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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GIS Processing on the Web

Knutsson, Erik, Rydhe, Manne January 2022 (has links)
Today more and more advanced and demanding applications are finding their way to the web. These are applications like video editing, games, and mathematical calculations. Up until a few years ago, JavaScript was the only language present on the web. That was until Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple decided to develop WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a low-level language, similar to assembly, but running in the browser. WebAssembly was not created to replace JavaScript, but to be used alongside it and complement JavaScript’s weaknesses. WebAssembly is still a relatively new language (2017) and is in continuous development. This work is presented as a guideline, and to give a general direction of how WebAssembly is performing (in 2022) when operating on GIS data. When comparing the execution speed of WebAssembly running in different environments (NodeJS, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox), NodeJS was the fastest. The second fastest was Mozilla Firefox, and the slowest was Google Chrome. However, when compared to the native implementation in C++, no environment came close to the developers’ promised 10% slowdown compared to the native code. The average slowdowns found in this study were: The benchmark with small input files ran 63% slower than native. The benchmark with medium input files ran 62% slower than native, and the benchmarks with large input files ran 68% slower than native. The results are comparable to the study [6], which found that the slowdown was around 45% when running WebAssembly on Mozilla Firefox and 55% on Google Chrome with a peak of 2.5 times slowdown compared to native. This study aimed to measure memory usage in the different environments for operations on GIS data. However, the methods used in this study to measure memory proved to be too unsophisticated when dealing with JIT and garbage collection. For future work, a more detailed "memory allocated over time" graph should probably be used to be able to measure the peaks of memory currently allocated to the process instead of looking at the difference in memory before and after.

Breaking WebAssembly Crypto Miner Detection by Obfuscation / Knäcker WebAssembly-cryptominerdetektering med obfuskering

Ekner, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies is a fairly new concept with a worldwide spread, and there is a massive amount of currencies. Several of them involve so-called currency mining, a feature of Proof-of-Work based blockchains. One problem with currency mining is that it can be performed when visiting websites in the user's browser, exploiting the user's resources and consuming energy. This has spawned a wide variety of crypto mining detection algorithms in the research. A particular issue that can make detection difficult is if the code of the miner has been obfuscated. Because of the limited research on detecting obfuscated miners, this thesis selects a state-of-the-art detection algorithm and uses it to analyze crypto miners obfuscated with various obfuscation techniques. A dataset of Wasm binaries is constructed by filtering out miners with the help of the detection algorithm. The result indicates that multiple obfuscation techniques, all trivial to implement with basic find-and-replacement, are highly effective at hindering the miner detector. Some techniques lower the detection rate by 100% on the dataset. The effectiveness seems to depend primarily on how many lines are modified in the program, and secondly on what modifications exactly are performed. Also, the obfuscated samples do not take a longer time to analyze, on the contrary, the mean execution time of the detection algorithm becomes primarily shorter. The conclusion is that more research must be done in constructing detection algorithms robust towards code obfuscation, and that the detection rate of today's algorithms might be misleading if there is a large amount of obfuscated miners on the web. / Blockkedjebaserade kryptovalutor är ett relativt nytt koncept som spridit sig globalt, och det finns en uppsjö med kryptovalutor. Flera av dem involverar mining (”valutagrävning”), en företeelse hos Proof-of-work-baserade blockkedjor. Ett problem med mining är att det kan genomföras när en användare besöker webbsidor i webbläsaren, och därmed utnyttja användarens resurser och förbruka onödig energi. Detta har lett till forskning på flera olika typer av detektorer för mining. Ett särskilt problem som kan försvåra detektering är om miner-koden har obfuskerats. På grund av den begränsade forskningen på att detektera obfuskerade miner-program väljs i detta examensarbete en state-of-the-art-algoritm för detektering, och denna används för att analysera miner-program obfuskerade med olika obfuskeringstekniker. Ett dataset av Wasm-binärer konstrueras genom att filtrera ut miner-program med hjälp av detekteringsalgoritmen. Resultatet indikerar att flera obfuskeringstekniker, samtliga triviala att implementera med grundläggande hitta-och-ersätt-operationer, är mycket effektiva för att hindra detektorn. Vissa tekniker minskar detekteringsgraden med 100% på det dataset som används. Effektiviteten verkar primärt bero på hur många rader som är modifierade i programmet, och sekundärt på exakt vad för slags modifikation som genomförs. Dessutom tar de obfuskerade programmen inte längre tid att analysera, i själva verket är genomsnittstiden för detekteringsalgoritmen i huvudsak kortare jämfört med de ej obfuskerade. Slutsatsen är att mer forskning måste genomföras för att konstruera detekteringsalgoritmer som är robusta mot kodobfuskering, och detekteringsgraden hos dagens detekteringsalgoritmer kan vara vilseledande om det finns en stor mängd obfuskerade miner-program på webben.

