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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les camps de "regroupement" : une histoire de l’État colonial et de la société rurale pendant la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (1954-1962) / The “regroupment” camps : an history of the colonial State and the rural society during Algerian war for independence (1954-62)

Sacriste, Fabien 14 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques de déplacement des populations rurales pendant la guerre d’indépendance algérienne. Au cours de ce conflit, la création de « zones interdites » par l’armée française se solde par le transfert de plus de deux millions d’Algériens vers ce que l’armée appelle alors des « centres de regroupement ». L’objectif de ce travail consiste à comprendre les dynamiques de diffusion de cette pratique et son intégration dans l’arsenal stratégique mobilisé par l’armée française dans la lutte contre le Front de Libération National. Il s’agit aussi de cerner la figure de l’une des institutions majeures de ce conflit, le camp de regroupement. Essentiellement créé à des fins de contrôle social, il génère dans la plupart des cas une crise économique pour les populations visées, déracinées et privées de l’accès à leurs terres, désormais dépendantes de l’État. Il s’agit enfin de comprendre comment l’État et l’armée réagissent à cette crise, en développant notamment une politique dite des « Mille villages » censée transformer les camps en autant de nouvelles entités semi-rurales – et les effets de cette politique. Dans cette perspective, ce travail vise à étudier la mise en œuvre de cette double politique sur le terrain militaire, politique et administratif, en analysant les relations entre les principaux acteurs de l’État dans la conduite de l’action publique. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux activités sécuritaires, sociales et économiques des officiers des Sections Administratives Spécialisées (SAS), alors chargés de l’encadrement des populations déplacées. Elle cherche ainsi à contribuer à l’écriture d’une histoire de l’État colonial dans ce contexte où il connaît ses ultimes transformations. / This PhD concerns the displacement of rural population during the Algerian war for independence. During this conflict, the creation of “forbidden zones” by the French army ends in the transfer of nearly two million Algerians towards some camps that the militaries then called “regroupment centres”. The objective of this work consists to study the dynamics of this practice’s diffusion and its integration in the militaries strategy implemented against the National Liberation Front. Its aim is also to define the specificity of one of the major institution of this conflict: the “regroupment” camp. Essentially created for Social Control purposes, it generated in most of the cases an economic crisis for the rural population, uprooted and deprived of the access to its land, and most part of the time depending on State’s food distribution. This work try to understand how some actors, civilian or militaries, try to react to this crisis, by developing a particular policy: the “One thousand villages”, that was supposed to transform the camps into some “new villages”. This work aims to study the implementation of this double policy, on the local military, political and administrative ground, by analysing the relations between the main actors of the State. It is focused in particular on the security, social, economic activities of the officers of the Specialized Administrative Sections, which were in charge of the camp. In such a perspective, it tries to contribute to the writing of a history of Colonial State in its last algerian manifestation.

Évaluation du programme V.I.P.-Camps : programme de formation en intervention psychoéducative offert aux moniteurs de camps d'été

Leblanc, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

"Ordinaria amministrazione" : I campi di concentramento per ebrei nella Repubblica Sociale Italiana / «Administration ordinaire» : les camps de concentration pour juifs dans la Repubblica Sociale Italiana. / “Ordinary” : the concentration camps for Jews in the Italian Social Republic

Stefanori, Matteo 28 March 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse examine le phénomène des camps de concentration ouverts après l’ordonnance n. 5 du Ministre de l’Intérieur de la Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI), le 30 novembre 1943, afin de regrouper et interner tous les juifs d’Italie. La recherche vise à analyser la mise en place de ce système concentrationnaire, pour s’interroger sur le rôle joué par ces structures à l’intérieur de la politique antijuive de la Repubblica di Salò et de la déportation des juifs de l’Italie. A partir de la fin du mois de novembre 1943, le nouveau gouvernement républicain fasciste chargea son ministère de l’Intérieur et ses administrations locales d’arrêter et interner les juifs: il décida donc de placer la «question juive» sur un plan administratif, là où il n'avait pas cependant sa pleine souveraineté à cause de l’occupation allemande de l’Italie après l’armistice du 8 septembre 1943. Malgré l’ingérence allemande dans la politique italienne de l’époque, les autorités de Salò eurent une marge d’autonomie et d’initiative en ce qui concerne l’application des dispositions d’internement des juifs. Dans ce contexte, les camps de concentration jouèrent un rôle central: à travers l’analyse de ces structures on peut distinguer les caractéristiques de l'antisémitisme d'État de la RSI et les éléments qui sont en continuité avec la politique antijuive du passé régime fasciste, ainsi que les dynamiques politiques qui déterminèrent la «collaboration» entre les autorités italiennes et les autorités d’occupation allemandes. / The doctoral thesis analyzes the affair of the concentration camps for Jews opened up by the decree n. 5 of 30 November 1943 from the minister of the Interior of the Italian Social Republic, Guido Buffarini Guidi. By this measure the republican government entrusted the peripheral authorities of the ministry of the Interior, prefectures and police headquarters, the task of arresting and interning all the Jews present in Italy. The carrying out of the orders was influenced by the war background of two-year-period 1943-1945: by the German occupation of Italy, which followed the armistice of 8 September, the German authorities kept the RSI under a tight control. Notwithstanding the German interference into the Italian political affairs, the local authorities of Salò seemed to hold on a degree of autonomy and initiative to enforce the anti-Jewish measures decided by the government. In this situation, the concentration camps played a key role and act here below as a magnifier for the study of the “Jewish-question” in the RSI. Through the analysis of these camps the features of the state anti-Semitism of Salò can be recognized, as an extension of that one of the previous fascist regime, as well as the political dynamics that were at the bottom of the “collaboration” between Italian and German authorities can be deepened. As Denis Pechanski notices about the French case, the concentration camps are in this way “the cornerstone of the mechanism of deportation of the Jews”.

