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Frontières en mouvement et échanges économico-sexuels : dynamiques migratoires des Brésiliennes au Suriname, en passant par le Guyana et la Guyane française / Moving frontiers and economic-sexual exchanges : mobility dynamics of Brazilian women in Suriname, transits in Guyana and French Guiana / Fronteiras em movimento e intercâmbios econômico-sexuais : dinâmica de mobilidade de brasileiras no Suriname, trânsitos na Guiana e na Guiana FrancesaAraujo, Osvaldina dos Santos 15 September 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous aborderons la manière dont les diverses logiques et stratégies d’entrée, de circulation et de flux frontaliers dans la région des Guyanes sont structurées. L’objectif est donc de comprendre la dynamique de circulation migratoire des Brésilien-ne-s au Suriname, mais aussi la place du Guyana et de la Guyane Française dans cette mobilité. Il s’agit alors d’analyser les logiques, les trajectoires et les dynamiques de mobilité des Brésiliennes travaillant dans la prostitution. La dynamique de mobilité liée à la prostitution est ici analysée à partir de l’expérience des personnes circulant dans l’univers du marché du sexe. Cette recherche est avant tout qualitative en ce qu’elle repose sur des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés avec 74 personnes (44 femmes, 27 hommes et 3 travestis/transsexuels) et s’appuie sur une approche ethnographique multi-située dans différents moments et lieux du Guyana, du Suriname, de la Guyane Française et de Hollande. Plus précisément, cette étude montre que les femmes passent par de multiples modalités d’échange : sexuels, affectifs, matériels, économiques et symboliques. Pour les Brésiliennes qui migrent au Guyana ou au Suriname pour travailler dans les clubs de prostitution, leur sortie de ces derniers constitue soit une transition entre la menina de club et la ploc, soit une relation avec un fixe ou un mari – ce sont là des catégories de référence pour comprendre le marché du sexe au Suriname et la dynamique migratoire de ces femmes dans la région des Guyanes. Or, chacune de ces catégories gravite autour du fait d’être femme et étrangère, d’être prostituée ou de passer par la prostitution, ou encore d’occuper d’autres rôles pour tenter de se détacher des étiquettes et des stigmates. / This work deals with the way in which the various logics and strategies of entry, circulation and border flow in the Guianas region are structured and aims to understand the dynamics of the migration of Brazilians in Suriname and the relation between this mobility and Guyana and French Guiana, to analyse the logics, circuits and mobility schemes of Brazilians in prostitution. The system of mobility linked to prostitution was analysed from the experience of people who lived the universe of the sex market or who were inserted in the circuit of this circulatory space. The study is mainly qualitative, based on semi-structured interviews with 74 people (44 women, 27 men and three transvestites/transsexuals) in a multi-sited ethnographic approach at various times and places in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Holland. The study demonstrates that women transit between various modalities of exchange: sexual, affective, material, economic and symbolic; and that their mobility is frequent both in terms of spatial and labour movement. For the Brazilians who migrate to Guyana and Suriname to work in a prostitution club, the exit of the club means the transition between menina de club and ploc, or a relationship with a fixed or a husband, these are reference categories to understand the sex market in Suriname and their migratory dynamic in the Guianas region. Each of these categories revolves around the fact of being female and foreign, being a prostitute or going through the prostitution, or taking on other roles to try to distance themselves from labels and stigmata. / Este trabalho aborda a forma como são estruturadas as diversas lógicas e estratégias de entrada, de circulação e de fluxo fronteiriço na região das Guianas, e tem como objetivo compreender a dinâmica da circulação migratória de brasileiras/os no Suriname e a relação dessa mobilidade com a Guiana e a Guiana Francesa, analisar as lógicas, os circuitos e as dinâmicas de mobilidade de brasileiras na prostituição. A dinâmica de mobilidade ligada à prostituição foi analisada a partir da experiência das pessoas que vivenciaram o universo do mercado do sexo ou que estiveram inseridas no circuito desse espaço circulatório. O estudo é, sobretudo, qualitativo, realizado a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 74 pessoas (44 mulheres, 27 homens e três travestis/transexuais), em uma abordagem etnográfica multissituada em diferentes momentos e lugares na Guiana, no Suriname, na Guiana Francesa e na Holanda. O estudo demonstra que as mulheres transitam entre várias modalidades de intercâmbio: sexuais, afetivos, materiais, econômicos e simbólicos; e que sua mobilidade é frequente tanto no que se refere à circulação espacial como à laboral. Para as brasileiras que migram para Guiana e o Suriname para atuar em clube de prostituição, a saída deste significa a transição entre menina de club e ploc, ou ter um fixo ou marido, categorias referenciais para compreender o mercado do sexo no Suriname e a dinâmica migratória delas na região das Guianas, uma vez que tais categorias giram em torno de ser mulher e estrangeira, de estar ou ser prostituta, de assumir outros papéis para tentar se distanciar de rótulos e estigmas.
