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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'accessibilité urbaine en transport public et ses déterminants. Le cas de Bruxelles

Lebrun, Kevin 29 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
FR :Malgré des pratiques de mobilité qui se diversifient, le poids de la voiture au sein des déplacements intrabruxellois reste important. Les nuisances engendrées par ces pratiques sont aussi bien d’ordre économique, social, qu’environnemental et forment un système complexe dont les conséquences dommageables pour la collectivité sont de surcroît accentuées par le contexte urbain.En s’inscrivant dans une logique visant dès lors à renforcer l’utilisation des transports publics et à mieux connecter les différentes parties de la ville, cette recherche pose la question de la desserte des quartiers bruxellois et particulièrement celle d’une meilleure compréhension des logiques sous-jacentes. Pour y répondre, la thèse combine une approche théorique basée sur l’analyse de la littérature scientifique ainsi qu’une approche empirique dont la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale constitue le cas d’étude.Ce faisant, les mesures réalisées à l’heure de pointe matinale d’un jour ouvrable mettent en évidence une forte hétérogénéité des temps de parcours, y compris s’agissant de rejoindre une série de pôles d’activités de premier plan. Il apparaît également que la variance observée est subordonnée à des logiques radiales et concentriques, et que sa partie expliquée n’est pas liée uniquement aux facteurs les plus fréquemment mis en évidence au sein de la littérature, tels que ceux se rapportant à la densité.Par ailleurs, le trafic automobile pèse encore lourdement sur les temps de parcours, les allongeant en moyenne d’un quart en dépit des politiques menées ces dernières années, visant à protéger les transports publics. Mais à côté de cela, l’organisation interne des réseaux a également un impact considérable, ce qui souligne le rôle des opérateurs de transport. La contribution importante, actuelle ou potentielle, des opérateurs autres que la STIB est d’ailleurs révélée.Enfin, devant le manque de cohérence des pouvoirs publics, les résultats obtenus montrent également tout l’intérêt de faire de l’accessibilité des quartiers en transport public un objectif fort de la politique régionale. En effet, alors que 30% de la population bruxelloise réside actuellement au sein de quartiers présentant un déficit d’accessibilité compte tenu de sa localisation, se pose la question d’une vision permettant de lier, sur le long terme, le développement de la ville à des pratiques de mobilités plus durables, ce que permet précisément ce concept géographique fondamental. / EN :Despite mobility practices which are becoming more diversified, the proportion of cars used for travel within Brussels remains significant. The harm caused by these practices has an economic, social and environmental impact, and forms a complex system with detrimental effects on the community, which are more pronounced in the urban context.In a perspective aimed at reinforcing the use of public transport and at making better connections between the different parts of the city, the present research raises questions regarding the service provided in the neighbourhoods of Brussels and, in particular, the underlying rationales and how to have a better understanding of them. In order to answer these questions, the thesis combines a theoretical approach based on an analysis of the academic literature and an empirical approach for which the Brussels-Capital Region constitutes the case study.In doing so, the measurements taken during the morning rush hour on a weekday highlight a marked heterogeneity in travel time, including travel to a series of major poles of activity. It also appears that the variance observed is subordinate to radial and concentric logic, and that the part of it which is accounted for is not only linked to the factors which are highlighted most often in the literature, such as those related to density.Furthermore, car traffic still weighs heavily on travel time, increasing its length by one quarter on average, despite the policies implemented in recent years, aimed at protecting public transport. But in addition to this, the internal organisation of networks also has a considerable impact, which underlines the role of transport operators. The significant contribution – present or potential – of operators other than STIB is also revealed.Finally, faced with the lack of coherence of the public authorities, the results obtained also show how important it is to make the accessibility of neighbourhoods by public transport a main objective of regional policy. While 30% of the population of Brussels currently resides in neighbourhoods with poor accessibility due to their location, the question is raised with regard to a vision allowing a connection between the development of the city and more sustainable mobility practices in the long term, which is precisely what this fundamental geographical concept allows. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Řešení sporů z mezinárodní kupní smlouvy / International Sales Dispute Resolution

