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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ruptura ou tradição? A crítica e a literatura portuguesa em \'O Estado de São Paulo\' no pré-modernismo brasileiro: 1900-1911 / Rupture or tradition? The criticism and the Portuguese literature in the Brazilian Pre-Modernism in the paper \'O Estado de São Paulo\': 1900- 1911

Fernanda Suely Müller 27 March 2007 (has links)
A dissertação \"Ruptura ou tradição\" A crítica e literatura portuguesa em O Estado de São Paulo no Pré-Modernismo brasileiro : 1900- 1911- investiga/analisa a presença da crítica e literatura portuguesa junto à sociedade brasileira e especialmente paulistana através da análise dos textos recolhidos dos arquivos do citado jornal nesse período de transição. A partir das 241 matérias que catalogamos, provenientes dos arquivos do jornal entre 1900 e 1911, realizamos um estudo analítico-interpretativo no intuito de descortinar as relações culturais luso-brasileiras neste momento de formação de identidade da cultura/literatura nacional. Neste trabalho destacamos ainda os mecanismos de manutenção do status quo desses valores lusitanos nas matérias do jornal, apoiando-nos sobretudo nas considerações feitas pela Estética da Recepção e nos estudos sobre os veículos de Comunicação de Massa. Para a maior parte dos críticos, o pré-modernismo brasileiro foi um momento de continuidade das poéticas européias, em que se destaca a literatura portuguesa da segunda metade do século XIX. Nesse sentido, procuramos também responder algumas questões concernentes às relações sócioculturais entre ambos países neste momento tão representativo para a cultura nacional. / This Master\'s research entitled \"Rupture or tradition? The criticism and the Portuguese literature in the Brazilian Pre-Modernism in the paper O Estado de São Paulo: 1900- 1911\" intended to investigate the Portuguese literature and culture on the Brazilian society through textual analysis collected from OESP\' archives. As from 241 articles that we catalogued about the criticism and Portuguese literature between 1900 and 1911, we realized an analytical and interpretative study with the aim to reveal the real Portuguese and Brazilians cultural relations in this age of culture and literature arrangement. In this work we show still the maintenance mechanisms of the status quo from that Portuguese virtues in the paper\'s articles, especially from the Reception Aesthetics considerations and Mass Media studies. For a great Brazilian critics number\'s, the Pre-Modernism was moment of Europeans poetics continuity, that got important the Portuguese literature from XIX century. In this way, we search also to ask some questions about the social and cultural relations between both countries in this so representative moment for the national culture.

Democracia e policentrismo do poder: uma análise da proposta de democracia cosmopolita frente à organização institucional brasileira / Democracy and polycentrism of power: an analysis of the cosmopolitan democracy proposal in front of the Brazilian institutional organization

Murilo Gaspardo 22 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe-se a investigar o potencial de o projeto de democracia cosmopolita, tal como formulado por David Held, Anthony McGrew e Daniele Archibugi, suprir o déficit democrático das instituições representativas brasileiras decorrente dos fenômenos da globalização e do policentrismo do poder, no contexto da atual crise econômica mundial. Trata-se, pois, de se contrapor o modelo cosmopolita, de caráter transterritorial, ao modelo representativo, de base territorial. A pesquisa segue um plano analítico político-jurídico, ou seja, sua sede epistemológica é a Teoria Geral do Estado. / This study wants to investigate the potential of the project of cosmopolitan democracy, how it was formulated by David Held, Anthony McGrew and Daniele Archibugi, to supply de democratic deficit of the Brazilians institutional organizations, occurred because the phenomenon of globalization and polycentrism of power, in the context of now global economic crisis. Therefore, we will compare the cosmopolitan model, of transterritorial character, and the representative model, based on the territory. This research follows a politic-juridical plan, so, its epistemological place is the General Theory of State.