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Analyse et modélisation multi-agents de transports flexibles : Comparaison de services français et sénégalaisLammoglia, Adrien 14 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Organiser le secteur du transport pour offrir des solutions de déplacement efficaces est aujourd'hui un enjeu capital pour nos sociétés. La flexibilité, tendant à augmenter la qualité de service, constitue un des leviers pour améliorer les transports. Diverses formes de flexibilité apparaissent en effet dans l'offre actuelle. Dans cette thèse, nous appréhendons plus particulièrement des services opérant dans deux contextes sociétaux distincts :* d'une part, dans un pays industrialisé (la France) où le recours aux transports publics reste minoritaire car la dépendance à l'automobile est toujours très forte ;* d'autre part, dans un pays en voie de développement (le Sénégal) possédant des moyens financiers limités, mais où l'usage des transports collectifs est généralisé, impliquant une grande diversité des modes et une atomisation de l'offre.Nous proposons ainsi d'analyser et de comparer le fonctionnement des transports informels et artisanaux sénégalais (tels que les taxis collectifs) avec celui des systèmes considérés comme plus modernes en France, pour lesquels les capacités d'auto-organisation des individus ont été progressivement remplacées par des systèmes d'information et de communication de haut niveau technologique et logistique. Ces innovations semblent apporter plus d'immédiateté au transport flexible, mais nécessitent en contrepartie un encadrement fort de la part des autorités publiques générant des contraintes réglementaires et spatiales. À l'opposé, les services spontanés et dérégulés qui sont proposés au Sénégal bénéficient d'une plus grande souplesse, au détriment de la sécurité des passagers.L'objectif de la thèse est d'analyser ces services, les modéliser et les simuler afin d'évaluer les apports de la flexibilité. D'un point de vue méthodologique, notre recherche est basée sur un ensemble de modèles inspirés des transports observés en France et au Sénégal, puis implémentés en Systèmes Multi-Agents (SMA) dans l'environnement Netlogo. Certains modèles sont issus d'une analyse fonctionnelle de terrain et d'autres sont plus théoriques. Par l'analyse du comportement d'agents réalisant ces services en concurrence et/ou en coopération, nous identifions d'abord des seuils et des conditions de mise en œuvre en termes d'efficacité et de couverture spatiale. En simulant les modèles sur plusieurs configurations spatiales, nous explorons ensuite leur fonctionnement et nous analysons les atouts et les faiblesse de chacun. Nous les simulons ensuite simultanément pour évaluer leur capacité de complémentarité. Cela nous permet in fine de confronter des systèmes de transports analogues à ceux observés dans les deux contextes sociétaux et d'établir une grille de comparaison en fonction des niveaux de flexibilité identifiés..
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Identifying strategies for effective artisanal and small-scale gold mining interventions in Kadoma-Chakari, ZimbabweMetcalf, Stephen Merrick 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines historical and contemporary artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Kadoma-Chakari, Zimbabwe in order to identify effective strategies to reduce mercury loss and exposure and to increase miners’ incomes by improving gold recoveries. Cyanidation of mercury-rich tailings and the use of nitric acid to leach mercury from cathode sludge and amalgams are identified as significant pathways for losses of mercury into the environment in Zimbabwe. Indirect evidence suggests that as much as 90% of the mercury contained in amalgamation tailings at mills in Kadoma-Chakari is dissolved during passive vat cyanidation. Mercury traps placed after copper amalgamation plates and centrifuges could reduce the amount of mercury subjected to cyanidation, but mercury can be kept out of cyanidation circuits altogether by replacing whole ore amalgamation with vinyl loop carpets. The optimal cyanide concentration for passive vat leaching is between 0.1 to 0.15%. Better management of nitric acid waste solutions can also significantly reduce mercury losses. The current political and socio-economic crisis significantly limits the effectiveness of ASGM programs in Zimbabwe. Nevertheless, strategies for more effective management of ASGM interventions are suggested by a review of the history of didactic theatre (Theatre for Development) in Africa. Theatre used as an awareness building tool is exemplified by “Nakai”, a drama produced in Kadoma-Chakari to increase knowledge of the hazards of mercury use. Theatre can also be a means to ensure horizontal communication between donors and project beneficiaries if it is used to stimulate discussions that give communities a real voice in development programs. It is proposed that community participation in project design, implementation and evaluation increases the likelihood of project success and sustainability because community-identified problems and solutions are more realistic than those defined by donors, and because community “buy in” and ownership increases pressure on project administrators to deliver the services communities need.
