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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As trevas em Trevisan: por uma releitura do mito vampírico / The darkness in Trevisan: a re-reading of the vampire myth

Bordoni, Rita de Cássia 25 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:58:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Bordoni.pdf: 5300151 bytes, checksum: 4531ab9467e1da9cccbd6862ad92c533 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-25 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The main objective of this research is, by means of a comparative method, to do a critical analysis of O vampiro de Curitiba (The vampire from Curitiba) from Dalton Trevisan. This analysis will try to answer a core question: How can Dalton Trevisan rebuild one of the most ancient myths of the human culture the vampire one? To answer this problematic question, we have thought about three hypotheses: 1) The vampire myth is demystified in a parodical way, revealing his two faces: hero and victim; 2) The demystification is done through a sense of emptiness which can be observed in: the narrative, the hero and the narrator as well as in the discourse categories and all of this on the border between fiction and non-fiction; 3) The vampire myth demystification generates a social criticism effect in a time that life in the urban centers is in degeneration. The parody concept that we chose to guide the novel‟s analysis was taken from Bakhtin (1998) and Hutcheon (1985). These authors leaded us to a conclusion that Trevisan takes off the mythical vampire‟s aura. As he does this in the text, he transforms the myth in an unsacred one through resources like: love cannibalism and death, using the sex desire as his via cruces. In his trajectory in Curitiba, he allegorically configures the city as an urban Hades, in an attitude to criticize the values of a society in decomposition, the literary patterns in tension against the urban litter , which is characterized as a non-literary discourse / O objetivo dessa pesquisa é, por meio de um método comparativo, realizar a análise crítica do corpus - O vampiro de Curitiba, de Dalton Trevisan, que buscará responder a uma questão nuclear: como Dalton Trevisan reconstrói literariamente um dos mitos ancestrais da cultura humana o mito do vampiro? Para responder a essa problemática, lançamos três hipóteses: 1) O mito do vampiro é desmistificado parodicamente, revelando a sua face bifronte: a de herói e a de vítima; 2) A desmistificação se faz por meio do esvaziamento tanto de categorias da narrativa, como as do herói e do narrador, quanto do discurso, na fronteira entre o literário e o não-literário; 3) A desmistificação do mito do vampiro gera um efeito de crítica social em termos da degeneração da vida nos centros urbanos. A análise do livro à luz do conceito de paródia de Bakhtin (1998) e Hutcheon (1985), levou-nos à conclusão de que o autor retira a aura do vampiro mítico, dessacralizando-o por meio do canibalismo amoroso e da morte, fazendo do desejo sexual a sua via crucis. Na sua trajetória por Curitiba, acaba por configurá-la alegoricamente como um Hades urbano, numa atitude de crítica seja aos valores de uma sociedade em decomposição, seja aos padrões literários confrontados com o lixo urbano de discursos frontalmente não-literários

No país dos Cinta Larga: uma etnografia do ritual / In the land of the Cinta Larga: the ethnography of a ritual

Poz Neto, Joao Dal 27 August 1991 (has links)
O foco da dissertação é o ritual no qual os Cinta Larga, povo de língua Tupi-Mondé que habita o noroeste de Mato Grosso e sudeste de Rondônia, dançam, cantam, bebem e, ao fim, sacrificam uma vítima animal. Apresenta-se uma descrição extensa das etapas do ritual, e procura-se decifrar o código simbólico que aciona, recorrendo ao contexto etnográfico, mitológico e escatológico. Para isto, a parte inicial do trabalho traz dados sobre a história e a sociedade Cinta Larga, indicando as principais questões. Este ritual ou festa é o evento social mais significativo nesta sociedade, o único capaz de mobilizar um grande contingente de pessoas e também de recursos. Neste sentido, o ritual revela-se um tema privilegiado para compreender a sociedade Cinta Larga. O método aqui assumido toma o ritual enquanto um instante privilegiado no continuum da vida social, que se distingue pela dramatização de temas e questões fundamentais para a sociedade. Os dados para esta dissertação provêm de inúmeros períodos de campo, distribuídos entre os anos de 1980 e 1988, e pesquisas bibliográficas exaustivas. / This dissertation focuses a great feast celebrated by the Cinta Larga, a Tupi-Mondé people that inhabits the northwestern Mato Grosso and southeastern Rondônia, Brazil. By an extensive description of the ritual steps, whose climax is the sacrifice of an animal victim, the study elucidates the ethnographic context and the symbolic codes to provide a privileged insight of Cinta Larga society.