As metamorfoses de Raul Pompéia: um estudo dos contos / The metamorphoses of Raul Pompéia: a study of short stories

Sidnei Xavier dos Santos 04 October 2011 (has links)
Publicados em periódicos brasileiros entre 1881 e 1890, os contos de Raul Pompéia não tiveram, ao longo do tempo, uma leitura que os singularizasse dentro da obra do autor. Mais conhecido por seu romance O Ateneu, Raul Pompéia escreveu cerca de 50 contos, que ficaram espalhados em jornais de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro por um século, até sua reunião em 1981. Este trabalho pretende fazer uma leitura detalhada da de uma parte significativa dessa produção, buscando identificar as linhas de força do gênero em Pompéia e de que maneira o autor desenvolveu seus contos tendo em vista uma reelaboração e aprimoramento de temas e estilo, visando a uma qualidade artística pouco atingida, exceção feita a Machado de Assis, no conto do século XIX. / Published in Brazilians journals between 1881 and 1890, Raul Pompeias short stories did not have, all along, a distinctive approach on the authors work. Better known by his romance O Ateneu, Raul Pompeia wrote nearly 50 short stories, spread in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiros newspapers for a century, until their reunion in 1981. This work intend to do a detailed reading of a significant part of this production, seeking an identification of the main characteristics of the genre in Pompeia. Also, in what way the author developed his short stories searching for a new elaboration and improvement of themes and style, aiming an artistic quality hardly achieved on XIX Century short story, in exception of Machado de Assis.

A participação de teuto-brasileiros na FEB (1944-1945): memória e identidade / The participation of the teutonic-brazilian in Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB): memory and identy

Ana Paula Iervolino 30 August 2011 (has links)
Com o posicionamento do Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial, as comunidades que eram relacionadas a países do Eixo sofriam perseguições por parte das autoridades, além de ataques realizados pela imprensa e parte da população. Nas comunidades alemãs circulavam valores pangermanistas, incentivando a manutenção de costumes e do idioma alemão, e eram comuns sentimentos de pertença à Alemanha entre seus habitantes. Ao lado dos demais expedicionários, jovens destes locais foram convocados para a composição da FEB. A dissertação baseada principalmente em depoimentos orais e escritos estuda questões identitárias envolvidas na participação destes expedicionários. / When Brazil participated in the Second World War, the Brazilian immigrant communities that were related to the Axis Power suffered persecutions by governmental authorities as well as attacks made by the press and part of the population. In the German communities there were ideals based on Pan-Germanism including the use of German language and customs; feelings of belonging to Germany were common among its inhabitants. Beside other members of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), people from these communities were also drafted. The research, based on different sources especially oral and written testimonies focuses on identity questions about these combatants.

\'Que eu vou na terra dos negros\': circularidades atlânticas e a comunidade brasileira na África / Que eu vou na terra dos negros: atlantic roundness and the brazilian community in Africa