Gavrilova, Iva January 2018 (has links)
INTERNATIONAL SALES DISPUTE RESOLUTION ABSTRACT This dissertation deals with judicial resolution of disputes arising from cross-border commercial relationships, more precisely from international sales contract as their common representative. The introduction defines the term of international sales contract (chapter one) and the process of its formation (chapter two) under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"). It addresses inter alia the gap filling of the CISG, uniform interpretation or commercial usages. Some comparative notes are also provided. Further, it examines a phenomenon called "battle of forms" that often occurs in practice when dealing with standard terms and conditions. The focal point of the thesis is the rules of jurisdiction set out in the Brussels I Regulation Recast ("Regulation") which are analysed from the perspective of an international commercial relationship. The emphasis is on the prorogation of jurisdiction under the Regulation. The third chapter deals with the territorial, temporal and material scope of application of the Regulation, as well as with its autonomous interpretation. It also discusses the role of the Regulation in arbitration. Chapter four reviews the rules of jurisdiction applicable when there is no valid choice of...

La campagne "Fair Trade Towns" : une mise en territoires du commerce équitable au nom du développement durable : exemples de Lyon et Bruxelles-Capitale / The “Fair Trade Towns” campaign : territories for fair trade in the name of sustainable development : Lyon, Brussels

Rolland, Lisa 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le commerce équitable fait majoritairement l’objet de travaux en sciences agro-économiques (études d’impact, de filière, structuration des organisations,…). Par ailleurs, si les premières recherches étaient centrées vers le Sud et dans la compréhension de flux mondialisés, un décentrement du secteur vers d’autres espaces et dynamiques d’acteurs est perceptible autour de nouveaux enjeux liés à son inscription dans les politiques publiques. Cette évolution ouvre des perspectives originales de recherche et élargit le champ des disciplines concernées. La thèse s’inscrit dans ces nouvelles approches. Elle interroge les « Fair Trade Towns », campagne internationale de promotion du commerce équitable lancée en 2000, déclinée essentiellement dans les villes européennes. Dans ce projet l’objectif est d’associer collectivités, acteurs locaux, privés et publics, pour valoriser le commerce équitable à l’échelle d’un «territoire». Dans une démarche de géographie sociale, la recherche s’intéresse à ce changement de paradigme du commerce équitable et interroge le rôle de nouveaux acteurs dans ce processus ainsi que les différentes strates spatiales en jeu dans le cadre d’une territorialisation inédite. Pour les comprendre, la thèse se fonde sur des enquêtes de terrain associant entretiens, dessins (cartes mentales) et observation. Les villes de Lyon et Bruxelles sont les deux terrains d’étude choisis : déclinée nationalement « Territoires de commerce équitable » en France (2009), « Communes du commerce équitable » ou « Fair Trade Gemeente » en Belgique (2004), la campagne prend la forme d’un titre décerné à une collectivité, mais aussi celle d’un outil de communication du développement durable urbain. La campagne atteste du rôle nouveau et central de collectivités dans ce projet territorial, avec des stratégies d’acteurs et des tensions palpables sur une redéfinition du commerce équitable dans les Nords. / Fair trade is principally the object of study in agro-economical research (case studies on fair trade impact, networks, structuring of organisations…). Moreover, even if initial research was centred on the South and on the understanding of globalized flows, a growing shift towards the North appears with its integration into sustainable public policy. This progression leads to new research perspectives and broadens the subjects. This thesis falls within these new approaches. It questions fair trade geography with a special focus on the international campaign “Fair Trade Towns”, launched in 2000 to promote fair trade and which is centred mainly on European cities. In this project, the goal is to promote faire trade by linking communities with local private and public actors at a new scale for fair trade which mainly takes “towns” into consideration rather than cities. Within social geography, this research focuses on the paradigm change of fair trade and questions the role of new actors in this process, as well as the different scalar levels involved in a new territorialisation. To analyse and understand them, this thesis is based on field studies which combine interviews, drawing (mental maps) and observation. The two case studies chosen are the cities of Lyon (France) and Brussels (Belgium): on a national level “Fair Trade Territories” in France (2009), “Fair Trade Communities” or “Fair Trade Gemeente” in Belgium (2004), the campaign takes the form of a title given to a community, but also the one of an urban sustainable development communication tool. The campaign testifies of the new and central role played by communities in this territorial project, including stakeholder strategies and noticeable tensions concerning the redefinition of fair trade in the North.