Le corps écorché, dépecé, recomposé / The Skinned, butchered, reconstituted body

Salamandra, Lisa 18 September 2018 (has links)
La recherche de cette thèse s’articule autour de mon travail plastique de la série « Raw Meat » où je me sers exclusivement de l’image publicitaire de viande crue que je détourne pour construire des corps féminins. Elle répond à la question suivante : Pourquoi sommes-nous affectés par la vue, par l’aspect de la matière de la viande crue ; et pourquoi sommes-nous davantage affectés lorsque la viande crue forme – ou fusionne avec – le corps de la femme ? L’origine de la force de cette image est ciblée comme issue de notre passé primitif ; la recherche soulève nos liens les plus profonds avec la chair animale et ses pratiques liées aux sociétés primitives, et démontre comment les mythes, les rites, et les interdits autour du corps animal/humain sont toujours à l’œuvre. Nous soutenons les hypothèses d’une image comestible, de l’œil cannibale, de la pulsion scopique au sein d’une œuvre, du regard pulsionnel, voire criminel de l’artiste, de la cruauté de l’être, du dévoilement, de l’image violente (de la femme) et de sa sublimation. Nous regardons comment les différents mécanismes à l’œuvre dans l’image de la femme, à l’instar de la série « Raw Meat », permettent une multitude d’interprétations de la chair, dont les sens vont de notre passé primitif à notre contemporanéité. Notre plaidoyer pour cette polysémie est celle de la nécessité de cette image « vraie » de femme, à l’image de son émancipation. / The research of this thesis focuses upon a series of my artwork in which I utilizeadvertisement photographs taken from local supermarket flyers that depict raw meat. I use these to construct female figures. The research responds to the inquiry: Why are we affected by the image of raw meat; and why are we even more so affected when the images of raw meat compose – or fuse with – the female figure? The origin of the effect this image has on the spectator is targeted as being found within our primitive past; stemming from our relationship with the animal flesh, and thus with the animal itself. We illustrate our profound ties to the animal, including surrounding acts which were an integral part of daily lives in primitive societies. We show how the myths, rites, and taboos, associated with the animal/human body are still at work today. The research supports different hypotheses: the edible image, the cannibal’s eye, the “scopique” impulse within an artwork (relative to the eye), and the criminality of the artist, a being’s cruelty, the unveiling of the body, violent images (of women) and their sublimation. We plead the necessity of this never-been-seen-before, polysemous, “true” image of the female figure whose significance spans from our primitive past to contemporary societies; as one of her emancipation.

