Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bodymassindex"" "subject:"kroppsmasseindex""
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Features of neighbourhood environments associated with obesity and related health behaviours in children: using multiple statistical approaches to identify obesogenic environmentsVan Hulst, Andraea 05 1900 (has links)
Contexte: L'obésité chez les jeunes représente aujourd’hui un problème de santé publique à l’échelle mondiale. Afin d’identifier des cibles potentielles pour des stratégies populationnelles de prévention, les liens entre les caractéristiques du voisinage, l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie font de plus en plus l’objet d’études. Cependant, la recherche à ce jour comporte plusieurs incohérences.
But: L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’étudier la contribution de différentes caractéristiques du voisinage relativement à l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie qui y sont associées. Les objectifs spécifiques consistent à:
1) Examiner les associations entre la présence de différents commerces d’alimentation dans les voisinages résidentiels et scolaires des enfants et leurs habitudes alimentaires;
2) Examiner comment l’exposition à certaines caractéristiques du voisinage résidentiel détermine l’obésité au niveau familial (chez le jeune, la mère et le père), ainsi que l’obésité individuelle pour chaque membre de la famille;
3) Identifier des combinaisons de facteurs de risque individuels, familiaux et du voisinage résidentiel qui prédisent le mieux l’obésité chez les jeunes, et déterminer si ces profils de facteurs de risque prédisent aussi un changement dans l’obésité après un suivi de deux ans.
Méthodes: Les données proviennent de l’étude QUALITY, une cohorte québécoise de 630 jeunes, âgés de 8-10 ans au temps 1, avec une histoire d’obésité parentale. Les voisinages de 512 participants habitant la Région métropolitaine de Montréal ont été caractérisés à l’aide de : 1) données spatiales provenant du recensement et de bases de données administratives, calculées pour des zones tampons à partir du réseau routier et centrées sur le lieu de la résidence et de l’école; et 2) des observations menées par des évaluateurs dans le voisinage résidentiel. Les mesures du voisinage étudiées se rapportent aux caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti, social et alimentaire. L’obésité a été estimée aux temps 1 et 2 à l’aide de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) calculé à partir du poids et de la taille mesurés. Les habitudes alimentaires ont été mesurées au temps 1 à l'aide de trois rappels alimentaires. Les analyses effectuées comprennent, entres autres, des équations d'estimation généralisées, des régressions multiniveaux et des analyses prédictives basées sur des arbres de décision.
Résultats: Les résultats démontrent la présence d’associations avec l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes alimentaires pour certaines caractéristiques du voisinage. En particulier, la présence de dépanneurs et de restaurants-minutes dans le voisinage résidentiel et scolaire est associée avec de moins bonnes habitudes alimentaires. La présence accrue de trafic routier, ainsi qu’un faible niveau de prestige et d’urbanisation dans le voisinage résidentiel sont associés à l’obésité familiale. Enfin, les résultats montrent qu’habiter un voisinage obésogène, caractérisé par une défavorisation socioéconomique, la présence de moins de parcs et de plus de dépanneurs, prédit l'obésité chez les jeunes lorsque combiné à la présence de facteurs de risque individuels et familiaux.
Conclusion: Cette thèse contribue aux écrits sur les voisinages et l’obésité chez les jeunes en considérant à la fois l'influence potentielle du voisinage résidentiel et scolaire ainsi que l’influence de l’environnement familial, en utilisant des méthodes objectives pour caractériser le voisinage et en utilisant des méthodes statistiques novatrices. Les résultats appuient en outre la notion que les efforts de prévention de l'obésité doivent cibler les multiples facteurs de risque de l'obésité chez les jeunes dans les environnements bâtis, sociaux et familiaux de ces jeunes. / Background: Childhood obesity currently poses a major public health challenge worldwide. In an attempt to identify potential targets for population-based prevention strategies, neighbourhood environments are increasingly being investigated in relation to childhood obesity and its behavioural precursors. However, research to date is largely beset by inconsistencies in findings.
Purpose: The overarching goal of this thesis is to investigate the contribution of different features of neighbourhood environments in relation to obesity and antecedent behaviours in children. Specific objectives are:
1) To examine associations between children’s residential and school neighbourhood food environments and their dietary intake and behaviours;
2) To examine shared exposure to features of residential neighbourhoods in relation to obesity among family triads (child, mother, and father) and among individual family members;
3) To identify specific combinations of individual, familial, and neighbourhood risk factors that best predict obesity in children, and determine whether these risk factor profiles also predict 2-year changes in obesity.
Methods: Data were drawn from the QUALITY Cohort, a Quebec-based study of 630 children aged 8-10 years at baseline with a parental history of obesity. Baseline residential neighbourhood environments of 512 participants living in the Montreal Metropolitan Area were characterised using: 1) geographically linked census and administrative data computed for road network buffers centered on the residential and school locations; and 2) in-person neighbourhood observations conducted within the participants’ residential neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood measures included characteristics of the built, social, and food services environments. Obesity was determined using the body mass index (BMI) computed from measured weight and height at baseline and at follow up. Diet was measured using three 24-hour diet recalls at baseline. Different types of analyses were used including generalised estimating equations, multilevel regressions, and recursive partitioning.
Results: Findings point to specific neighbourhood features that are associated with childhood obesity and diet. Most notably, increased availability of convenience stores and fast food restaurants within residential and school neighbourhoods is associated with poorer diets among children. High street-level traffic and low neighbourhood prestige and urban development in residential neighbourhoods are associated with obesity among family triads. Lastly, findings suggest that obesogenic neighbourhood environments characterised by socioeconomic disadvantage, fewer parks, and more convenience stores jointly predict childhood obesity within unique combinations of individual and familial risk factors.
Conclusion: This thesis contributes to the literature on neighbourhood environments and childhood obesity by considering the influences of both residential and school neighbourhoods as well as familial environments, by objectively characterising neighbourhoods, and by using innovative statistical approaches. Findings furthermore support the notion that obesity prevention efforts should target multiple risk factors of childhood obesity within the built, social, and family environments of children.
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L’association entre le niveau de sécurité alimentaire des Premières Nations du Manitoba et leurs apports nutritionnelsDecelles, Stéphane 11 1900 (has links)
Les taux d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) chez les Premières Nations au Canada sont plus élevés que chez les Canadiens de la population générale. L’IA est généralement associée à des apports nutritionnels moins avantageux, toutefois peu d’études se sont penchées sur cette question pour les Premières Nations vivant sur-réserve.
Le but de cette recherche est de déterminer, à partir de 550 observations, s’il existe une association entre le niveau de sécurité alimentaire et les apports nutritionnels chez des adultes (> 18 ans) des Premières Nations sur-réserve du Manitoba et d’identifier les types d’aliments qui pourraient expliquer les différences statistiquement significatives.
