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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bankväsende enligt Koranen : En studie av islamiska bankers samhällsekonomiska roll

Jansson, Li January 2007 (has links)
I uppsatsen beskrivs hur islamiska banker fungerar och hur de klarar de funktioner som banker i moderna västerländska marknadsekonomier fyller. Syftet är att undersöka om islamiska banker kan få större betydelse än att förbli nischbanker. Slutsatsen är att de islamiska bankernas roll begränsas av att man har högre kostnader än sina konventionella motsvarigheter, och att fortsatt expansion är beroende på prestation och effektivitet. Som nischbank möter de en växande marknad, men för att utgöra en reell konkurrent till konventionella banker krävs ytterligare utveckling och effektivisering.

Basel III, banker och kreditgivning : En studie av Basel III:s påverkan på bankers kreditgivning till nystartade företag

Ekmark, Victor, Hirschfeldt, Didrik January 2015 (has links)
I Sverige klassificeras cirka 99,4 % av alla företag som mindre företag och under 2014 registrerades cirka 70 000 nya företag. Gemensamt är att nystartade och mindre företag som växer och utvecklas bidrar till nationell tillväxt i länderna de är verksamma inom. För att företagen ska kunna växa krävs finansiering och banker har traditionellt tillgodosett detta behov. Regelverket Basel III är därför väldiskuterat eftersom flera studier visar att det kan påverka bankers kreditgivning. Forskning visar bland annat att Basel III leder till minskad utlåning och ökade utlåningsräntor. Det visar också att nystartade företag kan missgynnas mer än andra bolag på grund av de interna riskklassificeringssystem som tillåts inom regelverket. Interna riskklassificeringssystem kan nämligen, på grund av olika variabler och parametrar, göra att nystartade företag betraktas som mer riskfyllda. Andra studier som gjorts i ämnet visar att Basel III inte påverkar varken banker, kreditgivning eller utlåningsräntor. Eftersom tidigare forskning och litteratur visar olika resultat syftar denna studie till att undersöka, beskriva och öka förståelsen för hur Basel III påverkat kreditgivningen till nystartade företag i Sverige. För att få empiriskt underlag till studien har tio intervjuer gjorts med elva respondenter från sju olika banker. Intervjuer har gjorts med anställda på större och mindre banker på central och lokal nivå. Resultatet i studien visar att alla banker höjt utlåningsräntorna till nystartade företag. Bankerna uppger att det framför allt beror på förändrad risksyn och riskbedömning till följd av Basel III. Basel III har lett till att företagskunder prissätts mer efter bedömd kreditrisk och detta har gjort att nystartade företag generellt fått en högre ränta. Resultatet visar också att interna system och modeller blivit viktigare inom bankerna och att alternativa finansieringslösningar börjat växa fram på marknaden. Samtidigt är kreditbedömningsprocessen och låneutbudet oförändrat sedan Basel III:s introduktion. Studiens resultat bidrar med praktiska implikationer till nystartade företag, banker, entreprenörer och samhället. Den bidrar också teoretiskt till forskningen i form av underlag till diskussionen om utlåningsräntor och låneutbud. / In Sweden approximately 99.4% of all companies are classified as small companies and in 2014 around 70,000 new companies were registered. The common denominator is that start-ups and small businesses that grow and evolve contribute to national growth in the countries they operate in. In order to enable businesses to grow they require finance and traditionally banks have met this need. Basel III is therefore a well-argued subject since several studies show that it can affect banks' lending. Research shows that Basel III will lead to reduced lending and increased lending rates. It also shows that start-ups may be more disadvantaged than other companies because of the internal ratings-based (IRB) approach allowed within the regulation. The IRB approach can namely, because of different variables and parameters, consider start-ups more risky than other companies. Other studies however, show that Basel III has no, or very little, impact on lending and interest rates. Since previous research and literature shows different results this study aims to examine, describe and increase the understanding of how Basel III impact lending to start-ups in Sweden. Ten interviews with eleven respondents from seven different banks have been conducted. The interviews were conducted with employees of large and small banks working on central and local level. The results of the study show that all banks have raised lending rates to start-ups. The banks say that it is mainly due to changed risk profile and risk assessment as a result of Basel III. Basel III has led to corporates, retails and start-ups being priced on estimated credit risk and this has led to start-ups being considered as riskier. Thus, banks have raised lending rates to start-ups. The result also shows that internal systems and models have become more important in banks and that alternative financing has begun to emerge on the market. Meanwhile, the credit assessment process and the loan supply are unaffected since Basel III's introduction. The study's results contribute with practical implications for start-ups, banks, entrepreneurs and the community. It also contributes to theoretical research regarding the lending rates and loan supply discussion.

