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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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資訊不對稱性與政府投機行為之研究 / The Study of Information Asymmetry and Bureaucratic Opportunism

劉昭博, Liu, Chao-Po Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要 本文主要研究焦點在於「資訊不對稱性下之政府投機行為」,期以發現公職人員投機行為的共同模式與成因。本研究主要採取個案研究的方式,檢視民國50年至民國87年監察院公報所載公務員貪瀆案件,分析其投機型態、方式及過程,以證實「資訊不對稱性」對於官僚投機行為的影響。 本文計分五部份。第一章說明本文研究主旨,以及本研究所採用相關概念的界定;第二章則檢視組織經濟學者與官僚學者在官僚組織「資訊」問題方面的研究,比較兩者的差異,並參考行政資訊公開制度等實務上的作法;第三章以組織經濟學的代理理論為基礎,參考官僚組織的特性,建構「資訊不對稱性」的官僚投機行為理論模型;第四章則由我國監察院公報所載公務員貪瀆案件中,選擇六個具有代表性的個案做進一步分析研究,並述明研究結果;第五章則針對研究發現提供實務上的改進建議。 檢視台灣地區的政府投機行為後,本研究發現官僚投機行為與官僚人員所掌握的決策資訊程度有關。官僚組織的組織形式與偏重文書的作業方式造成官僚人員在決策資訊上的不對稱性,導致官僚人員藉此從事各種投機行為。當投機行為所涉及的利益龐大,且投機者希望確保該投機行為得以延續時,官僚人員的個人投機行為有逐漸組織化的傾向。若有與非官僚人員勾結情事發生時,更將形成惡質的政商利益輸送關係,以及機關內部的貪瀆風氣。 本研究建議,若欲解決官僚投機問題,必須由擴大官僚組織內部的資訊分享,修改組織設計以整合行政流程,確定「資訊所有權」與「課責」彼此配合,以提高官僚投機成功的難度,降低官僚人員投機的「需求」,並解決政府機關內部的管理問題。 關鍵字:資訊不對稱性、官僚投機行為、官僚組織、資訊、管理關係 目次 序 謝辭 論文提要 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的1 第二節 研究問題與研究架構2 壹、 研究問題與假定2 貳、 相關概念釐清4 第三節 研究方法及限制9 第二章 資訊不對稱與官僚投機行為之相關理論與研究10 第一節 組織經濟學的相關理論與研究11 壹、 Arrow之代理理論(agency theory)11 貳、 Williamson與Miller的組織經濟學觀點12 參、 理論比較14 第二節 官僚行為相關理論與研究15 壹、 Downs和Tullock的官僚問題模型15 貳、 Kaufman、Lipsky以及Wilson的官僚行為研究17 參、 理論比較17 第三節 行政實務上的作法:「資訊公開」的謎思18 壹、 「資訊公開制度」的立法背景18 貳、 「資訊公開制度」的主要內容19 參、 「資訊公開制度」的問題與限制20 第四節 小結21 第三章 資訊不對稱性下之官僚投機行為模式23 第一節 代理關係和組織內部的管理關係23 壹、 代理關係與管理關係的比較23 貳、 私人企業與官僚組織管理關係之比較25 第二節 「資訊不對稱性」在官僚組織的意涵與來源30 壹、 「資訊不對稱性」的意涵30 貳、 官僚組織之「資訊不對稱性」來源33 參、 官僚組織形式對「資訊不對稱性」的影響33 第三節 官僚投機行為的類型與方式36 壹、 官僚投機行為的意涵與認定標準36 貳、 官僚投機行為的特性37 參、 官僚投機行為的類型39 第四節 「資訊不對稱性」和「官僚投機行為」的關係43 第五節 官僚投機行為的影響46 第四章 個案研究48 第一節 前言48 壹、 名詞界定48 貳、 個案資料來源48 參、 個案研究的特性與限制49 第二節 個案一:榮民總醫院傳統醫學中心主任鍾傑「假公濟私」弊案53 第三節 個案二:彰化縣政府審計室韓松華課長「公器私用」弊案57 第四節 個案三:西濱快速道路野柳隧道工程弊案60 第五節 個案四:賀伯風災彈劾案66 第六節 個案五:空軍總部採購人員勾結廠商圍標弊案74 第七節 個案六:台北縣三芝鄉土地開發弊案78 第八節 小結84 第五章 結論:官僚投機行為改善之道86 壹、 對民眾政治參與的保障86 貳、 組織設計必須結合決策流程87 參、 建立組織內部的資訊交換場域88 附錄89 參考文獻91 跋、公共行政的理論問題與學科危機 表次 表(1-1):本文主要分析單位與研究假設3 表(1-2):Rasmusen資訊分類表5 表(2-1):Arrow、Williamson及Miller理論比較14 表(2-2):組織經濟學與官僚行為理論比較18 表(3-1):代理關係與管理關係之比較25 表(3-2):官僚組織資訊不對稱性界定標準32 表(3-3):資訊不對稱性來源表33 表(3-4):官僚投機行為界定標準37 表(3-5):管理人員與執行人員「勾結」策略表41 表(3-6):管理人員與執行人員「弊案舉發」策略表41 表(3-7):官僚投機行為類型43 表(4-1):監察院公報所載公務員貪瀆案件統計表51 表(4-2):個案(一)資訊不對稱性衡量表55 表(4-3):個案(一)官僚投機行為評量56 表(4-4):個案(二)資訊不對稱性衡量表59 表(4-5):個案(二)官僚投機行為評量59 表(4-6):個案(三)資訊不對稱性衡量表64 表(4-7):個案(三)官僚投機行為評量65 表(4-8):個案(四)資訊不對稱性衡量表71 表(4-9):個案(四)官僚投機行為評量73 表(4-10):個案(五)資訊不對稱性衡量表76 表(4-11):個案(五)官僚投機行為評量78 表(4-12):個案(六)資訊不對稱性衡量表82 表(4-12):個案(六)官僚投機行為評量83 圖次 圖(1-1):本研究研究推論圖4 圖(2-1):Tullock層級節制模型16 圖(3-1):私人企業管理關係模型29 圖(3-2):官僚組織管理關係模型29 / Theses Abstract This theses was concentrated on“the bureaucratic opportunism under information asymmetry”. Through research, the author hope to find the homogeneous pattern of bureaucratic opportunism and it's cause. This research reviewed the corruption cases of public service in Taiwan which published on the Control Yuan Official Bulletin since 1961 to 1998. To prove the hypothesis, this research analyzed the patterns, means, and process of these corruption cases. The content divided to five parts. In the chapter one, it presented the research goal and concepts definition. The chapter two reviewed the materials of organization economic, bureaucracy theory, and the Information Free Act of several countries. Based on agency theory and bureaucracy theory, the chapter three presented a theory model of bureaucratic opportunism under information asymmetry. In the chapter four, the author selected six topic cases of public service corruption in Taiwan to do more analyses. Finally, the conclusion suggested several means to solve the bureaucratic opportunism problem. After reviewed the corruption cases in Taiwan, the author has found that “bureaucratic opportunism is related to the information what bureaucrat have”. That is to say that organization design and documentary operation caused the information asymmetry between bureaucrats. Then the bureaucrats would take some opportunistic action by this way. If the opportunistic benefits were so plentiful, and the bureaucrats hope to preserve their benefits, the individual opportunism would become a collective opportunism. If bureaucrats conspire with others (especially private business), the opportunism would become collective corruption, even corruptive culture. The conclusion suggested that improving information share, building an integrated administrative process, to be sure the bureaucrat's information jurisdiction is equal to his accountability, would hinder the opportunism, reduce the need to take an opportunism, and improve the management of bureaucracy. Key Words: Information Asymmetry, Bureaucratic Opportunism, bureaucracy, institution, management relation

