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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Basel II - Det nya kapitaltäckningsregelverkets påverkan på de svenska nischbankernas kredit- och riskhantering

Kjellberg, Mattias, Uhlmann, David, Zubac, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: Basel II – The New Basel Capital Accord and its influence on small Swedish banks and their retail banking and risk management.</p><p>Seminar: May 24th, 2007</p><p>Course: FEK318 Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits</p><p>Authors: Mattias Kjellberg, David Uhlmann & Ivana Zubac</p><p>Advisor: Joakim Winborg</p><p>Keywords: Capital cover, capital requirements, Basel II, credit giving, credit risk, risk management, retail banking, small banks, pillar 2</p><p>Problem: What influence does Basel II and the new updated management of credit risks in pillar 1 and the active risk control in pillar 2 have on small Swedish banks retail banking?</p><p>Purpose: Our essay seeks to explore what influence pillar 1 and the new updated management of credit risks in the new capital accord Basel II have on small Swedish banks and what influence pillar 2 have. We also want to explain if Basel II has influences on small Swedish banks credit analysis and possible effects in their risk management and pricing.</p><p>Methodology: In our essay we use an inductive approach and our chosen research method is the qualitative one. We have chosen to look into four small Swedish banks, and the empirical data is obtained from telephone interviews with selected respondents from Länsförsäkringar Bank, SkandiaBanken, GE Money Bank and ICA Banken.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>• The work with credit scoring does not get influenced by Basel II if the Standardised Approach is chosen.</p><p>• Banks that’ve early implemented high technological systems in the organization, that small banks normally do, have gotten an easier transition to Basel II.</p><p>• Basel II will result in a risk adjusted pricing and a more fair credit market.</p><p>• Internal Ratings-based Approaches is very demanding to develop, but at the same time it’s a more risk sensitive approach.</p><p>• Pillar 2 results in a more sophisticated work for the small banks.</p><p>• Basel II results in a further price press on residential loans in Sweden.</p>

Basel II - Det nya kapitaltäckningsregelverkets påverkan på de svenska nischbankernas kredit- och riskhantering

Kjellberg, Mattias, Uhlmann, David, Zubac, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: Basel II – The New Basel Capital Accord and its influence on small Swedish banks and their retail banking and risk management. Seminar: May 24th, 2007 Course:FEK318 Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits Authors: Mattias Kjellberg, David Uhlmann & Ivana Zubac Advisor: Joakim Winborg Keywords: Capital cover, capital requirements, Basel II, credit giving, credit risk, risk management, retail banking, small banks, pillar 2 Problem: What influence does Basel II and the new updated management of credit risks in pillar 1 and the active risk control in pillar 2 have on small Swedish banks retail banking? Purpose: Our essay seeks to explore what influence pillar 1 and the new updated management of credit risks in the new capital accord Basel II have on small Swedish banks and what influence pillar 2 have. We also want to explain if Basel II has influences on small Swedish banks credit analysis and possible effects in their risk management and pricing. Methodology: In our essay we use an inductive approach and our chosen research method is the qualitative one. We have chosen to look into four small Swedish banks, and the empirical data is obtained from telephone interviews with selected respondents from Länsförsäkringar Bank, SkandiaBanken, GE Money Bank and ICA Banken. Conclusions: • The work with credit scoring does not get influenced by Basel II if the Standardised Approach is chosen. • Banks that’ve early implemented high technological systems in the organization, that small banks normally do, have gotten an easier transition to Basel II. • Basel II will result in a risk adjusted pricing and a more fair credit market. • Internal Ratings-based Approaches is very demanding to develop, but at the same time it’s a more risk sensitive approach. • Pillar 2 results in a more sophisticated work for the small banks. • Basel II results in a further price press on residential loans in Sweden.