Svenska renodlade Internetbanker i det finansiella systemet

Huang, Emil, Montgomery, Stephanie January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka svenska renodlade Internetbanker - “PPI-banker”, och utefter deras strategi studera deras lönsamhet samt om de utgör risker för den finansiella stabiliteten. Teori:  Tidigare forskning kring PPI-banker har påvisat varierande resultat och fokus har skiftat från PPI-bankernas prestation till deras påverkan på den finansiella stabiliteten. Det teoretiska perspektivet vidgas med traditionella teorier kring bankers strategier och risker. Riskerna som behandlas är främst likviditetsrisk samt risker för stabiliteten i det finansiella systemet. Metod:  Studien har genom blandad strategi, med kvantitativ metod för datainsamling och en kvalitativ analys studerat svenska PPI-banker. PPI-bankerna har jämförts mellan varandra men även som grupp mot de fyra svenska storbankerna för att studera strategi och prestation på marknaden. Med hjälp av teori gällande strategier, traditionell bankteori och tidigare forskning inom PPI-banker har en jämförande studie med en tvärsnittsdesign genomförts. Empiri:  Resultatet visade att de svenska PPI-bankerna var lönsammare än de svenska storbankerna mellan år 2007 och 2014 men att PPI-bankerna uppvisade stora skillnader sinsemellan sett till deras strategier. Slutsats: PPI-bankerna tar kapital från storbankerna, men det beror inte på att de erbjuder en mer förmånlig ränta än storbankerna. De investerar inte i riskfyllda investeringar då vissa av PPI-bankerna i stället bedriver företagsfinansiering genom bland annat leasing och factoring. Det konstaterades även att PPI-strategin inte ansågs lämplig för de svenska Internetbankerna. / In recent years Pure Play Internet-banking as a strategy has become increasingly competitive towards traditional benchmark banks. At the same time a Swedish bank released a report where they were concerned about the traditional benchmark banks in Sweden losing capital on the deposits market. The problem is that PPI-banks with their strategy - lower costs and favorable interest rates - can grow rapidly on the deposits market. This results in liquidity surpluses which have to be invested to cover the increased capital cost from increased deposits. At first, this essay aims to study if PPI-strategy leads to better performance than traditional banks with physical branches, seen to ROE and ROA. This essay will also study if the Pure Play Internet-banks (PPI-banks) in Sweden are increasing their market shares on the deposits market and if their favorable interest rates are the cause. At last, this essay will discuss what risks the PPI-banks can pose to the Sweden’s financial stability. The results shows that PPI-banks in Sweden did increase their market shares on the deposit market between 2007 and 2013, but it was not because of their favorable interest rates as proposed by researchers within the field (DeYoung 2005; Arnold & Van Ewijk 2011). Further they performed better than benchmark banks, seen to ROE and ROA, but there were some differences in the strategies between the banks. This study concludes that PPI-banks in Sweden did not perform better because of the PPI-strategy but because of their different strategies and investing activities.

Ciceros Rede Pro Rabirio Postumo Einleitung und Kommentar /

Klodt, Claudia. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, 1990/91. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [9]-18).

