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Hemma bra men borta bäst : En kvalitativ studie om svenska livsstilsmigranter i Barcelona, deras upplevelse och betydelse för gentrifieringen av stadenEfraimsson, Alva, Bergqvist, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to investigate swedish lifestyle migrants living in Barcelona, the reason for the migration and how they affect and experience the ongoing gentrification of the city. The research method was qualitative with interviews. Four swedish lifestyle migrants that have been living in Barcelona for 2 to 14 years were interviewed. The interviews focused on the interviewees migration and lifestyle, housing situation and their experience and perception of Barcelona and its inhabitants.The result showed that the swedish lifestyle migrants moved to Barcelona because they were longing for a new lifestyle, rather than there was a reason they moved to Barcelona specifically. The swedish lifestyle migrants experience the gentrification of Barcelona through social resistance from the locals. With this, the open climate within the international community results in a self-segregation. In the beginning, the swedish lifestyle migrants usually live in the most touristic, central parts of Barcelona. After establishing an everyday life, the swedish lifestyle migrants tend to move to less touristy, but still central areas. By doing so the swedish lifestyle migrants affects the gentrification of the city by contributing to the displacement of the locals and changing the social atmosphere of the area.
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Svenska ungdomars drogturism i Barcelona - en kvalitativ studie om drogturismen i BarcelonaRiderelli, Mario January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka drogturismen från ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv, alltså försöka förstå fenomenet som den upplevs av aktörerna. Baserad på en fältstudie där jag genomför intervjuer så är målet att kunna förklara hur och varför drogturism uppstår. Intervjuer har genomförts med individer som har rest till Barcelona under olika tidsperioder och tagit del av drogscenen. Tidigare studier har visat att semesterresor är vanligt förekommande för att initiera ett drogbruk. En hypotes avseende orsaken till droganvändandet är att resan till semesterorten skulle vara en medveten handling som genomförs med syfte att använda droger, s k drogturism. Studiens resultat visar att droganvändningen sker främst p.g.a. tillgängligheten av drogerna, acceptansen för mildare droger samt att riskerna upplevs som mindre. Några deltagare i studien hade även ideologiska samt moraliska ståndpunkter enligt droger och droglagar som är värt att belysa vidare. I en kontext där drogkulturen är mer öppen är det svårt att inte acceptera vissa beteenden och fenomen. Ytterligare studier bör genomföras i temat för att kunna skapa mer generaliserbara resultat. / The purpose of this study was to investigate drog tourim from a phenomenological perspective, meaning trying to understand the phenomena is it was experienced by the participants. Based on a field study where I conduct interviews the aim is to be able to explain how and why drug tourism occurs. Interviews has been conducted with individuals that have traveled to Barcelona under different time periods and taken part of the drug scene. Previous studies have shown that vacation trips are common to initiate a drug use. A hypothesis regarding the reason behind the drug use is that the trip to the vacation destination would be a conscious act that is carried out with the purpose of using drugs, s.c. drug tourism. The study’s results show that the drug use is mainly because of the accessibility, the acceptance of lighter drug and that the risks are perceived as less. Some participants in the study had even ideological and moral standpoints according to drugs and drug laws that are worth highlighting further. In a context where the drug culture is more open it’s hard not to accept certain conducts and phenomena. Additional studies should be conducted in the theme in order to create more generalizable results.
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B + B BARCELONA / B + B BARCELONARůžička, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
Barcelona – Highschool Barcelona – Vallcarca Vallcarca is a city district with very special character, rugged topography, heterogenous social structure and two different scales of constructions. It is also an important pedestrian connection between park Güell and other city parks. Soon, its probable, that considerable changes will happen here. Except the highschool, the objective was to create on our land a quality public space for students and also for Vallcarca and if possible to reuse the building of the old school. The public square is surrounded by highschool building, used by Vallcarca inhabitants. New public passage between two levels is planned, for better connection between Güell and other parks. The hisgh school is planned as four pavillions with different height, connected between them by private courtyards or public street. Students animate the public space, walking among the school functions. The principal entrance is against the old school building, its an open-air vestibule, coverred by pergola. The height of pavillions reacts on the landscape and the scale of surrounding buildings. Inside, the pavillions are composed of two tracts – the classes and the gallery. Every pavillion has two stairs and the gallery is in contact with the courtyard. At the ends of gallerie are student loggias, used as entertainment space. The same purpose has the hall in the ancient stone mine. On the other side of the street, the old school building is used as restaurant, with its facilities in the new extension. The public space is limited on the south side by new construction of the library.