La Struttura Finanziaria Delle Banche / BANKS' LEVERAGE

SAMORI, DOMITILLA FLAVIA 06 April 2011 (has links)
Questa tesi cerca di analizzare le determinanti della struttura finanziaria delle banche. Si ritiene generalmente che il leverage ratio bancario sia determinato indirettamente tramite l’applicazione di requisiti patrimoniali, in particolare requisiti legati al rischio dell’investimento come nello schema di Basilea II. Molti dei recenti contributi empirici criticano questa tesi ed anzi individuano fattori di mercato come principali variabili nella determinazione del leverage. Una collezione dei recenti studi in materia viene raccolta nel primo capitolo. Nel secondo capitolo, si analizza l’impatto dei requisiti patrimoniali sulla struttura finanziaria delle banche all’interno di un modello di signaling. Viene dimostrata l’esistenza di un equilibrio di separazione, in cui i requisiti patrimoniali non sono vincolanti per ogni tipo di banca; si dimostra inoltre che in equilibrio esiste una relazione negativa tra il leverage bancario e la qualità degli attivi: è infatti la banca di minore qualità ad avere un leverage maggiore. Questo risultato, in contrasto con la tradizionale teoria di finanza aziendale, può aiutare a comprendere alcuni episodi della recente crisi finanziaria ed interroga l’efficacia del sistema di Basilea II. Infine, nell’ultimo capitolo, viene condotta un’analisi empirica sulle determinanti del leverage bancario . Sono identificate relazioni stabili e negative tra il leverage delle banche incluse nel campione e la qualità dei loro attivi. Questo risultato si conferma al variare degli strumenti utilizzati per identificare la qualità degli attivi. Questa relazione negativa ci suggerisce che le banche si pongano l’obiettivo di targettizzare un certo livello di leverage per dare un segnale al mercato circa la loro qualità intrinseca: migliore la qualità degli attivi, minore è il loro utilizzo di leva finanziaria. Queste banche rinunciano ad intraprendere investimenti profittevoli pur lanciare un messaggio al mercato e ridurre il costo del finanziamento. / This thesis analyzes banks’ choices over their leverage ratio targeting. It is commonly believed that the banks’ leverage ratio is implicitly driven by the risk-related regulation set by the Basel Committee. Many recent empirical studies on the subject challenge this presumption and suggest that factors other than regulation drive the banks’ choices on leverage. A review of the recent contributions on the subject is presented in the first chapter. In the second chapter we study how capital requirements affect banks' capital structure within a standard signaling model. We prove the existence of a separating equilibrium in which capital requirements are not binding for every type of bank, and we show that in equilibrium there exists a negative relationship between bank's leverage and its intrinsic quality: it is the low type bank that takes on more debt. This result, in contrast with the traditional theory of corporate finance, sheds some light on some of the recent financial crises episodes and hence questions the effectiveness of the current regulatory environment. Finally, in the last chapter, we conduct an empirical analysis on the cross-sectional determinants of banks' leverage. We find a negative and stable relation between banks leverage and the quality of their assets. This result is proved valid under different definition of assets' quality, based on ex-ante and ex-post expectation of the realization of asset quality. The results suggest that banks might target a certain leverage ratio to reveal their true quality to the market: the higher quality banks signal their private information to the market with a lower level of leverage, passing over some profitable opportunities to gain from a lower cost of funding.