Habiter à l’épreuve de la langue. Politiques linguistiques et territorialités en périphérie flamande de Bruxelles-Capitale. / To inhabit in spite of the language : language policies and territorialities within the Flemish periphery of Brussels-Capital.

Bonfiglioli, Clotilde 06 December 2017 (has links)
L'instauration des frontières linguistiques en Belgique n'a en rien limité l'internationalisation et la francisation de la périphérie flamande de Bruxelles-Capitale. L'afflux d'une population nationale francophone, venue de la capitale belge, provoque un sentiment de minorisation au sein de la population néerlandophone habitant cette périphérie. Depuis le début des années 1990, les autorités municipales et régionales mettent en place des politiques linguistiques censées préserver la culture flamande des dix-neuf communes limitrophes de Bruxelles-Capitale. Un véritable dispositif territorial, officiellement baptisé le « Vlaamse Rand » (littéralement la « périphérie flamande »), analysé dans cette thèse, vise à « discipliner » les usages linguistiques des allophones au sein des espaces publics.Comment les francophones de la périphérie bruxelloise investissent-ils leur territoire de résidence, linguistiquement et politiquement ordonnancé par les autorités flamandes ?Cette thèse se concentre sur une étude psychosociologique de l'espace, en combinant les approches de la sociolinguistique et de la psychologie culturelle avec celles de la géographie humaine. Elle examine l'impact des stratégies linguistiques émanant de pouvoirs, officiels et officieux, sur les mobilités et les territorialités des francophones résidant en périphérie de Bruxelles-Capitale. Les résultats issus de questionnaires en ligne, d'observations participantes et surtout d'entretiens qualitatifs concourent à l’élaboration d’un cadre analytique permettant de déterminer, à différentes échelles spatiales, l'influence de l'usage des langues sur les comportements territoriaux tout autant que sur les perceptions du territoire de résidence. / The establishment of linguistic borders in Belgium has in no way limited the internationalization and francization of the Flemish Brussels-Capital’s periphery. An influx of a national French-speaking population, coming from the Belgian capital, causes a feeling of minorization among the Dutch-speaking population living in this periphery. Since the early 1990s, municipal and regional authorities have been implementing language policies, which are supposed to preserve the Flemish culture of the nineteen neighbouring municipalities of Brussels-Capital. A full-fledged territorial apparatus, officially called the "Vlaamse Rand" (literally the "Flemish periphery"), analysed in this thesis, aims to "discipline" the allophones’ language use within public spaces.How do the Francophone inhabitants of Brussels-Capital’s periphery settle in their territory of residence, linguistically and politically organized by the Flemish authorities ?This thesis focuses on a psycho-sociological study of space, combining the approaches of Sociolinguistics and Cultural Psychology with those of Human Geography. It examines the impact of both formal and informal language strategies on everyday geographic mobilities and territorialities of Francophone people living in Brussels-Capital’s periphery. The results from online questionnaires, participant observations and, above all, qualitative interviews contribute to the formulation of an analytical framework which enables to evaluate, at different spatial scales, the influence of the use of languages on territorial behaviours as well as on perceptions of the territory of residence.

Den subnationella tjänstemannarollen i Bryssel? : En studie som undersöker regionala tjänstemän på representationskontor i Bryssel / The role of the subnational civil servant in Brussels? : A study of regional civil servants working at representative offices in Brussels