The lives and afterlives of the Mauthausen subcamp communities

Kropiunigg, Rafael Milan January 2017 (has links)
Concentration camp scholarship has been impacted by an ‘island syndrome’: most research limits itself to one site, focuses either on its life or afterlife, and overlooks interactions among functionaries, inmates, and local people. Central themes connected to the camps thus remain shrouded in popular misconceptions. This study breaks with historiographical orthodoxies and addresses common confusions through a new framework. Drawing on Ebensee and the Loiblpass, two forced labour outposts of the Mauthausen complex, it presents the first integrated account of the divergent factors that shaped the legacies of these sites and the fates of their subjects. A focus on Ebensee shows how gravely the local bureaucracy, relief workers, and US Army impacted on the early postwar lives of former camp inmates. Victim groups were marginalised by local and Allied actors precisely because of a broad awareness and continued survivor presence. The Loiblpass figured less prominently in the postwar lives of its surrounding communities. At the core of postwar views lay pre-1945 experiences. Living in an epicentre of territorial struggles, Loibl Valley inhabitants did not externalise a strong political agenda and instead communicated a binary ‘selective association process’. The memory of the camp prompted a positive association in socioeconomic terms; political allusions provoked a relativizing of brutality and a claim to personal victimhood. The local context and postwar dimension constitute a missing link in our understanding of these sites, their neighbouring communities, and the early postwar period more broadly. While the causal relationship between a social reintegration of Nazis and a re-marginalisation of genuine victims has thus far been viewed chiefly through the lens of federal politics, this development was already long under way—aided by all local actors—when amnesty laws encouraging the rehabilitation of former National Socialists came into effect; national and Allied policy decisions in the wake of the burgeoning Cold War only further catalysed this development from 1947 onwards.

The psycho-social support by local community members for traumatized children : a case study of Liberia, Botswana, and Morocco / L'aide psychosociale des membres de la communauté locale en faveur des enfants traumatisés : une étude de cas portant sur le Liberia, le Botswana et le Maroc

King, Ariel 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette contribution, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche-action menée sur différents terrains d’enquête, se propose, dans une perspective comparative, d’examiner les caractéristiques et l’apport de dispositifs ou de programmes de soutien et d’entraide mis en œuvre par des communautés locales africaines afin de prendre en charge de jeunes enfants victimes de sévices graves, livrés à eux-mêmes et en proie à la vulnérabilité ou à la maltraitance. Trois pays, en développement ou émergents, servent ici de support à l’argumentation : le Botswana, confronté au sida, à la famine et à la sècheresse ; le Liberia, meurtri par la guerre civile et son cortège de violences ; le Maroc, enfin, avec – en arrière-plan – la problématique de la pauvreté et l’évolution du statut de la femme. L’approche privilégiée, de type qualitatif, se situe au carrefour de la psychologie sociale et de la sociologie des représentations et des identités, la méthodologie retenue reposant sur une analyse classique en termes de forces et de faiblesses, d’opportunités et de blocages. Les relations de partenariat sont également à l’honneur, ainsi que le processus de mobilisation des ressources et les mécanismes de résilience. / This contribution, which is part of a research-action carried out on different fields of investigation, proposes, in a comparative perspective, to examine the characteristics and the contribution of devices or programs of support and self-help implemented by African local communities to care for children who are victims of severe trauma, including orphaned, abuse and poverty, who are left to their own capabilities or who are vulnerable to maltreatment.Three countries, developing or emerging, serve as support for this argument: Botswana, facing deaths from AIDS and famine and drought; Liberia, bruised by civil war and its continued violence; Morocco, finally, with - in the background - the problem of precarity and the evolution of the status of women.Our approach, both quantitative and qualitative, is at the crossroads of social psychology and the sociology of representations and identities. The chosen methodology is based on a classical analysis in terms of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and blockages. Partnership relationships are also honored, as is the resource mobilization process, and resilience mechanisms.