Chez les hommes, aucune des différences statistiquement significatives entre les niveaux de sécurité alimentaire pourraient avoir un effet notable sur la santé nutritionnelle puisque les nutriments en question ne sont pas « à risque » dans la population. Chez les femmes, les apports sont significativement différents entre les niveaux de sécurité alimentaire pour quelques nutriments qui sont « à risque » dans la population. Pour les femmes de 19-30 ans en IA, les apports sont supérieurs en vitamine A, en folate et en calcium. En contraste, les apports sont inférieurs en vitamines A et B6 et en potassium pour les femmes de 31-50 ans en IA, et inférieurs en vitamine B6 pour les femmes de 51-70 ans en IA. Lorsque les apports sont ajustés pour les apports énergétiques, les différences demeurent seulement statistiquement significatives pour la vitamine B6 chez les femmes de 31-50 ans et 51-70 ans. Les groupes d’aliments potentiellement responsables des différences sont identifiés.
En conclusion, chez les Premières Nations du Manitoba, peu d’associations statistiquement significatives ont été identifiées entre le niveau de sécurité alimentaire et les apports en nutriments considérés « à risque » dans la population. Ceci est particulièrement le cas après ajustement pour la multiplicité des tests statistiques effectués. / Food insecurity (FI) rates in First Nations of Canada are much higher as compared to Canada’s general population. FI is generally related to lower quality diets, however, few studies have evaluated this in First Nations on-reserve.
The goal of this study was to identify, using data from 550 individuals, whether nutrient intakes were related to food security status in Manitoba First Nation adults (>18 years old) on-reserve. Furthermore, the types of foods that could be responsible for the statistically significant differences were identified.
In men, none of the significant differences between food security levels could have had an effect on either group’s nutritional health given that these nutrients are not considered « at risk » in the population. As for women, intakes were significantly different between food security groups for a few nutrients at risk in the population. For women 19 to 30 years of age, intakes of vitamin A, folate and calcium were significantly higher in those with FI status. On the other hand, intakes of vitamins A and B6 and potassium were significantly lower in FI 31-50 year old women, and intakes of vitamin B6 were lower in FI 51-70 year old women. Only intakes of vitamin B6 in 31-50 and 51-70 year old women remained significant in the analysis where nutrient intakes are adjusted for energy intakes. Foods that are potentially responsible for these significant differences were identified.
In conclusion, few nutrients at risk were significantly associated with food security status in Manitoba First Nations. This is particularly true if statistics are adjusted for the multiple comparisons problem (Bonferroni correction).
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Self-rated health and respiratory symptoms among civil aviation pilots : Occupational and non-occupational risk factorsFu, Xi January 2017 (has links)
There is concern about the indoor environment in aircraft but few stud-ies exist on self-rated health (SRH) and respiratory symptoms among pilots. Occupational and non-occupational risk factors for SRH, respira-tory symptoms and other symptoms among commercial pilots were investigated in this thesis. One cohort study and one prevalence study were performed among pilots in one Scandinavian airline company. Fungal DNA, furry pet allergens and volatile organic compounds of microbial origin (MVOC) were measured on board. Cat (fel d1), dog (Can f1) and horse (Ecu cx) allergens were found in all dust samples and allergen levels were 27-75 times higher in aircraft with textile seats as compared to leather surfaces. The sum of MVOCs in the cabin air was 3.7 times higher than in homes in Uppsala and 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol concentrations were 15-17 times higher. Asper-gillus/Penicillium DNA and Aspergillus versicolor DNA were more common in aircraft with textile seats. One fifth reported SRH as poor or fair, 62% had fatigue, 46% overweight/obesity and 71% insomnia. Poor or fair SRH was associated with overweight/obesity, lack of exercise, insomnia, low sense of coherence (SOC) and high work demand. Re-covery from work was worse among those with insomnia and low social support at work. Fatigue was more common among young or female pilots and related to insomnia and high work demand. Pilots flying MD80 or Saab 2000 aircraft had less fatigue. Pilots exposed to environmental tobacco (ETS) on board had more eye symptoms and fatigue which were reduced after the ban of smoking (in 1997). Pilots with increased work demand developed more rhinitis, dermal symptoms and fartigue and those with decreased work control developed more eye symptoms. The incidence of doctors’ diagnosed asthma and atopy were 2.4 and 16.6 per 1000 person years, respectively. Pilots changing type of flight got more airway infections. Those reporting decreased work control had a higher incidence of atopy. Risk factors in the home environment included ETS, dampness or mould, window pane condensation in winter and living in houses built after 1975. In conclusion, SRH and respiratory health among pilots are associated with specific occupational and non-occupational risk factors.
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Developmental trajectories of body mass index in early childhood : an 8-year longitudinal studyPryor, Laura E. 04 1900 (has links)
Trajectoires développementales de l’IMC durant l’enfance: Une étude longitudinale sur 8 ans.
Introduction : L’obésité infantile, origine de nombreux problèmes de santé, représente un grand défi en santé publique. Récemment, l’importance d’étudier l’évolution du surpoids durant l’enfance ainsi que les facteurs de risques précoces pour l’obésité a été reconnue. Les trajectoires développementales d’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) chez les jeunes représentent une approche innovatrice qui nous permet de mieux comprendre cette problématique importante.
Objectifs: 1) Identifier des trajectoires développementales distinctes de groupes d’enfants selon leur IMC durant l’enfance, et 2) Explorer les facteurs de risques précoces qui prédisent l’appartenance de l’enfant à la trajectoire d’IMC le plus élevé
Hypothèses: 1) On s’attend à retrouver un groupe d’enfants qui suit une trajectoire d’IMC élevée durant l’enfance. 2) On s’attend à ce que certaines caractéristiques de la mère (ex : tabac pendant la grossesse et IMC élevé), soient associées à l’appartenance de l’enfant au groupe ayant la trajectoire «IMC élevé ». Méthodes: Estimation des trajectoires développementales d’IMC d’enfants, dans un échantillon populationnel (n=1957) au Québec (ELDEQ). Les IMC ont été calculés à partir de données fournies par les mères des enfants et recueillis chaque année sur une durée de 8 ans. Des données propres à l’enfant sa mère, ainsi que socioéconomiques, ont étés recueillies. Une régression logistique multinomiale a été utilisée pour distinguer les enfants avec un IMC élevé des autres enfants, selon les facteurs de risques précoces.
Les programmes PROC TRAJ (extension de SAS), SPSS (version 16), et SAS (version 9.1.3) ont été utilisés pour ces analyses.