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
<p>During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability?</p><p>In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible.</p><p>The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good.</p><p>The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates.</p> / <p>Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga?</p><p>För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt.</p><p>Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra.</p><p>Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.</p>

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability? In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible. The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good. The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates. / Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga? För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt. Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra. Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.

Jag lydde bara order : Byråkratins strukturella konsekvenser för tillämpningen av ett Individ- och helhetsperspektiv / I just obeyed order

Friborg, Alexandra, Hultgren, Renée January 2008 (has links)
In this paper, we have studied the consequences of the bureaucratic or-ganizational structure for the individual- and holistic perspective pre-scribed in the Swedish legislation for social work. We have asked what consequences bureaucratic organizational structure in Max Weber’s terms can have for the individual and how it can affect the street level bureaucrats’ work performance. This is a theoretical study using and comparing earlier theoretical and empirical studies. Several organizational aspect of bureaucracy, listed and discussed in this study, makes it more difficult to implement the prescribed individual- and holistic perspective. At the same time it is demonstrated that the very same organizational features gives the street level bureaucrats the tools to an administrative fast and effective process. Bureaucracy can also create loyalty-bonds, demonstrated in this study, which render possible a structure where one closes the eyes to eventual moral dilemmas that may have negative consequences for the client.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk. / The Spider in the web : A qualitative study of school social workers opportunities and obstacles in the work with students who have parents with alcohol or other drug abuse

