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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krav i markanvisningstävlingar / Demands in land allocation competitions

Hansson, Linda, Singmo, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Det är endast mark som ägs av kommunen som kan markanvisas och när kommunen markanvisar finns det olika förfaranden som de kan välja att använda sig av; ett av dessa förfaranden är markanvisningstävlingar. Oftast gäller det speciella områden där kommunen har en vision och grundidé om hur området ska utformas. Kommunen sätter ihop ett tävlingsprogram och låter byggherrarna utforma sina bidrag som sedan bedöms av kommunen efter de uppsatta kraven i tävlingsprogrammet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Sveriges kommuner utformar sina markanvisningstävlingar samt klargöra vilka typer av krav som kommunerna ställer på byggherrarna i tävlingsprogrammen för markanvisningen. Sveriges 290 kommuner har kontaktats varav 200 stycken har svarat på frågan om de använder sig av markanvisningstävlingar eller ej. Undersökningen visar att 43 kommuner har genomfört markanvisningstävlingar från 1 januari 2015 och framåt. Totalt sett har 57 stycken tävlingsprogram granskats. Vidare visar resultatet av undersökningen att kommunerna ställer en rad olika typer av krav, vissa mer specificerade än andra. Resultatet visar också att kommunerna ställer krav som går utöver deras befogenheter, alltså att de bryter mot särkravsförbudet i 8 kap. 4 a § PBL. Utifrån resultatet kan slutsatsen dras att kommunerna strävar i samhällsbyggnadsprocessen att uppnå hållbarhetsmålen. I arbetet med detta ställer kommunerna höga krav på att bebyggelsen ska bidra till en god bebyggd miljö samt en modern hållbarhetsstad. / Land allocations can only be performed by the Swedish municipalities on the land they themselves own. When the municipalities design a land allocation, they have different types of procedures to choose from. One of these is called land allocation competition, when chosen its often for an area which the municipality already have formed a vision regarding what it should become. A competition program is created with certain demands set by the municipality, following the developers create a design for the area and present this. Subsequently the municipality consider the designs and choses the one which falls best in line with the competition program. The aim of the study is to investigate how the Swedish municipalities frame the land allocation competitions, and which types of demands they outline in the competition programs. All 290 Swedish municipalities were contacted and 200 of them responded on whether they use land allocation competitions, in total 43 municipalities use such. The study only contains land allocation competitions that have been completed after January 1st, 2015. A total of 57 land allocation competitions have been examined.The result of the study shows that the Swedish municipalities requires different types of demands, some more specified than others. It can also be shown that demands are outlined which extends beyond such defined in the Swedish constitutional law and the planning and building act. In conclusion, municipalities strive to reach goals of sustainable development in the process of building a city. Municipalities demands that exploitation contribute to a sustainable urban planning and design.

Energy Visualization out of the Developer's perspective : A qualitative study of Stockholm developers' willingness to pay

Kalström, Lovisa, Lindblad, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Residential energy visualization has increased in popularity during the past years, due to both legislation and an increased focus on the environmental impact of buildings. Meanwhile, the European energy efficiency directive has raised a debate on legislation on individual metering and charging (IMC), in which many negative voices among property owners and developers are being raised. The controversies bring interesting aspects to the analysis of energy visualization and its prerequisite IMC. This thesis will analyze the possibilities and barriers to implement residential energy visualization in new buildings in Stockholm, and the focus will be on local developers' perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to establish Stockholm developers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an IMC and energy visualization solution. The thesis defines perceived utility as the driving force for WTP, and accordingly the developer WTP is analyzed by evaluation of the developers' perceived utility of different technical aspects of an energy visualization solution. The solution has been modularized into three modules; IMC of hot water, IMC of heating and residential visualization. The hypothesis is that utility of the solution modules is perceived differently depending on developer ownership and developer business model; if the developer builds for property management or to sell. The empirical data has been collected through twelve in-depth interviews with developers in Stockholm. The developers were of different size, ownership and with different business models. When looking at the developers from an overall perspective, the analysis shows that there is some willingness to pay for IMC of hot water but none for IMC of heating. It can also be seen that residential visualization is something that the developers have some interest in although the overall WTP is considered low. Although environmental and fairness aspects are often mentioned by the developers in the context of IMC and energy visualization, operational and financial utility seem to be more influential in driving willingness to pay and as these utilities are not perceived, the overall WTP is low or non-existent for IMC and energy visualization. The hypothesis that developers would perceive utility differently depending on ownership or business model, if they build for property management of for sales, could not be proven. There are possibly tendencies for such differences but in this study such patterns were not clear enough to state the hypothesis as true. Additional to the WTP and developer groups, insights and takeaways are presented. The insights and takeaways are based on opportunities and risks that developers perceive with IMC and visualization, as well as requirements they have on the systems.