Digitaliseringens påverkan på bankers kreditbedömning av företag

Pålsson, Sara, Månsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Banklån är den vanligaste externa finansieringskällan för företag. När banken lånar ut kapital är säkerställning av återbetalning i fokus eftersom banken inte vill ta någon risk. För att säkerställa återbetalningsförmågan hos kunden genomförs en kreditbedömning. Effektiv kreditgivning beskrivs som utlåning av kapital till en kund som har förmåga att betala tillbaka lånet. För att bedöma om ett företag har återbetalningsförmåga samlar kreditgivaren in en mängd information. Det finns två olika typer av synsätt när det gäller kreditgivning, vid transaktionsorienterad kreditgivning fokuserar kreditgivare på hård information såsom finansiella rapporter och säkerheter. Vid relationsorienterad kreditgivning fokuserar kreditgivaren på mjuk information såsom ägaren och magkänsla. Det finns dock problem i att uppnå en effektiv kreditgivning på grund av den informationsasymmetri som finns mellan långivare och låntagare. Enligt tidigare forskning anses informationsasymmetrin kunna minskas med hjälp av den relationsorienterade kreditgivningen. Digitaliseringen som sker i dagens samhälle har och kommer påverka relationen mellan bank och kund. Digitalisering förväntas leda till att de personliga mötena mellan långivare och låntagare kommer bli färre, vilket även påverkar inhämtningen av den mjuka informationen. Det finns ett forskningsgap avseende hur relations- och transaktionsorienterad kreditgivning samt hur bankers kreditbedömningen i sin helhet påverkas av ökad digitalisering. En kvalitativ undersökning baserad på intervjuer med kreditgivare på olika banker har genomförts för att besvara studiens forskningsfråga: Hur påverkar den pågående digitaliseringen bankernas kreditbedömning och vilka konsekvenser innebär det för relations- och transaktionsorienterad kreditgivning? Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förstå hur bankernas kreditbedömning påverkas av ökad digitalisering inom banksektorn, med utgångspunkt i transaktions- och relationsorienterad kreditgivning. Studien syftar även till att utveckla en teoretisk modell av hur kreditbedömning av företag påverkas av digitalisering. Studien utgår från en deduktiv ansats med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt. Studiens primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer med respondenter från Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank och Sparbanken Skåne. Resultatet av studien visar att relationen mellan långivare och låntagare fortfarande är viktig. Digitalisering förväntas inte påverka mängden personliga möten i större utsträckning jämfört med idag. Kreditgivning till företag är mer komplex än kreditgivning till privatpersoner. Kreditgivning kommer därför inte gå att digitaliseras helt, den mänskliga faktorn kommer fortfarande behövas. Möjligheten att digitalisera vissa moment i kreditgivningsprocessen samt digitalisera små företagslån förväntas genomföras i framtiden. Studien har även resulterat i teoretiska och praktiska implikationer. Studien har bidragit till tidigare forskning kring kreditgivning genom att förklara hur digitaliseringen påverkar relations- och transaktionsorienterad kreditgivning samt hur bankers kreditbedömning påverkas av digitalisering. Studien har även praktisk relevans för bankerna genom att studien gett kunskap om hur digitaliseringen påverkar kreditbedömningen vilket kan tas i beaktning vid vidareutveckling av digitala system. / Bank loans are the most common external source of funding for companies. When the bank lends capital, the repayment is in focus because the bank does not want to take any risk. To ensure customer repayment, a credit assessment is conducted. Effective lending is described as lending capital to a customer who is able to repay the loan. To assess if a company has a repayment capacity, the creditor collects a wealth of information. There are two different types of approaches when it comes to credit lending; transaction-oriented lending focuses on hard information such as financial statements and collateral. Creditors that are relationship-oriented focuses on soft information such as the owner of the company and gut feeling. However, there are problems in achieving effective credit lending because of the existing information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers. According to previous research, information asymmetry can be reduced by means of the relationship-oriented credit lending. Digitalization in today's society has and will affect the relationship between bank and customer. Digitalization is expected to result in fewer personal meetings between lenders and borrowers, which will affect the gathering of the soft information. There is a research gap regarding how relations and transaction-oriented credit lending and banks credit assessment are affected by increased digitalization. A qualitative survey based on interviews with creditors at different banks has been conducted to answer the research question: How does the current digitization affect banks credit assessment and what consequences does it have for relations and transaction-oriented credit granting? The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how banks' credit assessment is affected by increased digitalization within the banking sector, based on transaction and relationship-oriented credit granting. The study also aims to developing a theoretical model of how credit assessment of companies is affected by digitization. The study is based on an deductive methodology with a qualitative approach. The study's primary data have been collected through interviews with respondents from Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank and Sparbanken Skåne. The result of the study shows that the relationship between lenders and borrowers remains important. Digitalization is not expected to affect the amount of personal meetings to a greater extent than they currently do. Credit to companies is more complex than credit to private individuals. Credit lending will therefore not be fully digitalized, the human factor will still be needed. The possibility of digitizing certain steps in the lending process and digitizing small business loans is expected to be implemented in the future. The study has also resulted in theoretical and practical implications. The study has contributed to previous research on credit lending explaining how digitalization affects relationship- and transaction-oriented credit lending and how banks' credit assessment is affected by digitization. The study also has practical relevance to banks, giving banks knowledge of how digitalization affects the credit lending, which can be taken into account in further development of digital systems.