我國商業銀行實施BASEL II信用風險IRB法對服務業之中型及中小型企業授信融資影響研究---以C 銀行為例

張瑞城, Chang, Jui Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
1999年國際清算銀行巴塞爾銀行監督管理委員會發布了新巴塞爾資本協定架構,歷經多次討論修改後,於2004年6月公告新版巴塞爾資本協定(Basel Accord II),並將於2006年底開始施行。我國金管會於93年9月亦發函銀行業者並公佈因應新制協定相關措施,期能在2006年底與國際同步正式實施,這不僅是國際金融史上重要的大事,也是我國金融史上重要的里程碑,因為它的象徵意義顯示出我國金融業風險管理制度的提升跨向國際同步的企圖心。 本研究從探討新舊版巴塞爾資本協定內涵的差異到我國金管會與銀行業者 因應新制的準備概況,繼而以C銀行為例說明,並聚焦在執行信用風險管理內部 評等模型法(IRB法)之前與之後銀行對服務業的中型與中小型企業授信融資之影響進行實證研究,本研究隨機抽取96家企業授信案件並假設了11項參考變數 分別為: 信評等級、額度、期間、授信產品項目數、擔保比率、風險成本率、台幣放款利率、權限核章人數、申貸流程所需天數、授信主力銀行、授信控管條件項目數等,作為銀行執行新舊不同信用風險評等模型制度對企業授信融資的差異 研究重點。 實證研究結果:(1)各假設變數中僅風險成本率與授信產品項目數兩項在新 舊不同制度中具顯著差異的。(2)較佳的信評等級所具有的融資優勢程度在新制度執行後更顯相對重要。(3)面對中、小型企業,銀行徵提擔保品、增加擔保率是最快速有效降低風險成本率的方法。(4)新制施行初期難敵市場壓力反應成本利率價格。(5)從有無內外帳企業的信評等級結果發現其對融資條件的影響有顯著差異。(6)是否為家族企業,不因新制施行受到差別影響。 本研究並提出建議:(1)政府應繼續並擴大對於中小企業信用基金保證規模 ,尤其應考慮修改服務業產業之中小型企業規模定義。(2)銀行應審慎面對信用評等與融資報價條件之間的兩難。(3)中小企業應加強經營制度透明化,尤其在財務會計制度方面。(4)銀行應加強對企業之產業瞭解深度以利授信金融商品創新與包裝架構。(5)銀行應重新審視績效考核管理機制。(6)銀行實施新制後應每年檢核模型歷史資料,把景氣變動因子列入修正參考。

Structural modelling of operational risk in financial institutions : application of Bayesian networks and balanced scorecards to IT infrastructure risk modelling /

Starobinskaya, Irina. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: München, University, Diss., 2008.

Οι άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις των ελληνικών τραπεζών και η επίδρασή τους στη μακροχρόνια διαχείριση των κεφαλαίων τους : μελέτη περίπτωσης : EFG Eurobank Ergasias / The foreign direct investment of Greek banks and the long-term effects on the management of capital : case study : EFG Eurobank Ergasias

Αλεξανδράτου, Ευσταθία 17 September 2012 (has links)
Βασικός άξονας της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η ανάλυση των συνθηκών διεθνοποίησης των ελληνικών τραπεζών μέσω των Άμεσων Ξένων Επενδύσεων και πως η στρατηγική που χαράζουν επιδρά στη μακροχρόνια διαχείριση των κεφαλαίων τους. Η παρουσία των μεγαλύτερων ελληνικών τραπεζικών ομίλων είναι σημαντική -κυρίως στις χώρες της Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης- τόσο σε σημεία εξυπηρέτησης όσο και στα μερίδια αγοράς. Εν προκειμένω, γίνεται διεξοδική ανάλυση σε έναν από τους μεγαλύτερους τραπεζικούς ομίλους με ισχυρή παρουσία στις γειτονικές χώρες, εφόσον δημιουργείται ενδιαφέρον να μελετηθεί η πορεία των οικονομικών αποτελεσμάτων με κύριο άξονα τη παγκόσμια χρηματοπιστωτική κρίση. / The main focus of this paper is to analyze the conditions of Greek banks' internationalization through FDI and how the strategy affects the long-makers manage their funds. The presence of the largest Greek banking groups is important, -especially in South East Europe- both in service network and market shares. In this case, there is a thorough analysis for one of the largest greek banking groups with a strong presence in neighboring economies, where we are interested in studying the course of the financial results by focusing on the global financial crisis.

