Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bureaucratic.""
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Lss vuxenboende : En studie av personalens upplevelse av delaktighet för brukarna i LSS vuxenboende / LSS Home for Adults : A Study of How the Staff Acknowlage Particpancy for the Clients in an LSS Home for AdultsSadeghkhani, Maryam January 2022 (has links)
A society for everybody mean that everybody shall participate in the society on equal terms. Individuals with disabilities shall reach a high level of participation in the society, especially in their own home. Previous science show there are difficulties for the individuals in an LSS home for adults to reach participation due to the law LSS (1993:387) about support and service for people with disabilitys. The purpose of this study is to examine the professionals experience of working with the right of participation for individuals at LSS homes for adults. To fulfill the aims of this study qualitative semistructured interwiews have been conducted. The selection passed one chief on low level, one care educator, three support pedagoges and two assistants. The respondents were selected through the snowball method. The theory of Grassroots bureaucracy and the theoretical concept Room for action and Empowerment were used. The theory and the theoretical concepts were used since they are connected to the aim of the study, previous science and the analyzed results of the study. The result shows that people with disabilities have difficulties to achieve participation in a LSS home for adults. Sometimes the lack of competence among staff about the user’s ability’s and how the staff must guideline the room for competence can be a hindered factor for user to participate in their LSS home for support and service.
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“Det agila arbetssättet kan göra ont” : En etnografisk studie av medarbetares situation i ett IT-företag ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv / Agile might hurt : An ethnographical study of employee’s situation in an IT-company from a sustainability perspectiveRemmerth, Olivia, Svantesson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Omvärlden och marknaden kan idag tillskrivas som kundens, det är kunden som styr marknaden och sitter på makten. Till detta kan troligtvis en viss press föreligga hos organisatoriska ledare att finna en strategi som skapar värde för kunden. Sökandet efter det rätta arbetssättet inleds för att sedan sluta vid det agila arbetssättet som uppenbarar sig likt ett svar på alla problem. Praktiker blir förförda, underkastar sig en funktionell dumhet och implementerar det agila arbetssättet, utan ifrågasättande, dagen är räddad! Kanske måste förförda praktiker vakna från deras utopiska drömvärld, avsäga sig detta falska medvetande för att ställa sig frågan om ett arbetssätt som placerar kunden i centrum kan tillskrivas som hållbart. Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen och konceptualisering av situationen för medarbetarens situation i relation till det agila arbetssättet ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Fördelar och nackdelar med det agila arbetssättet synliggörs för att härledas till hållbarhetsprinciper och medarbetarens roll samt situation. Studien har genomförts genom ett etnografiskt tillvägagångssätt, där observationer, intervjuer samt enkäter har triangulerat problemområdet. Studien kombinerar kvalitativ metod med kvantitativ metod för att synliggöra problemområdet ur flera kompletterande perspektiv. I studiens analys används medarbetarskapshjulet, gränsdragning samt kritisk teori som teoretiskt utgångsläge. Resultatet av studien visar att det agila arbetssättets hållbarhet kan ifrågasättas, utifrån medarbetares situation inom dess givna ramar. Arbetssättets kundfokusering och snabba anpassning till den föränderliga verkligheten utmanar engagerade medarbetare att göra sitt yttersta för att leverera högkvalitativa produkter. Det innebär utmaningar i gränsdragningen mellan arbete och fritid, varvid medarbetare ställs inför utmaningen att balansera arbete som ianspråktar tid även utanför arbetsplatsen. De engagerade medarbetarna upplevs löpa en högre risk att drabbas negativt om arbetet tillåts ta över stora delar av livet, uppsatsförfattarna ifrågasätter därför huruvida det agila arbetssättets hållbarhet är rimlig i förlängningen. Uppsatsens slutsats innefattar HEM, Hållbart Engagerade Medarbetare, det vill säga att organisationer behöver arbeta för att ge sina medarbetare en situation som är hållbar i längden, även för de mest engagerade. / Today’s business world and the market belongs to the costumer. It is the costumer who is in charge of the market and holds the power. To this a degree of pressure is put on the organisational leaders, who are held to find the best method of creating value for the costumer. While searching for the best method, agile appears as an answer to all the problems and questions. Practitioners are swept away, seduced by the promising concept, gives in to a functional stupidity and implement the agile concept into their organisation, without questions. Agile saves the day! Perhaps these seduced practitioners must wake up from their utopian dream, take a step back from this false awareness and ask themselves whether a concept putting the costumer foremost is sustainable? The purpose of this essay is increasing understanding and conceptualising the situation for employees in relation to agile work methods, from a sustainable perspective. Pros and cons with agile methods will be made visible for derivation to principles