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The regulation of small-scale mining in Namibia :|ba legal perspective / Divan de JonghDe Jongh, Divan January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this study is to conduct a critical evaluation of the Namibian
law and policy framework that currently regulates small-scale mining in
Namibia. The discussion begins with an introduction to small-scale mining in
Namibia which deals with the practice of small-scale mining, inter alia, as far as
it is defined and the possible affects thereof. Small-scale mining affects various
second generation rights of persons directly involved therein as well as the
community as a whole. These rights include child labour; unemployment;
gender issues; public health care; occupational health and safety; access to
finance; poverty alleviation; and access to mining tools, machinery, markets
and buyers.
The law and policy framework applicable to small-scale mining in Namibia is
accordingly critically discussed in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the
current framework. It is found that small-scale mining is quite well regulated in
Namibia, but the current law and policy framework is not without its problems.
Some of the main weaknesses identified are the centralised nature of the
application for and pegging of claims, the lack of formal provision and
regulation of the off-set markets, and the lack of access to finance for smallscale
Recommendations are made, such as that regulatory measures should be put
in place to make provision for and to regulate the off-set markets for the
minerals being mined by the artisanal miners. At the end of the study further
research topics which relate directly to the regulation of small-scale mining in
Namibia are identified. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Bewertung von Handlungsalternativen im internationalen KleinbergbauGrießl, Elisabeth 25 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der Kleinbergbau ist ein bedeutender Wirtschaftszweig. Ein großer Anteil der Kleinbergbauaktivitäten wird informell oder illegal durchgeführt. Wichtige Merkmale dieser Formen des Kleinbergbaus sind ein hoher Beschäftigungsgrad, eine geringe Technisierung und Mechanisierung aller Arbeiten, sowie ein niedriger Kapitaleinsatz. Diese Bergbauaktivitäten sind vor allem in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern auf den Kontinenten Mittel- und Südamerika, Afrika und Asien verbreitet. Der informelle und illegale Kleinbergbau ist Lebensgrundlage für weltweit ca. 15 Mio. Menschen, die in diesem Sektor direkt beschäftigt und etwa 100 Mio. die indirekt davon abhängig sind. Neben der positiven Tatsache, dass der Kleinbergbau ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor ist sowie Beschäftigung und Wertschöpfung schafft, sind mit ihm erhebliche negative soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen verbunden. Um gezielte Handlungsempfehlungen in Form von Projekten zur Weiterentwicklung des Kleinbergbausektors aufzuzeigen, wurde in dieser Arbeit
ein computergestütztes Expertensystem (XPS) entwickelt. / Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is an important economic sector. A large amount of ASM activities are carried out in an informal or illegal way. These specific types of ASM are characteristic for being labor-intensive and capital-, mechanization- and technology-poor. In general ASM takes place within developing and emerging countries of Middle and South America, Africa and Asia. Informal and illegal ASM forms a livelihood for a population of approx. 15 Mio people worldwide, who are directly employed within the sector and about 100 Mio, who are indirectly dependent on it. On the one hand ASM is an important economic factor but on the other hand it has significant negative social and environmental impacts. In order to develop targeted recommendations for the further development of ASM, a computer-based expert system (XPS) was programmed within this dissertation.
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Identifying strategies for effective artisanal and small-scale gold mining interventions in Kadoma-Chakari, ZimbabweMetcalf, Stephen Merrick 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines historical and contemporary artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Kadoma-Chakari, Zimbabwe in order to identify effective strategies to reduce mercury loss and exposure and to increase miners’ incomes by improving gold recoveries. Cyanidation of mercury-rich tailings and the use of nitric acid to leach mercury from cathode sludge and amalgams are identified as significant pathways for losses of mercury into the environment in Zimbabwe. Indirect evidence suggests that as much as 90% of the mercury contained in amalgamation tailings at mills in Kadoma-Chakari is dissolved during passive vat cyanidation. Mercury traps placed after copper amalgamation plates and centrifuges could reduce the amount of mercury subjected to cyanidation, but mercury can be kept out of cyanidation circuits altogether by replacing whole ore amalgamation with vinyl loop carpets. The optimal cyanide concentration for passive vat leaching is between 0.1 to 0.15%. Better management of nitric acid waste solutions can also significantly reduce mercury losses. The current political and socio-economic crisis significantly limits the effectiveness of ASGM programs in Zimbabwe. Nevertheless, strategies for more effective management of ASGM interventions are suggested by a review of the history of didactic theatre (Theatre for Development) in Africa. Theatre used as an awareness building tool is exemplified by “Nakai”, a drama produced in Kadoma-Chakari to increase knowledge of the hazards of mercury use. Theatre can also be a means to ensure horizontal communication between donors and project beneficiaries if it is used to stimulate discussions that give communities a real voice in development programs. It is proposed that community participation in project design, implementation and evaluation increases the likelihood of project success and sustainability because community-identified problems and solutions are more realistic than those defined by donors, and because community “buy in” and ownership increases pressure on project administrators to deliver the services communities need.