"Time to Loss" : um indicador para apoio à decisão na concessão de créditos asset-backed : estudo de caso aplicado ao financiamento de aeronaves

Novis Filho, Sergio Augusto 23 February 2015 (has links)
A concessão de créditos garantidos pelo próprio ativo financiado responde por substancial fatia da atividade creditícia e permite o acesso a financiamentos de devedores mais arriscados com taxas de juros reduzidas. O financiamento de aeronaves é um nicho especialmente dependente desse tipo de estrutura e a investigação de um indicador que consolide os parâmetros quantitativos relevantes para sua análise amplia a robustez e organiza a subjetividade dos processos de tomada de decisão. Esse trabalho ilustra o desenvolvimento do indicador time to loss como um desdobramento prático dos fundamentos implícitos na formulação de perda esperada do Comitê de Basileia. São evidenciadas as três curvas que caracterizam a estimação do tempo para a perda: a exposição devida ao inadimplir, o valor residual da aeronave e os custos e encargos no período de recuperação do crédito. Calculado o indicador para o caso base de estudo, o trabalho explora ainda alternativas para a construção de escalas de referência que qualifiquem sua interpretação. Testes e estudos continuados são propostos como referência para futuras pesquisas e desenvolvimento do tema. / The concession of credit secured by the financed asset itself accounts for a substantial share of lending activity and allows access to finance for riskier borrowers with lower interest rates. The aircraft financing is a typical niche dependent on this type of structure and the investigation of an index that consolidates relevant quantitative parameters for its analysis extends the robustness and organizes the subjectivity of the decision-making process. This work illustrates the development of the indicator time to loss as a practical deployment of the implicit foundations in the expected loss formulation of the Basel Committee. Three curves are evidenced featuring the estimation of the time to loss: exposure due to defaults, the residual value of the aircraft and the cost and burden on the credit recovery period. After calculating the time to loss indicator for the base case study, the work also explores ways to build a reference scale which qualify its interpretation. Tests and continued studies are proposed as reference theme for future research and development. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração e Economia, Faculdades Ibmec, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. / Bibliografia: p. 76-77

Impactos de Basiléia II sobre o Sistema Financeiro Brasileiro: um estudo do capital exigido para risco operacional

Bampi, Rodrigo Eduardo 02 April 2009 (has links)
O Acordo de Basiléia, divulgado pelo Comitê de Basiléia em 1988, tornou mais seguros os sistemas financeiros dos países que o adotaram. Porém, juntamente com isso, ocorreram outros impactos em função da implementação do Acordo. A partir da publicação do Acordo de Basiléia II, que tem o objetivo de dar ainda maior solidez ao mercado financeiro, novas implicações são esperadas. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar os possíveis impactos sobre o Sistema Financeiro Brasileiro com a implantação de Basiléia II. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo exploratório do Acordo e uma pesquisa quantitativa do impacto sobre os bancos brasileiros com a criação da exigência de capital para risco operacional proposta por Basiléia II. Através do estudo, percebeu-se que a exigência de capital para risco operacional não trará grandes impactos aos bancos brasileiros, visto que as instituições bancárias do país já atuam com índices acima dos que virão a ser exigidos. Verificou-se ainda que até o presente momento não ocorreu variação estatisticamente significativa dos indicadores de Índice de Basiléia e endividamento das instituições financeiras analisadas. Já o indicador de rentabilidade apresentou uma variação positiva. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-22T19:40:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo E Bampi.pdf: 499039 bytes, checksum: 686ab27b7f91e30890928db8d513e94b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-22T19:40:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo E Bampi.pdf: 499039 bytes, checksum: 686ab27b7f91e30890928db8d513e94b (MD5) / The Basel Accord, published by the Basel Committee in 1988, made more secure the financial systems of the countries that adopted it occurred; and along with this, other impacts recurrent to the implementation of the Accord. From the publication of the Second Basel Accord (Basel II), which aims to give more strength to the financial market, new implications are expected. The present research has the objective to evaluate the possible impacts of the implementation of the Basel II on the Brazilian Financial System. Consequently, were realized an exploratory study on the second Accord and a quantitative research of its impact on the Brazilian banks with the creation of the exigency of capital for operational risk proposed by Basel II. Through this study, it was perceived that the capital requirement for operational risk will not have a big impact on the major Brazilian banks, considering that Brazilian banks already operate with rates above the ones that will be required by the Accord. It was also found that, at the moment, the indicators of indebtedness and Basel´s Index have not presented statistically significant variation on the financial institutions analyzed. The indicator of profitability has kept a positive variation.