of sustainability, the role of the employee and their situation. As a method ethnography has been used for this study, where observations, interviews and a survey has triangulated the issue. This study combines quantitative and qualitative methods to put several completing perspectives into the light. For the analysis the authors used the wheel of employeeship, border theory and critical theory as theoretical starting point. The result of the study shows how sustainability within agile can be questioned, from a employee perspective. Being focused on the costumer and adaptivity to an everchanging reality challenges dedicated employees to give their uttermost to produce high quality products. Challenges in relation to this lies within the borderlines of work, where employees must balance employment which seems to occupy time outside of the workplace. Dedicated employees might be at higher risk of negative consequences due to their employment occupying their life to a large extent. Therefore, the authors question whether agile is sustainable in the long run. In conclusion this essay presents a proposal for organisations to work towards sustainable dedicated employees. To give the most dedicated employees a situation which is sustainable in the long run, is beneficial for the entire organisation.
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Action municipale à la Ville de Sherbrooke : perceptions des personnes issues de l’immigrationThibodeau, Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde l’inclusion des personnes issues de l’immigration dans le tissu social municipal de la Ville de Sherbrooke, offrant une analyse de l’action municipale déployée à partir du point de vue des personnes concernées. À partir du terrain ethnographique effectué dans la Ville de Sherbrooke visant à observer l’interculturel qui y est déployé, des perceptions de plusieurs concepts sont mises de l’avant – par exemple : l’appartenance, l’administration municipale et ce qui constitue la diversité. Pour se faire, ce mémoire débute avec une vue d’ensemble du projet de recherche et installe les bases théoriques, conceptuelles et méthodologiques nécessaires à l’approfondissement des enjeux soulevés. L’entrée en la matière est poursuivie alors que se décline le contexte ethnographique dans lequel s’insère la problématique étudiée, tout en portant une attention aux dynamiques multiniveaux qui se déclinent à l’échelle du Canada, du Québec, et de la Ville de Sherbrooke. Des données sur la Ville de Sherbrooke ainsi qu’une part de l’action municipale déployée pour l’inclusion de la diversité y figurent. L’entrée dans le vif du sujet débute ensuite avec la présentation des données issues du projet de recherche International Intercultural Cities Comparative Study (IICCS), offrant un portrait du point de vue administratif sherbrookois quant aux relations interculturelles et à la diversité. Dans la même trame, sont subséquemment présentées les données récoltées auprès de résidents sherbrookois issus de l’immigration, qui ont participé à des groupes de discussion portant sur leur perception de l’inclusion de la diversité à Sherbrooke. Enfin, une discussion porte sur les données issues des groupes de discussion des fonctionnaires et des Sherbrookois issus de l’immigration. Cette discussion se veut une réflexion sur l’inclusion des personnes issues de l’immigration dans le tissu social sherbrookois et abordant les écarts de perception des différents acteurs. Finalement, les points saillants du projet de recherche et quelques constats finaux sont mis de l’avant, et la boucle sera bouclée en soulevant d’éventuelles pistes de réflexion. / This dissertation addresses the inclusion of people of immigrant background in the municipal social fabric of the City of Sherbrooke, offering an analysis of municipal action deployed from the perspective of the people concerned. Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in the City of Sherbrooke to observe interculturality in action, perceptions of several concepts are put forward - for example: belonging, municipal administration and what constitutes diversity. To this end, this dissertation is divided into five chapters. It begins with an overview of the research project, laying the theoretical, conceptual and methodological foundations required to explore the issues raised. The introduction to the subject is followed by a description of the ethnographic context in which the issue under study is embedded, with particular attention to the multi-level dynamics at play in Canada, Quebec and the City of Sherbrooke. Data on the City of Sherbrooke are included, as well as an overview of municipal initiatives undertaken in favour of inclusiveness and diversity. This is followed by a presentation of data from the International Intercultural Cities Comparative Study (IICCS) research project, providing a snapshot of Sherbrooke's administrative perspective on intercultural relations and diversity. This is followed by a presentation of data gathered from Sherbrooke residents of immigrant background, who took part in focus groups on their perceptions of diversity inclusion in Sherbrooke. Lastly, a discussion focuses on the findings of the focus groups with municipal representatives and residents. This discussion is intended as a reflection on the inclusion of people of immigrant background in Sherbrooke's social web, and address gaps in the perceptions of the various players. To conclude, the highlights of the research project and some final findings are put forward, and we come full circle by raising possible avenues for further reflection.
