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Les coopérations inter-sectorielles comme réponse aux enjeux managériaux du développement durable : le cas des associations thématiques d’entreprises / Intersector cooperation as an answer to sustainable development managerial issues : the case of theme-based corporate associations in FranceDa Fonseca, Marie-Clémence 10 December 2013 (has links)
Au delà des principes généraux de la responsabilité sociétale, comme application des principes du développement durable, ses enjeux managériaux auxquels font face les entreprises demeurent rarement étudiés. La présente recherche s'intéresse précisément à cette question, en mobilisant le courant de la Corporate Social Responsiveness qui propose de porter une attention particulière aux changements organisationnels. Une réponse à ces problématiques managériales semble passer par les stratégies de coopération. Au regard de la littérature, les stratégies de coopération sont un moyen d'obtenir des ressources, des compétences complémentaires et de développer des capacités dynamiques. L'objet de cette thèse porte sur l'étude les stratégies de coopération comme réponse aux enjeux du développement durable, au travers de l'analyse des associations thématiques d'entreprises, dans une perspective fondée sur les ressources. La méthodologie est qualitative et vise à décrire de la manière la plus fine possible les phénomènes et processus à l'œuvre dans les associations thématiques d'entreprises, à travers deux phases d'étude. L'étude exploratoire, basée sur l'analyse des dix-sept associations thématiques recensées sur le territoire français, permet d'identifier différents profils de stratégies de coopération et d'en dresser une typologie. Ils sont définis à partir des représentations du développement durable et du rôle que se donne l'association d'entreprises. Par ailleurs, l'étude de cas explore les mécanismes de coordination à l'œuvre dans ces associations thématiques et permet d'identifier les besoins des entreprises et la nature de la réponse collective.La recherche montre en particulier une diversité d'enjeux vis-à-vis du développement durable, qui va conditionner les besoins des entreprises en termes de ressources et de compétences. Le contexte révèle une complexité de management du fait que le Développement Durable invite à considérer des valeurs et des convictions liées aux personnes qui peuvent entrer en contradiction. Une analyse précise des ressources et des compétences nécessaires aux entreprises pour opérationnaliser une démarche responsable est envisagée. Les principaux résultats sont discutés au regard des recherches antérieures. / There is a relative paucity of studies on the managerial challenges encountered by firms when achieving corporate social responsibility. The present work seeks to fill this void by mobilizing literature on Corporate Social Responsiveness (CSR) and exploring propositions that help explain the organizational changes brought about by the application of CSR. Cooperation strategy seems to be a solution for firms to overcome their managerial challenges. According to the literature, cooperation strategies constitute a “mean” to obtain resources, skills and to develop dynamic capabilities. Hence, the aim of this research is to study strategies of cooperation as a response to the managerial challenges given by the stakes of sustainable development. This is done by analyzing theme-based corporate associations, using a resource-based view. The exploratory nature of the study entails a qualitative methodology which prioritizes the description of an ongoing phenomena and processes. The present work develops in two research stages : First an exploratory phase and subsequently an in-depth case study. The exploratory phase was based on the analysis of seventeen theme-based associations identified throughout France. This initial work allowed identifying a variety of cooperation strategies, which was used to define a typology of theme-based associations. Hereafter distinctive profiles within this typology were drawn and based on : The particular representations of “sustainable development” hold by the members of these associations and on the role assumed by each firm within it. In addition, the in-depth case study allowed us to explore the mechanisms of coordination within these associations, the different motivations for firms to take part in these particular forms and the nature of the collective response. The findings show a wide range of views on “sustainable development” which will determine the needs of any given firm in terms of resources and skills. In addition, the results show that in this particular context, the management of cooperative corporate strategies proves to be a complex and challenging process. As the sustainable development principle, around which these corporative associations are formed, may reveal conflictive values and personal beliefs. The present work contributes with a detailed analysis on the resources and skills required for firms when operationalizing their social responsibility. The results are subsequently discussed in light of existing literature.