Ontogenetic scaling and the development of within-cohort size structure

Huss, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
It is increasingly recognized that individuals of the same species differ from each other and influence and respond to their environment in unique ways. This thesis deals with size variation among individuals that not only are of the same species but also of similar age. Such variation may develop even when individuals are born in the same environment, i.e. within a cohort. I have studied the sources and consequences of variation within and among cohorts from egg through early ontogeny using young-of-the-year (YOY) perch (Perca fluviatilis) as study organism. In agreement with predictions based on model results only taking exploitative interactions among individuals into account, I found that the broader the initial size distributions were, the more did the degree of size variation among individuals decrease over time. Still, with initially small size variation among individuals, in several experiments also size divergence was observed. Furthermore, size variation among individuals increased more under high compared to at low densities. Increased size variation over time may be explained by size-dependent diet shifts allowing for initially larger individuals to make an early diet shift when the first resource becomes limiting. However, as size divergence also was observed in situations with only shared resources available, it can be concluded that diet shifts are not a prerequisite for size divergence in young animal cohorts. Hence, I also suggest that mechanisms not related to competition for limiting resources, such as genetic variation, stochasticity and behavioural traits must be taken into account, especially when initial size differences are small. The importance of considering size variation among individuals within cohorts was demonstrated in a study of winter mortality in YOY perch cohorts. A large individual size in autumn was shown to increase overwinter survival within cohorts. However, late summer growth rather than average body size reached in autumn explained variation in overwinter survival between cohorts. Higher accumulation to lipid reserves and accordingly lower mortality over winter was observed in years with high growth rates late in the season. In another study I showed that apparent patterns of density-dependent growth can emerge among larval fish, but rather than a result of density-dependent resource limitation this was due to variation in size-selective predation pressure. Individuals in the right end of the size distributions grew in to a high predation pressure from cannibalistic perch when cannibal density was high, coinciding with high larval perch densities. Finally, as substantial size variation among individuals can develop within cohorts, also intra-cohort cannibalism can occur. Using a physiologically structured population model it was shown that the development of size bimodality within cohorts as a result of intra-cohort cannibalism is critically dependent on long hatching periods, high victim densities and density-dependent feedbacks on shared resources. / Det faktum att individer som tillhör samma art skiljer sig från varandra och påverkar och påverkas av sin omgivande miljö på ett unikt sätt tillskrivs allt större betydelse inom ekologin. Den här avhandlingen handlar framför allt om storleksvariation mellan individer som förutom att tillhöra samma art dessutom tillhör samma årsklass. Sådan storleksvariation kan till och med utvecklas mellan individer som föds och växer upp i samma miljö (inom en kohort). Jag har studerat orsaker bakom och konsekvenser av variation inom och mellan kohorter. Som studieorganism har jag använt mig av årsyngel av abborre (Perca fluviatilis). I överensstämmelse med förutsägelser baserade på en modell som enbart tar hänsyn till konkurrens om en gemensam resurs visade det sig såväl i ett dammexperiment som i en naturlig sjö att ju bredare den initiala storleksfördelningen var desto mer minskade graden av variation i kroppsstorlek mellan individer över tid. Å andra sidan, när den initiala variationen var relativt liten observerades i flera oberoende experiment även storleksdivergens över tid mellan individer. Variationen i storlek ökade särskilt i miljöer med höga tätheter av konsumenter (abborrar). För att förstå de bakomliggande mekanismerna av sådana täthetseffekter måste man ta hänsyn till den återkoppling som sker mellan antalet konsumenter och mängden resurser. Ökad storleksvariation över tid skulle kunna förklaras med storleksberoende dietskiften som tillåter individer med en initial storleksfördel att genomgå ett tidigt dietskifte samtidigt som tillgången av den första resursen begränsar övriga individers tillväxt. Eftersom storleksdivergens även observerades i situationer där enbart en delad resurs var tillgänglig kan man dock dra slutsatsen att dietskiften inte är en förutsättning för storleksdivergens inom kohorter. Jag föreslår därför också att mekanismer som inte är relaterade till konkurrens om en begränsad resurs, såsom inneboende variation mellan individer och variation i beteendemönster bör beaktas för att förklara uppkomsten av storleksvariation, speciellt i de fall då den initiala variationen är liten. De resultat som presenteras visar på betydelsen av att ta hänsyn till storleksvariation mellan individer. Storlek efter den första tillväxtsäsongen var viktig för att förklara vilka individer inom en kohort av årsyngel som överlever sin första vinter. För att förklara variation i vinteröverlevnad mellan kohorter (mellan år och sjöar) var däremot hög tillväxt sent på säsongen (oberoende av medelstorlek på hösten) avgörande. Högre ackumulering av fettreserver och lägre mortalitet inom kohorter av årsyngel under vintern observerades under år med hög tillväxt under den senare delen av tillväxtsäsongen. I en annan studie visade jag att mönster som tyder på täthetsberoende tillväxt kan uppkomma hos fiskyngel men att detta fenomen snarare än täthetsberoende resursbegränsning förklaras av variation i storleksberoende predationstryck. De större individerna inom kohorterna växte in i ett högt predationstryck från kannibalistiska abborrar när tätheten av kannibaler var hög, något som samkorrelerade med höga tätheter av yngel. Slutligen, då en hög grad av storleksvariation mellan individer kan utvecklas inom kohorter är även kannibalism mellan individer inom en kohort möjligt. Genom att använda mig av en så kallad fysiologiskt strukturerad populationsmodell kunde jag visa att divergerande tillväxtkurvor mellan kannibaler och deras byten (vilket resulterar i storleksbimodalitet) som ett resultat av kannibalism inom kohorter är beroende av den tid det tar för ynglen att kläcka ut, antalet bytesfiskar per kannibal samt den återkoppling som finns mellan konsumenterna och deras gemensamma resurs (djurplankton).