Résultats: Trois trajectoires d’IMC ont étés identifiées : IMC « bas-stable » (54,5%), IMC « modéré » (41,0%) et IMC « élevé et en hausse » (4,5%). Le groupe « élevé et en hausse » incluait des enfants pour qui l’IMC à 8 ans dépassait la valeur limite pour l’obésité. Les analyses de régression logistique ont révélé que deux facteurs de risques maternels étaient significativement associés avec la trajectoire “en hausse” par rapport aux deux autres groupes : le tabac durant la grossesse et le surpoids maternel. Conclusions: Des risques d’obésité infantile peuvent êtres identifiés dès la grossesse. Des études d’intervention sont requises pour identifier la possibilité de réduire le risque d’obésité chez l’enfant en ciblant le tabac et le surpoids maternelle durant la grossesse. Mots clés: Indice de masse corporelle (IMC), obésité infantile, trajectoires développementales de groupe, facteurs de risque précoce, étude populationnelle, tabac pendant la grossesse, obésité maternelle. / Developmental Trajectories of Body Mass Index in Early Childhood: An 8-Year Longitudinal Study.
Introduction: Childhood obesity has become one of the greatest Public Health challenges this century, affecting not only developed nations, but increasingly low- and middle-income countries as well. Estimating developmental trajectories of Body Mass Index (BMI) during early childhood represents an innovative approach towards a better understanding of the development of this health problem.
Objective: To identify groups of children with distinct developmental trajectories of Body Mass Index (BMI) between the ages of five months and eight years, and to identify early-life risk factors that distinguish children in an atypically elevated BMI trajectory group.
Methods: Group-based developmental trajectories of BMI were estimated from annual maternal assessments (5 months to 8 years) in a large population sample (n=1957). Measures of height and weight, as well as family and child characteristics were obtained yearly from mothers. Multivariate logistic regression was used to distinguish children with elevated BMI from other children, using pre and early post-natal risk factors.
Results: Three trajectories of BMI were identified: low-stable BMI (54.5%), moderate BMI (41.0%) and high-rising BMI (4.5%). The high-rising group included children whose BMI, at eight years of age, exceeded the cut-off value for obesity. Multinomial logit regression analyses revealed that two maternal risk factors were significantly associated with the high-rising BMI trajectory group as compared to both the low and moderate groups: smoking during pregnancy and maternal overweight.
Conclusions: Antecedents of childhood obesity can be identified during pregnancy. Intervention studies are needed in order to test the possibility that targeting maternal smoking and maternal obesity during pregnancy would reduce the risk of childhood obesity in the offspring. Keywords: Body Mass Index (BMI), child obesity, Group-based developmental trajectories, early life predictors, population-based study, maternal smoking, maternal obesity.
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Impact de l’évolution du statut nutritionnel durant l’attente d’une transplantation pulmonaire sur la mortalité postopératoireJomphe, Valérie 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à évaluer l’impact de l’état nutritionnel et de son évolution durant l’attente d’une transplantation pulmonaire sur la mortalité et la morbidité postopératoire. Nous avons examiné les 209 dossiers de patients greffés pulmonaires au Programme de Transplantation Pulmonaire du CHUM entre 2000 et 2007 et regardé la mortalité et les complications post-transplantation en fonction de l’IMC, des apports protéino-énergétiques, de certains paramètres biochimiques et selon l’évolution pondérale durant la période d’attente.
Les résultats montrent que la mortalité augmente en fonction de l’augmentation des strates d’IMC avec un risque relatif de décès au cours du séjour hospitalier de 3,31 (IC95% 1,19-9,26) pour un IMC 25-29,9 et de 8,83 (IC95% 2,98-26,18) pour un IMC ≥ 30 avec une issue postopératoire plus sombre en terme de complications chirurgicales (p=0,003), de durée de séjour aux soins intensifs (p=0,031) et de durée de séjour à l’hôpital (p<0,001) chez les patients avec IMC ≥ 30 comparativement aux patients de poids normal. Les patients ayant présenté une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente ont connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,015). Ceux dont les apports nutritionnels étaient sous-optimaux en pré-greffe ont aussi connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,002) et davantage de complications infectieuses (p=0,038), digestives (p=0,003) et chirurgicales (p=0,029) mais sans impact détectable sur la mortalité.
Nos résultats suggèrent que l’obésité et l’embonpoint ainsi qu’une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente de même que des apports protéino-énergétiques sous-optimaux affectent négativement l’issue d’une transplantation pulmonaire. / This study aims to assess the impact of nutritional status and its evolution while awaiting a lung transplant on the post-operative mortality and morbidity. We reviewed 209 consecutive cases of lung transplantation at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite de Montreal between 2000 and 2007 and looked at the mortality and rate of complications post-operatively according to BMI, intake of protein and energy, biochemical parameters and weight changes during the waiting period.
The risk of death increased with increasing BMI strata with a relative risk of death during the hospital stay of 3,31 (IC95% 1,19-9,26) for BMI 25-29.9 and 8,83 (IC95% 2,98-26,18) for BMI ≥ 30 with a worse postoperative outcome in terms of surgical complications (p=0,003), length of stay in intensive care unit (p=0,031) and length of hospital stay (p<0,001) for patients with BMI ≥ 30 compared with patients of normal weight. Patients in whom the BMI evolved inadequately during the waiting period experienced a prolonged hospital stay (p=0,015). Patients whose intake was suboptimal in the pre-transplant period have also a prolonged hospital stay (p=0,002) and more infectious (p=0,038), digestives (p=0,003) and surgicals (p=0,029) complications but no detectable impact on the mortality.
Our results suggest that obesity and overweight as well as inadequate changes of BMI during the waiting period and suboptimal protein-energy intakes negatively affect the outcome of lung transplantation.