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Approche institutionnelle de la santé animale : place des compétences, des territoires et des collectifs dans la gestion de la santé des bovins laitiers en France / Territories, farmer's competencies and human networks to explain dairy cattle health results : proposition of an institutional economics frameworkRaboisson, Didier 10 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail propose une analyse institutionnelle commonsienne de la gestion sanitaire des bovins en termes de compétences collectives et individuelles. Un modèle conceptuel institutionnel d'analyse de la santé animale est proposé comme alternative possible au modèle micro-économique néoclassique. La gestion de la santé est d'abord abordée à travers les compétences et capacités de l'éleveur au sein de l'exploitation, en mobilisant les relations individus - collectifs inorganisés. Le rôle des collectifs organisés dans la santé animale est ensuite identifié, avec l'identification de collectifs productifs et de collectifs sanitaires. Les compétences individuelles et collectives apparaissent territorialisées. Ce modèle est ensuite validé à partir de données issues de la Base de Données Nationale d'Identification des bovins et du Contrôle Laitier, pour 2005 et 2006. La mortalité des bovins laitiers et la qualité cytologique du lait (cellules somatiques, témoins d'infection de la mamelle) de chaque exploitation sont respectivement analysées à l'aide de modèles linéaires et de panels statiques et dynamiques. Un effet global des compétences de l'éleveur sur l'ensemble des troubles sanitaires de l'exploitation est observé. Les compétences doivent être au préalable révélées pour se traduire en capacités (actions). La spatialisation des modèles démontre enfin la dimension institutionnelle, souvent territorialisée, de la santé animale. L'analyse institutionnelle montre qu'une large part de la santé du troupeau repose sur les compétences individuelles des éleveurs et sur des compétences collectives. Ces compétences peuvent être révélées par un renforcement des interventions préventives et de la formation en élevage / This research analyzes cattle health through individual and collective competencies, based on Commons institutionalism. The first part defines a new institutional conceptual framework, alternative to the neoclassic microeconomic models, to study animal health. Health management is analyzed at farm level in terms of farmers' competencies and capabilities considering the relationship between individuals and unorganized going concern. It integrates thereafter organized going concerns and defines production focused organizations and health focused organizations. The competencies and capabilities have both territorial components. The model is validated empirically in the second part, using the national cattle identification database and the milk control program database, for 2005 and 2006. Dairy cattle mortality and milk bacteriological quality (somatic counts) are explained with linear models and static and dynamic panel models, respectively. A global effect of farmer's health competencies on the overall health issues of the farm is shown, but competencies must be translated into capabilities (actions) before impacting on health. The spatialization of the models reveals some territorial correlations that clearly show the effect of institutions on animal health. The institutional analysis shows that an important part of the herd health rests on the farmer's individual competencies, as well as on some collective competencies. These competencies can be strengthened and revealed into capabilities with more accurate and regular preventive interventions in farms and with more farmers' education
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Enabling Digital Transformation - a Dynamic Capabilities ApproachJosefsson, Cecilia, Berg, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This report is built on a theoretical literature study within the areas of digital transformation and dynamic capabilities. An empirical study has been made on the provider of the mission of this study, Propia, and a case study has been made on the case company Tekniska verken, in order to verify the theoretical findings and results. The study was performed by two master students of Industrial Engineering and Management at Linköping university during the period from January to May 2019. The study was performed as a master thesis within the master's orientation Strategy and Management Control, and aims to explore how organizations can develop a dynamic digital capability, which is seen as the key to success when it comes to managing digital transformation in a successful way. The study was performed iteratively, by first examining the area of digital transformation, defined as the transformation of business and strategy through digital technology and organizational changes. Three areas where organizational changes are needed were identified, namely the areas of Leadership & Vision, Culture & People and Corporate Processes & Structures. Further, three factors within each area were defined as critical in order to succeed with digital transformation. These nine critical factors laid the foundation for the second part of the study, where the area of dynamic capabilities was studied and applied onto the findings on how to manage dynamic transformation in a successful way. Dynamic capabilities can shortly be described as routines for change and can be further disaggregated into three capacities: Sense – the ability to know what opportunities exist and can be matched with the internal prerequisites; Seize – the ability to capture the right opportunities and successfully integrate them into the business; Reconfigure – the ability to, when needed, perform changes of structures and resources. Within these three capacities, microfoundations to build the previously mentioned critical factors in a dynamic way were identified. The result of the study was a generalizable framework, consisting of these nine critical factors and 31 microfoundations required to build the factors in a dynamic way. By developing the dynamic capability microfoundations and, thereby, continuously work with all factors, the development of a dynamic digital capability in the organization will be facilitated. The framework can thereby be used as a checklist of what is already in place in the organization, and what is lacking and must thereby be obtained. Worth noticing is that factors and microfoundations as well as dynamic digital capability in itself is perishable, hence “checking the box” of a factor or microfoundation once does not mean it is obtained forever, but it requires continuous work and development of all parts of the framework. Dependencies and interrelationships between the factors have been identified, as well as the effect of other organizational aspects such as size, industry and how far the organization has proceeded in their digital transformation journey. These dependencies are discussed in the report, but no relative importance or order of how and when the factors and microfoundations should be obtained and developed has been further explored or confirmed. This is due to the desired generalizability of the framework.