Impactos de Basiléia II sobre o Sistema Financeiro Brasileiro: um estudo do capital exigido para risco operacional

Bampi, Rodrigo Eduardo 02 April 2009 (has links)
O Acordo de Basiléia, divulgado pelo Comitê de Basiléia em 1988, tornou mais seguros os sistemas financeiros dos países que o adotaram. Porém, juntamente com isso, ocorreram outros impactos em função da implementação do Acordo. A partir da publicação do Acordo de Basiléia II, que tem o objetivo de dar ainda maior solidez ao mercado financeiro, novas implicações são esperadas. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar os possíveis impactos sobre o Sistema Financeiro Brasileiro com a implantação de Basiléia II. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo exploratório do Acordo e uma pesquisa quantitativa do impacto sobre os bancos brasileiros com a criação da exigência de capital para risco operacional proposta por Basiléia II. Através do estudo, percebeu-se que a exigência de capital para risco operacional não trará grandes impactos aos bancos brasileiros, visto que as instituições bancárias do país já atuam com índices acima dos que virão a ser exigidos. Verificou-se ainda que até o presente momento não ocorreu variação estatisticamente significativa dos indicadores de Índice de Basiléia e endividamento das instituições financeiras analisadas. Já o indicador de rentabilidade apresentou uma variação positiva. / The Basel Accord, published by the Basel Committee in 1988, made more secure the financial systems of the countries that adopted it occurred; and along with this, other impacts recurrent to the implementation of the Accord. From the publication of the Second Basel Accord (Basel II), which aims to give more strength to the financial market, new implications are expected. The present research has the objective to evaluate the possible impacts of the implementation of the Basel II on the Brazilian Financial System. Consequently, were realized an exploratory study on the second Accord and a quantitative research of its impact on the Brazilian banks with the creation of the exigency of capital for operational risk proposed by Basel II. Through this study, it was perceived that the capital requirement for operational risk will not have a big impact on the major Brazilian banks, considering that Brazilian banks already operate with rates above the ones that will be required by the Accord. It was also found that, at the moment, the indicators of indebtedness and Basel´s Index have not presented statistically significant variation on the financial institutions analyzed. The indicator of profitability has kept a positive variation.

The implementation of the new capital accord (BASEL II) : a comparative study of South Africa, Switzerland, Brazil and the United States

Makwiramiti, Anthony Munyaradzi January 2009 (has links)
The international banking environment has become potentially riskier because of the recent developments in financial services and products which have changed the way banks do their day to day business. Imposing minimum capital adequacy regulations is one way of fostering stability in the global banking system. A number of countries have started to implement the new capital adequacy rules (Basel II) following the worldwide consensus among central bankers that bank‟s capital levels should be regulated to enhance global financial stability. In this study, through the comparative analysis of the general implementation issues it was established that emerging countries apply all Basel II rules uniformly across all the banking institutions that operate in their territories. Developed countries apply these rules only to large and internationally active banks and because of the diversity of their banking industries, they also apply domestically modified rules to the domestically based banks. For the successful implementation of Basel II, properly planning, devoting bank resources and making necessary legislative amendments are prerequisites for incorporating Basel II into the regulatory framework for any country. The study concludes that the current global financial turmoil continues to pose a threat to the effectiveness of the Basel II rules which are aimed at achieving global financial stability.

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