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B + B BARCELONA / B + B BARCELONAZatloukal, Štěpán January 2010 (has links)
I propose a school as a sequence of volumes that go along the street while joined with a common communication place
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No description available.
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Seeking Silence Through GARAP: Architecture, Image, and ConnotationElkin, Daniel K. 04 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Religion, revolt, and the formation of regional identity in Catalonia, 1640-1643Mitchell, Andrew Joseph 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Imigrantes espanhóis em Santos, 1882-1920 / Spanish immigrants in Santos, 1880-1920Porta, Eliane Veiga 12 September 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende reconstituir a trajetória da emigração espanhola que, no período compreendido entre 1882 e 1920, abandonou as adversidades de sua pátria para atravessar o oceano Atlântico em busca da prosperidade e de melhores condições de vida amplamente propagadas pelos agenciadores de mão-de-obra para a lavoura cafeeira paulista. O porto de Santos e suas atribulações em decorrência da exportação do café tornaram-se um atrativo aos que ali desembarcavam, notadamente os imigrantes espanhóis que muito se identificaram com a vida urbana daquele local. Convidados por patrícios ou vindos por vontade própria, elegeram a cidade de Santos como ponto de partida para se estabelecerem em busca de seus sonhos e objetivos, fossem trabalhando nas docas ou nas muitas atividades que se apresentavam em seu entorno. Não raro, muitos dos que subiram a serra com destino ao Oeste Paulista retornaram ao porto para engrossar o contingente espanhol em seu envolvimento com outros trabalhadores que atribuíram à cidade santista a alcunha de Barcelona brasileira. / The purpose of this research is to recover the trajectory of the Spanish emigration, which between 1880 and 1920, abandons the adversities of their homeland in order to cross the Atlantic searching for prosperity and better standards of living which were widely divulged by labor agency workers for coffee plantations in São Paulo State. The harbor in Santos city and its role due to the export of coffee became an attraction to those disembarking there, mainly Spanish immigrants who identified themselves with an urban life. Invited by fellow countrymen or not, they chose Santos city as a starting point to settle down to search for objectives and make dreams come true, either working In the docks or in other activities offered around them. Frequently many of those who had gone up the mountains heading for the west region of the state would return to the harbor to increase the number of Spanish workers in their involvement with other workers who attributed to Santos city the nickname of Brazilian Barcelona.