Angela Fileno da Silva 12 November 2010 (has links)
A primeira geração de brasileiros estabelecida no Golfo do Benim era composta por negreiros, cujas relações tecidas com chefias locais e a manutenção das redes comerciais no Brasil, principalmente na Bahia, haviam lhes rendido ganhos econômicos e de status. Esses indivíduos foram responsáveis constituir as condições necessárias à instalação de uma segunda geração de brasileiros, em muitos aspectos, distinta da anterior. Composta majoritariamente por africanos libertos e seus descendentes, esse grupo começou a descer no litoral ocidental africano a partir de 1835. Vindos principalmente de Salvador, tais ex-cativos transformaram significativamente a composição humana das sociedades costeiras onde se estabeleceram. Como uma comunidade a parte e, no entanto, em permanente diálogo com os contextos em que seus indivíduos estavam inscritos, esses brasileiros de segunda geração foram responsáveis por selecionar e ressignificar os sinais distintivos de seu grupo. O ciclo de homenagens dirigidas ao Senhor do Bonfim é apresentado nessa dissertação como uma das ocasiões em que esse pertencimento à comunidade brasileira é publicamente ativado. Tendo a festa dedicada ao Senhor do Bonfim, o folguedo da burrinha e as canções entoadas em dias de comemoração como eixo temático que permeia esse estudo, procurei relacionar a constituição da identidade brasileira na África como um processo elaborado a partir do contato proporcionado pelo Atlântico. Nesse sentido, procuro entender quais teriam sido os mecanismos de seleção e descarte aplicados a essas comemorações que atravessaram o oceano e, no interior da comunidade, ganharam novos emblemas e adquiriram diferentes significados, constituindo um dos sinais diacríticos de uma identidade brasileira que é, sobretudo, Atlântica. / The first generation of Brazilians established in Benim Golf was made of African slaves who came by ships named negreiros whose relationships tighten with local chiefs and the maintenance of commercial networks in Brazil, mainly in Bahia, have had economic and status earnings. Those Brazilians were responsible for constituting the necessary conditions for the installment of a second generation of Brazilians, in many aspects, different from the one before. Mostly composed by freed Africans and their descendants, such group started to come down to the African Occidental Coast starting in 1835. They mainly came from Salvador and such ex-captives significantly transformed the human composition of coast societies where they established themselves. As a separate community, yet, in permanent dialogue with the contexts where its individuals where registered, those second generation Brazilians were responsible for selecting and giving a new meaning to the different signs of their group. The homage cycle addressed to Senhor do Bomfim is presented in this dissertation as one of the occasions where such pertaining to a Brazilian community is publicly active. Having the party dedicated to Senhor do Bomfim, the folguedo da burrinha (religious party) and the songs tuned in celebration days as thematic axis which permeates this study; I have tried to relate the constitution of the Brazilian identity in Africa as an elaborated process starting from the contact provided by the Atlantic Ocean. In that sense, I have tried to understand what were the mechanisms of selection and discharge applied to those celebrations that crossed the ocean and, in the community interior, gained new emblems and have acquired different meanings, constituting one of the diacritical signs of a Brazilian identity that is, above all, an Atlantic one.

Literatura e loucura : a transcendência pela palavra / Literature and madness, the transcendence by word

Musilli, Célia, 1957- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Adélia Toledo Bezerra de Meneses / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T23:27:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Musilli_Celia_M.pdf: 2381698 bytes, checksum: 6a1d3fb1ffb3ee3921bdce966c80462f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O objetivo da dissertação é analisar os livros Hospício é Deus ¿ Diário I e O Sofredor do Ver de Maura Lopes Cançado, escritora considerada esquizofrênica, fazendo uma relação entre literatura e loucura, com ênfase na linguagem utilizada. Em Hospício é Deus, ela utiliza a escrita como forma de organizar sua experiência no manicômio, dando voz à sua angústia não só como indivíduo, mas também como testemunha dos dramas coletivos. O livro é um relato realista, considerado um documento importante sobre a vida manicomial no Brasil nos 1950, período em que Maura passou por vários internamentos. Seu maior mérito é a dar voz aos loucos, legitimando um discurso de pessoas quase sempre excluídas do processo social e cultural. Na análise deste livro são abordados alguns eixos temáticos como Deus, loucura, culpa, sexo e afetividade, além da relação entre "olho e o olhar" bastante recorrente na obra de Maura, sob o ponto de vista da vigilância no hospício e sua observação atenta da realidade transformada em literatura. O Sofredor do Ver é uma obra ficcional pouco estudada. Traz doze contos nos quais a loucura e o delírio são temas que aparecem de forma objetiva ou subjetiva, demandando uma análise da linguagem a partir, sobretudo, das imagens poéticas que dão pistas sobre o inconsciente da obra. Seus contos apresentam forte conteúdo autobiográfico e traços surrealistas a partir de um viés delirante ou de conteúdo onírico, bem como pela crítica ao sistema manicomial que pontua toda sua obra / Abstract: The purpose of the dissertation is to examine the books Hospício é Deus ¿ Diário I and O Sofredor do Ver by Maura Lopes Cançado, writer considered schizophrenic, establishing a relationship between literature and madness, with enphasis on the language used by her. In Hospício é Deus ¿ Diário I , she uses writing as a way to organize her experience in the asylum, voicing her anguish not only as an individual but also as a witness of collective dramas. The book is a realistic portrayal, regarded as an important document on asylum life in Brazil in the 1950¿s, a period when Maura went through several hospitalizations. Its greatest merit is to give voice to the insane, legitimizing a speech of people most often excluded from social and cultural processes. Some thematic axes are discussed are approached in the analysis of this book, such as God, madness, guilt, sex and affection, and also the relationship between "eye and looking", highly recurrent in Maura¿s work, from the point of view of surveillance in hospice and her close observation of reality transformed into literature. O Sofredor do Ver is a fictional work scarcely studied. It brings twelve short stories in which madness and delusion are themes that appear objectively or subjectively, requiring an analysis of language from, mostly, poetic images that give clues about the unconscious of the work. Her short stories present a strong autobiographical content and surrealist traits from a delusional bias or a dream-like content, as well as the criticism of the asylum system that punctuates all of her work / Mestrado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Mestra em Teoria e História Literária