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Association entre la dépression et les comportements reliés aux habitudes de vie et aux soins du diabète dans la population diabétique du QuébecMessier, Lyne C. 05 1900 (has links)
Les personnes atteintes de diabète sont plus à risque de développer la dépression, un
fardeau additionnel dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Notre étude auprès d’adultes
diabétiques résidant au Québec vise à en déterminer les caractéristiques lorsque la
dépression fait partie du tableau clinique. Hypothèse 1: Les adultes québécois atteints de diabète et de dépression (dépression majeure et mineure) seront plus prédisposés à avoir des indicateurs reliés aux habitudes de vie, aux soins du diabète et à l’efficacité personnelle vis-à-vis du contrôle du poids et de la quantité d’aliments consommés, moins favorables que les sujets diabétiques sans dépression. Hypothèse 2: Chez les Québécois atteints de diabète de type 2, l’association entre la dépression et l’obésité sera affectée par les indicateurs de la Variation Cyclique du Poids (VCP) et de l’efficacité personnelle. Hypothèse 3: Chez les Québécois atteints de diabète de type 2, ceux qui auront développé ou maintenu une dépression au cours de 12 mois, seront plus susceptibles de détériorer les indicateurs reliés à leurs habitudes de vie et à leur efficacité personnelle. Des personnes diabétiques au Québec ont été recrutées à l’aide d’un sondage téléphonique. Des adultes, hommes et femmes, âgés de 18 à 80 ans étaient éligibles à participer. La dépression était déterminée par le questionnaire PHQ-9 « Patient Health Questionnaire-9 ». Au total, 3 221 individus ont été contactés au départ de l’étude; 2 003 ont participé à l’étude (93% type 2)et 1 234 ont participé au suivi de 12 mois. La prévalence de dépression mineure et majeure était de 10,9% et 8,7%, respectivement. Cinquante-trois pourcent des sujets avec dépression majeure avaient deux ou trois indicateurs malsains (tabagisme, inactivité ou obésité), 33% des sujets avaient une dépression mineure et 21% des sujets étaient non déprimés. Les résultats des analyses de régression logistique ont révélé que les sujets dépressifs étaient plus susceptibles d’être de sexe féminin, moins instruits, non mariés,sédentaires, fumeurs, percevaient plus souvent avoir une faible maîtrise du contrôle de la quantité d’aliments ingérés et tendaient davantage à mesurer leur glycémie au moins une fois par jour (p<0,05). Chez les patients avec le diabète de type 2, l’association entre la dépression et l’obésité a été affectée par les variables de la VCP et d’efficacité personnelle. Une année après le début de l’étude, 11,5% des sujets ont développé une dépression et 10% ont maintenu leur état dépressif. Les sujets ayant développé une dépression ou persisté dans leur état de dépression étaient plus susceptibles d’avoir été inactifs au début de l’étude ou d’être restés inactifs au suivi de 12 mois, et d’avoir maintenu une perception d’un faible contrôle de leur poids corporel et de la quantité d’aliments ingérés. Cependant, les changements de statut de dépression n’étaient pas associés à des changements de l’indice de masse corporelle. En conclusion, l’inactivité physique et une faible efficacité personnelle sont des facteurs importants dans le développement et la persistance de la dépression chez les patients diabétiques et méritent d’être considérés dans le traitement. / Individuals with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing depression, an additional burden for their daily activities. The aim of our study is to determine the characteristics of individuals with depression, in a Quebec population of adults with diabetes. Hypothesis 1: adults in Quebec with diabetes and with depression (major and minor), compared to those without depression, will be more likely to have less healthy lifestyle and care related indicators, and poorer self-efficacy indicators related to control of body weight and amount of food eaten. Hypothesis 2: among adults in Quebec with type 2 diabetes, the association between depression and obesity will be affected by weight cycling and self-efficacy indicators. Hypothesis 3: adults in Quebec with type 2 diabetes who developed or maintained depression during a 12 month period will be more likely to worsen their lifestyle and self-efficacy related indicators. A telephone survey was conducted to recruit individuals with diabetes residing in Québec. Male and female adults, 18 to 80 years of age, were eligible to participate. A total of 3221 subjects were contacted at the beginning
of the study; 2003 participated in the study (93% type 2) and 1234 participated in the 12
month follow-up survey. The prevalence of major and minor depression was 10.9% and
8.7%, respectively. Fifty three percent of subjects with major depression had two or three unhealthy indicators (smoking, inactivity or obesity), 33% of subjects were having minor depression and 21% of subjects were without depression. The results of logistic regression analyses indicated that depression was more likely to be associated with being female, less educated, not married, inactive, smoking, having a poor perception of controlling amount of food eaten, and testing blood glucose on a daily basis more frequently (p<0.05). Among
individuals with type 2 diabetes, the association between depression and obesity was affected by the variables of weight cycling and self-efficacy. At the 12-month follow-up, 11.5% of subjects developed depression and 10% maintained their depressed state. Individuals who developed depression or maintained their depressed state were more likely to have been physically inactive at the start of the study or to have remained inactive at the 12-month follow-up, and to have maintained a perception of a poor control of body weight and amount of food eaten. However, changes in depression status were not associated with changes in body mass index. In conclusion, physical inactivity and poor self-efficacy play an important roles in the development and persistence of depression in diabetic patients,underlying the usefulness of acting on these multiple factors during treatment.
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Avaliação da relação entre circunferência abdominal e altura como preditora de risco cardiometabólico em crianças de 6 a 10 anos / Evaluation of waist-to-height ratio as a predictor of cardio metabolic risk in 6 to 10 years old childrenKuba, Valesca Mansur 09 February 2012 (has links)
Os objetivos do estudo foram correlacionar a razão entre a circunferência abdominal e altura (CA/A) e o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) com as variáveis cardiometabólicas e inflamatórias em escolares de seis a 10 anos; avaliar a frequência de sobrepeso/obesidade e alterações cardiometabólicas e comparar o desempenho dos referenciais de índice de massa corpórea (IMC) do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 (CDC) e Organização Mundial de Saúde 2007 (OMS) no diagnóstico de sobrepeso/obesidade e alterações cardiometabólicas. Métodos: estudo de corte transversal, que incluiu 175 crianças, provenientes do Centro de Referência para Tratamento da Criança e do Adolescente (CRTCA), em Campos, Rio de Janeiro. As crianças foram divididas segundo os escores z do CDC e OMS em: não obesas (z do IMC <1) e sobrepeso/obesidade (z do IMC > 1). As variáveis cardiometabólicas analisadas foram: pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), glicose, lipoproteínas de baixa e alta densidades (LDL e HDL, respectivamente), triglicerídeos (TG), HOMA-IR. Como variáveis inflamatórias, analisamos proteína C reativa ultra-sensível (PCR) e leucometria. Resultados: a média da CA/A do grupo sobrepeso/obesidade foi maior que a do não obeso (0,58 ± 0,007 e 0,45 ± 0,004, respectivamente, p< 0,0001). Houve correlação significativa da CA/A com os escores z do IMC (r = 0,88, p < 0,0001), PAS (r= 0,51, p<0,0001), PAD (r= 0,49, p<0,0001), HOMA-IR (r=0,83, p<0,0001), HDL (r = -0,28, p< 0,0002), TG (r= 0,26, p<0,0006), LDL (r= 0,25, p<0,0008) e PCR (r= 0,51, p<0,0001). Contudo, a CA/A não se correlacionou com glicemia nem leucócitos. A sensibilidade da CA/A se equivaleu à do IMC no diagnóstico das alterações cardiometabólicas. A sensibilidade mais elevada da CA/A foi para o diagnóstico de alteração da PAS (80,0 %), PAD (76,6%) e HOMA-IR (92,6%). O ponto de corte superior a 0,47 foi sensível para o diagnóstico de resistência insulínica, mas acima de 0,50, para os demais distúrbios cardiometabólicos. A frequência de sobrepeso/obesidade nos escolares foi igual a 49,7%. Com exceção de hipertrigliceridemia, todas as outras alterações cardiometabólicas foram mais frequentes no grupo sobrepeso/obesidade (aumento de PA, p<0,0001; glicemia de jejum alterada, p < 0,0048; aumento de LDL, p< 0,015 e redução do HDL, p<0,0001). O referencial da OMS 2007 reclassificou 11 crianças a mais como obesas que o CDC, que apresentaram médias de escores z de PAS (1,71 ± 1,54), PAD (2,64 ± 1,83) e HOMA-IR (1,84 ± 0,98) semelhantes às médias das obesas (PAS = 1,25 ± 2,04; PAD = 1,94 ± 1,19 e HOMA-IR = 2,09 ± 1,12), mas superiores às médias das classificadas como sobrepeso (PAS = 0,49 ± 1,34, p < 0,023; PAD = 1,45 ± 0,97, p < 0,04 e HOMA-IR = 1,24 ± 0,67, p < 0,04 ). Conclusões: a razão CA/A foi tão sensível quanto IMC da OMS 2007 no diagnóstico do risco cardiometabólico e inflamatório. O referencial da OMS 2007 foi o mais sensível não só para o rastreamento de sobrepeso/obesidade, como também para pressão arterial elevada e resistência insulínica, em escolares de seis a 10 anos / This study aims to correlate the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the body mass index (BMI) with the cardiometabolic and inflammatory variables in 6-10 year-old school children; to evaluated the frequency of overweight/obesity and cardiometabolic disturbances, and to compare the 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) body mass index (BMI) references in the diagnosis of overweight/obesity and the cardiometabolic disturbances. Methods: a cross-sectional study which included 175 subjects, selected from the Reference Center for the Treatment of Children and Adolescents, in Campos, Rio de Janeiro. The subjects were classified according to the 2000 CDC and 2007 OMS BMI z scores as non obese (BMI < 1) and overweight/obese ones (BMI > 1). The analized cardiometabolic variables were systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP respectively), fasting glycemia, low and high density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL respectively), trigliceride (TG), homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR). As inflammatory markers we analized the ultra-sensitive Creactive protein (CRP) and the leucocyte count. Results: the WHtR mean of the overweight/obese group was higher than that of the non obese ones (0,58 ± 0,007 and 0,45 ± 0,004, respectively,p < 0,0001). There was correlation between the WHtR and BMI z score (r = 0,88, p < 0,0001), SBP (r = 0,51, p < 0,0001), DBP (r = 0,49, p < 0,0001), HOMA-IR (r = 0,83, p < 0,0001), HDL (r = -0,28, p < 0,0002, TG (r= 0,26, p < 0,0006), LDL (r = 0,25, p < 0,0008), and CRP (r = 0, 51, p < 0.0001). However, the WHtR was neither correlated with glycemia nor with the leucocyte count. The WHtR sensitivity was equivalent to that of the BMI in the diagnosis of all cardiometabolic variables. The highest WHtR sensitivity was to diagnose the SBP (80,0%), DBP (76,6%) and HOMA-IR (92,6%) alterations. The WHtR cut-off higher than 0,47 pointed out to insulin resistance diagnosis, but higher than 0,5, it did to the other metabolic disturbances. The frequency of overweight/obesity was 49,7% in these school children. Except for hypertriglyceridemia, all the remaining cardiometabolic disturbances were more frequent in the overweight/obese group. The 2007 WHO BMI reference reclassified 11 children more as obese than the 2000 CDC, who had means of SBP (1,71 ± 1,54) and DBP z scores (2,64 ± 1,83) and HOMA-IR (1,84 ± 0,98) similar to those of the obese ones (SBP = 1,25 ± 20,4; DBP = 1,94 ± 1,1 and HOMA-IR = 2,09 ± 1,12), but higher than those of the classified as overweight (SBP= 0,49 ± 1,34, p<0,023; DBP= 1,45 ± 0,97, p<0,04 and HOMA-IR= 1,24 ± 0,67, p<0,04). Conclusions: the WHtR was so sensitive as the 2007 WHO BMI z score in diagnosing the cardiometabolic and inflammatory risk. The 2007 WHO reference was the most sensitive not only to screen obesity, but also the high blood pressure and insulin resistance, in 6-10-year-old children
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Avaliação do padrão de crescimento na síndrome de Noonan em pacientes com mutações identificadas nos genes PTPN11, SOS1, RAF1 e KRAS / Growth pattern of patients with Noonan syndrome with identified mutations in PTPN11, SOS1, RAF1 e KRAS genesRibeiro, Alexsandra Christianne Malaquias de Moura 30 May 2011 (has links)
A Síndrome de Noonan (SN) é caracterizada por baixa estatura proporcionada de início pós-natal, dismorfismos faciais, cardiopatia congênita e deformidade torácica. A frequência da SN é estimada entre 1:1000 e 1:2500 nascidos vivos, com distribuição semelhante em ambos os sexos. A herança é autossômica dominante com penetrância completa, porém a maioria dos casos é esporádica. Até o momento, mutações em genes da via RAS-MAPK (PTPN11, KRAS, SOS1, RAF1, MEK1, NRAS e SHOC2) foram identificadas em aproximadamente 70% dos pacientes. Uma das principais características fenotípicas da SN é a baixa estatura pós-natal, embora o mecanismo fisiopatológico do déficit de crescimento nesta síndrome ainda não esteja totalmente esclarecido. Estudos que avaliaram o padrão de crescimento linear em crianças com SN foram realizados anteriormente ao conhecimento do diagnóstico molecular dessa síndrome. No presente estudo, avaliamos a frequência de mutação nos genes PTPN11, SOS1, RAF1 e KRAS em 152 pacientes com SN e o padrão de crescimento linear (altura) e ponderal [índice de massa corpórea (IMC)] dos pacientes com mutação identificada. No total, mutações nos genes relacionados foram encontradas em 99 pacientes (65%) do nosso estudo, com predominância do gene PTPN11 (47%), seguido do SOS1 (9%), RAF1 (7%) e KRAS (3%). Foram construídas curvas específicas para SN de Altura e IMC para idade e sexo utilizando o método LMS. Os pacientes com SN apresentaram crescimento pré-natal preservado, porém o comprometimento do crescimento pós-natal foi observado desde o primeiro ano de vida, atingindo uma altura final de -2,5 e -2,2 desvios-padrão da média para população brasileira em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. O prejuízo da altura foi maior nos pacientes com mutação no gene RAF1 em comparação com os genes PTPN11 e SOS1. O IMC dos pacientes com SN apresentou queda de 1 desvio-padrão em relação à média da população brasileira normal. O comprometimento do IMC foi menor nos pacientes carreadores de mutação no RAF1. Pacientes com mutação nos genes PTPN11 e SOS1 apresentaram maior frequência de estenose de valva pulmonar, enquanto a miocardiopatia hipertrófica foi mais frequente nos pacientes com mutação no gene RAF1. A variabilidade fenotípica observada nos pacientes com mutação no PTPN11 não pode ser explicada pelo grau que estas mutações influenciam a atividade tirosina fosfatase da SHP-2 nem pela presença de polimorfismos no gene KRAS. Com a análise dos éxons 3, 8 e 13 do PTPN11, seguido dos éxons 6 e 10 do SOS1 e éxon 7 do RAF1 identificamos 86% dos pacientes carreadores de mutações nos genes relacionados, propondo uma forma mais eficiente de avaliação molecular na SN. Acreditamos que a variabilidade fenotípica presente nessa síndrome esteja diretamente ligada aos diferentes papéis exercidos pelas proteínas que participam da via RAS/MAPK. Entretanto, mais estudos em relação à via RAS/MAPK serão necessários para esclarecer as questões relacionadas ao crescimento e outras características fenotípicas da SN / Noonan Syndrome (NS) is characterized by distinctive facial features, short stature and congenital heart defects. The estimated prevalence is 1:1000 to 1:2500 live births, affecting equally both sexes. It is an autosomal