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Governing Social Security: economic crisis and reform in Indonesia, the Philippines and SingaporeWisnu, Dinna 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Organisatoriska förutsättningar för socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av organisatoriska förutsättningars betydelse för arbetet med klienter inom ekonomiskt bistånd / Organizational conditions for caseworkers in financial assistance : A qualitative study about caseworkers experiences of the significance of organizational conditions for their work with clients in financial assistanceAbdul Rahim, Osama, Özgur, Merdan Mulla January 2024 (has links)
Financial assistance from social services can be described as an important protection against financial vulnerability. Many of the people that seek out to get support in the form of financial aid are vulnerable people that are in need of an income. The purpose of this study is to explore the organizational conditions that caseworkers in financial assistance perceive as significant for their work with clients. We’ve performed semi-structured interviews with seven caseworkers that work in the department of financial assistance to gather in-depth insights into their experiences and perspectives about the organizational conditions. Using Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy to analyze our results, we also connected our findings to previous research in the field. The findings reveal that control, demands and information are critical organizational factors that have a significant importance for their client work. Caseworkers experience that organizational conditions complicate client interactions, worsen relationships, and limit discretion. Caseworkers also desire more understanding, trust, clearer information, and reduced workloads. Previous research highlights the importance of balancing organizational demands with client needs, emphasizing the need for supportive policies and effective communication to enhance social work practice. Future research could explore implementing new approaches suggested by caseworkers to see how these changes would impact their work and improve the quality of financial assistance. Furthermore, future research could also investigate the perspectives of the organization to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.
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LSS-handläggares arbete med personlig assistans: handlingsutrymme och dilemman / Work of LSS-officers with personal assistance: Discretion and dilemmasComstedt, Olivia, Johansson, Thea January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka LSS-handläggares upplevelser och erfarenheter av utredning och bedömning av rätten till personlig assistans för vuxna med funktionsnedsättning i Sverige. Genomförandet av studien är en semistrukturerad intervjumetod tillsammans med två vinjetter. Studiens resultat baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kommunala LSS-handläggare. I studien är de teoretiska utgångspunkterna från ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv där vi analyserat vårt material utifrån begreppen handlingsutrymme och gräsrotsbyråkrati. Resultatet av vår studie visar att LSS-handläggare upplever sitt handlingsutrymme vid bedömning och utredning av rätten till personlig assistans i Sverige som skiftande. Beroende på vilken situation handläggarna är i så har de i vissa situationer möjlighet att vidga sitt handlingsutrymme medan de i andra situationer upplever handlingsutrymmet som begränsat. De situationer där handläggarna har möjlighet att vidga sitt handlingsutrymme är exempelvis i bedömningar där det uppstår ett gränsfall om den enskilde har rätt till personlig assistans. Handläggarna påpekar att de i sådana situationer kan skapa möjligheter i beslutet till både bifall och avslag. Någonting som också påverkar att handlingsutrymmet kan vidgas är handläggarnas tillgång till bra handledning på arbetsplatsen. Det som stramar åt LSS-handläggarnas handlingsutrymme vid bedömning och utredning av personlig assistans är exempelvis att LSS-lagstiftningen ofta upplevs som fyrkantig. Tillgång till praxis påverkar även vidden av handlingsutrymmet då handläggarna inte anser att de kan ta rättssäkra beslut när praxis är otillräckliga. LSS-handläggarnas upplevda dilemman skapas när handlingsutrymmet upplevs som litet och de hamnar i situationer som försvårar deras beslut. / The purpose of this study is to examine LSS-officers' experiences of investigation and assessment of the right to personal assistance for adults with disabilities in Sweden. The implementation of the study is a semi-structured interview along with two vignettes. The results of the study