Zakariasson, Clara January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to study the role of the subnational civil servant and their discretions in a Multilevel Governance context, based on how it differs from the traditional role of the civil servant in Sweden. This is done by studying officials at Swedish Regional Representation Offices in Brussels through the method of semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework is based on research about traditional activities and role of the public administration, but also in the differences of duties between politicians and officials. Furthermore, the thesis is constructed on Europeanization research and a Multilevel Governance approach, where regional actions in a multi-level system can be clarified and explored by the dimensions of Europeanization: the download-, crossload- and upload dimension. The methodological assessment tool consists of a content analysis, where the collected interview data is compared and discussed using a constructed ideal type of the Weberian role of a civil servant. The respondent's descriptions and views of their role in Brussels is the main focus of the analysis.   To summarise, the regional officials in Brussels consider their scope of discretion as broad. Furthermore, the results illustrate that is not possible to distinguish the role of the sub-national civil service in Brussels, based on the designed ideal type. It’s because of the complexity of the Multilevel Governance system. The results show a significant variation between the respondent's experiences and descriptions of their duties at the office in Brussels. The official’s which are working with a tougher line of lobbying in Brussels, experience their role as both political and apolitical, where the civil servant role enters the political sphere. By working with lobby activities that imply the duty of a politician, they describe their role between the administration and the political sphere. When the officials are working with lobby initiatives in Brussels, they are acting as the political voice of the home organization, but always with a clear lobby mandate from their politicians. / Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera den subnationella tjänstemannarollen och dess handlingsutrymme i ett flernivåsystem, utifrån hur den skiljer sig från den traditionella tjänstemannarollen. Detta görs genom att studera tjänstemän på regionala representationskontor i Bryssel, utifrån semi-strukturerade intervjuer.   Uppsatsen tar ett teoretiskt avstamp i den traditionella förvaltningsverksamheten och i skillnaden mellan politikers och tjänstemäns uppdrag- samt rollfördelningen i den offentliga förvaltningen. Vidare utgår studien från europeiseringsforskning och har en multilevel governance ansats, där ett regionalt handlande i ett flernivåsystem förklaras i europeiseringsprocessernas download-, crossload- och upload-dimensioner. Det metodologiska analysverktyget består av en innehållsanalys av det empiriska intervjumaterialet. Intervjumaterialet jämförs och diskuteras utifrån en konstruerad idealtyp av den weberianska tjänstemannarollen, där fokus är intervjupersonernas uppfattningar och beskrivningar av sin roll i Bryssel. Sammanfattningsvis går det inte att urskilja den subnationella tjänstemannarollen i Bryssel utifrån den idealtyp som konstrueras. Tjänstemännens arbete i ett flernivåsystem är alltför komplext och det finns en betydande variation i hur tjänstemännen beskriver och upplever sin tjänstemannaroll. Generellt sätt uppfattar tjänstemännen i Bryssel sitt handlingsutrymme som brett. Tjänstemän som arbetar med en hårdare linje av påverkansarbete upplever att tjänstemannarollen går in i den politiska sfären och blir både politisk samt opolitisk. Den subnationella tjänstemannarollen upplevs befinna sig mellan administrationen och politiken, då påverkansuppdraget i Bryssel liknar en politikers, men där tjänstemännen är ett politiskt språkrör med ett tydligt påverkansmandat.

Distribution and habitat use of different bat species along a hydrographical network in the Brussels' Capital Region

Kapfer, Géraldine January 2007 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Jak se žije Čechům v Bruselu, aneb, Nahlédnutí do světa českých euroúředníků / Life of the Czechs in Brussels. Glimpse in the World of the Czech Euro Bureacrats

Králíčková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The thesis provides a glimpse into lives of the Czechs working in the EU institutions. Accent is on the theory of transnationalism as contemporary approach to international migration. The paper focuses on group of migrants for which mobility and high qualification is characteristical as important elements within the current knowledge based society. It deals with migrants who are living their lives in two or more countries at once and who stay in close touch with the country of their origin. Focus of the work is aimed at the concept of temporarity as a key dimension that has influence on strategy, lifestyle and values of the Czech transnational migrants in Brussels. Conclusions are based on qualitative research composed of longterm participant observation, formal semi-structured and informal interviews. The aim of the work is to show the dimenson of temporarity by using material culture as a method on strategies of living and consumation and also how are the Czechs in Brussels biased by a specific environment of the EU institutions. Further to find out whether it is possible to consider Czech migrants as transnational migrants with regards to the definition of transnational migration and following the relationship to the Czech Republic and Belgium, contacts with home. KEY WORDS: transnational...

Reflexe tvůrců a děl světové výstavy 1958 v Bruselu v československém odborném, kulturním a oborovém tisku / Reflection of the creators and works of the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels in the Czechoslovak professional, cultural and specialised press

Švamberk, Erik January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the analysis of statements about the authors and works of the Brussels World Exhibition in 1958 in the Czechoslovak specialized, cultural and professional press. As the first world exhibition after World War II, EXPO 58 was also the first cultural confrontation of the newly organized world. But in the turbulent year of 1958, standing at the very top of the "atomic age", it wasn't a superpower, but Czechoslovakia who was unexpectedly awarded the highest competition award and recognition. This success was one of the greatest breakthroughs of domestic cultural history, and fundamentally influenced the lifestyle and aesthetics of the following decades. The thesis focuses on magazines whose specialized focus informed the professional public about the events of the exhibition, while the selection of fields of these magazines copies the award-winning parts of the pavilion and program. The thesis also includes a historical excursion focusing on cultural and political events between the years 1948-1958 and setting the analyzed event in the context of world exhibitions with an emphasis on the 20th century. The detailed research of the articles follows the method of qualitative content analysis in the texts firstly reflecting on the success of Czechoslovak participation. It also...

