnad irapportering om olika ämnen vad gäller både Sydkoreas upplevda image som land ochhur deras populärkultur och kändisar har kommit att haft en betydande roll inom detta.Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att det finns en skillnad i vart fokus för Sydkoreaspopulärkultur ligger i texterna beroende på ämnet för artikeln, samt att det inte barafinns en typ av skildring i framställningen. Resultatet visar även hur kändisar utgör enstor del av de ämnen som publiceras oavsett vinkling.Nyckelord: text, kultur, globalisering, hallyu, artikel, samhälle, medium

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