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Une pratique sociale à l’épreuve de la conservation de la nature. Incertitudes et controverses environnementales autour de la dégradation de la pêche dans la Réserve de la Biosphère du Delta du Danube. / A social practice face to nature conservation policies : controversies and uncertainties around fish degradation and conservation practices in the Danube Delta Biosphere ReserveMitroi Tisseyre, Veronica 25 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les mutations d’une pratique sociale qui repose sur l’interaction directe avec l’environnement – la pêche, dans l’espace du delta du Danube, territoire doté d’une remarquable richesse écologique et engagé, après 1990, dans une double transition socio-économique et écologique qui implique une redéfinition radicale des pratiques d’appropriation des ressources naturelles. Caractérisée par une multiplication des acteurs, des savoirs et des actions, la création d’une Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Danube met à l’épreuve l’existence même de la pratique de pêche et l’interaction des habitants avec les ressources désormais « naturelles » du delta. A travers une analyse des dispositifs de réglementation des droits de pêche expérimentés dans la Réserve au cours des 20 dernières années, cette thèse présente la dégradation de la pêche comme un espace d'incertitude où les « êtres de la pêche » : acteurs sociaux et poissons, sont redéfinis, expliqués, apprivoisés, mobilisés dans la définition de nouvelles formes d'interaction entre les acteurs sociaux et des ressources naturelles. Dans un contexte de persistance des pratiques de pêche illégales, les indicateurs utilisés dans la formulation des droits de pêche ont une faible capacité à faire évoluer les pratiques. L'approche développée dans cette thèse est clairement confrontée à la manière dominante de penser et de faire dans les politiques de conservation, orientées vers une plus grande rationalisation et la formulation de chaînes logiques entre des indicateurs, des droits et des résultats attendus. Nous montrons les limites de cette approche, qui devrait avoir comme préoccupation première de dépasser la distinction entre « ceux qui savent » et « ceux qui pêchent », en facilitant l’émergence des accords collectifs sur la définition des acteurs, des ressources et de leur état écologique. Nous montrons que dans le monde de la pêche artisanale, la réussite des dispositifs de gestion de la pêche dépend de leur capacité à prendre en considération les savoirs, les pratiques et les capacités critiques des acteurs locaux, développés au cours d’une longue appropriation des ressources. / In the last two decades, different fishing rights systems have been experimented in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve fisheries in order to orient natural resources exploitation practices towards the conservation of biodiversity. Overfishing is considered as one of the main threats to conservation in this ecologically fragile area, since 1989, when the communist productivist model was replaced by conservationist policies. Characterized by the multiplication of actors and knowledge production, the creation of the Biosphere Reserve of Danube Delta is challenging the continuity of fishing practices. Based on an analysis of the fishing rights systems experienced in the reserve, this work presents the degradation of fisheries as an area of uncertainty where social actors and fishing resources are redefined, explained, tamed and mobilized in the definition of new forms of ecological interactions between actors and resources. Indicators and proofs of sustainable fisheries are built on the ground, while experimenting different fishing rights systems. In a context of persisting illegal fishing practices and persistent controversies, fishing rights do not legitimate the introduction of more restrictive measures, and have a week capacity of changing practices. The approach developed in this thesis tries to go beyond the classical distinction between knowledge producers and nature users, by considering knowledge production, rights definition and social practices over nature as interconnected elements of the same process of nature appropriation. The perspective developed in this work is clearly confronted to the dominant way of thinking and doing in conservation policies, oriented towards a greater rationalization and the pre-formulation of a logical chain between measures, effects and outcomes. We show the limits of this approach, which should be primarily concerned by overcoming the distinction between "those who know" and "those who fish", facilitating the emergence of collective agreements on the definition of resources and their ecological status. We show that in the world of artisanal fisheries, the success of fisheries management incentives depends on their ability to take into account the diversity of knowledge, practices and critical capacities that local actors developed through resources appropriation practices.