The Implementation of Construction Logistics Setups by Public Construction Clients : A Case Study of a Hospital Construction Project from a Network Perspective / Implementering av bygglogistiklösningar av offentliga byggherrar : En fallstudie av ett sjukhusprojekt ur ett nätverksperspektiv

Håkanson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of construction logistics setups by public construction clients, by looking at the perspectives of the client, logistics providers, contractors, construction logistics center operator, and material supplier. The implementation intents for different logistics solutions and associated requirements are identified and the effects are traced through the project network of different actors. Furthermore, the specificities associated with the client acting in a public setting are considered. The research answers calls for more studies on public clients’ role in construction logistics and how their demands affect other project actors. It contributes to an increased knowledge in the field, hopefully leading to improved construction logistics and consequently a more sustainable construction sector.  The research focuses on the construction of a new hospital building in Stockholm, using the project as a case study. It is based on semi-structured interviews supplemented by document studies of project-specific documents. The findings are analyzed with the industrial network approach and the associated ARA (Actors-Resources-Activities) model, exemplifying network effects through specific client requirements into the layers of actors, resources, and activities.  It is concluded that the realized effects of the construction logistics setup are more extensive than intended. The client designed a construction logistics setup with the main intent to minimize disturbances to the surroundings, especially the hospital, and achieve efficient logistics operations. While the main intent of minimizing disturbances was realized, it led to unintended effects such as unclear division of responsibility and friction between the client and other project actors. One suggestion presented is to contractually place third-party logistics providers within the client organization or to give them executive responsibility for logistics. Public clients must develop the full logistics setup before procurement of contractors, balancing flexibility with maintaining control. Due to the limited possibility of early contractor involvement, because of the Public Procurement Act, the public client must clearly state demands and expectations in the early project stages. In addition to their implementation intents, they must also consider what effects different demands will have on project actors. The study contributes to existing theory in several ways. Firstly, it strengthens the view that clients as initiators of a CLS is primarily concerned with minimizing disturbances to the immediate surrounding and to hospital operations. Secondly, it verifies previously identified drivers and barriers of third-party logistics and construction logistics centers. Thirdly, it adds understanding to the role of the public client and how their actions are influenced by the Public Procurement Act, as well as how this impacts how the client controls the operations of other project actors. / Denna studie undersöker implementeringen av bygglogistiklösningar hos offentliga byggherrar ur flera aktörers perspektiv: byggherre, logistikleverantör, entreprenörer, terminaloperatör och materialleverantör. Syftet med implementeringen av olika logistiklösningar och tillhörande kravställningar identifieras och effekterna av dessa spåras genom projektnätverket av flera aktörer. Vidare beaktas de specifika förutsättningar som råder för offentliga byggherrar som beställare. Studien ämnar möta efterfrågan på fler undersökningar som beaktar offentliga byggherrars roll inom bygglogistik och hur deras kravställningar påverkar övriga projektaktörer. Den bidrar med ökad kunskap inom ämnet vilket förhoppningsvis leder till förbättrad bygglogistik och därmed en mer hållbar byggsektor.  Studien baseras på en fallstudie av byggnationen av en ny sjukhusbyggnad i Stockholm. Resultaten grundar sig i semistrukturerade intervjuer och kompletterande dokumentstudier av projektspecifika dokument. Dessa har analyserats genom industriell nätverksteori och mer specifikt genom ARA (Aktörer-Resurser-Aktiviteter) modellen, där exempel på byggherrens krav och följande nätverkseffekter kategoriseras i de tre lagren aktörer, resurser och aktiviteter.  Studiens resultat är att de realiserade effekterna av bygglogistiklösningen är mer omfattande än de avsedda. Byggherren utformade en bygglogistiklösning med huvudsyftet att minimera störningar i omgivningen, särskilt för sjukhusets verksamhet, och uppnå en effektiv logistikverksamhet. Huvudsyftet att minimera störningar uppnåddes, men det ledde till oavsiktliga effekter som otydlig ansvarsfördelning och friktion mellan byggherren och andra projektaktörer. Ett förslag som presenteras är att kontraktsmässigt placera tredjepartslogistikleverantörer inom byggherrens organisation, alternativt att ge dem fullt ansvar för logistiken. Offentliga byggherrar måste utveckla hela logistiklösningen innan entreprenörerna upphandlas och därmed balansera flexibilitet och att behålla kontrollen. På grund av denbegränsade möjligheten till tidigentreprenörsmedverkan, på grund av lagen om offentlig upphandling, måste den offentliga byggherren tydligt ange krav och förväntningar i upphandlingsskedet. Utöver byggherrens syften med implementeringen av särskilda logistiklösningar ska de också ta hänsyn till vilka effekter olika krav kommer att få för projektaktörerna.  Resultaten bidrar även till existerande teori på flera sätt. De stärker synen att offentliga byggherrar, som initiativtagare till bygglogistiklösningar, främst beaktar minskade störningar tillnärområdet och sjukhusets verksamhet. Vidare verifieras tidigare identifierade drivkrafter och hinder för tredjepartslogistik och bygglogistikcenter. Slutligen bidrar resultaten till ökad förståelse för hur offentliga byggherrar agerar och hur deras handlingar påverkas av LOU, samt hur detta påverkar på vilket sätt byggherren kontrollerar andra projektaktörers verksamhet.

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