dominant disorder with complete penetrance, but most cases are sporadic. To date, mutations in the RAS/MAPK pathway genes (PTPN11, KRAS, SOS1, RAF1, MEK1, NRAS and SHOC2) were identified in approximately 70% of patients. One of the cardinal signs of NS is proportional postnatal short stature although the physiopathological mechanism of growth impairment remains unclear. The current knowledge about the natural history of growth associated with NS was described before molecular diagnosis era. In this study, we performed PTPN11, SOS1, RAF1, and KRAS mutation analysis in a cohort of 152 NS patients and studied the natural linear (height) and ponderal growth [body mass index (BMI)] of NS patients with related mutations. Mutations in NS-causative genes were found in 99 patients (65%) of our cohort. The most common mutated gene was PTPN11 (47%), followed by SOS1 (9%), RAF1 (7%) and KRAS (3%). Sex-specific percentile curves for height and BMI were constructed using the LMS method. NS patients had birth weight and length within normal ranges but the postnatal growth impairment was observed during the first year of life, reaching a final height of -2.3 and -2.2 standard deviations from the mean for Brazilian healthy men and women, respectively. Postnatal growth impairment was higher in RAF1 mutation patients than in patients with SOS1 and PTPN11 mutations. BMI values in NS patients were lower in comparison with normal Brazilian population. BMI values were higher in patients with RAF1 mutations than in patients with other genotypes. Patients with mutations in PTPN11 and SOS1 genes were more likely to have pulmonary valve stenosis, whereas hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was more common in patients with mutations in the gene RAF1. The intensity of constitutive tyrosine phosphatase activity of SHP-2 due to PTPN11 mutations, as well as the presence of polymorphisms in KRAS gene did not influence the phenotype of NS patients with mutation in PTPN11 gene. Analysis of exons 3, 8 and 13 of PTPN11 gene, followed by exons 6 and 10 of SOS1 gene and exon 7of RAF1 gene identified 86% of patients harboring mutations in related genes, suggesting a more efficient evaluation of NS molecular diagnosis. We believe that the phenotypic variability in this syndrome is directly linked to the different roles played by proteins that participate in RAS/MAPK pathway. However, further studies in RAS/MAPK pathway are needed to clarify issues related to growth and other phenotypic characteristics of SN
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Avaliação do estado nutricional e hábito alimentar de pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda do projeto ERICO / Assessment of nutritional status and dietary habits of patients with acute coronary syndrome of ERICO studyNaud, Ludmila Macêdo 28 July 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a dieta e o estado nutricional de uma população com síndrome coronariana aguda no Projeto Estratégia de Registro da Insuficiência Coronariana (Projeto ERICO) na unidade de emergência do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo e estimar o número de óbitos em decorrência de doenças cardiovasculares em um ano de acompanhamento desses pacientes. Foram selecionados 290 pacientes de uma população de 841 indivíduos com diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, IMC e variáveis de nutrição a partir de um Questionário de Frequência Alimentar previamente validado e posterior análise do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado. As variáveis de nutrição utilizadas foram valor calórico total, carboidrato, proteína, lipídeo, ácidos graxos polinsaturados, ácidos graxos monoinsaturados, ácidos graxos saturados, ácidos graxos trans, ácidos graxos linolênico, ácidos graxos linoléico, colesterol e fibras. O cálculo do valor nutritivo dos alimentos consumidos e registrados foi realizado utilizando o programa Virtual Nutri com banco de dados de alimentos da tabela de composição química da United States Departement of Agriculture. Com exceção do colesterol e fibras, todas as variáveis tiveram seus valores absolutos e ajustados para a dieta descritos nas análises. Para a avaliação da qualidade da dieta, foi utilizado o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado e análise dos 12 componentes que caracterizam diferentes aspectos de uma dieta saudável. Cada componente foi avaliado e uma pontuação foi atribuída variando de zero a vinte. Os valores intermediários foram calculados proporcionalmente à quantidade de alimento consumido. Os indivíduos que possuíram ingestão igual ou superior ao nível recomendado atingiram a pontuação máxima (cinco, dez ou 20 pontos), a depender do componente em questão. No final, a pontuação de todos os componentes foi somada gerando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta revisado. O valor máximo do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado é 100 pontos. As variáveis dependentes foram os três tipos de síndrome coronariana aguda: angina instável, infarto agudo do miocárdio sem elevação e infarto agudo do miocárdico com elevação do segmento ST no eletrocardiograma de repouso e para a análise de sobrevida, o óbito após um ano de arrolamento a partir da data de entrada no Hospital Universitário. Para análise dos dados foi feita inicialmente uma análise exploratória dos dados, mostrada em forma de tabelas, gráficos e medidas descritivas, com o intuito de obter uma visualização. Para mensuração do nível de associação entre variáveis nominais (sexo e etnia) com o tipo de síndrome coronariana aguda, foi utilizado o teste de quiquadrado de Pearson. As variáveis contínuas foram categorizadas de acordo com o valor de corte estabelecido na literatura, independente da distribuição dos dados na amostra e para estas, também foi aplicado o teste qui-quadrado com nível de significância (alfa) de 5%, excetuando-se o valor energético total que utilizou a mediana da população. Os dados categóricos foram representados em frequências absoluta (n) e relativa (%). As variáveis quantitativas foram submetidas ao teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov para verificar o grau de aderência à distribuição normal. O teste de variância Levene foi utilizado para analisar a homocedasticidade. As variáveis quantitativas foram descritas por frequências, medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. Os dados paramétricos foram representados por média e desvio padrão e comparados por análise de variância para medidas não repetidas (one way ANOVA) com teste post-hoc de Bonferroni para comparação de três variáveis e teste-T não pareado para comparação de duas variáveis. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com o gênero. Os dados não paramétricos foram representados por mediana e comparados com o teste de Kruskal-Wallis com post-hoc Dunn para comparação de três variáveis e teste de Mann-Whitney para duas variáveis. Para analisar a relação do tipo de síndrome coronariana aguda (variável dependente) com as variáveis de nutrição foi feita uma análise de regressão logística binária, considerando a angina instável e IAM sem supra como uma variável e IAM com supra como outra variável dependente. As análises de regressão foram utilizadas para estimar a odds ratio e intervalo de confiança. Análises não ajustadas foram conduzidas para as variáveis separadamente. As variáveis de cada bloco foram analisadas simultaneamente usando o método Enter. Utilizou-se a abordagem da análise de sobrevivência considerando como evento de interesse o óbito com a probabilidade acumulada de sobrevida em dias. Nenhum paciente perdeu o seguimento durante a duração do estudo. Para a análise de tempo desde o dia de internação até a data de última ligação foi utilizado, inicialmente, o estimador produto limite de Kaplan Meier. Na análise univariada das variáveis qualitativas, para verificar a influência do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado no óbito, realizou-se a construção de curvas Kaplan-Meier e a comparação estatística foi feita pelo teste log-rank. O