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Ecologia humana da pesca e mudanças ambientais no Baixo Rio Tocantins, Amazônia brasileiraHallwass, Gustavo January 2011 (has links)
A pesca artesanal de pequena escala (ou subsistência) tem sido historicamente pouco estudada. Poucos estudos buscam compreender os fatores que influenciam a pesca nessa escala. Populações humanas que dependem dos recursos naturais apresentam bom conhecimento sobre o ambiente e os recursos explorados. Barramentos de rios são uns dos principais impactos na pesca de águas interiores, e pouco se sabe sobre esses impactos ao longo do tempo. Portanto, informações das populações locais e da pesca de subsistência podem melhorar e complementar o conhecimento científico sobre a pesca e os impactos causados por barramentos. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar as características da dinâmica da pesca artesanal de subsistência no Baixo Rio Tocantins (Amazônia brasileira) através de entrevistas e desembarques pesqueiros. Testamos a eficiência do conhecimento ecológico local de pescadores através de entrevistas no diagnóstico da dinâmica da pesca e de mudanças ambientais decorrentes de barragens em grandes rios (1º capítulo). Também analisamos o rendimento pesqueiro e as variáveis que influenciam na captura de peixes em cinco comunidades de pescadores artesanais do Baixo Rio Tocantins (2º capítulo). Foram realizadas 300 entrevistas com pescadores de nove comunidades ribeirinhas e registrados 606 desembarques pesqueiros em cinco destas comunidades, em 67 dias de amostragem. Através das entrevistas é possível identificar os peixes mais capturados, as artes de pesca e tamanhos de malhas de redes mais utilizadas pelos pescadores, além da sazonalidade da abundância dos peixes. Houve mudança na composição dos desembarques pesqueiros, 22 anos após o barramento. Através das entrevistas com os pescadores, foi possível identificar também quais espécies de pescado aumentaram (Plagioscion squamosissimus), quais diminuíram (Characidae, várias espécies de pacu), bem como quais desapareceram (Semaprochilodus brama) após o barramento. A produção anual e o rendimento financeiro da pesca foram reduzidos em cerca de 55% após o barramento do rio. A maior parte da variação da biomassa de peixes capturada é explicada pelas variáveis ligadas ao esforço e comportamento do pescador: tempo de pesca (35%), número de pescadores (30%) e a distância até local de pesca (20%). Entrevistas demonstraram ser um método rápido, confiável e de baixo custo para obter importantes informações sobre a pesca e os impactos à jusante de uma hidrelétrica em um grande rio amazônico. O conhecimento ecológico local pode complementar pesquisas ecológicas de longa duração de uma maneira rápida e eficiente. Considerar os pescadores, seu conhecimento e seu comportamento na elaboração de planos de manejo pesqueiro adequados com a realidade local, parece ser a maneira mais promissora de garantir a manutenção da biodiversidade, conservação dos recursos pesqueiros e manutenção da pesca artesanal como atividade econômica. / Small-scale artisanal (or subsistence) fisheries have been little studied. Few studies have attempted to understand the factors that influence the fisheries on this scale. Human populations that depend upon natural resources show good knowledge about the environment and the exploited resources. Dams are among the main impacts affecting inland fisheries and there is little knowledge about the impacts of dams on fisheries over time. Information from local populations and subsistence fishing may improve and complement the scientific knowledge on fisheries and dam’s impacts. The aim of this study is to analyze the dynamics of subsistence fishing in the Lower Tocantins River (Brazilian Amazon) through interviews and fish landings. We tested the efficiency of recording fishermen’s local ecological knowledge through interviews for assessment of the fisheries dynamics and environmental changes caused by dams in large rivers (1st chapter). We also analyzed the fishing income and the variables that influence the biomass of fish caught in five fishing communities of the Lower Tocantins River (2nd chapter). We conducted 300 interviews with fishermen in nine riverine communities and recorded 606 fish landings in five of these communities in 67 sampling days. Through interviews it is possible to identify the most caught fish species, the fishing gear and gillnet mesh sizes used by most of the fishermen, and the seasonal fish abundance patterns. The composition of fish landings changed 22 years after the dam’s closure. Through interviews with fishermen, also it was possible to identify the species of fish that increased (Plagioscion squamosissimus), decreased (Characidae, several species of pacu) and even disappeared (Semaprochilodus brama) after the dam’s closure. The annual production and financial income of fishing have been reduced by about 55% after the dam’s closure. Most of the variation in the biomass of fish caught is explained by variables related to the fishing effort and to the fisherman’s behavior , such as fishing time (35%), number of fishermen (30%) and distance to fishing grounds (20%). Interviews with fishermen showed to be fast, reliable and inexpensive methods to obtain important information about the fisheries and the impacts downstream from a dam in a large Amazonian river. The local ecological knowledge of resource users can complement long-term ecological research efficiently. The fishermen, their knowledge and their behavior should be considered when developing fisheries management plans appropriate to local realities. This seems to be the most promising way to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity, conservation of fishing resources, and maintenance of artisanal fisheries as an economic activity.