are based on semi-structured interviews with six municipal LSS-officers. The theoretical framework of the study is from an organizational theory perspective where we analyzed our material using the concepts of discretion and street-level bureaucracy. The results of our study show that LSS-officers experience their discretion in the assessment and investigation of the right to personal assistance in Sweden as variable. Depending on the situation, LSS-officers have the opportunity to expand their discretion in some cases, while in other cases they find their discretion limited. Situations where the LSS-officers can expand their discretion arise, for example, in assessments where there is uncertainty about whether the individual has the right to personal assistance. In such cases, LSS-officers note that they can create possibilities in the decision for both approval and rejection. Access to good mentoring at the workplace also affects the ability to expand their discretion. Factors that limit LSS-officers discretion in the assessment and investigation of personal assistance include the perception that the LSS-law is often rigid. Access to case law also affects the extent of discretion, as LSS-officers do not believe they can make legally correct decisions when case law is insufficient. The dilemmas faced by LSS-officers arise when they perceive their discretion as limited and encounter situations that complicate their decision-making.
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Det är inte frågan som gör ont, det är våldet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares perspektiv på att identifiera och ställa frågor om våldsutsatthetVistrand, Sara, Mebrahtu, Yordanos January 2024 (has links)
The study aimed to examine a deeper understanding of social workers´ perspective on identifying and asking questions about violence exposure within Intimate Partner Violence, using the theory of street-level bureaucracies with a focus on agency and knowledge and an intersectional perspective. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight professional social workers from Personal and family counselling services in a medium and small municipality in southern Sweden. The results indicate that social workers recognize symptoms and signs of violence exposure that appear in different ways in both children and adults. Adequate knowledge and ongoing education are considered essential for identifying and addressing violence exposure. The implementation of routines and guidelines varies and there are only general procedures for handling violence cases in all organizations, not specially for identifying or inquiring about exposure to violence. The theoretical framework highlights the social workers´ autonomy is challenged by the need to harmonize client needs with organizations goals when identifying and asking questions about violence exposure. Through the awareness of an intersectional perspective, the results reveal that social workers´ with adequate knowledge and ongoing education can decrease the possibility of subjective assessments and acknowledging that victims of violence have diverse needs and should not be categorized as a homogeneous group. / Denna uppsats ämnade att skapa en djupare förståelse för socialsekreterares perspektiv av att identifiera och ställa frågor om våldsutsatthet i våld i nära relationer, med hjälp av teorin om gräsrotsbyråkratier med fokus på handlingsutrymme och kunskap samt ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Studien grundar sig på kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med åtta yrkesverksamma socialsekreterare som arbetar inom individ – och familjeomsorgen i en mellanstor och mindre kommun i södra Sverige. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterare identifierar symtom och tecken på våldsutsatthet som uppträder på olika sätt hos barn och vuxna. Adekvat kunskap och vidareutbildning bedöms nödvändigt för att identifiera och ställa frågor om våldsutsatthet. Tillämpande av rutiner och riktlinjer är varierande och det finns endast generella rutiner och riktlinjer för hantering av våldsärenden i alla verksamheter och inte specifika sådana för att identifiera och ställa frågor om våldsutsatthet. Det teoretiska ramverket synliggör socialsekreterarens handlingsutrymme som utmanas av att harmonisera klientens behov med organisationens mål gällande att identifiering och ställa frågor om våldsutsatthet. Genom en medvetenhet om ett intersektionellt perspektiv visar resultatet att socialsekreterare genom adekvat kunskap och vidareutbildning kan reducera möjligheten av subjektiva bedömningar och förståelsen för att våldsutsatta har olika behov och inte bör kategoriseras som en homogen grupp kan uppnås.