Characterization of Mechanisms Influencing Cannibalism Among Larval Amphibians

2015 October 1900 (has links)
Cannibalism is a seemingly aberrant interaction, appearing counter to the fitness of individuals. Yet cannibalism is not overly uncommon, and naturally occurs among aquatic organisms, including larval amphibians. In temporary wetlands larval amphibians are in a race to complete metamorphosis before their aquatic habitat disappears. When intraspecific competition intensifies, eating conspecifics may represent a beneficial if not necessary strategy. The research presented within this thesis aims to characterize factors that influence cannibalism within populations of larval amphibians. Wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) were used to test potential benefits of cannibalism as a diet, determine if dietary quality and nutritional stress influence cannibalism, and investigate the roles of competition and chemical cues in influencing cannibalism. Larval long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum), and ringed salamanders (A. annulatum) were used to investigate a functional link between trophic polymorphism and cannibalism in natural populations. Results suggest that perceived increases in competition may stimulate some individuals to become less risk averse, and more aggressive, which may in turn facilitate cannibalistic behaviour. Cannibalism itself provided only conditional benefits to larval wood frogs, rather than the optimal growth that would be expected from an ideal diet. However, this may have been the result of individual variation in response to the diet and/or conspecific cues as opposed to a nutritional deficit. In conditions where tadpoles could perceive increased competition they altered their behaviour and morphology in ways that may improve their foraging success and potentially promote cannibalism. Finally, a functional link appears to exist between head morphology and cannibalism in natural wetlands. However, the appearance of this morphology appears related to conditions that may facilitate increased population densities through rapid pond drying.

Blood, fire and fertility : human remains and ritual practices at the temple pyramid groups of Cantona, Puebla, Mexico

Meehan, Pascale D. 05 1900 (has links)
La ville préhispanique de Cantona, située dans la vallée d’Oriental dans l’état de Puebla au Mexique, atteignit sa première apogée culturelle entre 150 av. J.C. et 600/650 A.D. Durant cette période, des complexes cérémoniaux comprenant des groupes de pyramides-temples et des terrains de jeu de balle furent construits. Ces installations servirent au déroulement de nombreux rites au cours desquels les victimes de sacrifices étaient décapitées, démembrées, décharnées, écorchées, bouillies, brûlées et, dans certains cas, consommées. D’autres traitements du corps humain comportent l’inhumation d’individus en position assise et repliés sur eux-mêmes. Pour mieux comprendre le traitement mortuaire rituel des corps humains à Cantona, les découvertes faites sur place sont comparées aux données datant de la même époque obtenues dans trois régions voisines : la vallée de Mexico, Puebla-Tlaxcala et le golfe du Mexique. A partir de ces renseignements, on peut en déduire que la majorité des découvertes faites à Cantona sont les restes des dépouilles et offrandes provenant de rites destinés à la communication avec les dieux et à l’obtention de la fertilité, tandis que les dépouilles des individus en position assise appartiennent à des prêtres ou à des personnages religieux. / The prehispanic city of Cantona, located in the Valley of Oriental in the state of Puebla, Mexico, reached its first cultural apogee between 150 B.C. - 600/650 A.D. During this time, ceremonial complexes such as Temple Pyramid Groups and ballcourts were constructed. These served as the location for a number of rituals involving the beheading, dismemberment, defleshing, flaying, boiling, burning, and in some cases, the consumption of sacrifice victims. Other human body treatment included the burial of individuals in flexed seated positions. To better understand the ritual mortuary treatment of human bodies at Cantona, the finds are compared with data from three neighboring areas: the Valley of Mexico, Puebla-Tlaxcala, and the Gulf of Mexico. From this information, it can be deduced that most of discoveries at Cantona are the remains of rites dedicated to deity communication and fertility while those of individuals in flexed, seated positions belong to religious actors. / La ciudad prehispánica de Cantona, ubicada en el valle de Oriental dentro del estado de Puebla, Mexico, tuvo su primer apogeo cultural entre 150 a.ne. y 600/650 d.n.e. Durante ese periodo, se edificaron gran número de complejos ceremoniales tal como Grupos de Templo Pirámide y canchas de juego de pelota. Estas construcciones sirvieron como sitios rituales en donde se llevaron a cabo gran número de ritos, los cuales, en parte, consistían en decapitar, desmembrar, descarnar, desollar, hervir, quemar, y, en algunos casos, comer a las víctimas humanas de los sacrificios. En otros casos, los cuerpos humanos fueron encontrados en posición flexionada y sentada. Para entender mejor el tratamiento ritual de cuerpos humanos en Cantona, estos descubrimientos fueron comparados con información obtenida de tres regiones cercanas: el Valle de México, Puebla-Tlaxcala y la Costa del Golfo. Esto permitió deducir que la mayoría de los hallazgos en Cantona representan los restos de ritos dedicados a la comunicación con divinidades y a la fertilidad, mientras que los individuos encontrados en posición flexionada y sentada corresponden a sacerdotes o actores rituales difuntos.

