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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arkeologiska förväntningar i mötet med ett landskap : Stenålderns Blekinge ur ett kunskapsperspektiv

Henriksson, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
This study is about archaeological knowledge production. It is also about what kind of impact such knowledge may have on an antiquarian/archaeological practice as well as on society as a whole. The work focuses broadly on Stone Age archaeology and specifically on the middle-Mesolithic Age in the county of Blekinge in the South East of Sweden. Until the late 1990’s, large-scale archaeological excavations in this region were rare. In particular, there were significant gaps in early- and middle-Mesolithic archaeology of other regions. In particular, the study brings up the relationship with the defined Kongemose culture's settlements in Southern Scandinavia. From a knowledge perspective the study discusses how different kinds of methodological practices are important for both archaeology and society, to be able to see and understand a more complete historical picture. Based on this, the focus shifts the role of museums within regional archaeology. The study here argues for a more strategically executed dissemination and presentation of archaeological knowledge towards different stakeholders.

Högskolans roll i regional utveckling : Möjligheter & Begränsningar

Falk, Theo January 2024 (has links)
Myndigheten Region Blekinge har under de senaste decenniernas tid använt sig av Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) som ett lärosäte i sin utvecklingsstrategi för tillväxt och innovation. Med sina expertisområden och forskningsinsatser har BTH spelat en betydande roll i att forma strategier och initiativ för regionens utveckling inom varumärke, utbildning och innovation. Den kommande undersökningen syftar till att kasta ljus över hur regionen nyttjar högskolan som resurs för regionens utveckling och planering. Där högskolan fungerar som lärosäte och kunskapsmotor för att främja utbildning och innovation i regionen.

Döingerösen : Särbehandling i döden / Burial in coastal carins 1600-1900 A.D in Blekinge county : Special treatment in death

Nordmark, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate a relatively unexplored area in archeology. The target area is funerals located outside of the cementery in coastal areas and the landscape Bohuslän. The paper has also looked at other areas of investigation such as etnological folklore and historic research. Purpouse for this has been to broaden the perspective.  The timeperiod studied is primaly historic and by that means the studdy starts in late middle age Scandinavian time and finnish in early 20th century . The essay shows this burial form where a wast burial culture which coexisted with strictly  church controlled burial traditions. The locals named the burial tradition for ”döingerös”. From the begining it supposed to be burials for peopel who worked as sailors but this investigation shows that other people could suffer the same threatment. Keywords: Burials, Historic time, carins, funeral outside cementery, folklore, costal enviroment.

Learning ecosystem complexity : A study on small-scale fishers’ ecological knowledge generation

Garavito-Bermúdez, Diana January 2016 (has links)
Small-scale fisheries are learning contexts of importance for generating, transferring, and updating ecological knowledge of natural environments through everyday work practices. The rich knowledge fishers have of local ecosystems is the result of the intimate relationship fishing communities have had with their natural environments across generations (see e.g. Urquhart and Acott 2013). This relationship develops strong emotional bonds to the physical and social place. For fishing communities and fishers – who depend directly on local ecosystems to maintain their livelihoods – fishing environments are natural places for living, working and defining themselves. Previous research on fishers’ ecological knowledge has mainly been descriptive, i.e., has focused on aspects such as reproduction, nutrition and spatial-temporal distribution and population dynamics, from a traditional view of knowledge that only recognises scientific knowledge as the true knowledge. By doing this, fishers’ ecological knowledge has been investigated separately from the learning contexts in which it is generated, ignoring the influence of social, cultural and historical aspects that characterise fishing communities, and the complex relationships between fishers and the natural environments they live and work in. This thesis investigates ecological knowledge among small-scale fishers living and working in the ecosystems of Lake Vättern and the Blekinge Archipelago (Baltic Sea) in Sweden and explores how ecological knowledge is generated with particular regard to the influences of work and nature on fishers’ knowledge of ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of informal learning processes of ecosystem complexity among small-scale fishers. This knowledge further contributes to the research field of ecological knowledge and sustainable use and management of natural resources. It addresses the particular research questions of what ecological knowledge fishers generate, and how its generation is influenced by their fishing work practices and relationships to nature. The thesis consists of three articles. Article I focuses on the need to address the significant lack of theoretical and methodological frameworks for the investigation of the cognitive aspects involved in the generation of ecological knowledge. Article II deals with the need to develop theoretical, methodological and empirical frameworks that avoid romanticising and idealising users’ ecological knowledge in local (LEK), indigenous (IEK) and traditional (TEK) ecological knowledge research, by rethinking it as being generated through work practices. Article III addresses the lack of studies that explicitly explore theories linking complex relations and knowledge that humans form within and of ecosystems. It also addressed the lack of attention from environmental education researchers to theory and empirical studies of ‘sense of place’ research, with a particular focus on environmental learning. Research into the question of what ecological knowledge fishers generate shows differences in their ways of knowing ecosystem complexity. These differences are explained in terms of the influences of the species being fished, and the sociocultural contexts distinguishing fishers’ connection to the fishing profession (i.e., familial tradition or entrepreneurship) (Article I), but also by the fishing strategies used (Article II). Results answering the research question of how work practices influence fishers’ knowledge of ecosystem complexity show a way of rethinking their ecological knowledge as generated in a continuous process of work (Article II), thus, far from romantic views of knowledge. Results answering the research question of how fishers’ relationships to nature influence their knowledge of ecosystem complexity demonstrate the complex interconnections between psychological processes such as identity construction, proximity maintenance and attachment to natural environments (Article III). Finally, more similarities than differences between fishers’ knowledge were found, despite the variation in cases chosen, with regards to landscape, target species, regulations systems and management strategies, fishing environments scales, as well as cultural and social contexts. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p><p> </p> / Ecological knowledge and sustainable resource management: The role of knowledge acquisition in enhancing the adaptive capacity of co-management arrangements