Organização e posicionamento político dos bancos no governo Lula / Organization and political position of banks during Lula's administration

Dias, Rodolfo Palazzo, 1985- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Armando Boito Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:15:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dias_RodolfoPalazzo_M.pdf: 1670157 bytes, checksum: 39c2a7c251136fdb2c1e5cc5fa098a24 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Realizamos uma pesquisa acerca da organização e do posicionamento político dos banqueiros no Brasil no período do governo Lula. Para a análise do processo organizacional dos banqueiros, estudamos a FEBRABAN, entidade nacional representativa dessa camada de empresários. Utilizamos nesse estudo principalmente fontes documentais da entidade e bibliografia sobre o tema. Para a identificação do posicionamento dos banqueiros fizemos a análise da declaração destes na mídia impressa, especificamente na "Folha de São Paulo" e no "Valor Econômico". Percebemos que os banqueiros construíram desde a década de 1960 uma forma de representação nacional associativa, marcada pelo estatuto jurídico civil. Essa forma associativa permite uma socialização nacional entre os membros dessa classe. Já o posicionamento dos banqueiros se mostrou favorável à política governamental que estava sendo implementada, mas com alguns pontos de conflito em assuntos específicos. Ainda sobre o posicionamento, conseguimos identificar um constrangimento por parte deles em defender uma política de juros altos; outras pautas reivindicativas com maior aceitação pública eram mais enfatizadas pelos banqueiros do que esta / Abstract: Our research is about the organization and the political position of bankers in Brazil during Lula's government. For the analysis of the organizational process of bankers, we studied FEBRABAN, the national representative body of this layer of entrepreneurs. For this study we use documentary sources of the entity and the literature about the subject. To identify the position of the bankers, we analyze the declaration of print media, specifically in "Folha de São Paulo" and "Valor Econômico". We find that the bankers built, since the 1960s, a form of national associative representation, marked by civil legal status. This form allows associative socialization among national members of this class. The position of bankers was favorable about the government policy that was being implemented, but with some trouble spots on specific issues. Still on the positioning, we can identify a constraint about defending a policy of high interest rates; other agendas with greater public acceptance were most emphasized by bankers / Mestrado / Ciencia Politica / Mestre em Ciência Política

Papal banking in Renaissance Rome : Benvenuto Olivieri and Paul III, 1534-1549 /

Guidi Bruscoli, Francesco. January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Univ. degli studi di Bari, 1998. / Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--Università degli studi di Bari, 1998. Traduit de: Benvenuto Olivieri : i mercatores fiorentini e la Camera Apostolica nella Roma di Paolo III Farnese, 1534-1549. Originaltitel: Benvenuto Olivieri: i mercatores fiorentini e la Camera Apostolica nella Roma di Paolo III Farnese, 1534-1549. Originaltitel: Benvenuto Olivieri : i mercatores fiorentini e la Camera Apostolica nella Roma di Paolo III Farnese, 1534-1549. Includes bibliographical references and index.SSCD STAFF: After verifying and end-stage processing, send to SSCD office for DTOC shelf.