An archaeological and historical investigation of a World War II military site at Goffs, California

Patterson, Gerald Francis 01 January 2007 (has links)
This archaeological and historical investigation focuses on the area in and around the town of Goffs, California, which was used for support and logistical facilities and had some association with combat divisions during the period. The central question concerns the nature and the role of the military units from 1942 to 1944. Was this site a a significant part of the World War II era DTC? C-AMA, and how did it relate to the whole? Efforts to answer this question included document research and extensive field investigation. The result is a more complete view of the wartime activites at Goffs and their relationship to the whole DTC/ C-AMA, other governmental agencies, and other organizations.

Destruction et métamorphoses du corps dans l'enfermement. Représentation de la déshumanisation chez Primo Levi, Georges Perec et Samuel Beckett / Destruction and metamorphoses of the body in confinement. Dehumanisation’s representation in Primo Levi, Georges Perec and Samuel Beckett’s works

Munaro, Béatrice 20 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse de littérature comparée a pour objectif de mettre en rapport des œuvres habitées par l’Histoire, et d’interroger les représentations littéraires du corps face à l’épreuve extrême de l’enfermement. Le but de cette recherche, qui se déploie en trois temps, est de questionner la nature humaine à travers le prisme de l’écriture face à l’expérience bouleversante des camps de concentration et d’extermination nazis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en mettant en parallèle des œuvres tant de témoignage que de fiction, qui puisent leurs ressources chacune dans le réel et le fictionnel, dans un jeu de vases communicants.Plus précisément, dans le cadre de la première partie, nous nous concentrons sur la manière dont l’expérience-limite de l’être se manifeste dans ces récits : la confusion identitaire et la déshumanisation y bousculent la représentation du corps, le mettent en doute. Ce doute s’inscrit dans le langage même : comment raconter ce qui paraît inimaginable ? Dans cette deuxième partie, nous mettons l’accent sur l’aspect indicible de l’évènement, et réfléchissons aux contournements, aux déplacements que peut offrir la littérature pour dire ce qui semble, au premier abord, inénarrable. Les images et symboles créent de nouvelles formes littéraires. Ces analyses nous permettent de développer enfin la thématique de ce que nous appelons l’écriture organique, qui se compose et s’articule autour de la corporéité. Langage et corps se superposent dans une dynamique architecturale. Écrire laisse une trace. L’écriture engendre. La littérature serait alors le terrain fécond d’une renaissance, de l’écriture d’un homme nouveau, à jamais métamorphosé par l’expérience concentrationnaire. / This thesis of comparative literature aims to relate pieces inhabited by history and to question literary representations of the body in the face of the extreme hardship of confinement. The aim of this research, which unfolds in three parts, is to question human nature through the prism of writing when confronted with the traumatic experience of concentration camps and Nazi exterminations in the Second World War, by paralleling pieces, factual and fictional, which draw their ressources from both reality and fiction like interconnecting vessels. More specifically, as part of the first section we concentrate on the way the limit-experience of being manifests itself in these accounts. The confusion of identity and the dehumanization disrupt the representation of the body, thus impeaching it.This doubt fits into the language itself : how does one tell the unimaginable ? In the second section we focus on the inexpressible aspect of the event and reflect on the diversions, the displacements that literature can offer to say what, at first, seems indescribable. Imagery and symbolism create new forms of literature.This analysis allows us to develop the theme that we call organic writing, which is composed of and articulates itself through corporeity. Language and body superpose themselves in an architectural dynamic. Writing leaves a trace. Writing gives rise to new forms. Literature would therefore be the fertile soil of revival, the writing of a new human being, forever metamorphosed by the concentration camp experience.

Évaluation du programme V.I.P.-Camps : programme de formation en intervention psychoéducative offert aux moniteurs de camps d'été

Leblanc, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Krieg, Gesellschaft und KZ Himmlers SS-Baubrigaden /

Fings, Karola, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, 2002. / Includes registers of names of SS-Baubrigaden inmates, including those who died (p. 338-353); and names of SS tried for crimes (p. 357-363). Includes lists of SS-Baubrigaden and commandants (p. 335-337), and a list of memorials dealing with SS-Baubrigaden (p. 364-367). Includes bibliographical references (p. 377-399) and indexes.

Traces of forced labour – a history of black civilians in British concentration camps during the South African War, 1899-1902

Benneyworth, Garth Conan January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / During the South African War of 1899-1902 captured civilians were directed by the British army into military controlled zones and into refugee camps which became known as concentration camps. Established near towns, mines and railway sidings these camps were separated along racial lines. The British forced black men, women and children through the violence of war into agricultural and military labour as a war resource, interning over 110,000 black civilians in concentration camps. Unlike Boer civilians who were not compelled to labour, the British forced black civilians into military labour through a policy of no work no food. According to recent scholarly work based only on the written archive, at least 20,000 black civilians died in these camps. This project uses these written archives together with archaeological surveys, excavations, and oral histories to uncover a history of seven such forced labour camps. This approach demonstrates that in constructing an understanding and a history of what happened in the forced labour camps, the written archive alone is limited. Through the work of archaeology which uncovers material evidence on the terrain and the remains of graves one can begin to envisage the scale an extent of the violence that characterized the experience of forced laborers in the 'black concentration camps' in the South African War.

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