Biometrics Technology : Attitudes & influencing factors when trying to adopt this technology in Blekinge healthcare

Iqbal, Irfan, Qadir, Bilal January 2012 (has links)
Context. Biometric technology is a secure and convenient identification method and it does not need to remember complex passwords, nor smart cards, keys, and the like. Biometrics is the measurable characteristics of individuals based on their behavioral patterns or physiological features that can be used to verify or recognize their identity. Physical characteristics include fingerprints, palm or hand geometry, iris, retina, and facial characteristics. Behavioral characteristics include signature, keystroke and voice pattern. With the combination of biometric technology products and modern computer technology, it is easy to perform monitoring, management, systems integration, automated management, and security applications. Objective. The aim of this research is to explore and clarify the main influencing factors and attitudes concerning biometrics Security technology by analyzing expert opinions. This is done through informal interviews and a web based survey in Blekinge healthcare. Methods. Literature review was the starting phase to map the current state of research in biometric technology implementation. The literature review helped authors to explore and solve different ambiguities in authors’ minds, related to work flow, methods and procedures for different tasks. In our research, we selected five different interviewees from biometric solution supplier companies in Sweden and Denmark, Blekinge healthcare staff, biometric technology technical staff and IT security concerned to express their experiences, opinions and domain knowledge about the implementation of biometrics system in the county of Blekinge. Due to the resource and limited time constraint authors selected survey as a data collection procedure. In survey we planned a questionnaire with the different people related to healthcare. The questionnaire purpose was to collect the quantitative data and our questionnaire was relying on close ended questions. Results. It is analyzed that people have trust on biometrics system and in future they are agreed to face changing in the current system as well as the people who are related with healthcare system are already aware about biometrics and they will easily adopt the implementation of biometric system in healthcare. Conclusion. In concern of user acceptance it is analyzed that people have trust on biometrics system and in future they are agreed to face changing in the current system. In concern of implementation authors analyzed that it is very necessary to conduct a study in order to analyze the requirement of different actors that will participate in biometrics systems. In concern of cost Authors observed that for cost benefit advantage in the initial implementation stages the finger print technology could be a better selection as compared to other available biometric technologies. In concern of security there are strong reasons that biometrics could be implemented because there are many secure authentication devices related to biometrics are available in the market that could secure data in best possible way. Authors observed that there is a need of legislations for biometrics as the security measures going to be much higher as compared to the traditional password systems. In concern of privacy authors observed that the organizations are demanding strong authentication and focus on suggesting biometrics because it could provide advantages to patients, healthcare staff and healthcare providers. / lineofaxis@gmail.com, ms24pk@gmail.com

Guidelines for the Deployment of Biometrics Technology in Blekinge Health Care System with the Focus on Human Perceptions and Cost Factor / Riktlinjer för införande av biometri Technology i Blekinge hälso-och sjukvården med fokus på mänskliga föreställningar och kostnadsfaktor

Zeb, Falak, Naseem, Sajid January 2010 (has links)
Biometrics Technology is an authentication technology that identifies the individuals from their physical and behavioral characteristics. Despite the fact that biometrics technology provides robust authentication and enhanced security, it has not yet been implemented in many parts of the world due to certain issues i.e. human perceptions of the biometrics technology and cost factor, involved in the deployment of biometrics technology. As the biometrics technology involves identity management of individuals that’s why the humans perceptions of biometrics technology i.e. privacy concerns, security concerns and user acceptance issue play a very important role in the deployment of biometrics technology. There for the human perceptions and cost factor need to be considered before any deployment of biometrics technology. The aim of this thesis work is to study and analyze how the people’s perceptions and cost factor can be solved for the deployment of biometrics technology in Blekinge health care system. Literature study, interviews and survey are performed by authors for the identification and understanding of the human perceptions and cost factor. Based on these, solutions in form of guidelines to the issues involved in the biometrics technology deployment in Blekinge health care system Sweden are given. / Biometri Teknik är en autentisering teknik som identifierar individer från deras fysiska och beteendemässiga egenskaper. Trots att biometriska tekniken ger en robust autentisering och ökad säkerhet, har det ännu inte genomförts i många delar av världen på grund av vissa frågor som exempelvis mänskliga uppfattningar om biometriska tekniken och extra kostnader, som deltar i användningen av biometriska tekniken. Eftersom biometriska tekniken innebär identitetshantering av individer som är anledningen till att människor uppfattningar av biometriska tekniken dvs rör skyddet av privatlivet, säkerhetsfrågor och användarnas inställning fråga spelar en mycket viktig roll i spridningen av biometriska tekniken. Där för människors uppfattningar och kostnad faktor måste beaktas innan en eventuell utplacering av biometriska tekniken. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera och analysera hur människors uppfattning och kostnad faktor kan lösas för införande av biometri teknik i Blekinge hälsovårdssystemet. Litteraturstudie, intervjuer och undersökningar utförs av författare för identifiering och förståelse av människans förnimmelser och kostnad faktor. Baserat på dessa, är lösningar i form av riktlinjer för de frågor som berörs av biometri spridningen av tekniken i Blekinge sjukvårdssystem Sverige ges. / Falakzeb@ymail.com, Sajidnaseem.bth@gmail.com