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Educação e movimentos sociais na pesca artesanal: caso da Prainha do Canto Verde, no litoral cearense. / Education and social movements in artisanal fisheries: the case of Prainha do Canto Verde, in the state of Ceará coastGALDINO, José Wilson January 2010 (has links)
GALDINO, José Wilson. Educação e movimentos sociais na pesca artesanal: caso da Prainha do Canto Verde, no litoral cearense. 2010. 316f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2010. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-10T13:16:23Z
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Previous issue date: 2010 / The traditional fishing communities in Ceará coast are promoters of social movements, characteristic of Artisanal Fisheries, which are made from certain social problems (fishing, housing, health, education, etc.). En-fronts in their group, they usually only is overcome by the struggles of these movements, the citizenship rights of their residents, producing a pedagogy inherent in this action. This reality gave rise to the development of such research, which aimed to study the educational process of the social movement in the community of Prainha do Canto Verde, Ceará coast in, trying to understand their role in organizing this community, with the aim of contributing to the social actors and institutional engaged in this activity for the development of public policies that effectively allow the exercise of social rights of these populations. To this end, we follow the steps of qualitative research instruments based on the following design: a case study descriptive qualitative explanatory concepts with ethnographic and action research, as researched and studied a unique community that has a value in itself for a period of five years. We also use the phenomenological approach that aimed to capture and understand the essence of the phenomenon sought, without, however, want a universality of analysis. The primary data were obtained from a non-random sample, intentional, by quotas. The collection of these was conducted from interviews (thirty-one) structured, semistructured and informal, individual, which were applied mainly with local leaders. We also borrowed to aid participant observation and the use of elements of the critical-dialectical methodology, to help us in meeting the interconnections and contradictions that make up the existing social fabric. Tool of the "field journal", where we recorded our impressions about the relationship between the main actors and subjects of research. To organize these data, we seek help of computers, by using a software QSR NUD * IST, as a support tool to analyze the transcripts of our interviews. Data analysis showed that the existing character education in the social movement of Prainha has as a cornerstone the process of mobilization and community organization, based on the grounds of liberating pedagogy of Paulo Freire, incorporated through the practice used by deep-ers of the movement which took into account the political nature of education through an authentic dialogic relationship. This process is responsible for the high degree of conscious-tion, politics and citizenship to that reached the main subject of this research. The result of this work is the strength of the social movement of Prainha in their activity and consequently, community organization, a trait evident in their identity and relevant factors in the social role of this movement, which appears as a model for other traditional fishing communities coast. Similarly, the collective actions of the group of fishermen in this community began to pass around our coast, linking, a move to strengthen local-level state that expands in union with the MONAPE. This research also gave us the opportunity to identify and present to the academic world, two contributions to the formação/ constituição theory on social movements in the field. / As comunidades tradicionais pesqueiras do litoral cearense são promotoras de movimentos sociais, característicos da pesca artesanal, que são constituídos com base em determinados problemas sociais (pesca predatória, habitação, saúde, educação etc.) enfrentados em seu coletivo, que normalmente só são superados nas lutas desses movimentos, produzindo uma pedagogia inerente a essa ação. Essa realidade ensejou a elaboração desta pesquisa, que se propôs estudar o papel do movimento social da Prainha do Canto Verde no processo educativo de comunidades tradicionais de pescadores artesanais litorâneos, com o propósito de contribuir com os sujeitos sociais e institucionais que atuam nessa atividade para a elaboração de políticas públicas que efetivamente permitam o exercício dos direitos sociais dessas populações. Para tanto, procurou-se seguir os passos instrumentais da pesquisa qualitativa, fundamentada em um estudo de caso descritivo, qualitativoexplicativo, com concepções etnográficas e da pesquisa-ação, pois se pesquisou e estudou uma comunidade singular que possui um valor em si mesma, durante um período de cinco anos. Também se utilizou o enfoque fenomenológico