tempo de sobrevida foi determinado, contado em dias, entre o dia de entrada no Hospital Universitário e a data de óbito. O nível de significância estabelecido para a análise foi de 0,05. As curvas de Kaplan-Meier foram apresentas segundo o tercil de Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado. A digitação e codificação das informações coletadas foram realizadas no programa Excel; posteriormente os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo programa SPSS versão 17.0. Os procedimentos para o desenvolvimento deste estudo respeitaram as diretrizes e normas que regulamentam as pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos, aprovadas pela Resolução n° 169, de 10 de outubro de 1996, do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Desta forma, no banco de dados da pesquisa principal está mantido o anonimato e a confidencialidade dos dados. A maior parte dos indivíduos foram homens adultos com etnia branca, com sobrepeso e diagnóstico IAM sem supra. A dieta média foi considerada hipercalórica, hipoglicídica, normoprotéica e hiperlipídica com aumento da quantidade do valor calórico total em relação ao aumento da gravidade de síndrome coronariana aguda e relação inversa para proteína. Em relação aos micronutrientes, as quantidades foram adequadas para ácidos graxos polinsaturados, ácidos graxos monoinsaturados, ácidos graxos trans e colesterol e consumos abaixo do recomendado para ácidos graxos linolênicos e ácidos graxos linoleicos. O colesterol teve aumento de consumo médio em relação ao aumento da gravidade de síndrome coronariana aguda, enquanto ácidos graxos polinsaturados, ácidos graxos linoleicos e ácidos graxos trans tiveram aumento em relação à diminuição da gravidade da síndrome coronariana aguda. Além disso, qualidade da dieta necessita melhorar. Para os componentes cereal total, carne e derivados, leguminosas, leite e derivados, óleo e gorduras e sódio, o aumento dos mesmos, aumentou em relação à gravidade da doença. Não foi observada relação com a gravidade de síndrome coronariana aguda para os outros componentes, nem mesmo com a pontuação total do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado. Os valores médios mais baixos em relação à pontuação total foram para os componentes cereal integral, leite e derivados e gordura saturada enquanto os mais altos foram vegetal total, óleo e derivados e sódio / The present study aimed to describe the diet and nutritional status of a population with acute coronary syndrome in the Project Strategy Registry of Coronary Insufficiency (ERICO study) at the emergency unit of the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo and estimate the number of deaths in due to cardiovascular diseases in one year follow up of these patients. It was selected 290 patients from a population of 841 individuals diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. It was evaluated variables of demographics, BMI and nutritional variables from a Food Frequency Questionnaire previously validated and further analysis of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised. The variables used were total caloric value, carbohydrate, protein, fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, linolenic fatty acids, linoleic fatty acids, cholesterol and fiber. The calculation of the nutritional value of consumed foods was performed using the Virtual Nutri software with the food chemical composition of United States Departement of Agriculture database. With the exception of cholesterol and fiber, all variables and their absolute values described in the analyzes were adjusted to the diet. For the quality of the diet evaluation, the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised was used with its analysis of the 12 components featuring different aspects of a healthy diet was used. Each component was evaluated and was assigned with a score ranging from zero to twenty. Intermediate values were calculated in proportion to the amount of food consumed. Individuals who had intake with the limit or above the recommended level reached the maximum score (five, ten or 20 points ), according to the component in question . In the end, the scores of all components were added generating the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised. The maximum value of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised is 100 points. The dependent variables were the three types of acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction STEMI and NSTEMI and for the survival analysi , death after one year of enrollment from the entry date into the University Hospital. For the data analysis, an exploratory analysis was first done and shown in tables, charts and descriptive measures. The level of association between nominal variables (gender and ethnicity) with the type of acute coronary syndrome was measured with the chi-squared test. Continuous variables were categorized according to the cutoff value established in the literature, regardless of the data distribution in the sample and for these, the chi- squared test with a significance level (alfa) of 5% was also applied, excepting the total caloric value which was used with the median value of the population. Categorical data were presented as absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies. Quantitative variables were assessed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to check the level of normal distribution. The variance of Levene\'s test was used to analyze the homoscedasticity. Quantitative variables were described by frequencies, central tendency and dispersion measures. Parametric data were expressed as mean and standard deviation and compared by one way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) and for post hoc analysis, Bonferroni test was used for comparison of three variables and Student\'s t-test was used for comparison of two variables. The data was analyzed according to gender. The non-parametric data were expressed by median and compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test with its post hoc called Dunn test to compare three variables. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare two variables. The relationship of the type of acute coronary syndrome (dependent variable) with the variables of nutrition was examined with the binary logistic regression analysis of binary logistic regression, considering the unstable angina and NSTEMI myocardial infarction as a single variable and STEMI myocardial infarction as another dependent variable. Regression analyzes were used to estimate odds ratios and confidence intervals. Unadjusted analyzes were performed separately for the variables. The variables in each group were analyzed simultaneously using the Enter method. We used the approach of survival analysis as the event of interest considering death with a cumulative probability of survival expressed in days. No patients had follow-up lost during the study. It was considered the day of admission at the hospital until the last call date for the time analysis and the Kaplan-Meier method was estimated. To verify the influence of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised in death, there was the construction of Kaplan-Meier curves and statistical comparison was done by log-rank test. The level of significance for the analysis was 0.05. The typing and encoding data were performed in Excel and subsequently the data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 17.0. The procedures for the development of this study are complied with the guidelines and rules that regulate research involving human subjects, approved by 169 Resolution from October 10, 1996 by the National Board of Health. By this way, the database of the research maintained its anonymity and its confidentiality of the data. Most subjects were adults, men, with white ethnicity, overweight diagnosis and with NSTEMI acute myocardial. The average of diet was considered hypercaloric, hypoglycemic, with normal protein value and high in fat with increased amounts of the total caloric value in relation to the increased severity of acute coronary syndrome and inverse relation to protein value. Regarding micronutrients, the quantities were appropriate for polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and cholesterol intakes below the recommended level for linolenic fatty acids and linoleic fatty acids. The cholesterol had increased average consumption in relation to increased severity of acute coronary syndrome, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic fatty acids and trans fatty acids were increased in relation to reducing the severity of acute coronary syndrome. Furthermore, diet quality needs to improve. For full cereal components, meat products, legumes, dairy products, oils and fats and sodium, an increase of them increased the severity of the disease. There wasn\'t relationship with the severity of acute coronary syndrome for the other components, not even with the total score of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised. The lowest average values for the total score were components for whole grain, dairy and saturated fat while the highest were the total vegetable oil and derivatives and sodium