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[pt] O presente trabalho busca compreender a implementação de uma política de correção de fluxo em uma escola municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, investigaram-se as percepções de agentes escolares sobre o projeto, analisando de que forma elas influenciam sua discricionariedade. Como referencial teórico, recorreu-se à sociologia da educação, particularmente às contribuições de Bourdieu sobre o fracasso escolar e o julgamento docente. Valeu-se ainda dos estudos sobre burocracia do nível da rua, inaugurados por Lipsky. Quanto à metodologia, analisaram-se os documentos relativos à política de correção de fluxo desenvolvida no Rio de Janeiro, com base na reconstrução realizada por Lima (2016). Em seguida, exploraram-se os dados do censo escolar relativos à escola selecionada. O material empírico foi gerado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 32 atores, incluindo professores, gestores, agentes educadores e alunos inseridos em turmas regulares e de aceleração. O estudo conclui que há resistência aos projetos, principalmente pela concentração de alunos considerados problemáticos em uma mesma turma. Predomina a percepção desses alunos como indisciplinados, desinteressados ou mesmo portadores de deficiências cognitivas, de modo que a responsabilidade por seu fracasso lhes é exclusivamente atribuída. Os agentes implementadores parecem orientar suas ações discricionárias com base em um senso prático-moral que distingue alunos merecedores dos não merecedores, atendendo às suas necessidades percebidas de forma diferenciada. Por fim, discute-se em que medida a compreensão da aprendizagem escolar como um direito de todos pode ser ressignificada como uma recompensa a alguns, em um contexto de intensa sobrecarga de trabalho e falta de recursos. / [en] The present study aims to understand the implementation of a flow correction policy in a municipal school in Rio de Janeiro. To do so, we investigated teachers, principals and students perceptions on the project, analyzing how they influence their discretion. Among the theoretical references are the contributions of Sociology of Education, especially Bourdieu s ones concerning school failure and school agents judgements, and the studies on street-level bureaucracy inaugurated by Lipsky. Regarding the methodology, we first analyzed the official documents related to the flow correction policy implemented in Rio de Janeiro, based on Lima s (2016) review on the subject. Secondly, we proceeded to an exploratory research into School Census data related to the selected school. The empirical material was generated through semi-structured interviews with 32 subjects, including teachers, principals, assistants and students from regular and accelerated learning classes. The study concludes that there is considerable resistance to the flow correction policy, especially due to the concentration of those students identified as problematic in the same classes. There is a prevailing perception of overage students as undisciplined, uninterested, or even as cognitively impaired, holding such students accountable for their own failure. The implementing agents seem to guide their discretionary actions based on a practical-moral judgement that differs worthy students from unworthy ones, responding to their perceived needs differently. By way of conclusion, we discuss to what extent the understanding of school education as a public right can be resignified as a private reward in a context of work overload and scant resources.
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[pt] O estudo O nó da rede: percepções dos agentes formuladores e implementadores sobre a política de correção de fluxo da/na alfabetização busca compreender as percepções que os agentes implementadores de nível da rua e de médio escalão possuem sobre as políticas de correção de fluxo e, principalmente, sobre o Projeto Carioquinha, implementado pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2019. Como referencial teórico este trabalho apoia-se nos estudos da burocracia de nível da rua, inaugurados por Lipsky. Numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, aproxima-se da Sociologia da Educação, olhando para os efeitos do fracasso escolar e da desigualdade educacional. A investigação, realizada por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, se concentra na análise dos documentos pertinentes à política. Em seguida, examinou-se as bases de dados do Censo Escolar das escolas selecionadas. Finalmente, foram coletadas as percepções dos professores, coordenadores e gestores vinculados ao Projeto Carioquinha das escolas analisadas através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Estas entrevistas foram realizadas no ambiente virtual em decorrência do distanciamento social imposto pela pandemia. A pesquisa confirma resultados anteriores de outros estudos da influência de variáveis como cor, origem social, participação familiar sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Além disso, em 2020, o acesso ao aparato tecnológico e a tecnologia despontam como fatores limitantes e desafiantes ao trabalho com os alunos