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Mapping Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capabilities around Human Competences : An explorative studyOthman, Amani January 2019 (has links)
Technology in the workplace has helped increase the rate of production and speed at which business occur. As these technologies advance, humans are becoming more efficient and more productive than ever before. The impact of technology on work, has consistently changed the way human across every industry do their jobs. In fact, the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to further influence a greater shift in the way human accomplish job tasks. Because artificial intelligence is a technology based on augmenting human, we can use this advantage to further complement human intelligence. Making human more creative and smarter than they have ever been. To achieve this, we need to understand how AI’s capabilities can complement human’s competences. In a workplace context, we need to understand how AI can facilitate the support of different type of tasks. Hence, the purpose of this explorative study is to understand AI’s influence on people’s skills and on workflows. This is done by mapping AI capabilities around human competences to help individuals up- skill and to support organizations in planning effective workflows enabled by AI to achieve better performance. The insights for this qualitative study is gathered by developing an AI use- case with industrial partners, while carefully observing the influence AI poses on human skills and organization processes. Beyond the traditional technology optimizations that earlier helped human with speed and accuracy, the findings from this thesis show that AI could empower human through skills such as creativity, problem solving, and analysis. As a consequence, such advancement impacts the demand of human competences needed to thrive in AI enabled workplaces. The long-term impact of adapting AI to support in workplace tasks, shows a trend in moving toward more intellectually demanding tasks. While workflows will need to facilitate collaboration between cross-disciplinary teams and support high involvement.
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Validação e adaptação do percurso de coordenação vienense - PCV (\"wiener koordinationsparcour\" - WKP) em escolares brasileiros de 12 a 14 anos de idade / Validation and adaptation of the circuit \"Wiener Koordinationsparcours\" (WKP) among 12 to 14 years oldSousa, Valniria Maria Lopes de 23 May 2014 (has links)
As capacidades coordenativas exercem papel fundamental na motricidade, sendo importantes na aquisição e desenvolvimento das habilidades fundamentais, posteriormente das habilidades específicas (esportivas). Essas capacidades são reconhecidas como base para o desenvolvimento das habilidades esportivas que responde positivamente em relação à precisão, economia e efetivação dos movimentos esportivos, levando a um menor gasto de força e energia muscular. É na infância que se observa o melhor ganho em termos de rendimento dessas capacidades, estabilizando-se na adolescência. Apesar da importância das mesmas, existe um número limitado de instrumentos de medida que tenham por objetivo avaliar as capacidades coordenativas de escolares brasileiros na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos que possam fornecer informações sobre seu desenvolvimento em crianças e jovens. O \"Wiener Koordinationsparcour\" (WKP) é um teste esportivo motor, desenvolvimento por Wawitz (1982) e de origem austríaca que tem por objetivo medir as capacidades coordenativas orientação espacial, reação, equilíbrio, adaptação motora e diferenciação por meio da medição do tempo de realização das tarefas motoras padronizadas nas oito etapas que o compõe. Devido à origem do WKP é necessária sua validação para a realidade brasileira. O presente estudo tem por objetivo a validação do WKP, de forma adaptada, para avaliação das capacidades coordenativas em escolares de 12 a 14 anos de idade. Participaram do estudo, oito especialistas da área de Educação Física e Esporte e 108 escolares de 12 a 14 anos de ambos os sexos. O processo de validação foi composto das seguintes etapas: validade de construto e conteúdo e verificação dos critérios de validade, objetividade e fidedignidade. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma tradução juramentada com a denominação em português de Percurso de Coordenação Vienense (PCV) e comparada às versões publicadas em português. As validades de construto e conteúdo foram realizadas com base no parecer de especialistas. Para verificar a objetividade foram utilizados os escores do tempo de realização do teste obtidos por três (03) avaliadores; para a fidedignidade foram utilizados os escores do teste e do reteste. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva de freqüência para análise das respostas dos especialistas; o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) foi utilizado para as análises da objetividade e fidedignidade. Também foi utilizado na análise da fidedignidade o teste t-pareado. Os coeficientes de correlação para objetividade foram 0,99 para o gênero feminino e de 1 para o masculino, indicando que o PCV é um teste confiável. No entanto, a fidedignidade apresentou coeficientes de correlação fracos: 0,57 (feminino) e 0,58 (masculino). Realizou-se o teste t-pareado que confirmou a fidedignidade fraca devido às diferenças significantes entre as médias dos escores entre teste e reteste. De acordo com a análise dos especialistas o PCV apresenta validade de construto e de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que a motivação e a aprendizagem podem ter influenciado nos escores do teste e, consequentemente, na sua fidedignidade. Sendo assim, apesar do PCV refletir a validade de conteúdo e ser um teste confiável, são necessários outros estudos para a obtenção de sua fidedignidade em escolares brasileiros de 12 a 14 anos na realidade brasileira / Coordinative capabilities play a crucial role in motor function, being important in the acquisition and development of fundamental skills, subsequently the sport skills. These capabilities are recognized as the basis for the development of sports skills that responds positively in relation to the accuracy and effectiveness in the sporting movements. It is in childhood that we observe the best gain in efficiency in these capabilities, stabilizing in adolescence. Despite the importance of coordinative abilities, there is a lack of evaluation tests that can provide information about their income on children and youth. The \"Wiener Koordinationsparcour\" ( WKP ) of Warwitz is a sporty test of international origin, which measures the coordinative capabilities of spatial orientation, reaction, balance, motor adaptation and differentiation through time to perform the tasks specified in the eight steps that compose the test. Because the origin of the WKP its validation for the Brazilian reality is required. This study aims to validate the adapted WKP adapt it assess the coordinative abilities in students 12-14 years old. The study included eight experts in the field of Physical Education and Sport and 108 students 12-14 years of both sexes. The validation process consisted of the following steps: cross-cultural adaptation, content and construct validity and verification of the criteria of validity, objectivity and reliability. A cross-cultural adaptation and translation of the original instrument name by calling it, Percurso de Coordenação de Viena (PCV). The construct validity and content was analyzed by experts through the PCV Manual. In addition, two ( 02 ) forms on the adapted test were filled. To verify the objectivity score time the test was performed by three (03) assessors; reliability score in the test- retest was used . We used descriptive statistics to analyze the frequency responses of the experts, the intraclass correlation coefficient ( ICC) was used in the analysis of objectivity and reliability were made also to verify the reliability the paired t- test. The results of the objectivity of the 0,999 test in females and 1.00 in males indicated that PCV is a reliable test. However, the reliability coefficients presented were considered low: 0.61 (female) and 0.58 (men). The paired t- test confirmed that the low reliability was due to differences in scores between test and retest. For expert analysis PCV presents construct validity and content. Motivation and learning influenced the test scores and, consequently, on its reliability. Thus, despite the fact that PCV test reflects the content validity and is reliable, other studies are needed in Brazilian schoolchildren aged 12 to 14 years