Investigating the existence of the queen bee syndrome within the banking industry of South Africa

Johnson, Zogerah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Although several women's leadership studies globally have identified a number of issues that women grapple with in their upward mobility in building a career, including gender differences as these relates to styles of leadership, and the behaviour of senior women toward other women in organisations, there has however not been a South African study documenting the existence of the Queen Bee syndrome within Multi-National Corporates, as a barrier to professional women's career growth. The "queen bee syndrome" is a term that has been used to describe women managers who find themselves within a predominantly male environment and have alienated other women by their behaviour, and are therefore perceived to be a barrier to the advancement of other women coming through the ranks. These women fail to assist other women in their aspirations to advance and do not work towards the advancement and empowerment of other women within the corporate sector. The queen bees are normally very protective of their powerbase and attempt to surround themselves with men. They do not believe in female solidarity behaviour and do not actively seek to mentor or coach other women. The aim of the present study is to investigate the existence of the queen bee syndrome in South African retail banks. The following aspects, as they relate to the queen bee syndrome, are examined: • The establishment of the existence of the queen bee syndrome. • The reason for the existence of queen bees. • The possible implication of the existence of queen bee behaviour for the organisations. A total of 25 women in executive and senior management positions, from South Africa's 5 retail banks, were interviewed for the present study. These women were asked to relate their unique personal experiences and perceptions of queen bee behaviour. The method of Content analysis was used to analyse the responses received through the interviews. The findings of the present study clearly indicated that women still face barriers to advancement within corporate organisations, and that organisations need to make adjustments to their internal cultures, structure and strategy to accommodate the growing workforce of females who are rapidly joining the management ranks. The blame for women's lack of progress into senior positions cannot be generally attributed to males only, as women also need to work at growing, developing, educating and empowering themselves in order to facilitate their own advancement, besides helping, supporting and guiding other women in their career progressions. The present study also found that senior women managers and women executives work actively towards being coaches and mentors to women coming through the ranks and assist them in their development towards management roles. The present study's findings indicated that senior women executives and managers currently support women development agendas within their organisations, and also that the presence of the queen bees did not serve as a stumbling block to the advancement of the sample of women who took part in this study. The study was limited to 5 retail banks of South Africa only. Future studies can investigate other sectors and work at providing tools that will assist women in combating the behaviour of the queen bee. It might also be useful to determine whether women are more supportive or less supportive of other women, and women's issues and programs.

Ungdomars medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker med bankverktyg / Youths’ awareness of security risks in bank tools

Särkiniemi, Taru, Eldnor, Emma January 2013 (has links)
According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths’ awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied. The study was conducted by using four methods: a survey, a focus group, interviews with representatives from four banks on Gotland and a study of banks’ webpages. The participants of the survey and focus group where 16-19 years of age. According to Proença, Silva and Fernandes (2010), relationship marketing, or customer relationship management, is a strategy practiced by banks in which they sometimes use technology as a tool. However, a lack of awareness and knowledge among the customers can lead to misuse of the tools. Among other things, according to Harr (2012) it can lead to financial loss. The results that emerged from the study in this essay show that youths seem to have awareness within some areas, but further knowledge may be required in others, for example, in internet security. In addition, the results indicate that youths in some cases behave as if they do not believe anything harmful might happen to them, even though they are aware of the risks. Possible contributing factors to their actions may be group pressure, family influence and/or lack of knowledge.

World cities before globalisation : the European city network, A.D. 1300-1600

Verbruggen, Raf January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is a quantitative study of the spatial business strategies of 130 late medieval and 16th-century European commercial and banking firms, the business networks of which have been put together for a structural analysis of the European city network between ca. 1300 and ca. 1600. Concretely this investigation has been carried out through the application of an interlocking network model – specifically developed for the study of the present-day global city network produced by the office networks of business service firms – to this historical case study, in order to challenge predominantly hierarchical conceptualisations of city networks which are often influenced by central place theory. After a methodological section, in which solutions are designed for reconciling the geographical model with the particularities of historical research, a first part of the analysis focuses on agency within the network, identifying and reconstructing the multiple spatial strategies used by the different agents. In a second part the overall structure and dynamics in the network are investigated, revealing the operation of Christaller's traffic principle, as well as a cyclical variation in emphasis on continental and maritime nodes within the European city network. More generally, this study demonstrates that the functioning of dynamic transnational networks based upon complementarity and cooperation rather than competition is not limited to our contemporary globalised world, but can also be found in particular historical societies.

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