Interação trófica entre Podisus nigrispinus e Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) / Trophic interaction between Podisus nigrispinus and Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

Jacques, Gabriel de Castro 29 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:30:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1105883 bytes, checksum: a8693b1ab79fc07546f743be5cf8c49a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Prey may be more or less consumed by control biologic agents and presents three kinds of interspecific interactions, (1) synergism, increase of mortality of prey comparing to each natural enemy independently, when the foraging of one species facilitates the capture of pest by another natural enemies. (2) Total mortality of the pest to natural enemies equals to the sum of individual mortality by each natural enemy. This occurs on independent natural enemies, when they prey different phases of pest’s life or in different temporal moments. (3) The total mortality of the pest by predator is lower than the individual sum for each predator. The decrease of predation tax may occur by different mechanisms, including the intraguild predation and the interespecific competition. Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) and Supputius cincticeps (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), generalists predators of Neotropical region of South America, consume and share high variety of prey, not being restricted to inferior trophic level, because many may prey each other, on intraguild predation and on cannibalism. The aim of this work was determinate if there is competition and intraguild predation between P. nigrispinus and S. cincticeps. Besides that, study the effect of these phenomena on biology of the natural enemies and contribute to the understanding of interaction between predators on biologic control. On chapter I, the experiment was realized with adult females of this bugs and pupae of Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) during nine days, when we analyzed the effect of intra and interespecific interactions on alimentary consume and on predation tax and the occurrence on cannibalism and intraguild predation among adults. On chapter II, we used second instar nymphs of the predators and pupae of T. molitor ad libitum were given once each four days. When they reach adult stage, couple were formed and we kept same treatment. The survival, cycle of life (second instar until hatch of adults), weigh, sexual ratio, longevity and reproductive aspects of bugs adults and intraguild predation and cannibalism between its nymphs were evaluated. Nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinusand S. cincticeps presented intraguild predation and cannibalism, which favors the survival of some nymphs until localization of the prey. On adult phase, bidirectional intraguild predation and the cannibalism were more frequently to S. cincticeps and increased the longevity of this species. The interespecific competition did not affect the alimentary consume, the predation tax, the development nor the reproduction of P.nigrispinus. The development and reproduction of S. cincticeps were affected, with the nymphal development shorter, production of bigger females and less viability of eggs, showing that this species is less competitive than P. nigrispinus. On higher prey density, these predators presented synergism on predation tax, which is good when it comes to biologic control. It is better to use only P. nigrispinus on inundative and inoculative biologic control, since this species presents higher predation and reproduction taxes. Besides that, the use of this predator with S. cincticeps may be unfavorable, because this is an intraguild predator and may lower P. nigrispinus population on lower prey availability or causes its migration. The low egg viability of S. cincticeps, bred with P. nigrispinus, is an indicative that is better to invest financial resources on P. nigrispinus production. However, in conservative biologic control, the use of both species is interesting because they can coexist at the same environment. Besides that, the egg viability of S. cincticeps presents constant decrease with interspecific interaction with P. nigrispinus, which may lead to a decrease of intraguild predation by this predator. / Presas podem ser mais ou menos consumidas por agentes de controle biológico e predadores apresentam três tipos de interações interespecíficas, (1) sinergismo, aumento da mortalidade da presa em relação a cada inimigo natural de forma independente, quando o comportamento de forrageamento de uma espécie facilita a captura da praga por outros inimigos naturais, (2) mortalidade total da praga por inimigos naturais em conjunto equivale à soma da mortalidade individual por cada um, ocorrem para inimigos naturais independentes, quando predam fases distintas da vida da praga ou em diferentes momentos temporais e (3) mortalidade total da praga por predadores em conjunto é menor que a soma da individual por predador. A diminuição na taxa de predação pode ocorrer devido à predação intraguilda e a competição interespecífica. Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) e Supputius cincticeps (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), predadores generalistas da região Neotropical da América do Sul, consomem e compartilham alta variedade de presas, não sendo restritos ao nível trófico inferior, pois muitos podem se alimentar uns dos outros, na “predação intraguilda” e no canibalismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar se existe competição e predação intraguilda entre P. nigrispinus e S. cincticeps. Além disso, estudar o efeito desses fenômenos na biologia desses inimigos naturais e contribuir para a compreensão de interações entre predadores no controle biológico. No capítulo I, fêmeas adultas desses percevejos e pupas de Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) foram mantidas durante nove dias para a análise das interações intra e interespecíficas no consumo alimentar e na taxa de predação e a ocorrência de canibalismo e predação intraguilda entre adultos. No capítulo II, ninfas de segundo estádio desses predadores foram alimentadas com pupas de T. molitor ad libitum e a cada quatro dias. No estágio adulto, casais foram formados e mantidos nos mesmos tratamentos. A sobrevivência, o ciclo de vida (segundo estádio à emergência dos adultos), peso, razão sexual, longevidade e aspectos reprodutivos dos adultos e a predação intraguilda e canibalismo entre suas ninfas foram avaliados. Ninfas e adultos de P. nigrispinus e S. cincticeps apresentaram predação intraguilda e canibalismo, que favorece a sobrevivência de algumas ninfas, até a localização da presa. Na fase adulta, a predação intraguilda e o canibalismo foram mais frequentes para S. cincticeps e aumentaram a longevidade dessa espécie. A competição interespecífica não afetou o consumo alimentar, a taxa de predação, o desenvolvimento e a reprodução de P. nigrispinus. O desenvolvimento e a reprodução de S. cincticeps foram afetados, com desenvolvimento ninfal mais curto, produção de fêmeas maiores e menor viabilidade de ovos, mostrando ser essa espécie menos competitiva que P. nigrispinus. Em alta densidade de presa, esses predadores apresentaram sinergismo na taxa de predação, o que é benéfico ao controle biológico. É melhor utilizar, apenas, P. nigrispinus nos programas de controle biológico inundativo e inocultaivo, pois essa espécie possui maior taxa de predação e reprodução. Além disso, o uso desse predador, com S. cincticeps, pode ser desfavorável, pois este é o predador intraguilda e pode diminuir a população de P. nigrispinus em baixadisponibilidade de presas, ou causar sua migração. A menor viabilidade de ovos de S. cincticeps, criado com P. nigrispinus, indica ser melhor investir os recursos financeiros na produção de P. nigrispinus. Porém, em programas de controle biológico conservativo, o uso de ambas as espécies é interessante por poderem coexistir no mesmo ambiente. Além disso, a viabilidade dos ovos de S. cincticeps apresenta queda constante com interação interespecífica com P. nigrispinus, o que dimuiria a predação intraguilda por esse predador.