Méthodes de recherche d’emploi, formelles et informelles, et accès à des emplois qualifiés des immigrants brésiliens à Montréal

Simonsen, Christiana 07 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études font ressortir les difficultés d’intégration des immigrants qualifiés sur le marché du travail au Québec (Chicha et Charest, 2008; Boudarbat et Boulet, 2010 ; Forcier et Handal, 2012). La non-reconnaissance des qualifications acquises à l’étranger, l’insuffisante maitrise du français et la discrimination en entreprise figurent parmi les obstacles les plus souvent évoqués (Bourhis et al. , 2007 ; Chanoux, 2009). Une des difficultés mentionnées (Eid, 2012 ; Forcier et Handal, 2012) concerne leur difficulté à s’insérer dans des réseaux socioprofessionnels composés de non-immigrants. Or, comme l’ont montré d’autres auteurs (Ibarra, 1993; Granovetter, 1983; Robert, 2007; Beji et Pellerin, 2010), ces réseaux contribuent à l’intégration en emploi. En effet, les réseaux favorisent, entre autres, l’accès à l’information concernant la disponibilité de certains postes avant même qu’ils ne soient publiquement affichés (Ibarra, 1993). Une fois en emploi, l’appartenance à un réseau formé de collègues ou de supérieurs immédiats permet de profiter de leur appui et de leurs conseils. Les Brésiliens, comme les autres immigrants, ont de la difficulté à bâtir un réseau. Cette population peu étudiée à Montréal surtout en ce qui a trait aux méthodes de recherche d’emploi (formelles et informelles) qui influencent l’accès à des emplois qualifiés fera l’objet de notre recherche. Notre objectif est d’analyser et de comprendre l’accès à des emplois qualifiés pour les immigrants brésiliens à Montréal au moyen des méthodes de recherche d’emploi formelles et informelles. Pour ce faire, une analyse de type qualitatif, avec des entrevues semi-dirigées, a été effectuée auprès de Brésiliens hautement qualifiés à Montréal. Les résultats de notre recherche permettront de mieux comprendre les efforts des Brésiliens à obtenir un emploi qualifié et à constituer des réseaux socioprofessionnels et comment ceux-ci peuvent appuyer leur intégration en emploi. / Many studies highlight the challenges of integrating skilled immigrants into the labor market in Quebec (Chicha and Charest, 2008; Boudarbat and Boulet, 2010; Forcier and Handal, 2012). The lack of recognition of qualifications acquired abroad, insufficient knowledge of the French language and discrimination in the workplace, are among the most frequently cited challenges that new immigrants face upon settling in Quebec (Bourhis et al. 2007; Chanoux, 2009). One of the difficulties mentioned (Eid 2012; Forcier and Handal, 2012) is the challenge of integrating into socio-professional networks composed of non-immigrants. Nevertheless, as shown by some authors (Ibarra, 1993; Granovetter, 1983; Robert, 2007; Beji and Pellerin, 2010), those networks are key to integrating into the job market. Indeed, networks provide access to important information such as the availability of job opportunities before they are posted on job boards or career sites (Ibarra, 1993). Once employed, being part of a network of colleagues or superiors can facilitate the individual’s career goals by having the support and advice of their network. Brazilians, like other immigrants, also face challenges in building a network. Since there is very little research regarding the integration of Brazilians in Montreal, especially concerning the job search methods (formal and informal) that influence the access to skilled jobs for Brazilian immigrants in Montreal, we have decided to explore this subject and will focus our research on this population. Consequently, the aim of this research is to analyze and understand job search methods (formal and informal) that influence the access to skilled jobs for Brazilian immigrants in Montreal.As for the methodology, a qualitative analysis, with semi-structured interviews, were conducted with highly qualified professionals living and working in Montreal. The results of our research will allow further research to better understand how Brazilian immigrants succeed, or not, in obtaining a job related to their background and building social and professional networks as well as how those networks can support their employment integration.