que teve como objetivo captar e compreender a essência do fenômeno buscado, sem, contudo, pretender uma universalidade de análise. Os dados primários foram obtidos de uma amostra não aleatória, do tipo intencional, por quotas. A coleta desses foi realizada mediante a aplicação de entrevistas (31) estruturadas, semiestruturadas e informais, individuais, as quais foram aplicadas, principalmente, com as lideranças locais. Também se recorreu à ajuda da observação participante e ao emprego de elementos da metodologia crítico-dialética, para ajudar no encontro das interconexões e contradições que formam o tecido social local; da ferramenta “diário de campo”, onde se registram nossas impressões acerca das relações entre os principais sujeitos da pesquisa. Para organização desses dados, buscou-se o auxílio da informática, mediante a utilização do software QSR NUD*IST, como ferramenta de apoio para análise das transcrições das entrevistas. A análise dos dados evidenciou que o caráter educativo existente no movimento social da Prainha possui como pedra fundamental a mobilização e a organização comunitária, tendo como base a pedagogia libertadora de Paulo Freire, incorporada na prática utilizada pelos fundadores do movimento, que levou em conta a natureza política da educação por meio de uma autêntica relação dialógica. Esse processo é responsável pelo elevado grau de conscientização, formação política e cidadania a que chegaram os principais sujeitos desta pesquisa. O resultado do trabalho é a solidez do movimento social da Prainha, de sua mobilização e, por consequência, da organização da comunidade, traço evidente de sua identidade e fatores relevantes no papel social desse movimento, que se mostra como referência para as demais comunidades tradicionais pesqueiras litorâneas. Da mesma forma, as ações coletivas do grupo de pescadores dessa comunidade passaram a repercutir em todo o litoral do Estado, estabelecendo uma articulação, fortalecendo um movimento na contextura municipal-estadual que se amplia na união com o MONAPE. Esta pesquisa também concedeu a oportunidade de se identificar e apresentar ao universo acadêmico duas contribuições para a discussão da teoria sobre os movimentos sociais em comunidades tradicionais.
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Cartografia do saber/fazer das marisqueiras. Leituras outras das tecnologias, técnicas artesanais como potênciaRozo Sandoval, Ana Claudia 19 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Claudia Rozo Sandoval (anclarozo@gmail.com) on 2015-11-16T23:40:09Z
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TeseDoutoradoRozoSandovalAnaClaudia20151116.pdf: 3555163 bytes, checksum: 8c9efa95b09ee93f5afa8b4090e10cc1 (MD5)
Livro Mariqueiras de Passe CC 2015 FINAL.pdf: 19505549 bytes, checksum: c2c752f22b9d79ce14975bce663deec2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2015-11-24T13:42:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Livro Mariqueiras de Passe CC 2015 FINAL.pdf: 19505549 bytes, checksum: c2c752f22b9d79ce14975bce663deec2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-24T13:42:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
TeseDoutoradoRozoSandovalAnaClaudia20151116.pdf: 3555163 bytes, checksum: 8c9efa95b09ee93f5afa8b4090e10cc1 (MD5)
Livro Mariqueiras de Passe CC 2015 FINAL.pdf: 19505549 bytes, checksum: c2c752f22b9d79ce14975bce663deec2 (MD5) / CAPES / Esta tese de doutorado aborda a discussão sobre as formas como as tecnologias são inseridas nas sociedades e nas culturas, evidenciando tensões entre maneiras distintas de relação com os universos técnicos que não são homogêneos, mas parte da mesma realidade; interpela os modos pelos quais o conhecimento técnico e tecnológico circula, legitima-se e se conecta com o poder; explicita alternativas às formas hegemônicas da racionalidade técnica e indaga por vínculos mais próximos à diversidade sociocultural, no intuito de propor diálogos menos verticais, mais rizomáticos. Assume a opção teórico/epistemológica da perspectiva decolonial (Quijano, Dussel, Mignolo, Torres, Castro-Gómez) que permite interrogar a matriz contemporânea saber/poder agenciada pelas tecnologias, bem como as contribuições do pensamento de Rodolfo Kusch em diálogo com Simondon para obter outras aproximações às tecnologias nas dimensões filosófica, sociológica, antropológica e política. Arrisca a construção da cartografia (Deleuze e Guattari) do saber/fazer da técnica de mariscar com as marisqueiras de Passé de Candeias, tendo o propósito de analisar e delinear as relações de poder que se revelam sobre seus saberes/conhecimentos técnicos, as manifestações da técnica artesanal e suas conexões com os objetos técnicos para identificar os vínculos entre Cultura/Tecnologia/Conhecimento; para a produção cartográfica se elaborou um livro coletivo com a comunidade de saber como agenciamento. As narrativas e análises permitiram desvelar a complexidade da realidade técnica, os níveis de imbricação entre Ser/Técnica/Saber incorporados à natureza na unidade harmônica do território (o mangue) que se fratura e fragmenta