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Influência da gestão socioambiental no desempenho da eco-inovação empresarial / Influence of social and environmental management in the performance of corporate eco-innovation abstractGalvão, Henrique Martins 21 May 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou entender a influência das práticas de gestão socioambientais para o desempenho da eco-inovação empresarial. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se, numa primeira fase, pesquisa bibliográfica que permitiu construir o modelo teórico da pesquisa baseado nas práticas para programas e objetivos para a sustentabilidade, recursos e capacidades, cooperação com stakeholders, inovação ambiental em processos e no desempenho eco-inovador da competência organizacional, em eco-inovação em processos e em eco-inovação em produtos. Com base nesses temas, o estudo pretendeu responder a seguinte questão: qual a relação entre a adoção das práticas de gestão socioambientais orientadas para a sustentabilidade e o desempenho da eco-inovação nas indústrias? A segunda fase do estudo envolveu pesquisa de campo com 95 empresas do setor industrial, associadas ao CIESP e localizadas nas regiões do Vale do Paraíba e Alto Tietê, no Estado de São Paulo. Os dados quantitativos foram obtidos por meio da aplicação de um questionário a respeito da intensidade da adoção das práticas de gestão socioambientais para a sustentabilidade. Análises posteriores foram feitas com o uso das técnicas estatísticas descritivas e de correlações e com o uso da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais, que avaliou a consistência dos construtos e hipóteses da pesquisa. Os resultados corroboram com pressupostos encontrados na literatura, que evidenciaram a influencia positiva das práticas voltadas para recursos e capacidades e em inovação ambiental em processos no desempenho eco-inovador das empresas. Os resultados apontaram que as empresas investigadas apresentam algumas fraquezas quanto às práticas para objetivos e programas para a sustentabilidade e nas práticas de cooperação com stakeholders, cujas hipóteses foram parcialmente confirmadas. Os coeficientes da modelagem de equações estruturais indicaram que as práticas de gestão socioambiental impactaram, respectivamente, sobre o desempenho da eco-inovação em processos, competência organizacional e em eco-inovação em produtos, demonstrando que as empresas estão preocupadas com o aumento da capacidade de inovação ambiental. A aplicação dos testes de correlação de Pearson e da modelagem de equações estruturais apresentou que o porte da empresa não se mostrou significativo para influenciar a relação entre as práticas de gestão para a sustentabilidade e o desempenho da eco-inovação. / This study aimed to understand the influence of social and environmental management practices for the performance of corporate eco-innovation. To this end, initially, it was developed, bibliographic research that allowed to build the theoretical model of research, based on practices for programs and goals for sustainability, resources and capabilities, cooperation with stakeholders, environmental innovation in processes, to eco-innovation performance of organizational competence, eco-innovation in processes and eco-innovation in products. Based on these themes, the study sought to answer the following question: what is the relationship between the adoption of environmental management practices geared towards sustainability and performance of eco-innovation in industries? The second phase of the study involved fieldwork with 95 industrial companies, associated to CIESP and located in the regions of Vale do Paraiba and Alto Tietê, in São Paulo. Quantitative data were obtained through a questionnaire about the intensity of adoption of social and environmental management practices for sustainability. Subsequent analyzes were performed with the use of descriptive statistics and correlation techniques and the use of the technique of structural equation modeling, that evaluated the consistency of the constructs and hypotheses of the research. The results corroborate assumptions found in the literature, demonstrating the positive influence of practices for resources and capabilities in environmental and process innovation in corporate eco-innovation performance. The results showed that the companies investigated have some weaknesses regarding the objectives and practices for sustainability programs and practices of cooperation with stakeholders, whose hypotheses were partially confirmed. The coefficients of structural equation modeling indicated that environmental management practices impacted respectively, on the performance of eco-innovation in processes, organizational competence and eco-innovation in products, demonstrating that companies are concerned about the increase in environmental innovation capacity. The application of Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling tests showed that company size was not significant in influencing the relationship between management practices for sustainability and eco-innovation performance.