Brasyonkerki : les églises de Brésiliens au Suriname / Brasyonkerki : the Brazilians' churches in Suriname / Brasyonkerki : as igrejas de brasileiros em Suriname

Araujo, John da Silva 27 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail aborde les dynamiques d’adaptations et de mutations des Églises évangéliques fréquentées par les immigrés brésiliens présents au Suriname – pays né dans une perspective de reconnaissance sociale et politique de la diversité ethnique et culturelle, cristallisée dans l’apanjhat (idéologie qui légitime les politiques multiculturelles). Les premières Églises, installées dans ce pays par des missionnaires envoyés par des institutions évangéliques du Brésil, ont été la Dieu est Amour, en 1994, et l'Assemblée de Dieu, en 1996. À partir des années 2000, des divisions dans la Dieu est Amour, de nouvelles missions venues du Brésil et une autre venue de Guyane française ont modifié ce champ religieux, en faisant apparaître de nouvelles Églises, qui, à côté des deux citées, vont former un groupe d'Églises nommées Brasyonkerki, terme qui, en langue vernaculaire surinamienne, signifie « Églises de Brésiliens », du fait de s’adresser essentiellement aux Brésiliens et d’utiliser le portugais comme langue liturgique. Insérées dans une société marquée par la pluralité ethnique, la transmigration et les zones d’orpaillage, ces Églises s'adaptent, se métamorphosent et sont influencés par les immigrés brésiliens. Elles se trouvent alors dans une tension entre une prédilection pour ces immigrés et le prosélytisme universel qui leur est propre. / This work approaches the dynamics of adaptations and transformations of the evangelic Churches attended by the Brazilian immigrants living in Suriname - country born in a perspective of social and political recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity, crystallized in the apanjhat (ideology which legitimizes the multicultural policies). The first Churches, settled in this country by missionaries sent by evangelic institutions of Brazil, were « God is Love », in 1994, and « Assemblies of God », in 1996. From the 2000s, divisions in « God is Love », new missions came from Brazil and another coming of French Guiana modified this religious field, by revealing new Churches, which, next to both –churches- quoted, are going to form a group of Churches named « Brasyonkerki », term meaning in Surinamese vernacular language, "Brazilians' Churches", addressed essentially to the Brazilians and to use Portuguese as liturgical language. Inserted into a society marked by the ethnic plurality, the transmigration and the zones of gold washing, these Churches adapt themselves, metamorphose and are influenced by the Brazilian immigrants. They are then in a tension between a preference for these immigrants and a universal proselytism of their own. / Este trabalho aborda a dinâmica da formação, as adaptações e as mutações das Igrejas evangélicas frequentadas por imigrantes brasileiros no Suriname, país nascido na dinâmica de reconhecimento social e político da diversidade étnica e cultural, cristalizada no apanjhat (ideologia que legitima as suas políticas multiculturais). As primeiras instaladas ali foram a Deus é Amor, em 1994, e a Assembleia de Deus, em 1996, por missionários enviados por instituições evangélicas do Brasil. A partir dos anos 2000, cisões na Deus é Amor, missões vindas do Brasil e uma da Guiana Francesa tumultuaram esse campo religioso, fazendo surgir novas Igrejas, que, junto às duas citadas, formam um grupo de Igrejas denominadas de Brasyonkerki, termo que significa, na língua vernacular surinamesa, “Igrejas de brasileiros” — assim reconhecidas pelos surinameses porque, além de voltadas para brasileiros, utilizam o português como língua litúrgica. Envoltas por um quadro de sociedade plural, transmigração e garimpos de ouro, elas se adaptam, se metamorfoseiam, influenciam e são influenciadas pelos imigrantes brasileiros, e se encontram num dilema entre seu direcionamento a eles e seu proselitismo universalista característico.