The Crematorium of Hanga Hahave on Rapa Nui (Easter Island): What stories can the skeletal remains reveal. / Krematoriet i Hanga Hahave på Rapa Nui (Påskön): Vilka historier kan de skeletala kvarlevor berätta.

Navarro, Sigourney Nina January 2017 (has links)
This paper uses an osteological approach and applies the study of entanglement in an attempt to understand the crematoria on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), which represent a unique tradition within the ceremonial spheres of the Polynesian area. Skeletal remains from the crematorium of ahu Hanga Hahave, which consist of both cremated - and unburned remains, have been analysed to reveal the different practices that took part in the cremation process and to identify the individuals that were deposited in such structure. Ethnohistorical records were applied to interpret the osteological evidence and to discuss the circumstances surrounding the possible use of the crematorium, as either a site for sacrificial offerings or a site for burials.  This paper aims at creating an underlying basis for the study of crematoria on Rapa Nui and provides an overview of the processes central to the disposal of the dead and the usage and significance of this structure. The results of this study showed that the ancient Rapanui through the practice of cremation, followed an internalised structure within their society to complete each cultural act that constituted the crematorium, and these were divided in the construction of the crematorium, the making of fire, and the treatment of the dead. The complexity of each cultural act presents the possibility that an organised society, with at least one designated head, may have been in charge of the practice of cremation physically and spiritually. The skeletal remains could not be applied to determine whether the crematorium of Hanga Hahave was used for sacrificial offering or for burial since the analysed remains only represented one-fifth of the entire bone collection from the crematorium. However, the findings of this study have pointed towards a burial practice rather than a sacrificial one. / Denna uppsats använder ett osteologiskt tillvägagångssätt och Hodders’’entanglement’ studie i tolkningen av krematorierna på Rapa Nui (Påskön), som representerar en unik tradition inom Polynesien. Skelettmaterialet från krematoriet i ahu Hanga Hahave har analyserats för att upptäcka de olika metoder som deltog i kremeringsprocessen och identifiera vilka individer som deponerades här. Etnohistoriska källor användes också i tolkningen av det osteologiska materialet och för att behandla frågorna kring krematoriernas användning: antigen som en plats för offring eller en plats för begravning. Syftet är att skapa en underliggande grund för studiet av krematorierna på Rapa Nui för att ge en överblick på de centrala processerna. Resultatet visade att den forntida Rapanui följde en internaliserad struktur inom sitt samhälle för att slutföra varje kulturell handling som utgjorde kremerings praktik och var uppdelade i konstruktionen av krematoriet, bruken av eld och hantering av de döda. Komplexiteten hos varje handling möjliggör att ett organiserat samhälle, där minst en ledare har varit ansvarig i fysisk eller andlig form. Skelettmaterialet från krematoriet i ahu Hanga Hahave kunde inte användas för att bestämma krematoriets användning eftersom det analyserade materialet endast representerade en femtedel av den totala bensamlingen, dock pekar studiet på en begravningsritual snarare än en offer.