Expériences des enfants d'immigrés dans des écoles élémentaires. Études de cas à Paris et à Bruxelles / Experiences of migrant children at Primary schools : case studies in Paris and Brussels

Zemborain, Federico 09 June 2017 (has links)
Objet de forts débats, la scolarisation des enfants immigrés en Europe est un défi pour tous les acteurs impliqués. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comparer, d’une part, les attitudes des enfants immigrés et, d’autre part, l’implémentation des systèmes éducatifs à Paris et à Bruxelles (Communauté francophone). La méthodologie s’appuie sur une enquête de terrain dans une perspective ethnographique avec des observations participantes et des entretiens dans quatre écoles élémentaires de chaque ville.Deux hypothèses sont formulées. La première suppose que ces enfants sont des acteurs sociaux actifs dans la gestion de situations de conflits et dans leur processus de socialisation en général. La seconde suggère que leurs expériences en tant qu’enfants immigrés mettent en cause le statu quo scolaire car elles dévoilent les contradictions des systèmes éducatifs par rapport à leurs principes de base. Le résultat le plus important est qu’il n’y a pas de différences significatives entre les écoles parisiennes et bruxelloises. La présence d’enfants immigrés exige de nouvelles réponses de la part des acteurs impliqués. L’École souffre ainsi d’une remise en cause de ses principes de base de normalisation et de discipline. Les difficultés à prendre en compte les immigrés et travailler avec eux, le décalage entre les cultures scolaire et non scolaire, les efforts vains pour soutenir la fiction de l’égalité, le manque de professionnalisation du personnel, génèrent des symptômes d’évitement, d’ennui collectif et individuel, et parfois même la peur chez certains adultes vis-à-vis des élèves immigrés – autant de symptômes qui contribuent à renforcer les phénomènes de ségrégation scolaire. / Object of strong debates, migrant children’s schooling is a challenge for all social actors involved.The objective of this thesis is to compare, on the one hand, migrant children’s attitudes, and, on the other hand, the implementation of programmes within primary school educational systems in Paris and Brussels (French community). Methodology includes fieldwork with an ethnographical perspective involving participant observations and interviews in four primary schools in each city.I make two hypotheses. First, migrant children are active social actors embedded in conflictual situations and in their socialisation process in general. Second, their experiences as migrant children challenge the status quo of the existing school system because they reveal the contradictions of educational systems in relation to their basic principles. The main result is that there are not many differences between primary schools in Paris and Brussels. The presence of migrant children shows that School which is sees its core principles of normalisation, discipline and formation challenged. Their presence requires new answers from all adults involved. Difficulties to acknowledge migrants and to work with them, gaps between schooling and extra-schooling culture, efforts to maintain the fiction of equality (égalité), the lack of professionalization of staff; all generate symptoms such as avoidance, collective and individual boredom, and even fear amongst some adults towards their migrant pupils. In turn, these symptoms tend to further increase the phenomenon of segregation in schooling.

Can Brussels Rule over American Cars? : Testing the Brussels Effect and its Limits

Holm, Carl January 2024 (has links)
What are the limits of the Brussels Effect regarding American car-related regulations? The thesis gains insight into the limits of the Brussel Effect. Since no previous study had researched the topic (Pratt, 2021), the focus was to find correlations between the American political debate and the EU-regulation 2019/2144. The qualitative interpretivist research design (Marsh, Ercan, and Furlong, 2018, p. 184) tests gathered material, such as political bills and further material tied to specific American bills, via an informed understanding of the theory. The Brussel Effect is deconstructed into analytical categories (Bradford, 2020, p. 25) and subsequently used to analyze the material. The conclusion is that while interesting positive correlations between stringency and non-divisions are found, the results are negative, meaning further research is necessary to understand future causal connections. (Bradford, 2020, p. 26, 41, 46, 48, 60; Banack, 2021, p. 3).

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