matriculados no Projeto Carioquinha. Discute-se ainda a percepção dos agentes implementadores sobre suas expectativas na recuperação e/ou alfabetização dos estudantes do 3º. ano do Ensino fundamental dos Anos Iniciais inscritos no Programa de Correção de fluxo bem como suas potencialidades. / [en] The network node: perceptions of the formulating and implementing agents on the flow correction policy of/in literacy study seeks to understand the perceptions that street-level and middle-level implementing agents have on the flow correction policies and, mainly, about the Carioquinha Program, implemented by the Municipal Education Secretary of Rio de Janeiro in 2019. As a theoretical reference, this work is based on the studies of street-level bureaucracy, inaugurated by Michael Lipsky (1980). In an interdisciplinary perspective, it approaches the Sociology of Education, looking at the effects of school failure and educational inequality. The investigation, using a qualitative approach, concentrates on the analysis of the relevant policy documents. Next, the databases of the School Census of the selected schools were examined. Finally, the perceptions of the teachers, coordinators and managers linked to the Carioquinha Program were collected from the analyzed schools using semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted virtually due to the social distancing imposed by the pandemic. The research confirms previous results by other studies of the influence of variables such as color, social origin and family participation on the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, in 2020, access to the technological apparatus and the technology emerged as limiting and challenging factors in the work with students registered in the Carioquinha Program. It also discusses the perception of the implementing agents about their expectations in the recovery and/or literacy of the students from the 3rd year of the Elementary Education in the Early Years enrolled in the Flow Correction Program, as well as its potential.
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”… men hon behöver inte säga ’jag ansöker..’ för att det ska bli en ansökan” : Biståndshandläggares diskretion – strategier, personliga egenskaper och professionsutbildning / ”… but she doesn’t need to say ’I apply...’ to make it become an application.” : Decision makers discretion – strategies, personal characteristics and professional training.Johansson, Isabella, Svanberg Faizi, Josephine January 2024 (has links)
Biståndshandläggare inom äldreområdet är en profession med hög arbetsbelastning och ett komplext uppdrag att verka i skärningspunkten mellan intentionerna i en målrationell lagstiftning, kommunal budget och den enskildes behov. Genom att låta handläggare besvara en vinjettstudie, där de presenterats för Esther, undersöktes biståndshandläggare som profession utifrån ett cyniskt perspektiv, hur biståndshandläggare hanterar sin arbetssituation utifrån diskretionsteori och om egenskaper hos biståndshandläggaren påverkar utfall i handläggningsprocessen. Studien visar att Esthers ärende handläggs på olika sätt, att handläggare fokuserar på olika behov och gör olika bedömningar av hennes rätt till bistånd i form av särskilt boende enligt 4 kap. 1 § SoL. Vidare undersökning av samband mellan egenskaper hos handläggare och utfall i handläggningsprocessen påvisar inga signifikanta samband som kan förklara utfallet. Resultatet pekar på att egenskaper som ålder, erfarenhet av biståndshandläggning eller annan myndighetsutövning och socionomutbildning inte skapar en mer rättssäker handläggning. Skillnader i biståndshandläggningen tycks i stället orsakas av de strategier som biståndshandläggare använder för att klara sin vardag. / Decision makers in the field of eldercare is a profession with a high workload and a complex assignment while navigating in the intersection between the intentions of a goal-oriented legislation, a municipal budget, and the needs of the individual. By asking decision makers to answer a vignette study, where they were presented to Esther, decision makers as a profession were examined from a cynical perspective. Examining the use of strategies to handle their workload, based on theories of discretion and if characteristics of the decision maker affect outcomes in the needs assessment process. The study shows that Esther’s case was handled in different ways, that decision makers focused on different needs and made different assessment regarding her right to accommodation at a retirement home according to chapter 4 § 1 in the Social Services Act. Further examination of the relationship between characteristics of decision makers and outcomes in the needs assessment process shows no significant relationships that explains the outcome. The results indicate that characteristics such as age, experience in needs assessment and other experience of authority or a degree from higher education in social work does not create a more legally secure process. Instead, the differences in the needs assessment seems to be caused by the strategies that decision makers use to cope with their working situation.
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