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Características das empresas de serviços de engenharia e a criação de capacitações dinâmicas: o papel indutor da Petrobras. / Enterprise characteristics of engineering services and the creation of dynamic capabilities: the inductive role of Petrobras.Simone de Lara Teixeira Uchoa Freitas 27 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar como se dá a construção das capacitações dinâmicas nas empresas fornecedoras de serviços de engenharia, tendo como premissa o papel indutor da Petrobras. A decisão de personificar a Petrobras nesta pesquisa deu-se a partir da participação da autora em um projeto realizado junto ao Ipea que, contratado pela Petrobras, analisou os impactos tecnológicos das ações da Petrobras nas empresas de serviços de engenharia. Os resultados do projeto mostraram que tais empresas tem papel de destaque quando comparadas às demais empresas do setor. Dados como o aumento do volume de empregos, da massa salarial ou da capacitação tecnológica e organizacional das empresas analisadas, comprovaram o alto impacto dos contratos da Petrobras nas relações de parceria e, principalmente, no desenvolvimento das competências das empresas do setor de serviços de engenharia no Brasil. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir do estudo de múltiplos casos, realizados em duas etapas: a primeira etapa objetivou verificar as características das empresas de serviços de engenharia e sua evolução em decorrência dos contratos com a Petrobras; a segunda etapa objetivou verificar como as empresas de serviços de engenharia criam suas capacitações dinâmicas a partir das relações contratuais e pré-contratuais com a Petrobras. A literatura a respeito das capacitações dinâmicas, de modo geral, está atrelada ao conceito de rotina, que constitui a forma mais importante de estocagem do conhecimento específico da organização. Através da absorção e do acúmulo do conhecimento as rotinas existentes são modificadas, aperfeiçoadas, caracterizando assim uma forma dinâmica da reprodução do conhecimento, capaz de se moldar de acordo com o estado de complexidade do ambiente. Como resultado, apresentam-se dados que demonstram a evolução técnica e o crescimento estrutural nas empresas de serviços de engenharia que criaram suas capacitações através da estocagem do conhecimento sob a forma de rotina. / The objective of this dissertation is to analyze how the construction of dynamic capabilities are in companies that provide engineering services, taking as its premise the inductive role of Petrobras. The decision to personify Petrobras in this study, took place from the author\'s participation in a project carried out by the Ipea that contracted by Petrobras, analyzed the impacts of technological Petrobras shares in companies of engineering services. The project results showed that these companies have an important role when compared to other companies. Data such as the increasing of volume of jobs, payroll or technological capability and organizational enterprises analyzed, confirmed the high impact of contracts with Petrobras, especially, in developing the skills of engineering services companies in Brazil. This research was developed from the study of multiple cases, conducted in two stages: the first step aimed to determine the characteristics of engineering services companies and their evolution as a result its contracts with Petrobras, the second step aimed to determine how engineering services companies created their dynamic capabilities from contractual and pre-contract relation with Petrobras. The literature about dynamic capabilities, in general, is tied to the concept of routine, which is the most important form of storage of specific knowledge of the organization. Through the absorption and accumulation of knowledge, the existing routines are modified, improved, characterizing a dynamic form of reproduction of knowledge, able to mold itself according with the state of complexity of the environment. As a result, we present data demonstrating the technical development and growth in structural engineering services companies that have created their capabilities by storing the knowledge in the form of routine.
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The relationship between digital capabilities and digital business performanceFreitas Junior, José Carlos da Silva January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo das Capacidades Digitais a fim de compreende-las e examiná-las melhor, e analisar o impacto dessas capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais. A literatura indica que as Capacidades Digitais são um alicerce fundamental a partir do qual os negócios digitais podem transformar a experiência do cliente, os processos operacionais e os modelos de negócios. Do estudo teórico dessas capacidades emergiram as seguintes questões de pesquisa: quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas a performance de negócios digitais? E, qual o impacto das capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais? Para responder essas questões os objetivos gerais estabelecidos são: entender quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas ao desempenho dos negócios digitais e medir o impacto dos recursos digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais. A pesquisa é apresentada em quatro artigos que foram desenvolvidos em sequência de acordo com o processo da pesquisa científica para responder à questão de pesquisa. O primeiro é uma revisão sistemática de literatura que foi desenvolvida para entender as capacidades digitais. Esta pesquisa é apresentada no artigo 1. Na sequência, foram desenvolvidos estudos qualitativos, com entrevistas e estudos de caso apresentados nos artigos 2 e 3. O segundo artigo examina as capacidades digitais e seu papel no desempenho dos negócios digitais. O terceiro trabalho foi desenvolvido para entender a relação entre os ecossistemas digitais e o valor dos negócios digitais. Após isso, o modelo de pesquisa foi ajustado e uma pesquisa quantitativa foi