“O Negro No Poder - The Power in Black” : Language forms in lyrics from different Blocos Afro reflecting Afro-Brazilian identity work in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil thematically connected to negritude

Ramos Pinheiro, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
The present study aims to test my hypothesis that the language forms found in the Blocos Afro discourses in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil can be seen as expressions of Afro-Brazilian and/or Blocos Afro identity work and can also be seen as being, at least thematically, connected to the negritude movement.  The study is based on samples created of Blocos Afro lyrics. As a selection of Blocos Afro I chose Ilê Ayiê, Cortejo Afro and Olodum, which are all well recognized and with a long tradition presenting themselves in Salvador.  In total the analysis was made from 31942 words and/or 250 lyrics.  A pilot was used to create a framework to select and identify expressions and language forms attested to be associated with the Afro-Brazilian identity. I relied on quantitative and qualitative approaches to the analyses. First, I categorized the expressions from the different lyrics by using a word cloud application which provides an overview of word frequency in a given corpus and can be used to underpin qualitative analyses. By using word cloud the frequency of words in the total corpus of 250 lyrics and particular lyrics was analyzed. Based on this analysis of the frequency of use of expression and language forms, I carried out a thematic analysis of the discourses and compared the themes to salient themes of negritude.  The results show that the Afro-Brazilian identity in Salvador is thematically connected to the negritude movement and that the Afro-Blocos lyrics analyzed show identity work a strong ingroup perspective.

Grau de endividamento das maiores empresas privadas brasileiras por setores (1995-1998)

Garcia Junior, Nelson Calsavara 18 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nelson Calsavara Garcia Junior.pdf: 972843 bytes, checksum: 5843736e2e883eb49e723d697cffc90e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-18 / This dissertation analyzes the evolution of the debt ratio of the biggest companies of Brazil in the years from 1995 to 1998. The relevance of analyzing such a short period is justified for its peculiarities: accentuated fall of the inflation, maintenance of the valued fixed exchange rate, expressive increase of the tributary load and high interests rates, results of the implantation of a new economic plan, Plano Real, as well as, of the turbulences brought by the crises in Mexico in 1995, in Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998. The analysis is made starting from picked data of the Balance Sheet of the biggest companies of Brazil, published by the Exame As Melhores e Maiores revue. The data are contained by economic sections and they show strong differences among them. The general tendency is of debt growth, with significant fall in 1996. The obtained results don't allow the establishment of clear relationships of this growth with the main macroeconomics variable. It is not also possible to obtain of there evidences that are indicated the increase of the debt elapsed of larger needs of working capital for increase of the production or of financial embrittlement of the companies / Esta dissertação analisa a evolução do grau de endividamento das maiores empresas do Brasil nos anos de 1995 a 1998. A relevância de analisar um período tão curto se justifica por suas peculiaridades: queda acentuada da inflação, manutenção do câmbio fixo valorizado, aumento expressivo da carga tributária e taxas de juros elevadas, resultados da implantação de um novo plano econômico, o Plano Real, bem como, das turbulências trazidas pelas crises no México em 1995, na Ásia em 1997 e na Rússia em 1998. A análise é feita a partir de dados colhidos dos Balanços Patrimoniais das maiores empresas do Brasil, publicados pela Revista Exame As Melhores e Maiores. Os dados estão agrupados por setores econômicos e mostram fortes diferenças entre eles. A tendência geral é de crescimento do endividamento, com queda significativa em 1996. Os resultados obtidos não permitem o estabelecimento de relações claras deste crescimento com as principais variáveis macroeconômicas. Também não é possível obter daí evidências que indiquem se o aumento do endividamento decorreu de necessidades maiores de capital de giro para aumento da produção ou de fragilização financeira das empresas

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