Bioarchaeology of violence and site abandonment at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico

Casserino, Christopher Michael, 1967- 06 1900 (has links)
xvii, 133 p. : ill., maps. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / The objective of this dissertation is to address violence at the archaeological site of Casas Grandes (Paquimé) in northwest Chihuahua, Mexico. The reasons for the abandonment of Paquimé are uncertain. The prevailing theory claims this geographic area endured centuries of warfare, ritual sacrifice, and at least one massacre; this theory is supported by numerous unburied bodies recovered at the site. These assertions of violence have never been corroborated by osteological data. Data were collected from a sample of Medio period (A.D. 1200-1450) human skeletal remains recovered from the 1958-1961 excavations at Casas Grandes. These data were synthesized with accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates, fluoride ion dates, population demographics, and burial context. Frequencies of ante-, peri-, and postmortem trauma were compared to other studies from the Old and New Worlds. I argue that warfare was not endemic to this region and that a massacre did not occur. Moreover, cannibalism and probably human sacrifice were practiced. I assert that these activities may have been related to the proliferation of the Mesoamerican ballgame in the American Southwest and to Paquimé's role as the distribution center of the region's ritual and exotic goods. This dissertation underscores the importance of including skeletal analysis with other lines of archaeological inquiry when answering questions about human behavior. / Committee in charge: John Lukacs, Chairperson, Anthropology; Guy Tasa, Member, Anthropology; Frances White, Member, Anthropology; John Orbell, Outside Member, Political Science

Interações intraguilda de noctuídeos-pragas na cultura do milho no Brasil e nos EUA / Intraguild interactions of noctuid pests on maize crop in Brazil and the U.S.