realizada para medir o impacto das capacidades digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais, que é apresentado no artigo 4. Por fim, foi possível entender que um negócio digital necessita desenvolver capacidades a fim de monitorar o ambiente, ser responsiva, ter processos digitais eficientes e deve ser capaz de pertencer a outros ecossistemas, com isso ela conseguirá melhorar sua performance. Além disso, os principais resultados indicam que a capacidade de resposta é um recurso crucial que causa um impacto significativo no desempenho dos negócios digitais. / This research presents a study of digital capabilities in order to better understand these capabilities and the impact of these digital capabilities on digital business performance. The literature indicates that digital capabilities is a critical foundation from which digital business can transform the customer experience, operational processes, and business models. From the theoretical study of these capabilities emerged the following research questions: what are the Digital Capabilities that are related to digital business performance? And, what is the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance? To answer these questions, the following general objectives were elaborated: to understand what are the digital capabilities that are related to digital business performance, and to measure the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance. Then research started and is presented in here in four articles that have been developed in sequence in order to answer the research question. So, the first step was a systematic review that was developed in order to understand the digital capabilities state of the art. This research is presented in article 1. In the sequence, qualitative studies were developed, with interviews and case studies presented in article 2 and 3. The second paper examines digital capabilities and their role in the digital business performance. We could better understand the digital capabilities, but it was noticed that ecosystem capability needed more studies as it is a new and fundamental theme for understanding the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business. So, the third paper was developed to understand the relationship between ecosystems and digital business value. Finally, the research model was adjusted, and a survey was carried out in order to measure the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business, which is presented in article 4. Finally, it was possible to understand that a digital business should develop digital capabilities in order to be capable of monitoring, being responsive, having efficient digital process and able to belong to other ecosystems what will lead to a improve the digital business performance. In addition, the primary results indicate that responsiveness is a crucial capability that makes a significant impact on digital business performance.
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Análise qualitativa comparativa (QCA) da exportação de jogadores : clubes de futebol brasileiro / Comparative qualitative analysis (QCA) of exporting players: Brazilian football clubsAraujo, Carolina Cristina Pinto Prado de 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-21T11:08:37Z
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Carolina Cristina Pinto Prado Araujo.pdf: 1448807 bytes, checksum: f672714f182b088c6ac0e4fb1ed544da (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T13:02:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Carolina Cristina Pinto Prado Araujo.pdf: 1448807 bytes, checksum: f672714f182b088c6ac0e4fb1ed544da (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Researches has shown that companies in emerging countries often have a lack in basic
technological capabilities. The export of football players has played an important role in the
export agenda of the country. In addition, there is a need for studies that try to understand the relationship between capabilities and an external variable in emerging countries. This research contributes to overcoming these gaps by advancing knowledge about what technological capabilities are necessary and sufficient for the football club to succeed in exporting, through the application of an innovative method called Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). It is verified that, International Marketing is a necessary condition for success in exporting, as well as, the conjunction of this factor with planning of the development of players or infrastructure or team of professionals, forms three paths that increase the possibility of export success. The research contributes to the theory of technological capabilities by means of the expansion of the domain and by indicating which combinations of factors are necessary and sufficient for the improvement of the export performance. / Pesquisas têm mostrado que às empresas de países emergentes faltam, com frequência, as
capacidades tecnológicas básicas. A exportação de jogadores de futebol tem desempenhado
importante papel na pauta de exportação do país. Alia-se a isso, a necessidade de estudos que
tentem entender a relação das capacidades e uma variável externa, em países emergentes. Esta
pesquisa contribui para a superação dessas lacunas pelo avanço do conhecimento sobre quais
capacidades tecnológicas são necessárias e suficientes para que o clube de futebol tenha sucesso
na exportação, por meio da aplicação de um método inovador chamado Análise Comparativa
Qualitativa (QCA). Verifica-se que Marketing Internacional é condição necessária para que
haja sucesso na exportação, bem como, a conjunção deste fator com planejamento do
desenvolvimento de jogadores ou infraestrutura ou equipe de profissionais formam três
caminhos que ampliam a possibilidade do sucesso exportador. A pesquisa contribui para a teoria
de capacidades tecnológicas por intermédio da expansão do domínio e por meio da indicação
de quais combinações de fatores são necessárias e suficientes para que haja melhora do
desempenho exportador.