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A tensão entre o nacional e o local no âmbito das políticas migratórias: o acesso dos migrantes aos serviços de saúde nas cidades de São Paulo e Barcelona / The tension between the national and the local in migration policies: the access of migrants to healthcare services in the cities of Sao Paulo and BarcelonaSilva, Jameson Vinícius Martins da 16 November 2017 (has links)
O teor securitário que compromete a eficiência das políticas migratórias na esfera nacional, a distribuição de competências entre os diversos níveis de governo e a proximidade entre as autoridades locais e os cidadãos fazem das cidades uma importante unidade de análise para a compreensão do fenômeno migratório. A presente dissertação busca verificar de que forma as cidades de São Paulo, no Brasil, e Barcelona, na Espanha, respondem às lacunas das respectivas políticas migratórias nacionais, examinando particularmente o acesso dos migrantes aos serviços de saúde na dimensão local. Ao reconhecer que a interface entre a mobilidade e a saúde humanas tende a expandir-se, eis que tanto as políticas migratórias como a sua ausência causam impacto significativo sobre a saúde dos migrantes e das sociedades de acolhida ou trânsito, a pesquisa investiga o papel das políticas migratórias na efetivação dos direitos humanos dos migrantes, em especial o direito à saúde. Determinadas iniciativas de administrações locais tentam responder às demandas geradas pelo fenômeno migratório, e se mostram comprometidas com uma agenda de proteção dos direitos dessas populações, em claro contraste com a orientação da legislação e da política migratória do plano nacional. Como já demonstra a literatura sobre migrações e governos locais, as cidades de São Paulo e de Barcelona demonstram tal empenho, embora suas respectivas administrações atuem em contextos jurídico-institucionais distintos: um de escassa consistência jurídica, no caso brasileiro, e outro de extensa legislação de teor restritivo, no caso espanhol. / The securitarian tone hindering the efficiency of migration policies in the national realm, the distribution of competences among several government levels and the closeness between local authorities and citizens, all make cities an important unit of analysis for understanding the migration phenomenon. This Master\'s thesis aims to assess how the cities of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, and Barcelona, in Spain, respond to the gaps of their respective national migration policies, examining particularly the access of migrants to healthcare services at the local level. Admitting that the interplay between human mobility and health tends to expand, since both migration policies and their absence cause a significant impact on the health of migrants and reception and transit societies, this research explores the role of migration policies in making migrants\' human rights effective, notably the right to health. Some initiatives of local administration seek to meet the demands sparked by migration and seem committed to a protective agenda of these population\'s rights, in a clear-cut contrast with the orientation of national migration laws and policies. As the literature on migration and local government exposes, the cities of Sao Paulo and Barcelona display such an effort, although their respective governments work in distinctive legal and institutional contexts: one of scarce legal consistency, in the Brazilian case, and another in an extensive legislation of restrictive contents, in the Spanish case.
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La protection de l'actionnaire en droit international / The Protection of Shareholders in International Law / Der Schutz des Aktionärs im Internationalen RechtMüller, Daniel 16 November 2013 (has links)
La protection de l’actionnaire est une question classique du droit international car elle touche au cœur de la problématique des relations que l’ordre juridique international entretient avec les ordres juridiques internes.Le point de départ de toute analyse concernant la protection de l’actionnaire en droit international demeure l’arrêt rendu par la Cour internationale de Justice dans l’affaire de la Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Ltd. (Belgique c. Espagne). Depuis cet arrêt de principe, le droit international a évolué et a affirmé son autonomie par rapport au droit interne. Dans le cadre de régimes conventionnels spéciaux, notamment en matière de la protection des investissements, les États ont reconnu des droits internationaux subjectifs nouveaux aux actionnaires visant la protection de leurs intérêts dans la société. Ainsi, le droit international a su aménager la distinction entre les droits de la société et les intérêts de l’actionnaire, et a pu transformer les intérêts de l’actionnaire en droits juridiquement protégés. Cette évolution n’est cependant pas fonction de la procédure de réclamation. Elle demeure indépendante de la question – distincte – de savoir si l’actionnaire dispose d’un droit de recours direct pour faire valoir la violation du droit international par l’État ou si son État de nationalité doit endosser sa réclamation par le biais de la protection diplomatique. / The protection of shareholders is a classic issue of international law. It lies at the heart of the relationship between the international legal order and domestic law.The starting point for any analysis concerning the protection of shareholders under international law remains the judgment delivered by the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Ltd. (Belgium v. Spain). Since the Court’s major contribution to the question, international law has changed and affirmed its autonomy vis à vis domestic law. In the context of special treaty regimes, and in particular in the context of international investment law, States have bestowed new international rights to shareholders in order to protect their interests in their respective companies. Thus, international law has been able to further elaborate the distinction between the rights of the company and the interests of its shareholders. International law can transform the interests of the shareholder into legally protected rights. However, it is important to bear in mind that this development has taken place independently of the development of new claim mechanisms. Whether a shareholder has direct standing to bring his or her claim or whether the State of nationality endorses his or her claim through the exercise of diplomatic protection remains a different question.
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