Silva, José Paulo Gonçalves Franco da [UNESP] 19 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JOSÉ PAULO GONÇALVES FRANCO DA SILVA null (jpgfdsilva@fca.unesp.br) on 2016-09-14T19:15:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bentivenha JPF_Dissertation_2016.pdf: 2117731 bytes, checksum: 70ae67a18a3d561f32eacb362814d40d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-19T19:12:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_jpgf_dr_bot.pdf: 2117731 bytes, checksum: 70ae67a18a3d561f32eacb362814d40d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-19T19:12:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_jpgf_dr_bot.pdf: 2117731 bytes, checksum: 70ae67a18a3d561f32eacb362814d40d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Entre as principais pragas da cultura do milho, destacam-se quatro espécies de lepidópteros da família Noctuidae: a lagarta-do-cartucho Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), a lagarta-da-espiga Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), e Striacosta albicosta (Smith). Essas espécies podem interagir e competir por alimento, uma vez que apresentam a mesma guilda alimentar, a espiga do milho. Canibalismo/predação também são comportamentos também apresentados durante o estágio larval para a maioria dessas espécies, o que intensifica a competição intraguilda. Somado a isso, o tipo de agroecossistema, que oferece uma grande variação de plantas hospedeiras para as espécies-praga, a recente identificação de H. armigera no continente americano, e também a disperssão de S. albicosta nos EUA, tem trazido vários questionamentos sobre o impacto das interações larvais no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) e no manejo de resistência dos insetos (MRI). Além disso, o complexo manejo dessas espécies, juntamente com a adoção de híbridos de milho transgênicos (Bt), as doses subletais de Bt, e as estratégias de manejo da resistência, envolvendo as estratégias de refúgio, eleva a importância do comportamento de noctuídeos. Compreender o comportamento e interações larvais, primeiramente em milho não-Bt, é essencial para entender a prevalência de espécies nas culturas agrícolas, e para a obtenção de sucesso no MIP e MRI. Sendo assim, esse estudo avaliou as interações intraguilda de lagartas de diferentes espécies, bem como seus movimentos, através de estudos comportamentais em milho não-Bt. Inicialmente, as interações intraguilda de S. frugiperda, H. zea e S. albicosta foi investigada em condições de laboratório e campo nos EUA, através de cenários de interação em arenas específicas e estruturas de milho. Em outro estudo em laboratório, foi avaliado os movimentos de ataque e defesa entre S. frugiperda e H. zea em diferentes cenários de interação, com e sem alimentação, constituindo um estudo de etograma. Um estudo entre as espécies, anteriormente alopátricas, H. zea e H. armigera, foi conduzido envolvendo a interação intraguilda na cultura do milho, em competição intraespecífica e interespecífica, assim como a ocorrência e proporção das espécies em três regiões brasileiras. Finalmente, a interação intraguilda de S. frugiperda com Helicoverpa spp. foi investigada em cenários em condições de campo de laboratório, em milho no Brasil. Um sistema de rastreamento de vídeo foi utilizado para caracterizar parâmetros de comportamento larval resultado das interações. Em relação ao primeiro estudo, S. frugiperda apresentou vantagem nas interações sobre as outras espécies, enquanto que S. albicosta apresentou desvantagem nas interações. No segundo estudo, S. frugiperda exibiu predominância de movimentos defensivos quando interagindo com H. zea em mesmo ínstar. Por outro lado, lagartas de H. zea apresentaram predominância de comportamentos agressivos, e com canibalismo/predação ocorrendo em interações de sexto ínstar como oponentes de quarto ínstar. No terceiro estudo, H. zea foi predominante no Rio Grande do Sul e na região central do Brasil. No oeste da Bahia, a espécie foi predominante na primeira coleta, sendo a relação H. zea: H. armigera similar na segunda coleta. Lagartas de H. zea apresentaram vantagem na interação com H. armigera. O agroecossistema tem importante papel na ocorrência das espécies e impacta na interação e prevalência destas no meio ambiente. Lagartas de S. frugiperda apresentam vantagens na competição com Helicoverpa spp. Frequência e tempo se alimentando de lagartas de S. frugiperda são negativamente afetadas pelas interações. Lagartas de S. frugiperda movem curtas distâncias em comparação com H. zea. / Among the insect pests from maize crop, stand out the lepidopteran species belonging to Noctuidae family, covering the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), the Old World bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), and the western bean cutworm Striacosta albicosta (Smith). These species might interact and compete by food, once they share the same feeding guild, the maize ear. The cannibalism/predation behavior is also present during the larval stage for most of these species, with exception of S. albicosta, which enhance the intraguild competition of them. In addition to this changing agroecosystem, which offer a range of host plant to these species, the recent identification of H. armigera in American continent, and also the dispersion of S. albicosta in the USA, have been raised several concerns involving the impact of larval interactions in the integrated pest management (IPM) and insect resistance management (IRM). Also, the complex management of these species, along with the adoption of transgenic (Bt) maize hybrids, the sub doses of Bt, and the resistance management strategies, involving refuge strategy, take the importance of noctuids behavior to other level. Understanding the larval behavior and interaction, firstly on non-Bt maize, is essential to find the possible prevalence of species in agricultural crops, and to obtain successes in IPM and IRM. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the intraguild interaction among larvae of different species and their movements, throught behavioral studies on non-Bt maize. Initially, the intraguild interaction of S. frugiperda, H. zea and S. albicosta was investigated under laboratory and field conditions in the USA, using several interaction scenarios with arenas and maize tissue. In another study in laboratory, it was assessed the attack and defense movements between S. frugiperda and H. zea in different interaction scenarios, with and without food, aiming to build an ethogram. A study between the allopatric species, H. zea and H. armigera, was carried out involving their intraguild interactions on maize crops, in intraspecific and interspecific scenarios, as well the larval occurrence and proportion in three regions of Brazil. Finnally, the intraguild interaction of S. frugiperda with the Helicoverpa spp. was investigated on scenarios in laboratory and field conditions, on maize in Brazil. A video-tracking system was utilized to characterize larval behavior parameters resulted from interactions. Regarding the first study, S. frugiperda presented advantage in interaction with the other species, while S. albicosta has disadvantage in the interactions. In the second study, S. frugiperda exhibited a predominance of defensive movements when competing against H. zea in the same instars. On the opposite, larvae of H. zea showed distinguished aggressive movements, with cannibalism and predation occurring in interactions between 6th instar with opponents in 4th instar. In the following study, H. zea was predominant in Rio Grande do Sul and central of Brazil. In western Bahia, the species was predominant in the first crop season, being the relation H. zea: H. armigera more similar in the second crop season. Larvae of H. zea presented advantage in interaction with H. armigera. The agroecosystem plays an important role in the species occurrence and impacts the interactions and prevalence of them in the environment. Larvae of S. frugiperda presented competitive advantage on Helicoverpa spp. Frequency and feeding time period in food of S. frugiperda larvae were negatively affected by interactions. Larvae of S. frugiperda moved shorter distances compared to H. zea.

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