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Os efeitos da adoção de práticas de inovação gerencial sobre a flexibilidade organizacional / The effects of management innovation practices adoption on organizational flexibilityDobelin, Silvio 07 March 2016 (has links)
desenvolvem capacidades dinâmicas. Um tipo de inovação é a inovação gerencial que trata de mudanças na maneira de gerir a empresa. As capacidades dinâmicas são responsáveis pela percepção de oportunidades e ameaças e ajustamento da organização respondendo a elas. Tais capacidades causam o desenvolvimento de flexibilidade. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é relacionar a adoção de práticas de inovação gerencial à sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas, medidas por meio da flexibilidade. O estudo é importante pela pequena atenção dada aos fatores organizacionais nos estudos de inovação, do pequeno número de pesquisas empíricas sobre capacidades dinâmicas e do desconhecimento dos mecanismos que atuam nessas capacidades. Para atender ao objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva com etapas qualitativa e quantitativa. Na etapa qualitativa foram listadas práticas de inovação gerencial encontradas na bibliografia. Um painel de especialistas classificou essas práticas de acordo com os tipos de inovação gerencial. Na etapa quantitativa foi feito um levantamento usando questionário estruturado aplicado online no qual se mediu a adoção das práticas de inovação gerencial e uma escala pré-existente mediu a flexibilidade. A lista de respondentes foi obtida da Brasscom, do prêmio Great Place to Work, do Anuário Informática Hoje e Anuário Telecom. Compuseram a população da pesquisa 343 empresas escolhidas por conveniência. O questionário foi enviado para indivíduos do nível estratégico e foram obtidas respostas de 102 empresas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostram que entre as empresas do setor de TIC as práticas de organização do local de trabalho são as mais adotadas, e que as empresas que mais adotam inovação e são mais flexíveis são empresas entre 13 e 21 anos de idade, de capital estrangeiro ou misto, e que atuam também no Exterior. Verificou-se ainda que a flexibilidade estratégica, estrutural e operacional compõem as capacidades dinâmicas que por sua vez são afetadas pela adoção de inovação gerencial, especialmente das práticas de negócio. Para as empresas recomenda-se cuidado na adoção de práticas, para que estas não precisem ser abandonadas causando perda de flexibilidade. Nesse processo a atuação proativa dos gestores contribui para manter o ciclo de inovação gerencial funcionando. Como contribuição para a academia, destaca-se uma maior compreensão de como as capacidades dinâmicas são colocadas em prática e a medida dessa capacidade por meio da flexibilidade. Para pesquisas futuras recomendam-se estudos que identifiquem causas e consequências do abandono de práticas de inovação gerencial e a comprovação do modelo com dados de outros setores. Conclui-se que maior atenção deve ser dada ao estudo da inovação gerencial e seus efeitos sobre as capacidades dinâmicas. / Looking for answer to changes in environment, the enterprises adopt innovation and develop dynamic capabilities. A type of innovation is the management innovation that deals with changes in the way which the firm is managed. The dynamic capabilities are responsible for the perception of opportunities and threats and the fit of the organization responding to them. These capabilities cause the development of flexibility. Therefore, the aim of this research is to relate the adoption of management innovation to its contribution to development of dynamic capabilities, measured by the flexibility. This study is important because of the small attention given to the organizational factors in innovation research, because of the small number of empirical research dealing with dynamic capabilities and because the lack of comprehension about the mechanisms that act on these capabilities. In order to answer this aim it was performed a descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative stages. In qualitative stage it was listed management innovation practices found in bibliography. An experts panel classified these practices according to the types of management innovation. In quantitative stage it was performed a survey online where the adoption of management innovation practices were measured and a preexisting scale measured the flexibility. The list of the respondents was obtained from Brasscom, from the Great Place to Work award, from the Anuário Informática Hoje and Anuário Telecom. The population was composed of 343 firms chosen utilizing convenience sampling. The questionnaire was sent to individuals pertaining to the strategic level of the firms and 102 responses were obtained. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results show that workplace organization practices are the most adopted and that firms adopting more innovation and that are more flexible are enterprises between 13 and 21 years old, having foreign or mixed capital and that operates abroad. It was verified that strategic, structural and operational flexibility compounds the dynamic capabilities which are affected by adoption of management innovation, specially the business practices. To the firms it was recommended caution adopting the practices in order to not to need to abandon them, causing loss of flexibility. In this process the proactive action of the managers contributes to maintain the management innovation cycle working. As a contribution to the academy highlights a larger comprehension of how the dynamic capabilities are put into practice and the measurement of this capacity through the flexibility. For future research, we recommend research that identify the causes and consequences of abandoning management innovation practices and the verification of the model with data from other sectors. The conclusion is that greater attention must be given to the management innovation and its effects on dynamic capabilities.
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