Jakobsson, Malin, Larsson Åström, Nina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition. The result showed that the school social workers regard their overarching room of action as very wide inside school but limited outside. At school the school social worker can support the students with supportive counseling and adapted school attendance. One important task of the school social worker is to help the student to get in contact with other organizations for example, support groups for children. We also found that cooperation is an important part as the school social workers describe themselves as “the spider in the web” with the task of connecting and sharing knowledge with other personnel and organizations. The relation with the student is important to be able to support the students or guide them further. School social workers also regard school as a good place to detect and identify these students, but that it can be difficult to know who these students are. If a specific plan for working with students whose parents abuse alcohol or drugs would affect the school social workers work is difficult to say since none that we interviewed in this study had experience of one.

The politics of indian administration : a revisionist history of intrastate relations in mid-twentieth century British Columbia

Plant, Byron King 02 April 2009
This dissertation examines Native-newcomer relations during the integrationist era in Canadian Indian affairs: the two and a half decades after World War Two during which the federal government introduced policies designed to integrate Indians into mainstream Canadian social, political, economic, and administrative life. Particular focus is given to developments in British Columbia, where some of the most concerted steps towards integration took place. Growing public and political demands for institutional desegregation and the granting of rights of citizenry to Aboriginal people recast Indian affairs into a matter of unprecedented intergovernmental importance.<p> Shifting between micro- and macro-historical perspectives, the following chapters consist of a series of comparative policy case studies. Individually, they examine the development, implementation, and effects of the four main areas of federal Indian integrationist planning after WWII: health, education, economic development, and welfare. Collectively, chapters demonstrate how integration was a mission essentially administrative in orientation: every policy undertaken in this period, whether directly or indirectly, sought to implicate the province and other federal line departments in Indian affairs. Not all attempts at administrative integration, however, were successful. While BC and the federal government reached joint agreements in the fields of education and health, other areas such as Indian economic development and welfare proved to be a source of significant intergovernmental conflict and impasse.<p> Aboriginal people were important participants when it came to integrated health, education, and social welfare. Incorporating ethnohistorical insights and Aboriginal perspectives throughout, this dissertation documents how Aboriginal agency in this periodexpressed in a range of innovative actions and wordsincluded important combinatory aspects of compliance, resistance, and accommodation. Many individuals, for instance, demanded access to provincial services as within their rights as Aboriginal people and provincial voting and taxpaying citizens. While post-war integrationist policies varied widely in terms of their local perception and impact, Indian assimilation remained an elusive goal throughout this period. Advances in provincial devolution of Indian administration rarely resulted in the type of social and economic integration envisioned by federal officials.<p> This study looks beyond unitary conceptions of the state towards questions of power and local agency. It engages Foucauldian and Weberian theories to show how a combination of intergovernmental politics, intrastate variables, and Aboriginal agency refashioned Native-newcomer relations in this period. Post-WWII administrative contexts served as theatres for the contestation of old, and formulation of new, power relationships. Developments in this era were to have a significant influence on Native-newcomer relations moving into the modern era.

"Livsföring i övrigt" : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av kommunala riktlinjer för ekonomiskt bistånd

Asp, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the municipal guidelines regarding the construction of the prerequisite "other living expenses", and how the construction of the prerequisite was constructed in relation to the legislation. The sample of the thesis was the municipalities in Stockholm’s county. The empirical result was compiled with the hermeneutical method, and analyzed through a legal perspective and three different theoretical perspectives, as well as compared with previous studies. The theoretical perspectives were legal pluralism, bureaucracy, legitimacy and rule of law. The results of the thesis pointed out differences between the municipalities concerning the assessment of social assistance to purposes included in "other living expenses". The differences that appeared in the thesis was due to that the social services act is as a framework law, which allows local adjustments and has a general construction with vague concepts. The differences between municipalities make the administration of the social assistance turn out different for the client depending in which municipality he/she lives in. The results of the thesis showed that municipal guidelines did neither contribute to uniform the assessment of social assistance in Sweden, as intended nor raised the rule of law.