Kampen fortsätter : En studie om kompatibilitetsproblem mellan moderna webbläsare / The fight continues : A study of compatibility problems of modern web browsers

Trenkler, Silja January 2006 (has links)
<p>Under 1990-talet utspelade sig en bitter kamp om marknadsandelar mellan de två ledande webbläsare Internet Explorer och Netscape Navigator, det så kallade webbläsar-kriget. Kriget hade till följd att webbläsarna blev nästan helt inkompatibla. Sedan dess pågår en ständig utveckling av gemensamma standarder för webben. Idag är förutsättningarna för kompatibilitet mycket bättre än för tio år sidan, men problemet är inte fullständigt avhjälpt. De moderna webbläsare Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 och Safari kan återge en och samma webbsida visas på olika sätt trots att det finns gemensamma standarder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på de tekniska orsakerna bakom problemet samt att ta fram lösningsförslag för att skapa en webbsida som är helt kompatibel i de moderna webbläsarna. Uppsatsen innehåller ett omfattande teorikapitel som behandlar definitioner, historik och problem. Teorin kompletteras av tre fältintervjuer med professionella webbutvecklare. Undersökningarna visar att kompati-bilitetsproblem beror på flera faktorer och att det är omöjligt att skapa en heltäckande lösning som kommer åt alla problem. Men genom att kombinera olika tekniker kan man skapa en metod som täcker en stor del av såväl generella som specifika kompatibilitetsproblemen utan att kollidera med rekommenderade standarder.</p> / <p>During the 1990’s the two leading web browsers, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, fought each other in a battle for market shares, the so-called browser war. This war caused almost complete incompatibility between the web browsers. Since then, there has been a continual development of common standards for the web. Today conditions for compatibility are a lot better compared to ten years ago, but the problem is not completely solved. The modern web browsers Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 and Safari can display the exact same web page differently despite common standards. The aim of this essay is to investigate the technical causes of the problem and to develop suggested solutions for creating a web page that is fully compatible in modern browsers. The essay contains an extensive literature study, considering definitions, history and problems. The theory was completed with three field interviews with professional web designers. The investigations show that compatibility problems depend on several factors and that it is impossible to create one exhaustive solution that encompasses all problems. However, by combining different techniques one can create a method that covers a large part of both general and specific compatibility problems without colliding with recommended standards.</p>

Kampen fortsätter : En studie om kompatibilitetsproblem mellan moderna webbläsare / The fight continues : A study of compatibility problems of modern web browsers

Trenkler, Silja January 2006 (has links)
Under 1990-talet utspelade sig en bitter kamp om marknadsandelar mellan de två ledande webbläsare Internet Explorer och Netscape Navigator, det så kallade webbläsar-kriget. Kriget hade till följd att webbläsarna blev nästan helt inkompatibla. Sedan dess pågår en ständig utveckling av gemensamma standarder för webben. Idag är förutsättningarna för kompatibilitet mycket bättre än för tio år sidan, men problemet är inte fullständigt avhjälpt. De moderna webbläsare Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 och Safari kan återge en och samma webbsida visas på olika sätt trots att det finns gemensamma standarder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på de tekniska orsakerna bakom problemet samt att ta fram lösningsförslag för att skapa en webbsida som är helt kompatibel i de moderna webbläsarna. Uppsatsen innehåller ett omfattande teorikapitel som behandlar definitioner, historik och problem. Teorin kompletteras av tre fältintervjuer med professionella webbutvecklare. Undersökningarna visar att kompati-bilitetsproblem beror på flera faktorer och att det är omöjligt att skapa en heltäckande lösning som kommer åt alla problem. Men genom att kombinera olika tekniker kan man skapa en metod som täcker en stor del av såväl generella som specifika kompatibilitetsproblemen utan att kollidera med rekommenderade standarder. / During the 1990’s the two leading web browsers, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, fought each other in a battle for market shares, the so-called browser war. This war caused almost complete incompatibility between the web browsers. Since then, there has been a continual development of common standards for the web. Today conditions for compatibility are a lot better compared to ten years ago, but the problem is not completely solved. The modern web browsers Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 and Safari can display the exact same web page differently despite common standards. The aim of this essay is to investigate the technical causes of the problem and to develop suggested solutions for creating a web page that is fully compatible in modern browsers. The essay contains an extensive literature study, considering definitions, history and problems. The theory was completed with three field interviews with professional web designers. The investigations show that compatibility problems depend on several factors and that it is impossible to create one exhaustive solution that encompasses all problems. However, by combining different techniques one can create a method that covers a large part of both general and specific compatibility problems without colliding with recommended standards.

Webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare : Faktorer som påverkar privatpersoners användning/ickeanvändning av webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare / Web-browsers built-in password managers : Factors affecting the use/non-use of browsers' built-in password managers by individuals

Klaar, Jonathan, Masak, Allen January 2021 (has links)
Kunskap om lösenord och deras säkerhet är idag något som förbises av den gemene datoranvändaren. Lösenordshanterare kan både hjälpa och skydda vid hanteringen av lösenord. De flesta webbläsare idag har inbyggda funktioner för lösenordshantering. Utifrån existerande litteratur kunde det identifieras att det behövs data kring vilka faktorer som påverkar webbläsares användare att använda respektive inte använda dessa inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Syftet med rapporten är att presentera en analys av faktorer som påverkar varför privatpersoner väljer att använda respektive inte använda webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Resultatet presenteras med hjälp av kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer där 33 respondenter deltagit och besvarat frågor kring deras hantering av lösenord och användning av webbläsares inbyggda lösenordshanterare. Resultat från intervjuer visade att faktorer som var av betydande roll för ickeanvändande respondenter var starkt kopplade till datorvana och hur ofta respondenter använde datorn. De faktorer som spelade störst roll för användare av verktyget var enkelhet och tidseffektivitet. Icke-användare tenderade att ha en behovsbrist gällande verktyget, mestadels på grund av deras avsaknad av datoranvändning. Faktorer som påverkar användare och icke-användare visade sig stämma överens med tidigare forskning. Dessutom sammanfattades att antalet respondenter som var användare av lösenordshanterare var betydligt högre än vad som tidigare hävdats i litteratur. Majoriteten av respondenterna (79%) var användare av lösenordshanterare, vilket motsäger tidigare studier som utförts där endast 23% använder sig av lösenordshanterare. / Knowledge of passwords and their security is today something that is overlooked by the everyday computer user. Password managers can both help and protect when managing passwords. Most web browsers today have built-in password management features. Based on existing literature, it could be identified that there is a need for knowledge concerning which factors influence web browser users to use or not use their built-in password managers. The purpose of the report is to present an analysis of factors that affect why private individuals choose to use or not use browsers built-in password managers. The results are presented with the help of qualitative semi-structured interviews in which 33 respondents participated and answered questions about their handling of passwords and the use of web browsers built-in password managers. Results from the interviews showed that factors that were significant for non-user respondents were strongly linked to computer skills and how often respondents used the computer. The factors that played the biggest role for users of the tool were simplicity and time efficiency. Non-users tended to have a lack of need for the tool, mostly because of their lack of computer usage. Factors affecting users and non-users were found to be consistent with previous research. In addition, it was concluded that the number of respondents who were users of password managers was significantly higher than previously claimed in the literature. The majority of respondents (79%) were users of password managers, which contradicts previous studies conducted where only 23% use password managers.

Data analysis and creation of epigenetics database

Desai, Akshay A. 21 May 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis is aimed at creating a pipeline for analyzing DNA methylation epigenetics data and creating a data model structured well enough to store the analysis results of the pipeline. In addition to storing the results, the model is also designed to hold information which will help researchers to decipher a meaningful epigenetics sense from the results made available. Current major epigenetics resources such as PubMeth, MethyCancer, MethDB and NCBI’s Epigenomics database fail to provide holistic view of epigenetics. They provide datasets produced from different analysis techniques which raises an important issue of data integration. The resources also fail to include numerous factors defining the epigenetic nature of a gene. Some of the resources are also struggling to keep the data stored in their databases up-to-date. This has diminished their validity and coverage of epigenetics data. In this thesis we have tackled a major branch of epigenetics: DNA methylation. As a case study to prove the effectiveness of our pipeline, we have used stage-wise DNA methylation and expression raw data for Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) from TCGA data repository. The pipeline helped us to identify progressive methylation patterns across different stages of LUAD. It also identified some key targets which have a potential for being a drug target. Along with the results from methylation data analysis pipeline we combined data from various online data reserves such as KEGG database, GO database, UCSC database and BioGRID database which helped us to overcome the shortcomings of existing data collections and present a resource as complete solution for studying DNA methylation epigenetics data.

The development of a computer literacy curriculum for California charter schools

Mobarak, Barbara Ann 01 January 2004 (has links)
To develop leaders for the 21st century, schools must be able to prepare students to meet the high academic, technical and workforce challenges. Charter schools are increasingly attempting to meet these challenges by educating students through innovative means and by creating effectual educational programs that are more conducive to the needs of the student. This document provides a computer literacy curriculum, which will facilitate student learning of computer literacy skills.

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit / Webanwendungen unter Verwendung des Google Web Toolkits

von Wenckstern, Michael 04 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project. / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit

von Wenckstern, Michael 05 June 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources

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