por um exterior que despreza os saberes e singularidades das técnicas artesanais, a virtualidade de diálogos entre estas técnicas e as “modernas”, os nexos entre Corpo/Tecnologia/Objeto técnico, a dificuldade de habitar o mundo mediado tecnologicamente mantendo a separação entre Humanidade/Técnica/Natureza, a necessidade de viver o tempo em conexão com a natureza como linhas de fuga da alienação tecnológica produzida pela ausência de pensar sobre a mesma. / ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis addresses the discussion of the ways in which technologies are embedded in societies and cultures, highlighting the tensions that emerge as they interact with the technical universes that are not homogeneous, but are part of the same reality; challenges the forms in which the technical and technological knowledge circulates, becomes legitimate and associates with power; reveals alternatives to the hegemonic forms of the technical rationality and explores closer ties to the sociocultural diversity, in order to propose less vertical dialogues, more rhizomatic. It undertakes the theoretical/epistemological option from the de-colonial perspective of (Quijano, Dussel, Mignolo, Torres, Castro-Gómez) which allows us to question the contemporary matrix power/knowledge assumed by technologies, as well as the contributions of Rodolfo Kusch in a dialogue with Gilbert Simondon to convene other approaches to technologies from the philosophical, sociological, anthropological and political dimensions. It proposes a draft of the (Deleuze e Guattari) cartography of knowledge/expertise of the technique of shellfish fishing with the shellfish fisheries in Passé de Candeias, which aims to analyze and define the relations of power revealed around knowledge/expertise, the expressions of the craftsmanship and its relationship with the technical objects, to identify the link between culture/technology/knowledge; for the cartographical production a collective book was drafted with the community of knowledge. The narratives and analysis revealed the complexity of the technical reality, the intertwining levels between Being/Expertise/Knowledge integrated into nature in harmonious unity with its territory (mangrove) that is fractured and fragmented by an exterior that despises the knowledge and singularities of the craftsmanship, the virtual nature of the dialogues between these techniques and the “modern ones”, the connections between body / technology/technical object, the difficulty of living in a world technologically mediated maintaining the separation between humanity/technic/nature, the need of living time in connection with nature as escape lines of technological alienation resulting from not thinking about it. / RESUMEN Esta tesis de doctorado aborda la discusión sobre las formas como las tecnologías se instalan en las sociedades y las culturas, evidenciando las tensiones que emergen de las distintas relaciones que se establecen con los universos técnicos que no son homogéneos pero constituyen parte de una misma realidad, cuestiona los modos de legitimación y circulación de los conocimientos técnicos y tecnológicos y sus conexiones con el poder, revela alternativas a las formas hegemónicas de racionalidad técnica y explora vínculos mas cercanos a la diversidad sociocultural, con el propósito de proponer diálogos menos verticales, mas rizomáticos. Asume la opción teórica/epistemológica de la perspectiva decolonial (Quijano, Dussel, Mignolo, Torres, Castro-Gómez) que permite interpelar la matriz contemporánea saber/poder agenciada por las tecnologías, así como los aportes del pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch en diálogo con Gilbert Simondon para obtener otras aproximaciones a las tecnologías desde dimensiones filosófica, sociológica, antropológica y política. Realiza una cartografía (Deleuze e Guattari) del saber/hacer sobre la técnica de mariscar con las marisqueras de Passé de Candeias, para analizar y trazar las relaciones de poder que se revelan en torno a sus saberes/conocimientos técnicos, las expresiones de su técnica artesanal y sus conexiones con los objetos técnicos, para identificar vínculos entre Cultura/Tecnología/Conocimiento; como agenciamiento para la producción cartográfica se elaboró un libro colectivo con la comunidad de saber. Las narrativas y los análisis permitieron desvelar: la complejidad de la realidad técnica, los niveles de imbricación entres Ser/Técnica/Saber incorporados a la naturaleza en unidad armónica con su territorio (mangue) que se fractura y fragmenta por un exterior que desprecia los saberes y singularidades de las técnicas artesanales, la virtualidad de diálogos entre estas técnicas y las “modernas”, los nexos entre Cuerpo/Tecnología/Objeto Técnico, la dificultad de habitar el mundo mediado tecnológicamente manteniendo la separación entre humanidad/técnica/naturaleza, y la necesidad de vivir el tiempo en conexión con la naturaleza como líneas de fuga de la alienación tecnológica producida por la ausencia de pensar sobre ella.
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