Maktstrukturernas rötter I musikindustrin

Govasli, Jan-Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Vi verkar i en musikindustri där de med makt får mer makt och de utan makt får ännu mindre makt. Musiker och producenter är vårdslösa i sitt medskapande av industrin genom att jaga kändisskap och uppmärksamhet vilket skapat kryphål för affärsverksamheter att ta etiska ställningar om de vill utnyttja det eller inte. Dessa socialkulturella normer och moralstrukturer kommer till ytan genom att ifrågasätta bland annat när en musiker “lyckats” och vad en musiker är och ställa sig frågan varför. På så sätt utforskar vi gråzoner i våra kulturella värdegrunder. Eftersom musikindustrin växer rhizomatiskt kommer jag kartlägga och synliggöra vad som utgör de maktstrukturer som existerar, därefter kommer jag med rhizomatik och experimenterande design som metod utforska flyktlinjer i form av en musikproduktion där vi rör oss mellan maktstrukturer i alla dess former. / We operate in a music industry where the ones with power get more power and those with  less power gets even less of it. Musicians and producers are reckless in their co-creation of the industry by hunting attention and fame which have created loopholes for businesses to make ethical decisions if they want to exploit it or not. These social-cultural norms and moral structures floats to the surface by questioning, among other things, when a musician have “succeded” and what we define as a musician. In that way we explore the grey areas in our cultural values. Since the music industry grows rhizomatically, I will map and highlight what constitutes the power structures that exist, therefore I will use rhizomatics and experimental design as methods by exploring lines of flight in the form of a music production where we move through power structures in all of its forms.

Smakbas : Gourmet Grön

Johansson, Karolina, Krasseberg, Ida January 2006 (has links)
Smakbas – Gourmet Grön är en webbplats som ska kommunicera den gröna maten och marknadsföra Gourmet Gröns smakbaser. Webbplatsen innehåller information och bakgrund om smakbaserna, samt hur man jobbar med dem. Det finns även en lite annorlunda receptbank där besökaren kan titta på recept. / Detta är en reflektion på en digital medieproduktion.

Spelproduktion för 2d miljö / Game development for a 2d environment

Sandgren, Rickard, Lundström, Harry January 2008 (has links)
Vi började vårt projekt med grunderna till verktyg för att utveckla spel i 2d. Dessa ämnade vi färdigställa under projektet och med dem utveckla en speldemo. Eftersom vi hade gemensamma visioner om spelutveckling så bestämde vi oss för att samarbeta, och fokusera på våra respektive områden. Med att utveckla egna verktyg ville vi få en större förståelse för de grundläggande mekanismerna av en spelmotor och möjligheten att påverka dessa efter våra specifika behov. Det var också för att hålla koden fri från licensierade komponenter för att i framtiden kunna underlätta distribution. / Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion.

En tryggare stad : Gestaltningsförslag för Handelshamnen i Karlskrona utifrån ett trygghetsperspektiv

Andersson, Klara, Viberg, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att undersöka definitionen av begreppet upplevd trygghet och hur den upplevda tryggheten påverkar platsens användning. Vidare har arbetet identifierat trygghetsfaktorer som sedan har legat till grund för de strategier som sedan har omgestaltat planområdet. För att kunna identifiera trygghetsfaktorer och framställa strategier genomfördes tre metoder: dokumentstudie, platsanalys och enkätstudie. De trygghetsfaktorer som framkom från dokumentstudien var mänsklig närvaro, överblickbarhet, orienterbarhet, belysning, mänsklig skala, trygga gator och möjlighet att kunna stanna upp. De trygghetsfaktorer som visades vara till störst vikt för att öka den upplevda tryggheten framkom i den genomförda enkätstudien. Enkätstudien resulterade i att god belysning följt av mänsklig närvaro och god överblickbarhet gav ökad trygghet i stadsmiljön. Den sista metoden platsanalys genomfördes utifrån Gehls kvalitetskriterier och resulterade i att platsen inte uppfyllde goda trygghetskriterier. De utpekade trygghetsfaktorerna är viktiga för att skapa en tryggare stadsmiljö som på så sätt stödjer de mänskliga livsvillkoren.

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