The politics of indian administration : a revisionist history of intrastate relations in mid-twentieth century British Columbia

Plant, Byron King 02 April 2009 (has links)
This dissertation examines Native-newcomer relations during the integrationist era in Canadian Indian affairs: the two and a half decades after World War Two during which the federal government introduced policies designed to integrate Indians into mainstream Canadian social, political, economic, and administrative life. Particular focus is given to developments in British Columbia, where some of the most concerted steps towards integration took place. Growing public and political demands for institutional desegregation and the granting of rights of citizenry to Aboriginal people recast Indian affairs into a matter of unprecedented intergovernmental importance.<p> Shifting between micro- and macro-historical perspectives, the following chapters consist of a series of comparative policy case studies. Individually, they examine the development, implementation, and effects of the four main areas of federal Indian integrationist planning after WWII: health, education, economic development, and welfare. Collectively, chapters demonstrate how integration was a mission essentially administrative in orientation: every policy undertaken in this period, whether directly or indirectly, sought to implicate the province and other federal line departments in Indian affairs. Not all attempts at administrative integration, however, were successful. While BC and the federal government reached joint agreements in the fields of education and health, other areas such as Indian economic development and welfare proved to be a source of significant intergovernmental conflict and impasse.<p> Aboriginal people were important participants when it came to integrated health, education, and social welfare. Incorporating ethnohistorical insights and Aboriginal perspectives throughout, this dissertation documents how Aboriginal agency in this periodexpressed in a range of innovative actions and wordsincluded important combinatory aspects of compliance, resistance, and accommodation. Many individuals, for instance, demanded access to provincial services as within their rights as Aboriginal people and provincial voting and taxpaying citizens. While post-war integrationist policies varied widely in terms of their local perception and impact, Indian assimilation remained an elusive goal throughout this period. Advances in provincial devolution of Indian administration rarely resulted in the type of social and economic integration envisioned by federal officials.<p> This study looks beyond unitary conceptions of the state towards questions of power and local agency. It engages Foucauldian and Weberian theories to show how a combination of intergovernmental politics, intrastate variables, and Aboriginal agency refashioned Native-newcomer relations in this period. Post-WWII administrative contexts served as theatres for the contestation of old, and formulation of new, power relationships. Developments in this era were to have a significant influence on Native-newcomer relations moving into the modern era.

Övervakning för rikets säkerhet : Svensk säkerhetspolisiär övervakning av utländska personer och inhemsk politisk aktivitet, 1885–1922 / Surveillance for national security : Swedish security police and the monitoring of foreign citizens and domestic political activity, 1885–1922

Langkjaer, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
During the 19th century the European states experienced a new kind of threat to their existence. The military threats from other countries were now accompanied by civilian threats that inspired mass protest, terrorism and other menaces to the established order. In Sweden, these threats were mainly seen as connected to the rising labor movement and to a growing number of foreign citizens. The aim of the dissertation is to examine surveillance for national security carried out by the Stockholm Criminal Investigation Department and its Police Bureau between 1885 and 1922. Apart from examining what specific surveillance methods that were used, the dissertation gives an answer to the question why the surveillance was carried out, and why it was carried out the way it was. It also discusses how differences and similarities between the surveillance in Sweden and other countries can be explained and how the surveillance between 1885 and 1922 relates to the corresponding activities during the latter part of the 20th century. The main conclusions are that there was a lack of formal rules regulating the surveillance, and that it therefore was based on the following of routines. The bureaucratization process that characterized the period influenced the surveillance, which came to be performed as a bureaucratic machine, characterized by a tendency of expansion. This meant that the surveillance activities were constantly expanded and became more and more extensive. The expansion is connected to the surveillance phenomenon, which could be said to have an unlimited scope. Furthermore, it is suggested that this specific historic legacy has affected the development of Swedish security police activity during the second half of the 20th century.

¡Hasta la utopía siempre! : conflicting utopian ideologies in Havana’s late socialist housing market / Conflicting utopian ideologies in Havana's late socialist housing market

Genova, Jared Michael 26 April 2013 (has links)
Through the broader contextualization of ethnographic fieldwork in Havana’s newly reformed housing market, this study theorizes the Cuban late socialist condition through a lens of utopian ideological conflict. A popular narrative of free market utopia has emerged in the face of the state’s recalcitrant ideology of state socialism. The popular narrative is reproduced through growth in the informal economy, while the socialist utopian narrative is maintained by the ubiquity of its bureaucratic apparatus. Inspired by postmodern theorist Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation (1994), this thesis theorizes the Cuban state narrative as an ideological simulation, supported only through its strongest simulacrum – the government bureaucracy. Previous work on Cuba has cited the importance of access to government-purchased goods to fuel the informal economy and individual wealth accumulation. This study highlights the reproduction of a narrative of free market utopia in the desire for access to transactions as intermediaries, particularly as the deals increase in hard currency value. The passage of Decreto-Ley Number 288, which authorized the buying and selling of homes has served to rapidly capitalize the market and encourage further development of an informal network of brokers. Greater economic hybridization in the housing sector, among others, is gradually eroding the totalizing nature of the state’s socialist utopia. / text

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