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Fatores clínicos, laboratoriais e expressão placentária de transportadores de glicose no diabetes melito gestacional: associação com a ocorrência de recém-nascido grande para idade gestacional / Clinical factors, laboratory and placental expression of glucose transporters in gestational diabetes mellitus: association with the occurrence of newborn large for gestational ageTiago, Douglas Bernal 24 July 2013 (has links)
O diabetes melito gestacional (DMG) está relacionado ao crescimento fetal exagerado. Entender a influência de fatores relacionados ao crescimento fetal auxilia na identificação dos fetos com maior risco de desvios da normalidade. Objetivo: comparar fatores clínicos, laboratoriais e a expressão placentária de transportadores de glicose segundo o crescimento fetal em pacientes com DMG. Método: Para análise dos fatores clínicos e laboratoriais foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com 425 gestantes com DMG do Setor de Endocrinopatias da Divisão de Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC FM-USP) no período de janeiro de 2003 a novembro de 2009. Para a análise da expressão placentária dos transportadores de glicose dos tipos 1 (GLUT1), 3 (GLUT3) e 4 (GLUT4) foram selecionados todos os casos de recém-nascidos grandes para idade gestacional (RNGIG) pareados com um caso controle de recém-nascido adequado para idade gestacional (RNAIG). Foram incluídas apenas gestações únicas e com DMG diagnosticado pelo teste de tolerância à glicose oral de 100 gramas, sem malformações fetais e com idade gestacional definida e confiável. Todas as gestantes realizaram dieta para diabetes, controle glicêmico diário e uso de insulina quando necessário. Os critérios de seguimento e tratamento seguiram rigorosamente as normas do Protocolo de Condutas do Setor de Endocrinopatias da Divisão de Clínica Obstétrica do HC-FMUSP. As gestantes foram divididas para análise dos dados em dois grupos: Fatores clínicos e laboratoriais com: 376 RNAIG e 49 RNGIG num total de 425 DMG. Expressão Placentária dos Transportadores de Glicose: 50 RNAIG e 44 RNGIG. Foram realizados testes de associação e médias das variáveis e relacionadas com os grupos de RNAIG e RNGIG. Resultados: Na análise univariada, dos fatores clínicos e laboratoriais, não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto a: idade materna, antecedente familiar de diabetes, antecedente pessoal de hipertensão arterial, número de gestações, valores de glicemia de jejum e 1 hora no TTGO-100g, idade gestacional no parto, sexo do RN, tipo de parto e índice de Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quanto a: índice de massa corpórea pré-gestacional (p < 0,02); uso de insulina (p < 0,041); macrossomia anterior (p < 0,001); idade gestacional do diagnóstico do DMG (p < 0,001); glicemias de duas e três horas no TTGO-100g respectivamente com (p < 0,003) e (p < 0,026). Na análise de regressão logística foram considerados preditores independentes da ocorrência de RNGIG: o índice de massa corpórea pré - gestacional, a macrossomia anterior, aidade gestacional do diagnóstico do DMG e a glicemia de duas horas após sobrecarga de 100 gramas. Em relação a expressão dos transportadores de glicose não diferiram entre os grupos em relação a expressão de GLUT1 na decídua, GLUT3 na decídua e vilosidades e GLUT4 na decídua e vilosidades. Houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à: a expressão do GLUT1 nas vilosidades. Conclusões: O índice de massa corpórea pré - gestacional, a macrossomia anterior, a idade gestacional do diagnóstico do DMG e a glicemia de duas horas após sobrecarga de 100 gramas foram preditores da ocorrência de RNGIG. A expressão de GLUT1 nas vilosidades coriônicas teve relação com a ocorrência de RNGIG / Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is related to excessive fetal growth. Knowing the influence of factors related to fetal growth assists in the identification of fetuses at high risk of deviations from normality. Objective: To compare clinical and laboratory tests and the placental expression of glucose transporters according to fetal growth in patients with GDM. Method: A retrospective study of clinical and laboratory factors related with large for gestational age newborns, included 425 pregnant women with GDM was carried out at Sector Endocrine Clinic of Obstetrics Hospital of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), between January 2003 to November 2009. For the analysis of placental expression of glucose transporters types 1 (GLUT1), 3 (GLUT3) and 4 (GLUT4) were selected all cases of newborns large for gestational age (LGA) paired with a case control newly born appropriate for gestational age (AGA). We included only patients with singleton pregnancies and GDM diagnosed by OGTT-100g, with newborns without malformations and birth weight classified as adequate or large for gestational age. All pregnant women received diet for diabetes, daily glycemic control and insulin when necessary. The criteria for monitoring and treatment followed strictly the standards of Conduct Protocol Endocrine Obstetric Clinic of the Clinic Hospital, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. The pregnancies were divided for analysis into two groups: 376 cases of newborns AGA and 49 cases of newborns LGA. Data were analyzed and considered the probability value p <0.05. Results: In the univariate analysis of clinical and laboratory factors, there were no differences between the groups regarding maternal age, family history of diabetes, personal history of hypertension, number of pregnancies, blood fasting glucose and 1 hour in- OGTT 100g, gestational age at delivery, gender of the newborn, type of delivery, Apgar score at 1st and 5th minutes. There were statistically significant differences between the groups regarding: body mass index before pregnancy (p <0.02), insulin (p <0.041), previous macrosomia (p <0.001), gestational age at diagnosis of GDM (p <0.001), blood glucose levels two and three hours at 100 g OGTT, respectively, with (p <0.003) (p <0.026). In logistic regression analysis were considered independent predictors of the occurrence of LGA: body mass index before pregnancy, previous macrosomia gestational age at diagnosis of GDM and two hours after glucose overload 100 grams. Regarding the expression of glucose transporters, the groups did not differ regarding the expression of GLUT1 in the decidua, GLUT3 in the decidua and villi and GLUT4 in the decidua and villi. There were differences between the groups regarding the expression of GLUT1 in the villi. Conclusions: The body mass index before pregnancy, previous macrosomia, gestational age of diagnosis of GDM and two hours after glucose overload 100 grams were predictors of the occurrence of LGA. The expression of GLUT1 in chorionic villi was related to the occurrence of LGA newborn
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